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Show invalid remarV, in a miiichievfius underj Site 0$&m function, ' "Jhibllahod every Wow - i ij , r 1 was Wediielay and Saturday. I Married in Spile of Slicking, or Court piaster, ; KM f. vDnrtg snrgeon just free from college and walking the hoKpitals, when I gpt niy first practice in the little country tovri of 'Dunfield. Dr. Thompson. pi Ilia place, was an old friend of uiy father's, "and ''It WAR "nrrnhcrnil tlniri I should assist him, with an ultimate view J9 tuP wMle practice. It was a good for a young wall j lookout lifo. Above as a l vALuADLt " AJA.4.VIVArtIA OGDEN JUNCTION nl w.kll .. has held tho first place in Sclentlltc and MeeW cal Literature, the VubliKhora will fssm ()V ry first, tlie large and splendid iUol aift 4 by John i?artaiu of fhilad.-iplilacuuiieJ: j,r court-plaste- MEN OF PfaCRESS tlta plate cotLsintuiir nearly $4.ixi0to Mnrnu. contains nineteen iikeliesaes of Illnstrieui Ajyj can iuveutors. It is a superb work of ai t. Single picturs, printed on heavy ilju sold at 10, but any one subscridiuj; iiicr, lor tljc bcies, title American tlie pftK--r will lie sent fur unit jm together with a copy of the engraving, on of $10. The picture ia also ottered asaprtuZ, for cluba or scrlbers. ONE . 6"'" I 1 m INVIJTORS,,r Max-Hi- L1 ' TO INVENTORS AND MECHANICS thlajunmal is of special value, as it coot.,!! I weeklv renort of all Patents issui t with copious notices of the Iwulitir AJlPnRI AND EUROPEAN INVENTIONS. Hi, " .............. ... UIO U(Ml , I slve Patent Solicitors In the World, j i. I facilities lbr eatherinE a eomili.t. quailed ed)nofthe progress of invention aud Diaj!, I tuiuuKiiuut luc ttmiu; iuu w.iu a lewtomt'i I 1 the auarter ofacenturv. dnrinir wliii-- n.i. i. f..f I T " Whoaoever reads the Sciaitiho' Anus-lcuterUuned and iuatructed, without buiuir C,rl ' with hard words or itry dutaila. i(LJ,'. fu . ti flc American ia very ably conducted. tne most popular writers in this Cn.,Tl"' turopeare contributors. Evejv nmniw.. r71 imperial pa6s, emMlished with neei,JSlt of MACHINERY, NEW INVENTIONS FOR THE WORKSHOP, A.ND 11 KNH BERING HOLD, WORKS. Dwf, HOUSES, PL'HLICRUIXDIXUS A journal of so much Intrinsic vnlue, t price of & a year, ought to. have, iu tbu h,-a- 1 FOR weeklv 01 . 1 gjH rntMlyM illustrated tSSl SEMI-WEEKL- 1 a.. 187oTSl,So TWEXTV-rlFTYEAR on ary next, naving a circulation tiu- - exc,ii of any annular jourual now published. TIIB latx-a- r-"- THE. WORLOh in This aiibindidly I'OI'U LA It SCIENCE. M KOI I A VTP J tv fe5?i KNOKKKLNO, CHEMISTRY, ... AlHiI('' just bcginnijig all, my friends vehem- jpny prophesied, "Thilmpoon can't pqs t of Correctiondciitii: new receiTed hy Tele- jelly. sibly live another ten years, vou know.' is." IS PUBLISHED the piece of black silk, of (irnpli frjm all parts of the worl'l; a nummary of So. with many ploasatjt dreams nbq'tit After this I paid more professional an important Intelligence In tins city and oltt- which dead men's shops and other cheerful sub visits at the Gordon t. und soon found you propose making your plaster, here ; a Synopsia of the. I'roeeUinica of Conereaa jects, I mpyed my goods and chattels to myself on a very pleasant, fumiliar foot- - on a wooden frame, and fix it in that and ftnte Lejcinlature when in Bonsion; t'oreiiru i .... tem receivod by every ateamer; txcliwive lie. I vlite v. I;.... ..I !. tt' - ...... c. r r position bv means of tacks I I nig n, ujuu uvv.ic. f kjiijiiom proiession- - ,1 i porta of the I'roeeeilinK of the. Farmers' Club nn . . . , EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY i.. a .... 