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Show PARLEY P. CDU1STE.NSEN, ft THE GREATER nd ioo Uo.,. mwtclttl BIS. . : : Ci f LAWYER. rttr of "Ad Soutb auuO'iuuim'iul St a., Salt Lake City. Utah. ru; tif.iiHoor.- - By George Fide. EA1IXEST ROGNUX. boy hish" and the Attoruey.it- - Law. T1IK in a dinpiiv when "Doc" lion.e juineJ the fjroiip in fruut of iLc Rooms 305-- G Atlas Hlock. hotel. Jt wasailcu-ar.- l Aifalfj Euroi-aSalt Labs City, Vtuu eveuiiijr. With the arrival if hail come u ntnrn of varm weather the real Indian Kiinmier. Only Artist in town the sof haze which rest upon F. CURAND anu Chas, tue traoKe the hills is lust in the autumu leaves are merely supposed to Is still to be found tt his Old Stand, tie falling. Oi.era House Ifock, Murray, The air is miM and caressing, howremoving nutluous aair ever, without the least sting of frost. from the faosof mn. vest had his The book rfrent widely O Call and See Him O aud was gazing with surprise aud reproach at the two disputants. The dentist was laughing and them on. "Doe" sat and listened for several moB.Y.RANDALL. Prop ments before he could determine the subject under debate. What do you Fresh Bread, Buna, Pie, Cuke, Etc., Daily. suppose it was? Which was the greater general, Grant LUNCH STAND. or Lee? No one can ever tell how these hotel Hot and Cold Lunhes. arguments begin, and no one ever saw Hot Coffee with C4e ioct. one of them arrive at any conclusion Lunches put up for travelers. and end amicably. The "lush" was defending the mili- Caters to the Wants ut&t, pui,iic f,jr par. . tle, Weddlug-s- Urtlidays, Etc, tary reputation of Graut. Not that he had or about Grant knew very much Three doors Souti of Post Office any decided opinions as to his military genius, but because the freckled boy had said something In favor of Lee. "If Lee had only had as many soldiers as Grant had there wouldn't have been a thing to it," said the freckled boy. "Im just as good a union man as anyone, but I say give a man credit for bein' good." 'Dillard & fool Room. "What was your regiment?" asked the "lush." "Well, I come about as near fightin' Seleotid Stock of fiues & Liquore. as you did." "Just about. Why, you wasn't born Imported & Domatic Cigars. until 'Doc' and I began to stop talking Family Trade a Specialty. about the war." IK. E. CAIIOON, Trop. "A man can read, can't he?" "I'll tell you just how much you know about Lee. You saw his picture on a cigar box somewhere. What's his first name?" BOOT 4SH0E STORE "Itobert E. Lee." "That's right! That'g the name of Cheepost A. Best Shows. Men's Oil Grain Wirklng Slioes. tl1 6" the cigar the Robert E. Lcs. cigar. I ' Salin Calf, loe Snom, &o knew that's where you got the name." 1 26 Ladles' IMin(r.'l Miuoii Hioos. ' J "I s'poge I don'tknow anythingabout Misses Bojb li Clilldromt' fcuou5H lowest prices the siege of Richmond?" and Shoes mw to order ai.J re Boots "It seems to me I've heard of that, pnirinff Dually domwbile ymi wait. too. Who won out there?" & beted loc. No buds 5(v Men's Booth soled (in 4t fhoei "' Laillc' he win shouldn't out he when "Why 1 ' ' ST) 4o ( htlilrens had four times as many soldiers." Moil's siloes Sitina rrlceas hoots. Atl caps ba cinrced will extra "Who's that Lee?" pa.culuif Joh?!'