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Show Let everybody do their duty, be pre pared to act with coolness and With judg ment in any emergency which rtiay ariso, and all will go on right. OGDENTHEATREl z. c. be. i. June OGDEN CITY. mem and outers 01 me company, sing' Death of Charles Dickens. ing giem aim oiner pieces or music in first-cla- ss glyle, making quiet Newton. It will be seen from our dispatches, v.ry WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, now bathed in moonlight, resonant with by the uodkx FluLumsa tonyANY. that Charles Dickens the great novelist sweet melody. TO-NICH- T, is dead. He died at his residence, Gads-hii- l, FRANKLIN Dt RICHARDS, Editor. If you want Good Board and a near Rochester, England, at half Oxvoro, Jane 9th, 1870. 15, 1870, Wednesday, C. W.JfENRQSE, Asciati Editok. comfortable Clean Bed, go to the Travel Eight o'clock a.m. again found us on past six on the evening of the ninth hist. The Celebrated Tragedian, the our move, er' Rest, North-wecorner of Union company being augment He was seized with paralysis while Johm R. Tool, Propr. ed by tne presence of liishop Alaughan, Square, Ogden. Awl Miss OtiDEAV UTAH. Aaron Thatcher, T. E. Ricks, 8. Collett entertaining a company of his friends at and dinner. others. After of five a drive about wanting a fine quality miles northward over a Wednesday Morning:, June 15, 1870. rather rough His sudden and unexpected demise The I'aToriU Actrww, late of tho Salt Lake Gent's Furnishing Gtods should go to and rolling road, we turned toward the Theatre, to have plunged the British naappears Thirkill & Earl's west a short distance and came to a ' Will appear ani!n, by rwial rqnct, In the tion into the mourn sorrow and deepest great . fjuinll Pox ami VaccinaThrilling Play of WHOLESALE BSy Tatlob Bro's, Merchant Tailors, XATURAt CURIOSITT. ing. They feel that they have been betion. have just received some new Spring goods. At the summit of a mound is a lnrce reft of their brightest literary ornament. it circular well, about forty feet in diame- - The news of his death will '11 Al In wbatever locality the small pox be read with . .. . 4 !l President Young' Trip icr, iu guies or solid rock, apparently makes its appearance, it naturally Supported by the Company. of volcanio formation. Tho water is regret throughout the civilized world. A or l li. excites The and fame of the great writer has pen alarm, enough apprehension green and salt, its surface thinly coated MR. W, PIERCE. SONG Newtom, Cache Co., with some oily substance, and contains etrated to that the most direful consequonce nearly every part of the 1670. a JuneS, number of large nondescript animals. will be the result that home will be Another bright and sunny mornine. a combination of the fish, frog and liz- - globe. Wherever the English language SEE POSTERS. IMG: is spoken, the name of Dickens hag be made desolate, as thousands of hemes the company all well and ready for aru. nooks and lines baited with crick' lave already been, by this dreadful traveling. After a public breakfast and ets were dropped into the well, the come "familiar in the mouth, as house- Doors open at 7.30. Performance at 8. we bade fare strange looking creatures "bit" prayer in the school-housdisease. greedily hold words." well to Bishop llowkius and the hospita ana several were landed Admission, 75 ets. A 50 cts. lor inspection. We do not wish to appear as As a writer of fiction he is ble people of l'ortage, and at eight unequaled. A TlXL SUPPLY OF BSir Store Pay Taken. 4uv unci is uiacK. me unuer nurt a but as we know of the existence o ciock started southward. Met a num dirty yellow, the head flat and snukv. As a delineator of character, he is un of several cases of small pox in some of uer oi lyiunamen on loot, each with a pair of peculiar looking protuberances surpassed. His works breathe a high the settlements along the line of the U pole over his shoulders, balanced bv a projecting irom tne gills which .looked tone and lofty sentiment unlike the of rice at one end and a bundle of like horns in the water, but were folded Styles P. R. R., we deem it our duty to warn bag blankets on the other. They jogged