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Show pr "pUbderyllily fltrnr function. "", Sa,ur1,l-T- - MrsEi Mrn Mnaokrik. Visitors to Salt Lake City would ..to. wefl to pay a visit to the Uusuw and Menagerie, a short- - distance east of the Detect New Office: John W. Young, Esq., its proprietor, has made an excellent start in the right djiwetion. The world was not made in day, and it cannot be' ex, pected that a museum oh a grand scle, can be collected. it is a work of tiaHvcare,. taste and judgment. But a nucleus has- - been formed, around which we hope will be eathered ob jects of interebt- from all parts of the worm, anu especially tne naturat productions of the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdom in this Territory. The menagerie already contains specimens of the black, cinnamon, and grizxly bear, Mich-taile- d deer, wild cat, fox, owl horned &js. The eagle; crow, .hawk, museum contains- - many mineralogical specimens, fossils, woods, American Indian, and! East' Indian relics,, idols, Sandwich Island curiosities, coins, pot-kr&c:, &y. Signor Sangtovanni superintends the oollectiontand gives interest to the exhibition by his presence, urbanity and interesting explanations. It is the desire and' intention of Mr. Young to make his musuem and menagerie a representation to the visitor from abroad of the natural productions,, skill! and enterprise of Utah. Specimens of every kind will be gladly received) by Mr. Young, and due acknowledgement made to the contributor; and we urge the mutter upon the attention of our friends north and south. Abounding, as this- Country does with objects of interest to the traveller, we ought to have a first class collection, and as our people are anxious to spread knowledge abroad, every person, who can do so, should contribute something to forward this enterprise, and the establishment of a museum worthy of our mountain State. Jtuit as we are going so press, we learn, by letter from the Signor, that Bishop A bra in Hatch hae- - contributed a specimen of native marble, in its natural state, and a polished slab of the swme stone, from Pbovo Valley. The Bishop bus set a good example. Gentle reader, "Go thou and do likewise." . . UTAireiTTRAL On TKUCKEE lUTEK i day oSeptcmber, IB69, Uo astronomers, one at Oxford, the other at Loudon, .were at the &me A petition signed Skw rosTMASTKR time watching the spots os. the. disc of PIOXEEK LIKE OF UTAH. and respectable the most influential ON AND AETER: the sun; end both at the same moment- 'citizens of Ogden, haa been forwarded saw certain of to patches strange, proeure bright to the Postmaster .General,. light break out in front of the cluster of TV H. Peery, Esq., the appointment 5 So brilliant vera they, that the obser' office- of Postmaster for to the Tacant The Central Rilttd, .which is Utah at vers first thought that the darken the gentleman in this city. We hope screens to attached their ing telescopes 'authority, will, pay ;piore respect to the mut have become fracturd. But this NOW COMPLETED FROM on this i was1 occasion, the not found of oase. to The be the people, wishes Have spot j indicated. a, prooea thai biglt than he has when similar peiitions was going 611 upon the sun's surfac in TO been forwarded from other places so rapid that in fi7e minutes process not the spots had traveled oyer a spacp of this Territory. "Ask and yo shall U. S. THE ONLY PAPER IN ! r nearly 84.Q00 milcs. receive," seems to bo the motto of At was same the this time that very ? official, when applied to Utah' affairs. WILL fig taking place, magnetic storms swept OCGENJ Still we hope for better thyigs.and trust instantaneously so subsequent observadisbe not hall tions h both lytanspheres OPEN FOR FREIGHT .that, in this case, we of our globe. ' At Washington and' Phila appointed. delphia the signal men in the telegraphic PASSEXCERS. offices received sharp electric shocks; the IsBiosATidn Hj!BTI!. On Thursday of tracing pen. used in Bain's last, the ladies of Salt Lake City, met telegraphy was