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Show rnivtreity of CUh ouu policy. " we Favor The Free and unlituit?d coinage of American Silver at a ratio of It) to 1. VOL. III. NO. C e2? -- 7 e. s i n ! r it . id t i mm EXTENDED WRITE - UPS EDITORIAL Society Oryan'zeil. On Monday last the Murray Social and Lift-raSociety completed an organization. Tin1 constitution s and were read unci accepted The election (if officer rosulted as follows: The Executive Comuiilte, Messrs Jaketnan, (iaulin & Irvine and Muses Maria Lester and Lilly Piwrani Joumiitte. Mr. G. Troinbo and Misses May rue Ca- s hoon and Maggie lladley; the elected nt the last mettiiig were sustained by acclamation. Ou Wednesday evening 1 be Executive Committee met and perfected their Mioses Mayme Ca-- 1 organization. boon and Netti Moore wera elected honorary members of the committee: J. T. Jakcman was elected Chairman of tho Committee. Miss Cahoon Secretary aud Miss Lilly Holm as I renMirer. It is the intention of this Committee to pus,! tho woik of the Society, committees Tvere Appointed to provide for a public debate; a public lecture by one of tho University Professors; on Club colors; entertainments; etc. Excellent programs are already in band for the next few meeting?. Vim and pluck seems t.i be felt ail along the line, and "Excelsior" the motto and watchword of the society. The Society in vitos everybody to attend Do meeting next Monday night at the Murray School House and a good time is guaranteed. olh-eer- ' A Dcni i v MPRKAY, SALT LAKE COFNTY, f Of Items Interesting to Our Headers, I.lter.-ir- w . tyrnr Cv icrati: Victory. The result of (ho election in pH Lake City was a grand victory for the Democrats. Even the Mayor, elected a is a Dmo-cra- t, ami was the first choice ot tho Democracy before it ws known bo had alliwl himself with the new Tl in turn of affairs causes wary reflect ions with think ing people. This is tho first real Democratic victory in tins hiitory of the city. The old Liberal party plunged the city into a woeful and uniicce:-bnidebt; Iho Republican parly succeeded to tho helm of affairs but id not improve on the conditions; now it remains to be fern if the Democrats are going to do any better. Let us bopo so at Non-Partisa- New York Juurnni MATTERS. tutprpriae. the Mew lork JoaruAl. The Jour-na- iid Latest' rs in- - UTAH, NOV. t, in i Silver, 5SJ ceuts. Copper, broker'i, 10.25 Lead, broketi, 1 3.87J. jt J1.B0 A YEAR. 1S17 War Sewing: Communications, Contributions, Etc. achine Given Away- !we and P -- l seeing that petitions from the entire civilized world could have do ell wet upon the brutish Spanish Government tBd the still more abandoned brute Weyler, organized a rolease party, and by drugging the guards succeeded in breaking open the jail and releasing the e young lady, and before the aids knew that she had been re- leaded, she was ou toe high seas tailing for tho United States. Shu is now iu New York where she will bo tenderly cared for by the good people of this country. It is thonght that international complications may ariso over the forcible entry of the Spanish prison and that Spain possibly may demand her return, but no one would for a moment suspect the Govoru-incof the United States of being bo craven as to return this innocent girl for punishment to the Spanish monsters. Sooner fight a thousand timss than to allew humanity to be thus trodden nuder foot. B id, CoiiBistiu CORRESPONDENCE. Special CorrMtmudcuce. have arranged Washington, Hov. rawing f Spani-Mayin- One Coupon entitling the holder to ouo chauce iu the drawing will be to the Amlkk-agiven with a sis mouth's subscription Eaolk e of one dollar. Almost hopeless as the conditions may appear to be, under the auspices of the Northern Pacific Rail way, a desperate efiort is to be mado to push a tramway line over the Chikoot Pass before the first of January. It is hoped that if this can bo dono provisions possibly may be sont to tho Kloudiko district in time to prevent the dentil of tho inhabitants from starvation. The latest party to arrive at tho coast from Dawson