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Show $ttt 9(jdc BY TELEGRAPH. gunctiow COMMEROAIU LIST OF 1XTTKKS. REMAINING UNCLAIMED in' the Post Office in Ogden, Territory of Utah, on 1st of June,;' 1870, which, if net In' Tuesday'? session of the synod of thev 1st MJtuy; irwy calledtoi....do sentbefor l f" .u i l! f4C. hurch the following Tho new Theatre opens toj to tne weaa jcvior will yuv sMlsties'of he in church United the to turn out and fill miniatm-a- . . States were' eiven:'! eitrKtv-sinight, Ogden. ought r "Ten " A"i Nights in a Bar ltoom" eighty-fou- r' t' elders, 309 deacons, 208 the house. 3 il ani P total ful1 2,050 increase Alexander ff'iItcI'0!!t families, J ( baptisms, KippJH L it a Play See advt. and during the year 708. The total contri- Arm stead J G thoroughly represented. butions Larsion C B by the church for religious pur' Larson A poses, during the year, amounts to $1, Barrott J posters. Larson B 471,806. Barlow B Tailors, TAYtOE j5o'g,'MercWt jggLate advices from Remedias contain Belcher Major J II Langsderf J M the slaughter of forty of the most re- Bearkman S Lewis N A hJf a block west, of the bank, Ogden. Leavitt P reBeam I in citizens, spectable volunteers, by To day President Tgip to Ebigham, Lewis D 2 venge for the many defeat? they had Bird Chas on their way to suffered. Lehman A S Voting and compajjy Portello, the military com- Borteo D E mander the of butch the knew Brusie Lako J Bear Cache and Loughney T district, Valleys Jlalad. M was meditated, but passively en- Brown W ery To at hold City. Brigham meeting will McAfee J W dorsed it. Browne E J 3 morrow they will attend two meetings A frightful scene occurred at the Burns J H McNerney J An excursion train Bowery Theatre on Saturday night. A Bune C McGraw J C jD the same place. McLane D in the cage Burton II D wiU leave Ogden for Brigham City on young woman who performs H Buibank seized with was the Puma the lions Maokey J by Sunday morning at ten minutes past throat C Marlue W by one of the beasts, and terriin even o'clock reaching Brigham City bly lacerated before she could be res- Canney Dr F E J Mather J O Marshall J C 8 one hour; returning from Brigham City cued; her piercing shrieks threw the Caldwell J M audience into and Cain a Manyard W S minutes peo at many panio, past twenty in the afternoon Martin L home A was Careswater taken and fainted. She ple four o'clock and arriving in Ogden at received Michclson C attention. Clark J surgical prompt Mills W Clark K twenty minutes past live. Fare for the Washington. W M Miles two and internal Collinsen revenue The the of J dollars, back, from Ogden receipts trip Morris S J to date, amount to Courtney J for the current excursion Utah Central a is year, This cash. hundred and hfty-nv- e Mosley J millions, indi Copies II startin J from and returning to Salt Lake that those of the year, ending Costellan M Mosbey F cating the es- June 30th, will reach the estimated fig Coddington G M City, hut tho above is written for Murphy J Murdock J W of Weber ure, of a hundred and seventy-fiv- e mil Cox II B pecial benefit of the people T A H Cohn lions. Myrick County. See posters. N D The President has signed the North Here is an excellent opportunity for Pacific Railroad bill and the bill to en Deadcrick D S 2 Nelson T Nelson N De Sanies C a cheap trip to "the Queen city of the force the fifteenth amendment. Norris S J