OCR Text |
Show SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLI Amsricpn kagle. TiOUpl On V nf. 'i in-r- La; at i.iiin.li-"- ij rU" e- r ttfc. Onpr fat advertisements IlioulJ V In not t r 11. an Vsvduoday kf uttnoou to Inaura Inu.rtl ia in ue.it ut. TiT OFFICE. C Office koun 'ram 8 00 a. m. to 8 00 p. m. Sundays from 100 I '0 XI a, ra. Mail closes rry da; at d ut! p. ui. (rdr boar aud hours (or ragistar buslB'M fr jiu I . in. to 4 p. m. Arrival u ilrjjartors of mails, ttail amvatl IS a dspsrts t 30., Arrives 5.U p.m., imparts 8 30. Unf The Salt Lake Bubine.B College is the only School in Utah that hs a complete and well organized Bank in connection with the Bookkeeping Course. Iu fact our facili- Leading Commercial ties for bnsiur-unsarpawed. School of the Woodmen of the World the World tight in the - court cos slsciU- Ellis CtabinetSys- tem of Book-keepin- rOIU:.STi:iiS and FRIENDLY No society",' meets every Wednesday ni;;ht in T'orcstcriilliill, tutij liheot Mtmay. Vtali. non-neiiH- o, di'Tinilioun. If' II. Y. Kandall, Chiefltanp'r. James Arnold, Eimiiiuial bee'y 3 AGISTS. Fes our eraud subscription prize Look up our special premium offer. When a StuJcul witera tlio bookkeeping (kiiai tinent, he begins bua-int'- s of We have noma, special lueuta for active ajjents. induce Dr. It. A. Hasbrouek, 101 Main Kti ftot, Kcaidcuee 217 Fmirth East Course of Study. training ia the KLLI8 Shorthand and Bookkeeping, Typewriting, Commercial Arithmetic, Spelling, Grammar, Business Business Rapid Penmanship and Business aud possible only with CAlilNLT SYrtTEM OF lo which wo lmvo tlio cu'lu,ivc right iu the Btate of HOOK-KEEF1N- Don't forget to biingyour "job work" this way. instruction and evary Student qualified under Prof. Brown is holding a good position. Bd sure to visit our Shorthand Department. ss at once by in Colli'go eurioiicy iu the bank. He then trnding, buying and Rclliug with Lis fellow Btudcuts This method S. L. & U Letter-writin- for "'ihe Seo our special ole-II. Dcbky, tho clothier, has moved hi nnw bloro to l'JS South Official Ouidi to the Klondyke Street, 8w.lt Jiiike City, I'Uh. Main Street, Salt Luke City, Utah, Country." A person ran reeoiro au "Official lie invito hi Murray frieuds. No man or worntn oanenjy life or noia tiuiild to Klowlyke" gratuitous where It mucti in ilii M.rld ptuu Rrent Hiurlt prwsitlliiin often prcvt'iit if Witt' with a subscription to tho Eahle. Utile Ka'iy a livir. U Kivrt aru from torpid M. 