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Show he the clock tJ do uith it? I ,l:ort? i.:ean tu Lurl it ;;t ui- jiiJ it ? And bu;.w-- i )i what did he old d wl-.3;2'i In the luomiii". I f;i!!am ai d hi whole fami'.v had ha.i dabbled iit lie t:lukr t in their gin l.cu c uiTilr. It was r ui.ii .f insihicntly outsidt! and the March wind was ln:rging undi-- the duors and rattling the window in a gba tly fashion. t I s.it shivering upon the side of my bed, lost in a horrible speculation. My and the lamp j cloak lay upon fLe floor m lit out a ile, light which did riot onile reach Into the corners, m that my cn.thiie cozy little aittiug-roobore to my disordered mind the aspect of a vault I was plainly (I thoaght) in a supernatural presence, and that presence a lost soul, an avenging spirit. What was going to happen U me? I am not a coward nobody can bay that of me, not my worst enemy but this Dight I was abjectly enthralled with horror. I was afraid of my own breathing, my vi ry heart b ats, td the moaniiiff wind ouUide. I wag afraid to move leetthe very act itself would bring aliout some fearful climax. I don't know how long I might have sat there, chilled to the marrow, but at hint a faint streadt of dawn gleaming through the w indow reassured lne iu a measure, I jrot up and into my clothes and went out of that house like one in a dream. How I managed to attend to my work tLat day I don't know. 1 hardly remem1 ber one incident of the lli hours. s was overwhelmed with dreadful of events to transpire dining The third night. th coming night. The third night was the traditionally fated night! I was tempted to unbosom myself to a friend and get him to go and sleep with we, but I was too much ashamed of my lletter suffer any pUdilluiiimousneKS. thing at the hands of a pok than have myself the laughing stock of all my InJ 1 - l m-a- n, wi-Ji- '"-e- SAS&S. jgy' 1 ery Sai unlay by Published The American Eagle Pub. Co. ( SCBStttlPTIOS; Pis Months. Hltu, Mimlhs. t Ail Bubseriptioos lrirl Thres Sl.ls); uru-ann- . m Advance. BATt3 ADVERTISiXU celts pev Locsls In basloess column tcA laserllon. la Newt column 15 cauU Brsl IiucrUua, 5 ccoU ewti suUeousut InserS tion. All advertisements mut be settled for t the tod of every month. Any pernio ishmf givs tbeir dvortlem!ul d.tcoBtiuusii oUenl It ili tpjur aotict to tint sua la Uii (nlxoqucnt Issue of the chsrgsd af accordingly. ml il-- pp', 1:!'T4 Murray Post Ottos as as th Editor. ?J. A. V nxutfBKtf, cnoROH DiRhxrronr. Cottonwood Ward Uotim. t t tu Wrd wt hxl Eun-la- B?e-'r- JO . ( Fchool 'oft m. Tuna-lt- r etenlnjr M Um Km,siiiv tlM.iui til'llM-- , V. si. U I. A. y i. Mclliiwl'st Clmpel SuiiiUy rreacMug eim r iiigM kt A. vs. frcliinv b. rUiU-lmru- etjol 7 s. , M S p tu al.ter ... A 5 autici-ipatiou- .fcliu A THAT MYSTERIOUS CLUCK. By B. T. J ! I fAontagu. frienik. against ll.i while the roof made my flesh wind surging through the wild orange trees created a queer whistling sound which I iitver heard before or since. Oh, the interminable time I sat there, sick at heart, worn out in mind and 1 knew body wau hingsnd waiting for not what Uuck Aoderson'e ghost to come and take it out of me. A sweet state 1 hsd worked myself into, truly. How would it end? What w ould he do to met Fall upon and belabor me? A small matter. I waa not afraid of what any human could do to me; I cre-p- , SHOOT. 1 ttWW THE, wTsi Last chance: TOGKT A DRINK UEFUltB TO SALT LAKE. Tim Liquors & Gigers o Proprielc. 8tt lurravjvarniacy Drugs land .sj Medicines, Tcilot i!W.clcs, Eto. IP illit j sn't aheep-herdin- , u er .i ' m-n- g This time I was determined to see it, out. I would ait up all night to watch HAD encountered an ugly experi- list clock and see with my own eyes ence that day. I accidentally li- - how it waa inana4'd and by what ' covered the retreat In a cypress swamp means. of a detected incendiary, a young neI accordingly made arrnngement for gro mIio had formerly been in my eui- -' a big fire to be kept up all night, sevploy, but i ho in latter days had struck j eral extra lights, something to cat and into the sinoot b ro;i J leading to the gal- - drink, my pipe and plenty of books. lows. He wanted just now for the Then 1 shut