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Show PROSPECTUS HOTELS. as they visit the chief points of interest and this subject are as good or Tin and tbv simple question iaj of one eesmtsTf, .frith, were-thn- , III customs and true position,? and ttfa will who will Observe them! We ibe both wise advised if business' course and make things help I i U 1 'A I F? dentj and that those who observe it will 4 if si fi 5 lively.' rVnKRsrOKlCD WILLIS A FEW DAYS, mm I mnnenrs th poMlraflon'ofttre SALT LAKJS Te rhavi been so Jfeolatebl. that avejJengthdayslaDtl wisdom mfiiX: HERALD, a new Morning; Journal. have bad no occasion for making any plied unto them; and when in the dispen Best of Accommodations and Th. I KHALI WIU Ut IWKUy . iwwwi, will contain the latest Locl, General and oral go of the laws all to sation of fullness the ffnrt in draw tmblio times, attention Reasonable Charges. I r News by Telegraph and ijall, ma will sun to pre ' I ! home, wich have een given bj God to.manj itfiur,tUjeKriitpoeibiemomen, iL, !-' end wehevehiamuciWdA ZteVeTin . OGDEN, U.T. curreS"andofliberal claiming the country from solitude and are restored, that of not using .wine's I I manner. 1 . .i.-tl- :. tnnA U will h ft.rw.ril a t1...u. in fn A.ili .v.. 1u.l. i. urn. A 1UH utu ... ....rf....fc. i.l.nk.nrtl,.. BAMBERGER fYJTlf IWI.Inr. ..tiuiil ii. . . . . . . r .it. . . . j . " tBink about pleasure eroundt or turn- - ODserve. Ana inose wno are or uraeii Territory, defend the npnu or tne people oi tian, Bus to and from the Lenota. I with whom the Publisher are eocially and ndiif Free 1 i ana nonor 4a., mar amusements. - uclrewmetancee wm do aoieae mwum lomfT identified, tuetain juit priuciplee, and labor Cnr the renerat mod, are changing, our position is improving, I the lawgiver, for to them pertain the In(ereting floaie and Foreign Correspondence ana will be found In Its columns. and we shall soon have every induce covenants, promises, .blessings The desideratum of newspaper advertisers ia 8. W. E. ment as well as time, meana and oppor - through obedience. uit that is Kcnerally rend by tlio people. The Proprietors of the SALT LAKE HERALD or and the beautiful cultivate tunity to to seek (0 tecore this by laboring energetically wanting a fine quality niake a paper that will be sought after and widelyOGDEN, U.T. namental, and to make our Territory Gent's Goods should go to JA VORITI HOUSR, HAVING BEEN read. mHIS Furnishing The Editorial Department will be under the equal to any other in all that gives ra L recently ronoreted, and furniihed throughout Thireill & Earl's. with charm of EDWARD L. SLOAN. patent 8pring Bade, the Proprietor leel contional pleasure and proper enjoyment, fident in being able to gire entire aatiiiaction to A WEKKLi HtKALU win De iseuea u soon a Birth-da- t or Pbbsidint Brigham nay uoaraer, I amulet, and the Traveling com- - the necessary material for it arrives, munity, at a reasonable price. The uble i sup- Jfiy Tatlor Bro's, Merchant Tailors, IOCHO. The first day of June Will be plied from both the California and Home market. Terms for the Salt Lake Herald: have just received some new Spring goods. A naca wm run to and from the Track to carry ever memorable among the Latter-da- y (Published every morning except Mondays.) toUM1 Honee free of charge. $0.7A 1 Tear $4.00 1 Month a fl-BAR and 0 Months For the Junction. AtUchef' 2 .h Houee Saints as the birth-da- v of the illustrious 4.00 1 Week 2i BODA fOUKTAIJt. 