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Show Site B$tt linger about the galleries, charmed function. Published every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Coxr-axrby the OiiBM PcausRUtu of th IJritish Ktoric Mil- - M'lllll. A8 BELATED BY Till ATTENDANT. Armed in London, one of my first I am Tisit was to the British Museum. not going to detail here the wonders of that institution, end its splendid collec- tions of everything that can appeal to the eye either of the lover of nature or the admirer of art. But, as I sauntered through the halls and galleries, now looking at a humming bird or at a cow- by the attractions of the objects displayed." "That rarely happens," replied the attendant, you will notice, we give due warning, but also search for any stranger that might be asleep or hidden. Yet extraordinary things do come to pass very curious adventure, notwithstanding all our care. We are, of course, always on tho lookout for the security of the ob jects, and duly try all the doors ana cases, to see that none are unlocked. Yet, as I have said, accidents will happen. I will tell you one of the most remarkable that I remember at this present moment. One night as I was about to retire to rest, and had finished my supper, a knock was heard at the door. I took the candle to open it, when a short thick set man, with sharp eye and broad features, dressed in a e hat, blue gray suit, with a tie, and a gold pin, walked in without A Ilrokcn Down Millionaire a Xegro Minstrel. John Hart, who is creating such a great furore in Kelly & Leon's minstrels, by his perfect delineations of negro character, was once a millionaire. When the oil fever broke out in Pennsy vania Mr. Hart owned a hundred acres of wild land near Tideoute, Pa., worth about sixteen cents an acre, ne was then running a canal boat on the Delaware and Hudson canal. In the fall of 1864 several immense oil wells were discovered on Hart's land. Stock companies wore formed, in which he was a prominent shareholder, and at one time he was offered 500,000 for his interest. This was refused. lie left Jhe canal, built a most magnificent private residence, wore diamonds of almost fabulous value and seemed made of money. At one time he was prominent candidate forCongress, but failed to secure a nomination through the inertness of a trusted friend. Fortune's wheel suddenly turned backward, Mr. Hart was inveigled into more oil speculations, and within three years was without a penny. lie then turned his attention to negro minstrelsy, and is said to be superior to either Dan Bryant, T. D. llice or Dan Eutmett in his delineations of negro character. He speaks four different languages, and has traveled in Europe and Australia. He was once wresked in the Straits of Magellan, and spent two months in destitution on the island of Terra del Fuego. He is now playing an engagement at Kelly & Leon's Minstrels, at a salary of A'. Y. Sun. $100 a week. Mr. 1070! COMMERCIAL NEW YORK Junction, of Utah Territory, June 15, 2870. WHOLESALE THE GREAT PRICE LIST. Now in the time to ALPACAS, Black 40o. to $1.00 par yard. " Lustre tic to 26c BAREGE 65c to Sic. 4-- 4 BROWN SHEETINGS 16c. to 20c. BLANKETS $8.00 to $20.00 per pair. to 22c. BLEACH MUSLINS-- Wc. BED TICKINGS 26c. to 40c BRILLIANTS Sic. to 62e. CAMBRICS 13c. to 16c. $1.75 to $2.26 CARPETINO, CHECKS 26c. to 32c. CORSET JKANS 18c. to 23o. COTTON ADE8 30c. to 45c. COTTON YARN $2.50 to $3. per bunch. . . o, s; THE It is OGDEN JUNCTION SIIAWLS-46.25to$9.- 50. ic to-d- ay well-dresse- s, 'Ill-bre- d JOB PRINTING es SALT-rETK- rarty A-- 20C. WUBEL-HKAD- Subscriber's Attention! eol-lai- RAGS Five per lb. "13017" JJ i D JJ 8ulcrib for 11.. Cheap because its Circulation ia Lrr than that of any other Newsnaner Now DUCK-331- a PAPERS Great Family Newspaper -- it the time to form Clubt, The New York Weekly Trlhnn. contain! all the important Editorial! pnbluhi ! the DAILY TRIBUNE, except thoae of cat interest; alo Literary and Scientific IiiiJj" nnw ai bum : iiiaiHm i r i nil iiii i rwiriii of Correspondents; latent newi received by eraun from all parte of the world; a sum ,. . all important Intelligence