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Show Site 0g4.ro 'function. published every Wednesday ami Saturday. I, I X E S PROMPTED ON LOOKING AT THE ItEMAIXB W. WEST. OF BISHOP CHAUNCEY Alas ! alas ! Thy noble The mauly, The brave and is It so, soul departed, generous heart laid low; I and tender-hearte- d Though drooping slowly day by day, Thy spirit scorned rosining; Nor lessened to its latest ray, One glimmer of its shining. And when thy voice no more could tell, Thy great heart's pure aspirings, Thy dauutlosg eye oft spoke it well, a bright electric firings. But, glorious thought ! we know thou'rt fled, Where Zion's chieftains rally, And demons fear thy dauntless tread Across death's dismal valley. t M. . r. W, W. Burton of this an delivered interesting and in city," etructive lecture in the Tabernacle oh Wednesday evening last, on the early ' eettlement of the American" Continent, His lecture, which was ia conclusion of one commenced on the previous Wednes day evening, was biblical, geographical and historical; its object being to de monstrate the truth of the Book of The lecturer made copious Mormon. quotations frcm the Bible, v Book of Mormon and the writings of Cather-woo- d and Stephens, and illustrated his Jecture wilh maps, &e. We hope to hear from other talented gentlemen of this city. "Lectures on " educational subjects are much needed and should be warmly encouiagcd, and the way, the audience should bo warmly received as well as the lecturer. The Tabernacle has been very cold at our late meetings, and this, no doubt, has been the cause of such a slim attendance. Anotlwr stove will soon beset up in our spacious nieeting house, which will.add grcaity to the comfort of those who attend. Citizen of Ogden.' Attend the lectures, and take the ehildrou with .,ECTCEES.-rM- in Tub Female Remkf Society. The j .members of this Society, in Ogden, met iu the tify Hall, on Thursday afternoon, ..when considerable business was tranact-ed- , several documents were read, and reports were given in hy tho visiting committees, and the meeting was addressed in an interesting manner by the officer of the society who were present. They adjourned for one jnonth, at vvv nvi; ucmiici jt iiiw society m tins city is requested to punctually at lend. J - BERMOJf IN thb Tadepxaclk. On Thursday evening about two hundred persona assembled in the Tabernacle, to hear a discourse from Rev. Geo. Freeman, who is travelling on the U. P. and C. P. Railroads as representative of the American Baptist Home Mission Society. He took for, ,his . text the 8th verse of Ixxii. Psalm, ; after having read the whole chapter and engaged ia prayer. The tenor of his sermon was to the effect .that, the Kingdom of Clu-ist- . was purely spiritual and would be universal. Although the gentleman. gave expression . to.some opinions, which did not exactly acowrd with the views of his hearers, his remark wer!e !reeeivi I with atten- tion and respect, as his sincerity was evi!wit, , a?d. .Ijis intentions honorable. ,Tbia is as U siiould'bc.'lf 'y e cannot Rsteji witlj patience and res'peet to those ho honestly differ ith us, we ought not to expect a patient hearing' fom them. Preat. L. Farr made some judicious explanatory remarks and the services a close with prayer by brought -- . ' Wer CLW. -- - ' Iff. J'enrose. ' '"' grMl.ii."ii. " remiles Northwest or Ogden, and "' JUNCTION. OGDEN YARD, XOItTIMllRT KiI OF OGDEN C.lMt.K. BKPOT, SALT LAKK CITY, I 1. 150,000 fect of Boards AT X $43 per thousand ft. per Year. Only 300,000 Shingles I a $4 per thousand. . Central Route. n..v.i: i i',..