The public debts statement will show Donnall W north" and at the same time attend the P a decrease during May, of 4U,310,yb DupveyC meetings which will certainly be in- The com balance in the treasury is E Paugburn J H structive and interesting to all who are $ 10,677,731, and currency $34,243,810 Pall J Edwards J Parker L Red Cloud and his party of Sioux Egar J 11 privileged to hear. F PerrottW have arrived. Spotted Tail and hi Priday J W gjJj?" Gk.vti.emkx wanting first-claparty visited Commissioner Parker, who Farrell W 2 Pratt C O explained to them that the intention of Farington J Tailors should go to R TniRKiLr. & Earl's, the gevernment, while desirous of peace, Farrell J Reid R was to protect the people. The Indians Farel J that they have no other desire Fauton CD Rennington B Rkuoioub SKBVrCES. On Sunday the persist Reese D 3 Friend Yank than peace. 5th inst, Bishop D. S. Tuttle of the Epis G RobbinsM2 It was decided at the cabinet meeting Roberts J R to hold the grand Indian peace Gardner J F 2 copalian Church will hold religious Rose W A conference on Monday next, at which Gaskell F 2 services in the sitting room at the pas JC and Red Cloud will be Gibson W Tail, Ruhling Spotted senger depot of the Union Pacific Rail present. S Gibson HE road. Sanford G Morning service at 11 o'clock It was further decided thatall Fenians Goldberg G Sisson J 2 II under arrest should be tried in the U. S, Evening service at 8 o'clock. Simmons J M Courts for violation of the neutrality Harris I Smith J A llasc J P laws. "Kxowledck is Power." The best Smith G U Hamblin J C San Francisco. Smith C B The editor of the Mazeiwa, a flash Hardy II place in Ogden City to obtain books, Smith W G Hall W pamphlets, pictures, newspapers and paper was shot through the head, on Hart J F Stower W Montgomery street, for publishing plain and fancy stationery, is at Mr. C scurrilous Swonson P A article; it is probable he will Hall M S B. McGregor's, opposite the Tithing not die. T IlawleyC Thomas J W office, Main street. He has a great varie I he owners of tne Mexican grant in HallW Heath & Shaw Tingley D W ty of the above named articles, always northern California, encourage emigra Toombs J tion and have thrown 50,000 acres of Hendry M on hand, and an extensive assortment of TurbettJR land in Shasta valley, near the Califor Hill J Turbett J maps. He says he can furnish Lloyd's nia and Oregon Railroad, into the mar Hutchinson S W Hudson J ket at three dollars per acre. great, double, Reversible Map of AmerWaterman L A I Cleveland. ica and Europe, at fifty per cent below Walker J The loss by the fire on tho Atlantic Ingram M cost price. This is one of the best Maps Weldon M and Great Western railroad Ingram G H ever published and every school should estimated at from Williams E D J fifty to one hundred have it. It is both useful and ornamen WilbarSK thousand dollars. Sixteen tank cars, Jenkins D ' Wilson C J til, and is a splendid thing to hang up, containing 1,400 barrels of oil, and six J acobson J A T Wilson E V Jones there which on were cars burned, either in hotels, offices or dwelling empty Y K was no insurance. houses. Call and see them. Young C E Kclley W H Chicago The Trihunt't Washington fiDcciol eavs it - ' - 'I ii'i 1 ill V 'i, ijait theXJiiniileiJ (T pf X'taJt have pt- - Andrews Mrs . .Xetf rson Olive sentatives here to get an act of incorpo Bowman M" Toulscn in