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Show THE 12 SEE SCENERY IN Vaudeville Star i Scores Success in SOUTHERN UTAt HERALD-REPUBLICA- ii nv i Art Linen, per yard, "D. M. $1.12. C." coTor. A hlsh S4 Inches wide; Krado French make. Just a small lot, so come early. (Annex). White Outing Flannel, yard, 15c. Nainsook, box, $2.50. Japanese 40 Inches wide. Known Best Girls' White Dresses, 59c. Little Girls' all-ov- Broken lines of values formerly sold at $2.7S, and are both white tnd Balbrigran. The shirts are short sleeves or athletic style. The drawers both "knee and ankle (Economy Basement). length. . Scrim, yard, 11c. Fancyinches wide. System Appraises State's Heavy 3s quality, ored borders and plain centers. vards. With the rords of southern Utah tn CO'-condition during the coming an1 spring, the Union PaflfL: officials brrr. have who tourist representatives to lh Grand ran yon during the pa.t week declared on their return t?re ; tourists tcr lay that a grMt mar-,canwould go to tn north rm or ino aulo-mn!td by yon through Salt from I.nnd. Gcrrit Fort. ger traffic manager of the Union Pa. asserted that with tho cific s s condition there was In little objection to to mfi to the automobile drive The party sr"nt n week vlewlr.f: the .vt i" and going over the mad-1ft (Jeorto and other towns in the IMie and country they wtp of entertained At 'V:r fruit. ntcd samples prf tivo iTiitts of struwtrru-- w.iej Citv nts irit,'n the t.?.rtv. The tourist iewaffrom with the party declared !hp canyon, th :i crth rim of the Grand Subllm-. Point and tally fromfrom oth.-points much grander than i e tched ttimu'h thj ."outturn In tt.- partv with Governor Spry and Mr. t ort were W. . Baysiner. general p.iscpentrer agent. Union Pa' ific. Omaha. Cfnir.il J. II. Manderfitid. a.it,int ; Salt accent. and nger passe freight a Kent, Ii s. Spen er. general iju.-nKrs. Silt Uka: tieor(,T H. vice nred.tent. White Motor Curs e G I. Fuller. Cleveland:inond-Whontb Tourn r.t pre.-;.- I lUy 15. .stun: If. ItHay-general tourist :K' nt. Wyli- - Way, Vellowstnrit; Salt Park ,.im:.t:i .onuun. r. chauffeur. and Fred lPu h Mr. of the trip. K.rt said. Surprise for Tii!Irrn. in a wav. an Our trip .southern I'tah. Win one car rolled into our hp; Kockville. the look of wondi-- r on the f the children (who constitute true alone d of the population! Sixteen ti ;n!e the trip worth while. youngsters, who li t I never seen r u r.utorrobkle before, were piled into the for .t rid.e t ar and w r. taken t well which r.p the I.itttf Sprinwda'e. I'ior, lamon. "The state-- uilt hihwayi are.a in Hie k tut inrun, in tine Imcondition, befor. till iic'C.-'s.irI'eal of work th wonderful .cenry of this section le to of thf state can he made ac es-tourists. no to nay that exaKTation "It is sc enery in the there is no Krand inr the river United States than Virgin rmintrv. A coniparattvelv sm.Lll amount of monv devoted to hulllinjr Kood roads would er.rdtaMre this scenery for of the cltv of Salt Likeonennd the State of your most tah and make it The view from the itiuable assets. th rim of the Grand canyon. 1 the south rim. is. in i.et tiiKlier than niv opinion, more Interesting and tttan that from the south. Over (rood motor highway. I am other tiie I'nton Pacific nr.l tiiou-tn.tonfiient l would hrir.n- out several vear. all of wimn: rach people 1.0U .1 rtop at Salt Utke and he i ( l.encflt to the state. "President" Suspenders, with colLimit 10 (Annex). Washable Sport Dresses, 89c. e but In coatee The 25c. now rubber World famous make. Strong-in licht colors. Limit 2 pairs to a customer. (Main Floor). d Women's , s- , 6 Hose, 39c. Out-siz- e Plain Mack. Have reinforced heels, toes and soles. Taken from our regular 50c line. Limit 3 pairs. (Main Floor). purchases from this department. (Economy Basement,) crashes and straw. school wear. Good for early (Main Floor). Men's Sport Shirts, 75c. ?1.00. Materials Sells regularly at A special ptirchase of newest style waists In lawns and voiles. Most of them white. few in striped patterns. Some finished. Most of them trimmed with embroidery and lace. (Art Department). signs. Seco Silk Bloomers at 75c. Choice of pink or white seco bloomers. Also black satine bloomers. All made with fresh strong elastic and sell regularly at $1.00. 