- .inzdav jw "Se no gleam of light to chaye the On Whitsunday there is a curious ens- - ' away." ghxm 1 I11 ll-NTRHow dreary and cheerless was the scene torn, which is gradually giving way with j 1 I l the of advauce civilization. The , youn then! But what a contrast now! ot a neignooriiood come together, ISL people Ab tlm mm retires to .rest behind the and the AND girls stand in a row; like so ; EASTEEN CONNECTIONS. western hills, nnd the sable curtain of mnny tttr.tues, draped, indeed, and not ' tnipiKict niirht begins to .lessen, nn,l ia .t,n,,t tn J draped, but dressed in their best, am' painted, too; for the young ladies, fiiroiiEli FasscnCT anl Freight Eoute envelope all nature, the brilliant lights the olde; ones, also, of this country, from numerous lamps shed their" cheer- - use coimeties freely, and a box of ing tays above, below, and far around lady's paint is a very common prestnt h to n"lk l0. lie in this part of the city. The fiery steed if a likes, liciuinl the row of girls are tue;r AND ALL POINTS KA8T. ever and anon dashes past, or moves mmle men TBI CiLBaBATIS mothers; the i.i; n hM Of iJ AI UHll ULI1 IIHU nAiiiiiOAP 100,000 Sawed Tnr: NIAGARA FALLS NEW YORK, BOSTON OGDEN JDNCTION & lu" having young known their ehoicp, the terms are settled between the parents of the parties. The Indies in Russia are very anxious to marry, because they have no liberty before marriage. They are kei cun- stantly under the maternal cyee until ey "8 P,vfn "P. to the husband aLd then they take their own course, which ,, of ia a sftve,y and dissipation, ouly rcgu'aled by thtnr means of indulg- ence. Ihe t hurch, like the Ho raan rormits n Hvorcc; but. the Km- - gently buck and forth the scream of his shrill ivhistle is heard, and the merry music of the silver-tone- d bell steals softly upon the evening air ! And when the queen of night unveils her lovely face, and sails through the urper dip, surrounded y myriads pfetty-s- , and her silver rays"dance, and "are reflected in theneaceful waters of tl.o oi l Wohr-r-. the scene is truly dellirhtfuf snd the picture is lovely to ciuiUwadnJol .tnr contrast is appreciated. .7 i . tat tfis rpwly Without trmnsnortatlcn of nil kinds of frolght runssiolustre over tb Great Central lloutc , TUs only i Ktcrn Lln frsru Chioaga running the augnifirut dispensations. marry $4.73 per thousand. C05TAI5S Tlic Latest Telegraphic Xetcs Planed Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars 'i .On its rasscoEor Trains, r '; B.I.RARr.EHT.OoBlSnn't. thli'Mft. ; Articles on all the i Tho fareek priest mutt Leading Topic of the Day. nnd if his wife die, he cannot marry again. No oni in Russia lev. We have noticed that for several can be married more than thrc times, days past, a number of teams have been Stimulant. busy hauliff ice from the rivers, and The direct route from OiUxa. to Chicago which is being caicful!y stowed away in Georgfc D. Prentice has been' a con AS AN ADVERTISING hi ' - aad the East, .;. ; irt the railroad stant drinker for the commodious forty years. Fo ten xvrrnoTJT Depot, there to be preserved to cool the years he has been a drinker of the ligMEDIUM "'H num vitae order. Here is a temperance .r : ..itn Summer beverages. lecture by him, worth a score at least pf Twt 9u.t Taaone 'XtAwf Imrt the MusoraX t'ie Good Templar exhortations and misTHE JUNCTION HAS jutxk, vpfmlH Ovaia, upon the arrtral : "There is a time when ii Called. Mr. Charley Shumway, of representations of Crsius from the West over the . ... .. 1. :n I lia .... 1. Had M . Mendor, Cache alley, called to see us bw a ,he vein FEW EQUALS wh PACIFIC BAILWAY. yesterday. He has lately been on a in its house of clay, and the windows are IN THIS WESTERN missionary visit to his numerous rela- - snut t,ie doors hung with the invisible Ths bebig tho direct retile, and 1 12 Miles bortf aims tulwar uu,Bavet Sum In tlm. lives and friends in Massachusetts, who C1'??e of melancholy ; when we wish the and insures connections with all Esjt-.- .. golden sunshine pitchy darkness, and era A Southern Hallways, pus- - , received him kindly but cared very little wign , COUNTRY. 