this' issue. Tatterson M ration, to operrlf nn irrigating ditch About vorella Miss A . , Kiece Jirs a. miles, long, from a point in Bear' Day Miss R , Roberts Miss J Lumber tor thk Million. All kinds twenty to down River Kanyon Salt by Corinne Dickjyrson Kitty E Sfonebrackef Mrs P Lke, The - land grant is four. Sections Farnsworth M J 2 Slatter Mrs S J Snow Mary jois!, flooring, beams, "rafters, sheeting, per mile; capital stock of the company Hawkins Mrs II to be a quarter of a million. The pro E Mrs C etc., delivered at the U. P. Depot inOg Hamlys Stephen meets with considerable favor among Hamlin Mrs J J 2 ' ject H First-clasStaples den for $35 s per 100Q feet Congressmen. Johnston Mrs L H Tooms Miss E flooring, finishing lumber and pickets, at Woods Mrs Clay A Jardine Miss M ; FOREIGN. $40. Delivered at the U. C. Depot in McNerney Mrs J " Wilson Mrs L London. Moore Mrs M Salt Lake City at an advance on the "Kingscroft" won the Derby ; The Post Office is removed to the above prices, of $2,50 per 1000 feet. Ad The sculling match between Kelly and dress J. Williams A Co., Weber Station, Sadler is fixed for the 14th of July, at building lately known as the California Newcastle. V. P. R. It. Restaurant. U died to Cyrus Redding, the author, ISAAC MOORE, P.M, . . 85. day, aged Tradx bt Daylight. Zion's Constantinople. Whkri's Pcoh ? We clip the follow Institution is doing a very extensive The fearful vindictiveness of the na business. The clerks are kept busy and tive Christians injthe RoumanianTurkish ing from the Elko Independent: have no time to be idle. Those who provinces, against the Jewish population "Kough on JSotton. l'he Boston ex culminated on Sunday in a wholesale cursionists telegraphed from Omaha to think it fun to serve in a store from butchery of Jews: A thousand men, wo the U. P. Railroad Company's agent at morning to night ought to try it and see, men and children were dragged from Ogden in the following language: They would find more real work in it their homes and slaughtered. The work 'Have a band er musio ready to re than they imagine. From 7 a.m. to 7 p. m. of slaughter goes on in the interior. ceive us upon our arrival at Ogden.' The authorities have made no move to is the regulation time at Z. C. M. I, check Whereupon the agent answered as it. The Christians took advantage quite long enough for any one to labor. of the absence of the reigning Prince follows; We have no musio in our souls. Our at a preconcerted signal We mention this as a bint to the public Charlos, and extermination of their ene- duty is to get you away from here as the began not to delay their purchases until busi mies. soon as possible after your arrival.' " ness hours, but to do their be Havana. We feci profound pity for the unfortU' trading we 7 p. m. that the clerks may have The rjiny season has set in in Cuba nate R. R. official who has "no musio in 'little breathing and resting time. and the yellow fever has broken out at his soul." Poor thing t The screech of Nevatas and Puerto Principe, greatly to the iron - horse must have pierced his " 8 First Class Board at tho White the consternation of the Spaniards. in successes There are reports of Cuban spirit and murdered that desire for IT , 1 . m -(to Art "ujo vjucu, $o,uu pur,weeK. iry n, several small engagements. sweet sounds which lives in the bosom of Paris. ..' 