OCR Text |
Show Fashionable Call. A and Saturday. Published every Wednesday ""tERMS One $o.no - Tear .10 e g. s Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. MirInline. ! Co'umn' u 1 u . j 3fo. C. a 60 $2 $3 $5 $S $15 $ 20 $ 35 $ 70 jg 80 60 21 11 7 4 05 100 40 6 10 13 18 30 135 90 60 11 16 19 25 45 T IK 1(Y 135 200 ol W U OO .;;,. JSSCT. h nuiil fur in advance. of type of this U. 1 Oli. OCDXar, UTAH, WKDXIvSWAT, JAXUAltY 19, 1870. M , i "Who told yon?" "Her friend," ? "You don't any 1" "'TU dreadful!" "Yea, awful!" "Don't tell It, I pray!" 2.00 CW KATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 DEN 4.1 KJ Thro Monti" Single CM. OF SUBSCRIPTION. 'I heard it!" BY TELEGRAPH. AN ORDINANCE Relating to Licenses for the 'Manufacture and Sale of Spirituous, Rev. Horace Cook, a prominent clergy Vinous aud Fermented Liquors. man of New York City, has eloped with Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Miss Johnson, one of the prettiest young Council of Ogden City, that it shall not WARREN HrSSEJ, Unit Lake City. 0. 1. DA11LER, lloluua, Muutaua. lll'SSEY. DAIILER & CO,, i i "Good gracious ! " "Who'd tltinV it!" ' "Well, well! well T" "Dour me Ml "I've had MY "SuMpiciorm!" "And I, too, you I" I. "Lord help CITY LICENSES. u.!" "l'oor creature!" "8o artful!" "Soily!" To nil whom it mny concern "No beauty!" "Quire thirty!" '.Kotwoen you aud BANKERS, IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT 1 " ladies of his consrecation. connected be lawful for any person or persons to NOTICE engaged in Riininess in MA IX OCSDEX, " v'..rlv advertisers allowed to f hange at pleaaure, with a wealthy and highly respectable " "I'm going. manufacture, sell or otherwise dispose Oirden City, Iter which the City Ordi additional ebarge of tweuty-flv- e The reverend scamp has left a of any spirituous, vinous or fermented AN IX SALT LAKE CITY. "Don't ; tay, love!" nances provide that a Uconso must do St?SjuSS for condition, l.ut theyoverwillcon-be- family. Dealers in Gold Hunt, Coin ami Currency. Draw wife and two children behind. He liquors, nor to establish, or keep, or to for occupying space "I ran t I " without first procuring rged EXTRA obtained,) on S;,n Francisco, Montana, Denver, "I'm forlorn ! " spent the veek before his flight in bor assist in keeping or conducting any ExcbaiiKV license are liable to be taken belore any St. Louis, New Yurk, and all luirta of Europe. Notices or Advertisements retained onhis from manuhouse of or the for money "Furcwell.dearl" parishioners.. rowing plaso Alderman el'suid City, and bo subjected purpose th.'oate.de of the paper, will be chared twentyThe event has caused gre,at exitement facturing or selling or otherwise dison the . Collection promptly attended to. 1 If to a r ine. icent. additional on the copy with the and marked not " his flock and the fershe'll of or vinous i,krtiements among "I'm indignation gone posing of the glad order Council, spirituous, uny 15y City of insertions, will be published at our of the guilty parties. mented liquors within the limits of the ordered out, and charged at transient acquaintances we LOllIN later advices learn rev. the that first without license FARR, Mayor. from By City, obtaining "iDVKRWKMENTS Inserted till forbid, will be gent returned to New ork on 12th the City Council for such purpose. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. Miscellaneous. Jitinued until ordered out, in every instance, and inst.. assaulted one of the editors of the Sec. 2. That a wholesale liquor license THOS. Qe. ODELL, City Recorder. (hareed for accordinglyadvertin-was and arrested the shall and half to authorize World, not' OHiec yearly police. of . A scientific Illinoman has a collection by sell, . uriviloge yearly any person Ogden Hotel, opposite of business, and The is rWittod to tlioir direct line OUDEN CITY. girl, on 1"h information, was found barter, or deliver any wines, spirituous of :U,(HK) bug. Just about an Illinois advertine-neu- t nLeiral Auction, Heal Kstate, or