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Show The Eights of the Women of Zion, and the Eights of the Women of all Nations. Vol, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, APRIL 9. WBITTKN BT BEQUEST. ADDRESSED TO THE SISTERS WHO OFFICIATE IN THE TEMPLE AT ST. GEORGE. BY UXSrSAB. T. KING. Ti3 Sabbath morning ! calm and bright in rest ! The very atmosphere breathes peace and quiet; And fans my cheek as with a zephyr's touch ! The birds, their notes, troll low, and calm and sweet As though they realized a.Sabbath morn; A day of sweet Sabbatic Rest for aU ! Can this be fancy stealing o'er my soul? A lifelong fancy then it surely is, For from my early days it seemed to me That God was nearer on that blessed day ! n hill And oft I've stood upon a And whispered, listen all the world is still ! These childish thoughts come back to me to day. e And quick my mind "rolls back o'er years. And lands me on the 6tage of latter-days- ; And in its Drama, there to take a place-Cal- mly I sit and ponder on the scene, And in imagination, realize A work stupendous, known but to a few The length, and breadth, and depth of that vast work That few, but hold the Primer in their hand, And only just the "alpha" comprehend! And as I muse, the vail is drawn aside From off my mind ! A Temple rises up ! Fare, and white, and standing out in bold relief All Indicating its design, and sanctity ! I see In visions of my mind the Sentinels. Of Heaven keep eternal watch around I "see the" golden batons xjftherr-ofSePoised in each one's hand, I see their eyes Watchful, and omniscient, sedate and mild I see the "Dove" witness of the Sons of God ! Hovr'ing o'er that consecrated Edifice! I see sweet che . bs clustering around, As ministers to those God-lik- e Sentinels, His an eternal no day They sje night, The light of Heaven makes eternal Bun; Around that dedicated Shrine- - of God ! A Band of of Jehovah Officiate in its most holy rites, A Band of sisters, Handmaids of the Lord Have also ordinations laid on them, And tis to you my Sisters I would speak, To you. my mind is drawn as here I muse ! How holy is your office ! and how pure The lives appointed you to live each day, Within the precincts of that Holy Fane ! 8isters in the everlasting covenant, Can you, your holy caUing realize In aU.its grand responsibility, For those now living, and for those now dead? How sacred do you seem to us outside, Outside in person but in the spirit there ! Join'd heart and hand, in all your sacred work-W- hen bow'difl orisons within those walls Remember us thy sisters, fond and true, For be assured we do remember you! We realize your labors, aU of love, We realize the work you daily do. And feel His spirit guides you ev'ry day; And that His angels minister to you, And hence how sacred is the life you live! As Priestessess in the Temple of your God ! Of your vocation, little dream "the world" Yet did they know I feel there are a few ! Would gladly cast their lot with Saints of God the vanity g The Saints of Of earthly greatness all its fallacies ' ' . Its tinsel, its emptiness even its glare ! ' and peace; Bat know not where to turn for rest soulsy j weary Pray lor. their "longing, lingering,", That they may hear the. Gospel' joyful tfuift, 5 c Hear and obey- and cast their lot with .us,; dsJl. And swell U serried raak of latUr-daj- i; well-know- by-gon- e men-Scrvan- ts Latter-days-feelin- : : -- l: . No. 21. 1,-1881- For in that holy Fane I feel to know, Prayers muBt ascend, and must be answered too. I need not say God bless you, for I know His blessing, and His spirit rests on you; Our Sister Snow, Minerva, Sister dear, Here let her rest awhile nor call her home By any feeling of magnetic aid ! on the North American Continent. The Salt Lake is one of the "lions" of Utah. It is remarkable in many ways; one is, that no outlet has yet been discovered. Good salt abounds at the Lake, and plenty of it; some one facetiously remarked tnere was salt enough to do the curing of the Union if they could not preserve it in any other way, and another capt it the world itby saying, "Yes, enough to cure.... self!" She needs a rest from all her arduouB cares, She'll soon return in renovated strength, And absence will but make her dearer still; And now I'll draw my letter to a clese, Offer the prayer Pasked for H. T. KiG. Nov. 3, 1880. r The resources of Utah are truly wonderful; it is even now an undiscovered country. A few- years ago coal was not known here, and now see the abundance ! No doubt gold and precious stones are also abundant, but we want something that is better for us,and that we can turn to better account. It also furnishes us iron and, many other valuable things. I am lawfully covetous of good things for Utah. I love her; she has become, or rather I have become incorporated in her, and I would love to