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Show 1 An Ice Subject. Cars and Spik.es,- - Oa Mondayf last a walk down to the U. C." De For several days past a number of pot, to "view the landscape o'er" and Biro if mtrtiou. She and Saturday. j,uU,l6hed every Wwluesday The ers to-d- JrscTios appears before our read0ur for" witl a wlliter face were printed on the best roor numbers then obtain. We hate could we cr Land a good supply of a better arBOw on hope our friends will apprecas much as we do. We iate the chacge the Junction a good readintend to make in every respect able paper ticle and we "Wells-.:ll- e Deaths fbom Stktchhikk. January 23rd, 1870. On Sunday Robt. Lishman and morning, while Bro. at meeting, two of his chilfamily were and took a small dren went to tt chest strychnine. When the Tial containing both of parents returned from meeting, he children lay in the agonies of death, No one susand died in about an hour. matter until after pected what was the death had taken place, as the chest was locked, and the key in the same place as hcn left by the father; but after death was made, and it a close examination some of the strich-Byii- e 8 ascertained that had been taken. The girl was eight years and the boy four years of .age." Iho above came to us by telegraph on Sunday last. Without casting reflections we feel it our duty to upon any one, against leaving young either to attend meeting or for any other purpose. When parents are under the necessity of absenting Jiemselves from home for a time, some of the little one, old enough to take care with them to left be ones, should always someChildren are prevent accidents. to a play times fascinated by temptation vf ith fire and with other dangerous things which their parents have strictly forbidden. The occurrence at Wellsville is parent caution children alone, truly lamentable; we deeply sympathise with tlfoi'parenfa .whb are that so bereaved, and we hope that their sad case will be a caution to all; and that the little folks will learn not to touch what is forbidden and that parents will keep a proper watch over the infant treasures which heaven has committed o their care. sial-tdeu- ly , Since the cold weather set in, many of the boys in this city have taken great delight in hunting for small game, and they have not been very particular as to the locality for their We understand that, a few days ago, an unfortunate individual received in the culf of his leg a discharge of shot intended for higher, if not more important game. This occurred in the neighborhood of the Railway Junction. If these young hunters are not more careful as to the pl&oe for the trial of their skill, some of them will come to .grief. The police are on the look out, .and birds shot close to town will cost a Shooting! g. i Boys ! how, or ' ' 'big price. don't shoot the littlo birds anyanywhere. They are of great value to us, for they of grubs and worms clear our orchards which feed upon the luscious peach, the juicy apple, and the various fruits you like so well When you go hunting, look after something worth powder and shot, - and, go far enough away from town as to avoid the chance of shooting something or somebody whom be sorry to injure. Parents and guardians ! don't you think your boys would be better in a place where the echoolmaster eould "teach their young ideas how to shoot,'' than to be wandering around popping small shot into the calves of peoples' le ancles you-woul- d ed , !;..' : Bow, Wow. On Sunday ng the Bible "we" struck last on openithe following . we took teams may have been observed wending their way westward loaded with ice. Mother Eve was an ancestress of ours, so we have come honestly and naturally by the gift of curiosity. It it a gift, gentlemen, and when rightly applied, one that brings much good to mankind. Well, we do not. wish to dilate on that point, at present, but wish to say that our natural enriosrtty; rriherrferWs we have stated anl excited by ice, induced us to "paddle our own canoe"' on a voyage of discovery. We "wended our way" westward, and at the furthest extremity of Tithing Office Street saw a large frame building, about which we learned the following particulars: The C. IV R. R. Company have erected the building referred to at a cost of over $5,000 for an ice house. It is 100 ft by 40 ft. and the sides are 10 ft. in height, with a 35 ft. roof. The floor is double, containing ten inphes of sawdust; it is built on sills and there are four inches more sawdust between it and the ground. The sides are treble, containing eight inches of sawdust between the divisions. The house is calculated to hold 2000 tons of ice; about 1000 tons being already deposited there. It is being taken from by men employed