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Show 8hr E0cTcu $uttdimi. - TEBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. jurw .... - - a fTZrtlO liBM, 13 3 6 4 7 6 10 11 18 211 30 $i Column, 3 s Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science and the Arts. Is 48. Wo. a $5 $S $1S $ 30 $ 36 $ 60 25 T 10 IS 40 70 80 60 9 11 21 30 66 HIO 40 13 18 SO 1 25 45 60 90 1.15 24 45 75 100 isa 200 BY TELEGJtAPIL AMEUICAX. New York. The executive committee" of the Pacific Railroad has awarded the contract for tho construction of the Minnesota "Nearly advertiser allowed to change at pleasure, division of 220 miles, extending from Dalles, on the St. Louis river, west to the additional charge of twenty-liv- e th 0B but thoy will be Red river on the MDti a square for composition, north, to a conibina-tid- n conover for EXTRA occupying space trged of the old Cannadian firm of Ross, retained on Rassen & Co., with the Minnesota firm "jiwclnl Notices or Advertisement will be chared tweuty-iof Breckett, Garrison & Co. The work h outside of the paper, nor cent, additional on the above rates. not marked on the copy with the is to be completed by the first of July, 1871. The commissioner also contractamber f InmrUous, will to published at our autil ordered out, and charged at transient ed for twenty thousand tons of rails, "ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted till forbid, will be with iron appendages, necessary enc'mtinaed uutil ordered out, in every instance, and gines and cars requisite for working. A negro census laker has been aplarred lor accordingly. adrertis-tr- i The privilege of yeiiy and half yearly in the 8th ward. is restricted to their direct line of business, and pointed n AdTortii-wment- op-S- -- ill Legal Auction, Ileal Estate, or other advertisebe chargments foreign to their regular trade, will ed for separately. be inwill States the from No Advertisements serted without the cash (at our advertised rates,) our Kcempan.ving tho order, , unless from one of iwrslar authorized Advertising Agents. to the of interest devoid All communications Mlilie of intended to promote private iutorests, and payment will be charged as advertisements, In character, we required in advance. If personal to reject any article, or advertisertirve the right ment of this class. FRANKLIN D. RICHARDS, Editor. C. V. PENROSE, Associate Editor. DIRECTORY. Officers Stas I tah. United for J. Wilson Shaffer, Governor Secretary S. A. Mann. Marshal M. E. Patrick. C. II. Hempstead, U. S. Attorney J. E.Tourtellotte. Supt. Indian Affairs C. C. Clements. Surveyor-GenerReceiver of Public Monies J. B. Over- al " ton. George R. Registrar of Land Office Unwell. for John P. Taggart. O. J. Hollister. . C. Wilsen. Chief Justice Associate Justice 0, F. Strickland and U. S. An U. S. Collector Hawley. Territorial Officers: to Ltlegatt Hooper. William Congress II. ' Zcrubbabol Snow. Murthal J. D. T. McAllister. Aiitor William Clayton. Treasurer David 0. Culdcr. SaxruUendent of Common Schools Robert L. Campbell. Altornru-Gener- al , Weber County Officers: F. D. 1'robaJt and County Judys Richards. Sfltct Men Lester J. Ilerrick, Ilenry Holmes, Richard Ballantyne. Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. Aurelius Miner. Prosecuting Attorney Kolary Public William Critchlow. Sheriff Gilbert Belknap. Deputy Sheriff William Brown. Assessor and Collector Sanford Bingham. Treasurer Israel Canficld. Coroner Wm. N. Fife. Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools -- Wm. W. Burton. City Government: Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 1861. Municipal election biennially on the second Monday ef February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, on Tuesday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. Mayor Loren Farr. Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; L. A. Counselors J. Ilerrick, J. Shupe, 2d 3d James Mc Gaw, Walter Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah Leavitt, Israel Canfield. Recorder Thos. G. OdelL Attorney A.Miner. Marshal W. N. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. Surveyor W. W. Burton. Captain of Police P. G. Taylor. Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston. Constable C. F. Middloton. Ogdcn Post Office: Postmaster Isaac Moore. General Delivery from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Daily Mails close, until further notice, for Salt Lake 3.30 p.m. City at For the East 6.30 a.m. For the West .. . 3.80 p.m. . , ARRIVE from Salt Lake City From the East - - . 7.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. - 7.30 a.m. West ,, MAILS Wow for North Ogdcn on Monday at "30 p.m. For Plain City, on Thursday, at 6.30 p.m. For Huntsville, on " Tuesday and Friday, at 8 p.m. SEMI-WEEKL- Y rOKEICX. London. The London Globe in its last edition last evening startled the community with the announcement that Charles Dickens had been seized with paralysis and was lying insensible at his residence at Gad-neRochester, Kent; the news spread rapidly and created a most profound regret. The worst was still to come, as telegrams were subsequently received announcing the death of the great novelist at a quarter past six in the evening. Mr. Dickens was at a dinner on Wednesday, when he was seized with the fit. Dr. Steele, for many years the family physician, was immediately called in aud remained till near midnight, when his condition becoming worse, and worse, it was deemed advisable to summon physicians from London.' Telegrams were dispatched and this morning several London physicians arrived; a consultation was held and the case at once pronounced hopeless. The patient sank gradually and died at fifteen minutes past six. Dickens had been ill several days, but not seriously; he had even visited Rochester and other points during the present week. J. he Morning Post says, Charles Dick ens did more than any contemporary to make English literature liked and admired. The Telgraph regards tho disting uished dead as a public servant whose task has been nobly fulfilled. Another account says that Dickens was entertaining a dinner party at his house at Uadshill, when Miss Hogarth, who sat near him, observed radient signs of distress upon his face and re marked to him that he must be 111; to this Dickens replied, "O, no! I have only got a headache, and shall be better He then asked that an open presently. window be shut, and almost immediately became unconscious and fell back in the chair insensible. He was immediately to his room, and medical at- conveyed . . . ll son ana3 lenuon suruonou. ms aaugnier remained steadfast by his bed side until his death. It is stated that Dickens has several times, of late, complained that he experienced difficulty in working, because his powers of application were becoming impaired; he said that his thoughts no longer came to him spontaneously as in former times, lie had received medical aid, and called upon physicians, who warned him not to continue rending, because he was doing so at the peril of his life. The death of Dickens has plunged the nation into mourning; all the London papers have obituaries. The Times says that ordinary expressions of regret are now cold, as millions of people feel it to be a personal bereavement. Statesmen, savants and benefactors of the race, when they die, can leave no such void; they cannot, like this great novelist has been, be an inmate of every house. The Aews says that, without an intel lectual pedigree, his writings form an era in English literature. He was gen erous, loving and universally beloved He leaves, like lhackeray, an unhnish' ed story. Madrid. Yesterday the patrol guard found a part of the brigands who captured the Englishmen. Ihey had recently killed three of the captured. Seventy thous and reals of ransom money were found on the killed. Montpensicr has obtained a passport for England, Livears, a deputy to the Cortes from Porto Rico, advocates the possago of a bill abolishing slavery. ar 1 Leave Ogden daily, until further no , for Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and aOp.m. (For extra trains see time Tble.) For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For West, at 6.35 p.m. Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m a 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. "om the West, 6.35 a.m. Salt Lake City Time, SIOUX Shun-ka-Lu-- Ma-t- o Chis-che-l- Ma-t- o Ze-z- e Ma-t- o Ma-t- o Snn-Ti- fi Ttlnot Hawk. ri Shun- - ka Man - e - to Ilaska v Msn-n- a MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL W will do thorn ("Man a with a Sword. Man that's Afraid. Man that runs Red Fly. Lu-t- a Man-e-t- o persons shall open, establish or keep a pawnbrokerage within the limits of said city, without first obtaining a license for such purpose from said Council, and giving bonds, with security, to the people of said city, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful observance of the provisions of this ordinance. Said bond to be approved by and filed in the office of the City Recorder. Sec. 2. No pawnbroker shall receive any article in pawn from any minor, or from any person who is by law disqualified to transact business on his own account, nor at any other place than his licensed place of business; nor shall any pawnbroker receive a greater rate of interest on money advanced on pawned articles than three per cent, per month. Sec. 3. All pawnbrokers on receiving any property in pawn shall issue to tho party pledging such property a certificate or check for the same, which shall contain a brief description of such prop-ert- ', the date of issue, the sum or amount for which such property is pledged and the rate of interest to be paid thereon. They shall also record in a book to be kept by them for that purpose, the hour of the day, the day of the week, the day of the month and the year, when such property was received and the name of the person from whom received, the kind of property, the sum or amount loaned thereon and tho rate of interest to be paid on such sum or amount, which book shall be open to inspection to all interested parties during business hours. Sec. 4. On presentation of such certificate or check at any time within six months from its date, to the pawnbroker issuing the same, and tendering to him the amount due on such certificate or check at the time of presentation, he shall, without delay, deliver to the holder of such certificate or check the property therein described. Sec. 5. No pawnbroker shall remove from his place of business any property held in pawn by him, without the con sent of the owner thereof, except it be to another licensed place of business in said city, on surrendering the former' place of such business. Sec. 6. No property pledged under the provisions of this ordinance shall be until after forfeited for the expiration of six months from the date when such property was pledged. Sec. 7. Any person failing or refusing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding aix months, or both, for each offence. Passed June 6th, A.D. 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. Thos. G. Odell, City Recorder. An Ordinance Relating to the IteepingaiMl Disposing of Gunpowder, Gun Cotton and Aitro Cilj ferine. Living Bear. Luto Rod Shirt. Ma-t- o TUB LADIES. Whita Cow. Thunder Skin. Sans Arc woman. World Looker. Thief Shot. The following is the telegram which we received by Deseret Telegraph line after we had gone to press on Saturday last, in relation to killing Teter Smith, the horse-thiand would be murderer : Gunnison, Utah, June, 10. William Brown, deputy sheriff from Weber county, has just arrived here; he left Ogden, June 4th, with a writ to arrest Peter Smith, who had stolen a span of mules belonging to C. W. Thornton, of Ogden. He succeeded in arresting Smith at Marysville, near the Sevier mines, on Wednesday. Smith resisted, but was finally taken and secured without Injury. The deputy sheriff started with him to Ogden the next morning. On arriving at (Jlenwood, a vacated settlement of Sevier county, tho Sheriff placed his gun by a stone wall and told Thornton to guard the prisoner while ho got the hand-cuff- s for him. While doing so, Smith' grasped the Sheriff's gun and attempted to shoot Thornton, but found it was unloaded, as the Sheriff had taken the cartridge from the gun previous to leaving it. Smith then grasped the muzzle of the gun and struck at Thornton; as he did so ho brought himself i front of the Sheriff, who shot him through the forehead. Thornton also fired a bullet, taking effect in his left breast. There was a jury summoned from among some campers near by, ami an inquest held. The body was buried there. . ef WAKBE A And now," it says, "where heaven resorts, Come with a meek and quiet mind ; Oil, worship In these earthly courts. But leave your earth-bor-n thoughts behind.' Come, neighbors, while the Sabbath