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Show 18 7 0. evcryv Wednesday and Saturday. Publish TEAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $o.oo Olio "tea"" , Six Months Throe Months - Siuglo Copy - THE. . e o. 8. 0 25 40 30 40 50 05 45 75 60 100 WO IS) 136 yoo 11 16 19 25 iio 30 34 46 70 80 100 OUDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1870, aju:kicax. .New York. " e '"ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted till forbid, will be ..continued utitil ordid out, iu every iustauru, and "Vliiuired for accordingly. s Tlie privilege of yearly and half yearly admrtm-ris restricted to their direct lino of business, and Aut'taw! Heal Estate, or other advertise- all ' jwnts'ioroigu to their regular trade, will be charged for Kcpanitnlv, Advsrtisenionts from tlie States will be without the cash ( at our advortised rates,) unless from ono of our Lcwniaiyin6 Irritolar authorized Advertising Agents. All ominuuicationt devoid of interest to the public, or intended to promote private interests, ill be charged as advertisement, and payment in character, we rmjoired in advance. If personal tite right to reject any article, or advertise( rawrve ment of this class. OCDEN DIRECTORY. United States Officers for Utah. Governor J. Wilson Shaffer, Secretary 8. A. Mann. Marshal Milton Orr. . II. Hcmpskad, U. S. Attorney Indian Affairs J. E. Tourtellotte. Supt. C. C. Clements. Surveyor- - Geueral 'Receiver of Public Monies J. B. Over-ito- n. Q eorge E. Registrar of Land Office Maxwell. U. S. Asset tor John P. Taggart U. S. Collector 0. J. Uollistcr. . C. Wilseli. Chief Justice Atsociate Justices 0, F. Strickland and llawley. Territorial Officers: Delegate Congress II. William Jlooper. Zerubbabel Snow. Marshal J. D. T. McAllister. Auditor William Clayton. Treasurer David 0. Calder. Superintendent of Common School Eobert L. Campbell. A ttorney-Gener- al Weber County Officer: Piobate and County Judge F. D. Richards. Select Men Lester J. Ilerriek, Henry 'Holmes, Kichard Ballantyne. Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. Prostrating Attorney Aurelius Miner. Menf--GilbBelknap. Deputy Sifriy William Brown. Assessor and Collector Sauford Bingcrt ham. Treasurer Israel Canfield. ,', Coroner Wm. N. Fife. Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools Wm. W. Burton. ' City Government: Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 18C1. 'Municipal election biennially on the second Monday of February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, on Tuesday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. . Mayor Loren Farr. Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; L. J. Ilerriek, 2d ,, ., Joseph Parry, 3d Counselor James Mc Gaw, Walter Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah Recorder Attorney Marshal . . undergo an examination concerning their gold speculation in September. A now Fenian expedition to Canada is From forty to fifty thouon the carpet. sand men are ready for active service in Ireland, as soon as the brotherhood here are ready to strike tho blow. JL D. Bogart, who was sentenced to three years' confinement in the Penitentiary for stealing ten thousand dollars from the paymaster's office of the ship Vermont, is now at liberty. Secretary Kobison set aside the sentence of the court martial. Indianapolis, Ind. A fire broke out at Morrison's Opera House at nine this evening, and is still raging. Morrison's block, containing five wholesale houses, was destroyed. Fears are entertained that the adjoining block will also go. Nashville. This section was visited last night by a terrible storm, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Many public and private buildings were unroofed and otherwise damaged hera and at no loss of life is reported. Cincinnati. An equally heavy storm of rain, thunder, lightning and heavy wind, early this morning in this city, and considerable damage was done to floors, cellars, &c. The embankment on the railroad track waj washed away in many places! The storm