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Show OiMom'H I.etjlsIu.Uc. ; OOCNUL.: Published every Wednesday and Saturduy. IT A If. OGIMLV, Saturday Jloruiiis, Jau. 22, Is?. The On Man l'otter. ' " Bays: " 'Thrre-iimuc- to-d- lloUSK. The Omaha Herald of 16th irnt., yi a ".deader on the Mormon quitlon, 'takeH the ground that the greatest evil in Mormonism is not px)gukiy, hut the ."One Man Power." Ike fi riier consl-,der- s thin to be the grehl Witknei8 of our ' system, and "so utterly at war with the iplrit and genius 'fit roe institutions that, in contact jvilii hem, unaided by out Hide iLfcit'ty nj)e, It ihuat certainly meet an early downfall." "' He is, however, 1u favor of our being , to work out our own destiny, as,Ue . left says it id mr'Jawt'ul right to do under 'the con.stituHoii whieh is a Tery sensible view of the fniitler. Although pp. poied to the spirit of our institutions, he ' Monday, J7tL. The Council met pursuant L u'ljourn-iHfcu- t, btit no business was dou, and after calling the roll, and prayer by the was clinplair, an adjournment till ', resolved upon. " Monday, 17th. House met pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker referred the various portions of 'ffit!Governor'g Message to the appropriate .commit tees. A petition, from Mr. Thomas Bharr, for an appropriation to defray exigfcaes iqeurred during illness torn a. wound received while in the service, was presented and referred. The Committee on Railroads were instructed to bring in a bill creating the roifice of Inspector of railroads', locomo tives, engines and other machinery. Financial report of Rich County was presented by lion. C. C. Rich. Report of Auditor of Public Accounts on tho Wasatch Wagon Road was presented, when the House adjourned. in Utah to admire and work of Uiat remark-- ' COUNCIL. fH Tuesday, 18th. able people, tlieir nmrvel.iu indusu-ies- , Council met pursuant to adjournment. the order and system wbieh has subdued and populated the desert, are monuments A memorial to Congress for annual ses'vhieb. will for generations as sions of the Legislature was presented fruits of one of the most remarkable go- - and laid on the table, rniiHMM f history. The ril of death his of excellency Governor "Bripham Young, bus its bright side as jJiThe welf as its dark side. There arc fea-- . Durkee was announced, when Councilors '.tures of it wjiich it miffht bo disastrous tmiuot, Harrington, Snow and Thatcher to such a people to lone Without being were appointed a committee to dratt re' 'educated and prepared for the change. They are like the Spaniards ami other solutions of respect to his memory. As nations. Unused to the freedom we a mark of respect to the memory of Gothe great mass of them might not vernor Duikoo the Council' then ad.know enough to handle the boon even if they possessed it. There are a great journed. ilOlSB. many things to be considered when radi-- i Vral changes by violent moasures ar e Hoiiso met pursuant to adjournment. against such a system and 'people as are now in Utah, and that will Petitions for the incorporations of 'be Vise statesmanship which ajlows the people solely concerned fo work out Washington City, Washington County, ' heir own destiry iu their own way." and Sauta Quin, Utah County, were The writer of the article in the Herald, presented and referred. House adjourned till this afternoon. many other who take a superficial - t .Viewof the reMormon UOl'SI. system, cannot i J'. '. ooooile ihe princljile ofihe "One Matt v ' . Wednesday, 10. tfousc' met that of individual Power", and, liberty. pursuant to adjournment. t not understand that the One Council memorial to Congress for an jEIe Man Power i exercioed by the will and appropriation. Uo defray the expenses of cdnscut of the people. It may be con- the present session was concurred in. Council niumoril praying for annunl trary to "the spirit of the'age" to vtt essious was xcTertcd to Committee on to auch power in a single individual, , but the Mormon have no confidence in tucmorials. Hon. l'ctcr Manghan, Chairman of th spirit ,of the age',' .They consider lW pirit at war with many heavenly Coinmittee on elections, forwarded a rerincijie .Untl institutions of Jivine port of