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Show . , WOMAN'S EXPONENT. Conference adjourned for six months to meet directed. at Ovid, unless otherwise Elizabeth Pugmire, Sec'y. Julia Budge, Cor. Sec'y. to save the children so that if we are in Heaven we Can look down and see what they are doing. I wish the sisters would inculcate in their children the principles of Celestial Marriage. It is ennobling and let no mother talk against her husband before her children, I feel like saying to my sisters in a voice of thunder, proclaim the principle of plurality of wives. Of course it brings its trials with it the Lord will give us strength to bear all our trials and what would we be worth if we were not tried, the day is coming that will try us to the very core and without his Spirit we cannot .stand. . Quarterly Conference of the Relief in the Meetwietv of Utah County ,Convened1881. MeetFeb. 25th ing House Provo City the usual exercises of singing ing opehe4 by Conana prayer reading of minutes of former six months by ference and reports for the past Secretaries. Our- conference was strictly a home conference, no visitors out of the County in saying that the being present, but all joined with us throughout the spirit of the Lord was whole meeting. There were present on the stand President Margaret T. Smoot, Counselor &c. Bishop Johnson was Mary John, Sec'y. The Tenth - nil danger of such a rough country, where the female population was scarce, and men were not governed by religious or moral principles. They sincerely believed there was no safety outside of Zion, and brought every influence to ssl urt rr il i ..lil.iit tin i 1.noni J Iuer niium oear tnat.nngni ita tirt Bauuaij. Her vounj; daughter,, just blooming into womanhood, would be much, sought after; should she meet an unkind late or have her prospects in lite marred tnrougn taxing ner OUl 01 llie uroicciiug iuhucuvc ui jiuu out ii never iorgive inerseii. .iauy, wn;uwiiu would de- days and sleepless nights she passed before Cidintr. nlie COUUl uol ueiicve cimci uccui irom tneir iauu. herselt would apostatize ,Mxl , 1. m. 1 awnne uniu tney nuu guuieieu hey would stay sufficient means around them, and the valleys up so they had become butter settled and built1.1 il .IT could live more comfortably, and men. tney would come back. Like the drunken man who lor the stood in the door of his room waiting 'A 11 bed to come nearer when he would jump on it, t.v hut when no jumpeu nt iun on muthe bed was as lar on as ever, no uivy mu it would be with her. Their daughters would grow to womanhood; no doubt they would marrv there which woulu uu nu uuuauni.vi to bind them, and their dreams 01 weaiui auu as comfort, might be as far from being realized s thev were at iresent. Gold was an ignus-fatuuuvx w aestrucuou, that Jurcd manv tu t - il t uTif Ktn 'i wnen ne tnougut it nmu had ever vanished .r Ilia 1.;: his erasp. Manv times wnen nc mouuu .notordreams about to be realized some treak ot tune would change his prospects; and wnen three years had passed he found himself still little prospect o ch'in" the phantom, withHeashad accumulated iH beaming a reality. a mercantile hmuo means and embarked in be . a success, to fair ,..i,w.l, nmmiswl Yt'HIUIC nni I lninK- Iv.ivp natie.nee and wait. have his family with . inff it would be better to , t s 1 1 nc wuro aaannintpfl nnrl Vior bp!irincr tllPir an. pleased before our eyes continually. I wish to I but brief be will with our reports. I Presidents of speak of our Jubilee box. The the Societies all understand the objective invite all of Utah county to contribute to the box we wish to slight none, we mm n m uc desirable for our children to look at. for rwl T I P1fll .l.ifnrminnl tt ! 1 1 I I 111V i pVlililrOTl . - thft act-- urtir ViOQ'OT1 T us all with his holy Spirit, while we dwell on Cill Llllo ro 4- Ki f Vi 111. It- Tims - w vnr-r- fll Of t Vf 1(1 ence till the lat Friday in May. Singing "Praise God from whom all blessings ilow. thing if we could have had such a record of our mothers written fifty years ago we would have God to bless us appreciated it I think. I ask and enable us to perform our duties. me Bishop Johnson said, the repdrts please more me very much; there is nothing pleases than to see the work of the Lord progress. We i" Cff:rf;ol tJtilLl-tlV-t.i- l as follows: Pinmipifxl renorts on,l 1 Cliivi onfv xt,. 81 7: tpnVipr.. V.x i'onent. 108: disburseneedv, SC27. 12; temples, 141. ); 80. 70; silk, 16. 20; books, 2. 