OCR Text |
Show wj.it every VKDNE3DAY and SATUKDAYJ , by 1'UBLinaiNO O !' k f Company. 'B" u i; if i n i is s i i ran g xa.'iiv 1 i -- let f'.t n - Month. V ino .10 1 j To. $i 10 lines, $U 3 5 H flo J HI 7 9 11 10 13 IS .11 IB 1M IS 20 3D 34 4a a Culnniu, 6 7 IS 25 - 1 ... :!W'!n . -- .i 'nil "J Mr.!v;.i.iTt s ' v : .i. - ' t $ 35 $ 6l 40 21 3ri Si) 4,1 60 5 4S HI) (HI 10D las 15.' ; - i""""" , ' tv r"::": - t'T- 1.! . Scionco, arid the ,ilrtsl'": H'-Tu- it''.' i , . OGIKX; UTAlf, SATlTltlUY, JIIAK a An Ordiiiiiiioo ; it iw,t iiuitavUttiHuiiu; ... Elonvwhu ismur nitth, Tbwiu tiug nvery tuiilortakijig, ! '1.1 1 Alii tlMKUM l, Jtv.VuiAnv t da thia'miuWo 'J , K-Vaat WiliUi bettur duua,WUeryt .. , we- liejihi it. If i :BoYotcd?to'NQTOrlii BATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 Square ' ' .' !. ... -- ; 1, isolation to An Ordinanee in Relation to lV:tcr DUelicw, "u8reti Hide Walks and . . it 'ordained by tbe City. 1 11 " 1, ! , rt 1 . 1 d s 1870. WiU liis faithliiw pii'laiu-- UaU uwvv uKft jreWe shail ri'ach what wo endeavor, C.'t. AltREN lirSREY, Bolt Like City. ; ; t JlnarlJ YOI, I. ,); ct out Eald trees at the owner's' exi I ,.. . ' "i pense, i ;? iVstd May 30th, A.D 1870. . - JL01UN FARR, Mayor. Ijaoa. G. Odell, City Recorder, i and" rue 4 HAULER, llclrua, Mntitaua, wVWJ'1",rl'tr.J,id itBuVfunto','??w" the relii ef teiflii bid i fv . A':X thi'pi!t',,By'-and-t!y-. i'nl.tw t :t ,r.ii--'-- -. Sec. 1. Be UffiEV, DAI1LER & CO., Conncilof Osden' City, thai t 51lseellaiieou. r . SLU keep a dot ithtathoiimitsf aaid ; i ... Avanex. i ta advortifii V .' bankers; rTbe8tarfe debt 6f Michigan is $'J',fiOO-,' pai TraDi.nt oy without Laving the same dul regis- . See; I'.'i Bo it ordained ' 3 thejClty 'new rj t full n aui o couslsts 01 Hi lines of not of this city jKxsiNOg t.i J 000; BinLrrNa, 5isii:. .' the' i tered as uereiua&er provided,! and Cduicil of Ogden City, that all sttccu r al to at Inwil e"1' art An clianne rti"vs ' ,;" ' ol" said uity iWi all, and are hereby de !f I A I -" XTIt to v.smf pleasure, TorlT a OrdiiianeoICelatiiis ,'" suoh. certitieate of T, OtJIEX, Another sleam man has been, jnanu- rctris(itiouj additional uuarge of twciit.v-tiv- e I, uu"v th Sec. 2. An entrV'. by Ihe'Reerrrder of clared 44 be en rods "wide (including ' ";I Anetioneerx. ' ' ,lJ factored iaNewTorL ''.1 ANI SALT T.AKB CITY. i 1 ent l,wr ,,,r f1,ml,,ti"". hut they will ho siud lino the fur occupying space over .; V i i ll boundary cjty i,n tocgrJ book to be kept by Bidewalks,) between' .! SHli, tl ll ' clirj;eil JSiTHA f ti ;,) In DealMH anrl "Pniw fmlti v riirn,noy-rtiil Dwi, nim for sncli piirpos'dj'ofihe descViptiou of blocks, as platted on the oliioliU map '1 t lA vessel is about ."to bo. lauiicUed, at Be it .ordained by, the City retained on MwHlSdmanw ou fran 'iWtM Montana, lieuvor, ftmfial r.rlianu;0 of a dog, together, with .the. nauiccf its of said city, ?roepfr the street Know as Council of Quebec luvving iron maits made iu that Pgden City, thai no person St, Lows, Nw York, and all rts of Knroiie. tlweuuid if tlif !1T, will bo ch.irjied twenty, -owner or koepcr, shall constitute such Main Sni'e1,"vhlch! shall be eight rods shall tell or expose for sale ;' .! additional on tins nhovo rules. ' of five tier cent, city. CoilaiUitme to. way tf v- promptly attaidfl ' That all vendue or auction, within the bylimits of ' Advertisements not warkod on the copy witli the rcgiist ration. fwitUv Hiclnding sidewalks. l.V'l t opnumber tf liiwrlinwiU J) paldUM An artesian well at Iowa CUy, has "shall Sec, 3,, ' ' b.tbe4uly cfa8!i5d owners or occupier 'of lots m satd city eaid oil y, any