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Show W 266 .1 O MAN S E X P 0 N EN T . j Now we understand that instead of defor salvation pending entirely on ourtohusbands work them owt ourand position, we have selves. The responsibility and labor that devolve upon women are becoming more important. If society is reformed, it is to a great extent because women are refined. And the well being of her children depends much on her influence and example. These societies Hie to be help tj tin; . Bishops, and take many care? from their lt'im!-;' We are organized in Ward and Stake capacities, and it is necessary that every sister should come forward and take hold of this work, for the benefit of their daughters. The Lord wants us to be a peculiar people. Felt that none of "us draw as near to Father as we should. When we get the victory over ourselves then we are saved. "I wonld say to my young sisters, never shrink from a duty. God has put the means iu your hands to become queens and priestesses in his kingdom, if you will only live for it." She gave much more good instruction; also spoke on seritions. culture. Sister Zina D. Young "My sisters, we have had a feast of correct principles, that will save us if we will listen to and put them in practice. Celestial Marriage is a principle from God; He commanded it, and sent an angel to reveal it to the Prophet Joseph Smith. Treat it sacredly, my sisters, for the Spirit of the Lord is grieved when you speak against this principle. Sisters, never speak disrespectfully of your husbands: n,ever allow your children to do so; but help ana sustain them in all good works." She also spoke on sericulture. 8ister Minerva Snow said: "I feel very humble. The blessings that we have received this evening are enough to strengthen ua and make glad our hearts, if we are true and faithful. I have traveled with these mysisters and had much joy in their society. I have felt to wish that all mysisters had the same privilege. We should overcome our failings. What are the little trials of this life, to the great blessings that are before us if we are faithful? I know that the principle of plurality is true, and that it is from God. When I see my young sisters embrace this principle I feel like throwing my arms around them and asking the Lord to bless and protect them from all evil." : : v. -- o :iu o i a:.t.. Draws?. lvilC5SLruaJm o l rjri,, tion. During the evening we were blessed with some of the gifts of the Gospel. Tuesday, 15th, the sisters left for the other settlements in the Stake, accompanied by Bishop W. D. Johnson, Jun., Presidents Harriet Bunting and Lucy A. Johnson. They organized Primary Associations at Mt. Carmel, Orderville Glendale and Johnson; they also held meetings with the R. S. and Y. L. A. They returned to Kanab Wednesday. 23d, when they met with the sisters of Kanab, at their sewing meeting Thursday, 24th, at which time we received much good counsel. Friday, 25th, left this place for St. George. The visit of these our sisters will long be remembered by us as a time of rejoicing. May they live many years to continue their good work, and may we again be visited by these and other honored representative sisters of our people. M. Elizabeth Little. R. 6., Y. L. M. I. A. AND PRIMARY REPORTS. The fifth conference of the Relief Societies of the Bear Lake Stake, held in the St. Charles meeting honse, March 6 and 7, 1881. Sunday morning session there were present on the stand Pres. J. P. Lindsay and Counselors; of the Stake Presidency, Pres." Wm. Budge and Couuselor J. H. dart; Bishops J. A. Hunt, Robert' Gilder, U. Price and some of the Eiders; Presidents ;;iul other officers of branch Relief Societies, Y, I,. M. T. A. and Primary Associations MhIuil' called to order by President Lindsav. Sanir, ''Hail to the brightness of Zi m's giad innrnipg," ..Vc Prayer by Pres. Budge. .Sang, "SvcU is the work my God my king," to. Pres. Lindsay made a few opening remarks: was ..pleased to see so many present, and hoped that whatever was said would be dictated by the Spirit of God and prove beneficial to all. Roll called for the Stake officers of Relief Societies, also semi-annu- . al the leading officers of branch societies. Minutes of previous conference read and accepted. Verbal reports of the Societies in the Stake were given by their respective Presidents, or The reports were very favorable, showing that a great degree of interest is taken by all connected with the Associations, who are'doing all in their power to help emigrate the poor from Europe, and respond cheerfully to every call made upon them by the servants of God, who preside over them in the priesthood. Coun. Elizabeth Ceilings was thankful for a standing in the Church and Kingdom of God. Exhorted the sisters to be diligent in seeking for the Spirit of God, and in all their words and actions to set tin example before the rising generation worthy of imitation. Sister Emmeline Rich said she was pleased to meet with the brethren and sisters, and desired an interest in the faith and prayers of the Saints. Felt to be one with the sisters, but had pot been able to attend meetings of late as often as she desired. Thought the sisters were doing a good work. Unless we attend our meetings we will fall short of the blessings promised by: our Heavenly Father. Pres, Lindsay was pleased with the reports of the various societies, and commended the sisters very highly for the interest they exhibit, and their willingness to respond to the calls made upon them. Sang, "But in the last days, it shall come to Benediction by Bishop J. A. pass," to. representatives. Hunt. Sunday afteroon session. After the usual opening exercises, the Sacrament was administered and the statistical