50c Box (Third Floor). at 35c. Stationery Some in (Economy Basement). Corsets at Women's $1.25 Choice of all models in Royal $1.00. Worcester and Thompson fitted corsets that we sell at $1.25. Complete range of regularly Most of them white, some pink sizes. and all furnished with supporters. (Third ITloor). tints and High grade papers. colored borders. All popular styles. Each box contains 25 sheets of paper and 25 envelopes. Limit two to a customer. (Main Floor). $1.00 Hot art Limit 1 Water Bottle, 50c. Good quality. Red rubber. to a customer. (Drug Department). size. A In fine tucks. . One big1 line; broken lines from regular stock, but a big assortment to select from. All of them stamped, in easily worked de- Mad- Women's Washable Waists, 69c. Price. Stamped Pillow Covers, ras, percales and soisette. Short sleeves. All Big range patterns and colorings. sizes. (Main Fioor). Fine Swiss ribbed French band top. Regular sizes, summer weight. Limit" 4 to customer, (Main Floor). (Second Floor). Hats, 17c. of sport and trimmed hats Just a small lot for children and young girls. Mostly fall Women's 35c Vests at 2 for 55c. Well mado fancy plaid prinfrham dresses In high colors. White pique collars and Belteel models. Sizes 2 to 14 years. cuff. Hi Rolls Toilet Paper, 25c. Good size rolls and good qualitv crepe paper. None delivered except with other Girls' Gingham Dresses, 79c. - effect. style The jackets are awning stripe paterns in blue, pink or green. The skirt, plain white. (Economy Basement). one-piec- 25c. Taken from our regular 50c line.or Every pirik. thread pure silk. White, sky Sizes 3 to 6. Limit 3 to customer. (Main Floor). er Men's Shirts and Drawers, 19c. rd 10-ya- Infants' Silk Socks, trimmed dresses for plrls from Daintily 6 to 14 years. Some of them have fronts. All well finished with embroidery tucks and pleats. (Economy Basement). to quality, the trade as "cuts" or two pieces to a box. (Annex). Gerrit Fort of Union Pacific Boys' Straw Hats, 5 89a to 10 years. White Hats for boya from black and colored straws. 4oSilk and rib$2.25. bon bands. Former prices (Second Floor). 32 inches wide; double Heavy For quality; nia:ht gowns and infants' wear. faced. 10 yards. ?Anne.). BETTER ROADS NEEDED ake Wc Kcscrve Right to Limit Quantities. No phone Orders Railway and Tourist Officials Urge Travelers to Visit That Region. I-- FROM 9 to 12 StiriHin g Hour S t Summer Ventures jsf j CITY, UTAH, SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, 1916. SALT LAKE N, Kleinart Tupair Brassieres, 79c. A Brassiere with two ' popular style shields. Size 30 only. $1.25. Runners and Scarfs, pair Regularly sold at (Main Floor). Price. One big lot of stamped tan linen runners and searfa in assorted, sizes and in a va- riety of stamped designs. (Art Department). sy:-ttm- first-clas- ro.-.J- JIVItTLn BLACK. Miss Myrtle Black. 9 Ilotchklss court, as just returned from a vaudeville toi;r throuch eastern and southern states in which she scored a distinct M!fs Itiack is a, native rf Salt Irko and will spend, a few weeks hire re.tintron before she aain takes up the staue. her work Miss PdacU's .specialties are sinine nnd dancinc and despite her youth Ijeeu eii 'Ked as a topliner In many of the greatest cities of the roun-tra trip to LonShe don whencontemplates her present contract , j a ; c.