. Nelson, 1'rcp. "No, it wasn't Lee." "Well, who was it came out ahead ?" Murray Sltoet, Marny. "What does that prove?" "What does what prove ? I'm merely asking you." "Well, I s'pose everyone knows that Grant finally captured Richmond." :o-' ."Who's that? Grant?" "Yes, I'll admit that he finally captured llichmond." "That doesn't prove anything, hough, does it? I puo68 that was an r.ccident. Things just happened to come his way. He didn't know a thing about the military business." JJbliLdl "But he had the soldiers." "Well, that's where he was smooth. Why didn't Lee get some soldiers and have them there?" "He couldn't get them." 46i West 2nd South street. "Well, I don't think much of a genfcTSalt Lake C ity. eral who can't get soldiers when he needs them. That's part of the busSilver or Anuijam Fillings (for inesshaving your men there." a short time) onlj 50 cents. "What do the books say?" Finest Crowi and Bridge work "What books V reasonable rates. at "Why the histories. They say it was Only office in the city having great the way Lee stood off Grant. If he'd had any army to back him up, he'd Lady operators. It will pay you have shown 'em." to call ou them while in the city. "Hut he was finally licked, wasn't he?" "You couldn't say he was licked. He M Aanpodb, had to yield to superior numbers." "Weill what's the difference? he quit?" & "Yes, he finally surrendered." "That's right he surrendered. What more do you want?" -- weXiV MAKER. s.3 "What argument is there in that kind of talk? You make me tired." & cheaply 'Let me understand your side of this Repairing quickj .neatly doue. case. Grant and Lee came together at Richmond. That's rtebt. isn't it?" "Yes, I s'pose you could say they State Street. South of Sanders Store. came together." Murray, Utah "Grunt tired to capture Richmond and Lee tried lo stand him off." frci-k.'e- J Tonsorial IMliMMP&r "82Ss This is the handsomest and mofil coinjilett' opera house in the Slate, outklo f Oejden & Salt Lake and in seooud to none in point of conveiiier.ee Sleam Heat and Electric Lights. HOUSE! &aA. comfort. & E. CAHOON, Manager, mar. xa us F.;a e3i fTTi lis -- a Cq an LW & I., o rroratsd. o Eft wi.fi where You An j-- article of Merchandise for sale Go for Your Supplies in Murray,cau he found in. Great in Stock arc sure to find Them aud where You Can Have a Quantity, and of the Highest Grade Quality at our store. I argeYuriety to Select From and li. r. DAYTON, Manager. to An'. With Prices Equal best ua Business in the. West. I'The Capital sty Ac 3 Business Go ilesei Ami Scho No: ma! I Pay and nlgut TnVa ilie F.:evitor. c I Scokks oping, Poamaasb.ip & Short and. Education devoted to tlia A School of Tracticid Commercial of youug men and young women for the duties of active business life. Tim only school iu Utah teaching Practical Bookkeeping, individual instruction and has the best penman. G. President, 1ST,. Jenulng's lllnck, Bend for Circulars. gives 21 Wr. 1st South Street, Salt Lake City. TP iPiffii UiMlliiIlll 1 1)1 Having Leased the Decker Black smith Shop, just South of the Bridge, State Street, Murray, I am prepared to do any kind oi work that can be done with a set of blacksmith's tools. Bring me a trial job and if I don't do your work promptly and give satisfaction I will make no charge. are these Trie $1.00 Horsshoeing Guaranteed Wark. es m: --. or no Charge. I -- HA'PPY"7 "Well-rthe- see ctof-finr- lllO obublllg fH UJ Respectfully "It don't tell exactly how it as, but I'll let it go, even at that." 'Grant captured Richmond and made Lee surrender, and that's why Lee was better than Grant." "No! That ain't what I say. Be fair, be fair! If you're goia to argue give me a fair show." "Then you don't claim that Lee was better because he got licked?" "You know I haven't said that. that." ig Snlrflrrrpf-CiLj Grauter-Atwoo- d Milliner Lomoany 3Ws Taylor sville Boiler hVlls, Mills, Wasatch Holler lJionier Patent llolltrHLdlsand Salt Luke and Llevator Hl ULiller's Roller ' Holler ? ARB Gi 1st IN work a Specialty. Highest Cash Price Paid . TTI a. W TKl 211 S5? KI'IIOMi I irr'-S""tir.-- .' ;; To TftVpCus. If EVER UNDERSOLD, CwaaJ S-h- f Halt . l'J.S. inventor s assistant vMOnMa m""L'ZXS nm ni Iu. n u.t nil Hn.j.teyi,rtflntA rits imiIiiiroii t."totf.. 