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Show ' V THE SUNDAY HERALD, DECEMBER 24, 1922. A r ''T . " ;: : . ... The purpose of this organization is hot a recreational one. W feel that ihitr Tests- - upon us ar-d- esc3dants of that noble band to col- lect and write the histories they made' as individual .members, .especially the historr of the mothers who stood shoulder ;to shoulder with their husband to the trials and privations of VRITE HISTORY that peruoue journeyri mna at tne same time, bore the, pons and daugh ters, who are now striving to. see that By LAURA YOUNQ FOOTE their names and histories may not go Secretary of Advisory Board of into oburton. .nay tne names ana Utah County. deeds of those who. walked the many On March 29, mi, Mrs. flora B, hundreds of miles foot sore and weary, Horn and Elizabeth SlcCune of the drawing the carts which held, their alL sever be forgotten. central board of the Daughters ot the earthly Utah Pioneers, came to Provo and formed a chapter of that ergankation, PRACTICALART whfchfas then known as the A. O. Btord Smoo camp, Jn honor of that pioneer, with- - his dafthter, Mrs. (May BQIIG IA0GIII Smoot Glazier. 'as the first president Eliza The other TDfficers were beth Miller Fletcher, first vice presi dent; Mrs." Gertrude Thurman Pace, second- vice president, and lire. Mart etta JUgja Beesley, secretary. Thirty- -- : . Bohemian Girt" Th past years." --And or. auctions as The ot recent years. V B. Y. II. art O IBTf ' m iiiAi Art Art A AAA uian nas a $au,uuu,uuu steei piani unaer course TTl 1 J 1 1 1 1 J 01 J consiruciion A 1 THAT Utah has $5,000,000 worth of railroad branch lines under conltruction .r - . , ' - THAT four hotels costing $2,000,000 will be erectedin southern Utah to care for the tourist traffic to our National " Parks? - i ... ' - j ' . it m torn ; THAT the above three facts alone in the wonderful development of our state will enhance real estate values in every ' ' ' iity and county. " M--Str '.l:.. ....... :l Wn Ujo ;. nrnw 001 j wji-,ikHsj- By 4p dnrw etn jo soao pn trwo taois qi oi )flonea m pn pa jnepjjje jsora op oj jwqio eqi oi Suita iiste 'ueiioja ;o sdioa iqd3 -- .. ; THAT the basis of all wealth is real estate? at - . n euA oq Mpis jeti pepisajd ejv.sdnm lq jsm sdnwo eiri jnoj ojnj jevltrp tin oj ijvsseaetf B4if1H W aoniodojd ooni olBAOiJ pq dqs jeqtnam qj H6I 0 Jenrams' eqi ni jo qa3 PTAjpqns THAT the investment of your surplus and savings in mortgages on Utah real estate is next to a governmental bond Iff ' -- oni THAT we have sold mortgages on Utah real estate for 35 years without the loss of a dollar to any investor. qoe jo seoaeijadxe jnvnaid aqi looms ej 'paiofne pn pejeaoooip neeq eABq smi iCruajn pir rBDjsnni Jao(t jspim o v itwprj qonm ejeq pas xhM neeq sAq sepo)S(q Sanse jejni po etqvnreA iavin eaeq 'tSn team eqj ptrs 'sseoons 'fljaidnioa mM. lera esq poqjaoi siqj, nosqonnj ?qSn 9 pot waqoinn i3gnax 'sjo8dub jeeooid qjQ Jaq jo iioisjq qi qsjn jnj 889)soq Sainjwwaine eqj jo mv eqi jo sjsqaieai jqi pns 'nonzjnB3 jo eqi jo Saaqmenr &qj jo semoq eqj js jeein ojospepioep neqj ssa n pejis ep qnm qoiq iJIfldi ((J9qie8 pns , Xnqsjoos jo insmaie oqi pexoBf sSniJ9qiS eqj no 11 qj pa J sba jnq 'gesnoq Snjiaam pjA snoiJBA eqj nj ppq ej9M s3nj --- THAT we are here to serve you through pur agent, Provo Consolidated -- Real Estate Company n sa laora equosBes joj Sajieera jsjij & eqi jb psnoana sjsm sjeqmem saij as known the advisory board of Utah county,, whose duty it la. to visit the various t9wns, organize other camps and have general supervision over their activities. The members of this hoard as now constituted are: Mrs. Lacy Hatch Famsworth; president; i Mrs. Grace Smith Cheevef, vice presiV Mrs. Gertrude. Thurmari Page, X dent; second vice president; Mrs. Laura Young Foote, secretary;; Mrs. Alta Conover Strong, treasurer; Mrs. Celes-ti- a Stewart Morrison, historian; .Mrs. Iva Holden 'Morteneen, registrar; Mrs. j Sarah Jones Ramsey," musical director; Mrs. Maude Rogers Taylor and Mrs. Marietta Riggs Beesley, col- lectors of relics. "Under the supervision of this board camps have been organized In Sp'lng-villSpanish Fork, Payson, American Fork, Pleasant Grove, and Alpine, -- Halloran-Jud- i I ge 0 0 i SALT LAKE CITY e, i all time". e5 thOUKh dium BIS jHBrlgham Young Untvsralty. The ; art work at th' Brigham Young university Is taking that kind ot a practical trend that make it of the kind. Still the - - R By ALEX HEDQUItT. Preeident Prove s completing an active and helpful year, fostering he. best Interests of Provo and her cltixeas. . A ndertaking of the club of which it may feel moat oroud . , completion of iU contract on the Tlmpanogos road which makes it possible for automobile, to reach Aspen Grove without a reat deal of difficulty. The club.