-p- r y. " - Wo liavc tho only plant of its kind in the west. Your furs arc denned ami kept below frezinqr, point nt all times, moth?, anil you will have no disagreeable disinfectant odors when yon want your furs for use. It also protects them from theft and fire. Coats and Skirts, $1.0S. Sport Clearance of all broken lines. Skirts are white pre-vontin- p; J GOOD GOODS corduroys, awning stripes, etc. The coats are both stripes and plain colors. The material alone would cost you more. (Economy Basement). K-'ll- y, com-paiil HTTr v. tt vr epoch-Makin- g fr have waited to begin this sale until all shipments were in, as we have carried but few blankets over from last season and just enough to supply ordinary demand. It is our special aim to give our very best at our lowest prices, which are so temptingly low just now that it will be at your advantage to select your blankets this early. We handle none but the products of the best factories and have some lines which are exclusive Salt Lake products. Herewith a few of the most popular leaders for this week: OPENS MONOA Y Tents Blown Down in Laredo District and Soldiers Exposed to Torrent. -- teti-ii.u.,'fiu- Ann A'nrrmri , - i two-thir- 1 i y it I "; t sat-1-jfvin- er - uli Crops In IHsle. "Srve ikinir of crops, our party was tint the unanimous in th heli-arid viscetatdes produce, I in cniT.tPi ;.ri- the het we have under Put unfortun itelv, eaten. eier there t no eonditim. a more intensive proas ther is lifricul:y in duction, the T.ils is aii- top. pr'.'T.t w roaih-r should the f.th. he iT'iniptlv improved. "I trained th trir'Hi"f)n t''..at a poorl ilo TTllll. of the pOp!- - of Salt the wonderful attraction Xu;l re.i!i . stat--t tli'- southern tnrt of th!r f r'iuen v toh! there w.rfor we wre n otii ; art 1 v v few vtsiffirs to tli r ' a and that river country, came from of thee proportion the east. A men handful of people have visitcl Little Zon an yon th summer. It H ms to me that Sa.lt Lake alone shouUi contri ute an .ivit-- e or fifty peoj.le a ire of twnty-ftv- e t'.uy throuKho it the summer reason. th-;ixle- " t IJe - 'ir-Kl- 1 1 1 to-nig- ht G-- n. 1 we-r- e IIopllltr Genuine. "All the members cf our party more prreti that wo Iuor never met rorjnm Chrltl !afe. than wee ftenuine klr.dne courtesy ti At t'nis trip. Corpus Christi. Tex.. Aug. 1?. Aeperieric-Wash, a short distance beyond lthough damage along the berch front we met with the only Is extensive. Corpus Chrisri Pipe Spr!nir. furious troui le n the trip. 7U'e were through the brunt of the tropical passed storm until lul.l uo hv a wBshout from a fatality in the c'.ty Itself, o. m. Iave P.ust. who lives at Pipe) without sroure.l the country for teams without serious injury to any person! Sprtne:. without serious property damage to heln us out ani all the other ranch- - and r.i worked as energetically as thouii to the lsislness section. Orie section the, car wa tnelr property, ar.'l tiny of tiie city which was mot exposed to wc'iH accept no recompense for tiieir the storm is under three feet of water. afsiKtane. Scores of summer cottages were "I feel Jurtlfied In sayir.i; that If th washed away in that district. About I In nn nut ro;nh reasonablywe pood can one mile of the San Antonio & Aransas condition nfJt sprir.c. i lr.ss railroad trestle connect!-- , at on'- to send a erod manv the n throuKh southern ltah with tho mainland. was tourists peninsula can Increase the year P" year.' out and the Corpus Christ! causeway, paralleling the trestle, was broken in places. ELECTRIC SMASHED The Beachecveral hotel on the north beach section of tho city is probably the worr rtamacred building here. Part of the roof was b!own away and Its founrhaken. All guests were reOne Woman Killed and 40 dations moved before tho storm reached its height. Persons Injured. Roofs have been torn off many huild-inrr- s in the business district. High seas and last night came running Chlcasro. Aug. 19. One woman was up in theyesterday streets but drained off tokilled and about forty persona Injured day. A number of persons late tonight when a North Shore & out in Milwaukee electric car. standing at the the bay here as well as caught other Glencoe station, was crashed into by a were reported drowned, but nosections bodies