is now ended and the weather is rapidly growing cold. The Ohio river has risen ten feet within the last twenty-fou- r hours and is still rising. Chillicothe, Ohio. A singular atmospheric phenomenon occurred in the storm at about midnight, which consisted in a broad grayish light, like early dawn. i Cleveland. Eight or nine hundred coopers in this vicinity are ou a strike for higher wages. o; C-- to Not many lives, but anly one have we Our only .one ; How mcrnA ahoukl tlxtt one iiu exer he Tlmt niirrow apaa i Sny aftor day filled up with blf-- d toll, Hour utter hoar still bringing in new .poll. Thos. G. Odell. A. Miner. W. N. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. Surveyor W. V Burton. Captain of Police P. G. Taylor. . . Boston. j "The police, last night, rased four of the principal gambling saloons and arrested eighty - seven persons. They seized the paraphernalia. Chicago. Edward Itussel, an employee in a rolling mill at Elkart Hill, shot and killed the foreman, W. A.Wollain, this morning; cause, illicit intercourse with Russell's wife, llusscll gave himself up. Louisville. A terrible storm visited Cave City station, ou the Louisville and Nashville Railroad at an early hour this morning, resulting in the destruction of a large amount of property. Seven or eight persons were instantly killed, including the tank man, his wile and two children. Eighteen persons were more or less in jured, a number of buildings blown down, and timber scattered in all directions. It is not ascertained how far the hurricane extended. The storm passed over a portion of this city, accompanied by hail tho size of walnuts, stripping the trees entirely of their small limbs. The river continues rising at the rate of six inches per hour, which is faster than has been known for years. If the flood continues great destruction of property will ensue. Later reports of the tornado, which visited Cat a City station, say that it is entirely demolished. Nine persons were killed, ten mortally injured and a large number of others more or less hurt. About sixty families were rendered homeless. Tho storm came from the southwest and passed on to the northeast. Ogden Post Office: FOKEIGX. General Delivery from 8 a.m. to 7.30 London. p.m. Sundays, from C p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Three new theatres are about to be Daily Mails close, until further notice, erected at the west end of the metropolis. tor halt Lake City at 5 p.m. Paris. For the East 9 a.m. Copies of the Centrifugal, Belgian For the West 5 p.m. journals intended for circulation in ARRIVE France have been intercepted and seized From Salt Lake City - 10.30 a.m. by the French authorities. This coming - 6.80 p.m. after the declaration that foreign jourFrom the East - 10.30 a.m. nals were to be freed from censorship West excites surprise, and the Radical jourMAILS lose for North Ogden on Monday at nals charge the government with great . 2.30 p.m. For Plain City, on Thursinconsistency and bad faith. The preliminary examination of witday, ut 0.30 p.m. For Huntsville, on nesses in the case of Prince Bonaparte, 8 at and Tuesday p.m. Friday, charged with the murder of Victor Noir has commenced before the Police Court. Express Trains It will probably be completed this week, Leave nountil further ; Ogden daily, tice, for Salt Lake City at 6 p.m. For ltochefort has been summoned to appear the East, at 10.5 a.m. For the West, at as a witness on Saturday. The High C p.m. Court of Justice will be convened in a Arrive from Salt Lake City, 9.20 a.m. few days to try the accused. From the East, 5.25 Trauppman was executed at seven this p.m. From the morning, in the presence of ft great 'est, 10 ft.ni. crowd, who loudly yelled at him as he mounted the scaffold. The culprit was Divine "Worship with a ft held every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, pale, but ascended the scaffold at 11 a.m.; and in the School Houses firm step. After embracing the priest he lifted his voice and said: "I have acof tho various Wards at 6.30 