other or fermented liquors in less qusutity will be charg-a- i at the EvuVelt House. bed lull. All kiwis of legal businesa promptly attended foreign to their regular trade, Adams' Exprf-jvoffice, at Washington, than ten gallons, or in original packThe Office of ihe City Recorder is at O to. ltf for separately. from the States will was robbed on .New lears day, ol ages; and bpttlcd liquors or wines only No Advertisement tho Office of thu 'Ogden Junction, If a young man likes a girl lie may , rted without the cash ( at our advertised lutes.) U. S. Bonds. If ho loves her, ho U. C. R. R. give her a preeent. in lite near in Seventies' aud as $29,500 packages-of one our Hall, original imported from unless LcromranviUJ? the order, Hliould offer her a future. The State debt of Massachusetts in no case to be drunk on the premises Station. JLolar aiilnorized Advertising Agents. to the amounts to All communications devoid of interest $30,523,380, which is an in of parties so licensed. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Office Hours from 10 a. m. till 8 p. m. nnUic or intended to promote private interests, SylvauuaCobb, Jr., the champion story over ot crease Sec. 3. That a retail liquor license two millions ot dollars and payment as advertisements, iill be charged grimier, of America, is in a Boston ineshall not authorize the sale of wines or loiiired in advance. Ifpersoual in character, we from last year. briate asylum. A great fire has occurred at Quincy, spirituous liquors in a greater quantity nirve the right to reject auy article, or advertise-mcof this class. 111. Two hotels, several stores, saloons, than three gallons, and in no case to be STOCK OF THE HALL & VANDYKE A little girl wanted to say that she had &c, were destroyed. One fireman was drunk on the premises. IV Coal Company s Coal will be con- a fan, but had forgotten the name, so Sec. 4. That a license to keep a bar, stantly on hand at the Ogden lithing killed and two others seriously injured. she described it as "a thing to brush tho OCDEN DIRECTORY. Three persons have been arrested, on drinking saloon or dram-shoshall not Office Square, warm off with." suspicion ol arson, lue loss is about authorize any person to sell, barter, or All Coal will be weighed when sold to Contains aeveral Hundred Volume, connMlng of a eminent Workaof of Htaadaril collection choice be to or sutler or deliver $25,000. sold, the purchaser, "No man in tho nation is more indebt permit United States Oliieers lor writer ou HiHtorv, Seienee awl Art, l'olito LiteA fire broke out at 8 o clock, on bartered, or delivered, any spirituous, ed to the people than I am," iwid an old W eto. Mali. Novela, l'outical VorW, averlej Will take one-ha- lf payment in Oats or rature, evening of 13th inst., in the rear of Nos. vinous or fermented liquors, or any coin ludoed, sir; how much Governor J. Wilson Shaffer TERMS: 105, 107 and 109. The buildings were position of which wines or spirituous Barley Kate you taken, t" of their money Secretary S. A. Mann. Life $3.00 Membership four-storOrders will be received and promptly brick, occupied by Sher- liquors, form a part in uuy quantity, exMarshal Milton Orr. 10 cts. poi vol. per week. n At Atchison, Katipas, a wood's school, furniture factory, Buck- cept to be drunk on the premises of the filled at tho Tithing Office by Mr. Walter 0. II. Hempstead, IL S. Attorney the turn of S a m. and 8 p.m. mother took leave of her dead buby as Da between Open estabso silver machine licenced. E. l Tourtellotte. Indian iionipson. J. person shop, plating ley's Affair Snpt. . c. b McGregor, follows: "Farewell, little darling, fareSec. o. lliat all persons so licensed as C. C. jClements. lishment, &c. All the establislnniSnts The Prices of the above Coal wili be Surveyor-Geuerin Librarian, at Ouden Font Office. well I must give you up now, but I'll were completelely gutted. Loss, about set forth in the preceding section, shall low enough to warrant the patronage of Receiver of Public Monies J. B. Overmeet you in heaven you bet ! institute such regulations in their houses the general public. $35,000; mostly insured. ton. " Registrar of Land Office annex text ol the for shall restrain The as or the riotous .R. drunkenness, treaty George The net public debt on January 1L ation of San Domingo is said, on the disorderly cgnduct, and shall keep 'Maxwell. 