City left there September G. . For six weeks previously the community has been on hhorl rations. N one as yet had died of hunger, but tke inevitable calamity was in full sight. it the best aad Subscribe now, the time is short, you may bo the lucky one to carry oil' the prize. Tho Machine is on exhibition in the Euu.k ofiloe win-do- ', where it can be seen aud examined. ut railroad to: KlO'idlko. $1.50 two chances will be given 1898, making ever had. AMERICAN EAGLE PUBLISHING CO.,- - MURRAY. UTAH. An easy way to get a valuable present is to Rubpcribe tor the E.u;:,k now aud get a chance on a $70.00 sewing machine. Bl-META- unile with him in the preparation of a plan of eurrency reform, hand it over to Congress and tell them to (as it at ouco, as it was what LIC Measures Plainly Placed Before Blackstone said the eommon law was, "the ferfection of human reaIt is unfair in Mr. Irby to invito Our Readers by Mr. Tilman to a rattlesnake conson," so far as currency was concerned. There aro both Senators test Mr. Irby always goea about and Representatives in. Congress f in a condition. have for yearn beeu studying THt HON .'- - H. V" tl'-- Y who the tinauoiul problem, i)J ul.u Mr. Foraker's first act these think (hey know as much as Mr. beautiful autumn mornings is to Ilanna, and his self appointed comlook in tho glass to see if bis love No Need for th Monetary (Jonmiijaion to missioners. Some of theui have for Matk liauia ion straight. Labor in Ignirince tf Thpy Will been expressing opinions about Head Mr. Terry's Ri'iiconoiR. this Commi ion and the language was gcnertlly more omphstic than Mrs. S. A. Hartley left on Friday poli ti. The best thing tho House morning for Nanticoko, Peini. She From I,. W. Terrr'a 4S rropofttttona. could do would bo t' follow tho exleast. was summoned to tiio death bed 10. That the (standard of value of her mother, Mr Hughe. Miss ample of Longfellow's Arabs "fold is ako the standard of dfferrcJ Laura her mothtr. up thoir tent;; and Hilciitly steal wanes Cuba iu accompanied Weyi.kis's day Iu order to secure a chance on payments for all future or lime con- away." the prize oiler tho subscription rapidly to its end. On the 20inst. To illustrate: tracts. as it is must itt every ease, be paid in ad- he will take passage for Europe. The Clondyke map ia the Eaolh competent for any individual to vance. Those v debt tj th'j pa- His command has been turned over office window has attracted a good say, "for thi house on will now Still tlic r,inim!imioa Cnstillanos, who will act many people the past week. Ro- - sell mo I will ur, by paying up their an ears and to No note shaving sharks wifh the pay you, one year for as captain pci rial until tke arrival raember we one of these rare hence, lifty bushels of wheat or ioo unmitigated gall of this renewing their subscription give six months, have a chanco to of Marshal Blanco. This will af- maps with a subscription to tho bushels of corn," bo it is competent Indianapolis Monetary Commisford Weyler time to pack his plunwin the machine. Eaoi.k. for the government to say what sion are competent to roeominend der at leasnro, and view the scene shall constitute its "dollar," or to Congress a national financial of his late power as a private of valno, or deferred pay system, for the simple reason that sladnard Buy as many chances as you J. J. Mirran of Wyoming, who ments shall for a few days. be payable in so many they know absolute nothing of ecowish, and have the papers sent to 81500 raado a mining deal, o lately er so many grains nomic science and every conclusion of silver your friends. grains was a caller at tho Eaglk oifiee HoJiE American irritation against of gold, designating the number of they might arrive at would bo based inia of II 9 Wednesday. thinking Japan on account of her rather im- vesting some of his "dough"' in oach to constitute a dollar, or be the not on the welfare of the nation, How'ts This? will in Hawaii meddling pertinent equivalent of its unit of value. In but upon tho efTeot legislation Wo ofTei Ci.jo Reward for nay case f tho Murray. news that before