p.m. complished it." These were the last J words ho uttered. Extraordinary preOqdrjt, Salt Lakb akd Utah. disorder. Everybody desirpus of learning facts cautions were takenonagainst the ground. A The military were concerning Ogdori, Salt Lake and Utah, great noise was made, but the services chronological, statistical, historical and were not interfered with. , Ottawa, Canada. religious, with a reliable sketch of to be certain that the neIt appears and have a thousand and one of Father Thelbold and Col. questions answered Jhat are being daily gotiations will result in sending a depDesaborney axked concerning Utah, send for a copy utation of the half breeds from the Red of Sloan's Salt Lake Directory. Mailed River settlements to Ottawa, and an amicable adjustment of the differences from the Jpxcwa Office for a d$ar to be accomplished before tha meeting of au'i a quarter. parliament in July., , L.OHt ISooks. WABRKN Mi a catalogue "rare," "scarce," or "very scarce," several times after the titles of books. If a book can become scarce in these days of cheap printing, how great must have been the difficulty of keeping alive the works of early writers! It can never be known what proportion of books written before the invention of printing has been lost, but that wo have much the smaller part left there can be no doubt. We have not space here even to indicate the various ways in which tho writings of ancient authors have disappeared. The Chinese Emperor in whose reign tho Great Wall was built, was so ambitious to have his name handed down to his posterity, as the founder of the Chinese monarchy, that he issued a peremptory order to have all books and there was a vast number of them and all writings of every description, collected and burned by the magistrates of each district throughout the whole empire. So well was the order carried out that only the works of Confucius and a lew other authors were saved by being hidden behind the wall and under the floors of different houses. Nothing like this is to be feared in our day, we may suppose, though a motion was made in tlie English Purlin-- , ment, about two centuries ago, to destroy the records in the Tower, and to settle the nation on a ew foundation. In Franco, too, in the time of the great revolution, (1689,) there were men who attempted to carry out the same principle. But tho great destruction of books has been caused by wars, national or religious, or by the two combined. The Persians, from hatred of the religion of Phoenecians and the Egyptians, destroyed their books. The Jews burned the books of the Christians and the Pagans. Tho Christians burned the books of the Pagans and the Jews. The most ancient memorials of the Irish peoplo were completely destroyed by their In Mexico the picture-writing- s, conquerors. containing tho early records of that country, shared the same fate. The first missionaries collected great numbers of thes'j paintings, and committed them all to the flames. Near the middle of the seventh ccn-turwhen Alexandria was taken by the Arabs, tho books of the famous li brary of that city were distributed to four thousand baths; and such was tho incredible number of volumes, that six months were barely sufficient for the consumption of the precious fuel. Two centuries and a half earlier, another famous library was destroyed, with the temple of Serapis, in that same city of Alexandria. The loss of many a library is due to the Arabs and the Turks. But tho Christians too often followed their example. The library of Tripoli, which is said to have contained the iucrcdible number of 3,000,000 of volumes, was destroyed by the crusaders. At the capture of Granada, too, in the year 1492, Cardinal Ximenes condemned to the flames 5,000 Koruns. After the Reformation, both Catholics and Protestants burned the books of their adversaries. In England there was a great destruction of libraries at the dissolution of the monasteries, in the reign of Henry VIII; and later the Puritans burned everything they could find that bore any trace of