1870, was $2,4 lf,7!l3,0.l Jess by !?7i,- ' ' establishment. best authority, to contain the following cleanly, John P. Taggart. U. S. Assessor 710, 300 than it was when Gen. (rant which shall not be open for the si.le of conditions: U. S. Collector 0. J. Hollister. Tho reduction during was inaugurated. to eleven First, The United States stipulates liquors between the bonis of Chief Justice C. 0. Wifcon. December was $4,812,782. at in the o'clock and o'clock four a F. a and Strickland niiht and nail. million Associate Justices pay 0, . Haw-leySecond, This money is to be devoted morning, and the police shall have ac A handsome young lady is running for to the liquidation of all the obligations cess to the premises at all hours. WHOLESALE DEALER clerk, in the California legisengrossing Sec. 0. It shall not be lawful for any of San Domingo, including the redempIN TVrriiorial.Oincerx: lature. The danger is thnt she may enperron to sell or dispose ot uny spiritu Williuin II. tion of its currency, which is representtho attention rather than tho proDelegate to Congress IS NOW PREPARED TO RECSITE 8TCDENT8. gross ed to be a comparutiviy small amount. ous, vinous or fermented liquors to any of that body. ceedings Hooper. Thud, In case the obligations as person under sixteen years of age, or to General Zerubbnbel Snow. A Home sumed by the United Slates exceed the any Indian, nor to sell or otherwise dis President Grant is said to be fond of Marshal .1. U. T. McAllister. d MEN sum the public lands po"se of any liquors ou the Sabbath d:iy YOUXG THE exercise. Il is well. If ho SALESROOM AND SASirLE pedestrian Williuin Auditor Clayton. as reasonare Sun of bee. one or two old fogies hi his induce security could Domingo pledged i. person Any having Treasurer David O. Calder. ON able catlse to believe that any house or for the excess. to ':tlk out what a great relief Cabinet Schools Common of Superintendent - Fourth, OT WEBER COUNTY The liquidation of the ob place, mentioned in the foregoing secit would be to tho country. Robert L. Campbell. ligations of the ifclnnd is to be entrusted tions of this Ordiiiunce, is established Broom t" asked a bluff 'How re to commissioners appointed by each of and kept for the purpose of manufactur; JHAK12 3IO.VEY hy old sailor of you Would who was always anC'ouniy OCieers: Ogden a otherwise or of the conl ractmg parties. fop, ing, selling disposing F. D. rroliate and County Judge In consideration of the discharge of spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors, noyed unless he was addressed as Mr. Richards. , Broom, and who responded "I'd have these obligations San Domingo cedes all without f rst obtaining license from the ihe Present on lined ft larpe Ptit of the Celebrated Improving Select Men I.efter J. Ilerrick, Henry her forts, docks, custom houses, und all City Counoil, aud will nutkc bath of tit I liaveMiAtt'K. HOW EN. you to know, sir, that I've a handle to i.kk itrvcimw. AS1 SlUKl' S B1U3US of Holmes, Richard Ballantyne. other public buildings, arsenals, etc., same, describing the place, and if upon uiy name." "Oh, nil light. How are GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Clrrh and Recorder F. S. Kiclisrds. and complete jurisdiction over her ter- investigation it shall so appear, the you, Broom handle!" Aurelius Miner. ritory. Prosecuting Attorney Mayor or Alderman before whom such the reSheriff Gilbert Belknap. Helaool. An ofIowa editor acknowledges San Domingo ..is to be annexed or ac- - complaint has been made may' issue bis Also, a LAUOK STOCK of . in addocuments William Brown. i. ceipt Congressional Sheriff j to Marshal the City Deputy ss a territory