Mayor Farr's mill-rac- e who saw the it into blocks, Company by and load it into the wagons;' teamsters getting 75 cents, per load for hauling it to the iee house.' It is there received by the Company's hands and fitted together as closely as possible, the interstices being filled up with broken particles, with the object of freezing it into a solid mass. About 30 wagons and 100 men are employed on the job, and have been for several days; but the ice is getting thinner, and the' manager is rather dubious about being able to fill the building and the bill 2,000 tons inconsequence of the thaw, which has already reduced the ice in the stream, from 16 inches to a foot in thickness. The object of the company is not to make a big speculation by transporting this ice to California, but to supply the line west of this place with wholesome water for use during the coming summer, a considerable portion of the route being through a country where the streams are all more or less impregnated with alkali. This is a wise move, and shows . the forethought and good management of the C. IV Company. ; If the weather permits, which is quite possible yet, some of our enterprising citizensniijht make a good thing out of ice. It is in a great demand in California during the summer, and the railroaoTfurn-ishe- s speedy means of .transportation. It is brought to California all the way from Alaska, the territory recently required from the Russian government, and if jt pays to ship it from J hat distance, it ought surely to pay to rail it from Utah. If this season is too far advanced, there are others to come, and our own citizens should make preparations to take advantage of every opening for profitable business. If they do not, strangers will come .along with sharp eyes and speculative brains, and make bemeans out of thinp- which wildlong to those who have turned the erness into a fruitful field, and the solitary place into- - a pleasant habitation. The foregoing description of the C. P. Company's mode of preserving the pre cious element, may serve as. a hint to some of our friends in other places as well as Ogden, and to tiom we dedicate our short article on an ico subject. . pri-p-rl- see what there was to be seen. We were rewarded for our sloppy walk- - for Og den it a sloppy neighborhood in a thawing time like the present by the sight of two new cars which had just, come in from the East. Mr. Saml. Hills and Mr. S. Jonasson, the gentlemanly agents of the U. C. R. R. kindly introduced us to the new arrivals. The two cars were built expressly for the Utah Central, by the New Haven Car Company, Connecticut. They are well built and very handsomely got up. The interior of each is panelled with polished birdseye maple and black walnut, the tapestry on the roof is bright colored, but "neat and not gaudy," the lamps are elegant and the seats comfortable, being reversible and without locks, and covered with crimson plush backed with green. Each car is well ventilated and tilled up with stove, water tank, private room, and every necessary convenience. But the sight which gladdened our eyes the most was twenty tons of spikes, which came in at the same time as the passenger cars, and which arc much needed to make the people's road firm and substantial. These spikes will be received with gladness by all the officials of the road. A special agent came from Chicago in charge of the cars and spikes. AVe wish to observe, for the benefit of those who may be disposed to grin at at our taking the trouble to describe a kind of cars with which every railroad traveler in the States is familiar, that the above is written for the information of our country cousins who have not been blest with snch opportunities as they the grinners, have, and who, we are sure, will appreciate our effort. e H bet-we- en i' . RAILROAD. iioxi:i:i6 iixe or itail THE Wotlncsday, .Tail. lCJtli, OGDEN JUNCTION. 1H70, YARD, The Utah Central Railroad, which is NOW COMPLETED FROM EXD OF XOliTII-ILlS- T OGDEN C.P.11.JI.DEPOT. TO SALT LAKE THE ONLY PAPER IN CITY, WILL BE OPES OGDEN! FREIGHT FOR AXD 150,000 feet of Boards PASSEXGEIS. Trains leave Salt Lake City at 7 a.m., unci errivtj at tlii city 9.20 a.m., and leave this city at 6 n.m., and arrive In 8nlt Lake City at 8.20 p.m. For all fnformutien concerning Freight or , ajinly to SEMIWEEKLY e, Only ( per Year. AT $3 per thousand ft. JOSEPH A. YOUNG, BUVERISTESDEST. FARES: - Suit Lake City to Wood's Cross u u Centreville " " . - " ' D. O.CAI.DKR,' 300,000 Shingles COcti. . - . . yarmiiiKtou . " Kaysvillo " Ogdcu - " ' J5cM. $1.00 tl.36 12.00 -' The Vcoplt's ; Itf Ticket and Fre'glit Agout. .... raperl per thousand. A Taper for all Classes! Great Central Route. lil nLiiiTioAr) , NEW YORK, BOSTON