1 began to make jwosi naturally I tad a good deal of r.u,. ivt. . u..t friendly visits, and iuiuiiu. iiieu ipiy me lsinciass (alter ih Amri,-,.liquid by a gentle Financial, Cattle, Dry Coods. awl Ueneru1 Market furiosity as to my new friends and pa- - often joined the girls, in leisure half It; lias been rendered . tionts. Mine was a sociable tempera - I hours, at a giime of croquet or archery, hent tn th aMIr uith . Tu? F.u11 KevorU of the American Ji.atit.rte, Tar. ia .l, s bad about two hundred or would take them on a quiet row on ,r jaiinf; and And already enjoys an extensive t!ie first aw auu piiy pounds a year of my own, in the river, on warm summer days. Had muiiber, are richly worth a yir' uubcoating is dried, M'hich will not SCni to I what Dr. ueen ci.rcula.tioR. a to jiuuitipn Thompson had cheeky fellow, very likely HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMOT. if' you 'wYsh Ve rltanlaf,CrWa,l8' C'.ve ine,, I fancied that I was already jn might have become far more intimate with rowi" ta- h- :' P1 a position, to have a little home and a than I was might have called them rior.' a.. third. Whn t.J.." whM-'- s. .o ,lU L..T? mai iiorucunure, ana to comply witu Ireouent wile of my own, provided of course that Alice and Hetty, as everybody else In cover It With two or three coatings j, of appeals from all parta of the countrr for informa- ni.u ... iiw.i.iiu uiinracier on uje auojecK, we I could find some really nice girl who the house did. But; I was far too ner- - the balsam of Peru. have enpined the aervices of a person who ia exr. This is the genuine .siiiteii my taste and liked me. I had u vous and too shy, and so to me they were It perleucvd in rural affair to write in a lucid atvle -.is pliable, and never breaks, which is a aeriea oi articles on tun jnanaKeineiit of small ,.o;.iui gniuu iceiing uici tn inetlic&l always me Misses Uonion." arnia, ruit and eeetaide Culture, and how hen the autumn tints were begin- - far from being the case with mauy of make jtpifcs.'non ought to be pbliged to me fqr tnen. rmy, crivimt eenenU and ilirect. me spurious articles which are gold un ione from mci-into woods in the it, of appear planting to the ultimate disposal of the Uuufield, ( ning I It isn't as if I were a fellow who had I discovered that I loved Alice, tho dark der that name. Indeed, this commodity crop. Of 'ate yeara there has been a lucrative busineaa fliiito to earn his daily bread, was a re- - 0,lei anJ "lllt f "ho would like to live is very frequently adulterated. A kitul c,irrlwI 1,11 "y unprincipled mou, In aelliiiR worthOt With a inark Iade to njy bosom friend, Charlie n three hundrel a very thick and brittle leaa and old planta under new uamea to tho inex. plaster, ITS COLVMNS CONTAIX yc$r, in a snug little seiners. House of our own, 1 should like it too: covering, is often sold for it. The ma iwrienced. THE TRIBUNE will be alwaya ready te the farmer against any uch iuipoaitiou guard nufacturers of this, instead of isindass, J arrived at Dunfield in tho early part out I dared not tell her. I could laugh iiutv cuuioii nnum our Knowledge. glue, which is much chea v it was semen unit, lor the mj joko wiui jietty, out witti Alice 1 use common TETKRINARY DEPARTMENT. per; and cover the whole with spirit To make THE TRIBUNE atill more valuable RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, jirti, i snouia live at Dr. Thompson's, was always shy and nervous we have en traced Prof Tuuu went on. I perceived that with varnisn, instead or balsam of rem toI its agricultural readera, wiiqra 1 found Jo be a cheery pld fellow, ; I U rJ t. .11' tewrinarv euriceon in lkrne nnu nig wile a most kind,, motherly soul 'Mr- - a",, jMrs- - MOrdon I was a favorite. This plaster cracks, and has none of the uin. f.n8Wer S!!est,on'J HOME CORRESPONDENCE, ?neernm(c diaea-balsamic smell bv whinh !,, n; aeaoi"n?'