my windows, dragged burning of old I'eterGillam'is gin house, down the shades so that the light would ctre.uinstautial evidence clearly prov- not be conspicuous from the outside, ing hint to bo the guilty person. and prepared uiyself for the ghostly onreI Into the village I'pou riding slaught. ported my discovery to the authorise That I should have lived to encounter and joined a posse of men who imme-diaie- a real ghost! I must have been born sat out for hii capture, lie re- under the necessarily peculiar circumshot down and till stances sisted a r rent and qualifying me for supernatural body brought back to town. One way encounters. I devoutly wished other or another I felt in a incausre responsi- circumstances had been employed. ble for that man's death. While It wai By this time I was ill physically ill. evident from his latter day exploit that I could neither eat, drink nor smoke. 1 he would eventually meet with such a could think, and my mind w as in a ouly for fate, if not a more ignominious one, of confusion. whirligig perfect realthis partieuliiroffcnse I felt that he the hours dragged, as hours will flow ly did not deserve to die in such a cold- that are unemployed. 1 almost thought blooded fashion. I had surely done only time loiteied with malice aforethought. my duty, but I almost wished that it When head is on the block they else of had fallen to the lot somebody it is a relief for the ox to fall. I beray the doing of it. lieve I could have anticipated and sufWhat added to my discomfiture was fered decapitation lecs disagreeably. that towards nightfall a.riisRgTeeitble At ten o'clock I wound and set by my drizzle set in, one of those hideous rains, watch my precious alarm, and placed It whirh dampens the very tun) nd makes lu tlm cuatumnry ptaoe npoir me nisntel. one an easy prey to every gloomy foreIt was a capricious little alfair at best, boding. and lately had to be laid upon its back I went to my solitary abode it fh in order to keep proper time in fact, thrall of a black depression. I could to run at all; so I turned it on its back not shake it off. My beloved books of- as usual, and Fat down to watch it. The fered no acceptable temptation; even, rain had cleared up, but the wind conmy pipe, was poor comfort. A fellow is tinued to howl around iu a hideously in a bad way when he loses faith in his unpleasant manner. I don't think 1 pipe. Manifestly bed was the place for have ever heard wind blow ns it did me; so into it I got, after tuking a good upon that particular night. I imagined them. They had drink of the blessed "Three Stars;" and it to be thick with inky devils that bel- horse managed "Atlll CtiKCMrrLs. of being run klncA.a( Your UcweU narrow a escape very and very soou tumbled off to sleep. lowed ami groaned and laughed ('.'in ly ';itlMr', c i: con! ip.l Inn tracks their tOc. iJ. ahertlT :&c. If u. 0. till, rtriti:Lis.i; iliuihI nioucy tvaon I slept the sleep of the conscientious, shrieked all in a breath. The branches in a the to lie awakened ut last by hearing the eras-of something which sounded like a breakable tiling Hung from the ceil ing to the floor and smashed. 1 was considerably startled, got tip hurriedly and struck a match to find that my email alarm clock had fallen oil the inuutelpiccc; that the crystal was broken, and that the bands poiuted to ::'::) a. v.. I lit the lamp, sutou the of the bed and wondered how that t k r', git oil the mantelpiece surely a m t mi ular thing. I expended a half !: thought upjn the subject, fiunlly round to the conclusion that pr.!ably, a mouse had run across the i l.i'lf and thrown it down. As I had to meet a train at five a, m. (I am a rail road man) I got into my clothe, and after fooling about a space went ou down to the. otllee. Botuehow I could I ot get rid of the Idea thnt it really was, alter all, a strange thing bow that clock got off that shelf. Hy this time t had given over the mouse theory. All day long the matter was in my mind, so that by night, when T once more went time. The first block of 20,000 shares is offered at the remarkain the heart of Camp Floyd Mining District. It is surrounded by the to my rooni, I had worked myself Into feet due of north within