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Show She rblll-r- jflm $unrtuw. ami 8ATCHDAY f ewry by the OjiitN Pibusuinu Compaxt. ."Is it done ?" cried the old man., """Brincc her iu,, biing her in," con flnued tho old fellow, ? ia high glee; 'never- mind compliment, 'no mutter about the dark entry. Hero, Joe, to the right, in the best parlor; we'll have a time new,' sursl" and the anxious farmer now rushed away for the light, i and returned almost immediately. ' "Here's the certificate, sir, said Joe .'! t "Yea "And this is my wife," ho added, 'as he passed up his beautiful brido, tho bewitching . and, . lovely Minnio Dan forth. "What!" roared the old file. "What did you say, you villain, you scamp, An Ordinance ISeguIating IroceedingH in CaHes arli- lug under the Ordinances of the City. ""; J . . Soc." 11 "Be It ordatned yf the City Council of Ogdcn City, that whenever complaint shall be made before the great manyfir-bair-yenrt Mayor oe any Alderman of said city, on lasses were bright-eje- J anl oath or affirmation that any breach of not at plentiful in New York an they art the ordinances of said city has' been , now, there dwelt in the towa ef Pj committed, he shall .forthwith issue a a pretty Tillage, distant about twenty-fir- e warrant direoted to the Marshal or any mile from Market town, a peculiarof his dputie.-- i commanding him to arrest d but wealthy ly ugly and the offender or offenders therein named, father. ' ,, and bring him or litem forthwitJi before Minnie wag Danforth's only child, and such mayor or alderman for exam i nahis be would she that said truly, report 'wefale the was a sturdy "Kin truth, mi, lawfully tion or trial. But if the, real names of only legatee. The old mad me, you planned such offenders are not known they may farmer, and was ewtiraated to be worth marriuJ. You be proceeded against by any niiine. full ten thousand dollars at that per- the whole affair, you lent me your heo. z. W henever any peaeeoiheer of mo b to last , evening horse, iod a rery handsome fortune, thought r said, eucity or other person shall witness worrli of Mtiy man'H OauglHtr, yoit sure. The sparkling eyes and winning sniiltj COiiijW nie, 'you piTjmisen wo mo. coi any breach of the ordinances of said city he is hereby authorized. to arrest ef Minn ie Dan forth bad stirred up tho tage at the end of the lane " I it mule whole "I didn't! deny !?Y9U fW' prove the offendur, or cause it to be dotie with finer feelings of the portion or without prooess and take b;m before , j j 4 of the Tillage, and suitors were nmner-eu- it, you're a continued Joe. the Mayoror any .Aldcrmanofaidcityto "Calmly, nova-Rif,but her father wan particular, und none succeeded In making headway with Anl the tntredncs bf a happy couple be dealt with according to the provisions t " A were nniMi to; quell the old man s ire, of the ordinances of said city, .which i him or bcr. , In the menntime Minnie had a true and to ptTsuailo him to acknowledge must bo (Iojio without unncooag&ry delay. Provided, that if. th arrest bo made by and loyal lorer in secret. Who would their union. The father at lcngllr'relonted. It was a private person be may deliver the ofhare supposed for one minute that such a fellow would daro look upon beauty a job, of bin sown' manufacture, mid he fended' to any peace officer of said ,, and comparative refinement! His name saw how'itHess, finally, it would bo to city. Sec. .3. When 'any person shall be was Walker, or, as he was often called, destroy it. He gave it reluctantly, and the fair brought beore paid Mayor or any Al"Joe" Walkerj and he was simply a who Minnie old Danforth was overjoyed to bo derman charged with tho commission of Danforth, by farmer, employed an offence, such person shall he examini with the him manage- duly acknowledged as Mrs. Walker, had entrustod ment of his nlaoe for three or four ,tThe jnairhige Jirovotl a j joyful bno, ed or. tried without unnecessary delay. and tlis original asMCtUon of Dauforth But when it shall.be necessary such tier- years. a and farmer excellent proved truthful in every respect. Tho son may be detained in the city prison But a Try for examination or trial torty cignt bright, good manager, was this plain cunning lover 'was a good son and a hours. Walker. faithful lived Joe and husband, looking many years good unassuming.but Sec. 4. If it be determined that the and to enjoy the happiness which followed