OCR Text |
Show but does not disturb his position as a olticers of many nations, the ceremonies deputy in tho Corps Legislatif. . AmJXn gdctt JUL being continued for several days. In the Corps Legislatif yesterday, in Pulilished every Weduipduy and 8uturdii,r. miles AMERICA'..New York. Thiers made a great speech denouncing The canal is ninety-nin- e commercial treaties. feet in depth. Iti length and twenty-si- x An immense mass meeting, favoring All disorder attending the strike at o feet, Cuban independence, was held at the width as the bottom is severity-tw, Lacrenzot has been repressed and the pCJEEX, UTAH. and at the surface, from 190 feet to ."27 Cooper Institute this evening. Horace strike is at an end. Wednesday Xornliijr, Jan. 20, IS 70, feet. from Greeley made a speech favoring tho It is announced that an amnesty for It extends Southward of the belligerent rights of offences recognition is against tho press laws will soon Port .Said to Port Suez. Port Said Cuba. Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, be issued, and new law for the regula' situated on the Gulf of Pelusus, atao made a speech. Resolutions were tion of the will be submitted to Suez and I'nnania, about half-wa- y between tho Egyptian adopted expressing sympathy for the the Corps Legislatif. Cubans and urging tho Administration Prince Metternich has communicated Am'ing the many great enterprises of Port of Alexandria on the West, and the to accord belligoreut rights and favorto the French government a despatch East. on the wonderful litis age, not the least is the Syrian port of Jaffa, or Joppa ing the establishment of Cuban chari- from Baron Beust, expressing the desire cutting of tho Maritime canal through Port Suez is bituuted at the head of table aid societies. of Austria for the friendliest relations Prince Arthur has arrived; he was re- w ith France. the isthmus of Suez. While the the lted Sea. Port Suez has n ceived according to the programme. He Madrid. Amiiicans, jvixh the aid of Paddy mid magnificent natural harbor, and the rode in Central Park tkis afternoon, aud Serious disturbances aro reported at olin Chinaman, have been smoothing Egyptian flovernment has cnnptriictcd visited Booth's Theatre in tho evening. Baliimas. The municipal authorities the wny for the fiery nteed over desert, dry docks at tho head of the roads, after Ue loaves for Washington in tho morn- were attacked by the mob and the troops ing. treum and niouritain, "opening up a new the most approved modern plans. had to interfere and quell tho riot. Oakley, the defaulting cashier of the Tho Prince Enrique de Bourbon is acMid gigAUtio aTenue1 for eoumiereo betThe harbor at Port said is altogether Merchants' National Bunk, was comcused of having conspired with to Ludlow street prison in ween the eastern and western worlds, artificial; cousinting of two basins, one mitted y Isabella, but the statement is not the lively and energetic French, within and the other without the natural default of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars bail. ly a motley group of Egyptians, Croats, shoreline. The outer basin is protected Judge Cordoso dismissed tho motion 1 reeks, I)ulinatniijs and Negroes have by moles built kf artificial stone, com- for an order, answering the suit of Geo. AXD been engnged in the no less important posed of a mixture of sand and lime; Francis Train against the U. P. II. p.. in U. S. the Courts. work, of nhortening the maritime route but it is feared that Berious damage w ill Tho London papers contain accounts of European and AsiaJic communica- be dono to the harbor by accumulations of the NORTH OF OGDKN IIOrSE, rejoicing in England on the first of sand, which are continually Increas- of January, when tho new bankrupt law, tion, The inme,n.se distance to be traveled ing from the racing of the sea, and coast which abolishes imprisonment for debt, OGDEN CITY. in order 'to reach the East Indies from currents round tho extremity of the mole, except in cases of county court judgwent into operation; there was a ments, ' lurncd the eyes of and