property without, first obharge4it'tmiiieut, Recorder tion unu r)id iut.toi Been sunk four hundred feet, aud to 'register any Jog ooivpplica-tio- n are hereby authorized and required ltd taining a license fim said Cuuaoilfor '',l1 ' rrrivSWIPKMBSTS hifrrtefl UU tirM.. will l.a found. h1 "4 '") of the owner fjr koejiof thereof, and, d(imyalde,djtcU$ii to f oJY'ejlhiBjWiUors such tmrpose, for which license such ATTORNEY' S,'C6i7XSEL0R. ' it 'i it r cwtimie'! until ordered out, iu every instance, and issue te such' owner ..ii Vi IU Jf or Rtl -' certifia :Vrr('Ki iueviis tip keeper y !.i :! . jnti4 jtJioir pet-so- shall pay into the City Treasury Otliee The Boston Traneerrpt. pertinently tr.rgedforciiranHlV ai'.vei and y cate half yearl Tin- - privilege of yearly Ojrden Hotel, as1is'ifa man Mow' his own rsgiptraLjoii, under the corporuta' the Wm of one per cent, of all monies re- CHIDKX CITY. trumpet, jB riHtrii ted to their direct line of Inisine.vi, uud or milking such ditches across tho seal, on payment by such owner 6V keep.Ceivodon all goods sold by him. : He or other advrrtint-mpiit- s can his piuie-ita'Bwind'f " ' "" " II Uiunli Auction, Kunl Kstati beii-e- fi to orulvert-4jiier said for same, the and use kinds of (msiness attended Recorder, also All with shall legal lidge proinntly give bonds to said city, f.iri(tu to their regubil ii',Mill b. llarg-(- l .' ' of said city the. sum of ' Itf ' anl keep tteia in' Suoli ordei'-t- to pre- approved security, in the Bum of one la fir Kcparately. Spurgeon defines a Rontleman as "pno be will Ptnte. from the orertlow-inAdvertisements the from So waters thereof shall iu the vent tkmt9i'rVd thousand the conditioned who can serve Goif, and at the same tun for Suclrpertitiratl dollars, without 'he. c"h (llt .ur advertised ratus,) order an j must keep such bridge or cul- honest and due ' 1 bTTsuefand sTiairii'eni"Torce for XihV ti Ml one of our performance of all duties paddlo hi ewri oano.' nvompanvini; the ordul'.t one year pnly(frptri and,, after tl)e date vert in proper repair.,,-- . , be by him performed, to j' rrcalar aiilliorized Advertising Agents. required ljcrein ( llav-ndevoid of interest to tlirt of the gatne i' but All c(iniinuni('tttion g wliict bond TheVo are one hundred ami seveuty- shall be approved by and may bo renewed-annualljSpc..2,,,jiy. perion, iMJt1'11conven-ieucto pwniotn jirivuie interests, pnWic, or intrude e or Uieir on of the nine tniles of street railway in Philadel and uiakjng,ditcift.iF payment annually jjlcd in tho office of the City Rocorder. immnit will be chariieil a 'udtijrJinieiitJ, suttvof Wiree dylbn as nJVr9siili running in front f, their .lots, bcL nwuireU iu advance. If personal in c haracter. w phia, aud six hnndred and eighty-eigh- t ck 2. That all auctjonoors so licensed rewrve the right to reject auy article, or advei bee. 4. All dogs so registered shall tweenthe street ami PtijcHalks, m hav- shall receive all articles which they cars. ...... ;i nl.-.- i u " niny thisciasn. wear a suitable collar, nlh the name or ing ditches in their lots, on or wiluin.the be required to sell at auction, and give eoneem D. Editor. 