Show i OLIVE GLIVE HEARING NEARLY ENDED Jury Visits Car Where Tragedy Occurred and Makes Im Important Important Discovery JURYMAN S D JOHNSON Phil III In i Ilc run oti Il roil hg i I I iii Ii ls Story of fit Tho Ih Shooting I II Hl 1 to 10 The Nt Aug Ug 5 1111 In ln th Olive tle ll t mur murder tel der hell 11 Olson brother bruth r of ut Mr Mrs Chive Wa u by the lur the tho th unite state t B said h he did not nul b her I dIve saying lu to Mrs Mr Ir lute at iii tho iii h C I live hive truck witness I J would rather Kil 1011 cu toU than have hM you OU go so wron l with will 1100 or ui any uny an ulcer man ate Cute Clive left leit the next day da after the snout n oUI ot Ing log H anti and live lUVe na hail had l n II talk 11 at at al which llIe rather her lor striking willie and ii 1 lei l that ho he thi thought m nun ace rather III In the Ihl tight t t tu to up Ul fur lur Ills hIs sute Ie lII a to 10 luok aft tItter r Mis liv und Mild her ironi cux Chite wan teas uway WI S 1 1 ul ul of tit Tills hl thu who WH called to tu Mill Fork lurk utter alter the thu th I that dice told l M him that Ihal lu hl und tand x were wore standing U UI when the tle tI I Shot ht u w eap tiled III Il ad d net I Ih lit i ud 1 tile tho vl lol against VII Ih lUX hotly body and tired end and toll loll Willie said raid Wilcox bed beti ird u ta taIC as asif if IC f III had recently It ItI I 1 Ike kg ko Miller lIlIar who was wa with the Ih br bridge dR gung gang that Wilcox lied bed after the looked aH as u It It had hai Lem occupied The object of ut if this testimony Is 15 to 10 confirm the Ih theory tint Iii IL I III Wilcox II cox was Willi In his hi and in UJ Let lu I when attacked and killed Alma i l I lIaise Hale deputy deput sherIff of ot Utah county who went to Mill Fork J ork on May lIar Mayfe fe 1 testifIed that be bed l ap to 10 ti have been on slept In and Mrs Mr Ih bed 1011 ns a If It limp Home one on had harl b been en enIn In It on oh the front side oldo but the tho pillow lUlo on the Ih buck brick tf t t f the bed bod had 1 not nol liven 1 1011 dis the disturbed Six bullot bullet holes were vero found In Inthe inthe the car ear nil all In room said sald II Mr Ir halos Halo None Xon were We found rise In lii the Iho car The Tho hu courto of ot thy Ih bullets bu utile WIll was toward the nol and except one 1110 was Wl thus II couth Apparently par none nono lurid had been ben tired from toni the Ih east The Tho blankets blanket and 1 tar lar tarpaulin paulin of ot Wilcox bed were Welo Identified by hy tho the anti l Introduced as its evi oCI evidence dence attention being culled to tn the tho hole ala In them Mr linlee gave It I as tI his hl opinion that tho tl o holes holt were wre bullet holes Sheriff Sherif eorge K E Judd who wont went to Mill Ifill Fork lork the next day lily utter after the killing was wa railed d end nd corroborated the tho story of nr Deputy PUI Sheriff Hales flinty County H hi S H Pyne lyne In wise wah Ib again agal n ii and to that thai th lii it III ilas on em one on of the blankets wa was blood Sits Mrs 11 was wan 11 tailed railed to 10 testify that sue she Imd never heard or ii r Mr 1 r be hl beIng h hIng Ing lag In trouble over another woman ai tt II livo WIlcox hunt told 1111 him hut hul huther huther her h evidence wee wan all not tu to KO go In III Inan Inas an ItH hulta I JUdg Hooth imar how In Iii tie the Ih Jury JUI that the tho of f JI live should not be he I as tile the character of ot Wilcox II cox lIero the tate tale rested The defendant dive I h was ices rolled In lie He denied the Iha testimony of ot the II flagman on he night of It if May lla T j nf ot seeing him KIND FOil POU hero Hern Ih tho the court adjourned and th Ih tim Jury went scent to 10 the Ih idIot to 10 inspect the theror ear Dr In iii which the killing occurred no Rr by Ii b the attorneys the Ih de defendant ell hive antI and Deputy Sheriff Hales In Jn this Ih I one une of ot the Juror H 8 HU U discovered a n bullet Im ira Imbedded bedded In Ill the partition lion tiger near lilt tho floor loor In tho the middle of ot tho the office room roo III This Thin hl sis 1111 an Important discovery for forthe forth forthe the th defense II U It goes far In sting the claim made by h elle liis that the shooting began In iti the tue office HS as II h in following Wilcox when whim the Ih latter ll 11 d 1 from Mrs dives bedroom When hun the dive hearing was wan re rum um umed ed eul thus Ihl morning In ill the Fourth district court Sheriff Judd testified to lu the hind hinding Ing InA of nf the Iho bullet hole In the th middle partition which was a made loathe by hy tho tIie th Manic annie size Izo as lit those thos found In lIco bedroom Jilt Hut he lie further stated that he believed the tue bullet hole holo hub was ens a II fresh froh one oneat oneat oneat at least leat not HH us old as ns the Iho there others lie He not account for Cor this belief h as ho know kiet of ot no ono one who had hiatt access to the car who would be likely to place It II 1 I there hare I hareS H S D I Johnson the Juror Will who red crest the tho bullet hullt hole hol sworn swami testified that the newly discovered l html bill bullet let leI hole hol did riot not appear to 10 him to 10 be ho beany any ally fresher than tho thu bullet hullet holes In Inthe Inthe the 1118 other littler vail part It lit itt this the ear car NI r This closed dOl tin the Ih testimony and the Ih arguments argument of ot If attorney was IRA began begun County Ally Atty Jacob opened for fir tho state shUo and was WA followed by h Ally Atty AtI J 1 W V N for the defense Hist Atty All Harvey will close clone In for tor forthe torI till the I h tate ifill tp The ease case will III RO go o to the Jury Jur tonight or tomorrow noon fling |