.w house- - I could gee that Hetty, too, liked mo. and the ohildrcn, ineyiiaaiio . " i,aiue, noraea, eneep, and other domestic ' ...... .... I T ... I ! Court IS to 1 and animals, A Another remedies. oruer-euAuawera preacribe and r huic distinguished. ine 't" upen auco uiu; out sue wag so methodplaster wcji of detecting the adulteration is I ,0:ril't'o", '" lM3 ?iven ouly through the col- fcraetict, too, was very good. quiet and matronly I could not judge so FOREIGN CORRESFONDENCE, 01 w. 2. that thi. uu,n! to mmsien with it ' - vm,, . tr 1'U If I ' - II i .v... Vl.IKUC Wit I r. I nav t III u i he town had its squire, Sir William wen. "InulllM ' " in mil muu to " xui.ie. largely P lDwhurst. , His wife, Lady Crowhurst. When Christmas approached there was Ittte oppotlte to thtlt which U varnished; " readora, an all owners afanimala are liable to tne Ulforniati WHS the grandee of Ihe dace: and. b proffered, inquiriea ahouid EDUCATIONAL, a eood deal of sickness about and I and, if the plaster be genuine it will neeJ 'ade aa iwiwiblc, that the queations, good fortune, their two little girls were could not go home, as I had intended; so adhere exeecnngly well. Ihe adultera- - aimwera, and prescriptions 1k may published to-piy first patients, being convenient!;? Mn- - Gordon kindly begjred me to come tea plaster IS too hard for this; it Will (tether. In abort, we intend that THE TRIBUNE AGRICULTURAL, dTOnc la not that mp concerns the if"',1 ' stick, unless you moisten it on the peueu wun a mua touch of measles soon ami Uine with them Agricultural, and Manufacturing, other Mining, atier my arrival,-n- d when the doct or "Go, go, my dear fellow," said friendly varnisbed side. The Painter, Gilder, interests of the conntrv. and that tor nrietv and RAIL.WAY AND ana rurmstrr i vompaneon, oe iam up witn completeness, it sliall remain altogether the moat ,,jT,i,cu lunibago. Mr. iiiompson, wnen l demurred at Tuiuunie, lnteresung, and ins true tire NEWS- 4 uis oi course gave me a good start, and leaving them. "Go and enjoy yourself, rAi-r.putilisbed in tlie world. yas me pest introduction I couM wish and mok out for the mistletoe." Sol It has been well otiserved that a careful rntdlnir DOMESTIC NEWS. ond Btudy of the tanners' Club Report in THE Cure for Snake Bite. !P foe omer swells pf the town, such at gwlly accepted the invitation. IKIUU.NK alone will save a former hundreda of the clergyman and his wife: Mr. mid On Christmas eve Imptthe mi! a mil in His crop. In addition to these reports, About twenty years ago, the Smith- - aouara Mrs. Perkins, who had seven children, walking, and thev kindlv RA.ld"J thpv WSM wo niuui umuuin w I pnni ine neat tilings written , ' , T J i.t n,l,... fUV ur .1.. l. ?he ubi'xt of agriculture by American ami onian I Institute embarked in a series of ?n l0e oiner was always Kau i w(is coming. f,, and shall increuse these features foreign writers, Mr. the lawver. whnh.i.H "Cousin- Willin inGordon, Iiiljng; -to yr. As It ia, no prudent farmer vusu experiment, testing tne practicability lrom T" . . : -- l , 6i m wne anu ana can iwo do she without As euy, it. grown at lesson to his workmen Alice, fouu up daughters! glanced slvly nf M nenirailling Ibe poison of snakes, alone, many miners. is cousin Willie," I asked, wish- eery fanner should plarsTHR WEEKLY , x jviit uii a npon bis table every Saturday evening. founded purely on a chemical basis, THE TRIBUNE is the rT pluce-the-lru wl rial doctor Jn tag I niight mix a pill for him. beat and cheapest paper in re the are always rival medU "Oh, he's our only cousin, and paca's which developed great results. The fact the country. This is not said in a BDirit of boast- fulness. It has fallen to pal men in a small town but th,en "ha j ward," was the reply. He to create tlie comes was illustrated that the always poison of the greatest newapapera of Uio country. Here concenndt't even a stray doe to experiment- - at Christmas." most venomous rattlesnake can be neu trate the cou.nierce,the nianufarturss, the mineral TJJS . AAma Anilir " T ..!.! ..l.t tlie agricultural wealth of the Republic. tralized in an incredibly short time, resources, . , . , 1 IV ..1.1 .ft i -- as w Here the news all the and ia mr. was so ouares v ids unlucky ""guy enori, i want to speak to After tho most extraordinary result larjre that journalists can aflbrd to patronafro priut it. This . uowever, i can only mcn Jlr. uoraon. irom an ine experiments witnessed, istheatrenethofTIIKTRIllUNK. Wa nri.it th. t Oh, do