OGDEN JUNCTION Sawed $.75 per thousand. "BLUE LINE" Great Central lloutc 3H' - CMcap Planed Lumber (ONE SIDE) thousand ft. $G5 mr RAILWAY. cog-wh- et Imagination. Dr. Fayer, an English physician in India, communicates to the Indian Medical Gazelle an extraordinary caseof effects of imagination on the physical system. He says : Some time ago, on visiting the hospital one morning, I was told that a man had been admitted during the night sufand that he fering from a snake-bitwas very low. I found him in a state of great prostration. He was hardly able to speak, and seemed to be in a state of great depression. He and Jus friends said that, during the night, in going into his hut, a snake bit him in the foot; that he was much alarmed, and rapidly passed into a "state of insensibility, when they brought him to the hospital. They and he considered that he was dying, and evidently regarded his condition ns hopeless. On being asked for a description of the snake,,, they said they had caught it and brought it with them in a bottle. The bottle was produced, and the snake turned out to be a small, innocent lyoodon. It was alive, though somewhat injured by the treatment it had received. On explaining to the man and his friends that it was harmless, and with some difuculfy ranking them be lieve it, the symptoms of poisoning rap idly disappeared, and he left the 'hospital as well as ever he was in his life iua , few hours. " , PARPJS BOESSEL B. i dr-pf- COAL! COAL! COAL! A LARGE ASSORTMENT S.S.TUCKER, .Toinei, nml Carpontor, Jnlinot 31alc'r, Raised, Tanelled and Moulded. Sash, Meveluinta who want to Sell their Goods will do well t . ns is warranted to he uuuiu of the Uwt nuiUH'ial. Ivory Article mnnnfactiired Iit Primed and Glazed, Always kept on hand. Advertise, In the Junction, HALF A BLOCK EAST OF THE "JUNCTION" OFFICE, OGDEN. All Orders personally and promptly attended to. ;. Mechanic can doubtless increase their liiisincss by Advertising in the Junction, Orders received for nil kinds of LUMBER YARD. COAL DEPOT, MEAT, CHAIN & GENERAL PROVISION ls1 AilKET ' MAIN ' (HIDES. iiuiisMWG :lujibi;k, STREET, ' " KXTIM SIZE DOOllS, ..... JOHN K. TOOL.. Proprietor. , N.B. Laths and Phingtos Sold on Coinniieioiu 'V II. .T. TIN AND 1- - lm It has ' that ON SHOUT J IULMS. I'atroiiafuJUolicUcd. . f joiix "been frequently demonstrated a thompsox, f ; LATH, ot Trade. pullio of Ogden and eW where to giv us their Advertisements for insertion in the JraoTion. ' We invito the and DItESS LUMIIEIt of description will be promptly attended CTCry llivcrdnltv near Ogden, Reup:tfu)l.r lfnniil the aud vii iuily that his now SASH, BLIXDS, is the road to judicioua Advertising PLATE WORKER, Jiiur.kt West of the Ogden success, in every uepartment KXKCCTKOt W011K .KIJATIY, and on IU:At. Alii.K ... Sash Doors, 'ceo. l. dunlap, Gn.8upt. Pa. OF .Doors, F." PATRICK, Gen. Agt, Chtoaecv V boot-heel- LUMBER ON AND AFTER were shown yesterday a model of AMI) a new railroad snow plow, invented and EASTEEIT CONNECTIONS. tbi DiaacT patented by Mr. Thomas L. Shaw of this TUB city, which is the most complete thing Tbronja Fasseojpir ant IMditBinLtB of the kind we have ever Been, and will NIACARA FALLS undoubtedly supply a want long felt by railroad managers. The mechanism is simple but strong, durable and unlikely to get out of order. Although very much AND ALL POINTS EAST. ingenuity and mechanical ability is Till CIUUKATI9 manifested in its construction, one is I'd to wonder on seeing the machine, that COKTAIXi its main features were never thought of For thredy transportation of all kinds of freight without transhipment, runs xcltulrs over t lis before. r.l The invention is a snow plow for a locomotive engine which takes i;p a load The only Bmtern Line frnm Chicago The Latest Telegraphic of snow, is then bourne back out of the rouniug the l&guiuc.nt cut by the engine, and dumps its load Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars when arrived at a clear space. ADD It consists of a double loafed plow Oa itf Passenger Trains. constructed bo as to dump its load to II. K. SAUGF.NT, fle.U 8np't Chicago. A rtiefes on all the each side; the frame work pivoted Oen'l Pass. At;t, Chicago. It 0. WEXTWORTH, transversely of iU truck in such a manTUOS. HOOPS, Gen'l freight Agt, Chicago. ner, that it mny be made to assume a Leading Topics of the Day, horizontal position after having in its inclined position been forced into a drift & Nortli-WBste- rn of snow, and thus take up a load and it while is the support eugine running back. The leaves of the plow are connected by a branched cord or chain passing over a pully in the top of a pillar The direct route from Oxaba to Chicago AS AN ADVERTISING and the East, above the floor of the truck, with a windlass beneath the floor fixed upon a shaft WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. 