1 r, toVnn missionary, Ma v. UU111C are brethren for mytrying to come up with the self I feel grateful to my sisters for their help to and unity of feeling, we should all strive i union ....Wc. haYft vDQeazZ.u ordained to do the work that we are doing, we do are in the places that we should be in, I to bear not wish to take up your time but wish of this work Let my testimony to the truth be said ot us us improve our time that it may - Let "well done good and faithful servants. as we can us help build our temples as fast that we may do a work for our dead. Counall that selor Marv John said, I feel to indorse let has been said, and let us put it in practice to attend these us be thankful that we are able the Lord day by meetings Jet us try to serve more day let us try to remember our meetings to work out my punctually in future. I hope own salvation that i may imve Celestial Kingdom of God. R. A. After singing, and prayer by Sister M. Holdenvmeeting adjourned till Z, r Afternoon Session: Meeting opened by singsaid we will hear ing and prayer., Ma Smoot Y; Williams, after which we from Sister different will hear from the presidents of the Sister Zina Y. WiL-the in County. S ocieties listen to the sisters Xwi,iQVpr j wuti nams saiu,Bue . uu muu n npr ih.ii -ucisvu mat were u nnnn womu she had been called upon, to spea. deto' do so; andaye a very Peasant ther from her scription of letters, received thej and I3ister E. E; Snow, showing e ;r,fl.;o n i- iiiv-iix- c 15-- - RO - j buildiiiLtr 89. M); sun- - 47. 72. On hand in cash and property, 32 lbs. S8 198, 38 and half, wheat 1870 bushels MRS. CAROLINE UAMbW, drie oaj. t 1?fnV atf'otftig'ffna-Melfr- - t i 1 I cu-deav- Our Improvement Association was organized Pre,,-denOctober hist, with Lydia Blackburn as Bathsheba Grundy and Ida Marshall as Counselors. Harriet Eyre, lasurerV e liave members enrolled. have forty-eigand a good spirit very interesting meetings, , seems to prevail. Sec t, ht Hettie Dotson, Hellen Stoddard, y. Ass't. JESSE BURNS, OR, it Fate? Was Nauvoo, and the A Sketch of the Exodus from Utah. early Settlement of CONTINUED. God we us from of Inobevinthe commandments uL hibkssin- - to guard and protect hffirit through to thepowe disobedience, we are exposed ana cannot hold the of darkness or wk Utah; had,perforineq ,& Southern Associatipns,and organising Primary of our Primary Si I. A. &c we ALary, "y.1;, nther was J esse: a , ; Y-- L. that .put Associations, wished to suggest Primaries of the members the names of all the be in Utah County in - our Jubilee box to handed down to our posterity. 1 think ita are m would be glorious, our primaries here condition. L see such a field ot flourishin has work here that I can hardly sleep; there this never been anything yet introduced in vast Church that "will .accomplish such a want amount of good as these Associations, we i- 1 1 mectimrs held, 199; average attendance, 894; Churchments to had to bemoreAan wdowed) and It the fatherless. Mary. was a bla father to ' uymh Zr She had always S fidenoe and reject, kW- - g' f'urf 8 if she did for her stnfe 0t good her that there were many m- Howard and means 0f ...en hat in Ual.torma, i lelligence were in the country, bnjtofto 1 ... .1 1 s After which SisterMary John bore her tlwl tMltli iC ll !! ' llf IV I'W !' I) l'l said I do not see any other way that the Lord could raise up a race of Kings and Priests, hirtiivvliir - 1 1 V testimonies to the truth of this Gospel, and to riage. ! 1 The Presidents of the different Societies 11 throughout the bounty then gave verbal re ports of the societies over which they preside speaking in praise of the sisters with whom . also present. Pres. M. T. Smoot said, I am sisters having pleased to meet again with my Conbeen debarred from attending our last ference on account of sickness; our object in we have many meeting together is the same; duties to perform and we have to keep them have gathered here to serve the Lord. Smoot says in her remarks that the sisters 167 inem he had met in of that strange country, alter a .separation manv v ars, to go for them. Had he gone hiuwdt'iio doubt his preseuce would have had for few would have ;,iore influence with Mary, ventured to counsel her then, and whether for better or voie no doubt she would have gone; matter or perhaps he would have viewed the did and concluded to stay with her, and have all the misery of those long years would . -.5-been si)ared them; nut iuiu nuu our destiny otherwise, and who shall say that crossed must not be marked out? Mary had felt and the mountains once in an on team, lifetime. that the experience was sufficient for a and her It seemed to be a great undertaking, of exposing heart failed her when she thought herself to the hardships of another journey to President Finally she resolved to appeal His advise counsel. Youn' and abide by his the valley. to herwas, by no means to leave return. would never If she went, he said,himJesse he would surround himIf fortune favored after self with home comforts and ties, and, experience, he suffering so much in his past she was unkind would be loth to break them; if where she held her he would still pursue her employed hi" brother, whom nhc instead of returning to brightest inducements, If few aplaee which offered sodraw attritions. Ar him back, Matt remained it would wield a his wife and children would certainly intelliwas a man of strong influence. Jesse and would grow with gence and fine principles, and honored. the country and become wealthy one as was He was a leading spirit such a give life to the commonwealth, ilerfwere purity, morality and virtue. Here nor temptawere no snares for the innocent, was safety, there tions for the weak. Here came home was danger and confusion. Marjr comforted; she felt that his and calm feding |