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Show Mr. Bayard should not only resign, but MONEY" EOT. he "SOUND graph wire around two cannons, should permanently domicile himself every two guns with a spool In the .dominions of Her Majesty the of wire. In this way we connected THE DEFENSE OF DAMLL every two guns with a spool of wire. EVEN WILLIAM K. VANDERBILT Queen. ;m i ' In this way we connected eight guns ' , I Is what eires Hood's SamIS DISGUSTED. oit the land side of the fort and six CARLISLE. TRAITOR ularity, increasing sales ana? the bay. The the wires cunmanding The combination, proportion Was in the smoking room. thom each gun were taken into the He Has Sense It ThU LetteM of sultry first place the poacher Should Democrats Keep Know to that Hood's 8arsaparr Jn price, for Into the preparing Enough recorer his property, and sec- Fa one thing the weather wasi hot, powder magazine, where Hudson had dom seeks Blind. to other His in Went of medicines, In America are and mw ,f if Gold All disposed ultimately sales held by the ondly, they rtsged up an Infernal machine 'of his had for commodore acts itself. for the examination It an the zxy eminent at periodical another, into enter just directly not shall and I ,i rate-oAbroad We Would StUl Have the orn devising. four franca finished a the purpose at an average as and to the blood, blood Markham combined have always which causes so yarn. or of the this be not, the latter "We had hardly completed our work apiece. Whether Country. corner of tno hm be- - when profact has formed the subject of many that maintained the atmosphere fell 'You are sure dedepreciate the relative value of silver, night they who tests on the part of the gunnfakers, nerves, muscles, bones ana tv came ulphurous after the commodore haven't any muskets?' Hudson- said clare that their trade interests, are damaged. inadvertant- and to appreciate the value of gold K. William Vanderbilt the der beneficent Influence exthe to government After representations had recounted a personal reminiscence, tu me before we separated for the ly exploded the gold standard ."sound since 1873, but I am one of those who obtaining tending over many years without 'Perfectly, I answered. 'Only money" idea the other, day. When believe that they are transient and redress, they have at last had recourse to but then he was glTen to exaggera- night, and knives.';; Then it ought to: spears sterner measures. For some time past the and that I i batches of antiquated weapons offered at the tion, jstlll we felt grateful that the b all right,' he murmured, 'but how speaking of a possibility of a war with temporary4 in their nature, or have away have sales m the Charente have when passed; they aSout the ships?' 'Let's settle the nig-- ; England he stated that the strength of been bought by the armorers of Angouleme, story had passed off without the interthe separate or united U removed been by a I the collectresources, is 'Sufficient natural for in been its first,' replied. nd a suniclent quantity having country grs sat and a of gaspvention Inthunderbolt, " ed theyswere publicly destroyed in the mardjty are the ructions thereof.' and that we could not be coerced, by actions of the nations most deeply acket place of that town to the amusement of a ing relief and credulity. Theii Mild-maof "With these remarks he left me, and the breaking of the stock market and terested in the subject, the ratio large crowd. The London Daily News. from sheer nervousness; I be- I sat in my powder magazine await-- ! a withdrawal of our gold. That is tual and relative value will be The One True Blood Purifier. An dr events. recurhours The a very; not for desire ing from by than crept foundation lieve, any on a firmer A Canal Choked Up our to strength saying that with excitement, for equivalent rence of the Ananias episode, stirred Islowly. I tingled main- ever. I know that the world's stock of Hood's 'frillsSQ (s practically useless. The human organisms In war the does not upon depend next knew the hour determine would la provided with a canal which sometimes betoo large, and 1 comes choked up, namely, the bowels, up thi colonel. The colonel was sit- car faith. At length; in the pitchy; tenance of the gold standard, and It is precious metals is! none and waste ting behind a big