come as earlv as vm lion one or two of those people asain in n ' there was and beat edited , rheapeat weekly newaiier in the OGDEN JUNCTION promulgated from the InstiWo bavo all the advantaijea around us. my storyp I will not weary you with a said Hetty. at the time above mentioned, the country. tute, n e nave great Uaiiy nd Nauii-- tnkly editions. lot of drmmtit ptrtonm, who will never "Old Thompson wants me to look out All the elalwrate and intricate of r following simple but certain cure for establishment be accouutcd for: else the twiHtmnxti.r for the mistletnn." I uniil perhaps the most complete in snake bites, and for the sting of all America is devoted to the purposo of makins .phemist, dissenting minister, school - way of sayine something. kinds of insects: THE WKEKLY T1UHUNK the best and cheapest master, and others, aye all well worth "Oh, we've got plenty of that ready in the world. The result is tlutt we JOB Thirty grains of iodide potassium, newajiaper ..;.i li... being described, each, in Lis or her qwu oh have so systematized and exjiamlwl our resources of one grams ounce of that every copy of TI1K WKfcKLY TRIBUXH con iodine, "How tiresome you are Hettv." said tnirty way. jifcuuar water; appliod externally to the wound tains aa inucii matter aa a duodecimo volume. About three weeks after my arrival, Alioo warmly, and Think of it! Kor two dollars, the aubacrlber blushing a'painful by saturating lint or bathing th uqmpson gnoweu jn a note from Mrs. crimson. as much to be kept damp with the antidote until to THK TR1BUNV for one vear buys , readius matter as thouirh ha 1.1. -1 . WelL it was silly of Hettv: and befnro the saying that her daughter had Is supplied with the latest improved cure be which with will be effected, library Ally volumes, containing the greatost a bad cough would one of us come ud me, too! But I was so clad to see the effected works in tbe lamruase. nllMunnMAK The force in of one inand sometimes hour, ' and see her!' blush, that I did not notice the little stantly. .The limb bitten should be can no further go. facilities for turning out every THE WKEKLY TRIBUNE is how of tempor. Between vou and mo. corded paper or the i'JVow, Mr. Gwynne." said tho doctor. to prevent circulation. The people. Here the eager studentthemay tight the here's axlianco of distinguishing your- - reader, she had once or twice before liquid should be kept in a vial with a leaaoua of science, liure the scholar maylearn description of read ree!f. i.awyer Uordon is a smart man snown that she had a temner. views of the beat books. Here may be found cor- glass stopper. This simple remedy can .vuuvmvc .. ... .. f . i . ... .1 ... ruwrk. ...!.. ...... IV. ... M n, lue wiiriu, inMi au TO BE COSTISCED.J tneiitwr. nun muaiuK no enu oi monev. sirs. be ODtainea at anjr drug store, and COSta Tations of sincere andjm, gifted men, who serve TUB fiordon is a ereat one for beine-- on tho a trifle. Every family might keep a vial tribune (n almost every country. Kick list. THtS TKlBUN Unfortunately, she flnesn t isstrongby reason of its enor- Fruit gatoerers moUa circulation Curious a Jready at Jlall; Thiof. bf It leel aud great cheapness. It has long Slory ike mo, 'because she suspected mo once some conceded may with in that it JiOKt Jllsorablc security tub weekly tribune having Her bread pills and water pr. : semting them, lluntors and fishermen may not uft,,l,B """Rest circulation ofanynewspair in the ... . ...i nuvu iucr jiiiuirinary iiinoHa I ... i. find t. it inconvenient to go forth thus rre- J? :?T!?td twl? M.m.'",y VUI I b . vtrOVft ine liovnnd linnn.lu . 