I The prioe will bn advaoj'd as 2,000 of quite a state about it.' I tried the books being Lamar, Captain bly low price of S cents per share. holdings dead failure. again I'ipo almost iu mines the of the one demonstrates the value, aud further Golden work world, famous largest the progresses development grown to be an enemy. IWd regarded Dust. ami Gold Geyser-Mario- n w ith distrust. to the of mine. the close to not and be Brickyard, Sleep thought of. This thing kept up until about ten A foroe of Men is now at work developing tho ground. Our company Prospectus free on application. o'clock, when I came to the conclusion will offer only small Mocks of treasury stock to the publio at one that I waa a baby; and I got up, wound my clock, set my alarm end went to bed but not to sleep. I was looking Vu for thnt clock. I had a rooted nut ion that the last night's performance would be repeated. I found myself saving "And if it come s three time I'll take it for a sign." Good heavrns! this was getting ridic ulous. I would be ashamed to see my luce in the glass Having ar This is striotly a home company and the Officers and Directors are IThen sending in yonr order for stock state tho number of shares, the raigned and convicted mvaclf of wom- and make therefore the stock, desirous of having home people buy the name of the rerson in whese name it i to be written, and let snishnoss, contemptible cowardice, I shut my eyes and swore t'd go to sleep the order be accompanied by Postal Money Order, Certified Bank them liberal term. or wake up my next door neighbor and Remember from shares too ioo shares of up. Check or New York, Chicago or San Francisco Kxchauge Wi will sell aay number get him to kick me. No good. I was cost $80. skares only and iooo Any person buying cost only to b In at the finish. It Addreis all communications to the Crold Coin Mining Company, B. T. was now, howeer, about (I Imagine) iooo shares, or more, may psy one fourth down and the balanoe in Lloyd, Treeident, 709 MoCornick Block, alt Lake City, Utah. one o'ckxvk I tumbled off to sleep, and installments. six monthly I the next thing knew crash came the clock again off the mantelpiece. I shot out the. bed a If. a legion of denxxns had routed me and lit the lajnp. Yes, Murcnr, Utah, July 22, iS97 there wsj my clock Salt Lake City, Utah, I am well acquainted with the on the floor, witb the hands Mercur, Utah, Feb. 10, 1897 Palt Lake CHy, Utah, pointing to 3:20 u. m. Gold Coin group of Mining claims, have been superintendent of I 1887 August 3, 189T Aagust3, located in the Camp Floyd mining the Marion Mill, at this place, for If the angfl Gabriel had 1hat minute This certifies thai I am personalB. T. Lloyd, Jamea II. Moyle, told me Iluek Anderson (the dead diKtriet, Tooele county, t'tak, now one-hal- f and have and all with trree th ly and fBcdrs years, acquainted Dale V. and thnt chxik were not in lenguf II. Biohard F. Morris, the property of the Gold Coin minto an4 occasion had directors of together I would have dnib'i'd him. I the inspect Gold many Coin and officers Mining company, having located D.C.Dunbar, the wis ro::' limed w ith a dead'y ri.jrror of in the same of the Mercur. in the Floyd of Camp Mining ing company properties Coin Gold early spring Utah, of the Mining t'lcmppf natural. Ifcnert t!.,i !'! k An-!.- r 1893. The group has a spleudij Mining District I am well acquaint- and know them to be gentlcniea of iti was ;".llinp the stiif; thit are all prominent young company, v.:i!i.-- ' ,l showing of ore. I consider this ed with tho Cold Coin group, a ad integrity, reliability and of r.iy hx k off the n pnle p;e c. good men of this plaue, of good characpi, I l.iir.r lie mer.nt n son.e di sdly property first class in every respect, consider it among the best prospec- buwinesa Maudir.g ia t ie cotumuni- and having examined the prospecter and ability. irio f r tho Land I oo 1: his down-- f i!l, t'.od J'c:icn:.! Vi J 1 t'l bi' f"l-- i tus of tho company, fully endorse tive properties ia the district, and ty. GFOBGEU. CANNON, I .ibcut H by n iieprn (iUt f n- any It, and recommend tho stock to ("reeiy reooiumcud it. .VCOflNICK Cashier le of t'n-c( old pira-("f wtHhi. to invest. Co. BLAKE J. J. anyone g Zion's nvings BankSc Trust '(' i at inc. M-- I u I I e ly vu oi!