'iir.t titt:ti. jnti. ht .,,.,.. C. C. C. ( U ill nnttx. gr;r? wtillk itay U wia foo I..KI eu tc tfct t Vvtr'V.c. trr fcir. fiunl a ., ' ISTJBICaa rSSli:T!CK iUSIAJ, - WiUt(tM, S. C. ilKTrr. .111 ill lo .'.nib i'.itt.n cure. liin.';. i per gs Sheet Muio and Books. Stock Lrs;d8l & Coalter, Daynes 74 Main St., Bait Laka City "What did you admit just now?" "Never you mind what I attic rtted just now. It's my turn to ask questions of you. Lee's army was licked, wasn't it ?" "It w as small and bod to give In." "That's what you really think?" "Yes, sir, tht's what I Uunk." "That's what I think, too. I cant see thst there's any room for aaargument. You admit that Grant bad all the best of it." "No, I don't, either. Not by a darned sight." "No, ha didn't admit that in so man; words," said the dentist. "What he means is that Lee showed great generalship in standing off the loam aa long as he did." "That's what I've been asying," remarked the freckled boy. "Why, I'll leave it to 'Doc' Home, hers, if 1 ain't right. Don't you think Lee km the greatest general of the two?" "Really, gentlemen, I don't care to ex press a preference," said "Doe," with a bland smile. "Each was a military genius In his way, and each has written his name on the. ah imperishable tab lets of fame. I met both of them Gen. Lee before the war and Gen. Grant during the campaign of 1868. Although both of them had the reputation of having cold and distant temperaments, I must say that they showed me very cordial treatment. Therefore, I admire them, not only as soldiers, but. as Amer ican gentlemen, end now Aliat 4hy hiva gone to their long rest and their efforts in behalf of the causes which they espoused have passed into history, I hardly feel that it would be proper to enter into any dispute as to their relative merits." The book agent sighed and repeated, softly: The union of lakes, the union of lands. The union of states none can sever: A Big Stock or Furniture At the Lowest Salt Lake Prices. Rollers of all Styles, Matraaaei, "j Window Blitds. Upholstering and Repairing Done' Special Bargains in Second Hand Goods. Store. Murray Furniture 'STATE STRFET, MURRAY Tj. ERN'SYnOM'; Proprietor Saloon & Billiard Hall r 6 J witty Many Btories are told of efforts made by a certain English judge, who died a few years ago, and amotug them is one which proves that his wit did not desert him in the most trying circumstances. Oncday as he w as w alking down the steps which led from his town house he slipped, lost his footing, and fell with many thumps and bump to the bottom. A passerby hurried ep to the judge as the latter slowly rcne to his feet. "I trust your honor is not seriously hurt?" he said,in anxious inquiry. "My honor is not at all hurt," replied the judge, with a rueful expression, "but my elbows aud knees are, I can assure you." can crowd fruit l and plants only at the risk of getting reduced ? ED. FOY crops of inferior fruit. The secret of growing extra fine i Proprittor, a Is to cut off the runners as fast as they appear. Fruit tree that have been grafted MANUFACTURERS OP j need to be looked" after to ses that the Btock does not make bot. High Grade Viiifra. With, a young orchard at this tiro it will be a good plan to top cultiva Strictly a homo eoncem. tiork and mulch oarrfulry, leaving the Patronage Solte.'ted. eoil in good tilth, St, Louis Republic, ! UTAH. MURRAY, You mf W Br Given to Utnilitl. the. a CABEKUIi SELECTED STOCK OF" Careful Attention Record. Ills Honor Was Otir FrlCSS Frames, The union of lmarts, the union of hands, And the flag of our union forever!" "Just the same, Lee was a greet gen eral," said the freckled boy. Ohlcago Co fJjCurtain Trayelers Valises, i n A a Liquors, C i g a r b, Always on Hand Family Tra'le