back on land, the four feet resembled maudlin, sensational trash which crowd BUGS TO IXPORM THE oar citizens, to urge upon them not to aiong, in a sort or dog trot, on their wav an alligator's and the tail an eel's. Thev the literary periodicals of the present MRS. M. BOWRIXQ GARNER, (SPRAGUE, MERRIMAC, of (lyrilcn anil Vicinity that .lie has , . t to the mines in Montana, where some of are irom j,nve to inches in length time. He studied human nature was opened ber new MILLIE tiui ESTABLISHMENT, unnecessarily expose themselves in any DUSXELL, AMERICAN, eignt ete.) their countrymen have bought out valu and in the water look like fish with feet. One Door South of the Tost Office, locality where it is known to exist to able claims. The depth of the well was sounded with throughly conversant with it in every Anil luu on hand a choice (election of of society. His adopt the most effective measures with are Crossing over the ruleo into Bear a rock and line and to bo about grade life-likwhich they are acquainted, and which River Valley, we turned off the main ten feet. Ten miles proved and true, generally. vivid, further and we ar io wuicn sue repectlinly Invito tnoir attention. After many years of literary toil, he may be within their reach, to prevent road eastward, rolling alone over a sea rived at Also, of meadows, which stretched away up GENTLEMKV8 WESTOX. this dreaded enemy of mankind from has to in rest his home but gone long to me mouniains: To the right and left, Another evergreen arch and another in his works he making inroads into their families. will live, and his name And SHOO FLY NECKTIES. white, scarlet, yellow. Dink, lavender of citizens and children welcomed d If .B. The PonioivBt Models for Pikto Cutting on wild flowers were group Everybody knows that small pox is and us to town. This place has been .otilcl and memory will be embalmed in the saie. instructions in tne art eratia. contagious thai particles of the in foe blooming amongst the luxuriont bunch about three years. It contains fifty memories of thousands of his friends. 4 and scanty bunches of snore, and i a a grass nous matter is thrown off upon the atover by liishop John mmuies, presiuea ahead was the in the mounright split It is built on a bluff hih ami JBSf Gektlemex wanting Summer Toweling, mosphere which we inhale at every tains through which Bear river rushes Maughan. JEWELRY AND WATCHES. and has a dry, mill good the on Suits should call and see Patterns nt grist UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM inspiration. Hence the necessity fur on its hurried journey towards the Great creek below, owned THE numerous fiicmU and the public generally Mr. Jas. Mack. This narrow gorge looks as It is laid out for a by Thirkill & Earl's. uiui ue nas avoiding exposure to it as much as pos salt Lake. and locaun uunseii on fruit trees Cambrics, city an mougn army or eiesntio excavators MAIN STREET. to adorn the gardens. nble. Clean, well ventilated houses begin had made an opening for the river through Board by the day or week, and in Ojrden, South of White Honm, and in now ins people assembled at once and Good to repair all kinils of Watchel and the mountains and thrown up the soil President especially the sleeping appartmcnti Lodging, at the Traveler's Rest, Jewelry at the nhortent notice,Clock, in a workmanlike Young and Wells .ddre.we.J and rocks in a heaD cleanliness of person and wearing clean huge on terms to suit the time. manner and r on either them. President Young made some re- Ogden. Tithing John R. Pool. Blue. umt-enters uikcu ai par ior worK. marks upon improper levity and excess apparel will help the people very much JAMES FRODSHAM Climbing a steep ascent, wo reached of J&S" Taylor Bro's, Merchant Tailors, in this matter. jocularity, showing how in their lightthe summit. Halting for a few moments headedness the Saints were to eo ant a block west of the bank, Ogden. half . conduces more to sickness, and turning to the west, a splendid - - mr ... nf fJnrf e Nothing anaI grieve the snirit iuu 4o various kinds of disease, than close, landscape spread out before us, hills, He said the body was subiect to sin und and rivers, and the great lake