bell Peals slowly np the winding dell, Came, friends and kindred, let us share The sweet aud holy rspture there. MAIN - STllElvT, OGDIIY, AND SALT LAKE CITY. Coin and Curifucv. Praw on Pan Krandsco, Montana, Psnver, all and rU or York, Collections promptly attended to. 1 if Pmlrrs in Gold Dust KxrliaiiR St. Louis, Miscellaneous. Nw "A. Mis Bella Smith is to paint Slanton." lie has already beun whitewashed. of Indianahas got An MirEIt, COUNSELOR. & ATTORNEY into trouble by fishing on Sunday. Oflloe opposite Ogden Hotel, All kimls ef legal business promptly : to. many will destroy all scruplos atUn.ld Of tho 20,000 men ef the Imperial Guard, 400 toted against tho Plebiscite. Itt Iowa college has been astonished by the exploits of a party of "sweet girl undergraduates," who walked fifteen miles in one day. CITY LICENSES. To all whom it may concern. IS IIERZDY GIVEN, THAT engngcd iu Business in Ogden City, (lcr which tho City Ordinance provide that a licence must be obtained,) without first procuring a license are liable to be taken before any Alderman cf said City, and be subjected to a Fine. By order of the Cily Council, LORIN FARR, Mayor. A New York paper gives & list of six ty stores and wrer two hundred offiees to let in Broadway, below Fourteenth street. The American Unitarian Association has elected a woman, Miss Lucretiiv Crocker, a member of its Executive Com mittee. , A Nebraska paper wants Red Ctotnl taken to New York to see a parade of the Seventh Regiment, to take tho conceit out of him. THOS. Oe. ODELL, City Recorder. The OfTico of the City Recorder is at Hen. Allen Wright, the present Gov the Office of the "Ogden Junction," ernor of the Choctaw Nation, is a minisSeventies' Hall, near the U. C. R. 11. ter of the Presbyterian Church, and Station. preaches regularly. Ojfice Hours from 10 a. m. till 3 . m. "Tho Fire Place," is the name of a drinking saloon in Chicago. Any one can get warm by it for ten cents, and' . red hot for a quarter, E. GAM, DEALER IN Wines & Liquors. SAMPLE AXD SALESROOM ON A Missouri newspaper claims that the hogs of that Stale are so fat that in order to find out where their heads are it is necessary to make them squeal, and then judge by the sound. A mistaken tourist was found weeping over the at Mount eruon, thinking ho was dropping tears at the tomb of Washington. ice-hou- NOTICE lloinaiice. The sensational story regarding a massacre of Jews in Koumania which has excited the sympathies of Congress is now pronounced without truth, as was suspected at the time by those who saw-ithe dispatch as published the obvious marks of manufacture in this city. Its publication was an additional instance of the recklessness with which startling statements are circulated by irresporisi ble associations, which, unable to buy the news, find a ready resource in inven ting it. It is also an illustration of the readiness with which men who are care ful to accept only tho most positive evi dence f their fellows consent to be do ccived ty the moist improbable stories, coming to them in newspapers, lne statement as published was probably elaborated from a brief paragraph which appeared last week in a Hebrew paper published in this city, which reported few persons wounded in a recent out break in Rouraania. X. Y Tribune. If sixteen drams roake an ounce, how t OOKKN CITY. MAI1ST STBEET, Ogden City, Utah. The town of La Tax, Tiolivia, among' the mountains, am! a sort of ultima thult of the civilised world, il to be illuminated with gas. , r Tho only tax for the reaV succor of mankind is one recently imposed in Germany of four cents on every leoch used iu that country. An emigrant wagon passing thro' Rochester, Minnesota, tbo other day. bore the iuaiiit inscription : "Iou't inquire North Pole or bust!" The largest steamer running bctwoea New York and Europe is the City of Paris, of the Inman line. She is 410 feet in on hand a large Rtork of the Celebrated Judge Jones actually went to sleep on I hare length over all. BUAWAN, l.KH KI N, ( HOW, HO E.N, i the bench while recently holding court AND BUAUP'8 BRANDS of A number of excursion parties are re in Greenville, North Carolina, and not ported to be organizing in Michigan and only that, but snored, to the amusement Ohio, for a raid on Minnesota during of all present. the heated