1AYL0R every natural human. We hope his stay by Name, Tailor by Tradh Napoleon, on his return from Chalons, in Messrs'. jolin Taylor and Bro. Ogden will not be long, both for his place in July, it is said, will go to Munich. The Qazettt says, officially that only own sake and the sake of the citizens in to our ir advertisement column ... . i .. . arrested for here. For his sake, because the music y. They hkve been known as good twelve among the prisoners In the rccicide plot, will be of our fine brass band and sweet choir Complicity orkme and competent merchant tail "brought before the high court; the others must make him feel bad, finding in Sal LalU for several years. Their will be discharged, v. The American ana singers, -towns no response iu his poor empty soul, and reputation idwellestablished.in that city Knglish residents of several forwarded have their congratulations the sake of the citizens, because for nd they will soon be well known in Og to the Emperor on his escape from the man without music in his soul, we be n and thjrouglwut Weber County as plot. wilful handlers of the needle and goose Itis reporied that the Prince Impe- lieve to be inhuman, and consequently Gestiemcn who want good serviceable rial will soon be affianced. dangerous. , return Captain Bostonians the When elothiag, fashionably and neatly made, William and his band ought to convince The Suez Canai. veil to glyt thi Jailor, Bros, the folks from the hub that Ogden has can. ' The report presented at the late meet- soul filled with musio enough for iu of the Sues Canal shareholders, at See notice of dissolution of part- - ing own use and some to spare for visitors. Paris, states that 320,000 will be needed ana cacntniiier. .ouip-ijftflat this year to complete the works. The Ordinancbs. Some of our country total number of vessels which passed will be "bored" by thenum Scnoot Trip. Yesterday the child through tho Canal, from the day it was subscribers ru belonging to the Third Ward School, opened to the 15th of March, was 209, ber of City Ordinaces published in the Don't grumble, kind "we treated with a trip to Jones grove two hundred of which were steamers. Junction, ft. ms . must be passed, Ordinances The friends. right; take the little folks out Birth. ld eiv them unma fun fhoir will be also must printed, and you may On the 29th ult., Mrs. Annie S., wife they 'ern all the faster for a little recreation of find all profitable reading in them. Major Gilbert J, Wright, of ft soa. aid it please thetn, and hurts of you may yet beconw Mayors, nobody, Both mother and child are doing well. Many or City Councillors, and you grove is one of the finest places in We Aldermen wish the Major, his wife and son, lb be to Territory for picnics. acquainted with the laws ought health, wealth and perpetual increase. ordinances and necessary for municipal BtSP". O 1 c auvcruseraent of mining dig The shades of night window cur- - government. See the point! Be glad 'net atMiUville Cache County, then, and don't grumble. tains. w k.d ever WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, Oflet of Ogdm Junction, Ogdtn City, Utah Tmriioiy, irtu i, J70. AMERICA.New York. . "n . x' . i BLIACa -.- .... 80c. .to !, ; t r. lot on pawengern, J. WILLIAMS & CO. " i .' i"-- i; ' . e. OP D.0.C11J)ER JOSEPH ' ' ,i j , - i $4.75 to $1160. to $11.00 per ton. COD FISH 14c. to 16c. per lb. . COPPERAS ISc. to 16c. ' CUDBEAR 66c Patent Julian, . . . Tint and Third Whrd Flooring Oppotite Jiuhop Wettd,1 GLASS ' , , , I 40c. to 60e. per ft. CxlO per box, $6.60, ,, 10x12, $7.00. 