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Show 3bt jim fttttrtiow. X Poblished ewry WEDNESDAY nd SATURDAY, by the OaDiN Pcbubhino Company. One TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . . . . . , Year -- . -. gtx Mouth' f J6.oa THE 4.00 2.1 K1 jhrw Months Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. BATES OF ADVERTISING. Z 5 I I'M H H H r4 10 lines, 1 gouar. 1 - 2 J 4 8 11 20 Celuma, rBtuineu Cards UM So. 50. BY TELEGRAP1I. AMERICAN. Washington. $5 per month. Inquiries from various sources as to conTransient advertising to b JUd for in advance. the truth of the rumor made of type of this A Square oenslets of te Im cerning the Cabinet changes state that ""early advertiser allowed to ckange at pleasure, they are well founded. The House select committee on the with only the additional charge of twenty-fivcents a square for composition, but they will be Cuban bonds business closed its investispace over charged JSXTRA for occupying and make up its report ' gations i ' Fitch testified that he had Special Notice" or Advertisements retained on on Monday. e never seen Taylor and McCormick, and t),c outaide of the paper, will be charged twenty-,6tper cent, additional on the above rates. said, though he occupied a room in Taythe with on the marked not copy Advertisements lor's house, he never conversed with aumlwr of iiisortlons, will be published at our option until ordered out, and charged at transient him on publie matters, and he denies such matters as are stated in the re"JJdVERTISKMESTS inserted till forbid, will 1 , rationed until ordered out, in every instance, and port. . The House bill to extend the provisions urged for accordingly. The privilege of yearly and naif yearly advertis- of the homestead act to soldiers, and the er is restricted to theirdirect line of business, and House joint resolution, giving pay from all Legal, Auction, Real Estate, or other advertisements foreign to their regular trade, will be chargthe date of commission of officers in ed for separately. command while in rebel prisons, passed. No Advertisements from the States will be inStark called up a bill to prohibit the serted without the cash (at our advertised rates,) accompanying the order, unless from one of our introduction of servile labor, and re regilar authored Advertising Agents. marked that he did not want servile la' All communications devoid of interest to the bor to compete with free labor in this public, or intended to promote private interests, will be charged as advertisements, and payment country, if it could be prevented. The we in character, required in advance. If personal bill was considered, various amendments advertiseor to Die rewrve right reject any article, ment of this olass. ; suggested and laid aside for a day or ' FRANKLIN D. RICHARDS, Editor. two. The bill for a pension to Mrs. Lincoln Editor. Associate C. W. FENROSE, was called up and opposed by Edwards, and dropped at the expiration of the OCDEN DIRECTORY. morning hour. The Post Office appropriation was conand the amendment of the comlulled Stales Officers for sidered mittee on appropriations, striking out the clause respecting a free delivery of Governor J. Wilson Shaffer, letters to cities of over 40,000 inhabi Secretary S. A. Mann. tants, was concurred in. Ramsey moved, Marshal M. E. Patrick. as an amendment, the House bill abolish U. S. Attorney--- C. JI. Hempstead, ing the franking privilege. Stewart re Supt. Indian Affairs J. E. Tourtcllotte. viewed the amendment of Drake, conC. C, Clements. Surveyor-Geuerprovisions of laws for a free Receiver of Public Monte J. B. Over- tinuing transmission of newspapers. Morrill ton. moved Ranisey"s amendment continuing George R. the Registrar of Land Office franking privilege to the Executive laiwelL . and Agricultural departments. Kainsey P. John U. S. Assessor Taggart, gave notice of an amendment, which U. S. Collector V. J. liollister. was referred to the committee on appro Chief Justice C. C. Wilsen. priations, providing for a system of and Strickland F. Associate Justices 0, for the use of Constamped envelopes Hawley. gress and the Departments, and make an appropriation to defray expenses. Sum Territorial Officers: ner moved, as an amendment, his penny William II. postage proposition. to Congrttt Delegate Williams, from the committee on lands, Hooper. Zcrubbabel Snow. Attorney-Generreported an amended bill, continuing the Marshal St. Paul and Sioux City railroad across