in tun city tad me a oi where; synopsis rroeeuinga of Con and State Legislature when in session; New received by every steamer; Eii'lom the farmer,' Clui, port! of the Proceedings of ' u..., I...,. .1.. l.t.uri. i.n Institute TnlL-- i Financial, Cattle, Dry Qoodn. and General Mirk Reports. The Full Reports of the American In, Htm. mere' Club, and the varioua Agricultural Keporta in each niuuber, are richly worth a year'i .nh! cription. UUitnuuLrH-riAi- i ufirAKTMENT. To keen pace with the arrowine intercut l tical Horticulture, and to comply witl, fremw appeals from all parts of the country for Information of a practical character on the subject, have engaged the services of a person who is ex. perienced in rural a flairs to write in a lucid stvl, a series of articles on the Management of mull Farms, Fruit and Vegetable Culture, and haw make tnem pay, giving general and specific direct. Ions from planting to the ultimata disposal of the crops. Ot late years mere nas ieen a lucrative bniin... carried on by unprincipled men, in selling worth. less ana oiu pinum unirr new names 10 the met. perienced. THE TRIBUNE will be always ready te guard the farnior against any such inipositiun that comus within our knowledge. VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. To muke THE TRIBUNE still more ralntM. to its agricultural readers, we hare engaged f rof. JAMES LAW, Veterinary Surgeon in Cornell University, to answer questions concerning dim. ses of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, and other domeitu animals, and to prescribe remedies. Answers ani prescriptions will be given only through tlncol. limns of T1IK TKIHL .NK. no are sure that this new feature in Til E TRIBUNE will add larHj to its readers, as all owners sf animals are liable to need the information proffered. Inquiries shoaM be made aa brief as possible, that the qoettiooi answers, and prescriptions may be fmUuM to gether. In short, we intentl that IUE TKIMJig shall keep In the advance In all that concern the Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining, and other interests of the country, and that for variettud completeness, it shall remain altogether tht smt and Instructive MHJ. valuable. Interesting, PAPER published in the world. keen well observed has that a carenareisnt It ond study of the fanners' Club Report it TUt TRIBUNE alone will save a farmer hundwii dollars in his crop. In addition to these reporti, we shall continue to print the nest things vnttet on the subject of agriculture by Americas, sal foreign writers, and shall increase these ftetirei from year to year. As It Is, no prudent fsrner can do without it. As a lesson to his wwkmes alone, every farmer should place THE WEE< Tit 1 HUN K upon his table every Saturday svemti. TUB TKIUUNK is the best and cheapest paper a the country. This is not said in a spirit of to create tat It has fallen to New-Yor- k greatest newspapers of the country. Here concee- trato the cnnimprre.tne manufactures, the mineru resonrces, the agricultural wealth of the Republic Here all the news gathers, and the patronage un larce that journalist can afford to print it. This is the strength of Til K TIUlil'NE. We print the cheapest , and best edited weekly newspaper ia the country. Wshaveall the advantages around at. editions. vte have great Iaily nd All the elaborate aud intricate machinery of oar the most complete ta establishments perbai America is devoted to the purpose of making THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE the best and cheapen newspaper in the world. The result is that we have so syBtematiced and expended onr resonrces . that every copy of THE WEEKLY TRlBf.VK can- - I tulns as much matter as a duodecimo rofuoie. For two dollars, the subscriber Think of it to THE TRIBUNE for one year buys as mwt as matter though he filled a shelf of his reading library with fifty volumes, containing the greatest The force of cheapness works in the language. can no further go. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is the paper si in people. Here the eager student may learn the lessons of science. Here the scholar may read reviews of the best books. Here may be found correspondence from all parts of the world, theobeer vntions of sincere and gilted men, who serve iua TRIBUNE in almost every country. THE TK1BUMC m strong by reason or its enor mous circulation and great cheapness. It has long been conceded that THE WEEKLY TRIBCNI has the largest circulation of any newspaper in the country. For years we have printed twice as Daisy papers, perhaps, as all of the oilier woekly ediuoas of the city dailies combined. This is why we ars enabled to do our work so thoroughly and cheaply. The larger our circulation, the better paper we can a make. What are the practical succestions? Many. MS every subscriber renew his subscription, and org his neighbors to do the same. If a man Cannes afford to pay two dollars, let him raise a club, by niu inducing bis neighbors to subscribe, ana we newssend him a copy gratis for his trouble. No so large and complete as IH riper E was aver before offered at to low a price. Even when onr currency was at par with -r gold, no snch paper bnt THE TRIBUSE was oned at that price; and THE TRIBUNE then cost far lees than it now does. We have solved the problom of making the best and cheapest nevspsper In America. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. To Mail Snlocribers: One copy, one year, 62 issues 10 copies, to one address, uu ocb copies, (and one extra copy); 10 copios, to names of e $1.60 each (and subscribers, at one one extra copy); 20 copies, to one address, tlA each (and one extra copy ); 20 copies, to names of suliscrihers, at one $IM each (an one extra copy; 50 copies, to ono address, $1 each (and one extra copvl; 60 copies, to names of subscribers, at one Postklfhce, $1.10 each (ant one extra copy.) IS PUBLISHED SEMIWYEEKLY. tinselled or a brilliant a butterfly rie, beetle, a llouian needle or Greek pomatum pot, my eye fell upon an old attenDAMASK tl.25 tutl.50 EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY dant. The attendant, I must explain, further ceremony. DELAINES 18c. to 22c. is the man who looks after the gallery " 'Who are you?" " Arniures 22c. to 24c. and watches the public. He takes care " 'You shall know presently,' " said a " All Wool 37c. to 45c. less that no one touches an object, much sharp voice, with an unpleasant ring in Studio 18c. to 22c. w And already enjoy i aa extensive abstracts it, and enforces silence, order it; 'but is your name Straw, attendant DENIMS 25c. to 37c. per yd. , in the decorum. and morning in the Ethnographical Department?" Early circulation. DUCKING-38- '4:. . before the public is admitted, he enters is that identical one. What is '"It $1.60 to MERINOS-ll-- 35 FRENCH the hall of entrance, and signs his name your business?" FLANNELS, White A Red 46c. to 62c. in a book kept by the messenger, to " 'I am an officer of the detective de" Opera Oc. to 75c. his at is " he show that bodily present partment,' GINGHAMS 17c. to 30c. " 'Why; what's up ?' duties, and then proceeds to sweep the HICKORY 18c. to 27c. galleries with a broom clean the glass, " 'You shall hear. A young gentleHOSE, Ladies' $2.25 to $6.00 per dot. the blow in bellows blue eyes, light hand, cases, and, man, aged twenty-tw" Genu' half $1.25 to $4.00 per dot. dust which may have alighted on Sen- hair, dressed in black, and gray trow-serJACON ET 30c. to 50c. nacherib's nose or Cuisar's brow. This and a young lady, with blue eyes, JEANS 45c. to 60c. n done he preambulatcs his hall or gallery, yellow hair, fair complexion, nose LINEN, Irish 55c. to 5c. wand in hand. The wand is about six slightly aquiline, dressed in a lavender ITI COLBXKS COKTAIH " Table, 80c. to $1.25 feet long, gilded at tho tip. It is his silk gown, and dark bonnet trimmed to 8c. PRINTS he all he e which with sways are with flowers, age about twenty-fivsceptre, 4C. RAVEN'S , urveys, or points out to the more in- missing.' 'Well, what is that to me? They quisitive visitor, the most remarkable an llothscliild RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, llcggar. SKIRT BRAIDS 85c. per dos. ef the objects under his care. Civil and ain't my children. 