Popish origin. Then, again, from the seventh to the fourteenth century, the monks were accustomed to transcribe their feeble lives of the saints, or other writings often quite as worthless, on parchment, from which. they had erased some ancient classic. In view of all these facts, the wonder is that we still have even fragments of Oliver Optic's so many ancient writings. v, Magazine. A woman living in Newport having suddenly disappeared, the spiritual mediums of the place were oonsulted as to her whereabouts, and "located" her body in a pond in the neighborhood. Tlie pond was dragged, but no corpse was found, and the next day tho woman came home. She had simply been visiting some friends in a neighboring village. C. L. DA0LF.R, Helena, MoiiUuia. HUSSEY, Lake City. KEY, DAHLER & CO,, BANKERS, 31 a ix NTisorr, - ocai:, AND SALT LAKE CITY. Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin ami Currency. Draw Ewhnn(re vn ftm Vranrimw, Montana, Burner, Ut. Louis, Kew York, and all parts of Europu. attended Collections promptly TUu let UH cluxp Um new This infant boruhild to, l(f a. sum-nt- si ATTORNEY , CANDM-.- 60 10 28c 0 tit per tat, ir JflltteellniieoitH. "VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT 1 all Persons engaged iu Busineaa in The legitimate occupants of the Ogdon City, (fcr, wnich tho City Ordi- in a theatre are stage horses. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! OF THE II ALL & VANDYKE ASTOCK Coal Company's Coal will bo con- A man, boasting of his temperance The Office of tho City Recorder is at the Olhce of the "Ogden Junction, ' habits, said he never saw a glass of wine Seventies' Hall, near tho U. C. 11. It, without his uioutu watering. ' v Station. Peonlo who wish to lead Dcaeeful lives Office Hours from 10 a. w. till 3 p. m. should never go to balls for hops proi duce a great deal of bitterness. CIKCTJLATING LIBRARY stantly on hand at the Ogden Tithing Office Square. AH Coal w ill be weighed when sold to Contain nevoral Munitred Volume, ronslstiiij; of I choice collection of Mii.uLinl Worknof eniiumit the purchaaer, , writer on History, Si lence owl Art, l'olile Lite Will take one-ha- lf payment in Oats or rature, l'uouuil Worts, Wiiverluy novel, otu. ' , , TERMS: Barley! Life $5.00 Orders will be received and promptly Membership 10 cts. per vol. per week, filled at the Tithing Office by Mr. Walter ' " Loiwoon tho hou of 8 ra. uml 0 y.ui Open Ia Thompson.' b McGregor, The Prices of the above Coal wili be m Llhrarlitn, at Ogdon Pout Office, low enough to warrant the patronage of the geueral public. ! c 1 OGDEN E. GAM, OO MMJjJICIA L DEALER WHOLESALE COLLEGE IN Wines & Liquors. , SAMPLE AD 18 NOW l'RKl'ARKD TO EKCBIVE STUDENTS. THE YOUNG HEX SALESROOM. street, Utah. f Ogden CityT I AUo, a LAROK STOCK of CASE LIQUORS. CASE WINES, HIKE Would 3IOXT.Y hy Improving llie Present GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Call ami JSoo ilio Hcliool. JIOL'Ua OF SESSION: ETC., Call and examine my Stock. Night Claim :.m. Nearly Opposite White House. Ui J p. oi. to . D ia I i.ui McGItEGOlt C. D. STATIONERY, NEWSPAPERS, ' MAGAZINES, Etc., Etc. , Opposite Vie 'Public Square, DEALERS IN TRUCKEE Have also on hand a LA ROE QUANTITY of Raised, Panelled, and Moulded Doors,Windows Sash and Mouldings. etc. FURNISHED TO ORDER. Ink, BOOKS GOOD'. WRITING PAPER ENVELOPES AND ' Subscriber's Attention! iqll allow Five Cents per lb. lm allow THREE CENTS por lb. for We will CLEAN fiutlir-- r Oflii his OL'N XV' SACKS. n o. " your Esgs and lrilS . thism ftlotig to A gentle- man is one who has no business world. ia this ' Two enterprising young women have taken homesteads in Dakota, and intend to occupy and improve thorn. This is not st range, for women eicol in the f art of husbandry. vj, ; , 31 AI X . X, ' Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Glass, etc., we An Irish gentleman having a small picture room, several persons desired to see it at the same time, "faith, oentitle. ' men," said he, "if you alt go in, it will not nam nan oi