J. D. T. McAllister. William Clayton. Auditor the Territory of Dacotah to Yankton and Treasurer David 0. Calder. for land grants ra ail or the same. The nomination of Ackcrman has been Superintendent of Common School Robevt L. Campbell. referred to the committee on judiciary by tlie Senate. James B. McKean was confirmed Chief Justice of Utah uinl Officers: Weber County C. C. Crowe, Secretary of Utah; Benj . D. F. Frobatt and County Judge Pierrot t, of California, has been Richards. nominated for Consul at Bucharest. Select Men Lester J. Herrick, Henry New York. Holmes, Richard Ballantync. The Union League Club has adopted Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. resolutions in favor of the repeal of the Prosecuting Attorney Aurclius Miner. income tax. William Public Critchlow. Kttary R. Cary has been arrested for the em Sheriff Gilbert Belknap. bezzlement of 3,000 from the hrie Hail Brown. Deputy Sheriff--Williroad, as a ticket seller at New York. Assessor and Collector Sanford BingMargaret Daly, charged with the ham. mnrdcr of her uncle. Rev. P. B. Daly, Treasurer Israel Canfield. an priest, was yesterday Coroner Wm. N. Fife. found guilty of manslaughter and senSchools and Surveyor Superintendent of tenced to four years in the Peniten--Wn. W. Barton. tiary. The city is vigorously contesting the ' . , City Government: right of the New York and Harlem RailIncorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 1801. road Company to take a certain portion Municipal election biennially on the of the Fourth Avenue and other public second Monday ef February. Meetings streets, up town, for a new depot The of the City Council weekly, on Tuesday arguments in the case commenced yesterday before the general term of the evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. Supremo Court Mayor Loren Farr. Cincinnati. Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; A freight train on the Louisville and L. J. Herrick, 2d Cincinnatti Railroad ran into a hand 3d A. J. Shupe, Counselor James Mo Gaw, Walter carA and instantly killed James Dugan. convention of the Manufacturers Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah and Inventors of the North American le&vitt, Israel Canfield. Continent, is proposed to be held here Recorder Thos. G. OdelL about the time of the industrial expoAttorney A. Miner. sition, in September next. Marshal-- W. N. Fife. The concert ef the Sangerfest was a Treasurer Aaron Farr. grand success; fully 15,000 people were Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. present. The orchestra contained 1,600 Surveyor W. W. Burton. performers and the chorus 1,500 singV. G. Taylor. Captain of Police ers. Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston. Chicago, Constable C. F, Middleton. The Iowa Woman's suffrage convention met at Mount Pleasant. There was a large attendance. Ogden Post Office: Speeches were made by male and fomale speakers. Postmaster Isaac Moore. The Times' Washington special says General Delivery from 8 a.m. to "p.m. there was quite a scene in the San DoSundays, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. when Daily Mails closk, until further notice, mingo investigation committee, for Salt Lake Consul Perry, who was being examined, City at , - ' 3.30 p.m. For the East stated, in reply to a question from a 6.30 a.m. For the West. - Senator, that Howard had tried to inp.m. fluence him not to write a report to the ' . ARRIYI " From Salt Lake State 7.30 a.m. department on the imprisonment City From the East - 4.30 p.m. of Hatch, saying that he, Howard, West 7.30 a.m. would make it all right with the President. Howard, who was present, deMAILS Close for North nounced the statement as false, but on at Ogden Monday 2 30 p.m. For Plain City, on Thurs- Perry reiterated and took out some of day, at 6.30 p.m. For Huntsville, on Howard's cards, with the memoranda i Tuesday iind Friday, At 8 p.nv penciled on the back. The Tribune's Washington dispatch ' Trains contradicts the rumors that Secretary Leave Ogden daily, until further no-- Fish is about to resign or that there is for Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and any disagreement between him and the ji'wp.m. (For extra trains see time President. The resignation of Hoar is Uble.) For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For solely in pursuance of an intention West, at 6.35 p.m. long since announced. There has been Arrive from Salt Lake 7 a.m. no