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Show t She jdftt $tmduw. Published every Wednesday and Satunlaj. 9 '; IFrora tli Galaxy. A Xovembor Afternoon. V BI.BtCC'A HAItM.NQ fAW8. 4 CONT1MIED. fc are worn out. Why did you stay in the works all day?" coming behind hira and putting her white hands on his shoulder as be sat staring into th fire. When he did not answer, she drew his head back on her breast and kissed his lips. That kiss set fire to the smoldering maduess within the man; but be was always quiet and grave. He looked her steadily in the eyes. How beautiful the Some face was that bent over him! dainty Ariel of a spirit looked out of it which he had never conquered nor owned, He saw that clearly now. She turned away from him at last, and busied herself about the room went down and brought him a cup 'of tea The farce of playing the wife over, she became absent, as was usual with her now; her thoughts far off. He took out the roll of notes and laid them down on the mantel-shel- f. "There is the mortgage-money"Yes." She did not brighten and flush as she wonld once have done. He remembered how often she had taken out her pencil and counted up these savings in a triumphant sum, drawing a little lrame-wor- k of vines about it, and presenting it to mm witn tier joyous little chuckle. , She scarcely glanced at the money now. But he would try her 25. C. HE. OiI. 1870I l,&00 Cash. A VALUABLE OGDEN CITY. OGDEN JUNCTION IS PUBLISHED WHOLESALE&RETAIL ." & SATURDAY And already enjoys an extensive circulation. Dry Goods, Groceries, ' SEMI-WEEKL- EVERY WEDNESDAY For $1,500 PREMIUM FOR ALL. AltCUECTL'ltE, CHEMISTRY, KNUEEKIMJ, AURII'L'LTl'RE Mini tli kindred arts, entors its TWKM'Y-l'in'YEAR on the first day of January next, having a circulation far excucdiug that of anv iiiiiilnr journal now puMishwI. THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT of the scientific Amurican in very ably conilnrteil,' and Home uftliuntoat popular writer in thia Cuuntryauil Europe are contributors. Kvojy number )i;w 16 imperinl pajren, emlirlliHhed with fii eii(rniinit of MACHINERY, SV.W INVENTIONS, TOOLS FOR TUB WOIIKSIIOP, FARM AND HOISB-HOT.DMELLISU ENOEERINti WdRKS, UOU8K8, PU1IL10 BUILDINUH , A journal of o much intrinsic value, ft the low price of fli a rear, ought to tinvc, iu this thriving country, A MILLION R EADEKS. Whoaoever reada the Hcientillc American is entertained anil lUstnjctcd, without being bothered ' with hard words or dry details. TO INVENTORS AND MECHANICS tliis journal is of tipecial value, an it coutainita weekly report of all Pateuta iwued at Washington, with cojiious notices of the Iwling AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN INVENTIONS. The Publishers of the tSciiiiilihiu American are the mot extensive Patent Solicitors in the World, and have facilities for gatherings complete knowledge of the progress of invention and Discovery througuoat the world : and with a iev to mark th quarter of acentury, during which this journal bas held the first place in Scientific and Mechanion Januacal Literature, the Publishers will ry first, the large and splendid SSlm-Engraving by John Sartaiu of Philadelphia,.eiitilled : , ' "MEN OF PROGRESS AMERICAN .INVESTORS, consisting nearly t4Ml ITS COLVMNS General the-air.- The Scientific1870.American Cash. I the plate tp engarre and contains nineteen likeiu'Sfes of Illustrious American Inventors. It is a suiieru work ol art. ! Single picturs, printud on hinivy paisr, will be sold at ilu, but any ouo subscriding lor the Scientific American the pajwr will be sent for one year, together with a copy of the engraving, ou reoiept ol (111. The picture is also ottered as a premium for clubs of Sciiliers. CONTAIN RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, Merchandise. KUNDRFD ANO FIFTY CASH PRIZES. ONE In addition to the alAve preminm, the publishers IIOME CORRESPONDENCE, will pay $1,5411 iu CASH VIU.KS lor lists of sol), scribers sent in by February 10, lli'il. Persons who want to conimt for these jirizes, should send at once for prosjiectus and blanks for names. Terms of Scientific American, one year M.rW ; six months $1,50 ; four months, $1.UI. To clubs of Sjioci-me- n 10 and npwards, terms $i50 per annnm. copies sent free, address the Publishers, MUN.N 37 Park Row, New York. CO, How to get Patents. A jminphlet of Patent to inventors sent free. Laws and instruction FOREIGN CORRESrONDENCE, . I EDUCATIONAL, i AGRICULTURAL, RAILWAY AND . oil-lam- p . c.:. this Week Arrived ...... i 1 isianu gt-u't- , t. ... ( . . hiU . .'