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Show EE part'ire, he- jeo!area iv.nis- wnu.iuai wid btfj uuou'sang; ."Sow Wu goue ."Uhad been- visited by the spirits ol Ae Laiter-Bli- e .$H."VJv1, H,n.rti.eo,,ie. w must be testcl to proveCrecalt hiiu." or ,nis reiauvef Pitihuhvi vt?rjr WJunnJu'y hiiJ Enuiiidiiy. rgation wa then dismi.d, lay Ulaintd. . . ll A. IQ-.,. , ted . MltO CXtirettHeU .., i. innninliiilUirlin .1 IB .1.. h,l uw l",f I we ill tiavinir tiie )rwui!:e ir iaiaiii2 dv iut: r.illi inl eacii o.uxt. n prove wuu miuejjuiim nu,.rl)viut.n..u of the fron.hiheir it to n mission i last a offini' ihkii' Siam, look welcoming joy 1i.4ioi a at and n the h project I'ul, v no' unly lneot OWDK.Yy TAIL to tneu' society. At sixgj Lake City on the 21st November.iiiin tin, but i.ll the juM anl purlin heart Kitixliop'ii remains .' j' clock o the morning of the tHh iflst.. MorBtfft-Jaa- . 15, l'SjO.j, u iMW. "WejhW'Mto a hands rtnrfcking the southern route tu, California M fan be 0UF rjoicia. theWily was enclose.!-i-- tern:: ..... i :.. trnm San KmnoiwiM) lor liii'rJj- lis noble spirit passed away to the Man umui .ii- In UUL uur imiic, i c uuuit r: ikhuici iii iiiiiiiiiiiuua ctLiiirj Uull'l tiniii 2'Jtb on Indies Jan.,. 3853, iflid lantl-- sions of the just He expired in tin but for a "ea.on, then pans away Hrosewood. The. lid, Uich - was made inwHaHt Funer.il ol' 1Um1ii t'lmuh- - Sli1 Tt... tk3 f .Jl . his wife, Col. 1). Gamble. on -u Otn April, iteviauet. iU ?B;.: the time will come wlieh we shullMi wo stwlionx, when removed dieolosed iigg E." Baker and others of hiiMr. John in HfuJostan. cities t 'iiommi. corer.-throuei l. ii wftich a f tale of9i)lata class rmportant Tho iH' Sunday spiking, .Uie- rime Ul bo djne away, and Horrowsfength view of the corpse could be discovering no means of reacuiugel riends. services of 4u'L ;n ho went to Ceylon, in hupes otfl Weber county has lost man of great ipplapid for bulliie(J for evci., 1 ..peak tuu&ajne.J, except in the centre, which 1U Bishop, great numbers ef the ciSz ff( .. lhe'c,llfo,.t 0f some vessel on which ho couldfj alue, the church on earth a bright is silver a rianlft inscribed It Jiinding ccupied by piale, ,ie family. ..M.Kni'b fiw hiu nnnniiif Ail tiitltl nf lliTinr ri i"ht and a devoted and faithful minis IVTIIKltB ARTISTIC AND 'eas ef We.ber County; iu vehiclsof vari -t wilh a companion and a father.i Pic Chminkv WAI.KRK Wrst y .. .... i.. i the poor a generous and. tU nescripiiojiN, cauiv io ug'n-- lu J""k.'bui. when we look atthepiomiftUH ef God.SlPied at (i a.m., Htli of January, l&.O.KHe lauded at Madras on the I'.'th' May, durability; Wurjmt ibr iumZ, 1111 "o varioq, at a,m rranctsco, tiU., r""s', Band after staying on the island for gom wouled benefactor Among the niam?J"m"iB..... ", 'wit?' it's ciiieus in paying the last b--i bij is cause for us all to rejoice. WcN " " urt u a J tt ncomiums Uil bis character. remains moi ..tfl otgiT-- o in'theVii,:..,., ,u.i., ..f" .i, f,.i.". passed upon ll iome. endeavorine unsuccessfully feujfe of respect i tJecVaAsd frio.rd., Btimos, ..nd wc shall soon meet with oui K 1'hl' bo',Jr wa8 Jessed in suitable robes.Qud an opening for the establislntient ol4 me of. the brightest and best am! 011 lliH breA!it was a chaplet 'of flow-l- 't Wi he church there, he sailed for BbmbayS nost frequently repeated, is, "He wa.