'closer whom To all it may RICHARDS, .'t'pRAUKXIN "What Is It that stickcth 't,iiau initials of the" Owner or keeper, and the line of fence, are hereby required to em- receipts therefor, if required, anil at the -0 brotier!!' said a .'Surtdity'-'scliooC. W. I'EXROSE, Associate Editor. number corresponding with. thtof the bank said ditches so as to keep the wajer close ,f)f any sale, shall deliver a truo. actherein fpoiit otertlmvttift oorUficftlk) tit registry insbUbid tiiireon TOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT teacher Iq one of hh olasa. ,'A postago damaging count, of such sale, and pay the amount and all dogs found running at 'lnrge said sft;eWs-- or sfitoVftlks':.! The " 'said realised for such articles gold to the per all Persiinr encaeed iu Business in OCDEN DIRECTORY within the limits of said city, not so reg- ditchott iHtlweeal el jeetl n4 raidcwalk son entitled to the same on surrender of Ogden City, (fcr which the City Ordi writes lionie iehnii '"Pavirt: teetfrdmtlie lino the, recciDt of such articles, if auch re muices provido'that a license must bo thoA traveler istered and collared, shall be liable to be .have ! stood the u".tiu im.'A of ivonlj of said lots, excqpt, 00, whatsis known' ceipt jjtliall have been giveu, after de obtained,) "without'5 first procuring l'iii(ed States OHieers for killed by any persou. . 1 sinco my arrival here is the'reiwh for ' as'ain said ditches Street," where Sec. 6. bitch fouiid Uf TrjTlIn'" at ducting tho one per cent, as mentioned liceuse ate Labia 14 be taken, before any damn." Governor lar'g Wftfiiin the limtoW HftfiMlly, while sJiaUbft tu'euty foct vfroin. tlie( iu of in the' preceding section, and a further Alderman ti'eaid City, aud bo, subjecto .Tviiom SJuf n.'o.' i.'.v .i .'.', ' ' ' ' A. Mann. in heat, shall be liiiUyto. be 'kNlriI'liy lots. And all persons erecting any ibidj suni as compensation for such sale, not to a Fine. $ttrrlart-- $. A married lady ,ir SU Paul bus deen . . dlu-jiei-i in lVTifof whether Marshal M. E. Patrick. jjf in a trance stato for six weeks, nud.her any person, registered 'pr not, orluicways By order of the City Cou'hcil,' ,thr exceeding ten per cent, on the amount of and the bwijer or keeper of Jho same' t fieir' lot s "areJ tiefeW rcQinrC'lilo so euoli alc. i husband refuses tosend for a doctor He r1tW'ait-ectloLOIUN FARR, Mayor, E. Totillfilottc. shall bo U auk ta 1 iae in. bf'the'.Cit Water sum not i Sec 3, It shall lie tho nuty of every Supt. Iuil'tim Affiitrs-- 3. says he intends t enjoy a "fjuiet'tline'as aayj Surrevur-(,'at?ralC. Clements. exc'e'eirihg'.te'u uoilar's fof eacU"oa"ouce Master, and niiist kcop tho same in gooil " auetiuaeer licensed as aforesaid to pay i i a long ag possiblo.t-- ? o 'order and repair. lleceii'cr of FuififlonihrlS, p. Over and cost of prosecution. : m the, Siiid sum of one per cent, on all TnOS.' Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. . '' ' Ji Gen. I"ratt,s the "freaf fScoI'S.'i The owners' 'or peeupiers of CQOilsnd chatties sold, by him into the ton. Sec. 0. If the owneror kectict 6f anv merican Traveler,"-- nays that '''after 30 years' ex Riji'trar of Land OJice George R. dog shall auffiir or permit the siu'uu to en- farming .land Within the limits, of eaid City Treasury monthly or oftener if reter or be iu any place of worship in said city are hereby required to make their' quired iy the CUy Recorder, and in ac perience, enough, to put rilown a mflULn Tho Omco of tho City Recorder Is at ordinary men .orover,, Uo has U. S. Aswor John P. Tiisgart. 0V(d,.u4 j sufficient water counting for such sales it ahull be. the proportion, city ,oiuo to ditches fot U. ia he ImblQ to ft Cue 111 any sum uot exceed keep the same duty ot every auctioneer to make his re- the Office of the' "Ogiten Jntictiort,' the conclusion that American Colhcturi). 