followed by a flajne; Trains Suit Laty Q'tyat 7 a.m., pud nrriva Jjv and in Norway telegraphic machinery o express their in the Old Tabornaele, hi city tf.Sliuu., nd1ete thii city tit at was set on fire. Boreal and auntral ' 0 p.m., undarrtvi) in Buit Luke City" indignation at the attempt, made of auroras were seen that night with un . at 8.20 ji. in. SEMI-WEEKLeertain members of Congress, to deusual splendor as the disturbed needle fathers- and sons their colored streamers their husbands, vibrated, wawng prive in the- - heave, insoiiMioh that it was Fur ell infofitUiH gui'iotu1 'Frelglit or Tain Jj?5 ef their constitutional rights. That evident the that disturbance on the embodiment of folly and" wickedness, sun's surface had instantaneously comJOSEPH A. YOUNG, municated to the earth magnetic thrills known as Cullom's Bill, received a seSUl'KRINTKSUEXT. which vibrated from pole to pole. vere handling. The ladies expressed Hot is this all. Ihere is a strange m favor of themselves emphatically conueotion oftentimes between the action and protested against of these magnetic forces and the pheno plural marriage, mena or earthquakes and volcanoes. In any interference on the part ef Con GOrtH deed it has been recently argued that fult lk City to TToreTii Cfow gress with their domestic relations. " " ' 76et. (Vntruvillo the cause the lb is of be latter found u KanuiiiBton " " The Tabernacle was densely crowded, $1.00 not in the subterranean fires of our '1.35 nd the audience was, with, the exceptglobe expanding vuporu, and giving them lino a two destructive the but of electri in ion agency, reporters, composed entirely The People' Paperl to communicated our city globe by the D. 0. CALDKR, ef the gentler sex. We understand that sun. But be this as it may, it is a anJ Frriglit Agrtit. a certain masculine, who is said' to be a startling fact that there is a force-A Paper for all Classed lineal descendant of the far famed Esop, on itself the face of the manifesting sun, simply as a brilliant light flashing attempted to gain admittance, but the over its surfuce, that can, through an favor of his company wa rcspeo- fully interval of ninety-fiv- e millions of miles, declined. instantaneously operate on our earth. blaze along our telegraphic wires, give Miss E. R. Snow, Mrs. Kimball, Mrs. electric shocks to the signal men sta Bathsheha W. Smith, Mrs. McGinn,-Mrtioned by them, flash Northern lights East and Mrs. Mr. Mayer, Professor Hermann's through the heavens, thrill the very the meeting in an eloquent and impresstrom pole to pole with magnetic EASTERN CONNECTIONS. agont, is in town., endeavoring to ar globe disturb the repose of na TBI DIUCT ive manner. influences, a for range performance. ture, and perhaps rock the solid earth Tnroni Passenger anil Freislit Routt? TlflSas some its if at in surface, places Accidkut ok U. P. We have just PoKKTv Beware of Stales parVL Se least, were a mere scale on a boiling sea NIAGARA FALL8 received a visit from M. A. Fuller, Esq. veral deatos from tnat most Hormble or nre. M. D., of Chicago, who reports aa acci- Bui here is aa agent, a mysterious and disgusting disease, Trichina, have force, thut annihilates distance, as light deat to the westward! bound train, AND ALL POINTS EAST. lately occurred in the East, mostly in cannot dt perhaps on Monday last at 3 pm. It appears Illinois. "As a man thinketh so is he," cannot do it;it, as gravitation Til CIUHATIO we know not originating, that a mans of frozen siro-- blocked up said the ancient sage. As a rnan eateth ehowi.