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Show rrn .JThr; i an old song; an old silly habit offers to tained. He begged me to hand you this letter." sing when her heart wag full; 'The salary is not due," said Sam, 8ae trne his heart, no smooth Lis sjieeoh, ii ..if.. f . : :i, .1, ,i --i : m Ilia breath like culler air; ' Ilia very etep has music iu't ' ttundbiv Published every Wednesday and Saturday. 1 SI 'a i November A Protn tip vi AT 1 1 H.LEUI.HO PAW. - ' Vhou my .MTrsraihn t For there's nae luck abouj to house, Tbere'e nae luck at a', There, little pleasure in the bouse noon. A" BY REBKCCA As lie conies up the atair, Ckily.Jj awn'." haughtily. "It is not "the custom of our iui ,;L... "it is the best -- uuoo- iu iu cose ucuuwiiuuo tt oi gudeaian's said Marrv ' r policy.? , " 'A house loses nothing by ge It was hit song. He had fciked it best quietly. in oia courting days; lie nau made nerous aeanng. At least, not with men were herineir the children to rieep with it uke my husband." sing . CONCLUDE It was . 1T1 11 I i i I THE BEST 11 GREAT FARMERS' PAPER lt la only gcven o'olock; Uiere .two hours yet to pass before (lie end. 'He sat by the fire, pushuur the poker , bfiiweun the bars, looking drouud him. " There'" was nothing In the ohcapljr-fur- -. :v. iiiis nfthemiM - l1, f UMV 0,'W .mit iimiJltNTofti ably conducted ., ' andj1hwu , title American is .very the time to form Clubs. .7."- vHr',, TWENTY-FIFT- ary uext. harhig a i of any simulur Jouru.i THE m m Cheup becatua ita Circulation U Larger tluui that ol any otluir newspaper. Kov i m d A VALUABLE PREMIUM rnu This splamlidly illustrated weklv POi' ULAR SCIENCE, MECHANICS Yvv? : CH FIM Wl'li v 1EKRINO. AGIilCULTUIIKsiiii the kiud'red arti. Great Family Newspaper m THE-Worl- The Scientific Anierirn. $1,600 Canh. For 187o7$l liT The pa,ter of the l'eople! tu giibscribe for toe Now iii tune "T, - - IN nnfinli Bender stood hesitating. "How did Huroiare coutribuUirs. Evejv numiuuTV7Dtl always. b imiiei'ialiaiftis, embellixhed with The New York lVefkly Tribune The pistol dropped fYcm his hand. your father know?" Ot MACHINERY, NEW all th important Editorial published in "Oh, it was that little creature, Joe contain) "She is true! My God J nhe la truel" FOR THE FARM ANDS WORKSHOP, tlie DAILY TKIDl'NK. except thoae of merely lo ,r, He stood there, for how fong he never Houston, wno tola me. Where in all cal Into rest; aim ENOEERINU HOLD, WORKS,' liwi, l. and Scientific Intelli Ijterarj m linn T,r,.,,,,' uirtii liiklruva the is world the OKWt man? He of the and Keviewa came mi with us gence; Knew, lie heard the low murmur of lptoreating A journal of so much iutriusio value at a. so ridiculous, Mrs, Bender But the portaut New Buuba; ktUtra from our large corpa fished, pretty chamber that had not to- their voices. The devij. be sure, did CorreoiKn'lcnta of ; latcHt natta roceived by Tele- price of 3 a year, ought to have, in this tiu! best fellow in the world! not The PUBLISHED IS were tears leave lura all of the from of a country, A MILLION READERS. "t , alogether. pritph world; part aumniary night a terrible meaning or him. He Whosoever reads the Scientific Americas He fancied her hand la Crompton'i actually in his eyes when he told me all important intelligence in tliie city and else -j- 'ememberqd when, he had bought that and Instructed, without being UiiHi tertained where ; a Synopifia of the Vroeedings of L'oncr how their lips meeting. Bu,t the weapon lay unjustly your husband had been and Suite Lci;ilalure when In eesaion; t'oreign "4 with hard words or dry details, t very chair home, two or liree weeks at his feet untouched. treated. Oh, here he" is!" Newa receiveii by every tteamer; xoluire lih-TO INVENTORS AND MECHANICS "Here I am!" Joe came in with a skin pnrta of the Proceediiiira of the Farinera' Club after Jack was born; and, lifting Mary EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY Why should he not at "least pen the this Journal isof special