3. Ilolhsier. politics in repair, under tlje, .dirCQtion of the turns to the Auditor ,of said oily, under Seventies', llalL near - the U. C. R heirs to grind ' up devils in."' CMifiSu&iceC. C. Wiltrnn. ing five dollars and cost of prosecution. - , , mil (f) l.i MVr ,, m. . Aswdate J itices 0, F. Strickland and Sec. 7. If the owner or keeper of any WatefiMa "having 5arigdictiou, who oath or affirmation, and exhibit to said Station. v ,,,, ''Havej-otime shall the reasonable notice of any liiubhorn , .Lonaits" 10 give said whenever his of sale fierce, books 0. m. iW 3 p. . Auditor Hawley. jiUnijeriiiis, rvuiisabieyous dog Ojjki llourtfrim Inquired a very modest niisa, of a shopshall Bmitn) suP.4s Ine Satitw'to eo at and place at which such work, is tjj'be Auditor shall require them, And any "done. '. keeper.' i "Any what '. "Any limbliom comto , the within said limits of auctioneer largo city, neglecting refusipg.or TcrrKorial Oflloors: bonnets !V,') "Any-y- oa ilort't mesh 4. ,AU persons are Sec.1 i5o erot of lio'sbaflle li herein hereby the with contained, prevision ply II. tfhe;k legist Debi'ite to t Conar.Vt rf William ' ,The, youaglady able to a fine, for the first offence, in any forbidden to run water or dig ditches shall forfeit his license and be liable to !' "l! 1 Hooper. streets across of roads or the loe, less lZ nor than ten sura fine five not not any in sum dollars and r,p".T?":wT?livui i. vni public a ont escecdii) any Zcrnlihalnd Snow. AUttrwy-Generor the second oflence, not exceeding ten within the limits of said city for the pur- more than ono hundred dollars for each lias 600 blast furnace, which D. T. MoAUijfjy.f Xjnkiiir--). .1 England " ollars and cost : and on tLe lliind con- - pose nf conveying water for irrigation, offence. :" reduce liOOO.GOO tonauf ore Jmlilnr William CinytAn.' every year ' or i unless .See". '4,' 'All auctioneers are hereby they alone, pavo, viti)ii for such offence,.1 W any team not pr otherwise, to' 4,800,0(X tons of metal, and, which JT'ttMuvr David 0. Calder. er expose for sale any lo JieK exceeding tifteeu dollars and cost, and be culvert the same, under the direction of JEuibUJea fl j nsuni614,0r)fj, 000 tons of coal. "Too StptrintrwlnU of Commo Schools liable to jiay all damages caused by aid the BuperviSrtr. ' ': ' kind of properly so near to the streets as Rok rt L. CatnpWe'll. raanutaeiured, metal is "wortii 'kbout o. boo. Master is Water on lue to and the Mayor or Alderman before cause people to eattier in crowds l.ity dog; fltH,0(JOHiO.P ,(I1tf I'! ,.0! Ira whom such third oonviction shall be had hereby required to see that owners or oc- - the sidewalks so as to obstruct the free ) Jot Buildup water ditches use or passage over' the same, or to use In shall issue an order to the Marshal of cupiers of. Weber Count Officers: 'a printing bmcfe'nVcd "Aatrhnger SAMl'LE A?D SALtSUOOM a. j tho youngest said city, or any of his deputies, requir comply with the requirements of the pre- immoral or indecent language la crying 1'iubaU .and County what hisfini!oof apprentlde sections of this ordinance, and their goods, or to make, HicWds. V waa, "1 set up as long a I noisy acclauia ing him to immediately cause such dog ceding '.v punctuatioa notify tbeui of any neglect or any breach tions, or ring belle through the streets in b killed! can hold my bfeatb, then 1 putMx aceui-mt.i., Syi Vcn Letcr J. Ilerrick, Henry to Sec. his when I gape, J insert, a aoitiooon ; 8... Any person who shall kill or of the tame, and it is hereby madenonadvertising their goocH and chattels. Holmes, Richard Ballantjrne. ami when I want ft clew of lobacgo, I cause to be killed any dog registered and duty after such notification and a ree. 6. ..nothing ' in this ordinanee (Vrfc and RtcordtrY. 8. Richards. to enter complaint shall be so construed as to make a paragraph,". 