90c. dox. 60c. to is bis to the per THREAD, Spooli equinimity " 'May bo not," answered the officer; public, obliging A correspondent writes to the Figaro " Linen 75c. to $1.25 per B seldom ruffled, except when the little 'but when last seen, it was in the Brit- as follows: "Your HOME CORRESPONDENCE, Adriun correspondent, TOWELLING 17c. to 20c. per yd. boys chatter in a troupe down the gal- ish Museum, and all London has been Murx, in an article on the artist Bouvin, lery, when, "Silence be still, boys!" searched to find them. Their friends relates that Baron James de Rothschild FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE, breaks in loud tones from his lips, and have accordingly applied to the detec- onco sat for a beggar to Ary Schcffer. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c. the end of his staff is rattled fiercly up- tive department at Scotland Yard, aud This is 15c. per lb. perfectly true, and I write to ALUM on the pavement to enforce attention. from information that has come to hand, EDUCATIONAL, you to complete tho tale. While the great ALLSPICE 45c. per lb. was and attendant old This I hear you saw them and let them into gray, quiet attired in the rags of a beggar, financier, $4.50 to $5.40 per dot, HELVES AXE melancholy, the sadness being no doubt a room at the Museum ? Bo you remem- was in this place on the estrade, I hapBACON AGRICULTURAL, per lb. brought on by the dullness of his occu- ber the circumstance?" to enter the studio of the Great pened 3c. per lb. BARLEY, hour after after Year ' 'Why, now you mention it, I do re artist, whose friend I had the honor to year, pation. BEESWAX-40.- 75 per lb. RAILWAY AND hour, the same objects ever present to member to have seen the pair, about four be. The Baron was so perfectly dis60c. per lb. BOHAX the eye the lips of statues that never p.m., when I let them into one of the guised that I did not recognize him, and, cwt. $1.25 to $1.79, per BRAN t SHORTS smiled; the moveless bird that never rooms which contained some objects believing that a veritable beggar was DOMESTIC NEWS. BEEF fc. to 15e per lb at shop j 10c. oa foot. flew; the stuffud lions that never roared, from the South Sea.' before me, I went up to him and slipped BUTTER 20c. to 25c. per lb. but maintain the noiseless terror of " 'Did you seo them come out of that a louis into his hand. The pretended BAKING POWDER $3.00 to $4.00 per do. in glass cases had apparently room ?' model took the coin and put it into his of his current soul." "frozen the genial " 'No, I diil not,' said I, "for I was pocket. Ten years later I received at my BROOMS $6.&0 to $7.70c.per dox.lb. BRASS KETTLES per I began, however, to break the ice of called away soon after, and when I reresidence an order on the office in the CURRANTS 24c per lb, by bl. the external man by some inquiries turned the door was locked with the Hue Lafitte for 10,000 francs, inclosed COFFEE, Rio per sk, 28c per lb. about the interest taken by the visitors patent lock." in tho letter: 'Sir: You one CHEESE 25c. to 27c. per lb. in the different branches of the collec" 'I have them now, and shall bo able day gavefollowing a louis to Baron llothschild in CLOVES 5c. tions. The man thawed out an idea. per lb. to restore the missing couple to their the studio of Ary Scheffer. He has emCANDLES, 12 ot $3.00 per box. "Yea, sir,,, he said, "the public takes friends; put on your hat and come along litand sends the you ployed it, aa interest, but you would be astonished with me.' CANDY, Fancy 32c to 40 per lb. THE tle capital with which you entrusted " Stick 30c- at some of the questions asked, and the "In a few minutes I was ready, and him, together with its interest. A good observations made about the things. down wo went to tho Museum. The action CnCRNS, Patent Julian, $8.79 to $12.50. always brings good fortune d There was a COAL $9.00 to $11.00 per ton. lady many porter admitted us, and we knocked up Baron James de Rothschild.' On receipt nrm-pr- r TTTTrtrnTnr COD FISH 14c. to 16c. per lb. years ago, who wished to see the Elgin the officer who had tho necessary keys. of this order I sought the billionaire, 13c. to 15c.'B COPPERAS Marbles, and when I pointed