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Show THE HERALD Sure Relief LAXATIVES FOR INDIGESTION Hu Discovery by Scientists Them. Hot water Sure Relief 7H AND PACKAGES EVERYWHERE VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder rid uric acid troubles are most dangerous because of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking Latin an Aid to Business. Persons who wish to become pro ficient In business English should study Latin-- , ww dingto Br .j-J- . Duncan Spaeth, professor of English at Princeton university, because the study of Latin gives the necessary training In the fundamental laws of syntax and It also serves grammatical structure. as an Introduction ' to word structure Doctor Spaeth and word derivation. believes that a. business man should have a knowledge of from 100 to 1500 as Latin words and the basis for good business English. V The world's standard remedy for these disorders, will often ward off these diseases and strengthen the body against furtherattacks. Three sizes, alldruggiats. Look for tho nam Cold Madal on every bom and aecapt no Imitation tlwir-derivatt- ves F6R SWAMP-ROO- T l 6L- ? Christmas Cottars X 0 ment LATHROP'S HAARLEM OIL RepUced Pills end sulU give temporary relief from constipation only at the expense of permanent injury, says an eminent medical authority. Science has found a newer, better way a means as simple as Nature itself. In perfect health a natural lubricant keeps the food waste soft and moving. But when constipation exists this natural lubricant is not sufficient Medical authorities have found that the gentle lubricating action of Nujol .most closely resembles that of Nature's own lubricant. As Nujol is not a laxative It cannot grlpa It is in no sense And like pure water It Is medicine. harmless and pleasant. Nujol is prescribed by physicians; used In leading hospitals. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Advertise- 6 Bell-an-s 25 oooooooooooodoopo FREEDOM FROM d UAtX GKAHAM SONNIk 40 -By tQ LOVE him,, 1 love him, 1 lot him," Agnes Allen said. And as she was alpne In her room, and as no one could hear her, naturally there was no answer to her state ment which she had repeated several times. .. .She was speaking of George Far-wel- l. George was so good looking with his wonderful blue eyes his brown hair, his fine erect figure. Wherever she saw men she thought how Insignificant they looked beside George- :- Shewa-- that glad thought She sh Problems in Agriculture. The state agricultural experiment, tations "are studying 4,770 specific problems relating to the agricultural Industry of the country. Broadly grouped, there are 1,1X50 projects dealing with agronomy subjects, including There is only pne medicine that really stands out as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t standi the highest for the reason that ft has proven to he just the remedy needed in thousands field crops, soils ..nd fertilizers, or upon thousands of distressing cases. makes friends quickly beSwamp-Itoo- t of the total; 032 about cause its mild and immediate effect is botanical and horticultural problems soon realized in most cases. It is a genare under Investigation ; animal Indus- tle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all try subjects, Including dairying and drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium dairy products, comprise about and large. s of the total, leaving However, if you wish first to test this of the projects for iijl other great preparation 'send ten cents to Dr. subjects Mississippi Valley Maga- Kilmer & Co., Einghamton, N. Y., for a zine. sample bottle. When writing be sura and mention this paper. Advertisement Cuticura for Pimply Faces. His Appellation. To remove pimples and blackheads A kindly old soul asked the seven smear them with Cuticura Ointment Wash off In five minutes with Cuti- children of an acquaintance to tea. cura Soap and hot yater. Once clear The youngsters' ages Tanged from As they keep your skin clear by using them for three years to fourteen. daily toilet purposes. Don't fall to in- streamed into her drawing room, her clude Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement brain reeled, and their Christian names failed her. "And which one are youH dear?" Bhe Life Man Leads. Nipp Do you believe men are de-- : asked a solemn boy of seven, helpeceudedfrow aninwrts wsy tvaek lessly. "Me?" said he, Importantly. "I'm Tuck Not so sure about that, but lots of us soem to have a dog's life the one with the spectacles." here, ail right Pittsburgh Gazette-Tlmes- . It takes a born diplomat to appear to be Interested In other people's troubles. Get a Bookkeeper. He "How long have you been enShe "Do you mean now or More men die of Idleness than of gaged?" before?" hard work. one-thir- h three-eight- ' t . . 