0 fancy clouds where no clouds bo. ufic having chuio i ijr, . , for religious matters. The samo indif- - This is a state of sicl-icsf Route East of ; when physic -' A 4 Chicago. . to . the thrown ., I. be for we ' want : '.. dogs, fewnme prevailed Among most of the lny What shall raise the . it. none of The Terrca ttf AdrortiBlnir re reason people whom fa, met in the States. makc tbe LcftH bcat what Mr. Shumway reports eight inches of throb able and the all bo coula ai pulses Jeiid through again, ma snow in Cache Valley, and snow still the myriad throngm! halls in the house PulmMi'i Talaca Sleeping Coach to without ELTouga cucago 81 lue change. ,no 8un kl8S "ual 8",lu mnK0 falling on Thursday. 1. la fV.M oil 1UE V tY 111 14AJJ ar.i?n 4 JL no V or nUmi UO i.ritl. JIU1 H liHIo .i.i Alt OEOi L. DLTNLAP. v Afi old awakoniug gUdnes, and tho liiglit B. f. PATRICK, u . tesuft, love ana now- New BniDiNGs. We are clad to see oveynojr wiin moonngni, C T.rkXra r7 a anif ia ilia rrrnciTAar cr!mn the work resumed on MrK Jennings' ex- - ih ... i .n auu it it i, um uurpi' lUbUAiLnunii ui 1111. ' tensive buildings on the corner fnorth of performs all these miracles, aud ia a . J.' M. 1, store. Mr. Paul, the miracle itself, and is not at the drug Zion's Co-oMerchants who want to Sell whftti7er the7 8y- - The couuter- architect and builder of the above-mefeit is in tho market, but the winced . . l ' eToi'norv Honed premises has returned, and is their Goods will do well t god is not a money changer, we assure ' CJuIiinot .IiiUtMV pushing the work forward with com- you. Men have tried many things, but ' Advertise in the 'Junction. A i5LhcK EAJil Or' THE' ' still they ask for stimulant. Men try to . mcndable Wergy. L . : r ,,!..-- , i.., dead of their own souls floating J 1 ;i I.:,. Mr. Charles Woodmansec's new store w& ., tl 'nl'.'i (. m ., winecup, but the corps rises. We All Orders towards is rapidly aprrWching una promptly comple- g0e their faces in the bubbles. The in- - ""1 - ; ' Mechanic can doubtless in V to:' tion, and we may expect in a short time toxication of drink sets the world whirl. lull i l' iiv" fciji ,.4 and the thoughts .galloping, Eveij ArtiW msnufartiirn) by us hr nmitxl to tt see a' finG Stock of goods .through inS m3ic crease their Iitmiuesa by Ad-but tLe first clock runs dovvn 800ner "d W 4 inaii'WlliU)tuaK!na. to those Dlate-elas- s which are . windows, .. tn unnatnral (rtimulant only leaves the l ik xertising in ihe Junction. adorn tne fine stone front of the premi- - house it filled with the wildest revelry. once, Mm MorMeslepi $63 per thousand ft. ... !;RAILTAY. r , 1.' ,. i. ,..iit ice-hou- se ... 1 .. 1 change or cars. ; 'V ' ' J .l,ARqEASS01lTMi:HT OF 1 Boors, Sash Boors, tmoiT . s -: ! , dJ : I.i. . Bailed, Panelled and Moaldod. .' . 1,. y ; - Tf ' ,. 4 A t, I 4 . I I - ,:, Jf I ' 1 I 1 :4:.: J . p. jf' n- CJaioiti', anil lLr ' ' iim- i-i The i ui . . .. '' 4.t.. - building, " when . above-name- d fin- ished, will vastly improve tho appear- of our principal business street. titwitu Ther(? ia ouli. one aeEerle5. jmulaiit that never intoxicates, auty. Duty puts a clear gky over every man into whichthe lark, happiness, always goes singing." aky-ance DEPOT, MEAT. GRAIN GENERAL PROVISION MARKET. MAIN DEN. & The sub- nd Scbsceibk. of the Ogden Jcjiction is scription-lis- t lengthening out every day, and our paper is xnpldly becoming favorably Busi- known throughout the Territory. men ness who do not advertise in the ' Jcn-cnoar, making a, big mistake. One of our leading railway officials informs us that when he leaves the Jcnction in his office, it frequently cfis- appears before his return. Tlus may be taken as an evidence of the popularity of the Junction of the anxiety maai- . Oity. . .1. ; fested to peruse its columns, or, as . .At their last meeting held on the 18th another illustration of the proverb "sto- inst., the reports of the Secretary,, Mws; leo fruiU are sweet." We tave t placed "iy a. uaua, and flje risking vomr the price of the JusoTies within the mittee sliawed the society to be in reach of all. No need to borrow or healthy conditiou-Mr- sV Mary Bicking-to- n purloin it. Come to the Office and snb- ig its treaideat. - ' j scribe! j ' .. How lo Fit a Collar io a Morse. ' s t'U- ; ' Always kept on hani. 1 ,' ,..,1 ,., .. ii iift.