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Show Sh( (D()dm President function. fv.rr WEKXJSSDAV ud SATURDAY, lyitie OaaM iVliusmxi Cuiifast. PiUUhod FXANKLIND. RICHARDS, PENROSE, Associate C. W. Editc. Enm. OUDKX, UTAH. Wednesday Mornln?, June 22, 1870. BY TELEGRAPH. (i rant's .Homage with the State papers whenr Z of Mr. Jeferson, of our commerce and interference with lie was Secretary of State. He our revenue. If belligerency be recogshows that they are measures of Nation- nized, the commercial marine of the AMERICAS. To the Senate end Jlouteof Rrpretentativte: al right as well as of National day; that United States becomes liable to search Washington. In my anuual message toCengress at the the misguided individual citizens can and to seizure by the commissioned crucaucus A Democratic congressional renot be tolerated in making war accord- isers ef both parties. beginning of its present session, I They become was held last night to secure concert of ferred to the tautest which had for ing to their own caprice, passbns and subject to the abjudication ef prize action on public measures. more than year existed in the Island interests, or foreign sympathies; that the courts. Our large coastwise trade beA paper is being prepared, to be ad-of its inhabi a of of Cuba, between portion agents foreign governments, recog tween the Atlantic and the Gulf States, to souiuern menus relative 10 tants and the Government of Spain, ami nizee or unrecognized, cannot be per- and between both and the Isthmus of dressed election of members from that tec the to the feelings and sympathies of the mitted to abuse our hospitality by usurpPanama, and the States of South Amer- tion. people and Government of the United ing the functions of enlisting or equipica, engaging the larger part of our The testimony before the Senate States for the people of Cuba, as for all ping military or naval forces within our commercial marine, passes of necessity select committee on the San Domingo almost in sight of the Island of Cuba. peoples struggling for liberty and self- territory. was closed last night, and the treaty Washington inaugurated the policy of UndeV the treaty with Spain of 1795, as committee will meet tomorrow for con government, said that the contest had at no time assumed the conditions which neutrality and of absolute abstinence well as by the laws of nations, our vessultation and to prepare their report. amount to war, in the iense of inter from all foreign entangling alliances, sels will be liable to visits on the high After the report shall have been made, national law, or which would show the which resulted, in 1794, in the first mu- seas. In the case of belligerency, the the consideration of the San Domingo existence of a de facto political ergani nicipal enactment for the observance of carrying of contraband, which now is will be resumed. It has been treaty zation of the insurgents sufficient to jus neutrality. The duty of opposition to tawiut, becomes liable to the risks o that Hatch was held as a prison proven tify a recognition of belligerency. During filibustering has been admitted by every seizure and condemnation. The parent er by the Dominican government, be toe six months which nave passed since President. uovernment becomes relieved from re cause it was feared that if he was at the date of the message, the condition of Washington encountered the efforts of sponsibility for acts done in the insur liberty he would damage annexation the insurgents hns not improved, and the Genet and the French Revolutionists; gont territory, and acquires the right This was shown by official documents insurrection itself, although not sub- John Adams the projects of Miernada; to exercise toward neutral commerce all and the testimony has been sent to the dued, exhibits no signs cf advance, but Jefferson the schemes of Aaron Burr; the powers of a party to a maritime printer, though it is to be considered seems to be confined to an irregular sysMidison, and subsequent Presidents.had war. To what consequence the exer confidential until the committee make tem of hostilities, carried on by small to deal with the question of foreign en- cise of those powers may lead is a ques their reports. and bands of men, roaming listment or equipment in the United tion which I desire to commend to the Conkling, of the judiciary committee, A without concentration through the woods States, and since the days of John Quin-c- y serious consideration of Congress. OF to the Senate a bill in refer reported In view of the gravity of this question, and thf sparsely populated regions of Adams it has been one of theconstant ence