vlu., as it coo- ,the American Institute ; Talka about Fruit ; Htock, out of bed, bad placed her iu it, and uoori jie nan a right to their secret, and a flourish. "Here we all are, Sam. Financial. Cattle. of all Patents Goeda. Market and Uenerai issued weekly rejiort at Wssunmr lry wnemer guilty or not. The man trein God bless you, boy! Just like a scene in Kpporta. with copious notici of the leading AMl'KiTwi AND EUROPEAN INVENTIONS. TI.. U..!,1,31 blod. Great drops of sweat The full Renorta of the American Inttitnte Tiu-- a rood world Its after play. jolly out wrung mera Uub, and the various Agricultural Koporta. era of the Scientiljic American are the most That was jjulj sik yeas ago; yet he on tits ioreoeau. all, .now, isn't it? What a devil of a hu iu And already enjoys an extensive sive Patent Solicitors in the World, and U n, each number, are richly worth a year' aul -- ouo mor in were with it himwolf thoueb. you ne is a true wois my wiie. ,t,lun as but a boy. Jiicilitiea for gatheriux a ooniulet. t..,?- r.,tliou6llt Pf: ' : quailed acnption. ' ''J." circulation.' to be sure? You look as if you were man. Though she kill me, of the progress of invention and EPAKTMENT. UUllTlt;iH.TUIUlL edge I will a yet made of Dico, frlfo they throughout the world: and with a TiewtoiJ2 trust in her." Yet there was nothing to cured now" in an undertone, where To keep pace with the crowing: intermit In prac the quarter of aeentury, during vhich this Joo5 .life then! Hard .at work and miserably tical Horticulture, and to comply with frequent fight back the devil of suspioion but that Bender stood apart from his wife. has held the first place in Scieutiflc and MecW ironi all parta ol tne country for Informacal Literature,.the Publishers will issue onJiiTT "Are you cured?" she said, softly. appeal poor; blit joking away all weariless or oiieery om aongj tion of a piwtk-a- l character on the aubject. we mm. trat, the large and splendid Steel EngtmiZ ry i have The. hall door opened and shut at last. loucning engaged the aervicee of poraoo who ia ex f 9y 4 content 'the Vv K wan,fi'UT by John SarUin of Philadelphia, entitled : pcrienced in rural afluira to write in a lucid atyle an old he sone." said. "Some time There 'By were voices hurried and outside, '.world vvastj-u- o a series of articles on the Management of aniall tuan friends they had 'israi r Jhen the earriage rolledaway. Wasshe I will tell you all. Marv. But let me Farms, Fruit aud Vegetable Culture, and how to fthen ! tuem hear make directand and pay, giving general apecific your songs laugh every day, gone! the plate consisting nearly $4,li(lto enean.j know from what thev have iona from planting; to the ultimate dinnoaal of the He had learned sinoo to see things He thrust the pistol in his breast and 1 oil do not .. crops. contains uiuijoon Lkeneases of Illustrious i Aiani. mo saveu door. the Of there has late been stood business lucrative a years there. caa inventors. It is a suiierb worR of art Mary ...differently, . Whey he set his heart on opened on carried in I Sinirle uer worth nusneu. on men, to u diuuu ubiby nktnrs. printctl unprincipled ui heatv naiwr iiii. selling nff ii. iuciu laiKine lace ...wu ' tears in LU I . v.. . . w DCUIUCU , . J wiuilXKKUi Inuvinir J ' ' J ' " I fM. I , . a smneiuu&iuk Sold at 10, but any one subsoridliig for tlwocia. "ITS COLVMNS CONTAIX on nis lips, but ins eyes lesa arm old plants umler now nnnies to the inn his eves to. the serious - in8 UP I am str,P of Paper. When she saw. I Kflner, perieuced. lUK TllIBLNE will be alwiivs readv title tlie be sent fur on w American, will, 'suddenly open . a DB Kin ,AU1.1 ar.1.1 nm t Hltn mnn'a r.i jwpet aa w DUO i guaru the tumier against any such imposition FrttUi5 iurwaru, ana ftuieed M,"U.D ,,omv,u 1110 1U lu, wuuu HeHg or lite. It fttTct'ted Lis re! i? on. (Ht together with a copy of the'entfrevine. m comes our of the how wmiin and of uiai Tbo, thinking of is song, as a nr,1D. $lo., Kuowieuge. piotiue