..' food nowtm WINBILt Is supplied with the latest improved facilities for turning out every ' ilnirinf inn nf Ia the finest style. , Glass, 100 Sacks A rosters, Hand Bills, . snots, . . .Business BUI ... 159 & Head, Deeds, ' Blanks, . , , ' Party Tickets, Promptly attended to and CLA wsox, IRST-CLAS- S , WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. oue-tL!r- one-thir- d' The Follie rirea( Tycho Bn he, the astronomer, Jfeii. chang- ed color and Lis leg shook under him oa meeting a hare or a fox. Dr. Johnson would, neer enter a room with his left foot foremost, he wouid ztnp bavk and put his right foot foremost JuliusCa'Siir was almost convulsed by the souud of thindcr, and always wanted to get into a cellar or under ground to escape the n use. To Queen K!izab;-tthe simple word was full of horrors. Even trembled cn changed hearing the word pronounced. Talleyrand on 1 color Maoverthrew o- Saxe, who met and armies, tied and screamed in terror at the s;ght of a cut. Peter the Great could never "be persuaded to cross a bridge; though ha tried to master the terror, he. failed to do so; whenever he set foot on one he would shriek out in distress "and agony'. Byron would nevef help any one to ealt at the table, nor would ha be helped himself; if ny of the article happened to be spilt on the. table, he would jump up and leave his meal unfinished. rshal pposing , " Changes . in Hie llanot Jupiter. COMPANY. J ' ELGIN WATCHES! D Railroad Companies, thoroughly convinced of their superiority, baa furnished ttiem te their Engineers, and taey are prononnoed by Hi em to be the ol on est running American Railway Watches yet manufactured, and fully equal to some of the tnest impoi ted Ytstehes as correct No Movements retailed by the Company. Call so four Jeweler and ask to see them. ' Time-keeper- Business Office and Salesrooms, 159 & 161 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BR.ANCITFS. trnvi-rxipp- Astronomers have had peculiar oppor tunities for observing the planet Jupiter during this year, and especially for the last two months. Prof. J.ohn Browning, in a letter to Nature, calls attention to some curious change of color in parts of its surfaces. "The belts on the planet," Jinn i iiihi.iu,.. V he remarks, "are, more than usually nui merous, and they display a greater vari,- -i , i , ety of colors than I have ever yet seen ascribed to them. The equatorial hcU which' has been im- - vt ars il:e hri'ntf-s- t of the planet, is uuw not souih; usu part 3EXGIN "WATCHES ! ally it has been free from markings which resemble piled-u- p cnmiilous clouds-I- t has generally been colorlees,. shining ' :! SIX STYLES NOW IN MARKET. with a silver gray or pearly luster; now G. M. "WTieeler, it is of a rich, deep yellow greatly resemB. W. Eaymond, bling the color of electrotyped gold." Mat. Laflin, E. Z. Culver, Professor Browning (kinks thu changes H. H. Taylor, J. T. Eyorson. may be the result of changes in the planet But recentlf placed cefbre the pnblio, tho itself, and invites the atteuiton of stereoeCPERIORITt OF THK8B WATCUta IN DEscopic observers to them. As it is generSIGN AND CONSTRUCTION has already secured for them a National and the ally believed that Jupiter shines partly for thorn, has so Bapldly Increased that the by its own light, not merely by reflecting Company have been compelled to make large me to light or the sun, the subject has force of additions their kniptoyes and Machinery, In order to meet the requirements of the Trade. peculiar interest in connection with