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Show She'flfltu function. published every ,Wedjie..i aE3 Saturday. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. JTh." . " giI Three Month - - 4.oo . 10 TEE rTT 16qnar.iuilinos, if i Column, i I s rt CI H to 6 a "Xo, .8, .". 7. 3 S 7 10 18 11 21 4 7 8 10 13 1 8 30 jj 5 per month. guineas Cards in advance. (Transient advertising to be paid for linos of type of this A Square consists of ten advertisers allowed to change at pleasure, of twenty-fiv- e itnoniy the additional ehargn but thejr will be u a square for composition, over con- charged KXTKA for occupyiug space BY TELEGRAPH. -- January. The product of seventeen of the principal silver mines of Conisiock lode, Nevada, for tke past year, is seventeen milthoulions, two hundred and sixty-fiv- e DIRECTORY. sand dollars. The Chinese quarter of the town of Jan Jose' was burned on the 10th, and a thousand citizens were rendered kouse-les- s. United -States Officers for I tali. J. Wilson Shaffer, Governor Secretary S. A. Mann. Marshal Milton Orr. ' Attorney C. II. Ilempstead, U. Supt. Indian Affairs J. E. Tourtellotte. C. C. Clements. Surveyor-GenerHeceiver of rublic Monies J. B. Over-;to- Trains on the California Pacific Railroad passed over the new railroad bridge across 'he Sacramento river at Sacramento on the 10th. A sharp shock of earthquake was felt at San Bernardo, California, on the 14th instant. George II. , Registrar of Land Office St. Louis. .Maxwell. A terrilic tltundoi- o.onn, with wind John P. Taggart. V. S. Assessor and hail, passed over the city on the 16th, U. S. Collector 0. J. Hollister. . doing considerable damage to signs, C. Wilson. C. Chief Justice fences, Associate Justice O, F. Strickland and awnings, chimneys, nhutters, trees, etc. At the Varieties Theatre a . Hawlcy.' panic occurred, during which several were severely bruised while at persons Territorial Officers: to escape from the building. .A tempting William II. number jumped from the second story Delegatt to Congress Hooper. windows, but none were seriously hurt. Attorney-GenerZerubbnbel uow. At the Olympic Theatre, where re Marshal J. D. T. McAllister. ligious services were being held, a sinii Auditor William Clayton. Several women lar scene occurred. David 0. Calder. fainted, and a number of poisons were Superintendent of Common School bruised. Robert L. Campbell. The telegraph wires were prostrated in all directions. al n. al lVcber County Officer: F. D. Probate and County Judge Itichards. ." Select Men Lester J. Herrick, Henry , Holmes, Richard Ballantvne. CfcA ana Recorder F. S. Richards. Prosecuting Attorney Aureltus Miner. Sheriff Gilbert Belknap. Deputy Sheriff William Brown. Assessor and Collector Sanford Eing- ' - Treasurer Israel Canficld. Coroner Win. N. Fife. Surveyor and Superintendent Wm. W. Burton. TC'IEIGX. Lisbon. The regular steamer from Rio Janeiro brinirs latent intplli(r,j ftwn mm Fnny confirms tho dispatches previ ously received, announcing tho flight of tcniunation ot the war. Lopez auj Liverpool. TTenvv eak-- atoutr tuc C0d.si. news of disasters to shipping constantly come to hand. Paris. The government authorities announce their intention to bring an action against the proprietors of the Reform, a revolution organ, for violation of the press law; that paper has violenJy attacked the government lately; two journals in the provinces will also be proceeded against immediately for the same cause. Garibaldi passed through here on the 15th on his way to London. . Ledru Rollins will soon return to Fra&co and will institute proceeding before the high court of justice to recover damages for the family of Victor Jsoir. r , of Schools City Government: Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 1861. Municipal election biennially on the second Monday of February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, on Tuesday venings, at City Hall, Main Street. Mayor Loren Farr. Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st Wrard; L. J. Herrick, 2d Joseph Tarry, 8d ,t Counselors James 3Ie Gaw, Walter Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah Leavilt, Recorder Thos. G. Odell. A. Miner. Attorney Marshal-A- S. N. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. ' Assessor and Collector S. Bingham.- W. W. Burton. Survcyor Captain of Police Pi Q. Taylor. Chicago Describes Itself. The Chicago Trilune says: "Never was rs now. A Chicago so crime-ridde- n black cloud of terror seems to hang over citizens the city, and our with one accord, as if their feelings were connected by some subtle sympathy, apprehend the danger, and cast about them for a remedy. . Crime is fearfully on the Office: Ogden Post and assumes a", bolder aspect increase, General Delivery ' from 8 a.m. to 7.30 with every succeeding deed. Criminals p.m. Sundays, from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. are' literally In possession" oT the city, Daily Mail ci.osa, until further notice, and move and act according to theirown & sweet will. A score of burglaries is a lor Salt Lake City at p.m. 9 a.m. For the East poor night's work; a half dozen oases of .6 p.m. Fur the' West garroting" in the""coufSe;of an evening is ARRIVE tcarcely worthy of comment, and noth- From Salt Lake City : J0.80 a.m.? ing shorof Pant in horror would star-tl- o C.30 p.m. our citizens just now, so inured have From the East 10.80 a.m. they become to the sight of wickedness West and crime." MAILS FIGURES. A FEW DIVORCE Close for North Ogden on Monday at Dnring the part year 8.133 suits were 2.30 p.m. For Plairf Cly, on Thursin the courts of Chicago. Of day, at 6.30 p.m. For Iluutsville, on brought were in the Superior Court, these 4,892 Tuesday and Friday, at 8 p.m. 2,240 in the Circuit, and 1,065 in tho Recorder's Court. , During the year, Trains Express suits were disposed of. The num 6,932 noLeavo Ogden daily, until further commenced exceeds that of tice, for Salt Lake City at 11.30 a.m. and ber of suits 6 p.m. For the East, at 10.5 a.m. For lastyeivr by about 3,000. The divorce department, nas oeen the West, at 6 p.m.-- ' " Seven hundred and busv. Arrive from Salt Lake City, 0.40 a.m. and and 6.25 p.m. From the East, 5.25 p.m. twentyMhree suits were commenced, vi uie 496 decrees ot divorce granted, From the West, 10 a.m. suits brought, 209 were by husbands and law-abidi- '- SEMI-WEEKL- Is held every Sunday, at 11 a.m.: and in the School Houses of the vawo'us Wards at 6.30 p.m. ; ' ' Ogdm, Saxt Lakb . AMD . Utaii. Everybody desirous of learning facts conoerning Ogden, Salt Lake and Utah, chronological, statistical, historical and religious; with a reliable sketch of and have a thousand and one questions answered thut are being daily asked concerning Utah, send for a, copy pf Sloan's Salt Lake Directory. Mailed from the Office for a dollar Mor-Jhonis- and, q quarter, Tho 4.'4 hv wives. returns show thai UU Suit re UX mented liquors within the limits of the City, without first obtaining license from the City Ctmncil for such purpose. Sec. 2. That a wholesale liquor license shall not. authorize any person to sell, barter, or deliver any wines, spirituous or fermented liquors in less quantity than ten gallons, or in original packages; and bouled liquors or wines only in original packages, as imported and iu no case to be drunk on the premises of parties so licensed. Sec. 3. That a retail liquor license shall not authorize the sale of wines or spirituous liquors in a great quantity than three gallons, and in no case to be drunk on the premises. , Sec. 4. That a license to keep a bar, shall not drinking saloon or dram-shoauthorize any person to sell, barter, or deliver, or differ or permit to be sold, bartered, or delivered, any spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors, or any composition of which wines or spirituous liquors, form a part in any quantity, except to be drunk on the premises of the person so licensed. Sec. 6. That all persons so licensed as set forth iu the preceding section, shall institute such regulations in their houses as shall restrain drunkenness, riotous or disorderly conduct, and shall keep a establishment, cleanly, which