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Show BY TELEGRAPH. .. kl TrT WEDNESDAY and SATU KMT, ,.trii niebt On Saturday- AMERICA!. vra Banin'g beautiful play of and Pythias," in the perfor..pmon Mr. Lyne and Miss of which, mance themselves. distinguished Vlams again Mr. Thorn was well up in his part, himself great credand, as "Pythias" did elicited many favorable His acting it old Theatre joromenta from many of our presented gor. At the close of the piece, Mr. Lyne and Miss Adams was called before the and audience. the of congratulations The performance concluded with the laughable farce of the "Limerick Boy." by special request of a numthe of principal citizens of Ogdcn, ber to see Mr. Lyne once more in desire trlii) his great character of Damon, and Miss Adams, in her beautiful personation of Caltnthe, "Damon and Pythias" will be repeated. jgf Tailors should go to Thikkii.l IReLIOIOUS SeBVICES OS first-cla- & Washington. The Senate, on motion of Sherman, gave leave to the finance committee to sit during the sessions of the Senate. Morrell called up a joint resolution to pay the expenses of the delegations of Indians now visiting Washington, and appropriating fifty thousand dollars for presents; passed. Red Cloud denies all knowledge of the treaty of 1807 and say it's all a lie. Copies of it have been given to the Indiana for interpretation, . and another council will be held He again interviewed Secretary Cox The latter advised him and other Indians to adopt the ways of civilization, and assured him that the Government would protect and care for the Indians who kept the peace. Red Cloud had a final council with the authorities and leaves for home on Monday. He says he is not angry, but the Indians are evidently not well pleased with the result of their visit. benator Morrill and Delegate Hooper, of Utah, interviewed Red Cloud last evening. The latter said there would be no war if the whites waited for the Sioux to commence it. Hooper told the chief that the Mormons never lost a life, an animal or a bale of goods, in crossing the Sioux country until the railroad was built, since which they had lost some property on the train. Red Cloud expressed the opinion that the Mormons always talked straight and dealt fairly with his people. He leaves for New York, where he remains a day or two before proceeding y. curtain and received the applause Gkstlexen wanting forces, have succeeded i Turkish territory- - ss Earl's. Sl'NDAY. Tabernacle in the morning, Elder R. E. Cunningham addressed the congregation on the restoration of the gospel in the last days, the organization of the kingdom of God, and the necessity of continued revelation from the Lord, t direct mankind in the way of At the eternal life. lie spoke President Farr followed. of the conflicting opinions entertained by the world, the inconsistences and disscntions which characterize the nu- home. The resolution, granting the right of way to the Memphis and hlpaso Pacific railroad, was indefinitely ' postponed. Bills were passed, making uniform the salaries of the thief Justices and asso .Florence. The Econottuta retorts that the cor respondence between the Italian and Swiss governments, on the subject of the threatened invasion or Italy ny me adherents of Maizini, has assumed a milder tone. A dispatch from Vienna states that a descent of the Italian revolutionists, from Austrian territory, is threatened, and that the Austrian government is taking measures against the movement. Madrid. A uroposition for the complete aboli tion of slavery in the Spanish eolonies, and for indemnity to the owners will bo brought forward in the Cortes next week. The Cortes is discussing the abolition of slavery in the colonies. Municipal. y, PROSPECTUS or this escaping to SALT LIKE HERALD. LumbeR UTAH CENTRAL WILL, IN FEW PAYS, TIIE TJNDERMGNKD ths publication of tlie SALT LAKK roit Tin: iiom:i:k lixe or UTAH. A II KK A 1,1), a now Morning Journal. The HERALD will be strictly a newspaper. It will contain the latest Local, Ucnerul ami Foreign