He was young, too; only twenty-fivbe put upon trial immediately, accused the his with old love man the while in fallen had actually runaway match; beautiful, pleasant, Joyous Minnie pan-fort- never tired to hear about, the details of it shall not be necessary to make any his old employer's daughter. But (fie reloetnent, .for. lie caw how com- complaint in writing. The court,.pliall issuo subpoenas directed to the proper the strangest part of the whole occur- pletely ho had overshot his mark. officer for nil the witnesses required, rence was that Minnie returned his love neither party shall Lave more to wed provided and promised earnestly, frankly; " An Onllnanco J.l ntfiorizing than three witnesses to prove any one him at th favorod moment. and shall forthwith, or at its earliThings went on merrily for a time, u Howard" for ilic "Arrest fact, est convenience, proceed to hear tho evibut old Danforth discovered certain of , ersouM Accused dence and determine in a summary manglacces and, attentions, between them ner the complaint alleged against the ofC'rimo. and which excited his , enty suspicion. fender and ent er judgment thereon with Very aeon afterward Joe learned the old Boo. 1. Be it ordained by the City in twenty-fou- r hours. Dut if any imman's mind Indiitctly In regard to the Council of the that be witness absent the court may Ogdcn Mayor he and City, portant Minnie's bund, future 4'iKposal of be and he is hereby authorized and di- adjourn tho cusa till such witness may ijuickly saw that tho case was la hopeless one nil ens he resorted to stratagem, and rected to issue his proclamation offering be hail and tho .court, shall have full " a reward of such an amount as he, in power, to compel the attondanco of wit so he set hie wits to wort1"" ' i ' coolness and his discretion, lnny deem proper for the nesses. By agreement, apparent Sec. 5. On any good ami sufficient disUace was observed by tho lovers to- arrest and delivery to the proper ollker, ward each ether for five or six monthst of any person who maybe charged cause being shown by either party, tho and the father saw, as he believed, with with crime committed within 'the 'city, court may conUnuo any cause from time whenever lie shall have knowledge of to time as justice may require And tho satifutlon, that his suspicious and fears tilth occurrence or receive information defendant shall at all times, bufore judghad all been premature. Then, by agreeIn relation thereto from any responsible ment, have, the right to give bail or en ment, lso, between them, Joe absented -ter into recognisance, with, or without himself from the house on evenings, and person or persons. Passod May 80th, A; D4 1R70.- nil security, as the court may direct, for his three months for after, nigbl nigh, LORIN' FA Hit, Mayor. appearance at the time and place of such longer,; did Joe disappear as soon as his - examination or trial, and in no case City Itejorder,-- y wjrki was finished, t return, home only Tnos. G. Odkll, i: r r 'f shall exorbitant' bail be required- - If This was unusual, at a late , , , ... ,i lt the defendant fail to give such bail ami old Danforth determined to know An Ordinance Declaring Ihe or recognizance, ho may 'be comthe reason of lU mitted to the of prison till tho time Joe frankly confessed that he was in 'Measurement " Miinoii examination orcitytrial. love with a man's daughter who resided Sec. 0. The defendant on being brought "Work, paving and ; IJiii less than three miles distant, but after a s before tho court shall be informed of the Stone r faithful attachment of several months, charge preferred against him or the the old gentleman utterly refused to enhand the I." for of Feft. his Be it ordained "bf the City complaint when mado in writing shall tertain application Council of Ogden City that all walls of be read to him, and shall be inquired of the young glrL whether he he guilty or not gnilfy. If s, This was capital. Just what old Mr. mason work, all flues, ovens, Danforth most desired.' Thia ' satisfied boilers, cooking ranges, grate settings, he plead "guilty," the court may inquire him that he had matte a mistake in re- furnaces, copper settings, and other into the amount of guilt and render according as the facts shall be gard to his wa eh Lid, and he would like work, eh all be measured by solid or judgment he If "not gutlty" the evidence plead and all thus to Joe measurement