in i Drowsed. We are sorry to have to ,t and tne THOMAS WHITEHEAD. "... YOU ARE anventilated sleeping rooms. Do not valleys ueain, spirit was affected by it, the distance, while facing again to the hetvliy notified that a Bill of Complaint has chronicle the too isaints would have a continual and Be afraid to let into death, of a by oeen me drowning, or mini in rrooale Lourt Weber llomity, your house the cast, a glimpse of Cache valley met the warfare. It was their dutv to keen th boy named John Allen, son of Mr. Utah Territory, wherein ELIZA WHITEHEAD is d light of day, and the glorious sunshine. eye, DacKed with the lofty THOMAS and WHITEHEAD in piaintin detemlant, body perfect health, and to avoid Allen, of the 10th Ward, of this lite object and prayer of which are to obtain It divorce Theatres, day schools and 8unday mountains. Crossing the divide, a steep swearing, breaking the sabbath, city. bond from the of descent of about two miles, the splendid matrimony and the care seems he was allowed to go down to the ami their families, speaking evil ofabusing schools should be well watched and mrant culiil, and that thpir custody oi planum valley of Cache laying at out feet, brought are reipiired to make answer to said complaint you and not to neighbors, borrowing fish, his father on or before the 2Jd returning, river, yesterday, guarded, and the persons who have the UB Ml day of July, AJ)., 1870, and in breaking promises to their children, charging him strictly not to thereof, said complaint will be taken as KKWTOJt. go into the default charge of such institutions should be etc. true and judgment rendered according to the Flowers, President Wells said if thero was nnv water. In the afternoon his clothes prayer oi said complaint. vigilant, and careful not to allow auy Close by an arch of evergreens, with welcome lettered over the top, were evil here tho Saints had brought iL were brought home by a companion who By order of the Court. person to enter them who has been re- the F. D. RICHARDS, Judge. school children and most of he citi for came soil went and with they there upon with the him, virgin sad intelligence Attest: F. 8. RICHARDS, Clerk. cently exposed to the infection of any sens, with banners and mottoes, bowing was no need for anything evil to be that he had 46- -t gone in bathing and got mo TiBiiors inio meir settlement. New here. Neglect of contagious disease, if they know it. duty would hri ton is 20 browned. miles This from news was 10 hcavv blow a miles darkness and darknessapostacy. Portage, Again a great deal has been said, Every j both pro and ton about vaccination. from Logan and 12 from Mendon. It is one was free to do good or evil.but must to the parents, who had, on former occa STOLEN FROM HOOPER'S SPRING RANGE, only a few months old in reality, though take the consequences. Exhorted them of black Horses, one 4 and the ether 1 eopie sions, refused to let him go to the river, 5 years old; medium In have their prejudices both in the staking out of the town was com to sixe? one has a white spot keep clear the channels of communion forehead, braud on the lett tliiuh not some such accident as this. Hewas lavor of and against this practice. menced fifteen months ago. It is an off- cation with tho as they kept their fearing the other bramhil on the left shoulder LY, tho bar Lord, The Xt l'ork Tribum is convinced shoot of Clarkston, most of the settlors irrigating channels when they wanted drowned in the Jordan about half a mile of the L not allowing plainly; some white hairs Intermixed the black, tail considerably mixed having moved from that place to reside the water to flow. above the Sixth Ward Bridge.and though with white. with irom past experience of the "immense in Any one (riving intormdtion leading Newton, while retaining their farm The wants ef all the visitors were wpII search to the of said horses will be lilierally re- recovery has been made for the body, it value" of vaccination, that, if it is pro in Clarkston; the latter, n.iiiu-,though a fine supplied, and a long string of earring MENS' AND ROYS' uj u..m iiah.uh, ugticn tity. has not summer been found. He is reported to be location, being subject to