tho tho individual contract jnst referred might have upon the banking busdisappear Hull's ho clued y La .urn that cannot are expepeople sending Jupaneso to, ono bushel of wheat was fixed iness. Th writer would suggest Catmr!i Cure The Sherifl' is looking for Frank upon as equivalent to two bushels to thene gentlemen that they read F.J. CI KN L' Y CO, Toledr ..Ohio. ditions with arms and ammunition Vp, the undersigned. Iiava Known F. to the revolutionists ia the PhilipLyons who broke out of the County of corn, or, in other words, the ra- Hon. W. L. Terry's 48 propositions J. Cheney for tbe last 15 year", nmt pine Islands, where the war is jaii a mouth ago. lie nas since tio of 2 to 1 as between the two on money; this s may prove honomnle 'n nil believe bim perfw-tlfour titolen three the serious and saddles, in horses, wherein the deferred which their HDii prosSpanish again ignorance traiiHKclions pay things busiDesa tiuancially and something else. IIo was seen, ment might be mad. hen it bo- - might reflect itself upon their conBbletocnrr uiil any olIH,ratwus made pects extremely gloomy. llrin. Inst iu Murray by their comes due, if it was easier to pay in sciousness. If not, they are sure to Wednesday. BDITOBIAL NOTES. Weat & Truaii, WhoUale Druptfists, Toioo bushels of corn than 50 bushels learn that bank currency and a Ohi ledo, General Blanco has one of the Rend 81.50 to this office and w e of w bear, the debtor would pay in gold standard aro tho ear marks of WaldioK. Kinnnn A MBrvin, Wholesale DlUtfiMtH, I'olfiio, Dhio. weaknesses of his predecessors. lie will send you a r. ceipt fur ono corn, and if there was a large num humanized wolves. Hall's Cul.irrah eurfc is lakon in'em is contracts that would strong on prediotions. year's subscription to the Eaolk ber of such demand for upon tli liloorl Hint slly, aoling corn and increase tha the two and coupons entitling muoUB surfaces of the kvhUmii. t'riee 7."o Republicans are not saying much holder to two chances in the draw- tend to bring it on a parity with Sold by perbo(1l. about high prices of wheat just now; ff 2 to 1. freo. Tho Mutual rmprovement Asso ing which takes place January 1, whest at the ratio bat they still maintain that enions JS'JS. Hall's Family Pilh are ttie best. 11. That the ?hermnn act of ciation will hold a meeting Sunday are strong. 1873, having deprived silver of its uigut in the usual place and render as a standard of value the program intended for tho regu. function was murdered A Chicago mn THE L'NION PACIFIC It seems a dissriceful scene took and robbed for tho small sum of 49 place at the Friday night daure of the whole burden of the primary lar meeting Tuesday night. Tho?,. Passes through the best cities and 'cents The oounetitioa in that October 29th, that was not on tho functions of primary money was on tho program aro expected to !,, devolved on gold alone, prepared for this special meeting. towns in Utah, Wyoming, olora- town is so strong that thngs are Two billegeronts ran thereby program. enhancing its purlargely do, Kansas and Nebraska, ud is working at starvation prices. thereby down stairs, threw their coals aud with the best route to Denver, Kansas respect to all power The town of Murray would sup went at it a la Bihhop's bull dog. chasing commodities'. silver. including City, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, a good tailor also a tinner. bo unto yeii scribes and Who tho combatauta were and "Woe port This is clearly shown in the nrtichi' St. Louis, Cbicsgo aud all eastern is What the camo the victor out which rharisees.hypoerilei!" report entitled "Silver," in volume 22, Jack Ciarihew tind Tom Smith points. 