1.... on ), Ia the finest style. pared for "the mishaps of the hour." " of the city dailies combined. This is why wears enabled to do our work ao thoroughly and cheaply. Farmer' Home Journal. i tie turger our circulation the better papor we can injured Lib cause by persisUag to re- - niirilt with iio ntxi . in hi. make. mmt, for lunch, which. Mrs. Gordon it! Z 1..V" : TCI What are the practical suzgeetiona? Manv. I.t4 thought very impugn, on first acquaint- Cow-Yar- d every subscriber renew his subscription, and urge "erl h tag Manure. plo, I his ancc: amhso it waa. Now mv firm be. neighbors to do the same. If a man ctmuit cuanccs oi uis arrest to one afford to two dollars, let him raise a club, by ' Z. , I. i. ,1,1. i;..f The American Slock Journal has the fol Inducing pay his noighbora to subscribe, and we shall ou'ld a ropy gratis for his trouble. No newstor -2. take one lowing in relation to the importance of send him paper so large and complete as THE WEEKLY I 11 H..V. .v.. a TRIBUNE was ever before offered at so low a HOIil 11 saving the manure of the r ..,:., ...v. ri.i, v f iiimau woo.. er a irt euiueai more. I th off.. price. Even when our currency waa at par with 3 ey are good patients too good to lose; I 0CIK uii'iu vi auilau xuuau it u s. nice nuio to "Talk a farmer about the value of gold, no sm-- pnor but THE TRIBUNE was offor- i(omy. price; and THE TRIBUNE then cost us jm gu nun uo your oest ror us. un no whcn thu eommBV i,..-,- ! nf A,lft. . " M manure and the importance of collecting M at tliat r"" fttr.,rM ''n"1 . "o .- -J nn.l ami it fn,f,,.,.- 've solved the !..., ,1,1, lo Di.nvinn2 ..f k. . aton.ee set aotive measures afoot to Problem of making the best and cheapest newapa they and pbmty of medicine, though tolllSheil tllllt.- nnv I., .U... nn. ali..U jh,e .... ........I I 1 I.11H.1. ..r CI.L DU3I VUUUll but failed. papture Hear, Lately, how may tie as innocent as yo,o, like, TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ever, he has sent a letter to the Browns he is not master of that subject, and roR it be judiciously n&uly," To Mail Subscribers: Then Or.e ville Advertutr. In it Hear states that practiced to the last shovel-fu- l. one 62 issues copy, '.'Ail right, sir," was my reply; "I'll 2.00 year, Posters, f a losses in camblins led him to commit take walk with him to his summer cow. o copies, zu; 1U copioa. to one address t Sn nu. h up at once;" and as 1 'epoke I rose the theft, lie states that one of the yaid where the milking is done morning (and one extra copy); 10 copies, to names of jd JVoiu my seivt and proceeded up stairs to one and at suoscnoers, .6(l fund and tho lane Hand Bills, leading to it, packages ho stole contained $8,G00, and and evening, one extra copy); 20 copies, to one address, $1.25 r,iit on a clean collar and a better tie, writes: 'will find the droppings of per- you each one extra copy ); 20 copies, to names j. (and to frying th,ink I wasn't a bit nervous, oi suiwcr.ovrs, at one "But tho best matured plans often, fail; uups six mountus or a year scattered flM each Letter Jleads, one extra conv. 60 conies, to one ,l,lr,.s.(andi r,ad never could, to save 'my lifo, give a and now comes the most incredible auoui ana tramped into dnst, and par cai-ouo extra copy); 60 copies, to names part (and answer or ut a of mess washed repartee get of my statement. The package of $8,000 tially away by the rains, to the ut suoscnoers, at ouo J1.10 each (and s. IjtuUy . I pushed my h,air up," theu was soldered up in a iuo box the exact amount of one extra copy.) One cart-loa- d Bill Heads, of Buffed If aowri again:" it would not took sue of tho this is worth than two nioue from the The New York SeniMVeckly Tribune and I also had about packago, barn-yaras any practical eardener is published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and curly as I fomly fancied it did when- !?l,(KK) besides. It is natural to suppose will tell Deeds, ever I took, the preeautiou of Vetting it that I was Prin,ed twicca week, we can, of course, print But the farmer looks upon you. much excited when leavvery all that apttoars in our woeklv aiiition. ! A l,uu vell over night and brushing it up i hi ar vii'iuniiB. "en juunv oi wnirn ing, which was true, for as I was getting everything on the subject of Agriculture, and ran duced to a pawder, as beneath his notice. add pCiiinst the grain. much interesting