the number and kinds of officers origin. Thoj have been engaged for to be elected by a joint vote of this Le' many yetua In 'promulgating doctrines gislative Assembly. The Committee on Counties was inwhich, though true as the Leavens, have bocn violently opposed by tly whole structed 'to "take intoeo, csidcralia tt" World. Many of thcs dootriuM, hougti" propriety or extending the jurisdiction l in a somewhat perverted form, are now ot J'ttter County over the territory known as Piute County, and that of jbeing adopted by the very persons who Sanpete County over Sevinr County fought against them, aud whoeougtit the for judicial, election and revciluo pur poses. lives of the promulgators. Messrs, Taylor, B. 1 oung, jr., J. F. !The people of this Territory are not Smith aud C. C Rich were appointed a ' and conquered race, ruled committee to draft resolutions of respect , a. subdued ovtr by a despotio power against their to the neiaory of the late Governor C. will. 'Jfciriier' are they unacquainted Dm kco. IKmiM adjourned till two o'clock to- -. 'Nvltti or 'unused to the freedom which morrow. of. They have coaio . Ihe Iltraltt speaks Trom many lamls" and settled in this DoalU of Ciororuor Durkce. '. r, pjouutaln country, jamung other reasons, lion. Charles Durkee, of Wisconsin, A) .t jjbe4ad&a they could not enjoy freedom lato Governor of this Territory, died at ; suD3cieDt. to satisfy their soul in othor the Colon's House, Uuaha, on Triday, l 'icountrica. They accept the rule of ' 13th inst. Prigham Young from choice, aud with Ha was boru La the year 1S02, at Roy- " '' arf uioderstahdaig of Its benigti effects Vermont. In IbiJO, he establishalton, hon cottiTMei with those qf what is . ed himself at Seuthport, (now called K- callod freedom in other systems. They i i isconsin, w here he engaged in j despise the strife, contention and strng- - nosha) mercantile ' pursuits, and was elected a '.'gl'b for 'place and power exhibited in of the first Legislature of the member , it.lver, orms uf g,o, element. Unity Wisconsin. of with them is a watchword, and "let Territory ,i the lu yrar 18o0, Mr. Durkee was all things be done by common consent chosen a member of the lower house of from .the liead," the grand principle and was in 1862 ,., .. running through their church aud social Congress, From 1855 to 13bl, hevas a member of -- ' 11 policy. the United States Senate, during which V ?U1 Mormon system cannot be nmler , i time he wag a prominent advocate of the n. ... ', Stood when vioned a part from its claims movement and an active -- i to divinity. The position of its Presi- the of homestead law. supporter 4cnl, cannot be comprehended apart ho In was 18(io, ' uppoiutud Governor of '' 'from tle views of the people coucernrtig " Utah, w hich pu&ition lie iiaa filled with A community which lijs inspiration. considerable oredit and the good-wi- ll of ' has accomplished what the Herald ad the people hero. 'fnlts, cannot be a nation of fools nor a He was a man of kind and genial de 'race of slaves. We have tested our j, s of moderate views, and a for ial and religious system, and are' satis- - portment, ,. , His health has been .! Bed it is divine;, w have tried the pre. giving disposition. which rendered a for time, poxir long 'Cepts and policy of itg President, in the t his retirement from active duty ncces ti 'pruhle of our experience, and know ottioe having expired, that they ate heavenly in their nature, gary. His term of t was he on the to his home in the way ..f .' add benencial ift their results. If they J"" ' ;bbme in ooutaci" wit 6 he spirit of ihe East, when death, the seised him at Omaha. ige, we are prepared for what may fol-- i conqueror, Governor I)urkee has many friends in being determined to stand of : full 1 Wisconsin by wtiom his decease will be by what to us is eternal truth. ,! deeply deplored. The tyranny which some people prate O.h tas no txis!eue here. ltistheofT-sprin- g V . l, Nkw Goons. At $iun's of imuiagination, and is onlyto be found in the brains of those w.ho can-- , Intititutiou (see sdvt.). retail dealers in e oouipatability ex- this city w ill make by purchasing of the jwt understand true betwetu isting" liberty and proper Institution jnst