'fttt f nntente 15ThiidDfaclnj For Infants and Children. " . Mothers Know That 'If; mm TTT8"----- Genuine Castoria - rLCOHQL-3PBKUt- J- AabteTrcpafltoawis- Always Bears the - :: similaliiuieFoodWi-- ' m simple. wanted everyone" to like her George ImBut It mensely. would be embarrassing If everyone thought Just the same about him as she did. The wedding was to be Christmas nftemoon. Then they had planned to go to their own new little home which they had Just finished furnishing an4 fixing np. .Thfy were going to have their own little Christmas tree there quite by themselves, and their friends had left their wedding presents and their Christmas presents there, though almost all of the former they had seen, of course. "Are you almost ready?" It was Mrs. Allen calling up the stairs. mother dear," sheV an"Almost, swered. "You'll be late." her mother called. "I'll hurry," she saldv "Do you want any help?" But she had taken longer than she had thought. Yes, If she didn't hurry she would be late! Still she would have George atTTier life now. How wonderful It would be ! She wondered If that was why brides were so often late because they felt they had .so much time! It was a gloriously happy thought to realize how much time she had. She was only ten minutes late. The few friends were nt the Christmas day wedding. And her bouquet was of She had always holly and mistletoe. said she would love to have such a It would be ,so wedding bouquet. merry and Chrlstmasy and such a happy, gay kind of a bouquet. George had consented of course. He agreed to everything she said, because he loved her so, and she was so fair wMh him. too, because she loved him so! The ceremony was over. They drove away In a low Sleigh with Jingling bells to the small house. There, by themselves, they opened presents. What it glorious time they had. And she had a little surprise for .Tust a little bit of a surprise. him. But she knew he would like It. "Oiwn that host, there, George," she said. He opened it. And looked at some collars, many, many collars, all much too big for MoroUneoof if n w of MlaeraLNoTNAHcpTic IV 11 1 Use DiI5 For Over Thirty Years mm 'aff storia tmc cc ht alia oommkv. arw roan crrv. llumnn PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM i ts kindness sometime ruelty. I HaaXi to Gnrr-ao- d Fadea Habl rrxrTOifni. I "...U.UT... W.J f Talkative men are great aelf-ente- ; tiiiners. HUMDERCOHNS awa, MlaiaCaaU Wart. ti"lLT Maka'Meaqr Sad Hah It tiroW: n iaay Uur ((uaralilMd hook of herctolura unpuh-lUha- d faola ihuwa bow uutrkly hoMatly. aurolr. Sand to (or rat tmuwdlauiy. u. P. Co., LakenmU,wbcU Wla. W N. U 8alt Lake little when asked puxaled the in a a me your I told hhn that as though long as be had the right kind the size didn't make any difference. When he asked me If you were big or smalt I told him you were h CityrNePsumt Mr' MorningKeepVbur Eyes Claart - Clear- HoalttiV -. - WH. f. r.M Cara M Miwtaa CfcCMa&Ll I g of course . "Why. George, "hat is tlie mutter? Won't they fit you? Is the Mixe so Important?" "My dnrllug little girl." he laughed, "wlitit docs It matter what the sire is.- That Is It does matter about wcHring thefa I'm afraid, my love. But to think you thought of me even when yon were netting the wedding fineries mid remembered the name of (he collur. "They're' my Christmas collars," he exclaimed, "aniN 11 r put them away In the box with the Chrlstmaa bouquet we're going to save. Such a Christ-magift from a dear little bride hnlal never be mangled -- by arrj laundry !" "What a silly I am," she laugliH gaily. "But suiii aa adiabie silly.' George answered as ha kissed her! Exact Copy of Wrapper. n.rf In . . - - CopyrlsWr y Llttla, an Brows Omaan,. uorooy noucea mat toe curtains an circumspect, the chauffeur also plain, bad been pulled down ; be ly. was accustomed to be In the em about "UNTIL COME TO YOU A- S-" , touched the button and turned on the ploy of one who required reticence. ' k af light at the top of - the-- car, and then Conner looked from the note to the , Sh caught at hig hand. "No; no!" sh$ cried, - Tot must $tt be saw that Warden was dead ; bis bearer more keenly, there was someas far away as you can before thtg come cap was oft, and the top of his bead thing familiar in the chauffeur's face I'm going lack to meet had been smashed by a heavy blow. 4 Just enough to have made Connery and hold them." She threw the car into fhe reverte, backed and The chauffeur drew back, gasping; eiteve, at nrst, that probably he had turned.it and brought it again onto the road. He came beside her blm on the steps, cried seen the man meeting some passenger behind Kondo, again, putting out his hand; she seized it) Her handfor an instant out and ran Into the house calling for at the station. clung to it, hit to hers.' p help. Two other, servants and Mrs. , -- "You are " ? Connery ventured "You must go quick T she urged; "but how am 1 to know Warden, who bad remained nervously casually.' what becomes of youwhere you aref Shall I hear from jottr-sh- all in her room, ran down. The stranger "In private employ; yes, sir," the who.had been waiting, now seen for man cut off quickly. Then Connerv I ever $fe youf" came knew him ; It was when Gabriel War- "No news will be good news," h said, "until " the,fjrsttlme JbyMraV-Warde. . . "eVau...ln out from the smoking room . t .help j i r ZUnM vhntr.' . ..: ... In He