many He b gan to see faults iu the old friends HljUred for clubs pf scriliers. VETKRINART DEPARTMEVT. . "The money I the money !" she sobbed iuesBoiigers no naa in. this world, and who wre ia tlje hajiit of dropping hi " To make THE TKJI31.NE still more vhIuaI.Ib RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, how none of them ever fafftd in its '. ONE HUNDRED iND FIFTY CASH to its agricultural readers, we have emraired Prof. every day, finding Mary's house so "tor the mortgager' cryinir and lauirh errand. . JAMKt) LAW, Veterinary Suraeoa ia (iriw.ll he begun to fear his own and mg, till she cried again; telling him be rniitos " University, to answer questions concerning dinen. Jleasantj spiritual character would suf- - tween times mat sne made it she in In kdditioti to the aliuve premium the nnhli.k. HOMB CORRESPONDENCE, os 01 i.uuie, iiorses. rueen. ana other aomMtie will in $1,5(W CAS1U'RIZ:8 her lor lists ofL pay usual tumultuous fashion. "Couldn't ,,l"'-''-k;ffrom ooutaot with them.! One by animals, and to prescribe remedies. Answers and Churchyard YiC. aeribersaent In by Febrnary 10, 1370. Perw, one be had driven (hem pff. As he he understand ?" prescriptions will he given only through the colwho want to contort fos tlieee K,.i.i .. Vt e are sure FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE, umns of TUE TKIBL'N'K. that this at once for prospectua and blniika lor names. "Jie, I don't understand." he said. epigrams hare ver been new stinted and yavjid more and more to (nature in THE TRIBUNE will add lanrelv to Terms of Scientific. Amerioan, i one year Jti.ro". gather this money, his 'ideas of duty soothing and petting her, as he had for- la favorite form of rustic wit; while Its readers, as all owners sf animals are liable to six months $1,50; four months, $1.00. 'Toclsbui ' hardened. He had grown old and grave, gotten to do for many a Ion dav. "I many a poet, city born and bred, has need the information proffered. Inquiries should 10 and Upwards,' terms $2.50 per nnuura. EDUCATIONAL, -i be made as brief as possible, that the nuestions. men copies sent tror, address the Publiihm while Mary remained the same cheerful, nave been more dull "than vou know. beguiled his leisure by writing .humorous answers, J and prescriptions may be published toMUNN at CO, 87 Park Kow, New VorT or on " outer s now. u his over friends and foes. d uut find thank epitaphs aiary. , gether. In short, we intend that THE TIUBUNE girl. How to aws Fstents. ,A, unalibl rj t,.... AGRICULTURAL, It was all my drawing, vou know. Sham epitahs are innumerable. To this hall knep in the advance in. all that concerns the for lhe find time, a dull Laws and instruction to inventors sppt fret. Minincr Manufacturing-Agricultural. anri other Sam. class the doctor has contributed largely. doubt cuuie to him whetlu-- he had not My one talent, as you used . to luimcnw uk uie counirv. ana tiiat ftir tbh .iv n.i ' ' call it. When you were so hard pressed The following is an example" teen to blame, her perpetual i r, RAILWAY AND completeness, it shall renuiin altogether the most Doctor lies "Here two valuulile, and Fuber interred interesting, Instructive NEWSturn I I years miirht ago. her eager interest in people thought inrr.n Who filled the half of this church puiHisnen in me w or Kl. about her, hpr singing, her noisy romps it to account . I went to the 'Academy It has been well observed that a carafnl raa.ltn. . DOMESTIC NEWS. ond stndy of the farmers' Club Keport in TUE f with Jack all had seemed giddy aud 01 i;sign. Ana i am turn it to aocoun . yard." 