cheroot, evidently darkness, the drummer boy, with his; true. The, Southern Confederacy was see no reason to apprehend that It will through which much of the effete When matter of the system escapes. they glowing in the blackness like overthrown by the wearing away of ever become so. Mankind will be forIncubating a kettle wherein to cook oolyeye ire obstructed constipated, In other words Direct on a carbuncle, whispered softly: 'Cap- -' its armies, not by the depreciation of tunate, indeed if the annual producHostetter's Stomach Bitters will relieve thema the coinmodore a cabbage. Institute and without but pain, effectually, they're coming!' Still I waited. its paper. The greatest wars of history tion of gojd aha silver coin shall keep AMERICAN also "Wohderful escape that, sir!" said tuin, regular habit of body. This medicine rheu a deathlike the in HOUSES" "Then, stillness, remedies malarial, bilious, dyspeptic, the annual increase of popubroke on the startled air. I knew have been fought with paper alone. pace with matic, nervous and kidney trouble, ana Mildmay, addressing the colonel, jell Ac"YesL sir. We in the service In the the crucial moment had come, and I The Napoleonic wars covered nearly a lation, commerce and industry. itrengthens the entire system, I pressed a button. There was a quarter of a century of time, and Eng- cording to' my view on the subject, the jSREEII B011 E CUTfERSil old days, before it became a school for A newlv married woman's dinner table al sounds Then all was quiet land's money during those years was conspiracy which seems to have been ways locks nretty. but it takes an older step dancing and circus riding, used to chirringuntil a cheer from my men exclusively paper. The idea that a na- formed here and in Europe to destroy PaACHIKlsr Repairs ot MIktvTTT best wedding china have experiences which the country again, housekeeper, with her to mashed at any time, get up a dinner r.eer neard o. Advemure3 wee com- rang out, and I knew that all was tion can fight a desperate and and otherwise from fil Machinery, eta by legislation that tastea good. out I well. hurried Seizing my club, mon as bilberries, sir, in those days. to the metallic war with nothing but pawas Into darkness. the In those soldier a Everything British days Gad, sir, the world is the most giganVFT.inw TtTVTl. IlLOOD RED PX.ESHI thortcbt dark as as the war office and the per, and go to ruin in a time of pro- money of of miles more of no 1,000 walking B. MieilneryCq 1529 Lawrence Wmk!Z found peace the moment the gold stand- tic crime this or any other; age. A wonderful combination, a tremen than you fort was deserted, the country through enemy's The consummation of such a scheme ECONOMY FENCE dous novelty, found only In Salzer's dc of step dancing around the park. "Just outside the gate I stumbled ard fails, Is too absurd for serious conCO.iSK? It's I turned it over with sideration. So far from our prosper would ultimately entail more misery Golden Pumpkm Watermelon. Probably, sir, you've never heard ofI across a body. my foot. It was a snigger in full, war ity depending upon the preservation upon the human race than all tne wars, marvelous. We taid S300 for one thf defense of Fort DamliV No, sir, not have and unarmed.': Then I knew that of the gold standard, the policy Inau- pestilence and famine that ever oc- G0L0..SEED HOUSE if blame don't you you, sir, paint melon! You will want It, everybody ffiffi heard jof a feat of arms which pre- my plan had succeeded. Hurrying gurated In 1873 of forcing the business curred in the history of the world. The house Garden field wants it. 5 kernels 10c, 25 kernels 40c. served a her dull whither half a continent for forward, thud, varied of Western world to the slender ba- absolute and instantaneous destruction wazee,ien'r inowerieed 25 packages earliest vegetable seeds bless her! We've all heard by an occasional groan, guided me, I sisthe Qod of gold is the very thing that peo- of half the movable property of the ally adapted to Colorado. Caialog6 '5i $1.00. Our new creations In oats yield of suppressed dispatches and Ingrati- found my gallant Bombardiers clubIENVEH'3 bu., barley 116 bu., potatoes tude In high, places lest the feather bing for dear life ror the bayonets ple are complaining of . The business world, including