you." "Sammy, run te the etore and get some sugar." "Excuse nto, ma I'm somewhat indisposed this morning. Send father, and tell him to bring a pa." per of tobacea along." "Wood; is tb,c thing afte all," as the man with the oak leg said when the mad , ., ;; dog bit it. DRUGS A.M) MEIMCIXi;, For which it is true that "there ia tf Opposite Bishop West's, IS" H 11 13 13 OGDEN, Hove on bund a splendid Stork of RAGS ;,; "Sir," said a man defending rather a notorious character, "I assure you it is The hardest thing to bold in this world is an unruly tongue. It beats a hot All orders for Books, Newspaper, smoothing iron atvi a kicking horse conPeriodicals, Magazines, etc.. will reoeive siderably. ' prompt attention, and be furnished at Dickens is charged, by the Saturday Publishers' Prices. Review, wita being bloodthirsty in killing off his young characters. M'g Particular palm pal'l to aRcommodatn and vry iiriicte ttxjnirwl by the tlratt A lizy fellow, lying down on the grass, Itniuliiif? 1'ulillc, If not on Iwimi, will bo furnikhbd said, "Oh t how I do winh that thk wan at the shortest notico. called work, and well paid." FirKtnml Third Ward CZ.EA17 COTTON "Bob," said a young fellow at a fancy fair, "you are missing all the sights on this side." "Neve mind, Bill," retorted Boh, '1 am sighting all the misses on ' the 'other." t , POST OFFICE. WILLIAM BUTZ, Agent. yyu will take on BCBSCuiraoN, "Will you aocept my arm t"" said a gentleman to a pert young damsel ; to which she made the following very appropriate reply ; "No, .1 thank yon, sir; I have two of my own." took OGKDEU,UT.A3: AT THE the Jones said to Nibbles, Lncinda that circumstances very much to heart." Nibbles replied. "Did she indeed? The dear girl I I wish I waa that circumstance." kept constantly for sale cheap, LUMBER, Are now prepered to furninh every (lencriptlon of Lnnitor for Building purpoeoH, uotu plum and drusMil. "Jack," said a joker, "why don't you get your ears cropped ? they are entirely too large for a man." "And yours," replied Jaok, "are too short for an ass." Definition of a Gentleman. Pcus, Pencils, Penholders, AND VALLEY Mother, I'm afraid a fever would go hard with me.' "why, myson?" "'Cause, you hoc, Mother, I'm so small that there wouldn't be room for it to turn. Digby says Dculcf in Located on BROOM'S LOT, , more pleasure in givinj tluia receiving," but ho also thinks it especially applies to medicine, kicks, and advice. I'uy It, tdmnce. BOOKS, COMPANY, A woman in New Orleans was arrest ed for throwing a pail of hot water ou a gontleman who panned iu front of her feuo apologised house, in the evening, to the victim, saying it was a mistake, pure innoceitoe." "I quite agree with you," replied the other, p.m. STUIETS Received at $7.00 per Torm. tf to 2 p.m. PRIMARY Main Street, Ogden, UTAH tho other laid out. desk violently with his clinched hand. :. Ilis arguments are COCKTT OF WKBKR Buy Claw do. CHAMP ACNES, CATAWBAS, ETC. Two sailoro roeMitlv fouirht ft duel in New Orleans; ono of them was wounded and the other killed- - tme laid up and to drive home his logic by thumping have on hand a larirn Stock of the Celebrated SUA WAN, LK.K RUN, CROW, ROW EN, AM) SHARP'S BRANDS of Kentucky Whiskeys; John and Jane were not married, af ter all; for though John wooed, Jane wooed not. , It is a bad sign when a preacher tries ON MAIjST Washington S. Bush of Des' Moines, advertises that he will "clean drains, and do dirty work generally," Iowa, and that she mistook him for hor owa huebaud. :,r ,: LVSTlTliTlOX, - etalli A oelubrated wit was asked if he knew Theodore Hook. "Yes," replied he, "Hook and eye are old associates." THOS. Go. ODELL, City Recorder. ; ' 4 nances provide that a license must ba One of the teeth of a biting frost was obtained,) without first procuring a liceriHe are liable to bo taken before any recently picked up in Canada. Alderman cf said City, and be subjected 10 a i me. "I came near eellintt my boots the friend. other day," said Scuttle to By order of the City Council, "How bo!" "Well, I had them hair-LOltLN FARE, Mayor, soled." 