'Tht5 cleverest of those on the legal lnlUUftE alone Will sam a armu K...,.ll. in 'designing.' Don't you understand trivial to' him; lie had rebuked her in ins crop, in addition to these line. "Ou uoiiars for them. "It was a solemn me now? friend Matthew Saul said I profession consists of- one we shall continue to orint the Imst th.n.r. reports, - ' vriun on the subject of thing Jo live; o ho could go dancing over had a very pretty gift, indeed. Every Strange, a lawyer" agriculture by American and and was shall foreign If an to "Her lies honest Increase anxious that writers, these tunes lea very me. body nan lawyer, Strange.' It's a tome help le be proverb with gntvesi him. Could ha have driven her from Bucn worm, Sum," creeping a.' Epigrams on personal peculiarities are cT do without imnaiy oioser to mm. innumerabre. ' Fat men, lean men, blind aione, every larnier should place TI1K WEEKLY biml "I'lveu hot- in a n,un u lma --" TRIIlt'XK upon his Uble every Saturday evening. "IS it. Marv! Perhana so. v. find men, deaf men, spenathrifts, aiggards, THE TIUKIW E ia the best and mmt in so and liidkincr- have He was Ktiiiniing before forth,' each, from the country. This is not said iucheapest gluttons, a spirit of boast- irito ook ','3o me time to had tie establish uas uiien to frailties thfjr their luiurcs. not time, to ereate jk V(l.ha,cyuli the bitterly help. comparing $s,r" newspapers ol the country. Here concenhis owir coinninnpiace. gii(Oiuy race, with ment, and pajd me for designing new commented on. Now it mav be said that greaiest trate the comuierc,the manufactures, the mineral VATTOHAXi WATCH COMPAXTi , THE Ten dollars a not one of these satirical epitaphs was resources, the agricultural wealth of the its stubby black board, to the gay, win- patterns tor Republic. Having carefully examiued and tested Jem ning couuteuuneo Unit hud won her from stone. That was two'years ago And I ever actually inscribed on a tombstone. Here all the news gathers, and the patronage is so we find them perfect In all their para, at watches, that journalist? can afford to " uave not uVra&n the money till it. This itim. j line finish, and wall adapted to the wanta of tie Many references to personal failings ap- large is the strength of THE TIUItl NE- - print W'a trin pnblis. We consider then the beet Jmad up to hide the face I heard (taking breath and speaking pear in churchyards, but they are veiled cheapest , and best edited weekly newspaiier in the Blade watches In America for the price, and equal OGDEN JUNCTION slowly), that you were not either in solemn warning or An humor- country. We have all the advantages around as. iruiu ii;niKi,u. to finest the European Watches, for accurate tins Ve have treat Uailv.vnd .lirl.m. "I loved her," he said, quietly; think-m- g your back pay. So I went to Mr. Cromp-to- n ous commiseration. There Is, for that cost doubls or three times th money. tTt All the elaborate aud intricate nun luru-rnnr. of this afternoon and asked for a setcheerfully recommend them to all parties wishiaf that if tihe had known how much, a metrical epitaph in Darenth tne most complete in iouiiMiuieiiipernnpa good is devoted to the purpose of Jbakinir she would have forgiveaium'. He sat tlement. He is the business-maand Churchyard, w;hicb mournfully remarks America w. b. e. lrrtLMVat nowuir a lc'KLWiar, TUE W EEKLY TRIBUNE the best and so considerate and kind! down pn.lnflvr?rfl'ehiii; cheapest I a of victualler ' certain that for always a oo, eiLU again t. . sklimi, tuu wuim. we is result iub that how muoh alike you were, and OFFICE W. St. alao. edret4 la'tho fire. He had bei thought t. B. MHO, H. OPPISHIJJIUtOL have so systeuuitired and !5nainll "The drink that ho did love did prove his foe." that every cipy of THE WEEKLY TKllfUNE eon- , p. mrm a oe, wiiidsu a BTMiM, Xome a wiser man since he had been ill. what good friends you would be, when ov : . ... , , , ,"v i Tiitui'c KODDM inlnJ uuuay CO. ivv, MOUt, 9. CVTKS.HETU BAJCUO, knew hinv It wasn't pay day," and l vv,vsaiuuBtiT, Miei wia uuouecimo volume. .m Den .i . I ... .u . i i ! jSitrtng you i..i;, after. taringlnlo a. r. a tj,e xaoruaa co. aouia co, jBj k. - furthers, 'b imi Jhiuitorit! For two dollars, the aubscriher u9 umu, iraiuns i how utterly it took orne time. iomW tal The nsnnes one vcr above will vcar be lor reeognlzsd as thtltsi. imoi.u djut he