'u GLUE 40c pet ft. JUY-- FU "upply, $7. to $10. per tea. .. nOQP IRON 14c. to 16c for ft. j j akaa ,. ..; rlb. ,.JNDlGO-42.00lio- ber and . ; ;i , ; ., , i u j F1SII-4- U6 " COAL : pet case . 30c. 8ALT-PBTR- E SUGAR, Brown " ' TOBACCO, Nat. Leaf Y'l '. Glan of WESTEBS, LACiEU BEEJl IIALL, Ntirfh aid f Ualok Square, Main Street, den, whore they can Ije eupplied with that ArUole,,of the very beat quality', and at reduced price. . ' ao-- u ' i. r (') , , ' : - SMITH & CO'8. LUMBER YARD Half Blwikt Wert ,;pf tlw tun: n:.And,.Jowoi.Qaic,. near the U. C. R. K,Jpot, Odo an4 tv ON HAND A LA RUB WE ofHAVE cood Lumber, of varioua QUAKTITT ltn to euit the rauiremmt of the tmrthtmer. Alanliii- mente quantity of Picket, all of which w will aell cheap (or Cuh, and Oraln at Cash uric. . . H.H. All tuoae par"fia wiK.m we iiave accommodated, and who know themaelve Indebted to ui. are rquatd to ooine forward and nnU ictUe- . uient wiuiln one nontb ana tave coata. 8MITII Co., Propklotnr.' COAL! COAL well to give ua a call, aa we Will furnlib a General Bill of Lumber cheaper than any other bouaa in tbelina. , t2M par JOHN thouaand over Ogden price. i. . on tb Car at Kcbo. j ., All order to be addred lolin Hprigta, Coal 14-l- r vllle, Summit county, Utah Territory. , To FA miEItS ami MEIt CHANTS of UTAH we offer this adrantago Wo will Call TAKE ALL KltfDS OFl'AY, whlca At Market Ratae: ' nek $1.10 por production ' of th Farm. Flour, or other Alto Stock ot any kind: Sheep, Ccwt,' Work Cattle t Wagoiu, , ' ft, 9. Egga, Butter, ,: :l ' TO AT $4.00 PER TON . We will deliver la Salt Lake City at an advance of I IS NOW PREPARJU) furniih the best quality Coal 8PE100S MANUFACTURE. CHARLXS PEARCE, ' HfRKF.T, 0(jt)EH, MAIN tb attention of th PuUlo to hi NVw and Kplendld Aortment of Tin, Iron and Copper few wmitHRtly o hand. variety oi kewp ' .00 per ' r:;.,.T..,iv,l,.r S Picketing, at $40. per M. ' at tlie Sparkllifg Deer, 'ftiM. HOME ' . KAVY ORAPE-S- Oc. TRUNKS, $5.00 to $10.00. WASHBOARDS $8.80 por dot. WHEAT, $1.25 per btubel. WHEEHIEADS-1- . 1 ! . , -- Cratlied a? M i ,.! W..i,i.JS.-.!.!" ATI1T WHO itttmsONS EU8llTLINA One tall id ; i $21 !., prepM-e- Partle requiring a Bill for Building will do 16c to 17e. per ft. A-- iOe. , . . PICKETS, $6X0 per 100. , . RAISINS $6.75 per box. RICK 15c to 17c per lb. ' ; ROSIN 16c per lb. i. ROPE, MANILLA 30c to 13c per lb. SOAP, OUVE, L X. L $9.00 per bos. $10.26 li t , ' ' AND STATIONERY.' , rPO Flooring, Finish ing Lumber and PEPPER, Black 45c per lb. " Cayenne 70c per lb. ; ' PEACHES We. por lb. Sold at 20c to 26c Bought at lie. to 20e, PORK POTATOES 60c to C perhuihel. PUTTY 15c per lb. , . POLISH, STOVE $1)0 per dot. SODA ;, . riRST-CLAS- Sc per lb. STARCH 24c per lb. SULPHUR 20o. SALT, Fine Sje. n SALTS, Epeom 16c. m ... ' , MACUIXE-- 11 , 18.60 per oaia . It'' .: .; BPKRM-43.- 60 OATS ',' ; ; 1 j f . !l MKIHC1XES, X.B. Prescriptions cArefuHr at $35 per Thousand. .), ; i IRONS,' I AD 12'n, per lb. , , ,. s ,, LYE $11.00 per cut. ;,.,-,; i to $6.00 per tea.' t LEAD White . Bar 30c per lb, , , ' , , t LOGWOOD 28c to 33c. par lb, LAMPBLACK 2l per lb. t to $6.00 per hundred IWet. LUMBER i . MUSTARD 66c to 66c per lb. f. MATCHES 18.00 to HIjOO per cm. t MADDER 36c per lb. ' MBTAL, BABBIT 40c. per lb. ' $1.7e par x, MOLASSES, Sugar Drip, $2.00 per gul. NUTMEGS $1.78 per lb. . NAILS t&M to $9.50 per keg. OILS, LINSEED $2.26 per gal. - . ' U) nl, .vrlif 'l !