'difference, prithee, betwixt Piatt er was unable to learn. left last Wednesday for Old Mexico SI. Biittaniiiea, The advantages gained by travel and the machine encyclopedia pago wickednans and 12. That nt tin very time silver ing via the Union Pacific are Mareui Aurtliut Hanna and his? Tho winter must bo approaching Elecstand nndei tho We was Murray degraded by being deprived of tho Time, Quick the second is taken without a tric yet Kspid Traut.it cumpany baa standard to intends run as a of function its value, Light oompnny Uaeqimled Service, on its refrigerator cars. grimace, and the first gets left." put tho silver middle of tho in a dollar wa a line of pole along Magnificent Equipment, west more of cents Kosd. the the Slate threo street Room the than worth Double Drawing The business man w ho refuses to This is a wrong idea, the Ftreet is cold in a g ld dollar. It was rte- supliort the borne l.aner is lackincr News ot the Week. Piillinau Palace Slecpprs. too narrow, and not bring properly monetized then because it was too'ia one very os?enlial duality. Pullman D'uing Cars, Frto Ktfoliuing Chair Curs, Hpil'tllnf s it Run and Abroad Ate lighted nt night, serious aeeidimts dear. It must be lopt demonetized Sixty years iif;o Chicago incorpoUrlrfly Told. are liable to happen to teams being now because it i tjo chti;,! I'ullmanToiiristSIeei'tfrs. inhabit13. That so far from silver hav- rated into a town with We make n specialty of printing driven along that road after dark Tor time tables, pamphlets over a milliuu it has ant's, would valua A in today much mar on account decreased the it very ing of the country traversed, and designing wedding and recepj!in, of its increr.sed production aud not population. appearance ot the street. rates of fare, or auy other informa- tion caras nsclaimod by from dtniioucti.ati-nThere is no mora useful Christtion, adJuss Where is that man who wanted a advocates of gold monwmetal-ism- inas E. L. LOM AX, the present you could make a of James Whitteker trial sud The Nub. wife his to to and Tio't Au't, Omaha, Geu'l P give sewing machine earefnlly t rtp&rcd tables of friend than a years subucriplioii to Smith for 82 Miss Ilattio stealing a a Christmas or Nw Years gift? the world's production of gold and the Eaolk, from Joseph Marriott's residenoe, show that at no time in the silver The government by injunction terminated last Monday with the DEAD LETTER LIST. We are ulad to s" snmn interest hirtory of the wor'd has the output Judgoa are being sbly supported result that both were acquitted with of kilver as compared with gold taken in tho newly organized litertho government by cold lead u severe reprimand by the three boen so small aB ft has been since There are other acMurray Utah, Oct. 1, 1807 by ary society. attorneys and the judge, w hich was 1802. The foHowi-- ir list of letters re Sheriffs. (o be acquired iu complishments calculated to be remembered for in this office, this world besides dancing. main All styles of fall ml winter life. Ilattio Smith w;.nt to the wit if not taken out in thirty days they headwear to the feminine taste at ness stand aud made a clean bresKt Advli-- to lie Connies'00v ill be !" nt ' the dead letter ofllce. Mrs. Booise Millinery Parlors north There is a lilt' side show on The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth of tho steal and hence was com Mr. S. l:ric!.soii, of T tstoffice. (ho money quertiidi now running Arnold took plac from tht Scandito the sympathy aud mer mended M. H. ILtine, tfr. JJ, II. Ilmua at Hum e. Wvdn day We oomvete with Salt Lake City ,ey of the court on account of th of Washington, I'Ttan'ized it on navian Meeting II. IVne. Ci as. I! hn in clurgo Indianapolis Eld.r warn a be ins snonM l tender also aud flge, on Driees iu job printiug, Mr Nie Rud, him- a huoUuid acd vu lo off his own account) (jetting ten more umci you.o n.j Mrs. Emmie MoUhee. guarantee our wort to do up v- - nig wcrowkad to well kss or her mourn ifcit'igohlhugs nt0 path ! A. Wn i i MstK, r. M; date at well. ' snake-proo- . . - Gc-n- . por-no- I i thelook-ing-jtlas- dirp'-H- C - '51 . , 1 fr e -- uj I lo.