anu noi a staie, arm warrant, directed rnail. vance The of the it : SESSION HOURS OF Assessor and Collector way Sauford Bing- quired regular is toibe subject to the legislation of Con- or any of his deputies, commanding him CASE LIQUORS. occurred was this: A. wolf chased tho ham. terhouse to and demolish said other ta Clam in. toU as or manner enter same in the place Uy do. gress - 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. mail carrier about four miles. They Treasurer Israel Oiinfield. CASE WINES, all things found therein, made use of for ritories. want the Qovernment to put on that Coroner Wm. N. Fife. The treaty will bo valid to nil intents the purpose of manufacturing, selling, T p m. to t p.m. route a number of able bodied wolves to Night Clam CHAMPAGNES. Surveyor and Superintendent of School and purposes,, when satisfied by the vote or otherwise disposing of spirituous, facilitate matters. Vim. W. Burton , (, to Do and fermented San or vinous of a majority of the citizens of liquors, CATAWBAS, STUDENTS IMM.HAKY or the arrest owning, persons person la? in buildest idea ETC. tho Iron laths are mingo. ETC., . The lessee of the Academy ot Music in keeping or conducting said house or City Government: made number of are twenty ing. They Received at 17.00 per Term. Tay ih advance. Call and examine my Stock. Incorporated by Act of Jan. 19, 18G1. Baltimore has been arrested for viola- place, and bring him or them before the wire gsgue, and one and a half iron, Municipal election biennially on the ting the State law, by refusing two Court, and such person or persons, on inches wide, resembling one and a half second Monday of February. Meetings colored persons admission to the reserved conviction, shall" be liable to a fine not inch hoop iron, with a small ridge or ' to exceed one hundred dollars and imof the City Council weekly, on Tuesday seats in the dress circle. in themiddlo to stiffen it. The head C. B. McGREGOIl Xcarly Opposite White House. prisonment not to exceed six months, or laths are cut in tho proper lengths, and evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. EXGLAXD. both fine and imprisonment, at the dis' afford additional security from fire. Dealer lu Mayor Loren Farr. Princess Teck, formerly Princess Mary cretion of the Court. Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; BOOKS, on 8. Council Sec. The A lary man irj tho West has invented granting City of Cambridge, gave birth to a son on the L. J. Ilerrick,- 2d ( or the for to novel a license persons person any 9th inst. apparatus, called the "Automatic ,.' Joseph Parry, 3d Fire Lighter. It consists or a uu.a Heavy pales have done considerable manufacture or sale of spirituous, vinous' Counselors James Mc Gaw, Walter clock on the plan of an alarm clock, on the English coast, destroying or fermented liquors, shall determine Thompson, William W. Burton, Jofiali damage which it shall be given and for time which at any desired hour lights a match the much and lives manv property. Leavilt. and bo to amount the and oiled wick ou ihe stove hearth by thereon, iMiemeiu in paid Much excitement prevailed Recorder Tlios. G. Odell. means of a connecting wire. Tho kindEngland on the 12th mst., in conse shall require bonds with security, and Attorn"u A. Miner. the amount the for determine oc thereof, Union which Etc. riot Trades a of lings in the stove are so arranged that Marshall quence tic, i . N. Fife. and ordinances the of due observance me on at curred Tuorneclino they are readily ignited, and all that is joinery "Treasurer Aaron Farr. needed is to decide at what time you regulations of the City. Said bonds Penholders, Pencils, Pons, previous day. Assessor and Collector S. Binghnm. want your fire started in the morning, The famous Star and Garter Inn, at shall be approved by the Mayor or City Km, etc. W. W. Burton. Located on imOOM'S LOT, Surveyor Recorder. filed the with and Council the clock properly and go to sleep. set the on fire was destroyed by Richmond, G. Taylor