offered to bring the his crave some COmiO sexton ""'i as moit(;n tie fanea l.uva as much hollow thewoild was, how treacnci'uiitj matlur or Wal ""ding Ing Jewellers of Chicago. They have no ptciu-ar. TTa Bupvtma - " ntrv v.,m.... Ilk aValulpal imnvnvo - j vnh that I might poet has caused to be inscribed -a more- -i:nrurv interest in the Companv.but.freelvtestifTSi were liren, "aiid faithless were women. niom-- ' himself rwuwn, , m, 11, .11,49 greatest xu lure ol cheaunesa ' language. the genuine merits of the watches, whka tt Nothir-f Jo was true but Ood; and as God, give it to yon as a surprise in the morn- atf'lesa facetious accounfof Ihu. can no further ao facilities for turning out every the past year hav been sold by them. Kt And he did THE ie thare and WEEKLY ing.' TE1BCXE v8an it, is the nAivr ff 11, a t bring ; Uciiro!-own narrow ia olew that the long ejitaphs whichJ munnj it , v , fa Kinoxii Watch Cohvawt, Cmciao: people. Hore the eapor stulent stay learn the notions of duty, there was nothing tg lift enough to pay off the mortgagcf and are ' Otters : The watches of your make, sold by description of aniiioniBuveiy- given-- o us as com- - lessons 01 si lence. Here the scholar may read rehim out of the slough in the thought; now, have you nothing, and nobody you I views of the looks. best during the past year, have, with scarcely an er Here may be lonnd corthat this iugfroro village churchyard eeption, given moretban ordiaary aatltfactlon, ol there was nothing in it either to check can call your own not even me ?" respondence from all ports of the world, the obserare spurious, u lor no otner reason than vations are proving to be all that yon claim tot thann of sincere Sain Beuder only held his wife dose gifted men, who serve THE him, in the slow, subtle madness that that the cost of cutting thi labored pro TKIIIL'N E in almostandevery and durable accurate country. kissed .and tahis brast her. She was aucyon on mone wouia tn his present purpose? ... nerved THE TKmi NK ia strong by reason or its I n trouceTj ntfiir conafrucIffl7aS5.', the youhave beyond and great cheapness. It has lone What maddening fancies those two so used to his silence wljeu he was purse-powfineness of finish of even the lowest grak of the aloJioase, poet who been circulation general conceded that THE WEEKLf TRIBUNE we regard them as being well worth their prics.tM hours brought to the unhappy man, it is deeply ipeved, that she did not heed it. is ordinarily the" author if the squib. has the largest circulation .of any newspaper in the You" thought" me brutal mad totake great satisfaction in selling them to sack si t needless fur uw to know. 'or we have Besides,-thcountry. twice of as years the tistrict would parson printed many i Vo-- kcpef. Our customers as desire paters, perbuis, as all of the other weekly editions have a word to my'to anyone of 10 T?'0 bouse icmained.very quiet. When night, Mary?"dear old A CII3LDBB S ft Uie finest B probably, Ii C03 PATilfZB,, stjle. the dailies (f combined. This is why we aro HUeis your e city miserable face! lea Washinffton Bu, Bortos, ackey's came, he heard nls burlesquing the sanctity o: the church- enabled to do our work so thoroughly and cheaply. mother bring him the child to the door, hew could 1 be so silly ? Vou have becniy WAilBUf ft 8PADOITB, yard. . It was only the otler day that The larger our circulation, the better paper we can 4 Maiden Xana, New lots, )um to ener. But he end nontH, and the disappointment to- - the governor? of.one of the London cem- inakej ft4 opened itigr WHZZLXB, PARBOWS ft CO., What the are wa more k Let practical than suggestions? Many. could rtay lit tie in nSatvM fellow you Maiden Lane, New Tort, his the eteries refused to allow rmn to record every subscritier renew his subscription, and urge white night-gowwho gtood pulling at understood it all! I sent Jackey in, on his neighbors to do the same. If a man cannot his had that chid died his eonX'Jloside, him, on the munf