News by Telegraph am) Mail, and will iiim to pre aeut to iu readers, at the earliest possible moment. the most interesting tteuui of news gathered troui all part of the glol. it will im mdcieiidcnt in tone, ana n editorial will treat current topic of interest in a straightn and liberal manner. forward, It will endeavour to advance the interests of the Territory, defend tho right of the people of I' ten, with whom the Publishers are not ially and religiously identified, sustain just principles, and labor fin- - the general good. Interesting Hoiue anil Foreign Correspondence will be found in it" columns. The desideratum of newspaper advertisers la a paper that is generally read bv the people. The Proprietors of the SALT LAKE II KHALI) will seek to secure this by laboring energetically to make a ppsr that will be sought alter and widely mi. The Witnrinl Department will lie under the charge of KDW A Kit L. SLO AN. A EEKLY 11 Kit A I.I) will be Issued as soon as the necessary material for it arrives. RAILROAD. ON AND" AFTEJl KIIjL.jL.IOM, TI ITJ1S1A.Y, MAY lO will leave Ogdcn daily at R amn an! p.m. Arrive, at Salt Lake City at 10 a.m. and " 7.30 p.m. Train UTAH Iav Stt LUMBER CIIEU'EU Lime! Lime! J. WILLIAMS & Article or d per Bushel. 41-l- LUMBER, o u mmi:! pared tieople adjoining Counties with u. 1 Articles of i.mi: and ltitiCK at their Kilns at Portervilte: or they will ship them on the Cars at Morgan City to any point v. P.. or V.V. ilinittted on the lines of the U. Railroads. Thuy will warrant to their Patrons a commie article. Tim price of the l.une ehipiicd at (Villa, per Bushel the price of Morpan Sixty-fiv- e the Brick, Ten Dollars ier Thousand. Cash, Stock and Produce at Lash Itntes tuken. In payment. Orders to lie sent to THOMAS lllUUt.ll, Portcrville, Morgan County. r, COAL! COAL! lJTJUTVlNCi OPilNSON t CO. ARE furnish the beat coal: NOW PREPARED TO qiuility of Coal, at 4.00 per Ton, on the Cars, at Echo. All flrders addressed to KOIIIN'SON A Co., Coalville, Summit County, Utah, will meet with prompt attention! ' Tin: i uti: AND MAX EI ELD ARK NOW ILL RUN 11. ritw R ik m ft ml S;ilf Tjiltf P?tv 4.41 in. m which full fur will ititl tlt thiiMtr of a lU'kcl to n1uni mi tlto wuniu luy .ml will mop hy a ith lining with the trail) frM au1 ... ... k amiu lis... iu. ,.L-- ai. w r.f I....... ii 'i , ni n n j jinn vn iiiw i"iioui ill niw1ilA I.MlJr ill'ltAffi III KilU O'IHh ii.l.litioiml wilt buehaigiHl laWa..HP tho oIliioH, FARES il I at. Echo, will meet prompt attention. FEMALE Inch Xxum- ber and Sheeting, at $35 per WHITE HOUSE, SPUING GOODS, MAIN STREET OGDEN HOUSE, MA.nST STREET y, u. BREWERY ATTENTION, JOSEPH A. YOUNC. SUPERINTENDENT. r District Zion'ft OPERATIVE MERCANTILE Si-ron- d MILLINERY OK ALL KINDS Mrs. PENROSE'S, on the Kaat side of South of Officii House. little a Street, lists, Bouuets, Babies' lioods, etc, made to order. Straw and Tuscan Goods cleaned and altered to the latest Fashions. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. CO INSTITUTION, MAIN STREET, OGDEN, EXPECTED TO ARRIVE, DIRECT East, a splendid Ainmeiit of SHORTLY Mini Kj Summer 1STITLT10X, ;vtite Bihr,p Wnf, IV W 13 13 Oil, Faints, Gluts, etc., Likewise an excellent Assortment of ll'ATS, IHl'H. IJOOTS, SHOES, AND SSTATIOXKRY. X.n. Prescriptions carefully prepared 3in 1 NOTICE. ri" ALL PERSONS WHO DKLIfillT IN A Glass of Hue Ssirkling Beer, please call at til. I North sida of Union Square, Main Street, Ogden, where they ran b supplier Willi that Article, of the very beet quality, and at reduced prices. 