severe and wagons stretched out on the road to perly performed, it may be the means of s and deep snow-drifin tho north, skirting the base of the wes- about thirteen years of age. This enabling many parents to save their own winter. boy's OCDEN TANNERY. Bishop W. F. Littlewood, who tern mountains. A rapid drive of about untimely death should prove a warning and their children's lives. If there is YOU WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, TRY an presides here, is enterprising, hard- sixteen miles brought us through Clifton, to others who are in the habit of going IF real virtue in it if it will ensure safety, working man. A short time since, he a little town of fifteen LEATHER. families, to to my Tannery and see if I will not WI to down fish and d bathe. then the people should lose no time in lost, by fire, a new Parents cannot yonCome house, GOOD as LEATHER as the best, aud as cheap OXFORD, which he had just finished. But nothing n mo in tue mnrKci. in Round Valley, a lovely vale in the ex be to careful of thoir children in this vailing themselves of its benefits. It daunted, he went to work IIYDES aud BARK WANTED. again, and is contended, by experienced physicians, now has a respect. The parents have our sympa good substantial rock house treme north of Cache Valley and Utah of JONATHAN BROWNING. that, under a thorough system of vacci- - finished near enough to comnletion to Territory. It occupies a pretty elevated thy in their great bereavement. Daertt situation.streaks of snow on the hill tops Evening Xewt, June 13. NOTIONS. aation, the danger of death from small reside in it. The little town is located en being quite close to town. Thirty-fiv- e bench magnificent coin sloping pos Is almost annihilated. We extraot amines resiue nere with Uishop Wm. MERCHANT TAILORS, nianding a view or the whole southern Nelson. the following from the Tribune: Valley has been settled part of the valley. At two o'clock, we on and onRound for five years, but the people, Unless we aocept the rough dictum of held meeting in the bowery. The Logan from A LARGE QUANTITY OF various choir was causes, have had to shift thero and seme JOHN TAYLOR & BRO. sweet sang some aupe or raise statistics that "nothtwo tneir until when quarters and anthems years ago, Havinpr carried on business, successfully in Salt charmingly. ing lies like figuros, except facts," we nymns Lake City for the last ten years, feel confident that they settled upon the present site, with aiders Lorenzo Snow and John T must noid that the advocates of vacci nicy can give satislactlon to the residents of Ogden. lor addressed tho congregation upon the wuicn tney appear well satisfied. Al nation have proved their case; for the A choice collection of subiect to though narlv lata .ml r.A.i. or the gospel and the authorized facts and figures point one requirements are able to raise ClotliM, they of the corn, squash and people. Showed that way with surprising inflexibility. Here prospects the hamta had kept the laws of the melons, as well as small grain, and are OEAI.ED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED arm a few that will hardly be dis eountry, but this was Adapted to th Season, always on hand. not sufficient, they rearing quite a number of fruit trees. eJ at the Tithing Office, ORden, until Five o'clock puted: Two fine creeks to water had the flonls' Own Materials Made Up. and law and requirement obey every gardens In London, during the ten years end- p.m, on SATURDAY, JCNE 26th, 1870, to Also, fields, and there is room enough and me "Half Block a oi West of the Bank, Ogden gospel. City.'Sa ichiu, mere were ljsu deaths from ing land enough for a largo number of our .ncr tne aiamiaxai - nr . .n.. mall-po& in a population of 2fil.2:w. Scythes, rresidont Young and a portion(UVV.IUi of the ciiy ioiks, who have no land nor any Fifty years before, Parliament had made of prospect went to getting any. Inoculation or small pox a penal offence, company An evergreen arch, a troop of children in consequence of the amount of disease CLARKSTOX, and a crowd of citizens, again welcomed little over four mitva In thn artificially produced by a very imperfect the company, and