-- 1 i ""TU weather' wis chilly without us cannot be mad. F T) de. ts- A "O'1'"'" friend to the poor. Chauncy AY. West ant,- anil, the streets werp ctasted oyorfl tceling pervaded ttieg.ind labored for a season with the mis Let .j,, J( 1lir we wi(U)t theim 1,10 PeoPle of who iias from were Utah from from the not thin shtet of ice, which lookedgL , but 'WHO silently.Ksionaries they witliB?',lH'tt',ls passed appointed sight, tu 0IU. Cl)VenujitB and we S'iHh to tl'4- - . iivf, treacherau.-y,l(u- l ulio mlt exaltation.g',n'1 wi,H tlue order and decorum, passedggto that place. He afterwards sailed far he memory of his friends. His faults Buljhyed Mol, ' uiiSMam: but never succeeded in reaehint' the feet ot' tle pedestrians, who ire drowned in the sea of his great vir I'rertideul F. V. Kiehards said, as tiiiKh- ""' g;od upon thj slumbering that country, but after experiencing!! tues, and his name will be numbered wytiding thttV 4y lo the Tabernaille. Ibrdhren who were expected froi Ill OtU' .rt of the faithful servant of God. The corpse was then conveyed back toS many hardships and vicissitudes, hi uuong those of earth's greatest and no B(.nk in many places to ilie ancles i p t f.aki; City, had not arrived, it wa 'tilold-aii'tinuddhe Bishop's late residence, preceded byjylanded in China, from whence he re blest. He has left a numerous family ti watet.bcncathi lilitf'.jcht be.--t f)r those to ppeuawim mmyj I5'i,ss U,"lJfuneral inarchgiiirned to San Francisco, and thence t perpetuate his nanicamorg mer, and He til! M cereittOliios were delayed . en most intimately associated with thefe,ho the Lake City, where he arrived 0 vhom the departed served so faithfully. Twelve. '""oed the' of aevcral family and nuincr-gSnby iUily' iiuitii, a;; ..shop. 'Althouuh iny labors with hin.K""1 fi iends two th will .1 an absence of and ciher penlleineu froli Sult LitkeW... .1.:.. after not suffer them to laok a friend 01 I800, July, ,.n and ears the His mouths. Salt from in to lake after, missionary' iTnluediately party eight tV,-,part, iny needful thing. Peace be to hb WHH devoted' to the w.tvljl pity, wire epected Cit fforts were the First lust! Honor be to his memory! and may Mclancotypen,- Aubroljicgr I'resi bven Jotaine. U did not nrrive.g;,.-)accepted lilinS by nl)(1 lI(t bin was iheUUkc joy i tn im!'ml u itli rtu-i- eui v nif hours on the way, In consequenciJglcncy, and in the fall he moved with his .ve who remain emulate his good exam- 'it Umh llihif-zh- n IiohI i.:: i. ni ine Miiiiuiuu. FcrreotypcH, it urn i.; liini till thw tlai" running off the track; nofafatuily to Bingham's Fort, north of thid ules, that we may bo worthy to meet him strvio.-s- . call-8IV body wHSj.hercfoW! cou lived in the spirit of their Card Pictures. ' however, bikI a pro ity. On the 2'Jth May, in the following in a brighter sphere where death and I al'trnacle, borne by and his greatest sorrow "ue was I"J'"--l,c JS'ra,HJ l'otl.. iug '0" was fMel ' ' to MU,W the ear, he removed- to Ogden; being ap- ,aiil are banished forever.gv.,l8 , r ue ,,cm fil i any of their du f gtlitocw r.vi. 0. JWr ,0 ,i,u cemetery, in the following iiointed Bishop of 1st Ward. In the Also THE CELEBRATED SIN PEARL, A Mi J.,sV.h fyU'r;S-ie.