them out, It took some time, however, to wake him, who proved to me, from the books beCUDBEAR 55c 'Lor,' says she, 'I thought they were as he slept very sound that night. We fore him, n that under his management my round!' On another occasion, an Irish- then procured lanterns and entered the louis had CAMPHOR $1.40 n so as to fructified actually man asked mo if the body of St. Patrick building. It was pitchy dark, and as have swelled to the COMPOSITION-7- 5e. , sum mo. sent large and when I told not, we traversed tho galleries, my ear was was not CORN $1.25 per buihol. departed in no slight anger. There was struck by the fancied sound of the gasp CHICKENS 50c, each. another lady who inquired for the Egyp- or some or the denizens of the cases. EOUS 20c Per dot. Kholioiic Fall Idaho. tian roast duck found in the tombs, and It is an appalling thing to go through FLOUR $4.00 per aack. when I suggested to her if she wanted the dark galleries at midnight, and see CINOER 40c. to &0c. per lb. the We from the Owyhee clip following Is supplied with the latest improved (he green peas too, indignantly exclaim the statues, partially lighted tip by the 8x10 per box, $6.50. CLASS ed: bear, I will report you to gleam of a bull's eye, starting as it were Avalanche of a recent date: " 10 x 12, $7.00. facilities for turning out every These falls rival in magnitude and CLUE 40c. per lb. your superiors!' But the superiors on- out of darkness visible to warn off all those Yoseniite. to ly smiled as she called them, when they the intruders. HAY $10. of and $7. Full ton. grandeur iuppty, Niagara per description of heard the story, and that was long af"To any one who believes in ghosts. Snake river there runs through a nar HOOP IRON 14c. to 15c. per t. terward." tho moment is very trying; indaed, one row, rocky gorge, terminating abruptly HOUSE SHOES-112- .50 a keg. "Have you many distinguished visit- may, from time to time, expect to see in INDIOO-$2- .00 cliffs fully one thousand per lb. precipitous ers?" I inquired of the Old attendant. some feats of spiritualism or rappings lcet abovo the rapius, which torm a IRONS, SAD 12J4. per lb. "Oh yes: on private days, as they are perforated Dy the statues. series of cascades from thirty to sixty LYE $11.00 per caae. called, foreigners are admitted, and "But we went on silently lo the door. feet in height, and finally calm them LEAD White $414. to $0.00 per can. foreign princes come when in London; This, eir, is the door of tho room." I selves into one smooth expanse which Bar 20c. per lb. but of them I take little notice. At said to the officer. He turned the kev trembles, as it were, on the verge, and LOGWOOD 28c. to 33c. per lb. Ia the finest style. four o'clock we clear the galleries. I of both locks, and we entered. It was a then leaps in one unbroken mass 210 LAMPBLACK 20c. per lb. shout, 'all out,' and rattle my stick, moment or two before we could see any feet into the yawning chasm below. The LUMBER $3 to $5.00 hundred feet. and then I look all about to see that thing, when, 'Thank Heaven, Charles, contour of the falls is something like a MUSTARD 66c. to 65c. per per lb. there are no stowaways or other hidden, some one has released us!' said a voice horse shoo, and their width, following MATCHES $8.00 to $11.00 per as you know they might walk off with out of a heap of curiosities, which lay In the line of water, is said to be at least MADDER 35c. per lb. Memnon," said he, looking up to the the corner of the room, and two figures 400 yards. Below the falls the river is METAL, BABBIT 40e. per lb. head and shoulders of a statue weighing slowly rose up, one in the costume of a perfectly calm and smooth, giving noevl M0LASSES,-1- .7 per g.il. about twelve tons, and which when New Zealand warrior, and the other dence of the fearful leap just taken. Sugar Drip, $2.00 per gal. complete must have stood at least forty dressed as one of tho girls of tho Sand There is no timber in that vicinity except $1.75 per lb. NCTMEQS feet high. "But I am one with them, wich Islands." some stunted junipers that find support NAILS $8.90 to $9.90 per keg. aud the only fellow that ever played me How did it all end? It was a very in the crevices of the rocks. Altogether OILS, LINSEED $2.24 per gal. that trick will never forget it." awkward affair." the sublimity and grandeur of the scen " FISII-$- 1J5 ' 'What trick was that?" ana cannot lather be surpassed. Tho solitude lour mother, young ery " BPERM-$3- .80 this said the detective, 'have been in a of the spot, the defcaning roar of the many years ago, perhaps lady,' "Why, " MACHINE-2.