another bowery was and unsafe method of performing the a pleasant spot, with rich land for smali uuu wun peopie, anxious to receive TO THE FARMERS OF UTAH. operation. grain, abundance of grass and wood instruction. Over tho Weber River, Dr. Jenner's first wok discovering, the but only a small stream of water, which T8A AC MOORK, 00 PEN CITY, IS AGENT FOR Elders Lorenzo Snow, John Taylor, R m secret or vaccination, as since adopt has to suffice for both Clarkston and t. I this Territory of the liurton, President Wells and President On the Hay-rakes, d and used, was published in 17D8. A Newton; and a little difficulty existed gouth (id. of the Utah Central Railroad addressed the meeting, imparting Track. Young new face was put on the matter thenae- - oout tne or both buiuw Taiuaoie counsels and instructions continuing forth. In fourteen years from 1841 to settlementspropriety com .Dined. xvAttuiiiuo or vacating Clarkston as a upon various . Til MWliIno Material, to be furnished Contractors. topics, among which were m.w,m ILiMirimotir r,l niia iini iBon the population of London being place of residence and .... am tin rhi)ition in the necessity of serving the Lord with v..i concentrating """"" " The Bridge to be Sis hundred and ierentv-flv- e 2.250,000, there were but 821 deaths Ogden, Uinh. an undivided heart, of sacrificing private -from small-poCAf.L AND EXAMINE THEM.-f- c A meeting was held in the bowerv In England, from 1854 (675) feet long and three (3) feet eight (8) inche. iruuugs iuu mess ior tne general good, wide, from ontoide to gou furnished to order. to 186.1, the annual mortality from this and rresident addressod the the tendency of riches and merchamli. outside, and a guard on each 4V2ln loung ISAAC MOORE. cause diminished from 8,01)0 per million people; said this had been ex- - ing to create pride and rebellion, leading ido two (2) feet six (6) inches high. oountry to 171. In Sweden, between 1810 and piorod wnen the Spaniards invaded to apostacy, and the importance of feno- For further specifWtiom apply to Messrs I860, it fell off from 2,050 to 158; in America, Spanish coius of the 15th aud Forks. mg, improving and building np the THOMPSON FIFE at th. Tithing Office. Westphalia, from 2,642 to 11 4; in Bohe- iota century had been dug up in differ to Lord. the mia, from 4,000 to 200; in Berlin, from ent parts of the territgry. Fremont country mis pleasant little town presents a Ogden, Juno 16, 1870. 8,422 to 176; in Copenhagen, from 3,128 had al.-i- made explorations here, but more "X T ATTMI ...... Ta annimated appearance than it has to 286. ALL KINDS OF 48--3 the country was considered incapable of ever done OIVEN, THAT A MV, 10 "''K'-H1 1 before. The people are pleased Mining District wag nrinuii.l M oe tar.. These statements are given by Dr. E. Edwards' Saw Mill, at nie. When w first came commencing supporting nu not thoncc in any way burdened with thi Peaton in a recent English work. In here, frosts were so severe as to freei up the centre of Blacksmith't F.rk river fonn'ne In a ... i,.v To , largo crowd of visitors, but. in addition the year 1863 a very severe epidemio of the grain in the fields, but the climate to u i Ml ..win taking care of us over S7J ne.of rwnc flinty, thence along said line mall-po- x preraged in London. Of the chil- had changed, and the sterility of tho paring food for us for night, arewhen hence West following that stream to.....i'.J dren who died and children constitute land had given way because the Lerd we expect to make an earlv start for & Cirr RRcxmnn'g Omci ) north of Mid mill." il...n. ' a.....u . blest the labors of the Saints. Ha ad large majority of the entire mortality P4 June 15, 1870. beirinnin, I or s, it is estimated, mightjhave vised the continuance of both those set- ariv m sixty miles. An opportunity NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY CHARLES W. nnL8H! -- I...-J 'evieu jw i.nr.l... ru;i..n,. ,. ... . uippaioa mis siteicn, . so au been saved if all had been vaccinated be tlements, allowing those who wished, to uuvis of an OntiMniva nom-- A -IN FACT, n rtvoir. 1 .fi by the City Council of Omhi FREDERICK TEATES, Secretary. fore the age of two months. 