them. aided the the body taking conductor seen had this chauf"Until again that unknown something which a thoufrom the car and helped to carry It feur; this was Patrick Corboy, who cheeked his-woand action tosand times it seemed to her-rh- ad Into the living room and lay It on a had the night he was ward her made him pause; but, nothing could completely bar them couch; he remained until it was cer killed. But Connery, having won his from one another now. , "Until they catch and destroy jne, or tain that Warden bad been killed and point, knew better than to show it. until I come to you as as youliave never known me yetf" nothing could be done. "When tuts "Waiting for a receipt from me?" ha had been established and furtheF con- asked as If he bad abandoned his firmed by the doctor who was called, curiosity. Wktt situation I Hor arc two yotrag psopU, obviously in lovo Kondo and Mrs. Warden looked with each other. The girl is aiding the man to escape. Yet the man The chauffeur nodded. . Connery around for the young-- , man but be took a sheet of paper, wrote on It is virtually a prisoner on the country estate of her father, who try wag noloogerthere, concerns which solve most sealed it In an envelope and handed it to a complicated and baffling mystery mg The news of the murder brought ex over ; the chauffeur hastened back to them all. For the man" is suspected of t murderous attack. on the tras out upon the streets of Seattle, his car and drove off. Connery whisgirl's blind father. Moreover, he is apparently connected with a Tacoma ' and Portland at ten o'clock tled softly to himself. Evidently his in has murder. a he taken And, finally, midnight previous part just that night. Seattle, stirred at ;once at passenger was to be one of the great encounter in the girl's home in which a relative has been shot to death... the murder of one of Its most proml men In eastern finance who had been In addition the man is using an assumed name and will not tell who nent citizens, stirred still further at brought west by Warden's death. As he is or what is his purpose. But the girl who is a nice girl knows the new proof that Warden bad been the car disappeared, Connery gazed with love's prescience that the man is worthy and dares to put her a power In business and finance ; then, off to the sonnd. faith to the test. as' the second day's dispatches from The. March morning was windy and Love, mystery, action, a deep wrong righted, the confounding of the larger cities came in, f stirred a wet, with a storm blowing In from the the wicked what more is needed for a good story? third time at the realization for so Pacific. From Eliot bay reverberated They authors are William MacHarf and Edwin Balmer, those intermen said that this was the second the roar of the e brothers-in-laof some who won separately and together have esting Chicago time sucn a murder had happened, large' ship signaling Its Intention to the reading public. Warden had been what was called pass another to the left. The Incomamong men of business and finance ing vessel loomed In sight and showed a member of the "Latron crowd"; he the graceful lines, the single funnel She cried out, "You mean someone CHAPTER I had been close, at one time, to ihe and the white and flag of might kill you?" great western capitalist Matthew La the Japanese line, the Nippon Yusen me "Should from A Financier Dies. that keep going tron; the properties In which he had Kalsha. Connery saw .that It was, aa Gabriel Warden capitalist, railroad mr made his wealth, and whose direction he anticipated, the Taniba Maru, due She hesitated. He went on: "Would and timber of mines owner director, and administration had brought blm two me to a do have tiays before, having been delayed afraid that at you thing lands, at twenty a the respect and attention of other men, by bad weather over the Pacific. It one of the predominant ought to be done, Cora?" forty-eigh- t had been closely allied with or even would dock, Connery estimated, Just "No," she said ; "I would not" men of tte Northwest coastpaced included among those known as the in time to a passenger to catch "All right, then. That's all I had with qtdck, uneven steps the great "Latron properties"; and .Latron, five the Easternpermit to comnow. know man The young Express If that were held is tlvlng room of his years before, had been murdered. La till nine o'clock. So, as he hastened home Jwst above Seattle on Puget ing to see me tonight, Cora. Probably tron's murderer had, been a man who to the car line, Connery smiled at him1 he's I'll tell downstairs. all you he sound. Twice within ten minutes called upon blm by appointment, and self for taking the trouble to make had used thft telephone In the hall to can after I've talked with him." He went directly downstairs; as he Warden's murderer, it appeared, had his earlier surmises. receive the sme reply that the train been equally known to him, or at east Old Sammy Seaton, the gateman. from Vaneourer, for which he had in- passed through the hall, the telephone equally recommended. Of this as stood In his iron coop twirling