- ,. lft''0 us has from departed Altheiiph he all of tlin vpmi IK.'iti tin wiih nrhndintiMi Caois.. l' J. Taylor 'and 'i'lu.s. l)uxey;ir.rii .. ,i ..1. n,. 1,. v.. 1,, 'order : ENAMELLED CARD PICTURES. Sermon at 'tub TabbhsacLe. On 0 titillA-..' 1'. nv. iu. iiinnsua uiui 1 ii .it ... .fCd.-iyU'residing Bishop in Weber county. He FIt T mi ineohsi.-l- i lit lo bilv. FreeW. j. nail, the Rev. Geo. ps fuesday evening ii... v,.,;m:., nr d, "J,.,n,.;,.i,i,i 1 e lbs te(!H-iiessrs, n. n. J5ur:oi,, John lig, A t?,un hi mt.- yet liiiRer uro-in,i a'uan, District Secretarv and Superin - Picture of all kln.W taken t ,U time .nJ , o..mVi.u .urn euv, uuu,uer puuiuB ureen, 4. r.Hifiniioi), win. Lush an.i,,,- liH iormer labors. Allhouich it is! nf iha f wetve ' " Joftu . . . i JL. Bwram. "an I nlced in front of fheM of importance, and was elected toti,,.... Apostle ., Wu aU kuuti ui wwtlier, eu.uaUjr max. ......-. ....:i.i' 1.1; laylor.wovks !.!... ,r ' t v : nomev itioi-imission oocieiy ior ine . . . , Wooilrulf, F. I). Richards, GeoTj , .. CS'apusi , ,. . ......... .... ,.,v....... .uC v.. u.. j. . wiib ot all. there are very lew .iiij. p anJ c p RaiiroajS) preachej n . ."r.v.. Joseph F. Smith. Krxt to whom were the la LJ,lU "n comlnueu 10 "oi.iuuuuno yeai Kj,eruh1n in IW OLD PICTl'RKS Coiiieil, Kninrfted or Be. Officers of the Nauvoo Ltfgion, from?1 rowing nrunty who cannot say that Bisl.Oj thj Tabernacle on the missioi laced iu bizc, nud rvudcroU impel loUublc . omuo ' relmiveM a"J "'J of the deceased. Lak I JlaJor in VV. uniform. We. t was their benefactor. 'PV Wty, ind ntonoment of Christ. His discours tu'g :,.m,lc,.y i Si , . The K i B. Young, juu., Adjutant JF J .1 Cbcr County M.litia. r,l.rftVi was JroiWed, mauy'J!!- - VVa:, a ,:,wl oseaims were f lol'.vU. Brig.-Gegooa anu was usieneu 10 wiiuauen r mwson. m uii-- fjias , ' ne uu . i : . 'inriivi receivea Bersons heiliff uhabl In" Pud se ils. il''f'ipin, juiy i?vt, ev. A u inii rii i ions m ius soui;2 Colonels tll0n ''y the few who were present Th-?- 4 III riww cf tlic fact the J. W. Young, H. P. Kimball. country is filled with tin. r on me Hiami weie r.iucr t. ir. men ' ' " w lor a lvancement ami progress will preach again in the Tab killtul oiU'ratorH, wlumn work Rf. A. youn j. c. LUlfe' . P; Rkhardsir in wimtiug in cheni. "'""."'ontleman " rds, if the Quorum of the Twelve. last", alun, durihility in fai t, in His ideas were not small and cramped. Mohu T. Caiue, Jeter Clinton. John1 uu"- ii"u",,J'' "'macle on Thursday cveninir. at earlv ai I'tlit t, rtnntic a good pictare, tlw 'alVra,.TtfrytlliiiK that Weber Military District, and on 5 .Frest. t. Frr, the various membevs 'r.ilc .. not ga'isfied to remain stat;onary.ph!la.rP ftnJ IsH0 Gro w llCU the house should bewberibcr bxl callud uiia to iuauro an good wurk. ythe (gcandlo-ligh- t, XI u ic.'