2.U0 3 Months Wholesome Food. JOHN MA HON. man, who, under God, haa been the to-d- ay learn-somethin- raUadwd erery WEDXESDAT and f ATVRSAT, i ky ike Mats) rcsusmiie ConraxT. . p Edito. PBAKILIN. D. BICHARD3, C..W. PKMROSE, Associat Editor rMITE HOUSE, I teiu J' SatnrdtT Morning Jnne 4, 1870. .... . Summer Resorts. ...."". .i SZXSZff- - OGDEN CITY. Vt.. u "v"." A I..,,...,....,... c. m. x. I I OGDEX, UTAH. SILT UK 2J. 1 WlfOLESAEE&RETAlL 8omt m.bod ought to fce adopted to Disks koowo to the trYe!ling publio the beauties which are blddn from the distent passer by, ia our grand kn joos and mountain recesses. Pleasure, crowd i seeking and noTelty-huntin- g past bjr Ogden on the rushing carl, una ware of the many attraotiona which Nature hai spread around with a latuh hand withia easy distance of tht juno-tio- n A FULL OF of (lie two great railroads. During the present summer thousand will coma across the continent seeking SUBSCRIPTIONS and all BUSINESS COMMtJ. Some time has now elapsed since the strange sights, most of whom will visit NtCATIONS to be addressed to and in midst the long important years, WM. C. DUNBAR, Business Manager, (SPRAGUE, GARNER, MERRIM.VC ur metropolis, the garden city of the Saints were advised to mostly dispense Lake Il.irald, talt Lake City. the of vicissiscenes remarkable gait and but all of whom will pass by with the use of pork as an article of diet, mountains, DUSNELL, AMERICAN, etc.) KDWARD L. 8IOAN, MERCHANT TAILORS tudes which have marked their history M M. C. DUNBAR. Ogden, except toe business men, with- and substitute a more general use of fish, out knowing anything of the pleasure fowls, eggs, butter and milk; and when since the death of the Prophet Joseph. Sixty-nin- e JOHN TAYLOR & BRO. the town years ago which a visit to various points in this meat must be had, the use of beef, mut- of Whmnpham. Vermont, received the H.in, vicinity would afford them. ton, etc, waa recommended at more honor of beinir the birth-olac- e City for the ut ten yeore. feel eonndent that of one of I I " u .1.. HiwiMiivii th.. ...m jiiv ....! w iuv tvoiuvuim 01 UgllPU. For grand and gorgeous mountain suited to their health and condition the greatest men the nation has A choice collection of 4 GOOD SUPPLY OK TUB BEST QUALITY Good and sufficient reasons existed for dueed; for there is no American whose scenery, with peaceful nooks, fulling XX of White Lime is kept constantly on hand at is more widely known aud who name CfiHsimeroM, waters, cool streams, shady trees aad this counsel, and were presented with has achieved so high a and wild and rugged gorges, what can sur it, that all might be convinced of its pro so extensive a fame as reputation Brio-raDaniel Adapted to the Season, always on hand. prxsidxjt Gents Own Materials Made Up. Yoeno. ' For twenty-si- x of a Mile frem the Weber Station. He past our own Ogden Kanyon ? But all pnety. Many were dying off in the years he Towelinir, a Biock West of the Bank, Ogden City.'iS will delirer it on the Cars at Weber Station for its wondrous beauties escape the glance land, and in some instances almost en- - f-uav icu iuo AjQiicr-uoaiuis. 1riTen . 1. ir tii: .: (i . " i''VO,-- IlIOCWl VUUUIJ, IIIUIUIS, l.U of the tourist, and no one is at hand j II.. r.mili.. n..!.1...1 w.tuuut ni- f Church. V""' warning tb. ...-i- 45 Cents Cambrics, open bis eyes or point them out, and be from the trichina in pork. Also, there . 0ruldance. started across tha ... Mi.i.inni 41 lm rr. tbn territory of Iowa, passes on knowing no more about Ogden wat a time when the use of that article riTer ,B, ""lerae" w uaraenuro than that is a quiet aad orderly Mor for food was prohibited to Israel by the Mount Pise&h and Kanesville. and I mon town at the junction of the Pacific aw of flnrt., InereViw, f. nvnino Ik. . .L ..1 ..l,i.TO THE FARMERS OF UTAH. otner siae 01 me Missouri river, es- IsIMK! Railroads. sion that, should Israel ever aeafn be-- 1 tablished Winter Quarters. Thenna at VR of the Pioneer, he led