also from tho driving of the fine general jail and sponging house delivery WILLIAM WILLIAMS, .Luropeun part, Proprietor. thinking rneu to the isthmus of uei sand through the interstices of the mole of debtors. At one of the largest places Ihui on hand au excellent quality of cuusuiutly in London, the prisoners ';nany years ago, Travel to the East, itself. The canal is liable also to be af- of detention notified that all mijjht leave who while braving the dangers of the fected by the fand frf tho desert, princi- were pleased, at midniget on December 81st; treuciierous Assortments of which are constantly duep, or siig'ering the pally in tho vicinity of Lake Timsah, of 'JO inmates only il availed themselves Which in fur Sale either liy tlio glass or liv tho hiirix'l. weary .., monotony of, gun lifo, wheA where, in one year, 270,000 cubio yards of the privilege, the others begging to being replenished with all the Staple of Bund passed into the excavation for remain in jail, having no homes. ploughing the wafers of the South a meeting last night to exThere whs Items necessary for Families and the and, doubling the Cupe of Good the canal called Seuil duSerape.m. Dredpress sympathy with the Cubans; it was to however will be there J.ltape, and ,tl)e morchunt prinoes of Eu- ges employed largely attended and there was considerEfforts will be made JOBBING TRADE. rope,', while Trailing anxioxiHly for East- remove the sand, and the company are able enthusiasm to raise money for destitute Cuban famion the side w each of the slopes ern products, ished often fur a shorter planting FOIt lies now in New York. ..tut to, the a? off Orient, and wondered canal with trees and shrubs as a protecThere are 207 eases of small pox in the city, and 18 in Brooklyn; the disease why providenee had not broken the tion. "Vessels of only a moderate tonnage is decreasing in both cities. jieejfc of JiiiiJ called the isthmus of Suczj There is a rumor afloat that tho Spani mid allowed .the trtiters of the lted Fci will be able to- puss through the canal ish agents have put in circulation nearly fet U shake hands at oni?e with the blue present; it is susceptible of enlarge- a million in Cuban bogus bonds; it is believed that the report is true, though Mediterranean and the yellow Indian ment, but it is certain that ocean-goin- g the Spaniards say it is a base falseof the dimensions not will shipa and larger saved ven, them thouthereby hood. chan-nol. sands bfinncsVf travel, and many pounds be able to float dwu its tranquil General Niel, President of the Fenian ' O D E M. It is not to be supposed, how over, Brotherhood, has issued a call for a Feflollarj) of expense. -, a It ,rtjfu;ial channel could only be that this will stand jit theway of such nian Congress, the organization to meet A general assortment and full supply duade , across 'llic isthmus! Ah, if! Lilt advantages as must accrue from this gi- here on Tuesday, April 19th, for making always on hand. final preparations for active hostilities. who was to cut it? The first Napoleon's gantic undertaking. Suitably construct- The invitation is extended to all the venaolB and mechanical . PHIL. CRAMSHAW, appliances Irish national organizations, including 4jroat mind grasped the importance of ed which tho John Savage is tho , iuch a work, Bnd an idea of Agent. its practica- - will be brought into use, and tho bene- that of head, to send representatives. (Assorted Sizes,) Mlily, but tho Bcientic world laughed fits which will result from the Suez Washington. i;t his project and treated it as visionary Canal to India, China, Japan, Australia Trince Arthur arrived at half past and tho nations of Europe, cannot be five: quite a- crowd congregated at tho rtd absurd.' ' ,. , ' told in this brief article; indeed they depot, but there was no opportunity for It appears that in the progress and a demonstration for the party immedidevelopment jof jhis world's affairs, cannot, at present, be properly cstimati ately drove to the residence of the OGDEX MOUSE. ' w henever a work of British minister, where the prince, tounusual