horses, ships, railIng 201 Of car THE OXFORD men I. toromaj Europe and America had through roads and all other appliances for 1,200 bus. per acre! Where will it end? bed ste!p dancers should be replaced by and barrels of their muskets; had been removed by my orders among a scur- centuries of time been adjusted to the rying on commerce, while it would be Baggagre taken to end from the dLt . If too will cut thU oat mnd send men. was in never mind the Bates reasonable. located v!L crowd of savages. sir, broad base of gold and silver in .com- felt more sensibly at the moment, charge. date, "It rying with 12c. postage to John A. Salzer Seed and never mind the ana y azee sts., block fcomPpLi, menwe I If and "Well, sir, banged, banged was one place. the not of bination. like would them Suddenly produce anything Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will get free a tioned them you would recall the epi- until we could no longer raise our E. E. BURLlNGAME'Sn Down went prices and prolonged Mistress and disorganization taken package of above Salzer's Golden Pump- sode, and it is not for me to boast by arms. As day broke I ordered the up. wentaway. the burden of debt. The cred- of. society that must inevitably result kin Watermelon seed and our 148 page telling the full extent of the services drummer to beat to quarters. He was OFFIC was itor enriched and the debtor was from the permanent annihilation of And Chemical Laborator;. seed catalogue free. Catalogue alone It was jniy good fortune to render this nowhere to be found. Shouting to my of the of the metallic! money The nonrproducer, men, I ordered them to retire to the impoverished. w.n. country. (Established 1866) ' j 5c. for mailing. mena was sun in I will Then idleness the what world. JEWELERS f6rt. and AND PHOtOGRAppr' and rose, "A luxury4 sir, (no, basking foreign power It Is said that Mr. Garner proposes to send your sweeps and waste contain, JOHN G. CARLISLE. start a school In which he will teach tion no name damme, sir! I hope I Bight met our eyes! Every cannon in enabled to buy what he wanted with and silver for treatment; Promnt monkeys to read. Of course the first work know my duty better than to rekindle the fort was studded with spears and less money. The producer the back1878. and highest cash price paid for gold Feb. 21, to peruse will be Charles International complications) had stirthey will want as as Is ver bullion. Address 1736 and ITisV a of knives thick puding our bone of national life and strength Darwin's "Origin of Species." rence street. Denver, Colorado. was as us. as a is I close of cushion red up the niggers against ,TI plums, pin was as to work twice many compelled . TRAITOR SHERMAN. at that Fort of command in Damli, sir, pins. Forecasters. give up twice as much of the "What had happened will be obvious hours and time, vilth a handful of men a mere Some people are so influenced by the of but men, sir, such as your to you. By the telegraph wires and product his toil to get the same num- Republicans Will Do Well to Keep This 1508 Cfirtls St., Denver, Nr. St. JamE currents of the atmosphere that they handful schools Letter of His In Mind. do not turn out nowar an electric battery in the powder mag- ber of dollars. The prosperity Of a tan foretell the coming of a thunderstorm daacing Trusses, Crutches, Batterw, 1878. 15, cannons the maintenance I all into Treasury Department, azine had turned July country upon depends days, my with perfect accuracy, and others there are Rubber Goods, Silk Elastic Sir: To that part of your letof a fair range of prices. No matter of forty "Fortj Damli is built on a promon- (iletro-magnewith nerves so sensitive that they are sore Stockings, Surgical Supph 4 of having neuralgia from a low and fretful tory running out into the sea and is Consequently, as soon as the enemy whether the money in use consists of ter of the 12th inst., in which you one The side. Veterinary Instruments. from were within range I turned on the state of the nervous system. Now why can't only silver or paper any or all if the ask my views of the matter confided in gold, in forces all their massed had Established the latter be warned in time and know that nijegers Every steel weapon in the hands the monetary commission, I have some Telephone, 1667. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of tint plain in front of thefort. Twenty r.f the niggers simply whirled out of quantity be such as to preserve a fair and healthy price level, business pros- delicacy in replying very fully. Durcure. To use St.' Jacobs Oil promptly will thousand of them, sir or rather, as I th(ir grasp and stuck like horse leech1 ward off an attack, or if attacked, will wish toj guard against exaggeration, perity will be assured in the absence ing the monetary! conference in Paris, es to my magnets. I cure. counted 19,803 Such people can do for will say that promptly "The absence of the drummer boy; of unnatural disturbances. The demon- when silver in our country was excludthemselves what others do from weather over the plain thick as was soon explained. As, against my etization of silver lowered the price ed from circulation by being underprophecies, heed the signals and .save the c"aese mites In a Stilton. rjistinct orders, he had been wearing level, subverted equities and desiaed valued, I was strongly in favor of the .. , wreck and disaster. men all told, "I had ninety-thre- e ix hanger when I turned the current tf tho r single standard of gold, and wrote a let prosperity. Suppose d but a drummer ov 1ip flpw nsrnlnst thf nparpst nm boy. It isn't a man's "good that get 17 laughed at them, sir. Whenever and stuck there as a C. O. does i'C a gold now in the world were to be ter which you will find in the proceedmm into sweu society; it qualities is the scarcity of of the conference, stating briefly th niggers came at the fort we loaded decoration. It took six men to haul thrown into the deepest part of the ings view. men. At that time the wisest of my sea. bedsome Would it not have effect our big guns with broken bottles, him off. us not did anticipate .the sudden fall The D. V. Sholes Investment & Mining steads, war office regulations, which in the joy of victory, a sud- upon business? Certainly but how? of "Then, or the rise of gold that has silver Co., of Cripple .Creek, Colo., can furnish was abcut the only thing they had supden dread came over me. How about Simply by making money scarce and This occurred. you strictly reliable Information concerning. plied us with from home, and mowed the three to uncertainty of the relaThe foreign hard get. That is, prices would fall THE COMPANY PAV THE mining properties! in the Cripple Creek dis- them down by the dozens. When they power ought to have landed its myr greatly. Those in debt would find it tion between the two metals is one of new uteelhoiMTti On their trict. We always have options on some reached! the walls my boys, giving midons by this time. Scourged by my 25 tons of rock 800 feet each shift. Iijwt monoa in chief of favor the hoist to arguments with procure money it choice properties that are bargains and nan as an engine It can be them cold pig, took, tea with the nig- misapprehensions, I hurried to the impossible a jack can go. which to meet their obligations. The metallic system, but other arguments, and reliable die no others. Local and Eastern bank ref- gers. .. oresk. ftt r to seaward battlements of the fort demonetization of silver operated in showing the dangerous effect upo inerences given on application. Correspondence iron and iteJ wrought "I used to sit on the powder magazine, There, in the gray dawn, a strange breaking. Owfet solicited. siiioklng a cheroot, as comfort- sight Borne running jt&n precisely the same way, except that as dustry by dropping one of the precious met my eyes. r doilar's eipsnse. as (I'm doing now. Gad, sir, how was not entirely destroyed metals from the standard of value, out the silver ably to to cruel rocks "Nailed the at the hoists prices, ja, ;ld The most rapid growth In the exports of it all cmes back to me! That little in my mind all theoretica. ub Japan is in floor mattings, which now go to de'vil olj a drummer used to nip out westward of Damli lay these three the process was slower. The true stand- - weigh the United States and Europe in lots of buffeted of value is that which will main- jections to the bimetallic system. I wrecks, hopeless r ob: his mend drum and after the tight 100,000 bales at a time. the waves against the grinding tain a steady average price level, be- am thoroughly convinced that If it it "In with