the Railroad men, and others desiring an accurate researches now going on into the cous'i' ad reliable Watch, are invited to examine the B. tution of the stars and planets. W. Barmond nvemcnta. One of our leading WATCH mm Cards, etc., etc. , ' i . -- Order Books, Invitations, . and Nalrttronms Xational Watch Company, 161 LAKE ST., CHICAGO. Offlfm NATIONAL - . ir. M. ; Betalled 'Tele- The strike of telegraphers may prove, quite timely, for we are promised improvement ia the business which will greatly diminish' the number of hands needed. The national telegraph company of New York, with 1). H. Craig' former agent of, the associated pre,, at its head, is about to introduce what U Called "Little's automatic system of telegraphy," by which it is claimed that one operator can- transmit as much on one wire as ten operators now can on ten wires. George It. Hicks, western associated press agent at Cleveland, has given the sysiem a t horough test, and he says that two hundred words per minute ean be transmitted, and children can prepare the dispatches at the rate of eight hundred words each per hour. Tli3 system has also this great additional advantage that disputcUts - are transmitted with literal accuracy, and there is no. chance of mistake; The Little process i:i thus described! A ribbon of paper is perforated by a machine with the characters it is proThe transmitting posed to transmit. is a magnetic engine or motor of the usual construction, with a governor to keep its speed uniform. i,The receiving runchine is essentially the ame. A ribbon or paper, perforated, is placed upon a roller, and the engine is set in motion by a two-cu- p battery, a wheel with a platinum edge or pen, constructed like a brush, is made to press upon the paper, and the connection of the wires is such that, in traversing the spaces punctured out of the paper ribbon, a current is sent upon the line, the paj.r iVp'.f, while, when the current is broken, this l.eiug a nonconductor. At lht receiving station, i paper chemically prepared, and of very sensitive nature, is used,, so, that the least current- transmitted will, by decomposing the elements used in preparing the paper, have traced upon it in bold black characters, an exact facsimile of the characters perforated at the transmitting station. A new system has lately been introduced in England, called the Bolton code, which seems to consist mainly in the abbreviation of dispatches by signs. This is the account given of it : It consists in an arrangement of figures to certain sentences and phrases in our liinguiigeandn no case do they extend to more than, a group of five, so as te m::ke the groups equivalent to words, which it does, since live letters form the mean number in the words of our language. The whole language has been carefully grouped in this way, so thsta person is enabled to code a message of tweny words in two groups, each of live figures. By the code the transmission of messages is effected by means of a tiiiiei ical instiad of by the ordinary Morse spelling process, and it is bastd upon a combination of symbols coexist ing oTdots and da.'hes, Ly tlti y si era, d tu the time and number 'of symbols are saved over tiie Morse sjst'em. , Putting the two' things together, we o igut toon to nave more accurate, reli able, and cheap work by the telegraph. Kochy Mountain Acui. Pa, hj tie Coropiny. CALL ON TOTTK JB WELLES AND ASK TO SIX THX ILOIN WATCHES. Letter Heads, t ..... j Maiden Lane, Now York. CO.. S Maiden Lane, New York. ft HENNEOEK, PltUburgh, JZKEUfS ft HATCH. BCOTT Ko atovementa ... 