'l.oo p. in. l.".oo p ui. p. ui. 4o Li.4U p. m LAQOCN res srt mid fho ldp;il picnic groun'ta Koutid trip inc. dins adiuisiin rts. Special r;itus to Societies, Suoda? Sch'oltJ Etf. Hound trip to lloclt'8 Hot Spritics, lnclud-U- S 8. BMnEUGEK. Ocn Mgr. It. w. Early Pu.8. Agt From O'dtn to I.nirnon imd rctnrii on St:n-l- as viaO. I.. K K. 75 eent Children 35 oent. includ ua aduiisbiou toifron.tde. IVAYER RL and R10GEUDE 't ri? Die ( 1; v ;) 1 r '1! Tho Only Line Kuiin.iitc Two East Trains Daily ;o I.KADV1IJ.E, ASl'KN, Plk'HLO COLUKAUO SPRINGS W And UKNVKlt. j Truln No. 2. Leaves 6;4," a. 111, Salt Take, 7:Wu. in Arrive ai 1'ueb'o 5;50 a.m. Culoiado Sp.inKs, 7;ll a.m. Denver u.bO a m Train No (lden (i.Sa p m. Suit I ake 7;4U p. 111 Arrive at Tot blc A;l.r p iu. Colorado bprliitr", C;4s p. u . Deuverf ;lijp. iu Connections nro mad.) at Pueblo. Colorado Spr nns ai.d Denver with all lines Fast day coaches. ( hair ear. and Pullman sleepers ou r.il Trams 'Take the I). & R. tr. aud h..vo a conifortablo tr p and enjoy the ttuo.t scenery on the continent. Snrtet line t; ci p!o Creef. Colorado's trreat (fold ci.mp. Train No. 3. leavinfr Oiidru at J a.m. arrives nt Cl ippie Croek ni xt morn-Ill- ? ar fc:5ti. S. K. FOopor. A. S. Ituehes. G P, & T. A 'l'rar!.i..Muager Denver. Colorado B.M. Cnthii.sr. It. F. Iti vine. T. 1'. Aircnt. Gen, ABent Salt Lake Chy, Utah. ::.;i, V. S. I.aiii'.Ol!Ki',SiiI.iir.:c .,,... ci. hi aT;nd ..." ov ,, "(old jm,,.,, it TimoCuidNo WOM "S l"- or'i1':" iQO, siov LKAVK No. No No. cent. & tsry r i'i. J Icr, v'.J lr t TOTAL VAUUn ;. C: It It AY: ...5 '2 ) m ily Lake 0 a ia 7Kor ity. .. t For s,inpte, Sevier and all jj int.erniediiite points .... 8 22 n m ti For T!ovo, I'ayson. and all intermedia, e p. dots 5 13 p. m LEAVE SALT LAKE t .ITY. No. it For Grand Junction, Denver C ito a and all poiideaat in No. 4 Foflirand lunctiotr Denver and nil Intermediate point 7 4 ti p in 1 F ir (brdeu.iiid ull pw wrt..li ;J No. iu " B 10 No. , p m Only line running ibroiifrh Pulliunn Palnco Frnnolsco Sleeping cars ti Denver nnu ltiiout ohamre, aud Pulls ua family sleepers t" fun I'raiinlsco. I.os Anttel. s Il'over. Ciiieair.i, New York and Boston. Free reeTu-li'i- r chilli- cars. A II cur., lighted with Piniscu Gas. F A Wadlelch, D.(. Do.Ijro, 3.H. inbrock, Oeii. ilxr. Tralllc .Mu :. Ccn, P. & T. A f The Patiiots9 Bulletin ...A l. V J'J'cHK. iL... Ki.irr.p r.y AUTHOIt O." Coin's FincAizld 5;:hcc?. FOit Cvery Member of Ever Family on livery Farm, in Every Village, in Every Town, in Every City in ml J THE VJQ3LD. IT TGACii'iS MANHOOD. V'lO(. it teaches womanhood, it ti:ac;:f:s patriotism. lyjj ST TCACiiLS ORGANIZATION. IT TEACHES GOOD GOVERNMENT. IT TEACHES A BETTER CIVILIZATION. P. Cahoon & Go, Contractors and M t I. iko fi CUR PREMIUM 'Tal o IN EFFECT O0T. let, 1307 ps iit y tUl ONLY Builders. "es!" 2otb, 187; A ro. ',l'"t ft t Sep fining ppi'cai.cr,, Cilv.'.'i h, We have mndo arrrangeuieuts to gek A Si.' leu.l.rr l."i - 'i Notiru i hereby given that tho Hipper for our anbscribers a valuable but Si)?c'al Buit-rii- u UI (lold Miiutii! and .viiiiinif Company, ny .1 . . of premiums, imd ttrs nbla tovifler I Kvans, Its duly luiliiukod Cffcr ir.'irt, whose them almoBl fres of cost. a.ittrtaa 1 Salt Ltka City, tiiUrliicN. H. Ill's I.i'tlo Knrly tlio i.UIh lh.it i le.inii llntt orifitn, Kimtk, nro must ell. cllvc nu;i-k:y- . l1H In Kern bee, l'n.p. Murray 1. as 111:1. In npllfatinu r..r ii,t"-.