tliinkinghe woiild comfort you Shall "from the effeots of " vaoination" a afford to pay two dollars, let him raise a club, by ft HATCH, inducing his neighliors to subscribe, and we shall iboIT, lay the pttii; ready for use. He we go and tell Jackey about the mortCinoiuiutl, OUi singular instance "tit the manner in send him a copy gratis for his trouble. Ko newspbuTd net louch "or look at the ohild, but gage !"aMxi(u!tly,A ssud, juiivu.4va which some people fancy iicy ought to paper so large and complete as THE WEEKLY lOJUtdaa I doubt if he would understand." motioned hiiu away, turning his baok ou TKllil'N'E was ever belbre offered at ao Iowa ,1 their opinions. The tunny price. Even when our cnrrencv was at par with .1-- 1 kim. !.?. ladles Watches. of elegant design and fini. "Perhaps not," looking blank. "Though promulgate find world more strenuous gold, no such pajier bnt TH K TRIBUN E was much epitaph offerOentloman's a and Watch, of eqaal merit for wt f ed at that price; and TUB TIUBUNE then cost us E'gbt o'clock eanie. lie hoard his Jackey understands a great many things opposition then the jbucolic satirist j surpassed qualities with the "B.I. . fcvifn eoine ajrain to the door, that loss would far now than does. it We have HeVaVerr solved surprise yon. the 11 i., wro...stf softly Raymond," but or smaller size, superior to or ually to try problem of making the best and cheapest newspavno cau that be solute! to haveftuiviv, He reniaiiird quite still. She wjee cuua. manufactured In this country, viil thing yt his composition .perpetuated in per in America. Mr. Crompton'a carriage again T" hould fh:nk him asleep. shortly be placed in market. stone. . On the other haul, ao long as 'Hy nine TERMS OP THE WEEKLT TRIBCSE. . The door opened and the handsome th6 FOB p'cTock 'alf 'wouTd be safe," was a part To Mail Subscribers: village poet remains iecorotis aud Io Xovemeats Betailed bj lit Cerepuy. IriHhman with i a on his his One entered, one 62 :, issues 12.00 i copy, plan. lady year, pf rosters, pious, uncommon lattituife is b copies, $U; 10 copies, to one address, $1.50 each oir Totra and aixio The clock in the hall rang out half-pa- arm. He blushed a littlo as he glanced ilm in the matter of rhvne. Aallowed call valua BEX THB XLQIX WATCHXS. (and one citra copy); 10 copies, to names of Bender took up the down at her, laughing aud looking ble collection of epitaplis rould be made eight. Vii e at one subscribers, tl.0 each (and Hand Bills, iistoL "and concealing it in his bretfst, handsome? thl&irever. "I asked leave, extra copy); 120 copies, to one address, $1. 25 one who would take" the trouble to one each (and one extra copy, 20 copies, to names Watch Company, IcftUhfr.ehamUetvi Punsing the door of Mrs. Bender," you remember, once, to by wander about villaee chuichvards. and of subscribers, at one $1.35 each (and & 101 LAKE ST CHICAGO1. the child's room, he laid hi hand on make known my premised wife to you! 159 Letter one 60 extra the Heads, to one copy; copy and verses copies, address, $1 ' I have brought her each (and one extra copy); 50 copies, to names the wyod, with a Buddi-nShe has which arereligious couplet , passionate an profusely plated ever the of subscribers, at oue errand $1.10 each (and husband Jo she itihoxl been IliuutrU. your which, the tl)vr.VfdovuoH,rti one extra copy,) graves. The wild efforts at getting lines BUI Heads, boy himself, '"Jaekey! Jackey!" lie cried, fancies, will not wait.".'