4- . ;-- ' g TOB. ' v ROUUt ladles' Watches, of elegant design' and finish, and a Gentleman's Watch, of equal merit for unsurpassed qualities with the "B. W. Raymond," but of smaller size, superior to anyIn this country, will manufactured thing yet ,, shortly be placed in market. ., ORDERS, f r, i ... ft CO., ' Cincinnati, Ohio. MIDDLJETON BROS., 10 llaidea Lane, N. 7. ' . r. - Sue ar, r C. V. HAPPEL nnn,to, oo, ft 4) 500 Gals. Coal Oil, e BIM!, WHJSEIilK, PAH80N3 ft -- . B. OPFIX1IE1XIR ft CO, NitiosAl Watch Covpawt, Cricaso: Osiers : The watches of your make, sold by ns during the past year, have, with scarcely an exception, given more than ordinary satisfaction, and are proving to be all that you claim for them as accurate and durable Taking into consideration the improvements you have introduced in their construction, and the general fineness of finish of even the lowest grade, we regard them as being well worth their price, and take great satisfaction in selling them to such of Our customers as desire good PALitiS, BACH ELDERS ft CO., lea Washington St., Boston. , WAHSZK ft 8PADONE, JOB PJIIXTIjS'G , a. rn.iia"co., w. J.O. ASHLSMAS, . ruisaiiETia a co., . oo. U. UOMBIIQ The names above wlU be recognized as the .f Chiritgn. They have no pecuni ary interest in the Company, but Ireely testify ai to the genuine merit of the watches, which for the past year have been eoid by them. . 50 Box'sWiudow ... BBO. CO., W. M. ft J. B. M4TO, Moasa,ODiiif mm f- M'lLWAnr, UZl inRPRINTIT,OFPIIE 50 No. 7 Rouk lu, . OGDEN JUNCTION 300 Kegs: Nails, ELGIN WATCHES KATT0SAL WATCH COMPANY: Having carefully examined and tested your watches, we find them perfect in all their parts, of One finish, and well adapted to the wants of the pnblia. We consider them the best made watches in America for the price, and equal to the finest European Watches, for accurate time, that cost doable or three times the money. Wo cheerfully recommend them to all parties wishing TIIE ss - NEWS. DOMESTIC . Improvement ' in graphing. WORLD ! ! Thi Ht.lcixliill V tlliirtrntH wwkly jminml of POVUI.AH 8C1E.VCK, MECHANICS, WVKVI'lO.N, "Yes, I suppose so," following him. "Going to clear your .mortgage, eh? mats clever, Hell, there you are, counting out the notes and smiling over lne counter. Bam smiled back at him, Then ho went out, and down to Saul & Crompton s. lie would meet her there, if it was true: the devil whispered that into inn ear as a certainly. Jle had been elantling by the window for about an hour when Joe Houston passed. People went in and out of the show-- , rooms; but .Mary's slight figure, in the well-wor- n browa suit, was not among mem. ue peered in now and hen through the shining vista of gilt work and colored glass, to see Crompton. He would know him at the first sight, he Knew "tan, genial ana handsome." There was no one like him among the dapper little clerks. It began to grow arK ai lasi, tie went in. further. "Is Mr. Crompton in?" "I. cannot use it for the mortgage "lu his private office, sir. Second Stouch refuses to pay the back sal floor. Will you walk up?" One of the clerks was coming down ary. "Then the mortgage will be foreclosed the stairs. "He is engaged just now, AND And you will lose your mil. a lauy. home?" She came suddenly close to "Will you wait, sir," said the first. him, her face her dark eyes "Sit down," pushing a slool toward hiui, wet and full of colorless, Not love. He wus pity. eceing how while and weak he was. not deceived. '.'I ll k outside, into " Not love. "tou may miss Mr. Crompton. He No wonder she had some little com comes down the private stairs often on passion for the man in whose bosom she the other street. Shall I stud your hiui lain years, on this night when she name up?" meant to fly from hira. "Poor old "No." ' ' ' He went out to the other street. He Sara!" "The loss of the house matters little inew Crompton would come down the to us now . ; , ,1 private stairs. He knew who would be nny, iTilinougnt your nearl was with hira. The door of this side en- bound Assortments of which are constantly up in it." She paused suddenly trance was narrow; there was a fruita keen suspicion flashing into her face. " tiefng replenished' with nQheSlaple erer's statl nextta it. Standing in the "nnai eise nave you lost;-ehadow, Bcudor was' almost "concealed a moment there was silence, the Items necessary for Families and for from view. . .. M' husband and wife looking steadily a Half an hour passed. The State-hous- e each other, the with burning clock struck