the way Coaches or other light vehioles could com. a people, the same law might, with the mrlK PORTKRVILLK (MORGAN COUNITJCO- Be at hand near the depot to eonvey equal propriety, b. enforced ji. vper.iiT. t.iuiQ ana unca virnipany are preupon them, pared to furnish the people of Morgan and the cfcMowing . .... . V.at .14 . t !ae lhaaa visitors to placet of interest Passing .lea via v. adjoining uonnties with no. 1 Articles of .uc, Wu..ulrl.i.Uu, ui ,trj waicn id til its features is one of the XUacUlHO Com Dined.. The Ma hlnes, and a large assortment of WAgons, LIME AND ItlUCK through town and on up to "the bench," proper and wholesome advice was ten-- 1 mst remarkable ever performed. Still at their Kilns at Portenrille; or they wilt ship BM-- '.. iw.il. a flat tableau of Weber County would be H.r.t .1,. .T" " ,..,: hai tad vigorous, and of 10 W e Ogden, Utah. tht.m on the Cars at Morgan City to any point no man in this commun ty . wind 44TCALL AND EXAMIXI THXM. designated on the lines of the U. P., C. P., or I'.C. I . that . . . . . ten, with tht Great Salt lake in the anil Bavins' In ifa tenil.nnv Railroads. They will warrant to their Patrons a eeeas ior ana acauiret knourierkra with Wagons furnished to order. distance, fringed by the western mouit ISAAC MOORE. genuine article. The price of the Lime shinned at it counsel so readily commended greater avidity and facility, the hopes lb a ( Cents, per Bushel the prire of Morgan Sixty-fir- e men at tne Kanyon it ap itself to the iudrment of the neonle. that sod prayers of the many thousands who was. mil tne unci, ten Hollars nor I nonsand. (.'ash. Stork and at Produce Rates taken, in payment. Cash as thouswell aa inh.ab.il th.is the Territory, proached, rushing watert over the manv dispensed with the raisin of corlc. Orders to be seut to THOMAS BKOUUII, r ' nas in otner lands, ascend hourlv to anasalve boulders at the bridge would PortarviHe, Morgan Coanty. swine nave been comparatively the Ood of heaven that Prrsidrmt Flowers, JIIIlvIIIc command the admiration of the visitor. scarce, in view no doubt of observing I Brioram Yocko rasty live as long as Then there are the warm springs, the mo eounsei i uueirauie un- IOTICB IS I1ERKBY GITKK, THAT A inis was very Com- - I 10 """" giTcn. was organized Mav SS, 1ST0. :waters of which are quite warm in the mendable and perfectly himEvtmng Ann, June 1st. i 1 Mining atDistrict E. Edwards' 8aw Mill, thonoa right, so far as commencing winter and icy cold in the summer; it goes; but we wish to running up the centre of Blacksmith's Fork river, KUltlVIIVO inquire how far Taylor Bro's. Merchant Tailors. in a direction to the Kutern bound. . 11 . i a. ft.U Parasols-- , wua ut oia ureea, cascade or over iney nave observed the remaining part half a block west of the bank. of line tache thence ary County, along said bras "OOBIXSON Oeden. ARK CO. NOW PREPARED TO North to the centre main fork of Loiraa river. t ifty feet fall, thundering down on the oi tne counsel, ana produced the fowls, thence West following that atrm a. . n... j. I XV lurnisu tne best quality of Coal, at . I. . .. . . L V ii T. bed of the river in might and the fish, and the other articles advised. oouia iu in. vmku aoeky """ ..ij u. u iiLiiiiiii, ma principal news DV- II b.irinnlnff several days has been in vnAKLFS W. IIULSK was duly alectej Re majesty; the towering mountains rug- - as more wholesome for the use of man. ulefrPu corder or Hilrille Uistrtct. on the Cars, at Ef bo. gtm and ateep, with the ravines and Most of those articles, so preferable for re,tiol 0 th Fenian fisile in Canada. Y KATES, PKEDKK1CK Secretary. All orders addressed to ROBINSON t Co.. Coni- little canyons branching to the right food, can scarcely