second car. Both trains were specials have been recovered and no exact eswith passengers from the Ravin ia park timate can be made. concert, and were bound for F.vans-tonThe Identity of the dead woman was net established. Shortly after the acci- MRS GORMAN ST II dent a. Chicago & Northwestern passenGlencoe at and the ger train stopped Injured were, placed on board ami taken to the Evanston hospital there. OffIcla.I of the electric company re- Affliction 'Diagnosed as Infused tonight to give any Information regarding- the accident until they had. fantile Paralysis. completed an Investigation which they At the hosEvanston ence started. 6t said the extent of the inpital Ittowas New Aug. 13. Mrs. Douglas FOtne of the victims could not Gorman York. juries of who has been Baltimore, bo determined for several hours. ill for two days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kdmund S. Nash at Rye, is suffering from infantile learned today. Her paralysis. It was husband, who Is a nephew of the late United States Senator tlorman of Maryland, snid It was believed his wife contracted the disease in New York City. The totil of new cases in Greater r the date Tuesday. Aucnst N w York for th week ending today "Wvlie Wav." Complete cost, was 31 as compared with ll&l for the days.6 SST.S: .complete rail, t rail. Of-previous week, while the number of days. cost. 2.r.Including was 2:6 a compared with S01 deaths Phone street. W. South Temple e. last week. AUvcrtlsom:r.t. Ik e Wool Mixed Plairt Blankets. ft- - 'y7'X soft and fleecy and none but an expert could tell that Wonderfully they were not all wool. All neatly bound and in different colorings. These prices: Size 60s SO, special, per pair $3.75 S4.65 Size 0xS0, special, per pair yvVk it A- - i 1 1 Laredo. Tec., Aug. lf. Considerable prr.pertv darn:g and great inconvenience of troop? in th" varlounational guardsmen camp in tlie Laredo district re?u!te,i from a tropical ttorm which ragt-- here from f o'clock last nii-iuntil t o'clock this morning. For several hours Iiredo was completely cut off from wire communication with tho outside world. Practically every tent of the f'0 50 soldiers here was blown down and the men were exposed to torrential rains for hours. No los of life has been In the district. In Laredo thereported principal damage was confined to blowing down poles, trees, fences, signs and the destruction f small buildings. The maximum velocity of the wind was miles an hour. Tho storm abatedfdxty as suddenly as it Ftruck this district. Work of reconstruction of the camps wa Immediately beirun. Itn(!rnnd .Severely Dnmnged. San Antonio, Tex.. Aug. 13. Railroads and other public utilities operatn the dising throu-'- h tricts suffered damages aggregating more than $r.0'00 exclusive of losses in Corpus Chri-tl- . Hrownsrille and other points in the storm center, according to estimates tonight. It probably will take the San Antonio Arkansas Pass railroad a week r ten days to restore service to Cor: pus Christi. railroi.l officials say, and it may be fifteen days before its trains run to Rock port. Western Union Telegraph estimate! the storm damage company to the company I .,0ft0. A wireless to Fort Sam Houston from James Parker at Br wnsviUe. paid that the total damme to national guard camps In that district will not exceed from to .""!. General Parker sai l the rpirlt of the men was good and that practiin position cally all the tents again. MSr Wool Mixed Gray Blankets. nil Fleecy qualities with broad colored borders. These prices: Size 66x80, special, per pair Size 70x80, special, per pair . All neatly bound. German finished blocked plaid and broken plaid effects in different colorings. All nicely bound; all lofty qualities. These prices: Size 08x80, special, per pair $3.25 Size 6SxS0, special, per pair $3.65 Wool Mixed White Blankets, pair $3.95. or colored Size 70xS0, soft and fluffy with pink borders, with white ribbon. Bound Blankets, $5.25. Gray