married, stop oubiq help get ceo. 2. All paving, flagging, plain on the part of the prosecution shall be ; further suspicions of t trouble at home. ' 'Boheaaidt hard finish, and rougHoast- - beard, then tbat on the part of the de., plastering, . ' f ! . ' after which, if either party can (s lass!' she bnxom a Joe; "Well, mg, inciuuiiig opeumga, suaii oe mea- fence; the court that important testiIs for satisfy "That said Joe.' also sured "Yea, Yee," by supeificial measurement; ' other folks to such as doori mony can be procured and is still 'want say; I'm not much of a all cut stone, plain-toole- d, ing, thecourt' may, in its discretion, steps,- - door sills, coping and' hearth judge myself." continue the hearing .of such case till which show "And do you like her!" those but stone, parts only when set shall be measured. All window such testimony can be had, provided the "Yea, alrwyes.1.. j .j v shall be continuance shall not be for a' longer . "Then warry lior,!. afJ 'oMlan sills, caps and' wa'ter-taWcterm than three days; and provided furI I I ''forth. i V VI measared H ky running niea.wroniont,fr father I the But can't object? i ther, that said case be not heard before J'aif3tIay80Ui,uV7t?5l 'Pooh!" continued Danforth. ''Let LOlllX FA Kit, Mayor, a jury. When all the testimony is given the cause may bo argued by both or htm do so; what need you care! Run Tuos.G. Odslu fitv P.ecordej. , " ' ' either party., And in no case shall a her." with away hearing by counsel be donied. HI ,".rt Jt "Mope!" ;' "Yea. Off with Sec. 7." Should the defendant refuse you atoneo. ,, If the ii r cI d n n eo D eel a r o gt Itq to pay the fine and costs awarded In the girl will join all right Marry- her, Vliy Charter to have tho judgment against him, the Court thay bring her here, you shall have the cotmm to the city prison, or order furnish l&aot I'll it of eud the the at Force and OTcct of1 , Ordi- commit tage him to work Oh. the public highways, for you? your wages shall be increased, nance. witti or without a ball and chain, at and the old man may like it or not, as two dollars per day till such he wills." Seo. I, Be it ordained by tho City the rate of fine cost and be thereby paid. ITut when "But" Council of Ogden City that the act of the defendant has property and neglects "Na lmta,,Joc do as I bidv you go Incorporation of said approved city, or refuses to pay such fine and cst, tho about U at once, and"" January 18th, 18C1N and all acts amen- court in its discretion issue an exe"And you will stand by me!'' datory thereof, be and tho same are cution may directed to the Marshal of said "Yes. to the last; I knowvou, Joe. to the same have declared foroe You'r a, good fellow, nd will make any hereby and effect within the limits of said city city, or any of his deputies, commanding Wlv Rood son or hunband. as if the "provisions thereof had been him that of the goods and eh at tods of said defendant, ho canse to be made tho "The old follow will ' be very mad specially ordained by said Council. """ ' tbousrh." 2. The punishment for the vio amount of suoh fine and eost without USee 'Who cares! I say. Go on quickly lation of nnecessary delay, and if property Shall bo any of the provisions of said eold on such execution, the Marshal I and quietly '.Vr "i acts, and of all ordinances of said city shall give public notice of the time and night, then, said Joe. sjiall be, when no other puutUty is pre "Yea." s r " r,T I X I O scnocu, oy rne in any sum not exceed place of sale and a brief description of ' "I'll hire Clover'e ugrsV one hundred dolleri.or jbj- - pnpria-onme- the kmd of property by posting a notice .u i ing "No you don't" not exceeding six months, or thereof , in three public places in said ' "No!" bothfcucit fine bnd imprisonment at the city, of not less than ten days, exeept by consent of such defendant; and said Mar '"I ear no; take luy horee-tl- ie test discretion of the court. shal shall make returns to the court and one, young Mergsn; ,lie'll take you off Passed May 30h, A. D. .1870, M , ., shall all monies so collected .within . H in fine style, with the uew pbwtou. , FARR, Mayor, five pay after such sale, and the court days "Exactly." Thos. G. Odkil, City Recorder. shall pay said fine into the City Treasu"And ae soon ii you get splioed come ry, and any surplus of tuoli fine and cost right back here and a jolly Gwe ' we'y shall bo to said defendant. ,1 have