as much country obedience to legitimate authority. merchants .do.' It is far handier than ' ! : (, eastern markets, arid money is made - Pusui Lcuiibr! AhMAkAC. We have faster the more frequently it is com: ' Ttceived a copy of (hi Pjibllc Ledger At mercially turned ovtr. , manao for lb"0.; It is very clearly prln-- . Se" advertisement of Messrs. ted 6u fond paper, aud is both useful and Tarpeand tlie lloesscl a i,. ;. is' in our issue of y. first of We have It yearly .Red os," Id be presented gratis lo every tried their workmanship and find it " ' " ,. "aliiVcr to the Public Ltder, " oommvnd. ' - en-jo- y, t4 h A SSj" '1 '.1 .i-- si is it :t ail;. A. , . v tt'j 1 ! 1 anti-slave- 1 .St , ''.I , w' ' " "a 4s-th- e . ! i M I ' ' h Great Cictoloieal CJiauges. Kill, The following extract from a letter to the Onjahfc Herald. By tke way, speakbig of Congress, we of .the polygamy bill of Mr. Cullom, which has recently made its appearance. This bill is looked upon here with much dislavor, and justly as I think. Whatever may bo the merits or demerits of polygamy, which of course I do not wish to ifiycuss, there can be no doubt as to what ought to be done with that bill. It should be indefinitely postponed. It occurs to me that we have not yet so far advanced in uniting church and slate, or to permit Congress to take into itskeep-in- g the consciences of the inhabitants of the territories, and lhatis just what ig contemplated by Cullom's bill. If the government has tlicrigh to regulate the consciences and action Vif the Mormon prolessor of Christianity, and forbid him to marry more than one wife, it may also require and compel the Catholic priest, who is aJso a professor of Christianity, to marry one; and what would Pope Pius the Ninth, and the millions of Catholics in tlie United States, think if such a bijl were to become a law! Yours, Cultus. The California papers, eeme weeks MY F. A. ago, contained statements fcy Herring, who resides apongthejierras, as to the apparent sinking of the coast buttes, whtchdid nut seem sufficiently probable to deserve attention; but the San Francisco Scientific Presi endorses the statements as unquestionably correct. They are certainly very remarkable. Have they any connection with the late earthquakes in that region? Mr. Herring's reports are iu substance as fol- WOOD'S PHOTOGRAPHII OGDEN CITY. ROOMS!! WHOLESALE &RETAI1 AT TT THERE ARTTSTTf! A1n little. H W TURKS urn t.ii.n-n tuL.. , "i .. ' Looking to the westward from his intluita durability, uusni waited for uueiw. linij"1 Outline or Meauly of finish, by h!1 the houso in the Sierra Nevada, near Forbes- riroceusep auowu 10 till) Art, noma of which 1 town, 2,300 feet sbove the level of the ocean, he can see the Marysville buttes, 35' miles off, and the coast range 130 or 150 miles distant; that seven yenrs ago Cartes one peak of the buttes appeared higher from his house than the summit of the Vignettes, range; that on the 4th of September last the same peak appeared to be just as ' AND high as the ridge; that he had to go 75 feet down the hill to make the peak, appear as high above the ridge as it did before; that on the 8th of November the peak appeared from his house lower than the ridge; that when he then went 75ft. down tlie hill, the peak of the buttes appeared to be on a level with the ridge; that the change of level has been the subject of frequent observation uithhim Mclaneotypes, AmbrotypJ for mouths, ami that his brother obit well as as served himself. Fcrreolypes, . The change of elevation or depression indicated by the facts (if facts they are) Assortments of which are constantly Card is absolutely terrific. One of these all with the be Staple things must occurring: Either Forbes being replenished town, on the Sierra Nevadu, is rising, or Also THE CELEBRATED SCN fEAJl, tv Items Families for and the necessary the Marysville Buttes are sinking, or the ENAJIELLEl) CARD PICTURES. coast mountains are rising at a rate al JOBBING TRADE. together unprecedented in the anuals of geology, fone of the marvels recorded by Sir Charles Lyell approach it. Jt ff-- Pictnmt of all kinds taken at all timet l lows: Bry Goods. J Photographs, Gs-rocepie- s, Visite, STEREOSCOPIC General ftuiitlay Sickness. OGDEJi This disease is of the intermitting kind attacking the patient by violent paroxysms which return etcry seventh day. These paroxysms return oaly on tho Lord's day and hence is called Sunday Sickness but by the faculty it is technically known by no other name than "Dei Dominici Morbus." . 