9 SHINGLES, LATH, pur box. I. X. L. braudu f 9.75, per box. BA181N8 per box, $.50. COAL OIL per case, 110.75. LYE $13 per ens. GLASS HxlO per box, $.50. ' " 10 x 12. 900. . HAY Full supply, at $10 per tun. . OATH 2i-per lb.' BARLKV 2J6j per lb. W II KAT-- 41 00 (A 1.25, per bnshol. FLOUR $3,50 ( 4.0 sack, ; a full nupply for preoeut dpuinnd. Our t!t;ih Flour ronipHr favorably with tbc best Western Bramts made from winter wheat. .00 er liwhel. TORN ffl $1.50, per cwt. Bli AN ft MIOKT8-l.- U0 oOc POTATOES 7c, per biwliel. 1IKKF 10c 6412c per lb at hop ; 8c og foot. PORK 2"ic r$ 2f)C, per lb. BUTTER In roll, 4ac ft' &0c per lb. SOUS Per dox, 4oc 1$ 60c. ' CHI.CSKNS fiOfteach. TintKlSYS ISo jw Ih, f5 per pair. PODA BOA P To all whom it may concern. OODKN CITY. All kimlu of legal buaiiionB promptly stlomkxl to. Hf Office COFFE E Rio per k, 31 c per lb. TEA $1.50 to $2M per lb. ; 27c per lb. BATON RICE 17 to 2iio per lb. 8CM- R- 12150 per ik. " crushed, fc&SO, per k. CX'R R A NTS 24c mr Hi, per bl, ' TOBACCO Navy, per lb Sac. CHKKSE 0e per lb. , 1NDIOO-421- 0C por lb. CANDY 32c U 42c per lb. I'KPI'KR 50c per lb. KP1CB Mo per lb. NUTMBOS $1.7Spvr lb. CITY LICENSES. & COUNSELOR. Office opposite Ogrtcii Hotel, Commercial. of Ogden Junction, Ogden City, Utah Territory Jan., 2(ith, 1870. Eujoy Its fiugnuit breath, iu tamiy unite Eio start the tear Which warns aa that thelutefaian is paw. And ealhi ua buck to IXutya jwtti agniiu I ' ti, SEMI-WEEKL- Y Mor-inouia- OL I. yu, We sometimes see on a single page of Rebecca Utt, who has been on trial r7rtiUiit advertising In be paid for in advance. before Judge Bedford for the murder of A Square comiats of tou lines of typo of this Tlios. Barrett, was convicted, yesterday, ' in tho third degree. Yoarly advertise! allowed to clmnite at pleasure, of rnaur'ii.r.L'liUM' with only the additional charge of twenty-livtho verdict, who swooned Upon hearing a square for composition, hut they will be Her tounsul will demand 'cuar'tse4 Wt'JU for occupying spaee ovr cou- - in tlie court. a ni'w trial. "''jhJacUil Notices or Advertisements retained on James Fisk, jun., and Jay Gould e atlte outside of the paper, will be uharnd twenty-Jivpromised to go to Washington on 22d to ur cent, additional on the above ratos. AUvsrtisemeuts not mai'luil ou the copy with tho oiumbur of insertions, mil) l published at our op-Jluntil ordered out, .and charged at transient And em U her. Our ag9 U but Urn falling of a leaf, A dropping V lmvu no time to q.rt away tho hour, All should lie wwjut in a world like oura. tir. BY TELEGHAPIL jjusiiiesn Cards $5 per mouth. ., :. Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and tlie Arts. 5 7 10 IS 4 7 0 11 21 6 10 13 18 30 3 Column, 1 ; 2.0U .10 - s w OflDER-MOTION.- 4.1X1 BATES OF ADVEKTISING. J Tie sot for u to trift. "'life it brief, IJliowine an excellent Anwrlment of Coo1h, Grooriri) Dry HATS, CAPS, '1500TS, SHOES, AND STATIONARY. ' r 5.B. Prescriptions carefully prepared Will Second DMrirt Zion'M MERCANTILE CO OPERATIVE MAIN INSTITUTION, 8 T II X K T , 0 U D K tf , HANIi A UENKKAl, of Pry (inoriA. Grori'rien, Huts, Capn, Boots, Shoes, Agricultural Implements, e, Jfcc, all of which wo oi' a aoHiuj; vhcip lor cafh and HATB produt. ON The Pruaian needle-gu- n has a formidable vital in the form of a zundaesser-gewch- r, or knife-guthe new breechloader invented by Mayhofer, of Kaus-che- n, East Pmssia. At a recent trial in rounds, with full Konigsberg, twenty-fii- e cartridge, are said to have been fired off per minute. The missile jxeuetiated at a distance of 2,000 yards. The piece carries with great petcision, ' and has the great advantage of a minimum of smoke, ike invention, extends to the cartridge as well as the gun. The inventor had repeated his oft'er te sell his patent to the Prussian Government, but it has not yet been accepted. He has spent his whole fortune of $25,000 in the production of the arm, and threatens to go to Austria or France if Prussia does not J give him an answer soon. n, |