difference between the President and City, n1 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. the Attorney General, and there is no rom the West, 6.35 a.m. cause for believing that the resignation Salt Lake City Time. indicates any general change in the Cabinet. The President's Cuban message was under consideration in the Worship Cver7 SundaJ. in the Taberncle, Cabinet for at least two weeks before it l JO a.m. and 2 p.m.; and in the School was sent to Congress. Tho best infor"owes of the various Wards at 5.30 p.m. mation leads to the conclusion that it was written by the Assistant Secretary of State, Davis, and revised by Secretary Fish and Attorney General Hoar. The majority of the San Domingo tfKRY MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL committee will report, exonerating WewiUdothem General Babcock from the charges made to-d- ay e t. y, llah. ', al .' al am . , SEMI-WEEKL- Y lirlne BUSINESS CARDS. KteZti?XlZfl against him by Hatch; while the minority hold that he has not fully cleared himself from the mud. Correspondence. Ogden, June 21st, 1870. London. Editor Ogden Jcsction: The ironclad Swift and Sure was suc Sib, Permit me, through the colcessfully launched at J arrow, Durham, umns of your valuable paper, to call the yesterday. The Irish Times says Dickens left a attention of the proper authorities, to a fortune of 80,000 sterling. Six month nuisance which lias existed, for several past, in tho heart of our growing ly parts of the "Mystery of Edwin years and rapidly thriving city. The nuisDrood are huishcd, and the rest of the ance of which I speak, is the County so to is as its outlined leave complestory tion easy. It is understood that Wilkie Jail and its appendages. The Jail has been a great annoyance. Collins will undertake tho task. to my ftimily for jears, and since the There were, yesterday, unusually tipctiJu of a privy, near it, it has beheavy transactions in the Havana sugar come intolerable, and I think it is high afloat. time that they were removed to some have showers thunder Heavy prevail more suitable locality. ed here nearly all night, but it it is fear It must now be apparent to tho Citied that they come too late for the wheat zens of Ogden, and of Weber County, crop on the light lands. that we need a more substantial prison vs. In the case ot Hill Kibbetts, where for the safe keeping of the outlaws who in the property of the late N. W. White, of Yorkshire, amounting to two hundred are brought to this city, and placed in small building on the Bench, and thousand sterling, was claimed by a that who are such an to the citidaughter born in New Y'ork, the claim zens ho reside inannoyance its immediate vicinitwas barred by proofs of a valid Scotch ymarriage previous to that in New Y'erk. The feelings of my family have freIn the Lords, last evening, the consideration of the Irish land bill was resum- quently b?cn shocked by the indecent ed. Cairns said it gave an advantage exposure of the persons of prisoners, to tenants which is unknown in England and other individuals who visit and or Scotland and demonstrated at length lounge abott the prison. Such things the defects of the measure. Grey and ought not :o be allowed to continue Halifax opposed the bill. Derby appro much longir. 1 behevethe best thing that can be ved of the principles on which it was done with the jail, and the site on based, but was averse to granting a comwhich it stmds, is to sell them both. A pensation for disturbance of tenure, re- considerabe sum may be realized from to an it as garding equivalent buying , the sale which can be approimaginary right; he admitted, however, that aggrandizement can only be check- priated towards a new and better one, ed by concession. Argyle and Aber-cor- n in another locality. I am satisfied there would be no difficulty in finding a pursupported the bill as considered in chaser infact, I would buy them'myself. committee. Gladstone explained some I would villmgly donate a piece of to the government proposed changes land on wiich to build a County Jail, make in the bill. The Dublin Freeman approves of the and would otherwise contribute towards the cost ol its erection in order to get treating of the Fenian raiders on Cana- rid of the present disgraceful instituAmerida with all an if tho-cof- You have a purpose should have then bcjjiu it! An earnest working purpoo is a power, Which, If yon straightway scite npon the minute. Will moke its progress surer eveiy Uour! Build up your fortune by it lay than deeply Make your foundations sure! then, day by day. Raise up your walls a fortress never cheapl- yC. L. DAHI.r.n, Good purHiies demons' a largo outlay! Ilelena, Moutiuia. OGDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JUXE 22, 18TO. I. YOIs. CI $ 35 $ 80 3 $5 $8 $15 $ 40 70 25 T 10 18 SO 50 30 T 9 11 21 100 65 40 10 13 18 30 90 135 60 16 19 25 45 30 34 45 75 1U0 135 200 WARREN HUSSET, gait Lake City. & CO., DAIILER KEY, BANKERS, NBW BUILDING, JKMUNGS JIAIX - STltEKT, OGDEX, AND SALT LAKE CITY. Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin aud Currency. Draw n Krancisco, Montana, ilenvsr, Exchange on St. Louis, New York, and all parts of Lh j.i. Collection promptly attended to. tf ATTORNEY & Envy is tlie saw of tbo soul. COUNSELOR. Ofllec opposite Ogden Hotel, (KiDKX CITY. All kinds of legal business promptly to. attended ltf To all whom it may eoneern factory in Maine put pounds of the animals through a cristacean can can daily. One lobster IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT cneuircd in Business in Oglen City, (t'er which the City Ordi nance provide Hint a license must bo obtaineu.) without first procuring license are liable to be taken before any Alderman cf said City, and be subjected to a ine. By order of the City Council, NOTICE J- LORLN FARR, Mayor. TIIOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. Xcbraska-Dakot- Sensation. a The Yankton Union and Dakotian tell us that on last Saturday Charles Gust a vison, who has been working for David o farmer on the oppoNelson, a site side of the river in Nebraska, came over to Yankton. David Nelson is a well-to-d- E. GAM, IN Wines & Liquors. SAMPLE AM) SALESROOM THK ON SAIT LIKE HERALD. M.A:CSr STEEET, 11 I liare on hand a larpe Ptork of the Olclirated fell A WAN, Lr.K KUN, KOW, IJOWKN. AND hllAKl'S H HANDS of Kentucky Whiskeys; Also, a LARGE STOCK of CASE LIQUORS. CASE WINES, CHAMPAGNES, CATAWBAS, ETC. ETC, Call and examine my Stock. jSlain Street, Ogden, Nearly Opposite "White IIoune. tf fl'ullished everv morning excent Mondays. 1 1 Year 1 Month - JO.Trt $S.OO -25 8 Monti 4.00 1 Week JjJ MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, MUSEUM AND SAIT LAKE CITY MENAGERIE. Half-bloc- k NEW MILLINERY - Establishment. - 24-l- y OYSTERS. Shaker, Hat, Hood, Ii-t- DR. R. TIBBITS. Pliywieian nul Surgeon. - bz. Sl-t- f Office, gerond ' Dentin- - is now openly and actively urged in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Hayes City, Kansas, has a female constable. The young men are in constant fear that she way have "an attachment" for them. , It is said that tho workmen engaged in repairing the carriage road on Mount Washington have to dig paths through snowdrills twenty feet deep. The Connecticut Legislature will refer tho woman suffrage petition to a committee composed entirely of bachelor! A female writer says that young ladies should have some aim in life. Almost every one docs. She gets a beau, then she aims to get married. Earnest Kenan was received with tho wildest enthusiasm by the students of the to University of Paris on his the Hebrew Professorship. Mr. Edwin Booth has secured the copyright of an American play in which all (he isms of tho day are photographed with great skill. It will bo produced this season. Andrew Kerjeckie, a compositor on the Dubuque Herald, fell dead at his case, the other day. He had been a printer fifty-on- e years, and set type on the first paper in Iowa. A Terns for tlie Salt Lake Herald: 42-t- joO.OOO.- The best guardian of a woman's happiness is a husband's love; and for her honor, her own affection. and widowers. Og&ea City, Utah. will, ix a fkw days, pulilfralion of the SALT LAKE rpHE'xriEnrir.xED I nmence tlix Culsiiiet the government Dr. Aberncthy used to tell his pupils all human diseases sprung from two causes stuffing and fretting. tint lady-love- .DEALER PROSPECTUS Mb. STJSyjIOUSE, ,SUt Lake Vltu. There arc eighteen established boat clubs in and about Pittsburgh. A Maine youth's courtship is embit's tered tiy tho fact that bis house in haunted, and the gUoata mako it lively for him every time lie calls. Carpenter, Joiner, visit to Washington cost A. large vessel recently sailed from Boston to Cork, her entire cargo being Canada peas. About twelve hundred acres of land are under cultivation with the strawberry near Norfolk, Va., for tho New York nnd lloston markets. married man, and has a wife like other