of it at taenia bouse. An Ordinance Itclnting to Sec. 8.paidOn tho trial of any cause ill., full,., will kill ma." ' the Mayor or any Alderman of said "Bali! lleVan' old fool, wfloeve ne the Discltargeof FirearniM. is: he don't know your good quahtios, city either party amy demand and have a See. 1. Bo it ordained by the City jury on paying into court the cos con Joe. as well as I do. Don't be afraid; faint heart, you know, never won fair Council of Ogden City, that any person sequent thereon ; and jf so demanded discharging any gun or pistol within the tho court shall issue a venire direoted to limits of said city, between tho hours of the Marshal of said, city, or any of his Th nld mas will be astonished." , j Never mind, gd on'. We'lMrt6e sunset ...and. sunrise,, or on, the Sabbath deputies, commanding him, to summons laugh on him. I'll take caro of you and day, exeept lit, Casft. of jdeleuoe of self, twelve pejsous qualified o serve as jufamily or property, or in tho discharge rors under the laws of the .Territory of your wife at any JT ofotticial "I'll do it," eM duty, shall be liable to a fin Utah, or a less number if agreed upon by ' "You shall," iwid Diofortli, and they H any .auvC iiut Vxod:i twenty ii e the parties, to serve as jurors. on ..the uollurs for every sucli ottence. trial f such cause"." Said" jurors may be Darted in the best of spirits. Sec; CX VJkpJ pcrim ttiKhirgmir Bre challenged and .Ishalre sworn, and An hour after darii, on the fullowiug their'verdict as provided by the eveninir. Joe mado his uriprarance, arms within said city, without a luwful i it decked in a nur black: fclolli uit,,aail breastwork for the protection of the cit- - laws of said Territory. ' j Seo, 9. The Mayor or any Alilermau really looked very comely. The, old ttms, at any time Ctfctr than as mention liin shall be tho on ihe barn said to of man bustled out preceding section, with, lim, ej rify, complaint being mndo helped to harness young Morgan to the alky to a fiue in any sum not exceeding in "writing, And tinder ' oath, that any now phaeton, and leading the spunky ten dollars for each onenoe. .: 1 person has threntett, or is about to Ssc, 3. .t A breastwark, or battery for commit, aq eHWe against the property animal himself into the road, away went Joe Walker In search of his bride. target . shooUug, to, be uVemtM lawtul, or person . of another or oinst the property of the person complained A few rods distant from the lnue he shall be a wall eighteen inches thick, sir feet high in the hack, six' feet wide, iasaeC'.'sJ nvarraiit 4 reciting She found her, as her' prcvieu arrangeone tho next exith foot each to thkki village, side, wings complaint in substance, directed to the ment, and repairing the parson very quickly made them one tending two feet, increasing tiai'iugly to Urshal, coramandinsr him or any of his Joe took' his bride the front, of adobies or brick, ijr mud, or deputies, to forthwith arrest and bring in holy wedlock. lis equualout of any uLUor maurml. i tho person so vharged before such Mayand dashed back to the town of Passed May SOth, A. IX 1870. or or Alderman, issuing suuh warrant to halted at old Danforth'a house, who was ' LOUIN FAUU, Mayor. . aaswer such complaint, and !Q on 'exam, already looking for hiui, and received Tuos. G. Oukll, City Recorder. him with open arms. ination , of any wituessoij Unit iuay.be The Runaway Match. I j. ; ainee, when A T , ' eross-graine- ai8iJ a" s, . , t , e, h, ' j or - ( .' bed-tim- , . ., ... i of fi ' fire-place- ii' brought before suoli, Mayorj or Alderman, the Court be Batis lied from the tw timony that there is sufficient reason to fear .such an offence will be committed by the person complained of, said court shall require the offender to enter into bonds or, recognizance with er without seourity, in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, fd keep the peace toward the people of said city, and particularly towards the complainant, for any term not exceeding six months.- Sec. 10. If the person complained cf as mentioned in 'the preceeding section fail to give suoh bonds, or enter into such 'recognizance,' he shall be commit ted to tho city prison, for any term not exceeding sis months, but shall at any time bdVIisehargcd from suoh commitment," on giving such bonds or entering into suoh recognizance us prescribed in the preceding section. And such defendant ehall pay the oot of such proceedings, if he be adjudged' guilty as complained of, 'otherwise tho court may assess tho cost against tho person making the complaint. Sec. 11.