a punch bell himself Warden answered much was rang. quired, had come In and that the pas- It. Kondo made as possible In the sug- about his finger. Old Sammy's scheme overheard Warden's end of sengers had left the station. gestion that the same agency was be- of sudden wealth everyone has a the conversation. the to Warden like not Apparently Gabriel It was other persou wished to see Warden at hind the two. plan by which at "iny moment wealth 8h()w nervousness of any sort; Kondo, The, statements of Kondo and Cor may arrive was to recognize and aponce. Warden finished, "All right ; I'll the "Japanese doorman, who therefore boy were verified; it was even had found something strange in his come and get you. Wait for tnerthere;" 4 learned at what spot Warden's mur- prehend gojnejrongdoer,j)rsonie lost or kidnaped person for whom a great Then he up. hnng telephoning, watched him through the to Kondo, he ordered his derer had left the motor unobserved reward would be given. His position Turning off ihe which shut living portieres car. Kondo transmitted the order and by Corboy. Beyond this, no trace was at the gate through which must pass room from the hall. found of him, and the disappearance most of the people arriving at the AYarden turned suddenly and pressed brought Warden's coat and cap; then of the young roan who had come to great Coast city, or wishing to depart Kondo house door the him for opened Kondo the bell to call a servant. Warden's house and waited there for entered the room; he noticed then and the door of the limousine, which three quarters of an hour to see him from It, certainly was excellent; and had been under by constant and careful reading of the brought was which still that Warden's hand, was also complete. the papers, classifying and memorizchauffeur The was Patrick holding the watch before him, was ing faces, he prepared hlmtelf to taka Corboy, a young Irishman who had shaking. CHAPTER II advantage of any opportunity. Sammy "A young man who may, or may been in Warden's employ for more still awaited tils great "strike." five than his to faithfulness years; not, give a name, will ask for me In The Express Is Held for a Personage. . "Any one off on Number Five. SamCora few moments. He will say he called Warden was never questioned. Bob Connery, special conductor for Take him at once boy drove to the place Warden had the Coast division of one of the chief my?" Connery questioned carelesslj by appointment. as he approached. directed. As a young stopped, they to my smoking room, aud I will see transcontlnentals, was having late Old Sammy shook his head. "What him there. I am going to Mrs. Warbreakfast on his day off at his little are we holding for?" he whispered, now." room den's cottage on the shore of Puget sound, I for them?" . He went .up the stairs, Kondo nowhen he was treated to the unrfsual A couple of station-boys- , overloaded ticed, still absently holding his watch sight of a large car stopping before with scurried In from In his hand. his door. The chauffeur hurried from the street; someone shouted for a Warden controlled his nervousness the car to the house with an envelope trunk-trucand baggagemen ran. A before entering his Vlfe's room. She in his hand. Connery, meeting him at group of people, who evidently had moa for him talked with casually the door, opened the envelope and come to the station In covered cars, ment or so before she even sent away found within an order In the handcrowded Out tfluthe gate and lined up her maid. When they were alone, she writing of the president of the rail- to pass old Sammy. The gatemaq come to had he saw her that road and over bis signature. suddenly straightened Importantly and scrutito discuss some serious subject. nized each person presenting a ticket; "Connery : . "Cora," he said, whea he bad closed "No. 5 being held at Seattle termiConnery Inspected with attention' th the door after the maid, "I want your nal until nine o'clock will run one file at the gate and watched old Samadvice on a business question." hour late. This is your authority to my also as each passed him. A business question!" She was The first In line was a. girl a girl supersede the regular man as conduHe was one of greatly surprised. or three, Connery ctorprepared to go through to Chi- about twenty-tw- o those men who believe all business cago, You will facilitate every desire guessed. She had the easy, Interested matters should be kept from their and obey, when possible, any request air of a .person of assured position. wives. even as to running of the train, which When Connery first saw her, she "I mean It came to me through some may be made by a passenger who will seemed to be accompanying the man business discoveries." who now was behind her; but she ofidentify himself by s Card from mev "H. R. JARVIS." "And you cannot decide It for your-selfered her own ticket for perusal at N The conductor, accustomed to take the. gate, and as soon as she was on ahead alone. "I'had decided It." He looked again charge of trains when princes, envoys, through, sbe hurried Connery was certain he