niggers' skins. After about a by was sim cause all business is done on the basis i were possible for the leading commer-o- f What had crags. happened we the of had it If the Baby is cutting Teeth. niggers piled ple enough. Damme, sir, it flashed fortnight When the people of the j cial nations to fix by agreement an e aura and dm that old and "price. the fort. threi remedy, Mrs. up deep facing me in an instant. The force of across on np. 8erd for an lllustratwl rniLOWi soonmro Stbtt for Children Teethin- States come to realize this aim- - bitrary relation betweeii silver and and WHIM CO.. 1222 Curtis St. Deuw. "Well, we had held that fort for my seaward magnets had been such j ;t i seven weeks no, damme, let's be ac- that it had deranged the compasses of pie truth the money question will be gold, even though the market value i. It will be a good while before Lord Salis- curate, for forty-eigdays and we these vessels. Following their distort EDeedllv settled and it will be settled might vary, .somewhat from tims to THE DAVIS bury will have any time to "go duck hunting. looked like holding it for seven years, ed guidance, they had run ashore on right. A monetary standard under time, it would be a measure of the Safety Brake Horse Hg nle free by Dr. Kline's Great or until there wasn't a nigger left to the reef westward of the fort. F1TS All Fits which prices are constantly falling is greatest good to all nations. My earnest in ko Fitsafter Xerve Kestorer.stopped the nrstday's use. come oq, when one afternoon, it was If arrelou cures. Treatise and S2 trial bottle free to is desire that succeed in you may a as as from I as I saw far boat doing sound "Even watched, be; being k itcaaea, bead to Vr. lUine.331 Arch St., Foil.. Fa. anything this. 4 on Feb. 21 I'm not about half-paoflf f rom the wrecked flag ship. In finance can be. 4 t push In a ytd date that hurrforget likely Men who are great talkers hold no opinonce this well You I donned uniform At informed the arefso upon graceful ine ions worth having. They give them all Lieut. Simklns of the Bombardiers, of my regiment, the Munchausen's not worth while for is it that subject away. the my subaltern, came to me and said: Own, BAYARD'S BAD BREAK. as the service fondly termed It, me to enlarge upon it. Tlie statements a haven't round sir. all We 'It's up, "ust Cure for Is the best Piso'g drew up my gallant ninety-thre- e of ammunition left,, and the niggers and of all cough cures.Consumption Par with the: Lunacy of the and documents sent you by the direc ftre George W, Lotz, to await our vanquished ft Is onGold In La., August 20, are preparing for a general assault to- foe.platoons Advocates. Standard of tor will in the mint authentic give tto of gallant bearing, He was a brave man, was his A tall officer, i th "The President stands in the midst form most 'of the material facts which The war Curries are about over and the night. uniform decorated with a , dripping fell afterward at Seringap-atamthe own bear and of a big controversies are settling Into shape for SImpkins upon th your and oftenquestion, strong, cut clean In half by a cannon star, stepped ashore. debating. society topics. silver to the commissaid men upon '"Field violent who times desire Investigation he, marshal,' bowing people, a ball but he looked bit scared then. me with a grace that left me no to have their own way, and who need sion will, I am quite sure, supply any The genuine "Brown's Bronchial Troches' " 'Is that all?' " I said, are sold ' fcortl in boxes. They are, wonderwas I only doubt in that the pres.We standing some fun with Very deficiency. shall their have yours, I and truly obstructed, fully effective for Coughs and Throat Then entirely of ence of a prince of the blood royal, I tell way frequently This holster Is built with t Trochlea. JOHN a a paL1; I hi the bayonet. I am surprised at you, have to takes man SHERMAN, it real you plainly is and provided to surrender to you my the honor a such trifle. BRAKE After for SAFETY ho!dllj MATIC sir, No one but your mother and the doctor beMp reporting govern the people of tne United States." Secretary. the wortW . at any point, and making lieve it when you say you are sick, and the this rebuke I turned away, when the sword! S. Grosbeck, Esq., Cincinnati, O. W. one of is above statements