-'- I tcd . could yield up my life with as much AT grace aa the neat man; but a ghost, what means would he employ? Icould not anticipate it, I would have to ace it, have to experience it. I glanced up at the little clock, and If a knife had been plunged into my heart the emotion could not have been otherwise than it was when I saw that it hsd moved! The clock had moved. A certain ornamental point w hich I had noted matched with a certain figure in O. S. OLSEN, the mantel lambrequin upon which I had rested my eyes had uur"'ri Vbly Stkkkt, - MURRAY, UTAH moved. I broke into a cjiU sweat. Sty I and felt my throat hurt me hor'.'oly, hair rise upon my head. I waa powerless to ehaiige the position of a finger. It had movxdl There was no chance for doubt. It was a fact. Dr. W. E I gsnwl spellbound, all my senses abFerrebee, Prop. sorbed Into that of seeing. For hours and hours I ant in a state of half consciousness watching the clocTc move. Slowly, slowly, to the left, almost too slowly to be perceptible, until it had turned entirely round. Then slowly, slowly, round again. Hound and round, againandagaiu.wiuding my poor brain Into a very Uordian knot, w bile the slow hours dragged by, and the fire burnt ' loww ond lower and went out; and the OlIUVl. TUI.CT AltTiCLKI, j ;FiNI'T w ind subsided, and the cold crept in and "l SoAI'4, (.'OMRS, PERrCMKBT, f numbed my ujiresponding body. Then i Ere BarsHM, Sponoes, over the alt at once I saw the clock tip edge of the tnaatel, and come crashing to tuy feet. 1 had just strength enough Phkschiitions CmEri Compounded left to examine the position of the l!r A Kjiist.Ci.s hands. Twenty minutes after three o'clock! I fell back into my chair in a deep swoon. I had a spell of serious sickness after G RANTER &J(tVOOI. that. I think I was in a condition for it anyway, and that night's vigil brought it to a climax. I was ill for several weeks. Hut I was not convalescent many days before I solved the clock mystery. I got the idea one day while lying upon my bed, and later, putting it to the test, I found I was right in my calculation. By placing Livery and FecdStable. the clock upon its back, the thumb-piecAccomodation' conin unsmpHHWjd. Pubwas (for winding) brought tact with the mantel shelf, and, natural- lic Service, at a!l hour, night and ly, the clock unwinding turned itself today. ward the left; round and round, each time coming a little nearer the edge lYices to Ktiit the Teople and the until it toppled over. Times. And being set every night at ten o'clock, and put in the same place, it took Just five hours and twenty minNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. utes to work itself off. A tame denou-meNo. 347'J. after all my frightful experience. Ollioe Laud t Suit Lake Citv, But, I tell you, Buck Anderson was iScpuuiberl'j, 1897. avenged to bis soul's content. Detroit Notice is hereby given that hts tonow Free Press. ing named settlor has tiled notice of bit intention to make tluiil proof in support of bis claim, and thnt sid proof bo mii'ln iu.f S, Ueiaier and Two young ladies were toon driv- will K -- ceiver Hi fJiit Iilfe C'ly, on bur. 27, clown W lioT.estead Ej o and viz: George ing' vorr recklcsHly up li7, No. S. i,k43 for the B. try road the They S. W. yesterday. 8. K. Vt, and S. K. U V. W. L, worse I'. tlie Sen. W. were 23, ,K:2 appareutly He unifies ti e following witnesses to for liquor and made a desperate efcontinuous his widence upon and prove fort to advertise themselves and cultivation ot eai I lind, viz: John M. Albert Wood and show their heroic management of Wood, William Smith. all of Taylorsville, L tab. Kilure eorge inBut the perspiring steed. Byron Gkoo, Register. stead of mauaging the hornes, the 0. F. Davis, Atty. fur claimant. . I pot on the track of the about a mile down the ?inneniahone t.nd f allowed it three miles. The stream COULD t Huine rd AVr. are Hap eu;i,-- s ma Je a sudden bend right there, and Er;fly Told. as I cautionsly around the bend The dancer, at the Opera House j I came in sight of the sheep stealer, Great Eucutioo Done by Rxubca stretched out on the bank sound asleep were mere