- .Whenever a conplaint shall be made'before said Mayor or Alderman in writing, and under oath by the owner of any property, that the same has been stolen or embezzled, and that he believes, such properly describing the same, to be concealed in any house or place within the limits of said city, said Mayor or Aldorman, shall issue a warrant directed to the Marshal or any of his deputies, commanding him to search diligently, in the day time, the house or place where such property isftclieved" to be secreted as in the complaint alleged. And said Marshal shall make return of his doings undor such warrant, without delay. And all property recoveredunder such process shall be subject to the order of the Court issuing such warrant. Sec.1 12. Any person taken into custody, charged with any offence shall, by order of the court before whom he is brought, be liable to be searched for money or any property he may have, and if any be found belonging to him the same shall be taken and inventoried and held subject to tho order of tho Court to satisfy any judgment that may bo rendered against such defendant, and any surplus remaining after satisfying siiCh judgment shall' be Teturned to the defendant1 on being discharged " ' ' from custody. Sec. 13. Said Mayor and 'Alderman shall keep a true record of fell proceedings had before them, iu which shall bo entered the nature of tho complaint, when filed, the date of issuing warrunts and subpoena, the names of witnesses who testified in the case, and if the cause be heard by jury, the names of the jurors, their verdict, tho judgment' of the cuurt and the date of the satisfaction of judgment when satisfied. See.-14All criminal prosecutions arising under the ordinances of paid city must bo commenced snd' carried on in the name of "Ogdcn City." Sec. 15. This ordinance shall not bo so construed as to repeal or modify the provisions of any ordinance of said city when the mode of procedure is specially! provided'' for by such ordinance. Passed May 30th, A. D. 1870. LOR IN FARR Mayor. Tuos. O. Oucll, City Recorder. . - " ! s, ;i ! j '" - i .' 6 H j ' "To-morro- w ' nt . ''louin ''' WJ'" bo-fo- re iiJ do-liv- er . ofvI A, ' lnigs and Medicine. " Sec. 1. Bo I ordained by the City Council of Ogden CUy, that aB, physior cians, nurses, druggist, apothecaries other persons, are hereby required to label in a plain and legible manner, In which English, all drugs and medicines to be cause or up, put up put they may before such drugs or nieilicineB leave their possession. , person neglecting or rewith the foregoing secto comply fusing tion of this ordinance shall be liable toa fine iu any sum pot less than fivt nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisonment not exce'eding'six months, or both at the discretion 'of the court having ; jurisdiction. ' Sec,. 2. Any . Passed May G. Thos. Uui, A. V. iiU. LOIllN FARE.,' Mayor. Quell, City Recorder. An Ordinance in isolation to tSctlinx Pofctsnnd Securing ' Teams. ' Scc.l. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogden City, that ail persons owning buildings within the limits of said city are hereby required to set one or more feet from posts iu the street, twenty-fiv- e the lroiil lino ot thijir lots. U here the water ditclies interfere, ,a variation may bo made sufficient to clear such ditch; said posts must be set in a good substantial manner, suitable for securing horses or other amnials. Sec. 2. Any person refusing or neg lecting to comply with the foregoing section of this ordinance, tho corpora tion shall have the right to set said post at the expense of the owners of said building. Sec. S.. All persons are hereby forbidden to set sign, awning, or other posts on any of the of this city, except they set them sixteen feet from the street line of their lots; and further, that no sign or aw ning shall be less than eight feet above the grade of the sidewalk; nothing in this sqctipn shall be so construed as to prohibit persons from setting posts on the ppposite the corners of blocks, to prevent the trespassing of teams: Provided, the distance between said posts slial not be less than five feet. Sec. 4. Any person having charge of, 6r being ,the driver of a team, shall, while such team is standing in the streets or