-,- t f. r l'i. . K. Tho Fcrer.ter. and Woodmen t.i.i rynnill A H ui liver h M o. ANK I ND. line r feelof the Evam Imlo. benrii:i C"U iir,'Vi:nii.i:: tlm mnt nrrinua lorim so should buy the corner lot new .tint Mimim-l- Iroiilile. Tl.ty mru rontiut-ili.i- i I'l.uruiuuy, and oilier preeioua tnrttls. sllimt.) in li-pt :on prirp, &! cortsUech'r lingular price ooots. A Subsoript'on imd rt'nulntB tlio Luwula ottonwooc Min.ni: i.fnet, S;;li L:kcCo , r. rm now r.a' hpfl ninre Ihnn So,- - hiimlsorao 2o .1 , a..,. (V no cunt lioio,! Ty- owned by 8. A. Ahlberg and joint W. andV: trui'i pngn mtts;iiz -. V e ouei Hi" Ifilmi-- U.aerlloUl.1 lie fan 'ioo t. it, I.h.Mh this lnrj-put an.: !, I'ioji. M.iriui' l'l:aruiiy, i h,AUI.Kl Held notes on ttt in tlii oll-eaud the AmkkK-Asi f Hows. royal foliowirj; of RutwritM r- - In cause etoriiB, poBius, skeli , bit:! if tr v! tier ami i Vaf-atui: iia. Peoolo who desiio lota of reading ouo in.!.'- -. ls ami such general literary niator as rA of n, ch'itf M f. t ,;n, year for $2.50. Now is the on- - j vi?.:ni ITtiuiiliiT ui imm i uu r i". . i. a . ! iut i for ttieir money, can have . .r .. . -i H 11 71 .... 11.l s, K'. -r the most to nad time to average I stroiin'.y aubspribo. lei "Only two furnaces in oporatiou aiattur i s; forner portune .iiii; i'.iontc eat .'i in toaoli wna tie most jrogrw- - er, who wants pure aud uliotesome literdV.ii.M.t T4U.6 feet Keat the tiuruiauin tuielter, it looki the Toledo Weekly Blade free gratis Uiuuiln? rr-- , indolent ulcers and eluillnr Thence rn.mtli A;4s d.;:. I in :n e ..oat kui-u-o ni.n. j ot t:;e-- tmy. u is Ft ien 4 No. for lo n, coi tie?. subscribe the pretty 'blue,' " renuarked or.e of the provided they rit. taiil at th troulilcn, oveu Uioul;Ii of many yeara inat.d-tn- e.tt lot l jeet i:. e, r:.et N i. 4; 1 iiem-- w.-- t t'ihj hi i's t'nte al itroof the entertaiuiug kind, lisprao cue year. 1 Wiuli Amkpicmx lleWiu's be X cured by . iMttti Thwce i orner to f.'0 fom men a Cow daya ago. feet 5; may ti"itij iib.r. r.t jn its merninR, no ' tical twpartnwuts JevoteJ to the ktlo'i. g. itisntvtr and in mis. we-- t I!'.S feet to ftirtier No. I, tl.o ll.izel S.ilTU. It aootiis, atrentth'-n- ' n j;c t, 10. I.f A i on tl,.(1,...r r..ril.l. tl,a MM .fel.iul h tlifT luaM. It i Hie grrat pit cure. W. K. Kerre-bee- , place i.f ' inn, ii r eiiii'.iinii.fr ut.i:it ureal ' Monn nU are uieltss if triflod .r. hi. cv. rv II. o :'..i.(r en itt-l,:.rrr ' iinsuiiivd nome ttocoriiiiou, etc;. acre-if , i i liKHi wsieli waited fr .ui dy dulay , of p.'.iu:! ren, daniiorounly urefBuiBiciiiff, J'rup. Murray I'lmnnaiy. itMiu o ! You can no more get a scientific liracmeii mi wl at it Iib bnils . , , work, lvf. wtuTo OnrMiiiutrl oii;)i(. lire would conlliet with the Aii';" nrr:y No. o 'tJ ..,i .. 