Importance ed. f C. . WEST, Proprietor, The next great project under the con night, will receive tho members of tho liecomcs necessary, providence raises up British legation. sideration the of commerscientific a,nd au. individual specially fitted to its 31 A. Pf H Tt 13 St. Lcuis. Bucli a man, in regard cial world, is a similar canal through tho The jury, in the libol suit of Elisha OGDEX CITY, UTAH, to this fcheme wus found iu the person isthmus of Panama. The building of Buckley vt. the St. Louis HfpuhliraA, for Hotel in vf M. Fajirjoand de lepseps, who was the Panama Railroad was a great work, $25,000, after being out, since Thnrsdny, Is the only Finst-CTa- ss returned a verdict giving the plaintiff fhjtfcn. out was and carried with that enerat zeal, Versailles in tho year 1805. At Jjorti $5,000 damages. pinviilcil itlj tho clioicei-- t an early age he entered into the diplom- gy and ability, w hich characterize Amer Information has been received, at the The BAR attached i oianiL" vf ican of Indian But a more depreundertakings. expemilitary headquarters, atic service of his country, in which he mid CisarM. Liquors dations in the Indian sixty greatly distinguished himself. Having ditious, convenient and less expensive miles south ot ArkansasTerritory, My a Kiver, Xl'rv.s atache to the French Co- route, and one which w ill avoid tho ago, and some apprehensions are nciliate at. Lisbon, and Tunis in 1825 necessity of breaking bulk in transport- felt that there will be trouble in the mid 182S, ho was in 1831 appointed ing merchandize, is getting to be a com- spring. Louisville. nd 7 years et mercial necessity. And the success of ,,VllKul, fcV'A'xivndi'ia, Kie tho wife murderer was hung toSuez tho Cannl is stirring ep tho amto the same office at Rotterdam, in day. bition of American engineers, who canGeo. D. Prentice was again prostrated '1H48 lie' occupied the iyiportant. ppst of Frei cU monster at Madrid, in which po-- i not, brook tho idea of being outdone by and is in a dying condition. Terre Haute. Various surveys ha.ve itiima he gained a brilliant repututicn, foreign talent. of the Goodrich, Captain formerly mado by English, French and 11th AND ah experienco which prepared him been cavalry and extreasurer of this fur the diplomatic part of the work to American engineers, and several differ- city, shot himself through the head REASOXABLE CHARGES. ent routes have been proposed. The this morning ; cnuse, intemperance. hiclj he subsequently turned his chief He leaves n wife and several children. most feasible, however, a that from JOHX DA VIES, Proprietor. itf 'attention, "And iri' which he exhibited so San Francisoo. Chagres, on the Gulf of Mexico, to Pan aud (.kill, TreasU. S. is stated the that Sub It perseverance juttpli unflinching ama, on the Pacifio Ocean. Three lines urer has shipped from three to four ",.i-i.have been surveyed across this narrow millions in ooini and confederate cur Jn tho year 1854 he was deputed, by neck of land, the shortest bf which is reney overland, the post year, of which society which had been organized in no account has been given the public about twenty-si- x miles in length, ex The total shipments are, placed at forty, ri'iirUt to go to Egypt and negotiate with from an Miguel to Caledonia one millions. faiit Pacha for the formation of panal tending Buy. Tho difference between tho level Wheeler & Wilson's extensive sowing 'iih-osihij isthniua of 5ue?,j iu which of the two oceans these points is said machine factory at Bridgeport, Connecti at niissiim ho wag only partially successful, Loss very to bo very little, so that the difficulty of cut, was burned jfireat oftacles, chiefly of a political locks would be avoided, but a tunnel of heavy. I.L WHO PF.PTRE TO AMUSE TIIKMSEM'KS 'tMiirncter,' Btood in his way, but ho with tlio Cm and Hulls vill find a Room, two miles would have to bo constructed, London. w himself ith determined energy to tumiormuiy Ultra up nun iiic admiral of the Sir in unwould a be France, George gigantio h'iAr removal. y, In 1850 he succeeded in which, itself, 15 EST OF