men. That wife being of the weaker S. S. TUCKEK, 2.1X1 3 MoutlB sex, was susceptible of being led out of the path of virtue towards her husband, and all BUSINESS COMMC tvntl which was accomplished by Gustavison, KICAT LIN'S to be addressed to WM. Business 0. DL'NBAR, 31ulcer, Manager, who had been concerned in the unlawSalt Lake Herald. Salt Lake City. ful business for over two years. After HALF A BLOCK EAST OF THE Kit WARD L. SLOAN, WM. C. DIN BAR. Gustavison left for Y'ankton, Nelson got "JUNCTION" OFFICE, OGDEN. f a full confession from his wife. Nelson All Orders personally and promptly did not storm, or rage, or shoot the misattended to. guided woman, but quietly left for 33" VV He found the destroyer of Yankton. Article manufactured by ill la warranted to Ererjr his happiness, yot said nothing about ue uiaue ui uie Desi material. Mf the fearful revelation. They both trans- -' acted business in town. Towards the evening Nelson loaded his pistol, and they both returned across the river, and proceeded through the timber towards the house of Nelson. Gustavison did not su'pcct that a tornado was coming until he was shot by West of Prest. B. Yoong'i Residence, ADITS VISITINO SALT LAKE CITY ARE can uiae uiy. Nelson. The first ball entered back of T J rspectfully invited to call and examine the the ear and came out under the jaw. (' boice line of ()not at the TO 8 ALT LAKE CITT BIIOVLD VISITORS til Pull anrl su Gustavison turned around and asked Bisi si.t: in fa r siuu wun (inn of NATIVE ANIMALS and BIRDS; alsoMINE- Nelson what he was doing, whereupon HUME and natural MANUFACTURES, to ham, and the Home next he dor of a into Dahler and Banking Nelson Hnssey, rough got is of producti-ithe Territory, at the abore m tab-B Temple Street, where they will find a tumble fight. Nelson got him down, and A Co,nio stock of very Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. then shot him again This ball entered near the centre of tho skull and passed through the head, coming out under the IEATIIEKS, chin. Gustavison after this got up and FLOWEUS, ran off, Nelson firing another shot as he C1ALL AT THE REV JERK HOCTR SALOON, South fit rw t ui i.i,. ru. i IftE&H missed. TKEHJIIXGS, fled, which yon will find JOK. SIMMONS or his asaisUnta for The wounded man was cared by ready and willing to serve yon with UXDEKCLOTIIIXC., Dr. Van Velsor, and the chances are IKES II OYSTERS. Suiiowns, that he will recover. Nelson and his GOLDEN CROW CIGARS, the in wife went to Helena, Nebraska, Rabies' PIGS FEET, etc. lionets, and Call and see him. " morning, and on their return home, the f General Xotioni. faithless wife mado a voluntary statement of her criminal intercourse with Gustavison for two years and a half, PRIGS THE SAME AS IN during which time she has had two EASTERN CITIES. children. This terrible blow urged Nelson on to commit a deed which he Millinemnd Dressmaking in all their ir Calls from the Country promptly atBranches detended ti. executed with promptitude. tv i frarkly admits was for the complete struction of the man whom he had used Ladies' m material mado up in the latest stylo. DR.WM. H. GROVES. as a true friend. Swux City Times. Red Cloud's 5, 000 Annexation to the United State 1,., KIIA,1, a mm Morning JnuniRl. The llhRALD will be strictly a npwsi)nrxr. It will coitain the latest Local, Ucnernl anil rorelRi News lr Telegraph and Mail, anil will aim to pre sent to ts readers, nt the earliest possible moment, the uiot interesting items of news gathered front all pari ot the glolie. It wil Ix independent in tone, and its editorial will trat current topics of interest in a straight n and liWral manner. forwan, It wil endeavour to advance the intereets of llio Territoy, dofeud the rights of the people of Utah, with w.om the Publishers are socially and religiously jentifled, sustain just principles, and labor for the rcncral good. IntensthiR Home and Foreign Correspondence will be bund in its columns. The frsideratum of newspaper advertisers Is a paper tiat is genorally read bv the people. Ths l'roprioors of the SALT LAKE 1IKIIALI) will seek to secure this by laboring energetically t make aiapsr that will be sought alter and widely read. The Mitnrial Department will be under tlie charge if EDWARD L. SLOAN. A WIKKLY II Kit ALU will he issued as soon as the noresary material for it arrives. Tlie ilebt of the United Slates amount to $ G5 per head of population. CITY LICENSES. this conmunication. With bnt wishes for