Carison & Birch. GATOTIC BY fete CURECOH&TlPATiOH ALL to 25 DRUGGISTS SO Ion. fsnrsrf sr tke Idesl Li-- t IPIfllllTriV PrilDlllJrCrTitntnreniy rueoror roiwl Ipiit rairnatnral molts. tjam-nLoUhUlf.ljI Uunnallir.uU (,,,. rrlpo hut crip Torlt. ors ilun'rfal. i:B as.. f tn knekH rbifam. STVIJUW Id. !"V fre. ill., ptra4 vn straw-berrie- ! Factory ONE GIVES RELIEF. ; Don't Spend a Dollar Medicine 6tables. n $7 payment 810.00 Be until you have tried I Pointer-Mountai- g0i(i Weber Pianos, Stoly & Clark Pianos, At per Month. answer question." Msndolins, Guitars, Banjos, true. Probably to a e defeat army Violins, Etc, from $1 to $150 and Best of Chas. Hollis. f th Uridgo, next to SHOP, South vowi onESTEYof ORGANS Month q wasn't it?" 3 all: Lab 'Isn't that practically right?" w ""C The Salt Lake Music Dealers. "Well, you my You "All right. Uiat's email can't expect large ou." "Then what's the use of talking?" "None at alL Lee's army was licked, Watch JoviQlxy "Yes, but--" Si3 IT IS re!" "Aud that would show Uiat Dixon is entitled to the money,, wouldn't it?" "I didn't say so, did 1?' "What are you trying to get at, any-ay? You don't mean to compare Gen, Lee to a prize fighter, do you?" "No; but it's a similarcase. You can't expect a small mau to lick a great, big man, can you? Answer me that," "I know you're going to catch me, but I'll answer it. No, you can't expect a small man to lick a big one." "And you can't expect a small army to lick a big army, can you?" "Here! You want to trap me. I can 6. BLACKSMITH on -- i SHOP! Sat isfuctiou MURRAY? Parlors- m J Xm r-- 1 A WE Vs, Or Uathfr Murray Bakery, W"Ws the use7 "Hut you do say that Grant wasn't so good because he won out?"' " hat 1 say No! I don't say that at all. Here! Nonv this is as illustration. Would you expect George Dixon to lick Sharkey T Would you? Just answer me that" "What were they, confederates or union men?" "You kuow who they are. George !ixon fights at 120, and Sharkey fights, inebbe, at 170. Do you think it would beright to put Dixou against Sharkey V" "1 don't think it would be right for them to fight at ull. At least, it wouldn't be very nice of them." "Well, I aiuH goin' to talk to you unless you want to be serious." "Of course, I'm serious. Go ahead with your sury." "1 say, s'pose Dixon would fight with Sharkey. Wouldn't you expect Sharkey to win?" "Sure." linae rs 1 (5j () nvrn 13,000,000 HIGHEST AWARDS at the WORLD'S CCUMBIAN EXPOSITION LEAD MADE THE WORLD AND You can buy them In the paper SOLD For Excellence IP YOD OCY Ynu will rcple cre-aful Iniirnctloo (mm of Design, t cnmprtclit tenchrr Excellence of obtain noceasnrr your homo. Yoo Comitnictloa accewurlca dlrrct from the Company In RrRiiIarity of Motioa oflicea. Yon will gtl promptourattrntion are ofti(a ny part of the world, as Ease of Motion, aitentinn eareful evrvwhe rc: and waglve Great Speed, to atl cuatomars fl" matter wharo tlietr You nmrhina mar have bein pnrchawd. Adin.UhilltT, will be delln(r with the leading wwlng-machin- e Dtiraliillly, manufacturrrHin the world. havlns Ease of Learning, an uneqnaled expi.rince and aaunnvalea to maintain the tr.igeat Convenience of reputation guaranleea of excellence and fair dealing. rntnt Arrange SiMi I VwM MACMISl S ARC Sot 0 ONLY ft pppiCES EVEIIYWHERB. cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. ae,.,CD tn The Singer Manufacturing Co. 5-c- ent fMa Mrt fat P akaarU to (TaUtf tta wManal pnaaat taawnS tor a lev awtaa. If you don't find this sort of If) HO Ripans Tabules At the Druggist's Th Rifaws CHFMtCAt CovrANV, No. to Sprnce St., New York, and they will b. ient to you by mail; or The ctaoces are tea to 12 cartoni will I mailed for l cent. one that Kipan Tabules are the very medicitu yoa need. .Send Five Cents to g |