TABLES, Here-i- s an enterprise w hich fleet, long stationed in American waters, dertaking. btjiiiuiiig furtlier concessions from the is dead, aged 03. AT w ill cost at least a hundred millions of Tans. 4!fjptiiii;; government, returned to 3H. GIR, IDT 7 dollars, und tax the skill, energy and The stuike of the operatives atLacren of sum two raised the hundred France, perseverance of those" who undertake it zot continues, and is making a profound ItOOMS, jtulUuu francs in aid of 4he enterprise, to sensation throughout the country, on acthe utmost. Aient imcX to Eaypt in 1859 with noorps count of the largo numher of workmen Central Opposil the Let tho difficulties, however, bo what engaged. It is feared by the govern pt scientific and practical engineers, and House. the of the strikers the canal ment that Engine be and the tan example built, kct,'iimenced active operations 051 the they msy, Government of the United States cannot will be followed elsewhere. It is sup. not did but the CALL AND SEE ME. jvork, gain publio that the strike has been brought alTord tolosathe glory and bc&efits of posed and countenance of the French about by revolutionary agents. This E. GAKN tho work. It will certainly be attempt- idea is strengthened from the face of the groat underUklng until 18G4. ed; who will take the first step towards their number increasing and thoir de. 'rotii that time .the work was pushed U. P. BREWERY. And a variety of other Items its accomplishment? Another tie Lea-se- mands becoming more and more unreasonable. Lacrenzot is one of the great Ifalf Block South- - Writ of J'ost Ofsce, jjyward in the face of many political aud is wanted; w e look with interest e.t iron manufacturing' towns on the jH(i4'inl difiiculties, aud.muuh oppo&i- AND OF MQrORP DRY GOODS, CHOICE for "the coming man." earth, and this defection of workmen in HAVE Aa No. 1 Article of LAGKR 11EKR. ion from the press until success crowned A volves heavy losses, which increase l'.illiar.t Tiilile on tho nrpmiimi. Y, .AmV'? , vhent. as usual, those who Ji.ll. All order for Laer Keer will moot with every day. The probable cause of the CXOTIIIXG, nv s'rike was a change of the general dircc-tio- urmpi anemion &;wl fought at his schf nujsand ridiculud LAM)1' & FCLLRIED, Proprietors. to affairs of the which work there, his efforts, turuqd round and lauded him HATS, men objected. They applied for the re The. City Council mot, pursuant to adv, .tL.S skje. :. ( instatement of the old directors, which , )!i.2iUi. Mutch, .he Tiince of Wales journment, at tho City Ilalh on Tuesday, was refused. KOOTS, A dreadful accident occurred there publicly ofTiciaied at the ceremony of January 25th, 1870, at six o'clock, p.m. There were present, Leister J. Horrick, yesterday, whereby several miners were 11.111 CENTRAL .waters of the ilediterrnnpan RESTAIMT SHOES, killed. .This had a tendency to increase jilo tlio .Hitter. Laken; that portion of Joseph Parry and F. A. Brown, Esqrs., the general excitement. Tho semi offAnd House, Ete., Ete. ie'PSnu between having been complet- Aldermen; James McGaw, Josiah Leavitt, icial Journal states that the trouble is be- East side U. C.Lodging K. It., PUBLIC SQUARE, distribuincreased Counthe "V. William ami Section ed,1' "Thf of counfj-- kugwp as by Burton, Esqrs., ing gradually .MAIN 1ST u LET, OGDEX. tion of extreme radical journals among Cieuu well-aire- d ISeds. je P'liU'v Lukea, was a vast amn, tjjen cilors; Thos. G. Odell, Esq., City Re- the workmen. E. TI10KA8 BKOWNING, Proprietor. wafl' dry, covering an area of 100,000 corder; Wm. N. Fife, Esq., City Marshal; The strike has not ended; but there is iperfieial acres. On the 10 of Nov. last, and pharles F. Middloton, Esq., Clerk of some hopes that an accommodation will AU Orders adJrcssad to S. V. TEASLEL, A force of 2,000 be reached jiif eatijil being complcd, i was opened the Police. COO A number of licenses were granted. v it li great pomp aud display b,y Jho Em-- 1 calvalry has already infantry und Ogden Citj, will hare prompt arrived. One pf the editors of the Who of had wore the bills