term. Also,aLAR08 STOCK of Kentucky Whiskeys; CASE LIQUORS. CASE WINES. CHAMPAGNES. CATAWBAS, ETC. OGDEN CITY. CLOTH 3tt-- tf MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, SALT LAKE CITY NEW MILLINERY Shaker, ETC, Call and examine my Stock. Main Street, Ogden, Nearly Opposite Whito House. tf EASTERN CITIES. Millinery and Breosmaking in all their Branches exer.nwfl with promptitude. Lad'iHs' own material mode lip in the latest style. Mrs. STEmi O USE, 54-t- f . bait Lake Vity. Three candidates for the Presidency are already in the field Georgo Francis Train, Mrs. Woodhull, and Daniel Pratt. the ercat American Traveller. The firat expects to poll the Fenian vote, the second that of the Woman's Rights people, and Pratt well, we don't know the vote" that he expesta to obtain. If lunatics were eligible they would proba bly vole for him. n hen we place these three in connection with the regular Republican and Democrat io candidates, it will be seen that we have a very interesting fight in prospect. iV. Y. Sun. Impaled All re. S. S. TUCKER, ' Perhaps the first accident of the kind and certainly itt a singular one Tuesday afternoon, east of this" on the M. & C. Railroad. As we place, A THE BLOCK EAST OF HALF learn it, a young man named John. "JUNCTION" OFFICE, OCDEN. Crown, brakeman on a freight train All Orders personally and promptly bound west at the time indicated, went forward to the engine and took a seat in attended to. front of the boiler, with his legs dangling r. He had been Ererv Article mamifartured hy ns Is warranted to over the be made ot me Deal material. riding in this position some time, tlio train bowling along; at a good rate.wheu suddenly, in passing over a heavy board that was nailed lengthwise of the track, the point of the caught in the end of the board and rent off a large sliver, almost three inches in diameter at the thickest end, West of Prest. R. Young's Residence, which, darting up the front of the enSalt Lake City. gine, caught Crown under the left thigh, TTISTTOTtS 70 SALT LAKE CITY IMIOfLD passed entirely through flesh, tendons, not forget to call and we the lino collprtion V etc., passing on and striking against the of NATIVE ANIMALS and HIHD8; also MINERALS. HOME MANUFACTURES, and natsral head of the boiler thus entirely impalprodortiens of the Territory, at the above estab ing alive the unfortunate brakesman. lishment. Carpenter, Joiner, and Cublnet Slukcr, tf MUSEUM AND cow-catch- er MENAGERIE. Half-bloc- k Open from 9 a.m. to Ross County, i p.m. 0., Register. 24-l- y OYSTERS. AT TOE REVERB HOUSE CALL Hook. BALOOIf, South Street, Suit Lake City, whore yon will find JOE. SIMMON'S or bis assistants ready and willing to serrejrou with FRESH OYSTERS. , ; ment. , -- & CO., DAIILER BANKERS, Excelsior Hills!! Jumping ir atches between young women are becoming a popular amuse Il.lua, Montana. JEXMNOy NEW BUILD1N0, Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogdcn City, that it shall not be lawful for any person to keep, sell, or give away within the limits of said city, any gunpowder, gun cotton, or NEAR nitro glycerine, in any quantity, without permission of said Council: Provided anv person may keep for his own use We are now prepared to exchange not exceeding in quantify five pounds of one cotton or of gun pound gunpowder, CLOTH AND YARN FOR WOOL four ounces of nitro glycerine. Sec. 2. All permits for the keeping or One pound of Grease to every eight pounds of disposing of said articles issued by said Wool will be required. It it Is not mrniphed the be Council shall registered by the Re price of the grease will be deducted from the wool. corder, and shall state the name of the person or firm to whom granted, and the Beef and all kinds of Soft Grease place where such articles are to be kept taken in Exchange for or sold, and shall bear date of the day of A3VO YAI1IV. issue, and shall not be issued for a longer period than one year. And no per son or firm holding such permit shall FULLER and Wanted a first-cla- ss S keep at their place of business (or else FINISHER. where within the limits of said city, except at such places as said Council shall R A XI) AIX, I CG.SLE Y Jb Co. designate) a greater quantity of gun e of tnan twenty-fivgun powder pounds, cotton than twenty pounds, or of nitro glycerine