the to naturalizrtion with laws, the island, attacking from ambush con- cares of the Government in th United I have deemed it my duty to invite the some amendments, as substitute for the voys and small bands of troops, burning States to prevent piratical expeditions attention of the powers of House bill. tne South to the Refeeble American all tbe relations and country plantations and the estates of those not against reported an amendment to bearings of the question in connection theCarpenter publics from leaving our shores. sympathising with their cause. House bill, fixing tbe compensation (SPRAGUE, GARNER, MERRIMAC, In no country are men wanting for with the declaration of neutrality and But, if the insurrection has not gained of jurors in the circuit and district out holds of of that is it is There that true promise granting belligerent rights. ground, DUNNELL, AMERICAN, etc.) equally Spain has any enterprise courts of the United States, at $3. per not suppressed it. Climate, disease, and adventure or gain. In the early days not a de facto Government in the Island uay; passed. of Cuba sufficent to execute laws to tho occasional bullet have worked de of our national existence the whole conThe internal revenue receipts for the struction among the soldiers of Spain; tinent of America, outside of the United maintain just relations with other na- fiscal year, to date, amount to $175,643,-88tions. colin and has all were its not been able to Islands, and, although the Spanish authorities States, Spain supThe coin in the amounts Powthe to have possession of every seaport and onial depeudunce upon European press opposition Spanish rule on to 3lU'J,(b7,o'J5; coin treasury certificates S34,- every town on tho island, they have not ers. The revolutions, which from 1810 the Island, nor to award speedy justice 094,000; currency balance, $21,556,- beeu able to subdue tho hostile feeling spread almost simultaneously through- to other nations or citizens of other nan tions when Spanish-AmericaContinental inthe their out which has driveu a considerable number rights have been New York. of the native inhabitants of the island to colonies, resulted in the establishment vaded. There are serious complications An indictment for a felonions assault armed resistance against Spain, and still of new States. Like ourselves, of Euro- growing out of the seizure of American vessels upon the high seas, executing and battery, found by the errand jury leads them to endure tho dangers and pean origen, and interested is excludAmerican citizens without proper trial, against Mrs. Vrell, who recently attemp privations of the roaming life of a ing European politics and thi question of dynasty and of balances of power and confiscating or embargoing the ted tne murder of Kobt. Schroeder. the guerrilla. in the New property of American citizens. Solemn alleged seducer of her daughter, is in On either side tho contest has been from further influence the police court. the American policy o' neutrali- protests have been made against every conducted, and is still carried on, with a World, Mail advices to June 7th say that relamentable disregard of human life and ty, important before, become doubly so infraction of the rights of individual have been received from all the of the usages and practices which mod- from the fact that it became ipplicable citizens of the United Statesorthe rights plies scholars and divines invited to join the to new as the of wdl our as the the ern civilization has prescribed in mitiflag upon republics high seas, and all of the convention for the re It then devolved up proper steps have been taken and are committee gation of the necessary horrors of war. mother country. vision of the Bible, except from Canon The torch of Spaniard and Cuban are on us to determine the grea. interna' pressed for the proper reparation of Harrison and Dr. alike busy in carrying devastation over tional question, at what time and under every indignity complained of. The Look, Archdeacon Five have Kennedy. declined, Dr. Pu- to what circumstances fertile regions. Murderous and revengerecognze a new question of belligerency, however, which sey, Canon and Drs. Smith, Payne, ful decrees are issued and executed by power as entitled to place anon the is to be decided upon definite principles Vt right, Newman and Tregelles, the last and aceording to ascertained facts, is both parties. Count Yalmaseda and family of nations, as well as tie prelim from illness. With the exception of Col. Boet, on the part of Spain, have inary question of the attitude to be ob entirely different from and unconnected those named, all the each startled