been Beveral aa tradesmen's preFrench, pror OODES CITY, JAX. 1st, 1ST0. MarsfilUex, "who it is alleged has helped attention. nctive supporter of the undertaking, iu sented and payment was prJepad to be to ferment the disorder lias been ar HAPPY NEW YEAR!! rested. Jhe presence of the Euiperyr of Austria, made. CAU, AT THE Henri Koehefort's trial has concluded; A variety of other city business was he Viceroy of Egypt, the Crown Prince SALOON, he was convicted and sentenced U six Main Street, for FKESH OYSTKKS, hy the ciiho, ,01' Prussia,' the Grand Ituke Michael of transacted. months imprisonment and to ft fine of enn, or plate; Stewed, Fried, or Kuw. Thene deThe Council adjourned to Tuesday "itireo thousand francs; the sentence in licious llivalves are received daily from IriUtilnore, Uussirt, the Prince of Holland and a bril-jiaS.ilKed Figs' Feel iust nrrived. (live uo a cell. Supcrin ten 1en t, cluded the deprivation of political rights, staff of military aud diplomatic next at six p.m. JOB SIMMONS, Oyster Dimier, Itf itf She. BY TELEGRAPH. function. WOOD'S PHOTOGRAPHIC OGDEN CITY. ROOMS!! HIOLESAUi&HETi ijid DESERET BREWERY DEPOT, , MAIsT STREET AT WHEUE AUTISTIC AND LIFE-LIK- E Jtp firo beiiiR taken, of duntUlitv, uniurpasKed for Uolduen Outline or Beauty of Fiiiinh, liy all the Yarioai processes known to the Art, noma of which ar TL'KES V Photographs, Cartes Visite, Vignettes de STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, Melaneolypew, Anibrotjpcg, Ferreoljrpes, Card Pictures. XXX BEER, . fliu9, a infinite. General Merchandise. OGDEN, tf , Also THE CELEBRATED SCN PEARL, ENAMELLED CARD PICTURES. DEPOT x Wagons. - MAIjST C ...... ' S3- - OLD PICTURES Copied, Enlarged iu &vi, aud rendered impuriaiuible. ani or In view cf the CU't the ronntry U filled with unskillful Oierntorit, whwe work in wmiting in chemical eflert, artistic t:mte. nlw), dnrtliility in fact, m everjthiiifi thut ooustilnles u pood picture, th. subscriber feels called upon to inure us (rood work P.r-o- n n.i can be produced iinvwhoie or by any one. wishing work, will, uleiue CALL TUML DIATELY. An a nioniento or tnken of affection.. Nothing uHrrnle a portrait. It in limbic di'penvor of plenauro A consoler iu hour of absence A representative whoso lileut eloqucnts Whispers spiritual thoughts of Lovo and' llojie. T. M. W OOD Artist. 50 Boxes Horse THE , trg Pictures of nil kinds taken at all time in ull kiwis of wuathur, equally wall. Arrived this Week. 40 Kegs Horse and Mole Shoes, HOTELS. . , street AXD OUDKX Jan., 4th 187a . I T ilails, K T, ,000 lbs. Hoop : ron, few-day- s . ATT Person" heretofore iinsnccnseful In ohtalninr PKKFKt'T PICTC'KES, aro particularly invited to call. Persons enmins from a distance for wot, will iid for their time and trouble iu doing w if jierfei t satisfaction is not given. C. WOODMAXSEE, street, Ojfdon, 3Iuiu HEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, WHITE HOUSE, " af-vt- MAIN-STREE- ,000 lbs. Cod OCDEH, U.T. Best of Accommodations ish, 1 BILLIARDS. BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! to-da- y. Case Indigo, 200 Boxes 8 GROCERIES, AGRICULTURAL MAIX sup-piy- rf I.AYEAI, . Proprietors. PATROX8 CAN IIEUE OVR FIND A Xo, 1 Art hie of Ji 11 ALL AT E A D, CRACKERS, tr. fr. ' ALSO, A OOOD SUPPLY OF , CONFECTIONERY. Glass, 1,000 Sad Irons, STliEET, OPPOSITE WCTION. STEVtiEIt at 1 iO rtnh Mm OGDEX CITY IUKEHY, IL VIIEAT. OLIVER DL'RANT. HORACE WHEAT S 20 Bos s Olive Oil, A IMPLEMENTS,ETC. of MECHANICS' A flood Supply TOOLS on hand. 4 (ft4 DEALERS IS ffnOLESAW FLOUR, CRAiri AND PRODUCE. ORDERS RROMTTLX o, ATTENDED TO. tf SIIXT3I22VTS EVERY DAY. . 3Iuiii('iaI. OGDEN, UTAH. .,i . RESTAURANTS. . ' II. OYSTERS. RAILROAD nt H.B. CLAWS OX, t . W. i To. hfiT audSlILDEBAKKRS imue ij MAIN STREET, WAREHOUSE, ' ' also on hand, SCHUTLER'S ' VAGONS. A ounntlty of BOB SLETtR and FANCY CUTTERS Tihich they will oll Cash or Gnin. Itf 6r IK YOU WANT A (KWD YARIBTY, OF MBAT CREEXWELL & ''! "i WRIGHT'S MEAT MARKET, EAST EIHE OF main', street, OGDEN,Where the) liave 3-- m Beef, Frhd:iil'. Mutton, Tork, etc, |