3o-t- f SMITH & CO'S. YARD Flooring, Finish- LUMBER Cue and a Half Block West of the Junction the Dcxt. and Lumber ing Picketing, at $10. per M. Office, U. C. R. R. And near HAVK ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY of gisst Lumber, of various sines to suit the requirements of the purchaser. Also an immense quantity of Pickets, all of which wo will sell cheap for Cash, and lirnlli nt Cash price. N.M. All those persons whom w. have and who know themselves indebted to li- -, arefeqiiiite! to couin forward and make settlement withiu oue tiiuuth and save costs. SMITH A Co., Proprietors. WE 20-fl- Parties requiring a Bill for Building will do COAL! COAL! wall to giva us a call, as we will furnish a General Bill of Lumber cheaper than any other house in the line. W e will deliver in Salt Lake City at an ailranro of tl.M per thousand over Ogdcn price. JOUS SPRIOHS IS NOW PREPARED furnish the best quality Coal TO AT $4.00 PER TON on the Cars at Echo. All orders to lie addressed John Spriggs, . tlx, Snuimit county, Utah Territory. Coal-- vi 14-l- y FIKST-CLAS- HOME Main To F IIOII.ICS nnd MAI- - see. CIIAXTS of UTAH wc otTor thin advantage: "H'c will GROUND TO LEASE. TAKE ALL KIXDS OF PAY, BSr :w-- tf call. Aisrr - BUILDING At Markot KategjEggs, Butter, Floor, or other Corner of of the Farm. Also Stock of any kind; for particulars apply to JAS. McGAW, Esq., at production the Ju.tCTiog Office. Sheep, Cows, Work Cattle; Wagons, etc. tf SFfERAL KLIOTBLK TERY Lease on tiie North-we- Union Square. NOTICE! Hard IScrubMe NOTICE. Spaniel Holt District. VTOTTCE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT A Mining District has been funned, commen-ein- g at the Ogden Woolen Factory and running East Ml miles, thence North six miles, thence W ct six miles, thence South six mil to the place of beginning. The District being Six miles square. J. J. KENTON, Esq., was duly elected Uecordor Of Spanish Belt Dlst riei . WM. KDSON HATCH,- Secretary. XI Often, May, 9th, 38-t- f 180. MANUFACTURE. CHARLES PEARCE, alltKK.T, OllllKK, MA1.N Call. tb. attention of Hie Public to his Now ami Splendid Assortment of Tin, Iron and Copper Ware, wlilca he keeps constantly on hand. variety of Also, a good STOVES, of superior quality; all of which he odors for sal. at as low figure, as any that are imported from the East. N It Job Work punctually and neatly executed Store Pay at cash rates, or tnteu Cash Itself not refused. Iilric. "VT"0TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A iM Mining District was formed on the Eleventh day of April. 1W0, commencing at the Mouth of Devil's Gate, in Mill t!reck Kanynn, Morgan Cennty, and miming Most four miles, thence South ten miles, theme Kat eight miles, tlience North ten miles, thence West four, mile to the . plac of beginning. OSCAR 0. STODDARD, Esq., was duly elected Recorder of Hard Scrabble District. THOMAS BROUGH, 4Mm Secretary. tf PARPE LADIES! ' D.O. CALDETC, Ticket ami Freight Agent.- FIRST-CLAS- S OF Consisting of Artificials, yeathors, Ribbons, Uats, etc., etc. A fine assortment, fur sale, cheap. . 20-- tf fioo WESTEKX LAGER KEEK HALE, Thousand. FEMALE RELIEF SOCIETY BEG TO the attention or the Ladies to their NEW STOCK fl.T.t coueernlug Freight or Pas For all tiiforsiatioii sage, apply to Chemitalt, MAIN STREET, OGDEN. HOTELS. no fl.SH OGDKX, llavo on hand a splendid Stork of RELIEF ASSOCIATION, THE Jl Ogden to Kaysville " Farniingtonu Centrevillu " Wood's Crosa Salt Lake City which, together with our present Stock, we think will enable us to supply our customers and tl. public generally with such articles aa they hi need, at priris that cannot fail to giro satisfaction. Pliiwo call and examine lwfore trying elsewhere. taken Wheat, Corn, Barley, Outs, Butter and lmnirM fur Goods, at the Inchest Marki t in prices. CASH NOT UEltSEl). . y; uw lei on pMttoi.trM., .iV Cash, Stork and all kinds of produce taken in Orders addressed to pnviiKSit, at cash rates. JOHN M. LEWIS, care of A. C. JJKCKWITII, Of & SATURDAYS WEDNESDAYS Plank, Scantling, Joists. Firt and Third Ward Flooring T It 3t I X, Beams, m:t .s ii n:ii( im;s, Rafters CRISMON furnish an excellent quality of coal ou the cant at K ho, on terms to suit the times. 0. RE-OPENE- D. ALL KINDS TII.UV ACCOUJIODATIOX foot-brid- Lini;! 