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Show E XP WOMAN'S 168 counsel was wise, and she had resolved to abide duties by. it. She would settle her mind to the before her and say to Howard she would not and go. Minnie was a staunch little 3torinon, willingly gave u(- all the fine prospects they - had. jl'atteml her with. Iler childish faith had never been shaken with dogmas nor sectarianism. To 'her God was Omnipotent, and conJoseph Smith wai hie prophet. She had belier fidence in Brighaiu Young and faith to his counsel was for the best. Thu was a great comfort to Mary and gars her itrengtn in those hour of darkness, for it is hard to go against the feelings of those that are dear to U3, even though it accords with our best judgment. To be continued. THORVALDSEN. The great sculptor Thorvaldsen was born at the Copenhagen in 1770. His mother was wood-carver, daughter of a peasant; his father was a for vessels. who made rough figure-head- s When Albert,orBerteI,as his people called him, was old enough, he went into hi father's workshop, and after a little practice it wjw seen that his work equalled ,and in some point .excelled, his father's. Hi father saw that if properly educated, Bertel might be an artist; and at eleven years old,he was put in to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. He cared for no kind of study excepting that of his art, which he was passionately fond of. His teacher thought him quite a dunce; and when on the distribution of prizes at the Fine Art Academy, a young Thorvaldsen got the silver medal, he said it might be a relative of Bertel's, and thought to hold him up to the boys as an example of industry. What was his astonishment on finding 1hat Hel hinfterfT-'A'ftinh- at 'Mr- - teacher called him "Herr," which was a great honor. In 179G Thorvaldsen embarked for Naples,and then went to Home. The Danish Academy supported him there six years, and at the end of that time he prepared to return to Denmark. As there was trouble about getting his passport be was delayed, and while waiting, a wealthy gentleman entered his studio, and seeing the statue "Jason," he was so charmed with it that he ordered it in marble. An agreement was made, and Thorvaldsen remained in Roine. After that he was more prosperous. Napoleon ordered "Alexander the Great entering Babylon" in marble, but by the time it was finished, Napoleon was an exile. Poland ordered two statues; but being delayed by sickness they were not finished till after the fall of Poland. Nevertheless, he found sale for them. During this time the "Jason" was sadly neglected, and it was twenty years before the gentleman received it! Thorvaldsenjreturned to Copenhagen on a visit; but he had but little peace, as his rooms were constantly crowded with visitors.' Again he went to Copenhagen. He was received with all the pomp and glory that could le devised by both king and vassal; and even his native sky welcomed him home, a there was a gorgeous aurora borealU at night. On landing he was drawn in a carriage by the people instead of by horses, although he was ignorant of the fact until he arrived at the palace. The people refused to be satisfied until they liad all seen their countryman, and so Thorvaldsen appeared on the balcony and bowed to the assemblage. So highly did they honor him that it is said there vrus "danger of his being killed with kindness." Thorvaldsen moved in all classes f society. His shoemaker was hi frknd, as was ul- - the King of Bavaria; Lord Bvr-- . u, and Sir Walter Scott were among his friends. He died in 1844. His coffin was arried by forty artists, and on it waj lying a wreath of flower wovwi by the Quc. Oa - 0 N ENT the day he died, he was working on a bust of Martin Luther. Among his many beautiful statues are "Night," "Morning," the "Nest of Lovers," and the Lion of Lucerne." M. Emma Kent. CLASS IN MIDWIFERY. BOUMWNIA B. PRATT WILL BEGIN A NEW in Midwifery, in her office, up stairs Old Constitution Building-- March 1st, 1881. Students shrold send their names in time for books to be procured. Dtt. , DR. ELLIS The women of Nebraska may well rejoice to have secured the advance step in the equal Suffrage movement having succeded in securing the passage of the bill to remove the word 'male" from the Constitution. We had fondly hiiped that Utah might have had that honor, and but for the veto of the Govenor who, seems to hold almost sovereign power in this Territory, Utah might have been the first. It was not for the lack of effort or championship on the part of men or women, and the constti-uent- s of those members who voted favorably on that bill remember them gratefully and they also remember the others, otherwise. Omoi and OlilldrorL's oh found hi the West. DAVID JAMES, STEAM FITTER. TINNER, CAS, WATER & LIFT and FORCE rWAgent for KUMSEVS oncelebrated short notice. Orders from Pumps Repaired PUMPS. the country promptly responded to. 1ST Address, David James, Box 306, Salt Lake City. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS DRY GOODS, ZD JH T 13 LAKEJS CITY. T SALT 2 DRIED FRUITS OF ALL CUSSES WANTED. Zj Of 15 Cento ! Home Hade Trunks Constitution Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Lmseys, Jeans, JOHN for Sale by PROVO WOOLEN MILLS, Building also HOME MADE Brown Yarns, White Yarns, Colored Yams, Casslmers, Tweeds, . Old Cotton Batting, Wool Batting, Brooms, Washboards, Brashes, Etc, Etc H. DINWOODEY, WHOLE8ALB AJQ BXTAIL CXiXXB IS FURNITUKE, BEDS, WIIE U1MSSES FE1T1EES KILL IE. X)"Z"E, 75, 77, & 79, First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. Oood Work Guaranteed t 15 Cents TJ ! ! BIBLE ALMANAC J. Bait Lake 1 II. HE 31 AX, Published by J.S E 2M For the Year of our Lord, 0 City, Utah Territory. AtorltV2vM Or 33 J3 T EAST TEMPLE ST. the Ladles of Salt Lake and those the City, to call at her Show Rooms and see her New visiting Stock of MILLINERY. The latest and most stylish modes of Hats and Bonnets, In Straw, Felt and Velvet. Also, a niee selection in Flowers, Feathers, Plushes, Velvet and Ribbons In the latest .rand.fril?rt Country Dealers, please CalL Ladles Hair Work in all its branches. 3FL CUTLER, Agent for the 5PBIIB Desires TEflDEL. S. IF. and Surgeon. Stain, C- - 33 Special Departments for Gent's Clothing and Carpets, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Dry Goods, Shawls and Domestics, Groceries, Hardware and Stoves. ROMANIA B. PRATT, No. 17 & QUEENSWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Etc. Family Recipes. PALACE OF FASHION, IN NOTIONS, GROCERIES, GLASS and OFFICE Up iAOUComtitutkm BuMlnj. RESIDENCE Six Blocks East of Post Office, South side Of street P7S pedal study has been given to Obstetrics, Diseases of Women, and DISEASES of the EYE and EAR. SS. O- - M- - I- - i&a vsgr Medicines x 126 & - Fall and Winter Goods. j- and Chemicals, Toilet Articles, DRUGS, and a complete line of goods usually kept In a first class Drug Establishment Ail guaranteed to be pure and fresh, ana will be sold at the most reasonable prices. JElx-ytmlola.x- 124 CALL AND EXAMINE DJULER IK RESIDENCE oh South Temple Street, between 9th and East Streets. Special attention given to Obstetrics, Diseases of Children andDtoeases of the THROAT, HEART and LUNGS. no Shoes, art Solicited. REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE, Nos. Druggist and Pharmacist, l&th HTM f3T" Your Order HAVE WM. G. HEBERHART, OFFICE on Main St, Old Constitution BuOdinQi SLIPPERS, lines, best brands F. AUERBAOH & BRO. ins, ELLEN B. FERGUSON, IPliysioiaia. and Surgeon. & Also, W-Couz- attention given to Physician's Prescriptions ; BOOTS, fullSHOES and desirable present. The speakers will be Elizabeth Cady Stan-ion- .. Isabella Beecher Hooker, Zerelda G. Wallace, Belva A. Lock wood, Rev. Olympia Brow n, Rev. Frederic A. Hinckley. Phebe Elizabeth Boynton Harbert, Rachel Foster, Frederic Douglass, Lillie Devereux Bkke, May Wriglit(:Jew'''dl,Marilla M.Ricker, Elizabeth L. Saxon, J. Ellen Foster, Edward E. Davis, F. Ellen Burr, Elizabeth Avery Merriwether, Clemence S. Lozier, Rosamond Dale Owen, Laura De Force Gordon, Robert Purvis, Susan B. Anthony and Matilda Joslyn Gage. Special RssiDEzrcx over Cbntri&utor Offloe, north of Of Salt Lake City and vicinity will find the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCK Of Friday, May 26th and 27th. All persons interested in this great reform are invited to be SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, R SHIPP. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children as Tremoxt Temple, Boston, Thursday and TEMPLE STREET, $12. Z.C.M.L Woman Suffrage Association will be held in EAST BOOKS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tue Thirteenth Anniversary of the National 44 30. TERMS, The Watchman. Storm. SmtZy If a viiU OFFICE: - mn SP 1? IS I? m ATTENTION TAW Q FECIAL to Filling and Preserving the O Natural teeth. Teeth Carefully Extracted. Txirw Trrra inserted from one tooth to a Full Set. In tbe Host Approved Manner. PRn SS in Suit the Timet usvi Tint Ctmm 1Va.It an.MntaMl. OPPOSITE SALT U HOUSE. |