44-anu jU sam m the peomjr ir viarnsiun, owning or keeping dogs In the City'of Ogden, are There are degrees of thoroughness in ple would bo united the water would BqT Tho Best Accommodation for required to register them. in The Police ar. Instructed the operation, and the success of the increase and they would be able to raise Travelers will found at the Traveler's vision, of said Ordinance are to see that the pro. be carried out. fully operation will depend to some extent en a great deal of without irrigation. The certificate of registration It obtained Jona R. Tool. the carefulness of its performance; but He enooursged grain t my office, between the hour,may them to righteousness, Rest, Ogden. of 10 a.m. and IY imth'.iihop attached for Sale ti,- - i.i.i. 4 p.m. and South of White House, Main left his establishes the fact that a ipcnence blessings with them. str.t, Opien. By order, We returnod at once to Newton, where 3T Tatlor Bro's, Merchant Tailors, iborough vaccination, as our best physi-eianestcrn THOS. O. OBELI Union understand it, protects the system another meeting had just commenced. half a block west of the bank, Square. 4.ii Recorder. City Ogden. as surely as an kttack Elder D. B. Huntington spoke for a gainst small-po- x of th disease itself would. short time, followed by F, I). Richards. Lumber ron the Miiuom. All kinds President Young Instructed the peoThe city authorities here, will, we are AND MISS POULSEN RE-.- .. ple to avoid strife and excitement; said of ordinary lumber, plank, scantling, MRS. M TRIBE ly I?no,"W to the Ladies of Ocden All Orders addressed to D. II. TEERi i assured, immediately do all they can to while we dwelt in the flesh we should joists, flooring, beams, rafters, sheeting, it. vicinity that have opened Mnkimr Establishment. they ..... prevent the malady from gaining a foot-bo- be subject to temptations, but it was reu .... . iTv" ooum oi me etc, delivered t the U. P. Depot in Og Whit Ogdeu City, will hve prompt in this place. "We are also pleased quired of the Saints to overcome them, T0TTCE TS HEREBY den GIVEN for First-clas- s 1000 feet. THAT A stvili1" $3o yhMnfc in ud the to per latest the Lord God in their to learn that the U. P. R. R. oflielals are sanctify attention. Mining District wm orpuiined on the 13th s,y.1.' Satisfaction guaranteed. hearts by being subject to him in all flooring, finishing lumber and pickets, at day of June, 1870, eommeucinit Hot Spriuirs at the .i I nil It nir MlanM il.mk i . doing their duty in this matter, by things. ' $40. Delivered at the U. C. Depot in nil., ik "WTHER AND SHAVEM. """" ix mites, tlieuca Wet Elder C. YY. Penrose made a few re Salt Lake taking every precaution to prevent permiles, thence South Ave miles to the plare at of an on the advance City I miw.ma.? UHf.nAS. FttllMft'Kl V marks and sons who are infected, or supposed to be Tion. The represented the Ogden Juno above prices, of $2,50 Counties. I'th 1000 feet. Ad per were well all 1'lishe.l cared company "JOHN SPIKRtt iafnoUO, from traveling in the general knight of The ' ' . j OI Ihe or-,e""1 rin mourner for in ert-rbsi,H. on Main SrST. ".'ime'" the even- dress J. Williams & Co., Weber Station, M respect. ami During trut passenger cars. THOMAS 11. MCSKiRAVE, ing the Lo,;an choir serenaded the Fres- - U. T. R. R. 41 ' T. A.. L. YSTE MR. A. A. ADAMS, st &RETI 1 NOW 0 P EN e, IVrJLHENERY. Prints, latest ..... SUMMER GOODS, Domestics, e, Denims, lemon-colore- Checks, 47-- . 1 pre-er- Silicias, 47-- tf r , Ginghams, LEGAL JJOTICE. Chambrays, Irish Linen, snow-cappe- Swiss Muslin, Ribbons, Parasols, NOTICE. Shakers, 47-- 2 wind-storm- ls STEAW HATS. eight-roome- An endless variety 46-3- NOTICE. To Bridge Builders. BOOTS & SHOES. dixxiiitei'CN, x, BTJXLD A FOOTBRIDGE nnrlLi Eeapers, Mowers and Wagons. Grain Grass Cradles, Snaths, -- KirbyReaping &Mowing sa Hoes, . . Bakes, NOTICE! Millville District. all whom it may concern. GKOCEKIES. HI- ... even-eighth- i- .i" 1 The Stock is complete all Departments. NOTICE s in -- NOTICE. Hot Spring District. ld tl II : . : """"" I fT' Secretary. , -,,,k," , ' c"1' shave in an ",r,', i.k., ,MM ai, kfvn lit li(f ,u a 1T.B. CLA1VSOX, Sit nerintendentm i |