1 in such a manner that the MEDIUM may be slid into gear with a pinion on the front axle of the locomotive, and Tiro TJirtr Tbsocoh Tkaiki leave the Missouri THE JUNCTION HAS therefrom derive the power to lift the Brvn, epposito Omaha, upon the arrival two leaves of the plow and thus cause of Trains from the West over the them to dump their load. FEW EQUALS This invention will completely do away UNION PACIFIC EAI1VWAY. with the tedious process of shovel ing IN THIS WESTERN snow by hand, out of deep cuts where This beins; the direct rente, and 112 Ifllre shorter than the lower line, SarN & Honrs in time, the ordinary plow cannot remove it, and and insnres connection with all EasU COUNTRY. save a vast amount of time and labor. era A Southern Kallways, passengers having choios . Mr. Shaw goes east in a few days to ' ef Routes East of lay his model before the railroad authorChicago. ities in that region, where they arc so BAGGAGE CHECKED THEOIGH TO ALL The Terms of Advertising are aa reason-- much troubled with, and suffer so much KASTERS CITIES. detention from heavy falls of snow. able as could be denired. Pnllman'i Palace Sleeping Coaches ran through to Chicago without change. The AVe e, -- TBUCXEE RITEE Shaw's Jfew Railroad Snow MICHIGAN CENTRAL Plow. beer can be had of text, which struck us jgg" very forcibly in Wm. as Williams, per advertisement. return; neither party was hurt how-t'and we hope none f our readers tfill feel themselves hurt by our speak-BQy Our people, more than any other In so light a way of shonld judge, are acquainted with we conianything ng from such a sacred source. the quantities of Schuttlcr Wagons j so "It is said that a dog if taken in its many having crossed the plains "in days infancy and held for a quarter of an that are past and gone" thank heaven Wr with his head under water will for it, in wagons bearing that name. never have hydrophobia, even if bitten We are pleased to call attention to the " " a mad dog." fact, as shown in our advertising colSome one, we suppose, will be calling umns, that an agent has been sent here chapter and Terse, never having from Chicago with a good supply of wagseen" the ons to be sold on reasonable terms, so tejt before. AVe found jt tieo ' chapters, sir, 'where it was that the people here can obtain them, placed, no doubt, for .safe keeping' by without having to pay a big per ccntage some appreciative soul who thought that to some Commission agent for the trouble t&e most unlikely place Tor any one to of buying for "them. discover !ra the'same sacred book read "of a certain city, "there all the ( abvbbtiskjiknt. y. , re to be ,on 'the outside, Y Ths Harrison '"Godbr "wAl C"J of Ogden certainly cannot W the, preach in Main Street, Ogden, ne indicated, and we publish the above evening, Thursday, the 29th instant, at recipe for the benefit of the owners of 1 seven o'Clock." " ' i i! 1 1,8 e numerous in town. We are "purps" re that these are not & exactly the dog Main 6tzeet, Ogden L'tti, ... days, but there is nothing like Sex. for (he Hope taking Watchmakers, Jewelers 4 (Hinsmitlw. ngs in time, and there are several Amenta for American and f.ifxm vvntrhp. ' ladies Those ehallow-p&ttfdyoung constant! v on Iwnrt a Incite a.wtrtmutt 6f Kp "dorgs" running round loose, which lye who wear their waterfalls the highest, fine Jewelry, foreign Wihhn, Onus, I'istols, nui could heartly recommend as fit . Ammunition oi hi.' s, beand sport the narrowest subwill do well to Mamine rnrr Btnvk jects 'for experiment. sides unhesitatingly adopting every silly before nun:iiisiiiir Try it," gents! fashion set by the lorettes of Paris, can Kewiring carefully Uouo iil nil work warranted. a ni take courage. The London swells of the Coal is getting to be a necessity masculine gender have reached a ith us; many prefer it to wood, and of folly beside which feminine folly looks hrs who don't, find it cheaper. The like swaddled reason. The latest fashion COAL 13 'THE BF.FT IS among them is to carry a poodle under YITAFATCH ; "natch Coal Conntrv. t Company prpmise to fur-- the arm, Xo the is prinLwre orders witii E. 0. HORROCKS, Ogiicn. presume it cheaper than others.Seo adv. ciple that "society"goe3 in pairs. Home-mad- UTAH CENTRAL i luli&hifciuti of Ogden ! . to. .:.'.- 'TANNKIIY' Isnrli to KMiiil)f full operation. d that ho is )irciaT(i patrons with mi excilhrnt ijuulity of U'l'KK AMI tOLK thATULU; alo with . lii HOOTS AM) SIJOI S. Mnuiibcturid in tlin t Wdcs and Bark wanted. X.J. tl 2- - The Circulation of the Junction Style of iVorUnmiisliip. i is slreadu large and is constantly increasing. D.W. PARKHURST, PROPRIETOR. tf |