be obtained, and een- - The ""iTSsion bas collapsed. The iIle,rammitCountr, Utah, will meet with nromirf I v ereat oammandnr of the fnm.a fi.nor.l I i ,i and left, and leading to the 'pine and v.... a. attenlioa. viu ...li. .1..i I rmm 31 ENS' AND BOYS' SBCU IB llie aa. . e'tu ugurss maple, quaking asp and birch groves, market. A noor class nf fish, nni mmh O'Neill, did not fall on the Rory battle I he taken prisoner by mo st.c. bowers and ul where the mountain ahcep leap front desired, can at times be obtained, at fi,11' other iste- after a desperate and gallant rock t rock, and occasionally the thag Perhap. what might' be emy reaconsidered, was arrested while view 4n Kecl'r enof. on gy bear may be seen away up on the tonable rates;, bat most others ef them r8'1,ftn" Ill l !(! the hieroglyph lea on the are beyondI the reach of the many, who M the opening fight through his field to enter undr theUnTiions87of 'fhVeSntfn.1 weep . . 1 u .L Bi . .t'.1 jmi, um norm y oi me rocks, marked by the hands o the' fi? v,n, might lyprodneeAhem for their own Us' i,lrlouSlyl buidlea 'Into' Htfr t xewnsnrp ia worth. AND MAXriEI.il irfKlSMON PRE- ARE NOW a' V.1 Fo's'ler e at Marsbaf 6eo.' , 3. Hag br P. eestorsof those rovjng red men of Jt aarsdtn furnish aB excalleel nualiiv of eo.1 on Uia ear at tha, w terms to sua the times. JiaVir-'Uwander through eur valley t ignorant of We believe the keeping of one part ef and ,odKd ,n BurUogton jail, for, viol-I . NOTIONS. i JOHN JONES. i.,i.other haa . twn r th all letters; the winding roet revealing the counsel andaegleothig the tawa. The whole "304 Cash, Stock and all kinds of produce taken in ii.. t! I h rates, Orders addrepd to at each abrupt turn new beauties and been a serious Injury to the community, anir w" Pfdlpjanned and poorly yayment, at LJiY8. care of A. C. (UXKWITI1, will meet war fa'clkhat' 4 I bi. knbbriatlons cho, Mutd. material anijl have tew wonders, not least of which ia the 'i.l money, prompt attention, Ihe of and view waated the Fenian aad whioh ham the and lovely bacon have been, and are being Pen ,TIhl7 (rand greets A LARGE QUANTITY OF BM u"e(I srribit blow, eye at M'beeler'a Kanyon; the Ogden made into the Territory, and nted, en- ' rnilE HERETOFORE EX. V fswl nnnrtrnXt d t a I V ..... river, rushing and roaring over Us ,!. under the atvle nf Lanrlt A .VnW..' V"! """"I M& Ghtlisii. wanUng a Na !l in1 theIstinc , 8uloon and Billiard Business, in Ogden Cilr! rocky bed, or moving noiselessly in deep i B.,. d Cloth; .rerypr.nctp.eo! SOUna guU of Rca(, ihoul(1 u. paj uiaauivea oy and level spots, rioM stocked with one tne late nrm will be ,ers .u. .urisea 10 to h aad all aatstanding salmon trout, one' of the finest fishing leave on be paid by Buchmiller. Tha Basinew herenfter raising ana resort to importing AW Dlltttl, UUUEN. will I retreats in the country. , , , for their use, but to the contrary, to A Toothsomi Itbm. Our distinguished wnerebe carried on by Buchmiller at the Old Stand. bis former Patron, aa also new ones, are RELIEF SOCIETY BJEQ TO I All these attractions, with others raise and THEallFEMALE the attention of the Ladies to their Also, produce at home, what would 'r'end 8le was in town on Thursday Invited to oali, BUCHMILLER, whioh might be named, should be supply Its place and be much better. last with a new sensation from Bear Ogden, Jon 2nd, 1S70. 