(t',tj u ' GootlM, Ciiooorl, Dry SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, - ! i ' Chemicalt, OiU, !'amtt', '0aiiy t.o.yj . , Ukewlee an etcelleot Aaaortmeat f Inch Zium- ,. ,! , HTKllBT, " 2N" ' 00 DEN, " ' Have on hand a ipleudid Sterk of . .;ll0RSK!I0E8-4l3.- 6a I 31 A. DRUGS AN1 $1.35 per bnaheL CHICKENS 60s, each. ' EOG8 SOcPer dot, FLOUR $4.00 per aaok. , 1SSTITLTI0X, CORN GINGER a njjloalid AwKirtuieut. of which, together with our proeent Stock, we think will enable v V lupply our cmtouren and the pablle generally a lib each article ac lby aiay aeed, aX prtoea that cauiwt tun to give aat4iactuu. Pleaae call and examine Uclore trying elaewtiere. Wheat, Com, Barley, Oftta, Hotter and Egg taken f Market in jr Umxii, at th Irighett , .! , ., prioea. CASH WOT, UKFUSED... m 74e. tH. from th Joists ' COAL-t9- .00 ', SV'VERWTESDWt. iaimI Summer Hirinjf,, CUOilaw, ; 66c. por lb. 12 ot. $3.00 per box. CANDY, Fancy S2c to 40 ptr ft. y gM Agent -- ! s Plank, Scantling, CANDLES, ':: INSTITUTION, i .: MAIN I'fKIUI, OUDEa, ;; HORTLT KXPECTF.D 10 AttftlVE, DIRECT U. P. '' ALL KLSDS OF Fi .. , and our Mill running la the Beat Grove of Tim. ' Fruht or"'Pa Second IHstHci Zim'$ OPERATIVE MERCANTILE CO at the following ratet: ,2.W Ae' YOUNC; - Having a Large Supply of erory kind on band. R.R. Depot, . Tikel a4 , ber In Utah, we will furniah Lumber, at tbe $1.7 , i t; Cheaper than ever befora offered to the Public, , , aWltUkaty,"i mi, j' LUMBER, pr do. ,. $130 jn.00 i CaatrevUle . Wood'i Croea.,., , " .... ' K For all laftffnia'tiun eouearnlac '" ' ) apply Article First-Clas- s $1.CK FaTmiKKton - InhabitanU of Ogdaa city and Viciulty wltb a CLOVES COMPOSITION , wlfl please t Kayaville Ogden ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH THE 26 CAMrnOR-41.- 40 Ll purchase their ticket at theoftlrM. Fifty cent arlitillnnal will bvoatttgoa when the far if collected es the train; h i to $1.75, per cwt BEEF Sc. to 16c per lb at hop ; 10. oa foot BUTTER 20e. to 15c. per lb. to $4.00 por dot. BAKING POWDER-43-.00 BROOMS $6.60 to $7. per dot. ' BRASS KETTLES 70c por D. 24c pr lb, by bl. CURRANTS COFFEE, Rio por ik, 28c per lb. CHEESE 25o. to 27c pr lb. CHURNS, AND SATURDAYS, ,i mr', CilT 6 Fastni:r PROVISIONS, Stlck-a- oc- !; jars".'; WEDNESDAYS Learina- Ofdm a.m. aad Salt CftT. 4.40 p.m. on which full fare wlfl ontlife the purchaser of a ticket to return nti tli name day and trala free, and will Mo 6; arranging Willi th Condactor, at any poin4 oa tlw kino to take on or IMPORTED, 6c SHORTS-$1.- , TRAIN ' :;. wiLL ON SUNDAYS ' BRAN r. ivrr !. i ACCOMMODATIOS ANY . , BARLET, 3e.prlb. BEESWAX $0.75 per lb. 60e. por lb. BORAX v t In addltlott to the abor tn ." THA5 . pr lb. ALLSPICE ISt. per lb. AXE HELVES $4.60 to $6 JO BACON 23Je per lb. f "" aj. pr GROCERIES, .,,.or.u.,"j,,'.r-- ; - . Sc. 1870, i Leave SaR Uk Cfty rfattt at i tJl. and 2Aip.iu. aad lM p.a. Arrive at Ogdoa at 1 CHEAPER to 274e. HOSE, Udlci' $2 X to $9.00 per dot. M Gents' half $1.24 to $1.00 do. JACONET 30c. to 60s'. JEANS 46c. to 60c. LINEN, Irlli 66c. to 9Jo. " T&bU, 00c to $1.26 PRINTS Be. to HJc. RA TEN'S DCCK-8- 3c. 8HAWLS-$6- .26 to $8.60. SKIRT BRAIDS 6c. per dot. THREAD, Spooli 60c. to 9(M. pr dot. ' Linen 7&c. to $1. 