shall not be open for the sale of liquors between the hours of eleven o'clock at night and four o'clock in the morning, and the police shall have access to the premises at all hours. Sec. 0. It shall not bo lawful for any person to sell or dispose of any spiritu ous, vinous or fermented liquorsto any person under sixteen years of age, or to any Indian, nor to sell or otherwise dis on the habbatn day pose of any liquors ' Sec. 7. Any person having reason able cause to believe that any house or place, mentioned in the foregoing sec tions of this Ordinance, is established and kept for the purpose of manufactur ing, selling or otherwise disposing of spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors, t';e without first obtainii'" license from ,., .in tistn or tne in . and if the upon g.une, describing place, investigation it shall so appear, the Mayor or Alderman before whom such complaint has been made may issue his warrant, directed to the City Marshal or any of his deputies, commanding him to enter said house or place and demolish all things found therein, made use of for the purpose of manufacturing, selling, or otherwise disposing of spirituous, vinous or fcrincatd liquors, and to arrest the person or persons owning keeping or conducting said house or place, and bring him or them before the Court, and such person or persons, on conviction, shall be liable to a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars and imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of tho Court, Sec. 8. The City Council on granting license to any person or persons for the manufacture or sale of spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors, shall determine the time for which it shall be given and the amount to be paid thereon, and shall require bonds with security, and determine the amount thereof, for the due observance of tho ordinances and regulations of the City. Said bonds shall bo approved by the Mayor or City Council and filed with the Recorder. Sac. person violating miy of the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to. a fine in any snm not exceeding one hundred dollars and forfeiture of license. Se. 10. AH' ordinances. and parts of ordinances relating to the manufacture and sale of spirituous, vinous and fermented liquors, heretofore passed by tke City Council, are hereby repealed. Passed, Jan. 13, 1870, . LOK1.N FARR, Mayor, Tuos. G. Ohkll, City Recorder. & CO;, p, of Office Utah Territory COFFEE Klo TEA SI .DO to 27c BACOX HUT " to 17 Sl iiAR pr Jan., 2'lml, 1870. !;, 31n jier lb. lb, &' r lb. Ir per lb. '.:oc xt fk. fri- $i.;o, jKjr k. Ol'RR NTS 'Me pur Hi. bl, TOIIACCO Xavv, cr lb &&c, CilKKSB t"c pnr Hi. cnihi.-'l- pr A piin-:5:s- pm n. t'A.N W.ES pr to. All klii'li of legal - " tuuiueu atUmJed ltf The Office of ihe City Recorder is at - Olhco of the "Ogaen Junction," Seventies' IIoll, near the U. U. II. it Station. Office Hours from 10 a. m. till 8 p. ni the- COAL!!! C0.1L! COAX!! t i OF THE HALL & VANDYKE Coal Company's Coal will be on haud ut the Ogden Tithing it ly i "'" This holds as hark. And makM as rattier bear tbe iUs we have Than fly to those wo know not of. Thus, having donned a wig and dyed our beard. We're made tlie prey ef shrewd and cmftf widows, Tlio dupe of maidens of uncertain ago, The game of unsophisticated glrie. And dure not flee thuas Ills by wedding. Miscellaneous. OGDEN CIECULATING LIBRAflY . ... one-hal- TheOreeiaa The New BaclfGammou Bead. Llto-ratur- a vacancy for a pupil. toe general public. OGDEN E. GAM, WHOLESALE DEALER is Wines & Liquors. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE BTCDENT3. IS NOW PltKPARED TO EECEIV VOliXt TUE SAMPLE AXD SALESROOM E. OS MAIN STEEET, Ogden City, Utah. Of WEB EH. COCXTT Would MAKE HONEY ' ly IAproTlng tho Present J1.U Ml A ltf n IlllAMIS or Kentucky Whiskeys; Alto, Call and Sco tho Scliool. HOURS OF SESSION i CASE LIQUORS, CASE WINES. r.m. DJ Cl;vM to 12 S p.m. to 4 p.m. do. CHAMPAGNES. CATAWBAS, ETC. . . Night Claa . 