Immunity and aroused the served by this Government tovarJ the with the other questions of the manner who were invited to join, have promised in the con which the strife the is civilized carried on of world on both insurrectionary the party pending indignation by to do so. execution each of a scoro of prisoners at test. Mr. Monroe concisely !i pressed sides and the treatment of our citizens Louisville. rule which has controlled the action entitled to our protection. These quesa time; while Gen. Quesada, the Cuban (he A reward of ten thousand dollars is of this Government with reference to a tions concern our own dignity and rechief, coolly and with apparent unconoffered by the Merchants bank for the sciousness of aught else than a proper revolting country, pending its struggle, sponsibility, and they have been made, arrest of the perpetrators of yesterday's I as have said, the subject of repeated act, has admitted the slaughter, by his by saying: communications with Spain, and of pro- robbery. own deliberate order in one day, of "Aj kii M the movement R.nnpil srch St. Louis. Memhr ami cimaiiiteut form m to nixkethe since. tests and demunds for redress on our upward of C'jO prisoners of war. A of tho province pn.tial.li, General Canby arrived here, en route the right to which summary trial, with few if any escapes tliey re rntillnl by the Ihwi uf nuliuM, M equal part. It is hoped that these will not be for the Pacific to take command of the from conviction, followed by immediate parties to a civil war, were extended t then disregarded; but should they be, these Department of Columbia, vice General The strict adherence to ilui ru'.e of questions will be made the subject of a Cooke relieved. execution, is the fate of those arrested on either side on suspicion of infidelity public policy has been one of the high- further communication to Congress. Dispatches from Fort Haver. Kansas, U. S. Grant. to the cause of the party making the est honors of American statesmanship, and other points report that the Indians arrest. and has secured to the Government tbe Ezccutive Mattion, June 13, 1870. are very numerous between Camp SupWhatever may b the sympathies of confidence of the feeble powers of this and Bear Creek, and are on the war Go to the First and Third Ward ply the people, or of the Government of the continent, and which inclined then (o Several government and other path. United States for the causo or objects rely upon its friendship in the aWncc Drug Store forPure Liquors. trains and herds have been attacked, for which a part of the pcoplo of Cuba of all signs of conquest, and to lock to but so far the Indians have driven none are understood to have put themselves tho Uuitcd States for example and nor- - It Tatlob Bbo's, Merchant Tailors, off. Ono train was corralled two days in armed resistance to the Government al protection. It has given to this have just received some new Springgoods. at Gypsum Creek, fighting Indians. Anof Spain, there can be no just sympathy Government a position of MEKS' AND BOYS promiience other train from Camp Supply was atin a conflict carried on by both parties and of influence which it should not ab tacked four is Good and want no If Board a and it times, J you longer alike in such barbarous violation of the dicate, but which imposes upon it tho safe for trains or herds to travel withrules of civilized nations, and with such most delicate duties of right and of lion-o- r comfortable Clean Bed, go to the Travelout a strong escort. continued outrage upon the plainest corner of Union regarding American questions, wleth-e- r er's Rest, North-weSavannah. of We disthose cannot affect euianei rated principles humanity. questions Jons R. Pool, Propr. The papers comment favorably on criminate in our censure of their mode colonies, or colonies still subjea to Square, Ogden. Grant's massage and the most of the of conducting their contest between the European dominion. BgyGKXTLKMEN wanting a fine quality prominent persons desire Congress to The question of belligerency is oie of Spaniards and the Cubans. Each comsend a special committee to Cuba and see Gent'i Furnishing Gsods should go to mit the same atrocities, and outrage tact, not to be decided by sympathia for Thirkill & Earl's. matters for themselves. alike the established rules of war. The or prejudice against either party. The San Francisco. property of many of our citizens has relations between the present stab of The Indians attacked a train of sever been destroyed or embargoed. The lives the insurgents must amount, in On Thiatbi. Saturday night, for al wagons and twenty men, near fa, to jCamp of several