the The Holster perfectly safe. any otters atii loctor charges for his opinion. "'Not field marshal, I replied, ac- made little5 drummer almost ran into me In ha Mr. in Feature Not Possessed by A Engby Bayard recently his excitement. cepting the sword, as I marked the diare built in one VD arri When you com to realise Holsters These so much which has given umbrage Angrry with Everybody. No 1, with that your corn are (rone, and no more pain, how Captain,' said he, saluting I was amonds flashing In its hilt, 'only a land, paclty of machine 5 feet WSK Thic to Americans. Whether the language 800 d pounds When a paper like the line, grateful yon feel, ail the work of Hind ercorna. 15c. only a aptain in those days 'three captain of her Majesty's loyal single sneavea, with of Munchausen's Own.' 'Ah,1 is impeachable we are scarcely pre- enters upon a campaign of vituperation Price, complete FOR CATALOGCfc J the reported in the bay.' I When a man eats too much and becomes SEI) Ick he sayg that he has been working too looked out to sea and saw, as plainly said his highness,, turning to his folto say, but it is dangerously near it should, first, at least, lay a founda pared hard. 9 in as I see'you, sir, three frigates stand lowers, 'what chance have we against the line. By the plainest implication tion of substantial argument. This it lun r. mi. ufliioiiuu nunwi men a are nation such where Mothers appreciate the grood work on capthe the only horizon, coun-ti flying flying of means ipn ing this that the people it would undoubtedly do if iti could, but it of Park er s Ginger Tonic, with its revlvinjr qualities he tains?' followed me, low, of which Bowing the the flagj power foreign a. a boon to the has none. and nervous y are incapable of my prisoner,; Into the fort. was aiding and abetting the niggers. Let the reader glance at the followA clerical error; A prolonged, prosey ser"That, sir, is the! true history of the and heed a man In !the presidential "Well, sir, I must admit that when I mon, saw these ships and remembered that defense of Damli; The end is plain. chair who can "govern" them. That is ing sample taken from the editorial rewe had not a grain or powaer in tne After my victory they sent a general exactly hat Mr Cleveland has been ferred to: ue whole bliessed fort, I admit that for a from home who reaped Its fruits, who trying to do in dealing with the money "The strange spectacle is thus prewas 'roi a rewarded by; moment I felt at a loss. Another imanr grateful country question. He has paid no more atten- sented of the silver kings: taking pos1 TTn deteriniu5 ...... t i Jl who fit nnnU am hanre lot condemned of to to letter was less anxious facts, by sticking every keep tion to'tje laws of congress than if they session of jthe gateway of legislation but your crop,Known N vmmz way t ciare a Sh; alphabet af terj his blighted natee. had never and i Seeds. might tell you. that he never hesitated, the The "Sherman been passed. the finance senate comupon by seizing to . nation But. has to the as learn to deal 13 with things yet but I, wishing everywhere. t whose resources they owe the victory law" provided as clearly as language mittee to make government pay a lawat a loss. they werfe, I confess I felt Por for the purchase at its mar- ful dollar for a half dollar's worth of ' "But Only- for a moment. Lieut of Damli. You ere pleased to ob- can speak of will more f 4.500.00C ounces of silver white metal,- the Eh. sir? sir? serve, lftofl Your sort sir? ket, a of price to What, with nontajDs ' into said, go! Simpkins grin, obedient the profit . rTatinn for 971 U sir. each two month. of Now. 'sir:, you had better surrender to servant, of the silver kings; while out Walter, - .w a a pockets J a tnan mag 'eg For several months before the repeal in the country labor is to be! beguiled Ml and gardeners the Fr to the foreign power. Sir, I the same. with a slice of lemon." c:c DETROIT, I i, 'a. a TomNw Budget. J rrRRV m iha A A jm. of the requirt d and bamboozled into a secret Oder to answered, drawing myself up, only about 1 llnson dies, but never surrenders. amount was purchased.' The specious itself into that 50 cents i " A Yes, rl sir; beg right. quite yourjpardon? had "corn- is a good enoughthinking was Astronomer. somebody that pretense l to ST. JACOBS OIL