2. It imitohoe somewhat of the nature of ague, especially as it is attended with ajjreat degree af coldness. This coldness is first apparent early inthe morning of the Lord's day; in many cases seizing the patient before he leaves his bed. J5ut it begins in the region of tho heart, and is attended with dulness of the head, followed by yawnings and lelhrgy. 8. The patient is sometimes deprived of the use of his limbs, especially the legs & and feet, so that he is indisposed to walk Mam SUeet, Oyderl Cilf, to the house of God. Jewelers & ii tinsmiths. 4. In some cases this attack has come Watt'limnkers, A(?ein t"r Auieriruu aii't Kliiiu Wuhliud. to on the cunslantl luind m lurn assortint'iit of them have after Keep y gone upon they linns, Plstoln, and house of God, and has een attended nue Jewelry, Foreign Wutclirs, Amnnmttiun ot .ill kiud.. with yawning and slumber. Purchiwom will do well to exuinine our Stock TiurcluLMiiu: eIfowhtMv. 5. In other cases, there has been great carefully done and all work warranted. urteasinegs iu the house of God, and a Itepnlrlng im disposition to complain of the length o tlio sermon, though they have oeen known to sit very contendedly in a playhouse several hours at a time. COAL IS THE BEST IN THE fi. Persons 'affected with this disease "WfASATfll yV Country. orders with K. O. UOUUOCKS, Ogden. never mourn on account of their confine ment from publio worship, as many af flicted with other diseases often do--. 7. Theso persons ol'teu surprise their neighbors with their great activity and health on Monday, however unfavorable the weslher may he. 0GDEX HOUSE. 8. Moat of tlie faculty agree that there TI1E is a low I'everi.-heat, leesiuieaily talleu C. W. WEST, Proprietor, ftbri mundi, or fever of ti e worl I whicli may be detected m these patient, during the intervening days of the week. OGDEN CITY, UTAH, 'J. There also seems to be a loss ot appe tite for savory food, and want of relith Hotel in for patii ritv, bread of life, which, in Is the only First-Cla- ss this case, is tin; iud.spensable remedy for Ogtlen. the disease. , , ' TUe ISAJtt atladiad is Drovidfci with the choicest so. rersons troe'ea wua tins uisease generally have a direli h for private and Cigars. exercises of the closet end the read My of tlie boriptures. uig 11. lhis disease is also contagious ; neighbors receive It frotu ne.g'uboro, and cniiiirun iiom parents. PARPE PICTURES, Merchandise. Iictiire. in oil mum ui weawer, equally won. BOESSEL COAL! COAL! COAL! T 3- - OLD PICTURES uuveu iu irru'ed this J. cic, Copied, Enlarpnl uuu rvuuurvu impenttuauie. or I. Wech ... Iw. Mnnln - AllnJ :.L ... ... " ff,t tit. .... tut- fnft in. vuilll J in I1IICU ..ID H skillful openUors, whose wurk is wanting inchtrl a. cuo v, ai imii imic, nimi, iiui luililj III mci, t. everything that constitutes a good suliw riher feols called nnn to injure m good wn as can t produced any where or one. lv lj uny CALL IMS suns wihing work, will please D1ATELY. Tm 40 Kegs Horse and Mule Shoes, (Assorted Sizes,) HOTELS. . 50 Boxes Horse Asa momenta or token of sffection. Nothiug snjiercedus a portrait. . It is magic dispenser of pleasure A consoler in hours of absence A representative whose aileut cloqurDM Whispers spiiituiU thoughts of Lovs ud Uope. T. M. WOOD ArtUt. Jao;, 4th 1870, OODEX h Nails, AIN STREET, Ut!or! 1.000 lbs. Hoop Iron, i & Persons heretofore unsuccnssful In rEUt'EIT P1C1UKES, are particularly C. WOODMAXSKE, DBALEE I.t GENERAL X Xew Profession. In Paris there resides an elderly lady, who passes for a Countess. Sht makes a very handsome living by giving characters to servauts requiriag employment. When ladies visit her to euquire into the '3ZEA antecedents of a domestic they find an elegantly dressed lady, who has the hapltf py faculty of remembering the person inquired about, and she never- - knows aught but good of them. This novel mode of making a living, by supplying