'id ii i v i .fi mi v o'lier sueei f .1 fanners an; d mi- -, aud ara Br".v valu,U u-- evor wun,;1" wn or an economic principle into a lirliiij iuiinudliiic relief. V . E. Forrubce, Ten cents apiece will be paid nt li;.,....," ! how to d n ever has ! t. read hxtensivo them, sis'e-Its fr tii'u nptdicut'on. oxritxl improve paars ooitam iVii oIVia fur eai-l- i of tlio followiliff cenied and area Bug'" head than you oau I'rop. Murray I'liarmai'v. no "utau w. l nt ap-in el ',i. lcavusi;' is" "iiliers " fiver ' msuts have been made in omankilid BuUUius lots 111 tho choicest part i batk 0f ul( American plied n-- fain eiuti.i ruu'iK.rui reo) v-put the Washington Monument in line eotiots. if know am thing icjr. uuriiig the past year, and as a resuit its of Murray ut auotiou prices- -? 100 Eaolb: Kob 5 aUll c 0f Vol. II, miii wot 1.4 fed; Ttieiitt nortii J7 tlcjr aijout the farm and fatm life, fxamiue a tea cup. ecai'li 4 ccg. circulation has been in creased from 2i,-oo- o before now one. lot! Oct Farm vou umU.rBt8r)d w(U ftn) x,wtl I4mi,i.5t.y.3.t,:ecta.id per -r! tn 6o,ooo- - a gruwlh tlifit e."Jii!J only its nJ! niuch it. sabseriUrs 'Frl.nr.':';; appreciate Murray incorporates or tue price better every ntutiher.Ouni- - possibly be obtained by j'viiid toe pe -1! J And it ive oyer Seen a little ch id In a beUeeu actions 1 :.uA Anyono wishing a night's or will double. out!i. ryva Call at the Eaglk Tf you h of ip i, want. Ve invite c imiiar-iso- a n tiooiiiii; co.ii:li, or il you liae week's lodgiug at one of the finest oHice for further information. iiiroxysiu ratiL;e I e:,l. b. ainnoiili I dfi: 10 mill, weal pare It Willi Hi.y other farm puper, and pie what they wen aiuioyud by a eon. ant li Mint; in the of Womaukiud with other par.ern of the j it alautls atieau iu practabi tty and real feci di .unt Hint pi r:i-uis Salt Harmon the t iim of Lake, places throat, you can appreciate th" value unMiiveved aorlli :s of n.,rUi cast 'j, of sec- value, of its kind. tho hr..kon and diseased Unities, to jinul ;(inih Cure, hteh (;ivm ijiilek lion VI iu twuh:i 3 Hiuihuf raiic 1 House, can secure discount rates by To lioal l'l.arthe irritated surfaces, tu Imtaiitly ro- - aef . V, E. Fcriebce, Muir.iy of 1'rep, this Take location Tim meridian. S:lt calling at the Eaulb otl'teo before Have nun in pennaiiuntiy euro is mc vine is recorded iu tho District Kecnr.ier' i uiacy. Wo WU1 gead odo of the above papers (ts ke your choice) free of le Witt's Wilch ilar.nl Salvo. W. E. . .. ollico of His IVt'oiiMno I Mining . . mi p- i , , going up. to want with suffer don't I l'rop, Murray Pharmacy. you one year to every persou paying up Ins subwriptton to .Ma Certainly at A.ienta, Mit i.aka of book pace dyspepsia, ooimtipatHin, sick bcilaeti. snl. ou Inue ont e Canvassing agents wanted.tMeady low skill and l" of appetite y,al fiau j the Kams one