have been sacrificed, and the war, in the sense of international law. the benefit of Mr. Lyne and Miss Grant arsenal, May 27th, and joint captured liberty of others has been restrained. Fighting, though fierce and protrailed, A. A. Adams, the splendid historical and burned the wagons and killed one In every case that has come to the know- dees not alone constitute war. Hiere A LARGE QUANTITY OP William Tell, or the Hero of and wounded another. The remainder of of the must be an ledge Government, military forces, acting in aicor- play early an earnest demand for leparation and in- dance with the rules and custom of Switzerland, was presented to a full fled to the mountains and prsbably perished. demnity has been made, and most em- war, flags of truce, cartels, exchanre of house. Late Arizona advices mention Indian remonstrance has been reetc. phatic And to justify t presented prisoners, etc., the troops had killed a Miss depredations; Adams' of recitation Coun"Our the manner in which the strife cognition of belligerency, there mui lie, against number of savages. is conducted, and against the reckless above all, a de facto political orgaiiza-tij- n try" as the goddess of liberty was lhere had been unfavorable weather. of the insurgents, sufficient in diar-act- equal to disregard of human life, the wanton deanything we have seen her at but the crops were uninjured. struction of material wealth, and the and resources to constitute, if left cruol disregard of the established rules to itself, a State among nations, capa tempt. Mr. Pcarce'a singing was loud Also, of civilized warfare. ble of discharging the duties of a Hate. ly applauded, and Miss Bowring's dan Madrid. I have, since the beginning of the and of meeting the & The Cortes has passed a reformed just responsibilities cing was encored. it may incur as such toward other Pow present session of Congress, communiThe performances concluded with the penal code. cated to the House of Representatives, ers in the discharge of its national dtties. It is rumored that the Carlist Junta farce of the "Dead Shot," upon (heir request, an account of the Applying (be best information wlich I very laughable has voted, by two majority, in favor of in Mr. which P. for which the first have I bad in taken the been to able of Margetts, steps Bather, whetherfrom hope the restoration of the inquisition in bringing this sad conflict to au end, and official or unofficial sources including time in this piece, appeared as Hector Spain. for securing to the people of Cuba the ine very exaggerated statements nliich Timid. Havana. blessings and tho right of independent each partv gives to all (hat may weiu- Derodas has received a dispatch statThe efforts thus made dice their opponents or give credit to its Tna Fourth or JcLr. Our "City ing that the important part of the n Hay-rake- s, failed, but not without an assurance own side of the question, I am unable to e cargo has been Fathers" are sterling men, and are captured and it from Spain that the good offices of this seo in the present condition of the con of details gives (he of . . the . . J ,. are generally "up with the times." But i .1. surprise Government might still avail for the ob iesv in vn uou mose elements wmca it inland. Sono has jects to which they had been address requisite to constitute war in tho tense we would like to suggest to them th fled to the carrying mountains, closely pursued ed. of international law. The insurgents of appointing a committee to by the troops. During the whole contest, the remark- hold no town or city. Lave no establish propriety Panama. able exhibition has been made of large ed scat or government : they have no get up the programme for the celebraA terrible fire broke out at the Aspin-wa-ll numbers of Cubans escaping from the prize courts, no for the re tion of the fourth of July next. As they Hotel, and communicated to the island and, avoiding the risks of war, ceiving or oi sea do not wish to be behind in any good Rivettas House, Campulio's French to a which in be carried safe a this at may congregating port prize country, stores of Steanhurg, C. Herben-ge- r, thing, vi have no doubt that they will distance from the scene of danger, and. through which access can be had . by 8. Paexio & Co., Roamottee, J. J. act upon our suggestion, and make all endeavoring to make v.ar from our own foreign :Power to the limited interior and Bermcidez, and several Deycazo shores, to urge our people into the fight territory and mountain fortresses which necessary arrangements for the celebraprivate residences, and is now raging which they avoid, and to embroil this they occupy. The existence of a Legis tion, at their earliest convenience. ALL KINDS OF in Sanjuan de Dios street, and has Government in complications and possi- lature representing any popular constit reached the Bank of Panama, whioh is ble hostilities with Spain. It can scarce uency is more than doubtful. In the AccmtsT. On Saturday last, Mr. in flames. Attempts are being made to be doulxed that this last result is the uncertainty that hangs around thi en Tt, . 