Show SNIDER WITH NITH ATTEMPT TO DEFRAUD or of tin Ih ii Inc him Is I Accused of 01 ofin oft t in lii IIII 1 In an which was va brought be before betor tore fore JUlia Judge c L W V Morse More tide this morning J J Snider receiver of nf the Crescent Manufacturing company COmpAn wm vae charged with mith bad faith alth Hid i attempting to de ml 1 fraud i minors In III selling the plant ma machinery chinery am smith and mat rials for or his bin own profit Or lr Snider took look time the th stand In III Jill ill own oln defense auth declared that thaI ho hv had carried on nil the business of tho the com Om compan pan lIIn In the Interest of time the th creditors antI and mode made such tales calm that ha he believed to II be to tim their Interest Dr wo was appointed receiver nt at the th request of if w V J antI anol other oilier of ot the who tiled flIed suit lull lullI asking I for tor a 1 dissolution lulion of tho thin company and anti the payment of lIB Its bills bill by hy the HIM stockholders The Tha company was all en elm engaged In time the manufacture of at coffins comos and had a 1 plant valued nt at Coleman a R tailor and under undertaker taker of Murray was raa tho the chief nt mit the tho Ih hearing this thle th morning He lie In Invested vested t In the company I n anti anil charged with had bad faith After the Ih company went to 10 the wall aid Folder was appointed receiver Colo Coloman nb man nil a 11 1 that Snider came come to with a R proposition to 10 tho tim py He lie told Coleman an the tho wit sIt m n m that A B It Irvine an un attorney had the reorganization of 01 the th company In hand antI and that tho Iho assets aneeta could b be sold cold for far or a 8 small figure antI and a n an ne n company foi meil to 10 carry on aim tho the business buln Coleman declares that tho the Plant wee was worth 1200 and the ma mH materials tend valued at Rt Snider did not secure Mure enough mooney money mone for tor tho the cola SAI of ot the Ih plant and ho hn n ashe thru that the tho trans tran transaction transaction action be he h set et t aside as cc fraudulent The Th hearing heRring of t the Ih ease allf was wea con cons continued until Saturday I morning when It will probably be concluded and ink tak taken Iken inken I en under advisement by b the tho court |