year iu advance. We are sure you will be pleased with "Briug me all tho rest," said a oinploymeut never tried iWi',t'a Little Kerly Kis. rs for i.akc. City.l'tah. Adj Tuinj nsmi sro the Very guaranteed. either paper. We selected them beaiine we knew you would like them tbeso romplaiiita or you would havu been Hipper and .Vix Lode. gueit placing hi finger over the liberal terms ottered, Call at this cured. Tlicv are sinnll pills but. ureat reeu All claims thereto on hohliii hotel a of elvers bill a fare. ' of iiamo BOOKS- rllico butwesn the hours of 10 a. 111. lalors. W. K. Ftrirebfo, prop. Murray are n quire I to pre : ui Ilia aie before this e dat ar linger oll'oii thar an olli.'e Itliin sixty days Irem tho l'.r: day of ond 4 p. m. Womankind Cook Book "Buttor M&kitig." I'll fetch thar hoi shcotiu match, publication hereof m tLe Axriue.vN ivtoi.E,, at vurrar. t.lt Mike Count;.-hotal ai.d all." A eerios of prize epsnye in which the Cook B 10k covers the entire This Tho "Bicyellil's 11t Friend" Is familiar ctah. or they will he Imrrcd by virlttu of the fa. met'd' wive Pan't Tnbsroo Sail and Kmake Yaar Life Anaj. uamafor le Witt's Witch liar el Salva, al. and (latifc'hters, win) tire ratine of the culinary art. The recipes of the statr.te. ma provisions be and illc To tnhacco forever, s. While easily quit ia ll;' habit of getting the top prices in in it were selected from the favurite reo aspoi aysready fureniericcueif HYHON CK0O. t'l'KiSler. relieves and cures oetle. full of llto. nerve and viiror, take No To T C. Hilb-v- . For Sale Cheap. Ono acre of for piles, II im iuitantly ecxema t .o uiarkelp, ted how they feed their ipes of Womaukind readers so that in Ati'y. Hao, the wontler worker, that makes weak nien lit'Mt and all afhruWns, salt rliuuiu, euta, IS. puldieauou sepi cewn, hew they care for their mil'd, h w. this yoa have the best things from sevland, two roomed frame house, fectum of the skin it never falls. W. K, sirnnit. Alt druivistn. Wk! or II, Cure ituaraufree. AddreM iiousekeep- IttK.klct and Wed they n:ak their butter. It ia a most eral hundred practical aanip'.e barn, orchard, etc, all fenced. l Fcrrebee, l'rop. Murray I'liartnacy. orlt book. vidtitble t I'S. Kcmedy Co., Chieaito or New SU'rllng inilea south aud J mile wett of Mining Application . Price 25 Cents. Price 2s No. 2M, X'. Murray 1'. O. terms to auit. F:ia So. An Eftortrja Happy. C arl E. Erickson 1 Farm News Poultry Book, f. S. land Offles. Salt Like city. t'tHb. Cnirr.rcts Cunuv Cittliurtie, t'.ie mrrtl won ' A nin tnuft b nitur(.t'tr ispleniber IS. f fix derfnl tii' iiii'nl ilwu orv of tlie ae. pa-an- t rhi tloiU Is horel'v (tiven tlist Ihs L'i'Hi-laia uv Willi n had v'' . a- - k ,VJ7 -- 4?V to meet the needs and de j' i li Notice Written i )i ' l I". ", and r'tr. atttt.ir U " tri'titly jrrh, Hi.tiitU'!. u'm.'lft IoIumkIh 1 tltnltnf and ilftiiK miiaut by