iiuuiero'is tot Pettibooe's Son. a hundred vards or so ahead of me. htn tlity have beeu for borne time. He in a position for me to give IVrliape the culJer weather is him a dead shot, and vengeful as I was their a: pitites. ehaipening '"PIIE peculiar success that attend- - I could not bear to think of giving him 2 fed my remarkable latner, iteu-be- n even a moment of suffering. I was on C'hristensen tewn vi ae in Lawyer as a hunter," said the the point of hollering at him to 6care local business man Pettibone, on from over Sinnemahoning way, him np and show me a proper shot cu behalf of Fiank Atwoud and "wa due to his marvelous knowledge wlicn I happened to raise my eyes, and Don l'aiiocr, whs Lave entered of the anatomical structure of wild there five rods ahead lay a big buck suit against Jos. W. lieutoii to re- beasts as much a to his unerring skiU chewing his cud in sweet contentment. Deer were uncommon scarce that seacover souic money due for as a marksman. " "It isn't enough to know , he used to son, and I had use for just such a buck I concluded to postpone my say, 'just where a deer's heart is locat- as that, so the deer and It is simply scandalous the way ed in the animal's body, or the exact vengeance a moment, kill Attend to the bear before he could then where the of bear a in the interior men at ou drive our streets pot youog and then get into the brush, for I knew he would night, l'co le need to walk inside kidneys lie snugly ensconced, if you be up and eff at the sound of my gmn. I there sock a to bullet able to be the fences to be safe. want to be sure of your game. Not by was just about to run my eye over the barrel and let the buck die with ioo. M. P. 1'ullinau died suddenany means. A deer will go a mile easy gun taste of his cud still in hus mouth the before in its a heart with bullet and War-iv- enough ly in Chicago lam come strutting out it will drop, and you may plug a hole when what should side by side but a big t!er iu halt Luke found an clear into the open and a bear's kidneys, yet through his hen. I had no opportunity to slap hiiu, he will hump himself and get far out of cock pheasant and sooner seen them than a comprehensive he before in laurel a reach patch j your Mr George Tingley is con.-iiiand I proceeded at once finds out that he is a goner. You may idea struck me, ing plaDrf fur a line family cottage get the deer, after a good deal of to carry it out. "'This will be the nea'est piece of t go up soniuwhsre in Murray. trouble and suspense, but you'll never I have ever done,' said I to mywork and The safest bear. only prof- self. liooras f,r rent. Infoi mutiou iv get the wish father was here to see it.' 'I itable way to hunt, to say nothing of w as apprehensive of only one thing, "I ceivd at thin ofiicu. being merciful to your beast, is to kill and that was that the bear might wake game dead where it stands or The weather is flickering he your before things were in proper shape. where it runs. Thus, always sever a up jtween two extremes wiuter and ventricle of a deer's heart when you I watched the two pheasants as they strutted on out side by side. I was summer. bhoot, and all you have to do then is to act the instant they got to the to walk up and skin the deer. Never ready At tho Woodmen's Lodg a he was able to do it." marvel skirmish arouud to draw bead on a "We didn't, hey?" said the man in the was adopted to have the bear's kidneys. Separate the spinal first and third Thursday nidii.-- cord at the neck with your bullet, and red, blue, yellow, green, pink and pure specially fur initiations and ti.ej the bear will die in the middle of a ple Mackinaw jacket. "Well, I know'd fetch 'em in jist second and fourth nights in the breath. Everybody knows,' my re- it, by guns! An' I kinit!" the same way he done month devoted to social entertain markable father used to say, 'that if you "What!" exclaimed the man from as it the head off a t, yiz: debates, e:c. I'erding shoot like the windpheasant over Sinnemahoning way. "Do you the through swoops in" cases of ap lieairs. and timt-thicket, the pheasant will drop dead. mean to say that you can paralyze tending to become members, wiii Of course it will, but then see what a "Don't mean to say nothin' o' the hereby late noiiee of the oliange, shocking-lookinthing the dead bird is, kind!" interrupted the man in the varieand thai they ran only be inducted with its ragged, bloody, headless neck. gated jacket. "But I kin snare, by into thf order etery two weeks. Beheading your pheasant thus is cruel. guns!" ".Mackinaw," said the man from over She special ar ( am, Just at the base of the bird's till, below n A nerves. of a way, after a pause, is bunch Binnemahoning the eyes, next eveuie Mahogany Thursday shock to those nerves will kill the "base insinuation comes with ill grace is: Resolved. that the U. . from a man who borrows all the tobacsliould be elected by a dir ect vote, bird instantly. Direct your rifle ball, as the bird takes wing, so that it w ill co he chews." M A. Willumhen affirmative,. Hon. This was hard on the man in the many-hue- d whiz over that bunch of nerves so close V. H. Mine uegative. that if it was a hair closer it would jacket. He was just on the point A ss a rep-ri- -' break the skin. A stroke of lightning of asking the man next to him for a bite gn at couldn't drop that bird any quicker off his plug, and, although he wanted oil b t- e .1 the concussion of that passing bul- the chew badly, he didn't dare give imthan Quaker Honesty. let will. Remember this, my son,' Reu- mediate corroboration to the man from In the "Chronicles of a Kentuck ben Pettibone used to say, 'and never Sinnemahoning's remark, so he postgiven an instance of integrior mummix your game.' poned asking for the chew and suffered. ty which deserves to be made historical. waste, pain "Of course you have all heard how The man from over Sinnemahoning way It is related of three brothers who were nnd resumed. importing merchants in North Carolina my remarkable father used to bring in grinned " 'Praxiteles,' my remarkable father before the war of the revolution. They his scores and scores of birds, fat, were Quakers, as were many of the plump, and not one mutilated, but you used to say, 'never waste, pain or early colonists of that state. The story, never knew before, I guess, by what point my nice calculation had fixed on. if true, goes to show that in this country mummix your game. Let anatomical They got there at last. 1 gave a yell. The bear woke up and sprang to his private honor is too often superior to knowledge go hand in hand w ith knowthe public conscience. During the war ing how to shoot. Then, if you keep feet, broadside toward me. The buck North Carolina, and we believe others of your powder dry, you'll tumble things rote like a flash at the same instant. the colonies, passed an ordnance re- tremendous.' And I followed his ad- The birds got up neck and neck. I fired. quiring citizens owing money to sub- vice, and I have tumbled things, I take The bear sank down and lay there ns if The two he had resumed his nap. jects of Great Britain to pay the amount it. Indeed I have. But of all the tumin to the treasury of the. state, which bling of things I ever did nothing ever pheasants dropped to the ground side thereby assumed the position of debtor reflected more credit on my remark- by side, just the same as they had got to the foreign creditor. Harcourt able father than a neat bit of tumbling up. The buck tumbled where he wad Brothers owed at the time a large! I did once down on the lower lying when I woke him. " 'If you could see this, Reuben PetI claim no credit for it for my amount for goods imported, and this amount they paid as soon as possible, to self. It was neat, indeed; but far be it tibone,' said I 'it's pleased you'd be, the state treasurer. After the terrain a- - from me to say that I ever would have I'm sure, to know what on opt pupil tion of the war and signing of the treaty thought of doing it if it had not been, I have been, indeed, and to see how if peace, the English creditors, unable for the precepts and example of Reuben deep your lessons did sink in!' "Yes. The bear's spinal cord was sevto recover the amount due them from I ettibone. Never! "Of all the multitudinous thin I ered at the neck, the bullet, having the state, which had been hopelessly hove tumbled I have seldom gone out plowed, there just deep