---- ' . . t Ortlern roreJvod Tar nH nUIaLDITO IsUMBEB, STREET, 00 I Advertise ' j. .. ., ' Primed and Glazed, 5 . ' . - V' : LUMBER dH-liiiK- s ,! al- -' though it numbers but- a'boit thirtv f.lm- Hies .is. a thriving v comtnautty. They have recently built an Vxeellent School Ilouse1- - So x 22 fect,: In 'which a goodly number "of scholars'; art raiikjng rapid Progress, under the tuition' xt Mr. Henry H. Tracy. , ineremaie llelief Society; composed ; of the ladies of Marriott and Lynne, is in good working order and the members are active in their labors to promote ihe object of the Institution, viz : to to the necessities of ; the poor. They have also contributed a very hand-- " '"omsumiToVard9 the erection of the Female llelief Socielly's 'Slore ia this - RAILROAD. noxEi; ij.mj or ut.iii. wro, ItlTER TltUCKEi: Sitting up all night with a couple of Uuhsian ladies might, or might not, suggest the idea of telling you something THE of the marriage customs of this strangd country. A French writer, whose name t forgot, has truly fmiit: "'l'lu Hussmlis ON AND AFTER are a nation of pU'e savages." Are-mar- k thut is not very apt, but it helps .Tan. lMtli, us toward a proper understanding of the "Weclnewiluy, social condition of the peojlo. The rkh are very rich; the poor are v ry poor. The Utah Central Railroad, which is The nobles are courtly, polite, a id as refined in manners as those of the same NOW COMPLETED FROM class in Germany; but the serfs, or those who belonged to the nobles, wjtu the soil, before the emancipation, are rude, and nJ half civilized. TO Almost as soon as a girl is born, in the better rauks of society, her parents THE ONLY PAPER IN begin to prepare the dowry she mut have wheu she goes to her husband, for WIIL BR OCDEN! this is indispensable in the eyes of any Russian young gentleman who proposed AXD FOR OPEX C' FREIGHT .eu. sue mui lurnwn erory- tiling lor an outfit iu hie, even to a dozen P. new shirts for her coming husband. I have heard of a lady of rank and wealth ho had prepured a costly dowry f silks, linen, jewels, plate, &c, fur Trains leave Salt Lake City at 7 a.m, and arrive ler IDG S,all. l.filcp J fia .it" lloa ...... rrhHaviniv ..w 9 her beloved at this city 9.20 a.m., and leave this city at daughter, who died as she in the morning sun. JO p.m., and arrive in &Ut Lake came to bo twenty years old. The City The citizeus have expended a great mother resolved to endow six girls wilh ui 8.3) p.m. SEMI-WEEiaauJ advertised for deal of time, labor and money U secure 7esB them. A host of . . . . came, and cr For all information concerning Freight or Paswater to irrigate their gardens, sne sclected six. applicants sunicient None of tbem had sage, 0 apply to to we and are orchards, &c, lovers. But now that they had a happy that they are now enjoying the electable dowry secured, each girl was JOSEPH A. YOUNC, the hus- aIld' SIPKKIMENDENT. fruits of their eutlay. While Main and ?n,f dowry, and paid the rich oaud, other streets will continue to be the bus- promising to pray for the repose iajy siness part of the City, the Bench, for of her daughter's soul, FAEESt its location, retirement, and the com- In no country is thiB arrancement it Lake Wood's Cross more caution 6iVts. Oity t mandiug prospects if enjoys, will be terms carried on with Centreville chosen as the chief place for reaideusea. completeness than la Kussia. I he young 75rts. Farmintun man eoes to the house 01 his proposed 1.00 fl.35 KuyitviiU bride, ' and counts over the dresses aiuW . I - . n A Contbast.