4 prohibit any VrtsrcutUig Attornty Aurclius Miner. collared, pursuant to this ordinance, ex- compliance therewith, jirrl Ogdea before Alderman of sheriff,, constable or other officer from or tie con-seMayor any the without aa herein .Voter? i'wiie Williiun Critchlow. provided, cept A New Orleans paper, gives a Vrapliio of the owner or keeper thereof, bt said city against the offender, who upon selling any property in discharge of offi Sheriff Gilbert Belknap 'J conviction shall be liable to a fine in any eial duty at publio auction. aooonnt of a thuader-stonnl-h I have an kand a Urpt ttnrW of Hm VMrata who of that city. shall Brown. nog any deprive registered Deputy SAmyWWUliara BltAWAN, LEK Ill'N, (U10W, U0WK.N. . sum not dollars twenty-fiv- e iu exceeding Sec. uiis eiiuemenoecnrs;1,asere-ra- l as herein the 6. a or its auico Bing-'Lapropre Aisesiot and Co!lectoY9:uforl Any person violating collar, put collar, t) RAX US of tSUAKP'8 " AM) persons were struck by the lightning, vided, on any dog not so registered, er for each offence, and to pay all damages viBioni of this ordinance, when not otb and in ono instance a woman was .killed. suffer a collar to remain on any dog after that may accrue by reason of such neg erwlse provided, shall be liable to a fine Treasurer Israel Canfield. The houses 'and ''Vessels, 'hpwever, did the expiration of the certificate or regis- lect: and it shall further be the duly of in any sum not' exceeding one Hundred Coroner Wm. N. Fife. '! ' '" not fare ao well?' ""''" T Assess, collect, dollars for eaoh offence, i Surtufttr and SiweriiUend'iil, of Schooh tration, and without such certificate bei the City ' all taxes for tlie construction a if -- Wm. V. Burton. Passed May 80ta,A. D. 1870. .! 9 ill "' ' ing renewed as hereinbefore provided, and expend A sea serpent njnoty foot lone, and CASE LIQUORS, LORLN FARR, Mayor, shall bc"lfabloo a'fin'cfir any Sum not and keeping in, repair, all water ,ditchs with "a head like a lnltcr' beer kee. has said and 1 j e leading through city. dollar.etcetdibg twenty-fivTno. Q. Odkll," City "Recorder, been soon in the Hrtd6rl ' rlver.tnear n .. CASE WINES, ... .11 wAiKs.. t Sec. 9. And belt further ordained by t ' ,.sira .1 : ' r Grnt Islaud, in theliglilaftdaJ fi'tio 18C1. Act Jan. of 18, 0. See'. 'And be it further ordained, Incorporated by Mid Coimeil that tht Mav&f siitf dil v CHAMPACHES, head and ueck of the, noudescrirjt weiu Municipal election biennially on the bo and lslieVcby'tm'thofizcd to issiie las tliat t,JiM sidewalks in said city shall, and extended ubwards some ten or twtilve wiond Monday of February. Meetings proclamation forbidding the running at are hereby .declared to be, sixteen feet An Ordinanee In Relation to . feeU Only three pcrsonsVitiieaseJ Ihfa f the I ' ' r' ETC- -CATAWBAS, ETC: City Council weekly, on Tuesday large of any and all dogs wifb4n,tho liju- - wide; IneaMtred outward from tfte boun,111 Ordinance the City iii i!. i efiai marvelous iighlv .:nn' e'i.! .itv I evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. dary Tines of the blocks as platted on the uo lis 01 sum ciiyau uuy fiviiou and examine Stock,fjall on what, said f Mayor Loren Farr. piy city, excej4 I in, iita fipjniou-U- i See.' 1. Be it ordainod ty the City public safe omciaLmap Hickory Plains, Arkansa, niust be a HiH" are mad is known as Main Street, which' shall, be Council of ty is in tatnoaetion " delightful Bummer tdtfdo'iico!' ' 0;i'd(iy Ogden City " 2d L. J. Herrick, ,, or rabid does in or near said city, unless twenty feet. wide. suit or proceeding, pending recoatly-ra- d it wasn't' lit pood Uuffor Sec 7. Every owner or occupier of prosecution, .. Josenh Parry. 