Wool Mixed Finished with choice Size 70x80, very quality. ders. Bound with gray silk ribbon. pink or blue , bor- Famous Pendleton Blankets. These celebrated Oregon made Blankets are exclusively at ker's. They are extra weight, soft and fleecy and are tled Vicuna or red. Special prices as follows: Walmot- 5 pound weight Pendleton Blankets, $7.00 $8.75 he-av- 6 $3.65 $4.65 Plaid Wool Finish Blankets. storm-stricke- - pr'-sen- g-e- GALE SWEEPS r r-- also Pon- Kayser with silk suits in sport stripe jacket plain skirt or to $11.98. Some sport stripes throughout. Former prices wonderful values. Not a large lot. E PLANT 1 J l. FUR IIil j Silk Sport Coats and Suits, $4.9S. silk coats in plain, high colors; Genuine Established in 1859. COLD-STORAG- pair pound weight Pendleton Blankets, pair Provo, Utah, Blankets. Mills of Provo. Heavy weight. Made Made by the Knight Woolen from Utah wool and are specially priced. Fancy plaid Blankets in different patterns. Neatly bound. Size 66x80, special, pair $7.00 $8.50 Size 70x80, special, pair Silver Gray Provo Blankets. bound These edges. Heavy qualities. Neatly Size COxSO, special, per pair Size 70x80, special, per pair prices: $7.25 $8.95 WoolNapBlankets Cotton Blankets St. Mary's Blankets Heavy qualities, fleecy and warm. Havo neatly bound edges. Specially priced. All good weight, Fleecy quality and nicely bound. Plaid Wool Nap Blankets. Bordered Gray Cotton Blankets. Sold by "Walker's under the regular mill tickets, which, are attached to every pair of St, Mary's blankets sold. These prices: St. Mary's Gray Blanhets, pair $6.95. St, Mary's Plaid Blankets, pair, $5.75. Size 70xS0, small plaid effects in differSize 70x80, a good warm blanket with ent colorings, soft finish. dainty colored borders and neatly hemmed. Size 60xS0 in block plaid designs. St. Mary's Plaid Blankets, pair, $6.95. Size 70x80, heavy quality, in large block St. Mary's Gray Blankets, pair $8.75. plaid effects and colorings. Size 76x84, extra fine quality with fancy colored borders. All nicely bound. Plaid $9.75. St. Mary's Blankets, pair Size 70x80, very heavy, fleecy heavy qualSt. Mary's Blankets, pair $11.95. ity and good range of colors. Extra largein size, 72x84. color High grade plaid St. Mary's Fawn Blankets, pair $6.95. combinations different blankets on white or silver gray grounds. Nicely Size 7x80 fleecy quality. A shade that bound. does not show soil easily. W'ell finished. Size 60x76 nt, per pair Size 66x80 at, per pair Gray Wool Nap Blankets. Size 64x76, special, i?r pair Size 66xS0. special ier pair Size 66x80, jer pair White Wool Nap Blankets. , Size 64x76 at, per pair Size 72xS4 at, per pair Two-Mil- .$1.45 .$1.60 . . . . $2.45 Plain White Cotton Blankets. $2.10 $2.65 $2.85 si-eial- 1 Size 60x76, special, per pair, at . Size 64x76, special, per pair, at. Size 72x84, special, per pair, at $2.25 $2.75 Size 64x76, special Size 72xS0, at per pair $1.60 $1.95 Sheet Blankets each $1.35. Size SOxOO white cotton sheet blankets. No borders. Neatly bound and of fine $2.10 $2.95 quality. 1 j J - nmtr K . - YELLOWSTONE EXCURSION RemV-Tit-e- g $4.-..e- V.a-sat- ch fi SINGLE TAXERS PLAN WORK ON NEW LINE jilzss Gates Listens Falls. N. Y., Aug. 19. A reorganization of the sdngle complete tax movement, national Htul internathe single tional, will be carried out by conference taxers at the sixth annual under the auspices of the Joseph Fels fund commission which opened here The plan which wast suggested by Mrs. Joseph Fels of Philadelphia Is to a national single tax associaorganize which will raise and spend Its tion, own funds rather than be supported by the Fels fund. This association will have headquarters In New York. An international commission will be formed to link together the various national organizations. to Reproduction of Niagara to-da- v. ARE JAILED SUSPECTS Couple Held for Idaho Authorities n PoMble IIor Thieve. Wanted in Teton county. Ida., on a of horse stealing. Glen and charge Warren Ieiig!ns are belr.g held at the countv jail. The men were arrested here bv Deputy Sheriffs Charles K. Wood. Ben Harris and Ben Harmon had disposed of four horses after they"saddles at a low figure. and two on suslodged In jail They ofwere theft and they were on the picion turned loose yesterdav of point evidence could be found t.