1 T nu several otner persons blow up the Cathedral to prevent the real object of these parties, although tire insurrection, thero is no probable went into the mountains east of this spread of the flames to tho Grand Hotel. carefully covered under the deceptive evidence of an election, of any delected The roof of the Cathedral is burning in and apparently plausible demand for a authority, or of any government, out city, to take a number of horses and several places. The mail office is in side tho limits of the camps occipicd mules with the intention of mere recognition of belligerency leaving them imminent danger. Families are rushIt is stated, on what 1 have reason to from day to day by the moving compan- mere for some IN FACT Mr. time. Beus was ing into the streets, and the piazzas are ii There no regard as good authority, that Cuban ies of insurgent troops. strewn with furniture and church one ornaof (he mules. bonds have been prepared to a large commerce, no trade, eitncr interna or riding The late Aftor they had gone some distance a ments. The supply of ivater is scanty amount, whose payment is made depend- foreign, no manufactures. and the people are inactive and are ua-dof the insirg-ntent upon the recognition by the United commander-in-chie- f colt made a rush forward, threw no discipline, and the flames are alhis up States of either Cuban belligerency or having recently come to the 'Jtitcd hind most unresisted. Terrible excitement to kick the mule, but unfortulegs independence. The object of making States, publicly declared that 'al' and alarm prevails. intercourse or trade wih the nately struck Beus's leg, breaking it at their value thus entirely contingent up Later The flames have subhas been the tibial bone. on the action oi mis uovernment is a exterior world utterly ct off;" dued. casualties and deiths are Many "To-day w have Dr. Tibbitts was sent for. The bone subject for serious reflection. In deter- and he further added, reported. Twelve persons, it i&believed, mining the course to be adopted ou the not ten thousand arms in Cuba." It is was were burned in the ruins f the Aspin-wa- ll and the set, man was con young oi a a demand thus irade for recognition of mime principle home on a litter. We are glad to burntHotel, and a number injured. The belligerency, and liberal nnd peaceful law that a recognition by a forcig state veyed district comprises the dwellings AU Order addressed to. of of at H. PSER His learn tier tbe of he that t now insurgentginder belligerent rights is principles adopted ty doing well. and stores adjoining n wall HoCuas now such existsu circumstances the statesmen eminent of Country ami on tel, Mcrceds street; that hotel and all Ogden City, will hYe prompt his day, followed by succeeding Cuier ba, if not justified by necessity, is gratGextlemkn wanting a No. 1 the buildings on Wh sides of fiirablnt Magistrates and the men of their day, uitous demonstration of moral spport Suit of Ready-mad- e attention. Clothing should go street, from Mercedes (o San Juan Dee-co- s, may furnish a safe guide to those of us to the rebelliou. Such neccssit, may t0 and all e both sides of the latter & Eabl's. Thirkill lias it but t now charged with the direction and con hereafter arise, yet yet from Jirarldot to the Bank of Panama; trol of the public safety. arisen, nor is its probability cleaito be and allonLe Avenue, running from Buy at tho First your Liquors trora lte'J to IMo the dominant seen. the Frenah Bazar to the Bank of PanaIf it bo war between Spain and'uba, and Third Ward thought of our statesmen was to keep Drug Sf ore. ma. There is no fir .i nrn the United States out of the wars which and the latter be recognized, it our Taylor Bro's, Merchant Tailors, the only one on the Isthmus, sent frem were devastating Europe. The discus duty to provide for tho conseepnees Aspmwall by railroad, at 9.15, has just in the mbarrame.nt half a block west of the sion of measures of neutrality begins which u?y Superintendent, on Cuban A Hii int. tha Cm TfK, I, OGDEN CITY. - The Jlonmanla Jlnasacre. When the reports of the massacre were first published, we preferred to say g nothing about it until we learned on the subject. The