3 & The scores of tons brought Into this Lake, being nothing less than a tooth of brought before the Dutice of our friends Scythes, or from afar, for their pleasure and profit Territory, and the scores of thousands "the Monster." We presume he intends a well as our, own, for the the formidable looking molar city would of dollars spent in the purchase of it, lo be benefited aa well aa the travellers. are not the result of keeping counsel ia tn Deseret Museum where all the A Consisting of Artificials, Feathers, Ribbons, Hats, IIOrSR AND LOT. WITH A flOOD Ttl.ACK. u:n etc Even a trip dear through the kanyon but In persistinB- - to rebel aeainst iL I wrloue will have an opportunity of see smith's Shop attached, for Bale, threa blocks . A fine assortment, for tale, cheap, aoum oi nnite Mouse, Mam Street, Ogden. 20tf to Ogdcm Valley would not be too far It would bs much more eoneistent with Ine! Enquire of Robert Kepmerck,at lb. Western North side Hall, I'nion Square. for a pleasure excursion. It is but the Interests of the people to Ia futura when sceptics sneer about actually ATTENTION, LADIES! Ilay-rake- s, about twelve miles to Uuntaville monster we can point triumphantly a raise the pork they ute rather than pay IUKST-tXASMILLINERY OF ALL KISPS at Mrs. on PENROSE'S, I' the Cut .iH. .r friend says It's twelve miles in summer the people of other States and Territorict to th tootn B(1 DRESS MAKING. "Sxey found It w.ia Bireei, a nine south nl Ogden House. but sixteen in winter and a trip to e raise it for them, and monopolists ex- - ' al wl" b tn end eontroversy. The liatiies' vooneu, UooUs, naia, ate, made to M. TRIBE AND MISS POULSEX RE- - order, Hoes, that pleasant village would give a full orhitant tirlfea i fr.ui.1 ti v... t 1. Museum is the proper dertositnrv for th MRS. announce to the Ladiea of Ogden and Ooods Tuscan draw cleaned and .it.ri I . Ureas ute latest run ions. I ami it. vir, nit . IK., k.a. I... view of the kanyon, to aay nothing of sanaet of wisdom to stop friend neg- - Making KstabiLihajent. on. Block aTi r the producine ,r'Mur, . nd if ur serious aOOB WORK GUARANTEED. . I it . oi. the splendid landscapes of both valleys. . A IIOOU tO tlftfifl ft th tl w Ja "u,,,,"e.- t. eat u ..refsa I vaavavji IS All kinds of Dreas Making executed In the latest U UUaV, nOl Vt uveiuj fcar fvia, tl AlVO 'id. t m8etf liable to be followed by gaping Then, close to town la that magnifi- wise to stop paying eur money for thrt satisfaction guaranteed. Ugj -cent grove on the banks of the Ogden wnica Is Forks. oaxey, suow us your Thought from abroad, and If the! crowu" oawung GROUND TO LEASE, 100111 river, whioh ought to be made into a bject is lo keep counsel, to actually stop regular pleasure garden and place for TEEI ILIOIBLS BCILWNO my, u westopraismgi, JtesT Gmtlijum wantinx Summer ljbkai. summer resort, ' with arbors, refreshCoruer of p, m to'Lei on the North-weALL KINDS OF But, says one, brethren, the mer- - Suite should call and see returns at ment rooms, a platform for dancing and chants, For particulan apply to JAS. McOAW, in. for at Esq, BfcST BKER IX WKBKI1 ur they expect hrmglt COVTY the Tkkkiu & EaRl'i riut Office. a stand for an orchestra. With a few us to JL manulactnred and for sale in qnantitins of buy it of them, and we are thereby ana s .iu iiuim npwaraat lanrlt Brewery, gymnastic-bar- s swings, climbing-poleaoath-eas- t Machixis aud Waqoss. Mr Isaac oa Biircb Creek, four Mile of Oitdea. eneeuraged U use it. Yea ask the mer would It be a wl" for our Moore chant why he bring, it, and he tell, you, 4c, is the ageut in this Territory for charming apot iSSSSL own school children to visit for public if be does Proprietor. tot, others wilL end he mav lurby'e combined reaper and mower. He Hard Scrabble District. amusement, in which we are sadly be- ae well hare the profile T this branch of bM wagons of various kinds for sale. XTOTICE 18 JIEREIIY GTTww IN FACT, . i twit .. hind, See adt. trade as for then to hare iL Or. in SALOON. 