3d a such dogs- - bej securely "jnu7id J at the time any ordinance or part of any tho recreation. 11 Into Houmc 3'loiire enrly bit said or of Utreels lot Comuelon the leallier any James Wo ftt city ordinance Bhall b6 repealed, 'sliall be frinti7.rte Ca'steneJ rt and air. Jolm Ru.isull killod fortv-thrThonijison, William W. Burton, Josiah straps or chains :, and all dogfound run that are no?"()t)eneJ, is Hereby required affected in any way by Such repeal, but fattlc-sna'keihtrty-on- o of which mea.- to remove frdro the streets and sidewarks all such Leavitt, Israel Canfield. lint urea Iron three to five fuel iu actions, prosecutions, suits, or . I T, ning at large within said city during tne in front of, said lot or lots all length Recorder Thos. G. Q$v iH wagoni, proceedings, shall proceed in all respects time specified irt gn'eh proclaronfion, un each,-.- ? ."4 'r m .4 io I In iw Attorney A. Miner. less muzzled as herein provided, shall be wood, luuiluM'i oowyards, boxes, fonoing. as if such ordinance, or part of an orui ' '"A , or other obstructions to the free travel nanoe had hot been" , ManhalVf. X. Fife. great' deal of the craft ci 'Safcin'oov-ais- u liable c be kuUed by ppr PTf repealed. ' ' r .Toi rrcatrfr-Aar- on of persons or teams; and any such owner ' bee. 2. Whenever the term "here f in ( the i'urr,; 1 1 See!10.,'Any: vorUi f' Tibllfbg, X' falling thitigs' ly' wrotife to remove Amessor and Collector S. Binglinm. names.. He call idolatry laligien ( supt U shall in ocaurs provisions .6f this1 ordinance slilt,h4n or occyptiir whosUall neglect, ordiiace auy W. W. Burton. Surveyor not otiierwise provided, be fLmcw to t niiysuehv tibstrhctions,' or TvBd shall in be construed to mean ant tiino previous "lIALFA BLOCK , EAST OP.. TUB erstition reverence,. end atheism. jien.oo Paul neafly' nails the scientifio coun(ci-fo- it Captain of llf&rf. O. Taylor. fine n any sum not less- than three, dol any way obstruct Such travel on any to the day' when such ordinance shall "JUNCTION'; OFF jCE, OGDEN.,, 1() Imtice of the. l'eace S. Egglcston. t thfe couTiffr, lars nor more than ten dollars and cost street or sidewalk or alley that is orsball take effect," and whenever 'the Icr by the' phrase, oppo Constable C. F. Middle-tonbo opened within the limits ol said city, ."hereafter" " ' for each offence. Voif be construed AU Orders personally- and promplly lUioiia of acienee falsely shall it occurs, have-thwlwle arguuMiQt in a:i now except by permission of said Council, to mean any time after suoh ordinanoe Passed May 80th, A. T.' 1870. ' ,a-.,ttcndad,t n , not sum fine be shall to liable a in any I : ! ! C i LORIN shell; that explanatory,. clausq Lrands . Mayor.'shall take effect., , less than five dollars nor more than fifty Ogden Post O.Tice: Article mumfitrurmt hyu Is Wamtiited W the swindler. ' If any so ealled sc'iense is G. Odkll, City Recorder. Thos. in 8. SecorJinance Whenever, any .PotUnittttr Isaac Moore. bo Biade of the land material .1 dollars for each offence, -- 4 ...... ... l I1' I' " really In opposition to the word of (Jod, n or resolution, words in the plural num General Delivery from 8 a.m. to G p.m. vSec. 8.' Any person rijlng, driving, U i noienoe falfecly so callod.'Ainrntf used in M are or ber ol J describing referring iCl.l.'S M Sundays, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. or leading any horse, mulu, or other an to science is founded ea faith, and wornhipa or An Ordinanee matter, Anthorizins; any persons, any parties, Daily Mails close, until further notice, trhdn an? sidewalk in said it author. sti uiul thcltcutttling imal or tearfl Atheistie,tanti:9hriattta matter, party, or person! shall 9 'w fcalt Lak ,City 8.30 p.m. ' 1, 1 to a one of noli less iinjrle ; lii iialje ciijfslwl ence,- is an Impostor. distrl be ta deemed of- Fines and Cost, included, although For the East e 6.30 a.m. Wertty-fivttoli -- :" If 111" l i'a .ti'.nb mit.i!frj a ,tmoci inin " words to that effect may not be t 'iq f VTA !'