- 19 " was somewhere it state of agony at your disappearance; falling waters, and the dark outline of twenty or more " COAL $8.50 per oaM ton about that after my first marriage, I rewards have been offered, and placards the huge black clouds rising above the OATS 3c per lb. looked about as usual, to see ll all was commenced to be posted about the town. mist, all produce a sensation of awe on rosters, PEPPER, Black-4- 9c per lb. safe. At that time the large sarcopha- lake off those costumes, and we will the mind of the spectator and leave an " Cayenne 70c. per lb. gus over there was not in its place, and then take you home.' " of the wonders and impression Hand Bills, immensity PEACHES 10c per lb. . the cover lay atop, about a foot high "We shall just bo in time, Charles for oi creation. PORK Sold at 2c. to 25c Bought at 15c. to 20c. masons the i next let to , s , , drop by ready Lady ischy ball; make haste." POTATOES 50c. to e. per boa lust. Letter Heads, fco our New Zealand chief threw off morning. You uad only to strike out a PUTTY 15c per lb. liable IvOgs. wedge and it slipped into its place and his flaxen costume, and the young lady POLISH, STOVE $1.00 per dos. fitted like a rivet. Well, I looked all disrobed trom her paper mulberry gown knock-knemil Heads, Bow-leg- s and are PICKETS, $5.00 per 100. ana ana among sure niaao .out, about, inside tor Lady ischy s ball was not a fan the common or BAIS1NS deformities $fi.75 box. locked per humanity, that all was safe. So I up the cy one and prepared to follow. ana wise mothers assert that the crook BICE 15c. to 17c. per lb. room and went away quito easy. Next Heeds, "Wo were so cold as night come on," edness in either cases arises from the ROSIN 15c per lb. morning and it was a dark winter's said the young lady, "that, as we saw ROPB, MANILLA 30c to 33c per lb. one I opened the door as usual and our only prospect was of an involuntary atllicted one having been put upon his Blanks, SOAP, OLIVE, I. X. L. $9.00 per box. went after my broom, ana thought confinanient here, wo prepared to pass or her feet too early in babyhood. But SODA $10.25 per raae. would eive tho coffin a bit of a brush the dull hours as best we could. Wo had a Manchester physician, Dr. Crompton, 24o per By STARCH Order Books, inside. So I put in tho broom and be looked attentively at the different curl who has watched for the true cause, SULPHUR 2Uo. ban to stir up the dust, when presently osities, when wo suddenly heard the thinks differently. He attributes, the SALT, Fine 3Jy:. door locked behind us. I ran to the first mentioned distortion to a habit some something yells out from the inside : Invitations, delight in, of rubbfng the 'Don't I don't V" SALTS, F.peom 15c. door, and tapped several times at it, but youngsters 30o. "w hat in the name or neaven are no one heard and I caught the echo of sole of one foot against the other: some to pressed SUGAR, Brown 15c. to 17. per Bx. Tickets, you!" 1 shouted out, and stood back to retreating footsteps, as they went down will go sleep with the soles see what possible creature would come the corridor. Then we sat down in des- together. They appear to enjoy the contact only when the feet are naked out. Crushed $21.00 per aack pair, for there was only a high skylight, Cards, etc., etc. 