1 1 Mininr District was fcnniH ,v. n In a short time a very pleasant place in other words, he fc,1?.f4?,ril' "nmenoing at the Mouth af may aa well help CIOOD mtlARD TABLES. CHOIC BRANDS a'TVllSJ UIL18;. ia 11 ID Bill 'Mata? lae.wH is Liquors, and Landt't Celebrated Ala and of summer resort will be opened to the make it and and Cennty, West four miles, thence for the people running easy inviting De.r, as cow a ten bum, thence East thence public on the line of the Utah Central to disobey counsel,, aa for outsiders who -North ten m lea. thane IWeight miles, .i A Bailroad. A station will be baili ia the bare no interest in our welfare to do place of beginning. it; Main Street. Orders left her tot Landt's OSCAR 0. STODDARD, was duly elected Bear neighborhood of Heights' Creek, where or, as plainer told, do wrong and en Recorder of Hard Scrabble Esq, win o. punctually auenM4 to. District f there ia a fine and pleasant grove near THOMAS BROUGn, courage evil, to match those who make 41.1m the shores of the lake. Fleaaure boats bo profession of Becnaary. to-nic- ht anything else, and thts will be fitted up, and bathing spots ttep ea te the devil's ground, because T. SMALL SORREL KORSE Ml'LB, I will be prepared, dresses provided, and there may be a little money made at it. " ' ,x P- "e small urey Mara. .. All Orders addressed to D. II. FEEBT. various arrangements made to render It is thus the merchant and the people Belt Spanish District. the plaee worth visiting both by trav- combine to flank. The ahore Reward will be Ogdeu Cily, will hire prompt paid for their pervert and encourage each aOa. A IIR.1IIKII HI , H it K (Ua. tt , ,r "! ellers and the reaidente ef eur home ether not to keep the counsel IS nEREBT CoantT. .. GITE5 THAT A NOTICE given. attention. formed. towns and cities. ""- while others look oa and laugh at the Zw2'.w,h,ubV" F,,Ctor3r Zfc L nani"K .k!''2 Rast ih.rJl If these places are well advertised, way the counsels of God's servants are LATHER AND SHAVEM." ilMh.nc. South six"l iTt'h pZ and measures are taken to inform the despised and trodden under foot SEE SMALL BILLS. THOMAS, FORMERLY Or THE by thoee TnM-- House and well known aa aa accom8pinShK!D,.,5r?eWM "U" travelling publio of the attraction! around who are most expected to honor aad plished knight of the scissors and blade, has Doors open at 7.30. Performance at 8. opened bwiaeas oa Main street, a little WM. ED?0N HATCH. ; eoreity, great numbers will be induced sustain them. north ot OX, L,"M of kia eld "as for the Secretary. to halt en their way to the East or West, OrVu, friends and ef . who want apatrooare The Instructions given years clma riiar. age opon AdmliMion, T 'katr, W a lttM kad sd a ke. raaer. 14" , May, 9th, tfTO. Superintendent OGDEN HOUSE, JSF-Gihtie- STREET MAIN" mi NOW OPENING: SlPrMT pgor, Prints, latest Styles 42-- tf Domestics, to-d- ar Lime! Lime! ' Denims, Cloths, "Vestlngs, eto. Checks, William' Kiln, m d aj ,, .,..,...- .'. SStaSjd war Ginghams, Chambrays, i,n,w ... ' BRICK! ItKKH! e S Silicias, LIKE! KirbyReaping s t a. HUE YtT h4 .. per Bushel. Eeapers, Mowers and Wagons. ..-- j,,. Irish Linen, Swiss Muslin, NOTICE! District. 41-l- COAL! COAL! COAL! jitui South-easter- . o I I . $4.00 per Ton, Itibbonsj Shakers, 41-l- '' - WUTIUE, "tD' "s hill-sid- i... an-(w- hi lthitaay "'l7 I ' ' rv.j. I An endless variety 1, NOTICE. cu" 1 - . m lae' . STEAW HATS. : . e; KEKP THE FIKI2 FEMALE aa . yg,. . TRlt SrSaaS belief assocutiqx, BOOTS & SHOES. , ' NEW STOCK 45-- d'P' SPRING GOODS, NOTICE Grain Grass Cradles, Snaths, tft-- 4 ... ' ... AV-- - 1 ... CALL ltakes, SEK, P. BREWERY U. er i GROCERIES. 19-tf s, NOTICE! ppt BILLIARD . The Stock fl BTIPPJ TUP TH P complete all Departments. Mcfcuiunrs saloon, 80-t- open $g5 Reward! TEN NIGHTS - r BAB ROOM! 73ct.V30cU. x Mtts. NOTICE. a. . II. B. CLAWS |