. ",l 1 '" tltaa 6rie mir morehim Fok .80 jun. lrovidotl butive , An rxohaage stales that a metj)ind Jia Sec. 1. Beit ordained by the City iars for every 8ucu offence. Ol M used. . XJJJLkJ lately !been discovered whereby .ohj opo, T'l k Wast Council of Ogdon City, that the Mayor nothing in this section shaU be so con Sec.t. Whenever any subject, mattcr.par- - Ualf-hIrom Salt Lake City l Pret: B. I,nj' BeriuVnne, can bo rransfortned iiito' a tissue of 7.30 a.m. ana em strued as to prohibit persons from cross fy, 'or person ia described or referred to in. be JWHhortMd and hereW . Salt Iko (,'ltv. horn the East - 4.30 p.m. of the moat boaiHlinl fdbric.'eviii bt Uf - i n ,., '1 fl V.fi ln premifor the ing the sidewalk to or from .their, any ordihance by words importing Ui ' - 7.30 a.m. powered toErtMfillliai-tloWest TO ses..-, BALt IAK1! CUV SH WI. surwoe and delioftojt if 4oiop,aieaiir.of .1 TTJSTTOBS of t in: violation of masculine the or number, gon ihopudkuincei V not (hrcot bifatl and tee tht flue MAILS which weighs, wUli wraijei-- nudsUinga, Sec. T). 'AH persons are hereby for. singular, n "e said city1,' or to rchiif '0 mucli1 of any der,.8cveral matters Aand, persons, fe- of NAl'lYa 1NIMAI4 m4 Rl KDH( alio UIK two" and 'a half pounds. for North Ozdfln. .on Monday at to It is principal-- , tiio r bidden obstruct walks, sidp JIOMB au.l uatuinl fine pr peualty whioli; belong! MANUrACTllKliS, males as well as males, and, bodies KAI.8, 30 at tfet3I rfoiJsiiarl4es, p.m. For Tlairi City, on Thurs- uf tlie Territory, at Hi. above mtirtji ly used in the potteries for transferring st;yt4).y jiro.liirti.in of ns well with as individuals proseu.i-Wolinn sliallte sostg pnt 1 l ni n any together corpornte city, ti ...... . ' . ..... the variaue paUcrne i - . A..' - jumuUigrvlling tf Jioop,,j9yirig pf kits flecmea tieiaitbitiVe, "Vi.wy.w p.m. j;orituntsviue, ,y as to Mm shall secjrj hist and Jrettto be inciuiicd. 1 ho rules above vjien w oni v a.m. 10 a p.111. S y.JriV and. is found, superior Aojiaayi Bubntancfc to engage In nay iuestlay and Friday, or " utliijr vt.. or, game,, v in all cases, unless JMf 1 'ai ix, s;fiiili la shall apply il eittr l eu , prescribed evmitiv. ,,,1,11 " J., is- eo-- t 11 yet known foi tjiat fprposo-j- j Soc. ,2.,,- - Be it further ordalnod-- that sports in said strcetjj iudtwalkg calf'U-latc,- n rnau o ouierwise tenacious that a sheet of il twLsteij.by, erresfiy preiie1 liorseu! or UanuLoi to filgUti-1b authorized and empowered, the Mayor : . t i.ive uftnen aaiiy, until tnrtlier no- theliftnd in'e' forfnfbf a rnrf0) aurioy or obstruot the free travel of auy soniethiag 'In tfce subject or" cmhexte' AT THE H EYE KG IIDl'SE PAIK1N, lor Salt, Lake City at 8 a.m. and in rases of confinernent in prison of, anys, ofSOOlba wriglAi'fetfy Ml the CAt.t pen-alt- y crrtam,., 4u.r ptider Stmth 9lrf!. Salt IjiVk (X'T, for a' violation uf Uie,;City,Ordi-nanqepugnant to such construction, fiP'm" (For cxtra train!l Bee tine i of a fine of hot loss than one.i nor addi-tio- u yon will Hud JOK. K1.MMO.N8 or hi fiaeixtaugi lijp in ao age fiu vent iou sra irtt Vt uen in 6. to bee. all ordinance charges any repealing roafly aim wiuin to aerTwyon wiui 