enough to do it bankrupted by the long and severe in my heart to tumble and then gone on its way. There wasn't struggle for independence, demanded with vengeance payment from the original debtors, as 'em; but this time I did. I did, indeed. a mark on the pheasants. The bullet they were allowed to do by the terms of (.cod reason I had for it, too, although had skimmed that bunch of nerves on the treaty of peace. The Ilarcourts, I had been more than patient. When each and shocked them to death. The who were honorable merchants, paid the ninth sheep disappeared from my right ventricle of the deer's heart was with ngain in full, although in so doing they pasture, though, I thought it was time cut in two as if it had been done to call a halt on the bear, and I took a knife so nice had been my " were, in t heir old age, left comparativeThe man in the red, blue, pink, yelmy rifle and went out. vengeful and de- ly poor. Youth's Companion. 4 low, green and purple mackinaw jacket got out of his chair, lifted one hand and opened his mouth as if to speak. "Here, Mackinaw," said the man from over Sinnemahoning way, handing him his plug of tobacco, "take a chew with News ot the Week. of s sycamore tree scrapiLg 1 i t. sufl-de- ; i Sinm-ina-hon- Is incorporated under the laws of Utah, for $800,000, divided into shares of the par value of 50 cents each, with 25o,ooo shares in the treasury for dvel pme ar.d mill purposes. The property consists of (Ut, Thoro Is XTot President, William D. Benjamin T. Lloyd. A Buy On Tho Market Equal To It. James H, Moyle nce rrtsidenh Dale. Tmsurer. dAvid C Dunbar, p. p. ?.torri Director, t Recmmendations of the Mine and the Board cf Directors. pence-disturbi- re-pr- 1 1 out l,ri.-h- 1'. w ;. ! c .. Tli' t f ' - ' , V.'ltat C L. 1'REBI.E err trv. we!" Mackinaw took the plug, bit off a chew, ,put the plug into his pocket and passed out slowly, looking dazed. The man from over Sinnemahoning way mused a moment and then went homeward, grinning as if he had been having fun. N. Y. Sun.- Worshiped Their Wheels. When the bicycle was first introduced in India it, was not at alien uncommon thing for natives to fall down and it, Calcut ta can probably claim more woraea cyclists than- any other city in India. IN THE DUSK. On balmy evenings In the fall I sot bs- slde the door. An' read the Bible till It's lata an' I can see no more The Psalms with their abldln' faith, er some sweet chapters where God tells us that He'll not forsake no matter where we air. I shet it then an' gaze ahead where everything is still. Except some katydid 'at sings In spite er autumn's chill; An' whilst pumgranlts smell as though the world wus dipp'd In musk. I think an' dream an' wonder like, wrapped In the broodln' dusk. I'm eighty "an' a child again," the young folks often say; It may be so, fer somehow now my thoughts go fur away. An' I can see as plain as life the things er other years Myself a boy 'at knowed not much er sighs, ntglect an' tears; yonder In the yard, my father's eyes on me. An' mother settin" where I set an' stngln' tenderly; The round moon shlnln' like a whits msg- noly from Its husk t'pon us happy ones at home there In the evcnln' dusk. An', then, again thought wunders on, an' I'm a man once more. An' see my children patterln' round, an" In an' out the door-O- ne with his little baby curls, one with her soft blue eyes. Both brlngln' to the world ag'ln some hints er Paradise. An' In the hedge beside the road the mock-ibird sung sweetAn' moths sucked eagerly the flowers that bios soro d round our feet; An' on the sight a shootln' star would form a fljhin' tusk 'At a moment pierced the sky, then meiiea in ine dusk. Ptllsd full sr thoughts er other dsys-bs- ln' "cti-fl- i snynow Tew care, I s'pose, when God may plsce death's mark upon my brow; But as fer ms, I wuih the change would come when, aa of old. The children kind er hover near In an unbroken fold; When high above the sha,ldery fields the tars seem lamps that wait To guide the test along the gloom this side th golden gate; An' while the strlp'd pumgranlts smell, an' earth seems steeptd In musk. An I set here like, wrapped in th broodln' dunk. . WW T. Hale, In Otilcairo T!mc n' fr tler-HJ- |