-ibut on itself the how, when, the track near Carter station, with so is he, may with some propriety be sun, traveling almost in on instant OOSTatM or th. ipMdy tnmporUtlon of all kind of frlht which the train, drawn by two engines, said of hit corporeal nature. If you through the bounds of the solar sys J without tran4hlpmeiit, rnni txclsuv ovr tl came into violent contact. The tender don't want to be "hoggish," don't eat tem,, telegraphing as it wara U the ex of the first engine was precipitated over much pork; if you don't want to look treiuitic of creation without any instru a teep bank on the north side- of th "nue?pwli, don t eat too much mutton; mentality of wires or connections, the 1 Tij only Boitern Un from CkJotf ' The Latest Telegraphic Kew li ,e, while the second engine tipped over if you don t want to look "green. ruoDiag ta iHnlnc' will of th great Maker, reaching ai d flie south side. Only one person was intoo Ahem! don't cat we'd many veg. affecting the fibres of all things, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars jureda fireman, whose haud was badly better not follow the argument any breaking up th repose fliving and Uare, 0B. lta FMMBftf Train. crushed; fortunately for hiai, Mr. Fuller further ean't see where it will lead to. forth al ence the mos) magnifi had his surgical iunfreniients in readi- But, seriously, if you mutt have pork, calling H. Z. 81BCE5T, G.a'l Sap't, OdeaffO. volor cent northern- light ont Articles on all the displays ness and his wounds were H. O.WKNTWOBTH, O.n'l Put. Att, Chicago. promptly at- raise it yourselves, and leeu it on canic force, till the solid globe reels at-tended to. The passengers had to wait wholesome food. rock atlta noiseless touch! until 3 a. in. on Tuesday, when they i- .4 Tj mtli ua Topic of the Da u-r - -- JL Who can holn fioliiiu tti.t .11 were transferred to a train, which was material sink into forces insignificance An Aged Burned to before this subtle ou its way eastward. &M-W6- S agency, the mystery Weath.. of .which must be resolved into the infinite will of the Creator! What a Being Fobqert. A short time since a letter Yesterday morning there occurred i this city, which, must He be who holds it in His hand, or accident C. distressing C. signed Goodwin, appeared, in the from its very nature, must Henry even who breathes it forth, as it were, to ful- The Uroct ronta from Ok AHA to CHICAOO columns of an obscure paper which is AS AN ADVERTISING those who are accustemd to the recital fil His mandates! What is man, or and the Eajt, what axe bis. all however out Northin its works, last days the stupen dwindling of all manner of modem sensations. ' WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. or- elaborate, while we contemplate Mrs. dous ern part of this MEDIUM .i ' : 1. L .T Territory. The object For some years past,'25 Mr. awl 01 ' '. lue the c&uiuiuou wuicn latter aad power formes the a .mazing ef the letter was to create an hnpressioa Stnnnis, . 1. i i .1 an lUHiani, can travel inroueu an Tw Puxt Tiooa Turn lat tha Viuttni 2 years, of age, have been living with that the Mormon?, in Cuche Valley were THE JUNCTION HAS the family ef their son, No. 310 Clark these vat plauetary spaces, and in a Sma, opaosiU Okabi, upon tha arrival Wait over from tba th turning away in hosts from "the des- street. They occupied apartments in single moment Can execute the will of atTtaini Hun who sends it with the speed and FEW EQUALS potic rule of the Priesthood." It con- the Fecond story of the residence. XJNIOW PACIFIC RAILWAY. of and the t which, lightning, morning, about 7 o'clock, Mrs. precision tained the usual twaddle about "iron arose from her bed without dis- having shot through space, with eusrg? Stanuis IN THIS- - WESTERN heel" "priestly IIS Vila ihortaf tyranny" and so forth, turbing her aged partner, and began still unspent, can rend the recks, atd Thli being tha direct rants, and noara Hare in lowar the Uaa, tbaa lima, cover make and the mountains and was made much of quake, by the paper al- dressing herself by a fire which was aod InaarM connection! with ail Kaa. COUNTRY. She was the niMnight heavens with splendors luded to Hbove. Mr. Goodwin, who is burning briskly in the grate ra Southern Kailwari, paaa- boldest which befor the . unutterable, some she means angara barkic oiwice,. " a respectable citizen of Logan, wishes very feeble, and by XEonteafaitol 'fJ y and the boldest heart approached too near the grate, and faces grow pale, s CUcago. r i I us to state that the letter is