-- s. C5NUHJ. be done as soon as Congress meets. The reply is friendly in tone and of sueh a nature as to preclude further aotion upon thepartof this government until time has been allowed to show that the new ministry is unable to keep its promises concerning the pacification of Cuba. Few persona ia Washington expect any material change in commanders and ia the Spanish policy. The offer of autonomy will be rejected with scorn by the Cuban military leaders. The imjression is almost general that tsoon after Congress meets the House will take up and pass tha joint resolution adopted by the Senate at the extra session, directing the Pramdunt to recognizor the Cubans aa boligerents, aud that President McKinley will promptly sign the resolution and issue a proclamation in accordance therewith. Material military successes by the Spaniards iu Cuba is believed to bo about the only thiag that ean prevent this course being taken. Often times those formB of named affluence, friendship, position and influence, seem to belong only to mature years or old age, and that youth mast abide tha time and wait. Jnat bo it would seem to tha thoughtless observer, that all tho time produces all our harvests, but we aoust remember that October's granary is tha place where autumn treasured months of tho year are emptyiug their gath-e- d y products. The harresta of are only yesterday's industry He who comes moving forward. ont of the field with sheaves and shouting, went ia with plow and drill. Succoss in matore life is but the f oi tit where youth empties all its industry, its integrity, its skill. Youth has time aud opportunity, For and hence our hope is great. s. w ant of time, Iceland has bo BlesHed with long days, and floods of sunshine, our Tropic lands attain their abundant fruits. What youth sows, ago reapB abundant fruits. Bow well, that you may reap abundantly. to-d- bar-vest- Stindy City Electlun, Following are the full returaa of last Tuesday's election at Sandy: For Mayor. CltUens. Wells Clark 179 WT. D. Khuro 120 Rocordor, C. Chushing '200 S.Christensen 107 Uity Juailoe. T.E.Marriott 122 W.W.Wilson 111 Troasi.rar. T.Anderberg 183 O. Marriott 122 Martttat. C. D. Rogers 183 B. C. Ward 121 Council, ' I. Harrison 180 C, C. Crapo 125 S. 11. Kemp 182 J. B. Jenssn 117 LarsMonson 186 Goo. Holmes 119 Although thert are numerous O.Hardcastle 180 Chas.Lindell 117 cons eharffos and u2utd with, tho action of tho ad JBurkuiskawLSO H. VanDam 114 ministration is applying for a POSTPONEMENT FAYKD. counter-c.Varce- post-poneme- of the sale of tho Union Pocific Kailroad and withdrawing tha application when tha committee on reorganization increased its bid for the road sufficiently to guarantee that every dollar of indebtedness of that road to the government will be paid as a result of the sale, there is a general disposition on tha part of tho uupredjudieed public to give the administration credit far having squeezed 13,000,-00- 0 mora out of the reorganized committee than they intended to pay for the road, and consequently added that much to the amount that tha government will receive. The sale of tho Kansas Pacifio H. K. will be postponed until Docam-be- r 15, and Attorney (leue-- al assorts very positively that the administration is in a position to compel tho payment for it of a sufficient sum to meet its indebted These ness to tha goveruinont. bo all two transactions may that they ought to be but they are so much belter than they wore expected to be that tho teadeney is to rejoice that tho government will get oat so well. Mo-Kaa- nt MOTES. It is intimated that Rir Edwin Arnold married a Japanese woman in order that ho usiifht havo some one to listen to his Japauese poems. Sir Edwin is not the only man who has married an audienco in ordar to get a bearing. While it was tho general opinion in Washiuglon that Ohio would go Reuub'ieau. tho arrival of a big from batoh of railroad tickets Washington to Columbus and return, w hioh were furnished free to Ohio Uopublie.au voters temporarily residing at the National Capital who did not fuel ablo to iuy tneir own war, indioated that tho managers were uot fcofier- ing with To Wool (Jrowara. Editoh Eaolk: As we aro now interested in organizing tho sheep man of tha country fur mutual under the head of tho Nation il Wool Growers' Association, wa writo to sk you to favor us with the list of sheepmen in yoar vicinity. By this organization we seek to promote the iutarests of all sheepmen and wool