the continued prosperity of the Ogden Junction. whick hnsaided so materially to build up otr gnwing city, I remain, Yours Respectfully, A Sdbscbibeh. OK Wyoming Territory has but "00 wo men. Arc tley married? A Mm. Matisfielil. of Mount Pleasant. Iowa, hits been a successful practising lawyer for more than a year. in In South Carolina nnd Georgia, they are canplaining of a arouth. Toil, Faith, Dovotion, Courage, Resolution! These make your cajiitnl theso freely upend; Once sure of your design, the execution Needs all that yon can give it to the end! Oh, boy! man! what a world is in the keeping Of him who nobly alius and brarvly toll! Speed to tho work! We'll all have time for sleep ing Wneu we have shuffled off tlieso mortal coils! V. CllXOKS SIMMS. MiscellnueouM. legal severity, The Offico ot' :he Citr Recorder is at can jury can be found to convict them. tion. Ili Office of the t)gdcn Junction," I Court tie will hope County give They should be sentenced to the utmost this matte1 Seventies' Hull, near the U. C. R. K. their serious consideration, penulty of the law ; three months impri- and that Station. hey will take measures to sonment would practically be nothing. Office Hours from 10 a. m. till 3 p. m. evils runove the of speedily complained Paris. Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte died on iriday luoimtig, uged Oi. The Journal Officiate contradicts the reports of the illness of the Emperor and Prince Napoleon and stales that both are in good health. Deputy Rossin submitted an inter pellation on tha. return of the Orleans princes and members of the Bourbon fam ily and the restoration of their property. The French Cable Company has relin quished the monopoly it enjoyed of land ing cables on the coast of r ranee in ex change for the right of amalgamating with other companies. The municipal election occurs through out France at the cud of July. Ferdinand Barratt and Chas. Eusta- che Carte, Senators, arc dead. Florence. A heavy silk crop is anticipated in Italy this season. Berlin. Hew Hubncr, sent by the Prussian government to inspect the gold mines in the southern part of Africa, reports that they are worthless. Havana. Guteras and Pcralta, two of the men captured on the Cairo cruise, were ex ccuted on the 3rd inst. The Captain General, on his birthday, liberated twenty-seve- n rebels, mostly negroes. -- Strike!" as said tlie Anvil to tho hammer. Strike and never lot your iron cool! Up head, my loyf speak bravely, do not stammer. Lest all tlin world should set yon down a fool. There is no time allowed for shilly-shallBut seventy years allotted to the beat; Down with the rocks, tear up the fertilo valley. Work out your purpone leave to Ood the reutt .10 Single Copy J- ogden I ay of iiiieourageiuciftt. ' South Street. SALT LAKE CITT, uwis r,mi oi iicvore Uouse. large telescope, ciglily-si- x feet long and three feet in diameter, has been motmted at the Eclipse Mill, Gold Hill, Nevada, for observation of the heavenly bodies. The ladies of Leavenworth, Kansas, within twenty-fou- r hours, in accordance with the laws of nature, added seventeen souls to the population of that en- terprising city. Acting Governor Pound of Wisconsin has pardoned the murderer of a woman, who was under life sentence, for heroism at the recent fire in the State Prison. Through his exertions aeveral Uvea were saved. A lady whose husband.' an officer in the army, was ordered to Fort Laramie since the Indian troubles, refused to accompany him, as "she had but very lit. tie hair on head, but what she had she preferred to keep." The first white child born in the territory now known as the state of Ohio.has just died at Kenton, Ohio, in his eigh- uein year. His name was WaddelL, and he was a clergyman. He was born in 1790, in a fort on the Ohio river. A Boston woman complains that she has stopped in sundry hotels in sundry places, and she never knew one to have a clock in the ladies' parlor, or a news-papaccessible to its lady eucsts. But there alvvay is a mirror. or Susan B. Anthony said, while there last week, "Dayton was a very handsome little city, and could be made the most delightful place to live in the world, with an intcllieent woman as Mayor." "It's ft flenn'r't Ihinnr" aoirl old .Tn Smykers: "a dcsp'r't thincr that are young couple, who've been bil' in and cooin'. and makin' eves atone another for a month, have now gone to the minister. ana cot a permit to see if thpv mn t ecp at it for a life time." |