than five pounds, which shall be kept as far from fires, lighted lamps or candles as may be practicable. And no person shall sell or weigh any of such articles after the lighting of lamps or candles in the evening, unless the same be in scaled canisters. And it shall be the duty of every person or firm to whom such permit shall be granted to keep a sign in a conspicuous place at the front T ADIES YTSTTTNO 8 ALT LAKE OTY Al J reirwrtfiilly invited to call and examine the of their place of business,' to wit, the Ptnrk of Hoods at the word "Gunpowder" in printed or painted Choice capital letters. Sec. 3. JNo person shall convey or door to the Banking House of Hnsser, Thlcr carry any gunpowder or gun cotton in next A Co., East Temple Street, where they w ill find a one pound, through very nice stock of quantity exceeding any street or ally in said city, unless the same be secured in tight canisters or kegs, so as to prevent tho same from FEATIIEKS, being spilt tr scattered, and in no quan FLOWERS, tity exceeding one hundred pounds, IIIE4.S TUIMJIIXfaS, under the direction of a police onv - UAPEUCLOTIIIXG, cer. See. 4. Any person violating any of Sundowns Hata, the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine in any sum not exceeding ISomicts, ISaMcV Hoods, and one hundred dollars for each oSence. General XoUons. Passed June 6th, A. D. 1870. LORIN FARR, Mayor. PRICES THE SAME AS IN Thos. G. Odeil, City Recorder. Fashionable Lisbon is enraged because the King has decorated a ballet master. ''' 0. L. DAHLIB, HVSSET, City. IIISSEY, The Jlassiirre in Hon mania , Uk Salt ... Rock Bear. Ma-t- o E-- a W. TTas-V- We-cha-- Ke-y- a the, Tn.Vn.mrV Long on. BUSINESS CARDS. art. Ha-sn- e Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogden City, that no person or X' Itdrftc . Shu-t- p.m. T 00VIS i si ji oi the a Through. l 10a.m. and 2 p.m.; and in the School Mouses of the various Wards at 5.30 IV'KRT mih. - ta Ma-t- o to Pawnbrokers. Establishment, CHIEFS. Red Cloud Red Dog. Brave Bear. Little Bear. Yellow Bear. Sitting Bear. Bear skin. Mark-pe-a-Lu-- ta We-che-- sa Divine Worship " held everv Snnrlnv. in 1 The following is a list of the names of Sioux Chiefs, and their ladies, who re cently went to Washington to see tho "great father" and to smoke the pipe of peace with him. Trains . 1 . An Ordinance in Relation Done are the work's debasing cares, Ami worldly ways and worldly wilt, A I sarth IWIf an aspect wears Like heaven, a. bright, so pur, so still t Hark, bow by turns each mellow note. Mow tow, now louder, aeetmi to float, ' And railing with the wind's docay, Like softest music dies away I I. VOL. 15, 1870. OGD12X, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, U par month. (miners Cards Trapawnt advertising to be paid for In adranoe. of this 1 Siiutre consists of tea lines of type OCDEN How sweetly tlirongb the lengthened dell, Wkra wintry airs are mild and clear, Floats chiming np the Sabbath bell, In snftoned echoes to the ear I "Coin, gentle neighbors, come away," Po doos the welcome summons say ) "Couie friends and kimlreil, 'tis the time," So seems to peal the Sabbath chime. J 2.00 10 RATES OP ADVERTISING. 5 The Sabbath llcll. TIE Pblisbed every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, Commst. by the Oodm Publishing CROWN CIGARS, PIGS FEET, etc. J-- Call and see him. SM GOLDEN 17-- tf DR. It. TIBBITS, and Hnrjjeon. PUysiclan WALKER MC.NCTTS OKVICR AT STORK. OGDEN, A V. T. Calls from the Country tended te. DRUG promptly at DR.WM.H. CROVES, JLentiMt, OfHee, Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, ol Jiever. uouee. Iniee floors Vt ttt Good books are shields to tho young. Temptations are blunted on them which otherwise would pierce to the quick. A man who draws sufficient pleasure from books is independent of the world for hi pleasure. Friends may die. Looki never are sick, and they do not grow old. Riches melt away. Books are in no danger of bankruptcy. Our compan- ions have their own errands to execute, and their own burdens to bear, and can-- ; not, therefore, bo always at hand when we need company. But books novcr never need go out from us. They are not sensitive to our neglect; they era never busy; they do not scold us, and tbey do welcome us with uniform and genial delight. Journal lion. ' |