Show BRYAN ARRAIGNS LORIMER RATS 11 i Iny 1 I I Wlm hl Voted for fur furI Illinois I lit lie I 1111 tend Out of or tin Ih Party 1111 Lincoln Neb Nob Aug ug S In II a statement published In Iii II his ils today laday In refer reference reference ence to the 1 held hel recently reI I t I In Illinois to 10 protest against J declared that the time Democratic legislator Ilal or on ore who mho voted toted in to t elect I to II the Ih United Limited States Stuten HIlin senate enal should be hc read out of C the tho th Democratic l party purly Any Al Democrat voted for til or Lam miner liner for tor or patriotic purposes to 10 tobe tobe be b retired to 10 life and kept theme thore long enough to learn what m means meane said bald ll Mr Ir 1 1 It I IH Is almost almot no M dangerous to 10 have havea hlo a Ii 0 fool In II the tim as al a knave kIR A Democratic legislator who could bo lit Il convinced that he was WI performing u tu patriotic duty tut In voting for or l Irmer mil Id be persuaded leui to 10 do tin anything do lIe mb ci remi by I n a I lobby hobby lobb provided huro the t nami mali mum patriotic arguments wore used Ho lIe 16 In Is Innot not fit 01 for or any aims Ni representative position 1101 It H In ut hardly safe lofe to tim tl allow al to run rl at itt large Turn Turl them Ilium oUt nut ut The Te jart Ert pause MUle to defend Hume II who are ar guilty nt Im II who wh If It Innocent have imae arul sue HUB l which can CRI never be he removed |