fiya. He moved to go away. uncertain yellow flushes between them ,L JOBBING TRADE. . r . i After all, it mijrht be but a devilish i i ,i j noi Know, ne saia at. last, in as i uu dream. Mary was at home, doubtless, quiet a tone as though replying to an watching at the window for him, with ordinary question, "what there is left Jackey in her arms. to me. I here is nothing on God's earth The door opened. There was a mo- that l can call my own I ' incut's pause, and then a mnn's voice: she did not answer by a word: but ' ,vTuk caie! Tue are dark. stood motionless, with the same pene Give me your hand." iooic nxea ' on . him. , .t W ... K i: A ringing rich voice, such as would trating,, uonouui i '. Now, Mary was not naturally a reticent ' -r to ,1 a genial, love making Irish- woman; all heremotions bubbled .J.'. 'belong .7,...' istraight man, softened now to a very tender ino me sunace. Mie baa been a ?av flection. Then there was a quick, light giddy girl; and now, when she was I step upon the stairs. Bender had mother, she kept the house alive with learned to know it years ago. They what her husband centered as a most camejmit together on the pavement. uumatronly sinninr. a dress almost Mary touched her hus- jesting, laughing most of the time, and band; it wns her one good dress, the wasmngl away- any trouble in a shower brown silk so long kept for church. She of tears. Her immobility now proved had a bit of blue chenille, too, twisted now eep his thrust bad wounded her. in and out of the coils of her black hair. t. i " ouve nobody in the world! No. It was many a day since she had taken (Assorted Sizes,) Not even me," she said, slowly. body! that trouble, to. look fair in his eyes! last. She turned to the window, put The spoke together in a low tone, ting her hand for support, on an old Crompton urging something w,ich gl,c chair that stood there. It was a worn faintly resisted. He prevailed at tthaVhy cliotr, but U IIUIKCd 001 U nj though. the children in it; Jackey and little Jen "I will, be there at nine, then?" rais- ny Jenny, who was dead, who would " ' ' V i ing his voice.' never lie on her breast strain. Did sh "At nine if you will," she said remember? She looked at it, and then I at him for a moment; and then, without j "Will it be safe?" a word, turned away and left the room.c "Oh, quite .safe. He goes to bed lie knew that she wonbt nevef 'enter - early since his sickness. Poor old Sain!" it again. It was strange how many of with a nervous laugh. j these intuitions, "amounting to certaur- "Shall I not go home with you now? He thought ties, came to him It grows late." mat in tins of his "No, no. We may be seen together." bad pain, hira a great crisisclearness life, of ! spiritual given He held her hand in his a moment, Another person might have insight. s: u.i... and then sho was gone. Crompton that the devil helped him. Stood still, looking site? her. Bender suggested Uii'. to bk continued. came up the pavement and faced hira. His face whs so ghastly and menacing i . . ..." . Ir v that" the younger man drew back, and Chinese in (his Country. I ,1 the air died On his lips which he was softly humming. The low sunlight fell The most extravagant notions prevail on his gallantly dressed figure as he atw4-theron the flushed, handsome as to the number of Chinese now in face, with its full, reddish beard and California. The recent publication of a hair. report prepared by the San Francisco Sam halted, and then went on. ''Poor devil; 1 wonder whether women Chinese Protection Society gives us, for or whisky have driven him mad," the first time, something like a true thought Crompton, beginning his tune s'atemcnt of the extent of Chinese im' again a moment alter. Bender went down toward Fourth migration to California, with other in v street, with slow, resolute stops. His teresting statistics. The total number of old strength seemed to have come buck arrivals on the Pacific coast since Chi to him in the lust half hour. Stopping nese immigration began is 138,580. Of at a large boarding-hous- e