.u II U':...l... a 1...1 m r rut or ljr any one. Hr. be can kuvwkere rl , produced , the City Council-Imj City Recorder ri'mt ' ""l" ,1' " ueneraiw 7 his mind was of a rov.,1 stum.. ...i.lFb, :""" Z fi,, 10411112 wvrk, will pUnse CALL 1M.MK-Nauvoo of the D1ATKLY. several Ollieers U' Vi'eber County miliim.g..,,,.,! ..oward and ut.ward toward Godlll. n' T. M'A!1iif..r Legion, whicl Infantry, f nd Elders i). M. Stuart and C. W. duces ho lilloi with honor and abi-About four, inches of snow in Cachr. ; in this city, and county .. Majors JjlinClark, Andrew Burt, Peteifj J VV.....1 Sai....l... l'..ll.. 11 uainur iiiouui4ti. As a monipiito or token of afTnction. roso. i uu-- y rjj'iieuc ittiivjr. o marks of his labors. He alwayshsitichiir, L. 8. ilillsj and J. B. Lewis. rlil,3 ... ' ii, a ........... M tje Nothing piipereeilfii a portrait. Prost. F. p. Richards ex plained tue-- ,i.i,.nj.r.w.,i -; 'ist April, iu (,,. , fl Cuntains Jnhn II mi' 7. umiI .Tnlin Slumn li being appoint eiM;.,," ,;(.i-- j It in limbic diipenser of pleuiiure A conswior in hours of uliwnce L,CHt-S- pbject of thb meeting and the itas.n why?,,,,, fctuU a I"I9Si0a to KuroPc 1,6 a'ln biVs A renriwntntive whoce nHetit oloijnene uh(. wm.e ,),llet!,l ovjr himuni, hifJ'''',1,e "eher County Jlihtii.k.furewcll to his family and friends, andlj P. hiiK-riiiiitiini liiougUU of Love uml the servie.1 had been delayed. fi UM!Wr . . a..:......k. liojio. Choir sang, ' Best from Lab or." Hon. wtth tartel tt.H 51 in East, 1 company .t. v r,...i,.....i ri. :...... T. M. WOOD Artist. "- v a ci n,,v ' 13 t jj nunc nun: pi Prayer as offered by liisliop L. J LMet nd benefit of his people. Thought"1- - John Burt; Majors Geo. J. Marshsl'1- - "wper. ami otuers. Alter visim OODKS Jan., 4th 1S70.. OGDEN HOUSE.! ; Jlerrick. con IWas hington, being introduced to Pre tV .lllictcd in body he refrained from dwell ft" w'l'"w f- - ind Morris D. liosenhaunr. Choir tftVn, 'Creat.ivu speaks wit! jLincoln and otiier distinguished stales-- ! Persons heretofiire uitsnccivfiil In ohtaining' C. W. WEST, Proprietor, . ng on his li.hrmmes, and when- he went Bishops A. M, Musser, PoW Maughan (men, he left for VII WAT lll "I'l'W ll'W at... ,..Hti....l..rlw l... .wl .... awful voice.'1 England, sailing on k CalifVirniii, it was with a desirecjA. Hatch aud J. It. Murdinfe. iv. .liulan.-I. .p rlr ...tm.txr f..n. l'Nuta ly 31 Jl.st Juno, and arriving on the morning The foiiowing U a synopsis of tho ad and a ui iiv miu inr iuiir lime anu iruuuie iu aoiug tu hope that, pcradventure, his healths The Mayor and City Council of Ogden ilsulisfuctiou is not givvu. .! i.i. t..i.. ...i.. i:...i en-f- . dresses delivered:' ii OGDEN CITY, UTAH, siu uuij, nuun - liuiiietiimeijr bi. nonl.l Vini. rl.r fniLI T It IT H.t Elder W. Thompson said: Poitrtcen?Jtlo hen. fit of the kinfdom. H. P. Tiaidel, Aurelius .Miner gj e"'1 "Pou ho duties of his calling.N fc.C.owr.n, fs the only First-Cla-ss Hotel w e .".! A ; . E. Tuvlm -- i .. .. . . .i ii , ... ii.. ...liv ! M v. V . mi...... l I1IO reilUl'HI- i OI C. W00D1L1NSEE, JDlMUOIl 1VUII lfO. i..vitt iiJAina.. nl nn ... IV...,t.l j inving been appointed to take charge ottj Ei ..v. H.i... )f(Villiaius, Esqrs. s'. Ar:J..:w, ii i H irtnarTiS uDHt'iice iii liLiusu West, ho had come te Ogden lo assist in$,!ic ii"" oi luc ,iiM8ion, lu. will Weat )10, . in proriil.4' with the ckoicei-- t Tim BAR .it Uu' po1oli ..f I .as It- -, ...... '3 '11. r m ler Geo. Q. Cannon, who wasonbusines 3 bl'Ullde ut' 1Io win ,0.h ... I." W jhe erection of that fsberuHoT. BincAt avray fVllIi ni1 v ." .luvi wiiu.ui.vr oi ui7.ens on ioot .10 ' i:.. 