J. W, K.van". of the farm poultry jsrd, rather A 1 mande v t v. lilt- (hront num. h"iii wUhiiut nd bmvela. r mid livi kiilncv?. iHiSittv. mi e Il dulv Hulhn whose I"'lt odl t!l It. asr. Property owners in th Haynes ch nns. ii? ll.oly eufivj avHti'in, dWpel roltli. ItKiihl In. ll.M- 4 1 tit;11 (.,tr1'l.t than thst of the fancier. It tells all At?) (f? Iiaf llin.le ;M 1 , atlilie sin Milt ..,oi ny. V N H I M Ml'yT I1 mtrfcet cnlle.) Cahoon addition should uame the euro In'n.iHo.io, f( ct ot In hi lit for h patent r. r 7 i... .lual roiii'.ipalion their character- fc'i ni:l cite M,, Iti.tai r. '...f ' he about difforeLt brei-d- . linear .S f'r-"''Smi r C I' Mil t W'JJ. ths 0 I'l er I.iIh an.i tn.i l i.neur tee'. oT tlio I'ltiuo Imv and trv d bin LVuttfd wlili eist't . II at Ihiv islics and what msv be expected oft4aud petititin the county ond lu,loii;:i. 1I It. far llrttrv erad U A I irvu und x Ii III? .eon .tiniiuietli Mi tenia. Mold Slid P';'1! it.. of C. ('. CJ. to da'; Id, -ii-- M. .k nm nih il, IVf. anu udicninK. ffjiall. jllfrnlk lol.s sooui l . leouint; In triem; tiir Oilier 'Aji Mtilata court lo accept nud oontirm the guarruiteed sW untr-jijlsull precious fJ)vJv to cure by Ui4A Ul.lU (U., Um kVNWt, IMS., 1. tk about d'sesses and their cures, aud, is, lake I flinty, Monti l.i-- t net, V)V, names so that they will receive the T a wmplete guide lo ma'iiDg li.ib, and da cnljtd in ih.!ot mls plat and Tin II. id inees mi rile in Uu follows, ' M thp short, o(l"'. lionw r.uv. game attention as other county " viz: viir'.n'liin hi df .;. Hi uilii. ' ' j Price aS cents. ikitiuniii at pn.t N. l f the Dipper ttreew. Oiln. es-- t T- -l 8 l.ode, 'Tlier.ce nei tli arl deij-S- l feet to post No 'Jof the llip'.i."r i.odo;Tlifiiee "We will send thin pnper one year, 8i.5o south 4o dec. all win. east luiu fet to post Our Great "Why is it Brother 8., you fcavp No. ii of the Mix News one de, i lieiire south riTiVtr and Farm Woaiankiud i.oo ) ysar, t: . 4.i miii. wetd lrjj.'.l fret to too acres of land acres the road, post No. 7Ml ofu. . Ofter .75 antl the three Premium Books, price A iil-odeThence dejt. narih iJ and ou which you do net pay more I2..vj. feet to pint No. s of tin" Alix Lode; MJ FOR t.'i cl H feel to than one tmrU the taxca I do u cunt Thence north al d. Romerabpr yoa get these three valuable rreutuDi Books, and throe post No. 4 ot the lii i l.oie; Thence nurth my half acre?" "Well Brother B. tit deit- all III in. ws.t Bti feet l I'ott Nil 1 of raluablo I'apf ra for o::ly 82.00. have jou a little b uso oa itV'.l Ihe Ibppt r l edf. the place l beirniniiii,', lSTIl-Uwout acres them? Pon't conUiiniiiK a around fence total you area of They aro worth actual dollars to you. "ye! "And little from vulilcli tlu area u( u. 1.V1UH acres iu con-lilc- l fel- it?" Addresa Amkmcax silly you "Why Eaglk rablishing Co., Murray, Utah with the uorlli icn ij of seclion