he sent in these 87,323 have returned, 19,420 have for Ward, the hunk clerk. They had been old chuu.s in Beadur's bachelor died; 90,837 have remained on the coast; . v of whom 81,000 are in . days. California, 7,000 Lend me your revolver, Horace; I'll in in Montana, 10,000 in 12,000 Nevada, And a Tariety of otLer Items ia be done with it by Mine , is broken and I never bought an- Idaho, 8,000 in Oregon, 8,600 in the line of the Pacifio Hailway, and 4,000 in Coother." ; . "Of course." Ward vanished and lorado, Utah and the Southern States. DRY GOODS, 'What are reappeared in a moment. Of the 41,000 in California, 4,800 are you going to shout, Sam rats?" Bender took the pistol and turned women, '8,000 'are children," 1,307 are Away without speaking. -- He had bsen old and decrepit,, 80 are in the State CI.OTIIIXO, deaf and blind to every sight or sound prison, 103 are in different jails: leaving of the streets since Mary's voice rung 81,700 active adult males of which some in his ears. After "he was gone his 14,000 are in San Francisco; and in the manner recurred" to Ward as strange same city there are 2,606 Chinese wo, ahd.u,npleaeant. "I believe 1 11 go after men and 750 children. him," he thought. But dinner was These statistics are trustworthy, since , . BOOTS, ready, and he turned back into the they are carefully made tip from the redark entryr and. being a feather-heade- d turns of the "six companies," which young fellow, forgot the whole matter keep a record of every Chinese man, i woman and child arriving in or leaving 4 speedily,; j The pistol was not charged. Bonder the State. These companies are regu. . ; . ; stopped at a shop on the way up the larly organized, with chief offices in EEtc. street, and loaded it carefully. It was China, under the direct control of the nearly dark when he reached his own Chinese Government. They collect and s ( remit to China the savings of the Chilteps. j r Mary opened the door before he could nese in small sums of from $2 to $100, touch it. She wore yet her silk dress and the aggregate' amouuts to from and her pretty collar of fine lace; her $20,C00 to $100,000 by every steamer; hair was curled about her face; her and in general they exercise a superwere pink and hot; her liquid visory care over the interests 6f the ChiIcheeksbrilliant with a new fire. He saw nese population. The too general imeyes it all. What was it that Morris had pression that large numbers of Chinese All Orderi addressed to 8. P.TBASDEL, said about their hunger for a repetition are shipped to this country as "coolies" of the old love making days? She put up is refuted by the faots that no emigrant will have prompt Qgden City, her meuth to be kissed, as usul. and can leave any Chinese port without a h9 when attention. passed her, hurried in after him, permit from the resident American contaking his hand. sul, who must be satisfied that auoh "Poor old papa! He's tired! Go in, emigrant goes free on board, and in California there is an emigration agent Jsckey; don't worry father now." i S(f sklHed) ia Hleooption already! She whose duty it Is to see that every arri' was teadiig Inih into the dining-rooving Chinamen's papers are correct. where supper was spread: but he put The State laws also the landher quietly aside and parsed up to his ing of emigrants who prohibit are not entirely ' Sumvl it h ilon t. own room. She lollowed Jum. "You fieo, ; IN THE THE BEST BUSINESS CAI2.B3. MERCHANT AND l":()HfS10X 1L INVERT should have a supply. c WIil do them iu the be.t style of the art. At one of pur army hospitals there ws' surprising surgeon w ho hadtherep"-tatio- he of loving the knife and saw: loved to hew end hack ibe poor patin brought to the hospital, to show j3ghi skill. After one of his last operations a wounded soldier, the surgeon's attendant stood looking at the two pieces of mortality lying on the Mirgeon's table. ""What are you doing, sir?" sharp! J a ' n D asked the surgeon. "1 was waiting for you to point on' which piece is to be put to bed and whicn is to be buried." |