and financial report of the Relief Societies read by the Stake Sec- retary, as follows: Statistical and financial report of the Relief Societies of the Bear Lake Stake for the six cal: Teachers, 125; members, 515; total officer's and members, 640; meetings held, 115; average attendance, 231; Church papers, 133; Wo- man's Exponent, 32. Financial: On hand at date of last report, cash, 8H&79; property, 8439; wheat, 1160 bu. and 47 lbs, at one cent Receipts, eash, $157.33; per lb, $(396.47. property, $140.48; wheat, 49 bu. and 15 Has, at one cent per lb, $29.55; total receipts, $1576.62. Disbursements: to needy, property, $74.80; emigration, cash, $56.28; Temple, cash, $40.94; property, $64.52; home industries, cash, $82.91; property, $61.14; books, cash, $12.83; building, property, $34.65; on hand, cash, $78.16; property, $329.85; books, 814.52; wheat, 1210 bu. and 2 lbs, $726.02. Pres. Budge said he esteemed the privilege of attending the Conference of the Relief Societies of the Stake very highly, and desired that the Spirit of God might rest upon the congregation, as well a3 upon those who might be called to give instructions. He had not had the privilege of meeting with so many of the sisters in this capacity before, as the general organization had not been affected before he went on his mission to Europe. From the spirit manifested by the Stake presidency, as well as those who had reported the condition of the Ward organizations, he was satisfied that a good work was being done by the sisters, Many sisters had formerly thought that they could not spare time to look after public interests, but the more they felt the need of helping others, the more the way seemed to open up to enable them to do good. The Societies were not only the means of comforting the poor and the sick, and administering to their wants, but they also assisted greatly in more public matters, such as in gathering the poor, building temples and saving grain, and in these works the sisters of the Bear Lake Stake had labored with commendable zeal, and had been, according to the reports which we had heard this ; morning, very successful. He trusted that the sisters would- continue-t- o njoy their labors and that the spirit of love and affection would increase. It was desirable also that the sisters should, with all their influence, sustain the efforts the priesthood were making to discourage entirely the use of strong drinks, which, although not very generally indulged in, were used more or less by tog many. Prayed that God might bless President Lindsay and her Counselors, and all the officers and members of the Relief Societies in the good work which engaged their attention. Pres. James H. Hart endorsed. all that had been said and done during the day. Said time only can develop the good tlorie by the associations; it can no more be told than the good derived from the early training of a wise mother, the fruits of which may be seen in future generations. It was gratifying to see the sisters so sound in doctrine as they are proving themselves to be, also to watch the progress of the young in the Primary Associations, where they are taught of God and his ways. Other interesting and encouraging remarks and instructions were given by Pres. Hart. Pres. Lindsaysaid she had been highly edified, and did not feel tired although the time had expired. Felt very much impressed to do all she could toward helping to gather the poor Saints from the old countries. "It is impossible for me to tell the Presidents of the differ- ent Associations all their various duties, but " the Lord had promised us his Holy Spirit, that1 we may do all that he.requires of us." Prayed the Lord to bless the people Hoped to see tbem all at meeting in the morning. j Choir sang, "Jerusalem my glorious home' Benediction by Pres. George Osmond. Monday morning, March 7, 1881, 10 A. M. After the opening exercises of singing auti , dent and officers of the Y. L. M. I. A. 2 P. M. Singing and prayer. Presidents of Primary Associations reported verbally their respective wards, also general remarks and instructions by Primary Stake board of officers. Coun. Maria Rich felt very thankful for the blessings God had given us. Impressed upon parents the necessity of setting a good example before their children; spoke of the Word, of Wisdom and the blessings to be derived: from a careful observance of the same. Saidt' we should watch and pray continually lest we get careless and fall by the way. Pres. Lindsay said this is one of the The number in atv. e have had. tendance during Conference was encouraging to her, and showed an increase of interest taken by the people generally. Instructed the presidents and officers of Relief Societies in their respective duties; counseled the sisters to be faithful and diligent, seeking at all times the Spirit of God. het-Conferen- Pres. George Osmond said he was pleased with the way the house had been seated, and had enjoyed himself so well that be thought he would attend the meetings again. He had been edified and interested during the Conference. Counseled those present to remember the good instructions given and try to carry them out in their daily Jives. Miss Julia Budge was appointed and set apart for Corresponding Secretary, Miss Teresa Wilhelmson, Treasurer, for the Primary Associations, Pres. George Osmond and Bishop J. A. Hunt officiating, The Stake and local officers of Relief Societies and Primary Associations were presented and unanimously sustained. President Lindsay thanked the Bishop and people of St. Charles for all the courtesies extended. during the Conference, also the choir for their good mu sic. Choir 'sang, "Before Jehovah's awful Benediction by Bishop R. Calder. throne . ces |