1...v KKAtKU IX On Elder Cannon'.li ...... '"c'n Washington. a ltd ..vv,. :.,i: v,v v.... agma, ln eompany witu JoMpli and ourSj iJquoi-cavriages and wagons. nit'l nfV:iii' liiih in Resisted tli he GENERAL My return, nan necieu win uc ji.snop, ami learneu ' ,Vl,l,fl le.hren who fmye Mi us, min n In consequence of the iuclemem-MERCHANDISE, otil , nnu more man i n r ..i,.H ... 11-nu,,8W .u iuvo uiui : .i10 v.v- - ..r i... rK,,,,,..irw 1... iravoung inrougnout tinVI I DRY GOODS, V Nikitish Isles, comforting and couiwel-HUmatt with whom he hd ever B J Tf IT ,iieiiea.l. Ampensed witlu ' GROCERIES, the Saints and preaching the Gos-t- j tinted. Bishop West hadIbeen a father, u.n time of our separation from them dejl At half-pa' four o'clo.k. the fhffinfg io.the peoplu and (V t mo shepherd to l, ucttr WAIS-glKikEAGRICULTURAi IM?l&;,!$,rrs!.. ' faithfulness. We eaneuclosed in a strong wooden eoveringt H luYY.y upon Book. They world Lear his voice , n by ""hasten M.e.. ay wrt iOWercd into the grave. Elder JohnS " y A. Good Supply of MECHANICS' U. T. .Q . . more on earth, but they could rcnect OIlW, ... . tnnilo a ,nr H.rnnnlTl if .... ....... - 1111.I felOOLS on hand. . , i - i :ii.. - . 11 iiiiiir i.i wn, 1.k r i' 1.im w iig v mKfi.r.r.'i'....,.. n iiiniiu iuw . . . . . , ..mjfioi, spjiropriaie remarKs.fy Mi eest 0 h A!oA' 8 to n who ..ad . ... . wnen li you mce:,,, participated in the ceremonies andrT3' bieHVng8 OGDEN CITY BAKERY,, ASO' S3 'teen sabbme m his devotion to tho Ie sailed from Liverpool on th fi lenoi, Vonr children the prinL,,...,,,,! .1 me ocueaicuon. pi terests of tl Kirtsdoh, of God. .nathose,,.,, wUich he inculcated, ll preserved steam ship "China," on 1st of August.M llEASOXAIiLIJ CHARGES. MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE JTXCTION. TUo proC(wioll rc((lrncj' fnho Bam(. lauded at New York ou llth.,vj v.,u.vU ........... ,,v...v. u.vv. uw.illlum ironi evil nstnis; nm img win fe ylSG3, to the place ot startini?. and then Ii STIXGER 43L' ULYLIXD, Herder . . .l . ! ... .1. .1 . 11nun o' JOHN DAVIF.S, Proprietor tho West on 13th and ar-for ltf again in a better world so 10 kiioiv ui.u ni.-- i as .,. inucu joy Proprietors. J rt "71 It ...U ..I hotna fcj et ii.. tlm uifm luiiU .l,i,.i,M Bishop L. J. Herriek said: Not onl vSJl.un .u.l.l 'nm s r r r from Salt Lake CittfJ ... .,hA t.onl.li, .In !J lha ll. CR PATRONS 6A IIERK KIND AT ALL. , yivtatin ir.null . ... 