and val liable mattcr.for which info a skilfmy foot slipped, and I dropBlanks, ''(Come, come, Gwynne, make haste," "There is a waste that might have there is not sufficient room in THK WEEKLY the box containing the $8, COO in the ped TRIBUNE. The TRinilN'K t lust sounded from below. added ten bushels of wheat to his gra'.Missouri river. gives, in the course of a year. Three or I'onr of th Order Books, ran down to obey tho doctor's call, - In concluiion. I BEST AND LATEST POPULAR NOVELS, nary or a tun of hay to his if will I this: am say and onn, after proceeded up the town to whero I am it had been collected every week and by living anthers. The cost of these alone, if bought making money fast, in hook form, would bo from six to eight dollars. jlra. Gordon's. After I had conversed and before tho expiration of very Nowhere else can so much current intelligence ant ten years properly applied. Invitations, .itli tlat lady for a few minutes that pernmneut literarv matter be bad at so choapa every dollar of that money will bo rerato as she talked in THE and listened I she turned. to the United States sny TRIBUNE. Express to. see TERMS OF THE Party Tickets, jiihere me into a morning-rooTRIBUNR. of aturc. Singular Company. If I die, my lifo is insured Mail sulwcrihers, 1 ropy, 1 year 1(4 numbers, 14. tjiy patient. in favor of the United States Express .nan suoscnoers, x copies, 1 year 114 numbers, j?. 'Wo are quite anxious about dear "fje- t- Coinpnny for an amount Tho Siamese the d Mail subseribers,5 copies, or over, fureiu h Cards, etc., etc. greater than girl," and otherTwins, copy $3. sho said; "she's had a bad cough Persons remitting for 10 copies $30 will recoiw are small curiosities, have lost. they JjT," some time past, and our home remeI ask the sympathy of no one, but I affairs bv the side of a framlr nf iiiim an extra copy one year. tbirty-fo" i t dies" seem to be of no avail." am already fearfully punished, not at a place called Jaca, ia the province tlrjaacxlmmi Two girls rose as I entered and of 1 A child has been o Aragon, Spain. knowing what moment I Mill be arresTHE DAILY TRIRtTE i. tml.li-- i. Promptly attended to and Wy Jervous bow. 1 saw that bue ted for my crime. And what then? born there, on the surface of whose eyes ed every morning (Sundays excepted) at $10 as. all and graceful, with a mass of pc The State Prison, or suicide if I prefer there is imprinted the exact resemblanoe year ; ia for six months. hair loosely drawn from her face; iU . I. will also state , of a watch diai oval in form. The hours fjaixk; soft, black why I wrote the THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC. 1S70, Price 80 ots. eyes, a clear complex- bote to & Calhoun in the and iniuutes are distinctly marked and TRIBUNE llolladay ALMANAC REPRIJiT. 1833 to 1S68. the hands designated by faint lines. At ion and regular features; a grand beauty, braggadocio '2 vols. Hurt" I that did. I wanted style bound, $10. thought. The ether, was ditforout, to kill all the IR$T'CLASS WORKMANSHIP love and respect that mv the lapse of each hour the child is soiled RECtH.LECTIONS Of A BUSY LIFE. By Horace with slight convulsions, during which, it fviileniTy two or tL.ree years younger, wife had ever entertained for Greeiy. 'Various styles of binding. Cloth, an4 S2 me, ia Library, fcj 50. Plf Morocco, &t. itU sunny, chostnut hair, that tossed in lessen the sorrow of anxiety hiccups the proper number of tintintitth-ul-a, Half Calf, $o. Morocco Antique, $7. waves down her back, blue eyes, a thereby after the manner MARGARET of a FULLER'S WOllliS. New Edition. that she repeating IooHp' might feel for roe after she be6 vols. Cloth, $10. pouting mouth, a most bewitching came aware pf what I had doae. You watch. OtJAKAXTKED, PEAR CCLTUltE i'OK PROKIT. QUINN. t jir; rehvutm, and & short, slight figure. Who have up to this time, thought or ELEMENTS Of AGRICULTURE, WARINU. contrast could hardly A ?yr Wiplete New Edition. Cloth, $1. imagined what & luxurious, Ui"e I am no What Persistency Do. DRAINING FOR HEALTH AND PROFIT. WAR. p xu,t, than between ttje two sister. The doubt are for once disappointed, leadiug, i.iu. v.ioin. ri no, jui jiue lpoked about twenty, thftlittle as I am ona of the mcp miserable crimBoys who spend thei? extra time in E.VRTH CL0SCT9. now to make them. V.AR- pee a.Vout eighteen. As I eai4, 'bowod inals on the face of th carthK' Ex. trivial pursuits, which, cling to them in 1N(. 