J tl Captainof Pplice--Y. Sec 9. Any person, violating any of It will do the rest itself. TO BOOKS FURNISHED 11th. Public the Square, Opposite the provisions of this ordinance shall be FRAXCE. ORDER. Not many years since in West Plyin any sum not exceedfine Ogden PostOfiiee: to a liable G refit excitement prevailed in Paris N. II., it was the custom for the General Delivery from 8 a.m. to 7.30 mouth, and forfeiture hundred dollars one AND PAPER GOOD WRIT1NO the funeral of Victor ing to "board round" among schoolmaster p.m. Sundays, from 6 p.m. to i.dU p.m on the 12, inst., at license. of ENVEIOPES DEALERS IN TRUCKEE who was killed by Prince Bonathe families of bis pupils, to save of and All 10. . Daily Mails close, until further notico, Noir ordinances Sec. parts AM) parte. About a hundred thousand per ordinances Sometimes, of course tho days lor Salt Lake City at a p.m. relating to the manufacture kept constantly for tale cheap, sembled in the vicinity of sons were come out just even there w ould didn't ferLUMBER. and VALLEY vinous For the East sale of and 9 a.m." spirituous, tho house where the remains were lying. mented bo eight and a half days at one houso For the West 5 p.m. liquors, heretofore passed by tho A long procession, among which were and nine at another. One man, who of to are fnniMi now ARTUVB Are description every Council, repealed. hereby prepared City folauu many carriages filled with ladies, 187ff. whs notorious for his meanness, just beuoiu ' ' From Salt Lake lor pmpoHoa, Jutiiliuiig piaiu Jan. 13, l,uinlr a.m. 10.30 Passed, City lowed the body to Neuilly where the indredeed. OFFICE. AT THE fore tho schoolmaster began his dinner, POST LORIN FARR, Mayor. G.30 p.m. From the East terment, took placo. The crowd was dis'said he "I said to him: "Mr. G. Opell, City Recorder. Tnos. 10.30 a.m. West aluoon hand a LARUE QCANTITT of Have time is up that persed by a regiment of troops. your by rights, suppose; All orders for Books', Newnpnpern, MAILS The excitement continued on 13th this dinner. about half Coiitnterciit!. wny through Close for North Ogden on Monday at inst. Several arrests "were made, a Periodical!, MaRitiies clc. will receive just as near as Ikin mako it, tynd l'vo That's LATH, SHINGLES, bo furnished at aud attention, prompt 2.30 p.m. For Plain City, on Thurs magistrate and a number of policemen calculoted pretty close. But I don't wish Office of 0)den Junction, Ogden City, Publishers' Prices. uny, at 0.30 p.m. For Jluntsvme, on were injured by stones thrown, and one Utah Territory Jan., 19A., 1870. to be small about it, and you kin eat o Tuesday and Friday, at 8 p.m. COFFER Rio rer k, 31c per lb. was subbed. Prince Bonaparte states uboirt as much us you would do for just enaaeeommodnte tmK to to TKA lb. $1.50 $2.50 to his por Partlenliirjiiu that Noir cam with M. Fauville ,. 27o jwr lb. renulred by the Ureal ordinary. BACON artirlo and tomera, every IXoors, residence and insulted him. Noir slap17 to ac rr lb. KICK be lurnishid Express ' Leave Oirdcn daily, until further no SlitJAR (4 $2i6o pw sk. at the ehortoitt notice. ped his face, he drew his revolver and !t. tice, for Salt Lake City at 11.30 a.m. and shot him. Fauville crouched behind a rnili1,24 tZi.W, Of Compliments. Ct MUNTS lb, bl, por per 6 p.ni," For the East, at 10.5 a.m. For chair and tried to shoot the Prince, but TOBACCO Xstt, wr lb Sic. A slight earthquake shock was felt' at the West, at" 6 p.m. WILLIAM BUTZ, Agent First find Thin! Ward CIIEKSK Wit per lb. the revolver missed fire ; whereupon the Elko last evening, Sacramento Bee. ' He O lb. J1 IMiKl Arrive a.m and m 9.40 from Salt Lake por turned , City, Prince fired at Fauville who IXSTiTLTIOX, OA n Y 8 (a) 42c per ib. This is an infernal falsehood. 'We and 5.25 p.m. From the East, 5.25 p.m. fled. rEl'FEIt 63c per lb. West's, have flishop don't has Opposite 5.1c irom the West, 10 a.m. Ib. earthquakes in Elko; our Rochofort's Marseille W'lCK The per paper ax Nl'TMEflrJ 11.76 pr II). 