'I am an Egyptian mummy!" rplied a secured by a grating above our heads. they don't attempt to make it when they TEA-1- A0 to $2.25 per lb. hollow voice from the bottom of the and Charles could not climb up to it. We are socked or slippered. So the remedy ft. TOBACCO, Nat Leaf-tl- .10 per chest " NAVY tt GRAPE 80c talked and endeavored to be as cheerful is obvious: keep tho baby s soles cover' the doctor ascribes to "Ah. you are an Egyptian mummy!" as possible, and speculated that somo ed. Knock-knee- s TRUNKS, $5.00 to $10.00. WASH 110 ARD8-$- 80 says I, "Then I'll lay you out." And one would discover, before too late. a different childish habit, that of sleepPromptly attended to and per dos. no Lstruck the wedge, and down went where we were, but no one came. At ing on the side, with one knee tucked 11.25 per bnshel. WHEAT, thenid, which weighed some four or five last, as the total darkness came on, sleep into the hollow behind the other. 11 S $9. has founded that where one leg has been tons. also invaded me, and as 1 felt very dozy, WASHING MACHINE- - Doty't, $1TjOO. After that I went for the police and and it grew cold, it occurred to mo that bound inward more than the other, the per nest. on one side, FIRST-CLAS- S the masons. Well, we. raised the lid I might keep myself warm by Vf OOD $7. to $9. on patient has always slept WORKMANSHIP per coni , putting and has member the been the one uppermost and then of after half an hour, some of these queer dresses that lay most that deformed. the Here most miserable looking creatures that about, over my other costume, and I did preveu I ever saw crawled out, looking as white so, and Charles found the cloak of a New tive is to pad the insides of the knees so as ashes probably he thought I had Zealand chief, which was as warm as the as to keep them apart, and let the limbs GUARANTEED. embalmed him for life and avowed that sheepskin jacket of an old French con- grow freely their own way. All of commended which is to mothers who de he only passed the night there for a ductor of a diligence. So we resigned lark. Bnt lark or mummy, they ourselves to our fate, and slept soundly. sire the physical uprightness of thier him, and the magistrate gave him And now, brother Charlie, we aro quite progeny. r WILL TAKE ON 8UBSCRIPTIOX, a month s imprisonment for being on ready to start and won't mamma laugh the premises without being asked. I ail about it!" A man calling himself a clergyman is CLEAN COTTON . never heard that he ever shammed to He collects mon New Jersey. "doing be a mummy again here or elswhere, married and few days, every gets For which we will allow In the case of a negro who sued a con- ey, What induced him to play that foolish has a good time generally imposing on trick we never could find out, as a stone fectioner in New Orleans for $5,000 the innocent Jerseyites. Cents coffin, as you may suppose, is neither damages for not entertaining him as if the softest nor most pleasing bed to he were a whiteman, the jury failed to Tho latest fish story is told by the lVrTYlHrVr"' UJ-iN LJLN VX sleep in." We wilt alo allow TOREK CENTS per 5b. for agree and were discharged. They elood Portsmouth N. II.) Chronicle, which says in white-malocked six not been n he have five to six UlBnISAl'RS. by that a fish landed at that place was found "Might negroes and, one accident? Some visitors arc, without for the plaintiff, and six whitemen to have a whole champagne bottle in hi Oother up your Bags and bring them lmg te doubt, apt to delay their departure aud for the defendant. stomach. IX A Li ITS BRAKCIIES. inn vunv. wide-awak- FARMS' The Taper of the Peppier DRY GOODS. l- TR1D11 Offden City, Offden Office ' i jj" The New York Semi-WwkivTr- ib mo every TUESDAY am FRIDAY, and being printed twice a week, we can. of course, print all that appears in our weekly edition, including everything on the subject of Agriculture, ami cam adil much interesting and valunlilemattnr.for which there Is not sufficient room In THIS r.r.r.i.i EEKLY TRIBUNE also TRIBUNE. The SEMI-of ths Four gives, in the course of a year. Three or BEST AND LATEST POPULAR NOVELS, by living authors. The cost of these alone, if bought in book form, would be from six to eight dollars. Nowhere else can so much current intelligence ana permanent literary matter be had at so cheap TRIBUNE. rate as in THE Y TRIBUNE. TKRMS OF THE Mall subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year 104 numbers, M. Mail subscribers, 2 copies, 1 year 104 numliers, f! . 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