Vi, lo ii ihln :t .outli, r,,i,k.,. low, you should Iiiito left it ua cit, is eipressly i ext'epled and excluded fron 'his applicafeft-e- d grow sage bruah on it." tion li'Hi.nj au area of tS''-,-l'- " Seres, "' Inn by applied lor. From " 7 il.itlle lod.1 So. p S. v Ihpper li,rMiortk4tideH' 'Jtimiu. i il '.'" feel il'.ntant, JH In Effof Legal Forms. Utah. tret, Ogden Lv. Farm- - Arrive H. U inirton. instnn. T o 8.40 a, m 8.0o a. 111. a. ra 'An a. m, 10 uo a. m. 8 4o a, m. a m. 4o a. in lo.oo 12. 0) tu. II. oo u in. IMo a iu. I2.4o p. ui 4 H.o 4o o p.m. m. 1 4op in 4op.m U oo p. m. ti 4't o. ni. 4.4o p. m. b io p, m 5 4 p. in. 6.o p- ni, oo p, m. T.o p. ro 11. --- Trof. Brown'rf great success iu teaching Shorthand, is bringing in new Btudeuta every day. Boiug an experienced writer of Shorthand himself, hi success is Bimply phenomenal. Every Student receives private tims wasted iu usoleas theories, text Book and in committing to muiuo-ry- , iiieaninglo t. Prof. IT. A. Brown, Trin. g. and bookkeeping i Shorthand Department. Ko. 8124. TriK ANCIENT OliDEIl OF i baihSjcentl. Our regular Fall Term begins Tuesday, September 7. Dont fail to visit us before making arrangement elsewhere. rut-et- a Daily. Lrni viil t:-- , 1A y Time Table l eave Ar. FHrin-- FALL TEUM. Business. M Woodmen of every Thursday A. O. 1 Hull, Murray. A. C. Hmiiv.x. C. C. li. A. Coi'B. ano, Clerk. Mahogany Cum p No. Young Men and Women are thoroughly trained t.'.tu ity, ""Railway BOYS. There ia no one more in need of a good, piaetieal bosincss training than the farmer. We have always found good material among the boys reared in the country, and would like to hare more of them with ua. West for are training FAlUKIt rrjib No, 358. torn? BANKING C 1. Mirni'i. ItriiverA ly hue funi.i.ir Tlirouiffc b on butb Mra. I'bu.r t iiiruui Sjcc it i; uuil t'a.ii.?. This line, in count. h n h Uli Hi.- ii:orjud Wcriieru, rcarhet tfiiV. r tariier ttma any other line via Colorado Si r. til's. Vi clisiiire of ears or delaytJ train-- 'take the Cu'orado Mid. and tudatTe iune and fi;j.T tl.e nuo-- t rid. and tjrandt'fet in uluralo. For full articulars (irn-ry .all on any K, G. Afft. or A Bron, In u Apt, Salt Lake City W. F. Bailey, ti. P. A., Dt uvrr, t olorado. ..,iut ar-.- prlattnf of avtry dasorlptlon Bealljr, accural:? and aroiaptiy axeuuUid.. Mahogany Camp Salt L'At t rr k. i. rtet-- i )o pr In fmb per Una rati lB.e. lo (ht i.ue pvr uiodio. aar 11ns ec last) tuoauu. ts,t.t. i.rr i's oa rcdieuoua Utf spM ur Ion iibsrij VitKRAT Twi Through Trains Bft I -i Wuu t& Tl.e Colorado Midland IJ.Jl. 76 West 2nd South St, SALT LAKE CITY S Inch per limb. (1 jvf sxS ccul per Uu So opi l"rtlon, n u! Bio-i- i V IUTE!. ADVRRTiSI.VJ incn per el We furnish the Amehkax Eagle and the Patriot's Bullotin ono year for ?l.