26 cents. Seat free on receipt of price. tervously and coughed two, or three i .... . ' manhood, can learn a good lesson from V . times, because. I did nqt kno.f quit "it is a great raty that vou come a man who bus yorkcd fer years in the Tn making remittances for subscriptions or books, to say. Mr. Nonentity " Brooklyn na,vy procure a draft on New York, or a yard asa machiuist'and alwaysMoney 'Vjfhis is our dear invalid" Mrs. Said a cousetyiential lady to her Order, if poseibl. Whet neithor of who has learned' in his leisure hours to , these lie procured, send tho monev, batalwavs can patting the. youngest on the adojsr ; "you remind me of, a speak, read," and write Hebrew, French,, iu a KEUISTERKI) letter. The registretion fi shoulder, barpmeter that is tyied with' nothing in (ierman, and Italian, and obtained a has lwen redui-- t to tirteen cents, and the present registration system has Utu found by the postal t'ih, we'll soon cur. her. Mrs. Gor- tlie upper story." "Most amiable of thorough knowledge of geology and authorities to lie virtually an nbsolitta protection don,' baid I with alarming cheerfulness, your sex." said ho, "for s flattering a Out" of his savings he has losses by mail. AH Postmasters are against pur obliged iml cOughed again. ,'' a i . compliment, let me remiud you that you chased a library of twelve hundred register lettura whenever requested to do Bo. Terms, cash in advni.Ati. '.'Physician, cure thyself," I heard the occupy it entirely." volmiins. Address, THE TlilBUX E, ALL, IT,S IJRAKCHES, '"-- ,' ..- -v. For $1,600 Cash. Great Family Newspaper ty H The SnifiTitlflo , Taper of a THE BEST FORK TRIBUNE touo. This plaster is well known from '.'Oh, I've no cough, thanks, only a little tickling," I said, stupidly, atj though general use and its hpajing properties. the whisper had been for nie. is merely a kind of varnished silk, THE GREAT FARMERS' PAPER It IJpwever, I plucked up courage and, proceeded to make my professional in- and its manufacture is very easy Th e the ople! quiries, which were diversely answered; Bruise a sufficient quantity of ising- Now tho tiuiB to Fiibucrilie fur the the mother making out the case to be glass, and let it soak in a. little warm yvtvy piiu, "quite serious, ' ana Bug- water for ot hours; expose rrancu; the qaui;h gfst 0l the south It la Climp bocBUw its Circulutiun in Larger ter quizzing everything and turning it it to neat over tho fire till the greater than tluit of any other Nownpap.T, or tne water is dissipated, and supall into a joke, I wound up my visit by pan ' Now it the time to form Clubi, I its place by proof spirits of wine, again remarking as 1 shook bands, ply wun wuicu comDine tne win "l'ou've got a nasty cough, Miss Gordon, isinglass. The Xew York Tribune Strain the whole through a piece of contains all the importantWeekly but we 11 soon cure you. Editorial puhlixhtxl la "Pert little thing!" I mentally ejacu open Jinen, taking care that the consist- - I the DAILY TKIBL'NB. except those of merely lo- luterent; also Literary and Scientific lutein lated as lett the liouso. "The dark enev of the mixturn shut! ha aiwti tliot cal genre; Kencwa or tlie most interesting and lui. one eeeius nice. Ilftw beautiful she when cool, it may form a tremblini? portant Row noon: letter from our large corpa HUNDRED AND DDITCO FIFTY I CASH In addition to the alive premium, the nuWUk will pay $1,500 in CASH PRIZES forliatsofmV scriliers sent in by Kohrtiary 10, l7o. Pum. w ho want to compete lor ttiee prizes, ahouid mi ai onre .or proHjieciua