6 a.m. ami 2.45 p.m. BJll. and 4.45 p.m. In addition to thft above an 42-t- f ciates in the Territories, extending, for six months, the passage of the act for the presentation of claims for additional bounties. The bill making a land grant to the central branch of the Union Pacific merous bodies of professing Christians, Railroad was discussed during the en and alluded Co the increase of infideltire session, and passed, 61 against Id. Axtell produced an article from the ity, etc. San Joaquin, Cal., Republican, charging In the afternoon, Rev. It. Gaylord, corruption on the pnrt of Congress in of Omaha, preached on the necessity, the matter of the Northern Pacific Kail Jubticb's Court. The examination power and efficacy of faith in God as a road franchise, and ironically suggested of Charles Slater and others, who were a committee from the reporters of that jewarder of all who diligently seek to investigate the matter and charged with petty larceny was continHe was followed by Rev. E. E. paper Him. ued on Saturday last beforo Justice watch the members. ' New York, Rayliss, of Corinne, on the same subEggleston. The charges were sustained Brigadier General William Zeebach, ject. them and they were fined as folgeneral of subsistence, on against President Farr also made some ap- commissarylioftiunn s staff, died yester lows: Slater, $35, Robson, $25, Ken Governor propriate remarks, and counseled the day, at his residence in this city, of nedy, $10, and Glass, $5. In addition faints to live the religion of Jesus Christ; heart disease. to which, each one had to pay Boston. to do right in all things and keep the of the costs. convicted who was a commandments of Gad. Mellen, year ago has been sen Mr. liayliss and Mr. Gaylord also of heavy embezzlement, builders. See notice-tbridge tfgf held services at the U. P. R. R. depot; tenced for each to two years imprison the former in the morning, the latter at ment, and $100,000 fine. jfcSy Owners of dogs, see advertise Philadelphia. night, ment. The State medical society has finally teg-- Gksti.kmin wanting a No. 1 decided not to touch the question of the Hot Springs Mining Pistrict Suit of Heady-mad- e Clothing should go admission of women to medical col See advt. TniRKiLL & Earl's. leges. ' The Hoppkbs. We have been asked The coopers are on strike; several been have the burned, including why we dont say something about the THKSt, Clair's Lkctcrr. On Fri- shops of William it. lliouv barrel factory large hoppers. We thought everybody knew day night, Mr. St, Clair and his daughas. One man has been arrested for ar enough of them already. ter lectured in the Theatre to a respectson. For several davs however, millions of Chicago. ive, though not very large audience. A singular suicide occurred last night: them have been on the wing. Earth The gentleman's lecture consisted John Schcwitzcr, who mysteriously dis- and air literally swarmed with the pests. in anecdotes of his mainly relating appeared in January, last night presenttravels in Canada, the Eastern States, ed himself to bis wife, and after a few The outside of many buildings were Utah and California, giving brief des- words of farewell, put a pistol to his covered with them. They also infested head and blew his brains out. the inside of many dwellings. criptions of the people, and the resourNew Orleans. But since Monday they have not ces of the numerous places which he had inJudge Bradley, while refusing an been quite so numerous in this city. visited, interspersing the same with junction against the slaughter house Co., of them have migrated, we be Clouds house had bill many comments, some of which were by stated that the slaughter one of the most, odious monopocreated We hope they will westward. lieve so means very flattering to sundry perlies ever attempted, and that the injus- continue their in that direction flight sons who have, at various times, visited tice perpetrated by the legislation of until they drop into the Salt Lake, and ha said, "gone away irresponsible legislatures has become there Tub, and then, get a thorough pickling; or that the curse of our country. and lied about the Mormons." they may be drawn toward the "MaelLewiston. Mr. St. Clair is a plain, outspoken strom" go on a voyage of discovery The Central Block