- - When but a short time examines the furniture ami s.nes to the Ogduu tioo since, Local stood alone for a few mo- - whole with his own eyes, before he coiu'T The reeple'8 VapcrJ V. 0. CALPEIl, meats, on a moonless night in this city, P"1? .I'ira!f io tl!e irrevocable bargaip. .Tid luket Agent. freight In high life such things are conducted, . . , wnn his lace tome A. Paper for all Classes! west, an eeemea a wlth mor9 apparent delicacy; Uut the oiauK,.;!n uiere lie might staiwl, peer- - licts are ascertained with accuracy, the ing into the gloom, trying to penetrate D",Dess being in the h or a notnry. The trnu'tmu .psK-Grea- t the thick darkness and "? J. you. lSuIa. UTAH CENT HAL , May we who stay, to battle here, Thy .bright example ponder, . Our hearts, like thine, bo freefrom fear, Till victory erowns us yonder. The Wile Mnrket iu ' Ah ! as we gazo, wo mourn thee well, Though stifled are our Bobbiugs, No pen can write, nor tongue can tell, Our hearts' impulsive throbbings. ' Improvements on the Bench. The other day we look a mrulf. on the Bench part of this City, ami were much pleased to see bo many improvements which have been umde there of late New, substantial, and very respectable looking have been erected some frame, some concrete, and other of adobie all of which present an air of tagte, neatness and comfort in their design, yid.constnicti.on. Eastward, and toward the base of the muntais a considerable quantity of land has been brought under cultivation, and, so far as we can learn, it yields well ' ill the season thereof. The Bench is the most retired and pleasant part of the town it is high and dry; and command a beautiful view of the scenery and distant Bettements as far as the eye can reach, north, south and west; of the Locomotive as it rushes pa8t,.w-Uits long train behind, like a comet; and of the splendid sheet of wa- - KXTRX SIZE DOORS,. JOHN It. I'OOL. IVonrietor. N.B, Tttisr nnd Shinglos sold ou Commiisiljm, It ha been frequently demon9lratd In purchasing a collar fur your horse, it is iinp01.tant to set one that fits him, TIN AND IRCN PLATE WORKER. jjuif-ntt CQl yj iffc wyuCH as both the animal and yourself will thus vv ' JfOM. be savej much annoyance. The Harness ATfOftK NKATLV EXECI'TETl, OV PIIOItT Nuticaaudun stKAnNAIil.K TKHMA. "?'h plun "'"f? T'L we are adopted ii Solicitwt, , assured by men who have been long in m' atronayv tho collar business, does not injure the collar in 'the least, is to dip it in water JOIIX C. THOMPSOX, until tne leather is thoroughly wet. then put it on the horse, secure the hames ISivcrdalc, wear Ogftcii, firmly, keeping it there unt il it becomes of Og.Vn is all the better if heavy loads Rr!iil!y mfifms tha Inhabitant dry. It ...-to be drawn, as that causes the col- - and viciuily that his now , fi-lar to be more evenly fitted to the neck gn4 sll0ulJcr8 if possible, tho collar U nnw 11 fli ojratiiM, and that bo Is p,Tpxrt should be kept on from four to five hours, !'.',""!T. V,,i" l''r"" '1i an oxcfllelit qiiiilily of wnen t will be perfectly dry and retain IH'Ul A.D SOLE I.KAfHKR; aleo Willi MOOTS AM) SHOTS. fho same shape ever afterward, and a9 it Manufacl iu tl, lst 8tjl6 of is exactly fitted to the form of the neck, wiU never produce chafes or lores on and Jiavk wanted. the horse's neck. T1 1 . that judicious Advertising U the road S.1SU, IJLIXDS, lo enccess In" every aepartmenl ot Trade. We invite the public- - of Ogden and else where to give us their Adrert'uemenls for insertion in the Junction.' and DKES8 LUMllER'Of every (leHcripUon will bo promptly attended .' (...'. . . TANNERY X'lillides The Circulation of the Junction is slreadu targe ' and i3 constahhu increasing. D.W. PARKHDKST, rRorPviEToit. |