('i5; cash in advance. Address nil ordfis to the Amf.ki-ca- x Eaglk Publishing Co., Murray, Utah. t i"" Writ yi'.ir :..vno :.n ! .Mtci.s ja a p'.sl. J card, ter'.d It TiC.lu TiiW'.ildiiCotM'iTjy, Washl.'irrton lloule.ard, Chicago, p.:;d a ...i:i.;do xrlH ba copy of Trm r,vrnn)TS' IU'LI-ktimailed to you. ml A Full I1 Line of Tiieli.pp.ri.de Wood-Workin- Planing g) Machines scroll sawing. Turning. Stair Building M north ri;a dc. III lib SO Inlu mill, rnsl iWi feet a:,d t,.utli M lic-west 3i, li feet tram the discovery. The Alt is i..d, run r.un. eat n. nli !,r, de "Til l feet ami mm. est Kit) ii!!i ;.;,), j,, s por. feet from Hie livm, rv amlforminir lion of neetmai j'j ;n to'v- hip 3 south .! ". 1 of rancc c.tt ii.' s.u ;. S.cr.diu. The '.cd in tlia loratii.u i.f ihn u, ,:9 s t eiir.tv lii cin der's nrllci' p S ; L ike C.mnty r notice at Salt i ake t il?, i :!,, tne li,'l' Ihmiuji.ii paesland id,lewlai beinijoii Ii'. aud b'T.niid Uixnolio on pace pate loH Hook "F," Adimuiuf claims sra Ihe Venus and il.d lrn lr,ureloil''i". AU persons holditi adverse claim' thereto air reumr. il to M ,H'f.ire this otlice wit'iin prnmt 'ri"n "1c sxiy of puliliesfrn ( dy ,,,( a Urn AiKHieiN F toi r. i iii.ima,-- , ,; jvrl ny Sat lake Co., I tab, or tii. a ii K d," li.trrfd by virtue vt the provision, f u ,. ... .,(,.. Rr,lsu.r. T. C. Hallev, . ti ,1'M:.,, First Pul..i. .,,,, BiPt-- t iS !! j Absolutely Celebr'l u.r its Pure. r. at lotriin(i Aasuree ih nd htulthfiilti. IivhI ntt'iiiixi ati ni sou ail r rum or a me f ration ootma'ti tot'i1 d enp bra length MOCLKINO., ETU. ON Tlio COU2TTV SO AD, Teas, Just n lev, of DvM , I. ...... ! wen in " l,M.i Extracts akiuj GOPP'S t v 1). Bait Lake City. & Towtlor. S. SSURY r.' CIVIL SERVICE USTl PULES srinnis tXAiistnca ;ui::;:m3, kivci u t ivd.Arinv, Nav 4ii.t UiiH.mattc 1'av 1 aides. Tell atKut lotal, IVnanmental. ('ntrtn'. In.ise other public e n.okivmfnts. HCT TO C3TAIS Pries SOo. For isle It the olfics al this paper. ' ii :"'l?.l,!."Td To Cur u j Uieui. t h, . ,4l,wgl.,.. lit. ATl Ukl ,U Iia tef-wii- CRAVE LOTS A SPECIALTY. Cn I's. Lowest Prices-Ca- ll C02 State St., Salt Lake City. I4l.. ut IU. Corner BarberShop. Vic. l"c ret. mom v. ) vyrVJI prize orrER INVENTOR'S 52.100 ind ASSISTANT M ill os Mottn. nug, tsyi. rlrli i:J s.uti eu til tstrstt. Veiitj 117 bs yosri. Will yon tr bsrl itrltl Wr.ts 'srf rs..-f- , o. w tfti riJM.niH lusxic. - wuimctet. c. a. tin nil tn Johtu-on- Pxst CItST Givk - Trop. , S3 mi; Work. a Call WI i::ts;::j our Itonels XV ti Ii CiiscrMvta, i cure on forever, ttki.ajs It - C. C (all, d.ut'.isia refund money. Canoy -j. C'oittlpallnn Take Tascare ot CandvCaOiartiA Xf C C. C tail to cura. drin kivis K.luentn I t a,. pa;ldi!U. Ul.afO , Pp.ees, en-- ' VHOIV. 1 he ,ao..,;,i,. i E. 3rd South Street, 67 CoHn, ai:, lo iraivl Fon 7. H. McfJiUrdie, ,vs POVDEB CAttbui r El IronFencing.Etc, Xi . for nfiy runs nulrantcv.d Uibaeeo hjldt c rc.ir acu atrouit. Kood jrc. f',ft. A I vr.sah p ...'. i- - i |