did not at his watch. "I had quite decided Presidents and great people of any sort Iti but new-rIt. may led tq aooia took to travel publicly or privately, know her. He noticed that old Samresult which I have suddenly felt that my had held her at the gate as long r fingered the lieavy I haven't the right to decide entirely upon which the order was writ- as possible, as If hoping to recollect who she might be; but now that sue for myself." ten and looked ip at the chauffeur. was gone, the gateman gave his atten Warden's wife for the first time felt As They 8topped, a Young 'Man of The order was surprising enough Lass Than Medium HtHrt tion mow closely to the first man a alarmed. even to Connery. Some of passenger and Wearing a Mackinbuilt man, neither heavy "You mean it alTecta me directly?" Influence, obviously, was tall, strongly b and Spoke extraordinary tosh, Cams to and nor with a powerful, palight, He seized both her bands In bis to take the train; not only the holdto Warden. were hidden and held her before him. ing of the transcontinental for an trician face, fits eyes "Cora," he said, "what would you man of less than medium height, hour told this, but there was the fur- by smqjced glasses such as one wean a of snow. have roe do If you knew I had found and wearing a ther plain statement that the passen against glare Connery. found his gate following out that a young man a man who. mackintosh,' came to the curb and ger would be Incognito. Astonishing four or five years ago, had as much to spoke to Warden. Corboy did not also was the fact that the order was this man ; the conductor did nor know hlmr nor; had old Sammy recognized live for as any man might had been hear the name, bat Warden Immediwritten " upon vprivate'"' outraged In every right by men who ately asked the man Into ihe rar he There tiad been a monogram at the him; but both were trying to place are my friends? Would you have me directed Corboy to return home. The top of the sheet, but It had been torn him. He, unquestionably, was a man fight the outfit for hlin? Or would chauffeur did this, but was obliged on off; that would not have been If Mr, to be known, though not more so than you have me He down?" the way o come to a complete stop Jarvls bad sent the order from home. many who traveled In the transcontiShe stared at him with only pride several times, as he met street-car- s or Who could have had the president of nental talus. man of thirty A trim, then; site was proud of his strength, other vehicles on Intersecting streets. the rend call upon him at half past of his ability to fight, of the power Almost Immediately after Warden seven In the morning and have told bis open overcoat showed a cutaway she knew he possessed te force his bad left the house,, the doorbell rang Mr. Jarvls to bold the Express for an underneath came past next proffer-Inticket the plain Seattle-Chicag"Why, you and Kondo answered It. A young man hour? ; way against opposition. ' , . with An would fight them!" Englishman, r with a quiet and pleasant bearing Inwas of Uie certain, Connery distinc "You want me to fight them?" quired for Mr. Warden and said he tive characters of the president's hand- - cheeks, fumbling, clumsy fingers and came by appointment. Kondo ushered JiandwriUtig. "Of course." The enigma of the or carldus. Interested eyes, Immediately "No matter wist It costs?" him Into the smoking room, where tht der, however, had piqued him so that followed. She realized then that what he was stranger waited. In about forty mln lie pretended doubt. -Whe-re facing was very grave. did you get this?" he chalutes, Corboy drove, the car under- - th . "Avery, i wish you to. jet Into - to the chauffeur. and down ami lenged got ."Cora," again with this Philip conversation Mr. There door. "From the was mono Jarvls." ask your advice wlthoit putting this opened Eaten. It will probably be "Of course; but where?" squarely to you. If I jo Into this tion Inside the limousine. The chauf. useful If you let Harriet talk "Tom mean you want to know where fight, I shall bs Vol osJy aa opponent four looked u and saw Mr. Warden ' with him, to,"-- ' ' , was?" to some of my present friends ; I shall lying back quMly against the cushConner smiled quietly, If he. him-!- f be threat to them something they ions In Ihe back of the seat; ha wa Ion was trusted to bs cautious and may thlvk 'X swery to remove." ito am CONTIMUHA.) - I ..." 1 iv - l steam-whistl- w red-barr- r, wicker-furnishe- d porte-cocher- e. hand-baggag- e, 14 Klr.e. LOSS OF SLEEP NEW f aw Constipation and . "When I was buying my wedding clothes In town that time, George, I remembered that you'd spoken) of n wonderful kind of collar you liked. I remembered the name I was a too, Signature TherebylolinPi rnr i"3 him. " driven-Warde- ' KIDNEY AILMENTS - rd way. She ' 9 nd that hoped others thought that way about the men they cared "for. Then everything would be so smooth and BvVilliiim r.lacHarfl.EdvinBahner ' ' . V fr - cream-colore- d note-pape- Broad-shouldere- the-Cur- note-pape- -- . d o . d porte-cocher- e - In Wednesday's Herald) ' |