snu oianaa i or names. Terms of Scientific American, one yuar (3Wsix months ?1,50 ; four months, $1.00. Tocluls, 10 and upwards, terms $2-'- "J per sanmiu lipsi. men copies sent free, addross the Pulilislniv MUNN A CO., 87 l"ark Row, New York. How to get Patents. A naianhlet of uftws auu lUBirucuou tu iuveutors sent irsa P.i W u ' 1 --- t ELGIN WATCHES "" -- "ho tn' Kew-Yor- k 1 ci. -- PRINTINGOFFICB 11 pm-don- . of ine . Jlan. JOB PRINTING in ,, SI if " JTATIONAL WATCH COMPANY Having carsfully examined and tested vwr watches, we find them perfect In all their parts, sf una onisn, ana wsu sisptea to the wants of as time-kseplpnblis. We consider then the but made watches in America for the price, and tqul to the finest European Watches, for accurst tan that eost donble or three time the monev. ' cheerfully r commend them to all parties wlsbiaf Cuea ums-Keop- .. cow-yar- 1 r i7j d: ORDERS " I I I A ... 5 pro-jldi- e eiu-.- -- eo- - j.H. a. assiLiHii, MiTO, WIHDIU, ft BTMllf, MORSI, ROODIM ft HAJIUIOI, OPPZaHIIMOUOS, O. F. BirPU t OS, B. OTIRKXTUSCO., CO. K. UWKBUS s. r. HORXIS co The names above will tie recognized as th hsi. Ins; Jewellers of Chicago. They have no pecuni ary interest tn tbe tympany, but freely testify u to the genuine merits of the watch ta, which fer the past year have been sold by them. IUtioiuIi Watch Conriirr, Chicaoo: uihtb: The watches of vour make, sold Bf during the past year, hare, with scarcely an given more than ordinary satisfaction, tM are proving to be all that yon claim for tbamsl accurate and durable Talcing into consideration tbe ImDravemeiiti you have Introduced la thsir construction, and ths general fineness of finish of even the lowest grsda, we regard them as bing well worth their pries, sad take great satisfaction in selling them to such at oar customers as desire good CO- PAXMZB, BACHILDEES - lea Washington Bt., Boston. WABaZIf BPADON. 4 Maiden Ijuie, New Tort WFTTBTiTCH. PAH80N8 ft OO., time-keepe- 1 Maiden ... tAlXJS'JM W. H. C. MTLLIR'tJca, OWUlt ft M'lLWAUf, oilis bro, BOOTX Ioa, ft HEJflTIQSB.. JKNKUfa ft HATCH. Kew Tors; Pittsburgh, Pfc OtniilnatiA Ohio, MTDDLITON BP.08 , 10 xaaiden lame, IT. I. ladies' Watches, of elegant design and rltrfaJu and Qsntleman's Watch, of equal merit for n snrpassed qualities with tbe "B. W. jtaymona," out ot smaller size, superior to any thing yet manufactured in - this country, will shortly be placed in market. g Be tailed bf the Conpsnr. TOtm J2WILLBR AND ASK TO Xo Movement CAIX OUt BBE Burinesi THI SLQIir WATCHXS. f Offlee mnd Salesroom iVationaJ Watch Company, 159 & 161 LAKE rost-uiilc- i" ST., CHICAGO. . roat-Uinc- e, cart-load- d, NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY. r. hay-mo- itj w Freak m "two-heade- NKW-VOB- , . . . ELGIN WATCHES! ELGIN WATCHES! Six STYLES NOiy B. "W. Etymond, H. Z. Culver, H. H. Taylor, MARKET. O. M. Wheeler. Mat. Laflin. . 3, T. Byerson.. Bnt recently placed before the public, the SUPERIORITY Of TUIJf WATCEJCS lit Vt-llOAND CONSTRUCTION has already secnrel for them a National Reputation, and the DK- AS D for them has so Kapldly Iacreased that tke Company have been compelled to make large additions to their force of employes and MachinTrade. ery, In order to meet therequlrements of the Eailroad men, and others desiring an accurate and reliable Watch, are invited te examine the 8. W. Raymond Movements. One of our leadiag Railroad Companies, thoroughly convhierd of their superiority, bas furnish. 1 them to their Bngineera, and they are pronounced by them to be the closest running American Railway Watches yet suaimsvs tured, and fully equal to some of the tnsatiniporteq Watches as eorreot Ho Movements retailed by the Company. , Call en your Jeweler and ask to see them. , t Business Offica and Salesrooms, Post-OiH- eeuti-rticnt- al (lot-don- bot-ftn- 159 & 181 LASEST CHICAGO; IQOKJBINDING y. BUSINESS CARDS. " New-Yor- V TERT MERCHANT AND PROFESSION" man should have a supply. We will do funl the best style of th art. |