'able.) For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For fay jail ten than more Imprisonment eases in all dollarspk Snes of a rirovlHi' toremission ,ue west, at 6.35 eaid Anna'Tii'clin'ort'o'ri Mis "Why;1' p.m. is just rtctlu eced..Mo uays lor eact: onetiofl. shall Itjolf be repealed, such"reiiears!iall one ccaioa,teppuigqil)rwawl W V, - O'OIDEN t!Jt()WN CIGARS," no iroin oaii iaKe uity, 7 a.m wnere he may be satisfied that itdirected is not be construed to revive such former ,.and and i: proper, lheudjtc-,and , couiinenLing From the bjtureT , 4.25 . , 4'IUa -- t'ET, East, p p.m ebpf T,.a 5 St with (i " to to issue an orileajah ItW or provision, UBltssii clause, ordinance, .,.1 3. c'.i I flight of elortuonpc V'V "Writ-.tM'-alofty 'mue Vest, 6,36 ..!. sideL i en the tUtlt treea shade S! be'exnreselv tfovidedit t ; planted as he' pausec and a (hriii If. onttiiiun afli fborn Salt Luke City Time. pay the amount out of the,City Treasury tbat all walks In stfd citf shall be sot fourten flce C.--i any! ordifliftice cftnffifit witn" unon. ' ran- through' tho audience' !,,'AjSin" ilfo " v nil " .T ill Sec. 3. It shall be the duty. of. the feet froty tneTKiundary line of the blocks or be repugnant to any'othcr, that which rich tones of tuo wi4om wedtaii foIhii AVorsItip fl tite as platted on the official map of eaid shall have Ns Mayr-riipl'Sved fteU every Surifh'f'ifr" the report1 ever the expectant people salj a FOpiwiti jifsscdy ' Taberncle ' each rm fflff:' ATStA'LKf!R . MCN'trrW DiiCO ed the questiqn, "Why was f borA,?;" ityt except on what is known as Main shall ; preVsaL 'ad.. At iituok-ai- d and 2 p.m.; and in the School City Council xhe number of fines renut Arid again alio jmuSed1, fliat toir witii the amount of eaclV tine, cost Street wlwre ucl trees eh all be pleated parts of any prior ordinance or pro "eg oftue various Wards at 5.30 Cia CoUBtrv promutly at. p.m and fhe'lhics of'suidlots vision as shall be inconsistent with such tea de ii Calls from . ' jail charges td. TCinittC'l- - nccompa-nie- d eighten-ft-ei;fr6rrw"' 16 might be made ijiotf 1or hear' I;,' : t last UroOis. ' ': ''. , ' bis ,r(sasona.-foi-' ordiur.nco, clause, or provisIon,shall :reraiUiiig Uao ers before tlie.jiwswered by ii qttoeit BUSINESS CARDS. same. .ic'tirn ' "S? ,li.,Any person failing or neg be deemed to be repealed 4b ergby tion. ,"Why was I bora? ahjO iku,s DR.WM.H.CROVES, ol '" trees A'. eot as shsde Stnh to 1870. DIBTO. Tassea May 30thi 'A:'D., oit I'asd May 'once Wire iu touching and nluiusl Vuiu- - , provided lecting ao. Ninth j4,- .t ti i p t im, iwi ' ' LORLN FARR. Mavon. jfnc. LORIN FARR, Mayor. in seftiort fen of .fhij ordinauoe, the. Su wicked "lio y ai ilio fuf acSertK'-Mft'- a ' m Wfkjr' aaihoriisod to proceed Thos. G. Odell, City Uceorduf." gallery shouted, "1 givoitup!'' - - A ig ." I'l ' 't " 1" : : ft. ' -- i -- . utr '; Jt "t . A.-3III121- 1, 1 puie-wate- : i- ojioite tis-t- n three-dollar- . , ' ' ,1- s. : g, "'" .' ! CITY LICENSES. "t l slmlM-heMjxte,- Itab. r f ' t . " , . . . .1 ) , . , , R-.- u , . 1 f; .'.',.' V waa-broug- E;,GAHN;";::: DEALER '"" ' io-ee- U Wines & Liquors. . j Judu,i. . . r -- 'r a , M AIIST. STREET; - a; lei:t City, Utah, nt 1 ,jt 1 , WaWrlQp J CityiCoycrnni)!! i'h'H" ... tf ,v .1' 1 -- . . - Mniil Strict Ogdon, Oni-osil- tr5Tltcr c eiUier-Ur.-,.W.- . iL. S-- ji I ' . ' e" Cnrpon or, ueraiKi ' "''' .inii - , . tf7 A m larlon WIUSEUC AND ,,.,,: -- - menagerie: Weatjrrr, ar . n SEMI-WEEKL- j&it Y I ! . l(fje -- n i T fn - - , , , 3 OYSTERS. 1 wlftWy-pvrtBpwar- pci-So- " ! . r -- !! O liTinc foot-ligh- ' t' tJt ''-'a.m- flu-'du- e J Vl-t- iH-1- , li- " 4 a h' on tk |