a forgery. brought her clothing in contact with grow weak! The Evangelitt. THVOTJOH T9 All; The Term ef Advertising are a reasonCHEtKKB He knows the fire. In an instant she was envelnothing of it, nor of the X1STKBI emu. She screamed for oped in flames. able tu coula he desired. Bheet, in which it was published, but the apartments of the Coach run Falaet man' until informed of it by the pcrspn to Bloeplnf full family were too far removed, and the There is reason to believe that we owe whom the through to CMoag without change. paper was sent, and by the, by doors too effectually cut off communica- many of the best Ualluds of the north of it was the only copy of the sheet ever tion for her cries to be heard. Her :'e'(v. nUMLl. Europe, ancient or modern, to tie wii of r. PATRICK, alaf m aroused her hrtsbandK whose' in cultivated women. Of such poem tn known to appear in Logan. OMtraaa. Aft, CUaatA Thinking and fright combined prevented Denmark, found in manuscript 300 that, perhaps, other copies might find firmity htm trom rendering any prompt assist- years old, Dr. Prior writes in the intro their way in the same manner, to various ance. He mingled bis cries with hers, duction to his translation or tne. mnir 'sound c finally Danith Ballads 'OnfrHlriny is- pretty aw g parts of the country, and that thereby and '.the reached .the inmates below. They clear, that in great part they are the his Merchant who want to Hell reputation among his friends might rushed to the room and opened the door composition of ladioa,, The manuscripts i be damaged, he desires us to state his .uLichXairlv in which mill aitIiL nnln in wittuiu r their Goodn will do well f C they are preserved are almost i n most unqualified denial of the authorsfroze them with horror. Upon th poor one of them in female handwriting, hip of the letter, and his contempt for lay the lifelecs body of the aged wife ever? Advertise in the Junction. alone might load us to expect that which A BLOCK EAST OF THE tle views expressed therein. Whether nau females had composed them." And he HALF wnicn tne names, and lor 'JUNCTION" OFFICE, OGDEN. the letter in question was fabricated at humed and crisDed a portion of her adds the reasons from iaternal evidenoe, the office whence the sheet is issued, or body had also been inhaled, and death "which justify us in admitting the con All Orders personally and promptly r its editor has been imposed Mechanic can doubtles in Over her clu sions in which Qeblenschllager, N.M upon, the followed almost instantly. atten'dd to. person who signed Mr. Goodwin's name form bent the frenxied Petersen and' bthcr Dtfnisn critics have old man; poor to the ridiculons Ad creae their production, has acted with alarm and weak from exitment, arrived, that we are indebted foe most Every Artlelamauufiu'tnrwl ly n la warranto! to a a mean and uut be moutlN imi Qiuioruu. and the to recall life manner, to cowardly of them to the Hdfes." So it has been, deserves the contempt of all honest men vaiuly endeavoring loved so vertising in th Junction. one whom he had many years, doubtless, with the Scotch ballads. And " and women. and who had shared with him the bles there- is do reason why it should dis COAU nearly hearten lis to know that this, one of tne LUMBER-YARD- . sings and sorrows of life for s a sad feminine gifts and graces, had not by any of a century. Oc.oks Valley. The road to Ogden three-fourtCRAIN DEPOTV MEAT, and melancholy spectacle, and one which means died out at the beginning of tie Galley has been & GENERAL PROVISION impassable since Satur- will cast a gloom over the family in was it eitinet eighteenth co.ntury. Nor day morning, but it is now so far broken MARItET. MAIN STREET, OfDKN. which the sorrowful accident occurred. when Lady Nairn wrote Tlie Land 0 M to admit of As the life of the poor woman had the Leal, er when Lady Branard wrote travel in sleighs; though JOHN R. TOOL, Proprietor. ' for a considerable distance, travellers to passed away, the 'medical assistance AuUl Robin Gray. There must be Bold