. to rhyme are sometimes very The New amusing. York y Trlbnne NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY. the child would be alone The words came to Deader like far-of- f, It is said that in Lambeth Churchyard ia published every TUESDAY and and Without father ot inotherr It miglit have pleasant sounds in a dream. How there is an epitaph upon a certain Will- being printed twice a week, we oao, ofFRIDAY, Deeds, course, print all that appears in our weekly edition, including jiecn diffcreiit, bright, the. fire nlowed! What a cordial, iam Wilson, which runs this: everything on the aubject of Agriculture, and can " But it was too late now. He went wholesome ring there was in the man's "Here lies the body of YV. W add much interesting and valuable matter.for which .., , Blanks, down the stairs, and entered a smull M ho never more will trouble voice! a fellow it would be good to there is not sufficient room in THE WEEKLY Jim, trouble yoo." TRIBUNE. room adjuining the parlor. The TRIBUNE know. The gill's face, too, was sweet also but with a look of gives, in the com m of a year, Three or four of the Quite as sisWsiiSMK JJfIlt, h smT In another mument there'was a i,oll gf and , friendly; he had seen it before, in manufacture quaint, Order Boohs, about it, is tba following : BEST AND LATEST POPULAR NOVELS, .wheels on the street, a carriage stopped some pleasant time which he could not by living autbors. The cost of these alone, if bought - ".. " "On Thomas Woodckk, iu book furtn, would be from six to eight dollars. irt the door, gnd then there wad, alow remember; 'Hut there Was 'no woman Here lie the remains of Thoma Wootlhen. Invitations " Nowliere elce can ao much current intelligence and , riiift at the bell. who could not look dark and dim beside . The most amiable of husbandatuid excellent of permanent ' literary matter be had at so cheap a men. fl ft ns'P'They earry 1 he TnatUV boldly W Mary.' Where had s e hidden that ten) rate as in THE TRIBUNE, N. B. His real name was Woodcock, but it iiiutteroil. iVIiulever agony of pnin the der, glowing beaut TEEMS or TU all these many TRIBCNB. Farty Tickets, would'nt eome in rhyme, His Widow." Mail subscribers, 1 1 year 404 pld Wve tiat would not be stilled had years! The very familiar room had a coy, numbers, t. Mail 2 copies, I year 104 numbers, ti. subscribers, The one him most was was the likelv over following look which it used to wear when the now; an post Mail sultscribers, C copies, or over, for each : JKLGIN WATCHES! copy $3. Cards, etc., etc. madness seized l)im. The fury first glamour of their married life made production of his father, who is errone Persons remitting for 10 copies ao will receive ,111 lei B'i'li rvliicb the Bound iiit the moment everything about them mysterious and ously described as beinr iuterred be an extra copy one year. SIX STYLES NOW Iff MARKET. For $l a) we will send thirty-fou- r ' neath it : copies and The ( jjBlore it falls upon its prey. . lhey were bright. DAILY TRIBUNE. O. M. Wnesler, B. "W. Baymond, "John Palfreymsn who ts biriod here, Was that old time eome again! '' tf? Was Mat. Laflin, Z. the' aed H. CulTor. THE DAILY TRIBUNE is publish;ear ; . door; held it crept titearrf Promptly attended to and Crompton'a cheerful, ruddy face wag And near this place his moher lies. ed every morning (Sundays excepted) at f'O per T, , H. nls hanU He the lock. heard Taylor. before upon Likewise his lather when ao dies." hiju, S'J am sq glad to have ajar, year; to for six mouths. . . ... t.n th . .. . ,Pu1ptuU nUT,: and the next aiousent the: chanoo of shaking you by the Satirical epitaphs 01 wives mieht THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC. PTJPBRIORITi OF TirtSB WATCHSf IS 1870, Price 20 cts. lie hand. I have been waiting for it a long make a literature ; so f he soil futtle ol Mary s Uress. constantly have TRIBUN K ALMANAC REPRINT. 18SS to ISttS. tlQH ouia not dituuiuuixli Iter wonts, luittue time.! . . AND rCONSTKBCriONhMli"fDt , .. 