reputations to girls who have none, has been discovered, and the occupation of tlie Countess will bo seriously injured. The girls employed on lecuunt of her testimony as to their capacity give her a percent of their wages. PRY GOODS, GROCCRIFS. T, Best of Accommodations .Sunday School I'abty. Yesterday afternoon, the scholars belonging to the 3rd District Sunday School, were treated to a free danco in the City Hall. Nearly a hundred boys ami girls of ages ranging from four to fifteen years, tripped it merrily to sweet music's Voice until the evening twilight, when tiiey separated to give plaeeto the elder scholars and teachers, who appeared on the sceue aboul 7 o'clock, and seamed to tako ftb much pleasure iu the exercise as the young folks who bad precede! them. Mu&srs. Geo. . Turner, John Tincock and Thos. D. Dee, .were the committee, under whose direction the whole affair passed od' orderly aud satisfactorily. The 3rd District Sundny School has numbered during the yetr past about 150 scholars, who have beeu regular in their attendance aud hato been much benefitted luvreby. The school is now discontinued until spring, not for lack of scholars, but for want of teachers. Where are the young men and women of the ord District J Are there none in that part of our city whoe lov for the rising generation is proof against winter's cold ittiid Ogdcu's iuudj Come, young ladies and gentlemen, volunteer as Sunday School teachers, and thtif, while g tho cuTldien, who will remember you iu after years with gratitude and respect, improve your own minds, and refresh your mcmoiics with lialf-for- gotten The best vuug'n drop for young Indies is to drop tlie practice of dreeing tliiu, when tiu-- go into tlie nij'it air. IMPLEMENTS, ETC of MECHANIC A Good Supply TOOLS on hand. Fish, AND OGDEN CITY 1JAKEUY SOXABLE CHARGES, MAIS STREET, OPPOSITE JTJiCTIO.N, JOUX DAVIES, Proprietor. 1 BILLIARDS. STIAGER A LAYLAXD, Case Indigo, Proprietors, PATRONS CAN rCRtimes, J BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! HUE AD A GOOD SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONERY. Glass, II. WHEAT. ii n n OLIVER DURANT. E I10031S, riah Central Ingine House. CALL AND SEC ME. w h II 11 v u k a t 1 rn W 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IX FLOUR, CRAIN Opposite tlie . i) t S 20 Sox's Olive Oil, ' nv UUlliiy IJIIST iiV TABLES, AT US. G-- .A. ALSO, Kuulu, cuUilVrlubly liticJ up with the AT AL CUACKERS, Jte.Jic. 100 Boxes 8 X10 PKSIItK TO AMUSE THEMSELVES VLL WHO the Cue uml llulln will fiuJ a USD HERE A Xo. J A rt'ule of AND PRODUCE. 1,000 Sad Irons, OllDEJIS PR OMPTL Y GAK.V ATTENDED TO. Ualf U. P. HREVERY, South- Block Writ of 1'ott Ogden, CIIOICK BRAND OF LtQrORS, 1 Ai tii lc of LAGER BEER. A li.iliuril Tuhle on the irpiiiinei:. K.II. All onlers for Lugur ltoer will meet with promut attention by ' 1 m LA NUT FCLLMED, Proprietorj. HAVE A a Aud a variety of other Items ia Office, No. DItY GOODS, EVERY DAY. CLOTIXIXG, WAREHOUSE,' HATS, RESTAURANTS. LTAII CEXTItAL ItESTALRAXT And lAdring IXoiikc, R.. ri'IU.TC SQUARE, STUEKT, OO DEN. MAIN well-air- H. THOMAS HAPPY IF goTOUto All Orders a ddreHsed to S. P. TEASDEL, Qdcu City, will have prompt CITV, JAN. lot, 1870. ' attention. WAXT A OOOD VARIETY OF MEAT i RAILROAD SALOON, it 0ii. ; . , l':0 & WRICIin MEAT MARkET, EAST SIDK OF MAIN STREET, AT TH ft Msin Xltm-t- , for FREH OYSTERS, hv tin cue, ( n, or plnte;. Stewp.1, r'r'eil. or Kew. Tlnwe ilt liciouii Itivnlyed arp repiTMt fiaity trotn Itnltinioro Soiuml Pigs', i'eet rrivl. oiv U! cull, JUK bl.U.MJ.J, iHiior. la i CBEE3IWELL NEW YEAR!! CALL CUTTERS . nnOWSISQ, Proprietoi. OYSTERS. OtlDEN quantity of BOB SLEDS and FASCX which they will sell for Cuu or A I.el.. el 7AG0NS. 4 Etc., Elc. East side U.C.R. Clean U. W. Co.have also on baud, SCIIUTLEB'S and SUUDEUAKElt'S SHOES, . MAIN STREET, OGDEN, TJTAH. BOOTS, bene-nitin- less-on- AGRICULTURAL 1,000 lbs. Cod U. T. OGDEN, , , MERCHANDISE, WHITE HOUSE, MASK-STREE- obtsini: iUTitM call. Porsons coming from a distance fur ki" win ne iiu lor tnmr time and trouble in doni If perfect satisfaction is not given. II. B. CLA1VSOX, ltf Superintendent, . PQDEN, ' Where tber have Fresh Beef, Mutton,' Pork, etc, daily. |