1.:.. l: l.,ul ... ii. i...l ... .....v. ,.lu.. iViA.ltr .uo. Aati ......li:.l. till..l iv ejiiiuusn on '"vLVj.oa.ju,, in ttie uovu.i'ii "'vi" tlllKV, ........j it eveningo b 7 th Ui vn'U fliortly after his return, the whole! friend, but the Kingdom of God on earthVem ih. His crown will Be in hi--i pos-j .1 Xo. 1 Article of Weber County was organized IntoK has lost a good niid giV'at uinj whos'terity. W are under peeulhir olii;Kai' "'i' ' was held in one of the cars. R'f . iJ CRACKERS, dc.de. meeting Q. , T F4..11A TlOnlO .1 .! l.H t.. M..l.....uj Iv,.j , lii: -- rillllnHnM. nuril.' rhnllirn" lIiv.Hi.! intn .ntrnrla - ....ii lvn full AT r . , u- -. i ov .,1(,n i. , ...:w u:... TT UTkOt A GOOD SUPPLY OV c :. ALSO, ...... tc. i i i. n e't i i i i j a..v...;..t.v.i ui . " . n ntiu in tun iiiNiiitii" iHiia iiiMmi iin.iit iiu a unrir tit .irt rittici. i.i itvsj uwu .tn.rJi hiiu un viih h iiiiiunitMi U'Uvcrcl by several gentlemen present. ifj'.iMr H 1:, . -, ... ....' .em n n v v i mn via . tnat we musi noi m-i-eei. I.r. CONFECTIONERY. U Th e,,.,.lent snivit fcp.vu.u8 swerved from the path of duty. Heti'liauuoey is now ' delivered from the. ivc i Erom time ho that until his do death, ..: H .:n s..f,tv. ftfin" was truly a father to the people and ntliinwer of the a Iversarv and from humaiiH..! ftvofced Ms time and talents and the exne- . v. t H. W II EAT. 1. . OUVER DUIUNH. . ilJ:. . . m ., .V i i n .;.. Mbi ience he had gained LL WHO PE(IRE TO AMUSRTIJEMSrU.VE-friend to the poor. i nils ..l in t travel oivasoii vioiijiiimriiiii ien. anu win uouin less minisieiLJ , through ,) f'ai with Hie Cue anU Halls will Bad' a Room . C ... 0 .1 . I ' .1. 1. to take him; yet we do not mourn as thejpi'mong tho 'fpirits of his 'kfn.lred hikIJ flttml up witli tlio tjinaiiy tauus, to ine Dcnem oi ine CUUrcnf EJOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. wdrhf'do' fg, if farfhful, we' ahuTi inetlSprennre them for the time when thsvia HORACE W HEAT & CO. Bjiiud the people in Weber Comity. HEST OF TAIJLES, liiui aga'rn irV n- glorifted fioily, tvft inra.nll eome to' us and we to them. ManvJ Chauncey Walker West, the son fall the ii of last During year he, AT io' part.' Wo aro born to die, yet wihavc though bees tuo it is said, and Sally West, was born on thR''omE''ny with the late E. T. Benson and WIIOLESALE DEALERS IX. cling to life. 'The lUshop desired toMwho die iu f lie lord "do rest from, thwreL'iih February, 1827, in Erie Co., l,onn-fS,,present .Mayor, L. Far?, took a con- Ilis parents removed in hi.Mlract from the C. P. It. R. Company toil Eye, but it was that he might do'good.jnlahors;" that there is nothing to do 11003IS, AND miles of their roa and he has ofteit sail, that he did notsL'liind the vail; but when can a servant .'jjchildhood to the State ef New York, anifDU' tho Utah Central wistif 't lhe, only 'when he could dojjof God be Sat'mied to remain inaetive.Wtt was in that State, in his l(!th year pjivlml to place. For a long time he gOpposiic PRODUCE House. Engine th& feelings thalJThe rest referred to is relief from trouble, tj'hat he obeyed thegrpel. He was been suffering from disease of th d good. Theo should animate tho bosom of everyKest .from pa,in and care and the innu-ttne- d at Ossian, Alleghany, Co., N.Y., b throat and hings, a complaint hereditary!; CALL AND SEE ME. W in his family, and his labors on the road. This life is b.ut an William Hyde, in the year I,..e.