- In : conectlon with the aid of citizens and other organizations, narlftually given the famous Utah mountain to the auto driving ; - pblta-'.j.''- , ' .... RAINS, President. II - . Beside, giving the road to the public, the club assumed the responsibility of transporting 300 students on a trail building expedition to Asmn Grove. 'Since that time the new trail has been completed to Emerald lake making it possible for anv orrtt. nary hiker to see the1 wonders of the upper cirques of the famous mountain, Among other things accomplished by the club are the following: assumed Cross drive; responsibilltyof-Ke- d gave dance for benefit ot Timn road; attended charter3" presentation' at Price, Springville, Spanish Fork, and Nephi; held grand ball complimentary to Spanish fork; donated $25 to student loan fund; donated $25 for Strawberry, day; donated $25 for fcand in celebration of road completion; do-- . nated $4 for killing rats; donated $7$ for work on Lake drive; donated $75 to fencing Tlmpanogos preserve; donated 67 Christmas basketa, ten tons of coal, and 1600 pounds of flour to poor of city; fostered a lecture by Dr. Broddus on "Scenic Utah;" gave a lawn party for Rotary club. One of the last of Kiwanis endeavors was the staking of the play "Kick In." which was well attended and greatly appreciated. . .jjiikjr :Utah. ' Kiwanis Club. side ls hot t disre- vThex ProvoKiwanuLcluh i. .f garded. Art education must be considered from a two-fol- d point of view It mast her established for the development of the Ideal fine art principles and attainments and tt mast also develop high ideals ot beauty and consistency in the arts of the useful. A group of talented students are producing some very fine pieces of art in drawing and painting. An exhibition of oil and water color painting is to be placed in the hallway ' of the Education building daring January. Much attention has been given tp the study ot form. Jine and color in design. The principles of color harmony have been worked out from a scientific viewpoint The work in china painting, jewelry, leather modeling, 'stenciling, etc., has been very popular and students have made some useful things. very beautiful as well-aThe work of the students of these lines of work has tested up in a very practical way. Show cards, posters and signs have been beautifully adapted to the seasonudJiave. been satisfactory in every way. Art department posters are in great demand because they; bring returns financially. Newspaper and magazine illustration it to be emphasized during the winter term. The usual good results are ex pected because the students of Illustration have had some very thorough foundational work. For many years Che B. T. U. art de partment has done notable work in All of the big scenery painting.. operatic and dramatic productions In the institution have been lnhanced in their quality because of the' special scenery and the beauty thereof. Sev eral students have gone into the field actively through fte training obtained in this department. We are, tne producers of the scenery of "Boc- cacio," "The Caatle of Adament," "The1 TJ1 L. FOR - Miners and Shippers of r r1 CLU3GIV TiriE AfD I I0EY y Mines at Rains, Carbon tZri EASTMOND. UBBBMaBSSa If fcwm of students. I The art gear8 fit i.lhirkn.i.., W Compaey l tfiTpSnaj typtl it has Persian Garden,? recently produced,? Florence , rauiuueg art partment costumes and scenery i 9o. ..far this school year i ihree ,A cessful exhibition, have ' under, the auspioes of the ment An exhlblUon of comnSv art and posters Js now in the Kaf tery. The first of a series of toLnS v DUUUOI lit htbited in the faculty uig room. The ,2" ond-of thfs series will be placed in mavERsiry MtOF.'RTrt - " aSl" ThcSeST PUS , v. "7 " ' |