on Conmiiminu. la N.B. htjH and ihlnglo was summoned at once- availed wrong-twisthe way of study that the land of ' Eden have t foot it through which It hts been frequently demonstrated nothini. The house wherein a happy would lead any one to fancy this a griev T. snow, which they will find to be two Christmas-tre- e would have stood: this ance. that judicious Advertising i the road to fwt deep en the level when TIN AND IROft rUTE WORKER, t they arrive morning, was suddenly and unexpectia-thin very uepartmeol pt Trade, L'loclct Weet 0 the OgdtA aece nine valley of the mountains. edly concerted into a bouse c mourn , If the worship, of, Cod.Wajat Prest. Hammond's lady and Mrs. FerLor4-write upon house, kaemerjNEATLY EXKri'TKI), OV PTIOT W invite the public of Ogden and else " nave been detained kere for several Mrs. Slannis was a lady well and us," upon the door, for there is a plague, arm on "UTS. w wish them a j iirf was a native a curse in She known. Rerespectably it, plcasanter trip says Phillip Henry. where to give n their Advertisements HolMta!. hflme th hud lived in thia city ligion will never thrive in any commuPatronage of but .Ireland, 14m r itadin Wpromiaa She leaves, over forty years. for iosertio In th Jukciios. ' ' nity ot in'any ohurch in which family dition to her husband, several married prayer is neglected. Nothing so cements C. children in thia city to mourn her loss, and sanctifies a family prayer. veb.cohi bt BACcaira. On Salcr- -. heaven a and relatives large many Rlrcrdalc,' near Ogdon J evening on going up town we no-- circle of friends. To them the blow A cowardly fellow kicked a newsboy to a biped i tne hands of two him Cincinnati the other for. buy will a pestering daj Rwnpictfuily Infliriini tia JnUiUiU'of Ogilea prove heavy 911, police an evening paper. The lad's revenue and vicinity ttist liio new ouirer. Who were to vainly endeavoring was ingenious and complete. He waited l mm on his The. above clipping is published" as a feet, which appeared to till another boy accosted "the gent," an J now in full operation, unit that lie l prnnnd caution to both parents and children; to then shouted in the hearing of all by la "? made of a suhsta to .npiily hi. IMtriinK with, un eirejlunt quality iif for they just wouldn't stiffen, be burnt to death is a horriblfl'tBrra114, standers, "IV uo waa trying himA JifM Vri'fcU. AND HOLK I.KAT11KK; aUo with. ii Prtunate individual had re- The Circulation of the Junction BOOTS AM) SHOTS, earthly career. Too much be yu several tunes in thn mnU.in snow. tion to our to ItietKS 8lyla,of Wcrkiuanliip. caution cannot be exercised, - when was picked TherA are 23C.00O thrashing machines rUinHfartitrxl ; . i slreadu large up bodily by the police Children, taka n the United State without the "schopt and Baric wanted. and is .CHrrifd calaboose, Genlle fire is approached. marms." constuntig increasing. Treacherous Bacchus I , care I- - v; - tfie-.trs- UAILUOAJ). LUMBER OGDEN JUNCTION. - .".'?' YARD, OGDEIST C.P.B.K. DI3FOT SAkT, liAKE-- CITY, : 4D pvoved-ptkroog- 150,000 feet of Boards y, - AT Y Only per Year. $Ul)cr thousand fL - - s. 300,000 Shingles per thousand Tit-kc- Great Central Route. MICHIGAN CENTRAL ill Zl.XXrtOL33 LeviRi-ternddresse- NEW YORii, BOSTON OGDEN JUNCTION' 'BUJE LIKE" Sawed Shingles $.7t?jcr thousand. Great Central Jtqute - - - d i-- Planed Lumber .(ONE SIDE) 1 TaIy $GSiier thousand ft RAILWAY. I 1 . 1 Yes-te'rdt- iy il insig-nifice- ' ;- . '.t ',; . A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Doors, Sash Boor Raised, Panelled and Moulded. , nt t. i. heart-rendin- - 'S.6. TUCKER, Cniioiitor Oalinct Joiitei, Mallei, .'.(:'? Sash, Mined and Glazed, . : Always kept on hand. . -- lul.by hs . Orders received for alt ' Kinds of , '" k: uviiiDixa i.i.iu;i:i:, KXTH i SIZE WOOKS, , - SASH, BUXDS, t II. 'e ... e w JOHN TH03irSOX 1 -- liATIT, and PBESiS UMBER or CTory leKcrip(ioin trill be promptly attended to. .: f "i "V. .V TANNEBY ?sy:T n vmen: X.Ji.Jlide ' S d r cr .MM. D.W. PARKIIURST, PROPRIETOR, 3tf |