has been nearly or through the subteranean out-le- t, nan who "says what he thinks" of any. destroyed by fire; loss $60,000 to $75,-00- anywhere else so that we get eternally in are sufferers The the was lie listened to body principle any place. rid of the devouring "cusses. First National Bank, Cobb & Scranton, with interest and attention. P. McGilly, Cuddy, Walfield and W. G. Miss St, Clair delivered a lecture on Garcellon. Partly insured. education, which was intended chiefly FOKEIG3T. for the instruction of young men and London, 11. The death of Dickens causes profound young women, in which she inculcated virtue, chastity, filial obedience, &c. sorrow throughout the land. He was She reflected rather severely on the apparently in good health on Wednesconventionalisms and etiquette of fash- day, when he wrote several pages of "Edwin Drood." The suddenness of Best of Accommodations and ionable society. Reasonable Charge. Miss St. Clair is a debutante, but as the blow intensifies the afllction of his he gains more confidence and friends, and has given rise to unusual experience her lectures will doubtless increase demonstrations of publio grief in London and other cities. He leaves All tk in interest, and she OGDEN, U.T. may yet become a Year Round to his son. popular lecturess. First-Clas- s Board $8.00 per Week. Queen Victoria, immediately after was death Dicken's of the COHEN, Proprietor. intelligence Tbi Utah Central Railroad accom BAMBERGER at Court, sent a special tiodation trains, run on Sunday be communicated Bus to and from the Depots Free message of condolence to the sorrowing 'ween Oeden and Salt Lake Citv. will members of the family of the deceased ereafter be discontinued, and the rcj-la- r author. Public institutions in the city trains only, will run on that day. suspended business immediately after the spread of the melancholy intelliOn Wednesdays and Saturdays, the accommodation trains will continue to run gence. The latest letter written by Mr. Dickusual. OGDEN, U.T. ens, dated the 8th, contains expressions millS FAYORITB HOCSK, HAVING KEEN reliorious reverence. Ritcrsid. Elder Treston Thorns, of the deppest and furnished throughout J recently renovated, It is intimated that the funeral of with patent Spring Beds, the Proprietor feels conof Bear Lake valley, arrived fident in being able to give entire satisfaction to yesterday Dickens will be private. from a visit to Day Boarders, Families, and the Traveling comAlabama, Mississippi and The health of John Bright is improv- munity, at a reasonable price; The tablo la sup Tennessee, where he spent several months ing. plied from both the California ana nome markets. A Hack will run to and from the Track to carry ith old acquaintances. The American Consnl Fisk, and passenger, He reports the to the Horse free of charge. been have the Attached to the lions i. a FINE BAR and masqucraders, People in those States very unsettled in Boulton, SODA FOUNTAIN. committed for trial. 'heir feelings and politics. Religion In the election riots in the Isle of Ogdcn, Utah, May 20, 1870. JOHN MAIION. ttfyhave but very little, and do not Wight 4Mm many persons were inhouses sacked; the riot was nt any more. and jured to are Many moving Texas. Elder Thomas looks rather worn finally suppressed. nd tired from his labors and Carlisle visits America. long jour-nfToole, the comedian, is about to visit but feels wall to be back in Utah nd so near home. the United States, Berlin. rmfs mvsT tivFtt tv wpiiRit mrvTv The health of Bismarck is delicate; X manufactured and for sale in quantities of Passed Through. On Sunday, the uiimi s irfwerr, rive itanoiis ami upwmuai his physicians have ordered him to re- IromBurch Mlebrated Tragedian and "Boston of Ojrden. Creek, four miles south-eapet," frain from all manner of work and to onSaloons Families Orders will and supplied. Mr. J. B. Howe, passed through Ogdcn, make a short attention. to prompt jeceive trip " ' England. n his A. LANDT, Proprietor. " 20-way to San Francisco to fulfill a Constantinople. Professional