7 pjn. to p.m. TKIMAItY STEDEXTS . Bocelrcd at Call and examine my Stock. Sain Street, Ogden, ' C. Nearly Opposite White House, tf per Term. fT.OO Pa; la ail ranee. B. HcGBEGOB . DobJw In BOOKS, UTAH STATIONERY, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, Etc-- . COMPANY,, BOOKS OCDEX, DEALERS IN TRUCKEE etc. FURNISHED ORDER. PAPER ENVELOPES GOOD WRITING TO AND kept constantly for Bale cbcap, VALLEY' LUMBER, Are n w prepared to furnih every dwcrlption of LiiiiiIlt fur Ituililing purpootn, bolb plum aud dieKei lo Eto. Inks Opposite the 1'itblic Square, Hare , Pens, Pencils Penholders, Located on BROOM'S LOT, . Raised, Panelled, and Moulded Doors, Windows Sasa and Mouldings. yH Attention! WILL TAKE ON SUBSCRIPTION, ogkdeiutjjb: AT THE POST OFFICE. . CENTS per. First and Third Ward USTITL1TO, Hare on band a aplcndid Block of Llk.wi An excllent Aiaorrm.nt of Goodi., Groceries, Dry UATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, for ... EST 1 6 A. Y. EARLY LAST FALL, A CtAME liny Hore:rwo jrer sld. tiraniled, UC. on tli rpht hip. The owner will plraw pay xpen-- o and take him nwnv. K A HAMMOND, Jr. St iiuBwmlle, Ogdcu V..v, Jun lb.0. TO MY PLACE, MAIN OGDEN, HTItEET, AND STATIONERY. Gatlier up your Rags and bring them tJong to this vDiv. '. circus!" "No, my boy," affectionately replied Mr. Brown; "but if you are good boy, I will take ydu to see your grandmother's grave this afternoon." The following conjugal dialogue wai recently overheard: Jlusbami"0, Eugenie! Eugenie! is H possible that you persist in wearing the hair' of another woman on your head?" Wife O, Alphonse! is it possible that yon persist in wearing the skin of another calf upon your hand?" Said a male advocate of woman's rights: "When I am in a crowded car and lady cemes In, 1 think it U the duty of some other man to get up and give her his seat. I look round the car te see if any man in the crowd looks like making a move in that direction, and when I see them all keep their seats, I hide my faoe behind my newspaper, and blush for my sex." ,, . A fatal disease known as has broken out in some of the "hog-choler- western cities and caused great deNear struction amongst the swine. Cincinnati it has attacked the hogs fed with slops at the distilleries, and from die daily, mostly twenty to twenty-fiv- e stock animals of light weight. The disease is prevailing also near Louisville and large numbers die daily. Ihe cultivation of the Chinese "bam- la' N.B. 11). "Papa," said Mr. Browns youngest the other day, "can I go to the son, tf ' Five Cents per lb. W wilt !o allow THREE CLEAN' lil'NXYSACKS. . in California is exiting much atAll order for Books, Newspapers, tention. It can be put to many uses. is Its its shade Periodical, MagaiJn-s- . etc. will receive most appearance Thebeautiful; Chinaman sits ungrateful. iurniuhed at be prompt attention, and der it and upon it; he eats in it; he Publishers' Prices. , sails in it and by it; he is rocked in it; his furniture is made of it; he is to aocommodate Particular pain, paid and .vcrjf artide rconirwl by tlio Ort buried, in it; he writes upon it and with it; he clothes himself with it and Reading l'nlilic, if not on baud, will b. lurainbsd . at llio ahurtwt notiua. spanks the young ones with iu fact, the "graceful bamboo" is as useful as it Is ornamental. GS AXU MEDICINES, imi Chemicalt,' Oils, Puintt, Glass, etc., . CLEAN COTTON RAGS For wbirh w wjll allow Punch reports this conversation: First Collier "My gal weights fifteen stun and a harf." Second Collier (superlatively exultant) Lor' bless you, yon ought to hsar my gal swear." . Kh.nlcT will have expended $500,000 on the lloosio tunnel work January 1st; 250 pounds of are used daily in the tunnel, the cost of which is $2.60 per pound. boo on bund a LARGE QUANTITY of Subscriber's ii nilro-glyeeri- LAliOK STOCK of ETC, Tim Rev. Miss Auorusta J. Chapin .1 preached at Iowa city, lately, from . "For U is a shame - 85 Cor., xiv. chap.i v r lor women to speaa is uie inureon. i, . A Southern paper announces that "nothing but red nock ties are now worn," which must bo a .rather cool costume Ur, this season even at th South.. A satirical Frescli anther says: "When I lost my wife every family with which I was acquainted offered me another; but when I lost my horse, not one of them offered to make him good." Opposite Bishop Wet ft, . ni patise . That's Oie reason We bachelors are m afraid to marry ; For who would bear the bills of waalterwonten. Or darn the gaping sock at heel or tne, Or with a ueedle(difl9cnlt to thread), Minns a thimble, sew a batton on, Or tie a necktie In a double knot, Whcnjust by saying " Yes," when parson arfu ' Will yon have her J" We needn't do it t Who'd grant and groan aloud with raging tooth. Or any other ill, without a wife te tfcrow his boots at, From which (unless he's left a widower Or quickly get. divorced or rans away) No fellow e'er returns! I gneas A, marriage A writ of attachment (Slice Square. certificate. of connlntinK ConUiua Ilumlrwl xireral ToIiiiiim, All Coal will bo weighed when sold to cboic cillcrtin of tttitdilnrd Work, of .min.nt trw purchaser, Prentice defined what nan wants all writers on llmtor?, Brinrs and Art, l'ollta PoticaJ Vork, Waverhijr Kovell, ete. he can get. ill take f payment in Outs or TERMS: Barley. When did Moses sleep with five la $5.00 Oidera will bo received and promptly Life Membership bed? Whoa he slept wiQi his fore a Tol. week. J'J cts. per per fill) at the Tithing Ohice by Mr. Walter fathers. Opu Ds botvoeo tb. kotl of 8 a.m. and S p.m. Thompson. c. B McGregor, A Schoolmaster who has recently lost Tie Prieea of the above Coal wili be Lltirai tan, at Ogden Poet Ofttco. an has now low enough to warrant the patronage of eje begs to intimate that Je . )h. City Recorder. Qe. ODELL, OCDEX CITY. , f'J.:iO (u $12 per box. lr LORIJt FARR, Mayor. WILLIAM BUTZ, Agent. . P0l)A fMi --"V par box. the months most July and 1. X. L. bland ?S.7' per box. SOAP v.o. fatal to the connubialtie, in eacu oi inese box, KAINS por COAL 01 1, par months 7q. ?'!: '"ivinif 'ecn brought, tin, $10.75. LY B $13 per caso. comes 70 its cases, September, with GLAlSSSxlU box, $8.50. 11 ' 10 x 12. 900. next, HAT Pull mpply, at $10 per tun. The number of suits commenced OATS 21 iwr lb. that of last year 3,203. , BAKLKV-'J'A- por lb. s criminal In the Recorder's Court, WH BATSI (9 1 .25, pur bnshl. FLOUR jti.ou.per nick. ; a full supply business has been unusually brisk. One for prpnetit limmnd. Our Utah Flonr compares were r twenty-fouand prisoners hundred favorably whb tlx bmt Western Brands made from sent the State- Penitentiary, 238 to the win'" wheat, 7 and CORN psr bnb!. County Jail, 1 to the Bridewell, RtlOli'fS SI. ()0 0i $1.50, nor cwt. PR AX4o the Reform School; and 150 were let " POTATOES 50c (ii 75c; per bu'shof. HKEF Vk P V2C por lb at shop ; Sc on foot. off with4 fines, , PORK 20c (rii 25c, por lb. Tho criminal, HsiPes? of the other IH'TTER In roll, 45c & 50c per lb, courts is not yet published, but it has J.130S Per d"Z, Tic (, 50c. preceding than CHICK ENS 50r, wh. any during bceu heavier TCKJiEiS 18crrlb & pr pair. year, Chicago Journal of Cmwrct, October-wer- e i ORice opposite Ogdcii Hotel, TIIOS. 10c pnr lb. IXDKiO CAMtV S'Jc (t. 41c per lb. PKl'l'ER Mc por lb, . SCTMW58-41.- 7J VfOTICE js IIERKBY GIVEN, THAT all Persunr wijraired in Business in Ogden City, (tcr which the City Ordinances provide that a license must be obtained,) without first prtfcuring a license are liable to be taken before any Alderman cfsuid City, and bo sutfjeoted to a fine. 15y order of the City Council, & COUNSELOR. SHINCLES, LATH, Junction, Ogden City, Ogden To nil whom it may concern. A.. MHVKTJ, rrt'r"' Commercial. ftTHEET, ATTORNEY For In that statu of Ulss what bills may eome For switches, phunjiers' Grecian bauida aiiA paint CITY LICENSES. Helen, Moutaua. DAIILER I1LSSEY, I. OLi. C. L. DAIILER, HTSSET, City. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City BANKERS, Council of OgJeu City, that it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to M OGDEX, manufacture, sell or otherwise dispose AND SALT LAKE CITY. of any spiriiuouj, vinous or femented IValcm iu fluid l)ut. Coin ami Currency. Draw liquors, nor to establish, or keep, or to Kxrhniij;e on Km Fninriwo, Montnua, Peuver, assist in keeping or conducting any tit bums, Xew York, aud Kit parts of Europe. house or pluue tor the purpose of manudisor or otherwise' Collections facturing selling tf promptly attended to. posing of any spiriiuous, vinous or fer- Y Divine Worship in the Tabernacle, WARBF.N Mann-fiu'tu- ir required reserve the right to inject any article, or advertisement of this class. AN ORDINANCE Relating to Licenses for the AMERICAS'. and Sale of Npirituons, The Burlington and Missouri River Yiiiou.s and Fermented Liquors. Railroad opened with the running of regular trains to and from Omaha and Chicago on the ICth. A dispatch from Peoria, 111., says that riiv the city is overrun with burglars and " thieves. Burglaries are of nightly occurrence, and a citizens' meeting is to be '"soecial Notices or Advertisements retained on held to devise some remedy for e twenty-fivbe will charged the outside of th paper, state of affairs. that rates. the on alive additional cent, Cincinnati. not marked on the copy with the ' - Advertiseiuenta our A heavy rain on the 14th caused a nomlar of insertions, will be published at at transient and charged until ordered out, stone wall, 10O feet long, and 30 feet "ADVERTISEMENTS inserted till forbid, will be high, situated in the rear of a row of eontiimed until onlered out, in every instance, and buildings on Third street, to fall, crushcharged for accordingl-y- and half the kitchens of six dwellings. A yearly advertis-ar- f ing The privilege of ywirly and wginan in one of them had her leg broiB restricted to their direct line of business, atrvertise-men- u ken by falling Btones, and a little boy in ,i Lejal Auction, Ileal Kstate, or other regular train will" be 'chargforeign o their bed in another house was Julled. " ' ' ed for separately. inSan Francisco, 15. No Advertisements from the State will be has It been several days serted without the avb I at oqr advertised rates.) raining one 61 our accompanying the order, unless from throughout the Pacific coast. The prosregnlar authorized Advertising ofAgents. interest to the pects are favorable for crops. AH oominnniralttjns devoid interests, The town of Laporte, California, was public, or intended to promote private will be charged as advortiseinento, and 'payment nearly we destroyed by fire on the 11th of in character, in advance. If personal OCDEN NCTIOM OGIEX, UTAH, SATURDAY, JAXUAIIY 22, 1870. M $8 $15 $ 20 $ 35 $ 60 40 70 25 80 50 30 65 Kw 40 la ,9 25 45 60 BO 135 20 30 34 45 76 100 135 2U0 $3 J OG D EN To J, or not toured, that ti tlx question I ' Wbotlicr 'tis cbpaper for mankind to mffer Tho tbouxauit illd of single Or to tke to arms n ager, charmiag pooudk For better or for worse, and thus to end them. To court to wed no more ; and with a word, A simple word, to cant off boarding honen. Hash an cod forovec Tis a conantniuation Dcroutly to he witibd. To court, to wed ; To wed, and foot tbe billa J Ay t tnere'i the rub f , Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. RATES OF ADVERTISING. S To ll'ed or Xot to Wed. 14tm rrcscrlpllons carefullj prepared Second. IltitHrt Zion'a . COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. MAIN BTUEKT, OGDEN, ON UAD A UEXEKAL HATK , of Dry 0.xl, Grocprien, HaU, Cape, Moot, fchotw, Agricultural Implem.nU, Ao. e all of which .oiling .heap (or ah and prortui. u l-- 3 Betting. The annexed sensible reks are from the New York Turf, Field and Farm: Betting is carried on to extremes. It is one of the evils of the turf. The old song puts the ease etroog'y bat ; .i truthfully: : man "Beta are tbe blocktieaiTt argument, The only leglc be can vent, His minor and his major; ' Tis to confess your head a worse Investigator than your purse, To reason with a wager." Surely we can test the merits of horses without, wagering great sums npon them. Betting that one horse is greater than the other, does not make him greater. True, it may lead to a race, but it also' leads to a goed deal of The speculating vulgar wrangling. mania on the turf is not beneficial te the turf. . - |