affair now teems to have been thoroughly ventilated and is pronounced a hoax. It has excited a great deal of interest and indignation in the United States and in Europe, and exhibits a fearful amount of recklessness on the part of the originators and publishers of the first dispatch on this subject. Below we give a digest of the telegrams received in relation to it. It will be remembered by many of our gome-thin- readers that "The American Tress Association" published a telegraphic dispatch, dated Constantinople, June 1st, purporting to give the details of a terrible massacre of Jews in Roumania. In that dispatch it was alleged that "thousands of men, women and children had been butchered in cold blooti." Thut the slaughter had exhausted itsslf only for the want of victims." Tlat the massacre had extended to the the country. That the reigning prince was absent, and advantage had been taken of that circumstance to all the Jtvi in the J'rovinrel On the 6th of June another dispatch was received in New York, which read as follows: iue-rior- of exttr-mina- le "Paris, f. Jews, Roumania, expelled, plundered, horribly maltreated; numbers wounded, perhaps killed. Ad. Cbkmieix." (Signed) The publication of such reports as the above naturally excited a great deal of The world inquiry into the matter. were anxious to know whether they were true or false The substance of Mr. Cremieux'i dispatch was telegraphed to the London Agent of the Associated Tress, with a request to ascertain whether the outrages it mentioned were of recent occurrence or those already reported by mail. The agent sent the following answer: 's CcmtinauUl "Londun, Juno 7 Telegraph!" Company of Berlin, with in the principal cities of r.urope, knows nothing of any recent disturbances in Roumania. The Manager of that Company declares the telegram of Adolph Cremieux to be an exaggeration, and says that all the reports touching the slaughter or banishment of the Roumanian Jews are baseless. Diligent inquiry here and on the continent fails to discover any foundation for the terrible stories which have been published in the United States." On the authority of the following tela-grathe N. Y. Star still believes thai the massacre is a fact. But we see nothing in the dispatch, to justify aay uch belief: 1870. There was London, Jane attack quelled by military. Aooounta Somewhat exaggerated. ( "'lf m, MoxTinoni." mass meeting waa called for in New Trk, at whleh it was expected a great number of the leading Jews would be present to express their indignation, etc., at the outrages reported to have been perpetrated on their brethren in Roumania. Rut as they bad received no answer to the telegram which they sent to Europo (enquiring aa to the truth or falsehood of the alleged massacre) to confirm the first report, no action was taken in the matter, and the meeting dispersed. Another telegram asserts that the affair at Botuschany was simply a riot, and that the Roumanian Israelitan committee thanked the Turkish Government for iti prompt action in crushing the movement against them at its outset. Finally, the New York Tribune has the following authoritative denial: "London, June 8. A dispatch of June 4, from Bucharest, Wallacbia, near the scene of the alleged Roumanian butch-crsays that the Jewish affair w as simply a student's joko," Our readers enn now form their own opinions as to the correct aess or incorrectness of the first report. The telegraph is an excellent medium of communication, An ietimnblo blessing to mankind, and we should regret to see it prostituted to base purposes by reckless, unprincipled men. A y, m Board by the day or week, and flood Lodging, at the Traveler's Rest, Johx R. Pool.. Ogden. Li'mhkr roB tui Million. All kinds of ordinary lumber, plank, scantling, joists, flooring, beams, rafters, sheeting, He., delivered at the U. P. Depot in Ogden for $S5 per 1000 feet. First-clas- s flooring, finishing lumber and pickets, at $40. Delivered at tho U. C. Depot in Salt Lake City at u advance on the above prices, of $2,50 pec 1000 feet. dress J. WiUlatns & Co., AVcbcr gtution, I". P. R. R. 41 IMiESAU&uELl NOW OPENING: illy-arm- FOX SUPPLY war-maki- Prints, latest Styles 3. Domestics, Denims, Checks, Toweling, Cambrics, Silicias, Ginghams, ' Chambrays, Irish Linen, Swiss Muslin, Flowers, Ribbons, Parasols, Shakers, . STRAW HATS. st An endless variety of NOTIONS. BOOTS & SHOES. cr FOUEIGX. Grain Grass Scythes, Cradles, Snaths, Up-to- Hoes, Rakes nrait;ut re" Forks. he . GROCERIES. , er s The Stock is complete in all Departments. be a tie-Aspi- .. i , bank, Ogden, reaghed here, but the fire has subsided. II. B. CLA WSOX, |