-un- ? May Ood help ns toJen'ces of . OARN 181-Am'fc-odto tn n bis instructions tin our existence and ft has its orPO-ilfall of retneinber he gathered with hHcoupled with tho many calls on his timt 'us, ATTENDED TO. . w fit bless his family, that friends may When we pluck the beautiful roscpurents to the City of Nauvoo and in tluRand attention incident to his Bishopric. JiMites. U. P. raised up tn minister to thctr neees Kit bears will it a thorn to pioree ns; wilWviiig winter was ordained into thegwore heavily upon him. He went ti lfaif BM SouthBREWERY, West of Tost Office, Mil' sitici.' ' life, in tho midst of iovHTwelfth Quorum of Seventies. When thrUl'romontory and persouallv surerintend- Olden, dlOtCH IlRAXI) OK UQrOlig I'rest. L, Far'r said: It is always Hi he spirit of the tempter is near to leadj-'-aintwere expelled from Nauvoo' la-fthe work on the railroad, and battled; HAVE Aa No. 1 Article uf LAOlilt BKKR, a fJi . .A , .. .... -. K..., ..1. i.- :.. i ..e v.. u..... ..r' i . i i:..- i. ;.. TuMc on tho iin.iuirt.-- i it... lliilliiird .:.i: j. ir :i. i..i: 114 e u iv i v" lo muc our me i omi ung ine ami company lot yloiTpij' ii i inn jo iiiuivv vi irivi iu inn ui nicui iiiiii insiuiuus ioe wuici Ji.B. All orili-ifur Luger Boer will niot witliQ West. iect on Tjocasions like this., My p.istjtfto b.itlle him hi his desiis, and to over-jjth- e In the month ef May, 161'i'was slowly wearing his life away. r! WAREHOUSE, MAIN STREET; irnipt fttti'ntlnn hy LA.NLir t ULLRIED, Proprietors. abSOciatious with Bishoi) West have beeiiBcotno. that wo may Pass fiOm presontMiio was united in tuarriace to Miss Marl3 The misunderstandinff whieh occurterj V''iji'-- "d hate caused nie inanygevils to a sphere of happiness and peace. Mlfoaglaud, daughter of Bishop Hoagland.'ed, in relation to settlements, between OGDEN, m June, left with the Saints to seekf: he company to which he bslonged. rftlcct torts this inoruiiiit. I ean etulor seS It is pleasing to know that the heaven-Mau- d IT. IT. k To. hum also on hand, SCIIUTLER'S merciful to br. C)unncey in his&a. home in the far distant mouutains wand tho C. P. Company, placed him in the testiiuouy to his worth which ha ail SUL'DEBAKER'3 kin-.lte n of great embarrassment, and tarried at Winter Quartets until been made by brethren who' havt latt moments. The sprnts f his fllAII RESTAIUVXT old greatly upon his already enfeebled WAGONS. one, 18")7, when he started in Elder pckoii.k No marihas done more than hiH lied visited lumand gave him comfort. nd EotfsiaR Itouse, A qiWKtity of BOB PLEDS and FANCY CUTTERS fcr' the Irenefit of ho "people ami thtHUe was surrounded also by kind l"rienas;w.)ohn Taylor's company fer Salt Laki Siicalth. Hoping to recruit, and to ob East side U. C. R. It., PUBLIC SQUARE Mwlueh tbey will noil fur Cfh or Groin. ltf building up of tho kingdom, in this party "1 I take tins opportunity of express-Myallearriving in the fall of the sameoaiu a satisfactory settlement with the JUAU STKEET, OGDEN. In tho latter part olfjuig. the grateful acknowledgments of the Jvear. He was one of tlw first settlers inljrt. R. Company, he started for Califor (if the vineyard. Clean well-aire- d .Beds. TOO TSAJtX A GOOIi YABXEIY Of