'i. Jm i vols. Han bound, $10, scolds, and shrews, and slatterns been S ones tt her voiee made jiiin shudder. FIRST-CLASSara took, the hand and, ahook it made the RECOLLECTIONS A Ul'S LITE. By Ilorace them has so Kapidly Ineretsed wJJ Of for MANO WORKMANSHIP of th subject epigrammist's snorts uf tit for years had they thrilled with heartily,' ' stylus, (lively, binding. Cloth, Company have; been compel lea vo and , pen. These, however, aro invariably 50, T ti Library. $3 50, Half Morocco, $4. additions to their force of Imployes "Mrs. Bender, thig. Is Miss Stouch, of the OSir;M6,t'n'0,k .UcpdiliHg joy as now, Half Calf, $5. Morocco Antique, $7. thereqnirementsof n spurious sort, Wo ever saw in a ny.inorqertonieet .nrt laughed once, a low, hysterical who hopes she will not bear that name a churchyard a vemomoua or cantempt-uou- s Sf lRGAKET CULLER'S WORKS. New Edition. nth.r. dolrlsl Kailroiwi men, "...ii. i vols, Cloth, $10, i augh.not far from . tears. IVomfJon month longer.",! on a wfef epitaph q aoon-e- r PEAR Cl'LTURK FOR PROFIT. OUAUAXTEi:it . , ft. QUIXN. " J.1 Ill IT. Ml.WU . r , ""jikwln g The fair a'Vl'ispcr. ('yce she gained - UK" is the shrew, or slatteri, or eool4 ELEMENTS OK AORICI'LTURB. WARIXU. beauty Jook Railroad Companies, tnorongniyOTn''"-Jhor voice a little. New Edition. Cloth, $1. und then kissod ner, after dead, than a fit of remorie seizes the reMnry'a bas furnished them to mew auperiori . ( t'OR HEALTH AND PROFIT. WARde BOtsknjuf.khal is to the manner of women. incut w in, ,.vw and they . i . nrivniiii !i r'Ri i ,17 heard all pentant husband, and net Line is thoueht DRAINING tI.(tflJ:l'Q"I have ING, (loth, $1 60. It i D.n.Jw.ihiM vetmansi waited fur t fot years " about the mortgage and the eeoret," sh,e o,f but her virtues and pie) EARTH WAB-1Ntar1 How to make CLOSETS, them. grtoes. Epigrams tured, and fnuy equal to some 01 ic i Bender Raised his hand his finger whispered. "Was it not delicious. But on as oorrect ere Tor Uie mat part written 6eut free 35cout. -wives patches Hton. receipt of price. was on tile fvigger. He punlied the door; M Momtutnt. Hti4 bv the Company. h.ave a message for'your husband. by bachelors. Tho henpecked husband Cell an your Jeweler and ask to see thembut before it opvtted, Mary left the pari 1'apa bade say to you, Mr. Bender," s too oppressed by his lorrows to think In making remittances for subscriptions or btv,ks. V, the stairs, tilie turning, with a business-lik- e lor, going lightly up look, to of turning them into neat couplets. always procure a draft on New Yoik, or a Post- Business Officei and Salesroomi, Office Money Order, if possible. W here neither of had apparently forgotten something fof Satn, fthat he bus been i.11 for several Above all, he i certain not to reventra inese can t procured, send the money, bat always j her flight. weeks-fth- at horrid rheumatism it is; himself in' that way when the thorn in In a REGISTERED letter. Tho registration foe JS9 &16ltAKJJST-,CHICA- 0 He stood waiting, hor sleps 'sounded and he had to leave the business almost his side has been removed. has beeti reduced to fifteen cents, and the present has heea found registration Whwi bv system the slve, sluuild .alifvo liliiv , entirely in the hands of Mr. Morris, f,, authorities to bo virtually an absolute protection Wfio will make mistake sometimes. poor woulrt be hin tftllQ. J He against fosses by mail. All Postmasters are obligod 1 4i jlhffrtrf (.is'ou' the4 flue moment is so sorry that there was one in yours, Five hundred persons make a living in to register letters whenever requested to do, so, Tonus, cash iu advance. MERCHANT AND 'PR0'Ef?0 the biuke into the verse of and that your rightful de- - New York was ETIRT should 5j(. by telling fortunes. salary have a s'nppl v, Xi Ad.lrtis, IUJG TBIBt'S5,Sew.Yaii. IN AIL ITS BBASCIIEsj ' iu the beat style of the art; OGDEN JUNCTION . , SEMI-WEEKL- to-d- av .... sssssrn. Ifc - S & 4 . er Post-Morte- m .mv " gi- ; happy-teuipercTo-nig- . r good-humo- ELGIN WATCHES . r T ln.. - uii fXXorZ , Aew-Ior- k s. to-da- y. g to.j-cceiv- e : n, uv,.. mis-prat- lo rr- JOB PRINTING - . Jy . lea-nr- Wwu. y 5 cnor-mo- er JOB PJIINTE. e , - . bed-tim- , Jvoald-noHoe- n, ORDERS pro-L-v-t- lint-fnin- g. g nwiiira st Poat-Ottk- e, , Post-Ullic- e. Seini-WeeU- w , '. ; ""i.'. ; ' ' ELGI1? WATCHES! i . i ' ' NEW-YOR- Jy" a, -' : . , ' ( - -- calm-lookin- bt'l I o-day MM 1 1 re-op- tn f : piiurej-rr.th.- utl BOOKBINDING BUSINESS cu ' I'wmwrpsj ""e, |