growers aud iiiice your locality is interested in this industry wo trust that you will favor ua with this information. F. P. Bennett, Yioe-Pre- s Oct. 2(, 1S'J7. Chicago About Advertising. "About one man in ovary twenfy, five," says the Ago of Steel,"knowa how to advertise and makes a sucThe trouble with most cess at it. advertisers is that they don't mako a business of advertising, as thay do of business. Tbay would fail iu business just as they do in advertising if thay went at it the Bame way. Any mau will admit that ho cannot sell his goods to one who knows nothing about tham, and in the same breath, unless ho makes a business of advertising, he will say: 'But advertising does no good.' Uow do you know advertising doea no good? To advance suoh au ar gument ia equivalent to admitting that the mora people know yonr g:oJs tho less they buy them Iu that event there it something tho matter with tho goods. To such a man wo say, 'Don't advertise; it will buat you.' " Building lots, big lets, leval lots, dry lots, cheap lots in tho finest location ia Murray. $10 per month buys one, Call at tbia office. A New Financial Syatcm. The demand now heard from merchants and uiftnufuoturers aurl bankers and othor IntelliKCut observers In every part of the country la not for some repairs to onr financial system, but for a new Fystem. No government paper ean bo free from objection, because its volume and redeemability will depend In part npou the opinions of congress and Id part upon the opinions of the president. No odo eun be certain thnt those will be correct in all yrars to come. If we could be sure that they would always be correct, we could not be snrs that the government would always be able to maintain a sufficient reserve for the redemption of the notes. If tho wciht of a pound and the length of a yard were linblo to be changed at any time by coiiKrew. the uncertainty could hardly be so dangerous as tho present uncertainty regarding the unit of vnlue. This explains why so miuiy ef tho men who do tho busliiejig of tho ooutitry, not alone In tho north and lajit, but also in tho aonth and wet, demand the withIron drawal of tho government uotea. Age. Japan In a New Light. Now that Japan la on the brink of replacing her currency on the exclusive gold baxia, wo preuuio that we ahull no louif'T be worried with fearful of her growing industrial supremacy, w hich waa ulleged to be dnu to th lilvir standard. It was affirmed thut whatever goods Jitptiu sold in thU country, being paid for m gold, practically doubled tho seller's income when the were converted into silver proceed Aud thia tremendous advantage the Japanese now relinrjnixb. A Stamlard HOUSES LOST. - - 1 The whole Cnban Question has baen postponed until after Congress meets so far as otlicial action on the part of this government is concerned. This is authentic, and was decided upon by the President and his advisors after the full reply of the new Bpaniah Ministry reached Washington. The reply will not be made public until after it and all the correspondence with Spain has baen laid before the Senate in exeoutivo session, which will Cabinet Siuger Se The Drawing will lake place January 1, cheapest New Year's gift the winner Voutli Important, hc-ce- One Oak With a year's tmbscriptiou at Om WASHINGTON LETTER, I.EKT FOP Ite-Iloh- j m Elated over the rapid recognition already rcetivsJ FREE TO m.L The youuglady who was imbris- oued by butcher Weylcr iu Cuba, land for whaae release a great many prominent people, both ladies and gentlemen in this country and in Europe petitioned the Queen ' tent of Spain has been finally lib- crated through tho enterprise of METAL MARKET. One brown Due fay I ,'iHlti, geblirg, weight fci.li.ig. Hot "i of Value. ! Our mom-furnothing but u nieuauro of values. Fpou Hi stability depend growth and prosperity, It limit tw recognised aa the very beat-ab- road v aa well im at home if our eonimeiviul intercourse with the leading nations ot the arcrld ia to aud develop , ilOOlb weight I mo to hemes shed all around. ao-ti- con-tiuu- o 1'tah Nursery Co. jiff m "T r?7 V- - |