any public place' of said city, stand near the head of the same, or have hold of the linos attached to .them, or otherwise seourc' them to some post or other substantial place of f listening prepared for that purjiose; Any person or persons' violating this ordinance shall be liable to a fine iu any sum ijt less than five nor hiore than fifty dollars for each side-wal- side-wal- onencc. rassed ' May 23rd A. D., 1870. LOUIN FARR, Mayor. Titos. G. OoKt.1., City Recorder. ' Excelsior Mills!! - Wo are now prepared to exrlinugo An Ordinance relating to ' Vagrancy.. ! V An Ordinance in isolation to Sec. I. Be it ordained by the City' Council of Ogden City, that all persons within the limits of said city, not having visible means of support, living idly, or who are found loitering about the streets or public places, or lodging in the night time upon the premises of others without permission, or ' going about from house to house begging, or placing themselves' in the streets or . other public places to beg or receive alms,, and all keeper or exhibitors of any gaming Uble or devioe, and all persons who travel from place to place for the purpose' of gambling, and all persons upon whom shall be foupd any instrument or thing used for the conunission of burglary, or for picking locks or pockets, and who cannot give a good eccount of the ' possession of the samo, shall be " deemed vagrants. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Mayor or any Alderman of said ciry having personal knowledge, or on complaint being made undor oath that any person ,(is a vagrant, to cause such person to' bo "brought before him, and if, upon examination, such person be found guilty' of vagrancy, he or she shall be liable to a fine of not more than fifty dol lars, with costs; or be put to labor not to exoeed thirty days, at the discretion of the , court; and further, may be required to give bonds with good and suffi cient securities in a penal sum of not less than one hundred nor exceeding one thousand dollars,' conditioned that the said defendant will, for the space of six months next ensuing tho execution of said bond, bu of. good oehavior, and in default thereof may be committed to the City prison until such seourity be given, not exceeding ninety days. ' A.. 1). 1870. Passed May SOth a ' ' L0RIN FARR, Mayor. Thos. 0. Odell, City Kccorder.' ", , CLOTH AND YARN FOR WOOL One pound of Greua to everv iirht Douniln of Wool will be required, if it I not fiirninbed the price or Ihe greate will be deducted from (he wool. Beef and all kinds of Soft Grease ''; taken in Exchange for , CLOTH AIST YAK IV. AVantd I&3 ' flrs&lass"FULLEU FDilSIIEU. and It ATYAIX,' Pl'CiSLEY A Co. , MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, .. ',; SALT LAKE CITY ; I.,- - I" APIES VISITING SALT XAKK CITT ARE rexDwtt'uIl? invited to call and enunfna th Ht.irk of Itnori t th Ji 0!i NEW MILLINERY Establishment. next door to the Hanking House of Itnsny,t)a liter a vii., lHmi.m ctreer, wne ro mey Will Hud i ... very nice stuck of MIIXIXEIIY, 'FEATHERS,' FJLOIVERS, DRESS TRIJIMIXC3S. J lJAIERCI,OTlIIri, Sundowns, Shaker, Hats, Rounds, Rabies' Hoods, General AoUors: , .! ui DressniiRkhiir exn-utA- An Ordinance llelatitig to " ""; Set SAME AS IN EASTERN CITIES. MiHiucry ' . PRICES iTHE Jn 11 wilh thnii Branchw proiuptitude. Udies' own amieriiii mnle up lu tlw latest style. .' r Mi s. STEXll.. O ...USK7 W 54-- tf - .. twin jAiim unit. ordained by the City Council, of Ogden city, that all persons shall, before practicing medicine or sur gery within the limits of said city, ob tuin a licence from said Council for such m ' purpose. ; : j ;. Sec. 2. A board- ef examiners, consisting of three competent persons, sliull ' be appointtd by said Ceanoil whose duty yn take ox'svusatimcw,; V it shall be to examine, into the qualifications of all" applicants for license to practice medicine or surgery' in said CLEAN COTTON Oily, from whom a certificate of qualiiv For wHicV we will allow cation must pa obtained to entitle, tjiom to such license from said Cot icil. , ' Sec. S. Any person violating the pro Cents visions of this ordinance shall be liable to a Hue in any sum not exceeding one uunurea uoiuirs for eacu .ottence. Passed May fiihh., A. D. 1870. , ' LORIN FARR, Mayor. 8ua trlr'8 Hiem dmi te Thos. 0. Odell, City Recorder," )0W th Offl. .l.,;,B-i- t Subscriber's yt Attention! RAGS , rive per lb. ' . ' ; E' |