MEAT Jiis life he suffered mueh bodfiy nlHietiou Ml'aniily to Mr. liaker and his' household. tl'roo, L iuu County, and in tho montiiLnia ou 21st Nov. last, in company with VI . K, TUOMA& BRaWMJtO, Proiriotor J ' get to tnt b ftet'c'f tired in liis eierfions fo: soothed the dying bed of our friondWof CoL D Mrs. started and with 1S49, wife, West, Mary ayhis i ihe welfare of the Saints. I did not ex jivith acts of unremitting kiudness, under the direction of Tarlc iamble. But although appearances GREEXWELL & AVEIM'S hi our I learned for to themselves at iticated wa! ex did an his but on health return that in to times, alive, explore) pect expedition eveiUstihgl. Pratt, ' his constitution was gradu southern portion of this poet to bo with him in California to be i. gratitude, OGDEN CITY, JAN. ' It, In conclusion, I ask all who labored ii my, ' The company was gone ttnH'l'y breaking tip, aud on Gth January eonifort and 'itn 'assistance t6 hhit. .Wi EAST SIDE OJ HAPPY NEW YEAR! I have no cause to mourn, except nt th. jwith our beloved Bishop to take hoed togmonths and suffered mariy seveie hajfd r?10 'w'a3 compelled to take to his bed. CALL AT THE ' to '.s 5f l.ls, soo'n y. He has gone ton lis good counsels to remember theiiMshlps from cold and hunger, but returneilSlfrom which he never arose again. In SALOON, nobler .sphere, while we have to bat tl n safety, having obtained niiich infer Riiis last moments his greatest anxiety Mala Stiwt, fr VllKSII OYSTERS, tiytliKcawi OGDEN, ovennnts, 'and to eniulatc his good exam-or .m. lilntp. or K..W SWmL J'ripfl. ilcioun nivalv.H are rureiveci to prevent grief en the part ot 'n, s with evil and the trials of this life. Al ;iles that we may bo prepared to hiee:Fmiatinn coucerninx a portion of the fnnn Bultiinorc BVof. Mutton, Tork.ctc, AVhoro ilaily the baveFrtsh Shi-a- I j ' PijjV tiiyp us H .all. .i..;i. fiavo to be trieit, and all that can In ;Vun iu the resurrectiuu of the jusu It ry previously unknown, but which jnt family. Just previous to Lis de- - ST iYvfTM JJQV V? SflttVrfffMf" hr snake; anr will !,l towns notnow uVrmr witfr thriving hies, built and iulalited WOOD'S - ana-.n.a- O 11 tki 1 i i d PHOTOGRAPHIC n - -- ROOMS !! e . - i.k-Hen- full.S5-ever- AT thfturJ .,.,r n.-.i..- OODEN, LIFE-LIK- kiiige-Gin'nJ.if- q . to-th- . o-- iPhotosrphs, .Cartes Visite,. Vignettes,. - STEREOSCOPIC - I PICTUrtESr lt arr'll t as-lli- '. - 1 "f - . - tu . An.rta ... w--'- - . t, n. . l. 1 s na i:.i! r.gur n,t:.'J . , ;.,,..i,r ift, ... ,.,! ... -- iiuTi-iiitn- 1)-- ti i-ti- i, ' HOTELS. SniE J - mYHS A I N H'TltEKT, ... lli-it- . a-- iR . I 'oL-,n.t- .J,.M-11S- In-- J . i... Cigar. .,hr. - - 1 . T F 0 SF . st ..,,',. ' lieu-con,- hasle-MW!1- n!3..::,d GDEN !( - ; t -- L-l- of Accommodation ,.,,.,;, .... . .. -- 1 3-ai.t- 1 H 1 Py v.-n- 1 1 it", - m-u- ...... 1 1 . a BILL.ARDS. BREAD . x jut-it- l..n. . 1 ,,,.,, kiji. BILLIARDS! MILLIARDS!! . . ' " 1 1 they-VWi- FLOUR, GRAIN ar, bap-H''a- ....... ORDERS rROHTTLY er tf i MIIIl3iKXS 3IAIliI 1 . EVERY DAY. . .iB-yn- s UTAH. i . te IB'TIIlt po.-i;io- I y, t t9 Dec-mb- rr, in-f- OYSTERS. MEAT MARKET, MAIN STREET, RAILROAD coun-pjwa- ti.. |