26 per t TOWELLING 17c. to 20c. per yd, IllCKORY-l- Icjij K?tm "',:? 05 A5D J!--u7,-- AND S3c. GIN6IUMS-17e- v.iaifl . s" TIITTRriTOAY, 5IAY lO BETTER FRENCH MERINOS tl Si to tl.6o JL ANN ELS, Whit k Ilwl 16c. to 2o. Opr OOo. to 76c. ALCM-1- I ' , . y. i '' tjtah: LUMBER ! , f , PIOIfEER i Tralnt will lean! Ogden dalty at a.m., and 6.30 pm. Arrive at Salt Lake City at 10 a.m. ami . . DUCKING .:" fiiT LWE OF UTAH. ;.",',.r. , 1 . i!ii T 31 .; 4 BED TICKINGS 26e. totOc- BRILLIANTS 36c. to 63e. CAMBRICS 13o. to 16c. t CARPETING, ply-l.tt SAe. to We. CHECKS CORSET JEANS 18c. to 23. COTTON ADES 80c. to 45c. COTTON YARN 12.50 to 3. per bench. DAMASK $1.25 to 11.60 DELAINES 18e. to 22c. " Armnrw 22c to 34c. All Wool STc. to 16o. Mulls 18c. to 23e. CENTOS 25c. to 37c. pr yd. , f . I pr BLANKETS . ?TvrnftrfanHOiiing' to KM. O. $8.00 to $'JO.0O ptir. MUSLINS 15e. to 23c. N BIIEXTIXG&-1S- ..mi !t!-,- ii ISIIIj.IxIOM. : '- ., :.' I)RY GOODS.; if AlPACAS, Black Me. to $IM pw ywri" ."i " intr 2fc to 86 :.:-BABI03 66c. to 45c. ! BROWS i 'i r1 RAILROAD. FOlt T1IK ' Til l rti ll; 4 I i it TT ill mi: 4i ,t.i .el ;j i ; ' 'J ss to-d- ay LumbeR J WHOLESALE TB1CE LIST. . - , TTm Store Pay at cub. rat, or even W are aUo prepared to furtiUh : ; ...... ..,!: ' WASHING MACHINE, Doty', $17.00. per neet. WOOD $7. to $. per cord. Caab. Itwlf sot i ClIlLiPKR TH AX EVER ESTRAY. STO-TBS.i,A:'- . of KrpeTior quality; aff ht which h oflori fbt eat at at low figure a avy that are lmportd frou - ..... i(. Uie Itaat. ',D-Juk aoa aeattjr xevuteI Wrk puaotually . ,.M" '., .. : ., ,. i ,..,!, '.'t C. WOODMASEE, ; Shingles Alio, agoo.! i.. don, Og (; MERCHANDISE M r (Street Ia&i ...i ; i GENERAL " -- stAuia ; ! 1 DRY COODS,,;;; GROCERIES, i,? AGRICULTURAL I M P LE LV! ENTS. ETC T HAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW- i. in; doecribed anlmali: One Span of American one bay, itar in forehead, branded i L S; MARES Both new tbe other torrel, blaze face, branded A Good 8urpl TOOLS on bsad. of MECnAXICS' m . Ob good Mcorily w will ah give Hne, on tm7 i . , , . ly thod all round. Owner ploaee prove property, raTMinr, for largo order. A 8S0LUTB DIVORCES LEGALLY OtrTAINF.P pay cbargee and take tnrm away. W thall open an xtenilv Limber Yard, In V in Sew York, Indiana, Illinois and other few in Dotlc will be of 43-- 3 Ogden, given day. ?tate, for pmon front any State of Country, Ogdsa Valley, Wbor County, legal evarywhere; deoertion, drunkenw, non. locality. tippwrt, etc. mfficient caone; no puMicityi noPartiea la Salt Lai City can look ot, a w charge until divorce obtained. Adn'e free. BtilMain Strut, Ogden City, halt orien up tbore in otrr lis la a fen weeka, a ewtabllahed ftftot.O year. i M. HOFSB, Attorney. AMrea, Wakh makers, Jewelers AGnnsralths. and git every on a chant to btrild and improve 984m N. 7, Kamao fttreot, New York City. Agent for American and Elirin Watcbn. at cheap ratos. Keep constantly on band a large aaportmeut of All eoaimunicatlont' to- - N addremed for tho aaa See jewelry, rami ten watr.hae, uun, ' ' ' 4 ' Ammunition of all kindi. present to Purchaaere will do well to examine dot Stock JOSHUA Wlttf AMS CO, before pnrrhaainK elaewhera. '' Weber Stirtlofi, tVT. Jt. K Printed at th Office of Una i"perwith RmwiriM rarefnlry 6d m--i all work wamtnred'. imrtu, 44-l- y Tim punctuality and ditpaWh, oa iraonail teiem. Ie PARPE & BOESSEL Handbills,' Poster,' kinrl " cards |