see her adorned with some of the beautiful things of the old world. Our riches should be spent in adorning her, and blessing ourselves in blessing her and her people. "She is a beacon set upon a hill, that cannot be hid," and time will develop the finger of God upon her in a marvelous ' way. Even the Gentiles feel she is a favored land; and many of them love her. Above all our craving to see her beautified, let us crave and desire that her people will adorn r her by the beauty of their wise, THE LAND WE LIVE IN. BY HANNAH T. KING, Utah! the Territory, the State of Deseret m Dersoective! I feel all will annrove and applaud this subject. Half a century ago the portion of the globe now known as Utah and its surroundings, were marked upon the map as "unknown regions," and little, even in later Saints years, was known until the Latter-da- y mobs and located it, as a refuge from opposing elements of almost every kind. At once it the eyes of Eugained a prestige, and rope are gazing upon it as a remarkable spot, and containing a very remarkable people of cosmopolitan origin ! You are aware that Utah is located in what in geographical language is called "the Great Basin." Salt like City was Called the halfCalifornia,, and is the metropolis way house-t- o of Utah. - Utah can scarcely be said to have a herehistory at present, her life is so brief; but after it will be the Mecca of the United States, if not of the world, for she has been, and still is, the nursery of the Church of Jesus Christ Saints and the grand gathering of Latter-da- y feeL place of his people! and- all must see and that she is a blest land- The atmosphere of her mountains breathe on the true Latter-da- y Saint the very Spirit of God. I speak in no flowery language, but simply Utah express what I feel to be true! first the lor grand will hereafter be famous to the Mountains the in raised Rocky Temple see it finGod of Israel: would that we could ished, and have the privilege of entering therein ! but patience, we shall see that day, D. V. In altitude, Utah is 4,000 feet above the level of the Atlantic, which accounts for the rarified atmosphere we have to breathe. It is encircled by ranges of lofty mountains, many of them capt by eternal snows. The soil is good, and has proved remarkably productive, irrigation to but, as you well know, requires make it fertile. The climate is warm, dry and . healthy. According to the first section ot the bill that the passed by Congress, we find it granted the NW Territory is bounded on the West by TerriState of California, on the North by the on the East and South bjr tory of Oregon, andwhich separates the waters the dividing ridge from those flowflowing into the Great Basin River and the Gulf of ing into the Colorado California. Utah is geographically one of the most interworld there is no other esting in the Western recollect on the just like it that we little east the Greatglobe. bait Look on the map, a Lake and just south of, the southwestof passnd Califor-- : vou wiH see in tke northeast corner flow nla the summit level of the waters which to-d- ay studded in the diadem of Jehovah! The true OiUUUJ aic ilia avua nuu uaugutua, ljLllvr-Ua- y tinges passed through they are- the gold-seve- n the ...'crucible of the Gospel of Christ, and willcome out free from the dross of earth, and fit : for the Master's use. So mote it bel . "Land of the West! though passing' brief the record of thine age, Thou haBt a name that darkens all on history's wide page; Let all the blasts of fame ring out, thine shall be loudest far Let others boast their; t&ttellites thou hast the planet star Utah i the planet Star I" Eliza. Cook. Miss Raehel Foster, of Philadelphia was . appointed Corresponding Secretary of the Na-tional Woman Suffrage Association at the Washington Convention in January by the President and Executive Committee in place of Sara Andrews Spencer resigned. Cambridge University, England an institution which has a most wonderful prestige has opened her gates of learning freely and on the broadest scale to woman equally with man. This is a grand step towards the higher educa-- . tion of woman, ana signals a new and more enlightened era, as plainly as any token of hopefulness yet realized. It is an eminent example for others to follow and will exert a powerful influence in favor of the woman question. . . - The. National Citizen and Ballot Box" pub- lished in Syarcuse N. Y. of which every number is worth the full price of a year's subscrip-tipnow offers another inducement to its patrons. Each new subscriber will receive a photograph of the venerable beloved ILucretia Mott. The editor Mrs. Matilda Joslyn Gage is one of the ablest workers in woman's cause the ;;world can;; boast Bhe is a staunch and fearless, a4yocate for, woman, utterly regardless; of the opinions of Madam Grundy. n, ; ; - |