13 art loo virtuous. Elko Independent. iv people seized by the Government. been n OAS ULKS t'J.00 ($ 112 per box. n-i,iOGDK.V. Thunder! Why there are far mora 10 2c Mr box. 80DA refugees have been ordered Hare on hnnd a splendid Stork o. Is held evprv Siindn v in i. h a Tjihprnncle., to Spanish SOAP I. X. U branili .75, per box. communities on the Paeifio France. leave important j KA1MNS per box, ti.50. at il a.m.; and inj, the School Houses DltUfaS AM) coast ON SLDSCIIIPTIO.V, Elko that have earthquakes 1 MKMCIXES, than TAKE MILL The French ambassadors to London ' ' I10.7S. COALOIli per eK), or tne various Wards at 6.30 p.m. yyB Chemicals, Oil, raints, Glass, etc., Far more important! and Berlin have resigned. n' LYK $13 por case. Earthquakes . v. . GLASS 8x10 per box $i.50. don't visit places unless they amount to Likewiaa au excellent Assortment of The Pope will not sufTcr any discusCOTTON CLEAN 111 x 12, WW. ' Utaik- " i, Ogden, Salt Lakk and sion on the question of his infallibility something. Perhaps that is the reason ITAY Full "tipply, at $10 per tun. For which we Wll allow HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, that Elko was short of earthquakes desirous of lcarninir fa cts to take place in the Ecumenical Council. OATS per Hi. AND STAT10:?KY. BARLEY 2 W per lb. for the last eight days. We can afford concerning Ogden, Salt Lake and Utah, bnnhel. $! WHEAT $1.25, per N.lt. Prescript Ions carefully prepared them in Gold Hill, and plenty of them. Real estate in California is much dis- - FLOtR $3,f0 ($(Q$4.ti sack. ; r fall supply chronological, statistical, historical and turbed We will bIro allow THREE CENTS per Ib. for and the market for preMent drnmnil. Onrper Utub Flour Virtuous" compare indignation at Elko, ii earthquakes, . by . . . . . . ' CLEAN HUN.NTSACK8. rich. Gold mil New. favorably Willi tne bent ejUtru bmuclii mailt- trow religious, with a rcltuble sketch of Mor- - is very shaky. Srroti.tl Dislrirt Zioti'ri Outlier up your Rugs and bring them along to wheat. winter all but monism; and have a thousand and one Your tutnbliug old town won't amount CO OPERATIVE MERCANTILE tiun umee. COKN $1"0 per bti'hel. Jenny Lind is said to have lost $1.00 BRAN 4 8IIUKTS $1.50, per cwt. once her to much if you don't stop that shaking. of magnificent notes few a tk&t'&re questions answered be:ne dai INSTITUTION. bunliel. POTATOES o"c fit Jwr If Gold Hill relies upon virtue to I2STItA.Y. voice. asked concerning Utah, send for a MAIN STREET. OUDEtf. BEEF Pc fn. 12c per lb at ehnp ; Sc oa foot, copy 21 lc hi, 2.';, per lb. TO MY PLACE, EARt V LA?T FALL, A ON 1IANU A GENKU4L "tAME A8SORT- - to save it, it is likely to wake up some kittens of a litter I'0K A little o bloan 8 Salt Lake seeing ment of Dry 4eda, Groceries llatn. CaD". Ut'f I'EK In roll, 4;w fit Mc por lb. J IbtrK Bay IIore j two yee.m Id, branded, 11C. Directory. Mailed for the firstgirl morning and find itself a hole in the time, classed her opinion ou thu rf'hl hip. Tho ovnar will pleae pay expenWiUS Per dor., 45c ( 50c, c, c, Hooia, pnoea. Agricultural inipiwuenla, m iuto ' " ded aud take him away. all of which j dkctio Office for s dollar that "somebody had shaken pussy all are tolling chc.tp lor each ana ground. The Gods are evidently after We, eaeh. CHH'KEN r. A. HAMMOND, Jr. 8t prodnce. it. Elko Independent. and a quarter. TL'KKEVb ltic per lb, $5 per pair. Iluiitunlie, Ogden Vallev, Jan 8, lbJO. pieces." ,': "ial a., siirvmj - n ".,,,; 1 s in-- OGDEN CIRCULATING LIBRARY p, ... office-holde- r. grief-stricke- al 1 OGDEN E. COMME11CIA COLLEGE GARN, L Wines & Liquors. -- before-mentione- . MAIN" STH33JCT, City, Utali. Wekr Kentucky Whiskeys; . Call intl Hootho , Main Street, Ogden, 8--tf ' UTAH . STATIONERY, NEWSPAPERS, . MAGAZINES, . ,,. COMPANY, In . ogkdett7utjb: SEMI-WEEKL- Y Raised, Panelled, and Windows Moulded Sash and Mouldings. Trains. - jr tf Eehftiige tf 8--1 m. i... Subscriber's Attention! a. i h rr it jz : ' ' RAGS fivei-vbod- TiV CwoIh, Five Cents per lb. - ir Taw t, ' - Ci-oetrifi- |