-when no hing the horses had een stolen when a wire was received from the sheriff of Teton county, saying to hold them. An officer will arrive from Idaho today nnd take b th men back for trial, thy having waived the formality of t 1 . Own Vocal Music Kmma Lucy Gates, member of the Royal Opera of Berlin, whose singing hascharmed thousands of people, heard her own voice yesterday in SaTt Lfilce. It was sent in advance by a phonograph company of New York, with whom she Is under contract. Her voice may have sounded as she thought it would, but it was not aa if one sat In an auditorium and listened to her flutcllke notes. Only a few of her close personal friends heard her tdng In "canned music," but they were delighted at the rendition which the, marvel of the electric world recorded, the "Kcho Song." "Solparticularly dier's Lament" and "Shells of Ocean." PREACHER IS ACCUSED Charleston, 'w. Va., Aug. 19. Rev. William B. Marye, an evargelist, was brought to Charleston late today by postoffice inspectors, who charged him with sending threatening letters to shipments to tne entente allies. He will eDster springs, W. Va., be taKen to President Wilson. He was arrested at Monday, where his cajse will be heaj-Ada, W. Va. in a federal court if an indictment is When taken before a United States returned. commissioner nere, Marye admitted he Marye js a native of Fredericksburg, had written to President Wilson urg- - Va., but has lived in California for sev , ing him to prevent further munitlon eral years. PARENTS OF PARALYSIS VICTIMS GIVEN GLIMPSE OF BABIES ( n k. ; i. : fii GREEK ELECTIONS SET FOR OCTOBER Behlin. Aug. 19. The general elections in Greece will be held early in October, according to advices received by the Overseas News . . agency. conn o shout nouns. i.y. hous in n. western town certain in comfort and apso improved thatgreatly a visitor shrewdly surpearance mised that the son of the house, a A had turned over lazy, a new leaf. He inquired about it. "Yes, sir: my son's got a job now," BOSTON'S Cl I.Tl Hi: IS V1MUCATKD. said the smiling old mother. "Get's The much acclaimed culture of Bos- good money, too. All he has to do is ton won for itseir new piurels when to go twice a day to the circus and put his head in the lion's mouth. The rest no less a person than !r. W. T. Sedgexpresof the time he has to himself." wick discarded a timein honored use for years sion that has been unnumbered. HHASOX i:X(H'(ilI. a. of public In hit lecture to diss "Oh. to his highly please. Miss Jeanne!" begged the hejilth students he raid youth earnestly, "do not call me Mr. Hm'ise.l hearers: Public health work should bo In the' Durand. h. but our acquaintance is so short. hands of an especially trained class of she said coyly. "But why men and should not be left to every you know," should I not call you that?" Thomas. Illchard and Henry!" and "Well," the young man hesitated, Bxit the familiar old "Tom, Dick Boston "principally because my name is Du Harry" vf our childhood. Traveler. 1 good-for-nothin- Pom." g, , - ' - One of tho most pathetic incidents connected with the infantile paralysis scourge transpired when the parents of the babies in the isolation ward of the City "Hospital, in Newark, N. J., were permitted to gather on the lawn when their afflicted Youngsters WGre carried .to a window and exhibited to their view. Here are shown the mothers waving to their children. Home of the children, only slightly affected and some recovering, were able to wave a greeting to their parents. Thesg brought hope to the hearts of some, and then there were many parents who waited in vain. |