Show CO According to 10 A A N the Ihn shaft haf of ot the Tintie Central U iii now down Iown 70 SO rot feet and Ind no decision clon hiu hl ha been reached by I I the Ih company to start drifting The Tue Th now lew tunnel at the tho IH I now In within 20 0 feet te t of o tho Iho ore oro body which outcrops on tho the surface from 6 to 10 20 30 feet teH wide carrying 3 In gold to 10 the Ihl ton The Thu tunnel will wi gIve n a depth of ot 71 16 tel fuel A shipment 10 tons Ion of ot concentrates will wi bo in made tomorrow The Tho Th concentrates run about 2 10 to tn the tho ton Ion new nw ore cars carK of ot the thA pattern patter and two Iwo new now en on engines gines for rOI to freight and alil passenger traffic ratTle have been n ordered by b the he Nevada Northern railroad It 1 In Iii I declared declare that Senator Sen tor Lewis Imel of o Pa Ia In contemplates building a 1 large oil 01 refinery culinary r for tor Ogden to 10 to tho the oil oi front from the Ih Spring Val Yal Valley YalI ley I Wyoming district A contract contrat will wi I shortly be bo made mado forthe for tor forthe the extensIon of ot the tunnel nt nl the Hun Mining company com pun property In the tho Pine Ille Drove district In Heaver county Dr Ir A Henry and Ind IndI It I K R Plough have Ju t returned from froman troman froman an Inspection of at the tho property A con contract contract contract tract will 1 be lic let leI at ut once nce for or the ox ex tension of o the Ihl tunnel another feet and KM Mn option will wil bo be given Ivon the tho con contractor contractor tractor to extend the tunnel an addi additional lionel SOO feet tel If It I required On August I It 1 tho the National Mining company of ot National Nevada evida paid itt Its I second l nc dividend In two weeks seeka Two w dividends dividend of lt f K I edits cents each ascii have been ben paid on In the a shares hureM hit res of ot outstanding lag ing IlIa stuck stock since July 20 Manager Iana rr Holdaway of o the Ih remittal Central yesterday esterday mode made a statement to 10 the tho stockholders In which he hI de declared the tho company ha has IRM nn an Indebted Indebtedness ness nt of on account of ot tho the water work at nt the tho mine U Is I slow Ilow At tt the tho SOl foot tool level It Is I proposed ed to 10 catch eSteb the tho water antI and run It off or u through a t drift W S t hero here the tho men le are ore working at UI present It I IH Is thy dry 11 He le lb further that thul there theio thel I I is no ni lIt trul a 11 I shallow minu in thu tho Con According to 10 n U dl received over Pollock Cos VOs private wire cop copl co colin l lin ier r exports for tor the week antilog August U 11 4 wre 75 1 7 tuna tone Thu Vito ho total from tWi August 1 I lisa has been bean tOfu as us agaInst for tor the Ih bUlle PeriOd last year Accompanying tile the dividend cheek check of ot 30 runts cents u a share and 11 the tho II extra dividend of or 20 o cents cent it I t simar shuro the II of ed til 11 III I al uilo o receiving u a I brief I el I whim that or deducting LI cil a eti ng tin the t present dividend tI lv 11 end th t Ii company IU n still lul has lul 11 In cash cashon clah cashI on I hand J Feu son engineer for tor tho thio United Statue Mining company COl I 11 its has IIII been to II lila hi homo In Third avenue for tor tho Ihie past two weeks on un ac uc account c count a I I I difficulty I I with hIs hla motor cycle ccle Two TWI weeks ago ll ho was wui mis coming Into 11 kult bult Lake from trout n ii I trip When ni hg Handy the Iho t Ii a machine ill acId no ran cli II Into Inlo the und Hand Before Mr could protect I himself It I rued C the he I machine Inc ak Id hail from tram ono one side 1110 of a the tho road out to 10 tim tho other In II no so 10 doing the tho heel was wa caught In Iii tho the spokes and 1111 quito badly lacerated |