engagement there. He was The Turkish inhabitants have opened ccompanied by his wife, and their pet their houses to Christians, and a large tfc SOEJ5SEL poodle. Main iitrret, (toden Ctly, amount of money has been subscribed sufferWatchmakers, JewelersEl Gunsmiths. Ox Sunday an excursion train arrived by all classes for the relief of the AzenU for American and da Watches. ers. re from the West, Keep constantly on hand a laro aKsortmnnt of bringing about two The loss of life by the lafe fire was flue ana Jewelry, foreign natcnes, uuns, kindred pleasure seekers. Soon after 1,000. Ammunition oi an kuhis. do well will examine to Stock our PoTcfiasers at Ogdcn, they changed cars, Athens. "ming befiire piirclia.sin(t elsewhere. na u,en The brigand chiefs, who have been Repairing carefully doua and ail work warranted. proceeded on their journey to iino closely pursued lately by the national ' T BETTER The City Council met, pursuant to ad AND journment, at the City Hall, on Monday, June 13th, at 1 p.m. Terms for the Salt Lake Herald: (I'tibliDhed evorv moraine except Mondays.) There were present, Lorin Farr, Esq., 1 Year . $8.01) 1 Mouth - - fo.75 THAN 25 4.W UVeck 6Montk . A. and Brown Mayor; L. J. Herrick, F. ANY 3 Months 2.11 Walter A. J. Shupe, Esqrs., Aldermen; DLPORTM). BniftTKlI'TrONS and all BUSINESS COMMU Thompson, Josiah Lcavitt and Israel NICATIONS to lie ad.lrexBed to G. Thos. Business C. UM. DUNBAR, Manacer, Canfield, Esqrs., Councilors; Salt Lake Herald, Salt lmko Citv. Odell, Esq., City Recorder; and Wr. N. KDVYAKD L. SUIAN, M M. C. Dl.NBAK. Fife, Esq., City Marshal. ' Several licenses were granted and CO. tradesmen's bills ordered to be paid. The watermaster's report for the half ARK PREPARED TO FURNISH THE was when 1870, read, June, year ending A GOOD SUPPLY OK THE BEST QUALITY Inhabitant of Ogdcn city and Ticiulty with a it was found necessary to make an adV of White Lima is kept constantly ou hand at ditional assessment of 50 cents on city Daniel Williams' Kilns, First-Clas- s lots and 25 cents per acre on farming land within the limits of the city, for of a Mile frnin the Welior Station. He will deliver it ou the Cars at Weber Station for repairs on the canal, etc. Councilor W. Thompson and Marshal 45 Cents W. N. Fife were appointed a committee to let out the contract for building a Cheaper than ever before offered to the Pnbllc. across the Weber river. Having a Large Supply of every kind on hand, A variety of other business was trans LIMK! and our Mill miming iu the Best U rove of Tim- acted. lier in Utah, wo will furnish Lumber, at tin) U. P. The Council adjourned until 1 p.m. (MOltOAN COUNTY) THE POUTEIIVII.LR Lime and Brick Coniiany are pre June 20th. to furnish the of Morvan and the R.R. Depot, at the following rales: onc-fonr- th ll Iiiks City daily at Arrine at Odcu at C. WOOIHIaNSEE. W. are also prepared to furnish 3rin Shingles c GENERAL ii 1: vri:it rnxs uvku oi i i:ki:i iti:i our On good security we will also give time, on part Payment, for large orders. We shall open an extensive Liimlier Yard, in Ogden, ill a few days. Duo notice will be given of locality. Parties In Salt Lake City ran look out, as we shall orn up thero in onr line in a fear Weeks, and give every one a chance to build and improve at cheap rates. All communications to be addressed for the present to JOSHUA WILLIAMS A CO., Metier Statioji, U. P. 11. R. U-l- y fti-ot- , DEALER IN Ojjtlou, A MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. A Good Supply TOOLS on hand. of MECHANICS' Mm TK DIVORCES LEO ALLY OBTAINED ATirtOLl York, Indiana, Illinois and ether Suites, for erson from any State or Country, legal everywhere; desertion, drnukeiinrs, iin suj'jH.rt, etc.. sulllciciit cause; no publicity:Husi-ne-no ss charge until divorce obtained. Advir. free. established filteen vears. M. IIOl'FE. Attorney. Address, 2S-3- ra No. 7R, NnHKiin Street, New York City. Handbills, Posters, and Cards Printed at the Office of this Paper w ith neatness, punctuality and dipatsh,ou iciksunaldc |