K dollar !for wages. By a perversion of history these words T, the forced astronomer the and market ered" the up who Schlaparelli, me a Give A W0TLL1 Cure In therfrf"wwfor dollar I half a dollar, say were to 1. attributed lsiucher at Sedan. first discovered the k ' , S . tbecome Trow to 111. V ai the senate; silver kings to Uncle Sam; 11 "canal" price. Upon that same theory Harri-But I hoje you will allow that I ought Health write to knowiwhen they were first uttered. of Mars, did so with a jnuch smaller son might have refused to buy any dur- I'll give you 50 cents for the dollar of S w' J afflicted with ) TflOntpSOtl Blucher may have adanted them. 1 telescope than those in Use In many ing his entire term, and the law would your wages, say the same kings to If0Art vjo, make ncj complaint. Well, as I; said, the first. have been nullified-frothe American workingmen.: "Let's call at other observatories that time. Morphine M"'Vr And ;fS n. a 1! lor moment no answer at all, for ourselves is answer breathing space The AGTE-3TJA- to 20 days. tt" HarCoin" says patriots," Is a he QP1UL1 man. Garfelt the was very yet j I indeed up. thatj on .game O rone hit la. Coughs and Severe Colds speculation to every vey to the workingmen, and you take Crip,Cured sat down one of the now useless1 rett P. Serviss of Brooklyn, in speak- there is always tru quickly and eflVotualiy by the use of In all commodities. The 50 cents for the dollar of your wages "market" and to review ':'ea: situation.' the of his first interview with the t Cigarettes As I meditated raising of jthe price of silver was the to prove you are patriots." my eye- fell on some ing TthTC aad Blind Uigtly recommended and prescribed by prominent coils a rlLfc REMEDI Italian, said few days ago that precise purpose which the law had in BO3AN-KO'EDVsiciaas. Write for vaiuaDie literature, FKi.Ju. of wire which DR, Hudson telegraph :h package hi. our and ?Dij of the survey department had brought Schiaparelli would hold a visitor's card view so as to establish and maintain a The Silver Champion. Mo. Prugglsu or maU. Into the fort before the outbreak of within five or six inches of his eyes' in parity' between the two metals. t T. E. Diamond, of Granville, Iowa, trending erW , 1he disturbance, to connect us with th OAirnri set llan.il Mr. Cleveland has also coolly the writes as follows: "Our cause is just! to It. The order decipher singular part filUIlby Odicu capital. (As my glance fell unon it a of this story is not- that a man with law at defiance by refusing to pay gov then, let us fight until we Honae vigorously i n thought flashed through my brain. Fnrnl.hinja ffiSU an infirmity should be able to ernment obligations in silver, borrow conquer. The National ,Bimetallist is "'Saved!' I cried, leaping from the, euch '; t tt the oculist :who restores sight1 to those cannon. 'The captain's got 'em again,' outdo other astronomers, for keenness ing gold Instead, and increasing the to rest-bearing of vlnlon the rather a debtof upon depends already people who are blind to self interest. Yes. Go a devil's of remarked that drumimp If youi drusist ref uaws to get them for you apply . than the convexity of the lenses staggering under a. load too heavy for on with your noble work. I will aid you direct to mer boy.t Without heeding this breuch retina e KUTMOW BROTHERS. of the a. and the of. eye, U them to bear. in getting readers for your! literature." 2 & 4 Lafayette Place, New York City. of discipline, I sent for Hudson. In a can be focused so as to suit the I whispered my idea to each. words is It "to few that T. E. D., in National Bimetallist. say scarcely necessary Tare.! But it does seem a little odd Mr. l.CO, postpaid. HJLlLi ORDKRS him. 'Captain, he cried, 'you are a latter. man a is "sound Bayard money" that the gifted scientist In question of the most genius, a marvel, a' However, It is should habitually "I want a quarter from you for that pronounced type. refrain from wearnot for me to repeat the compliments, ing eyeglasses; us Show a who man thinks theanywhere starving family on Bottle alley.' Possibly he has a PATE . AR S perhaps not altogether undeserved, he ory as to the effect t'ae a American man" "real of need use their people upon "Mercy! I spare a cent. My dress W. H. V. Ien raJ.5 my Resource. I . n.l A(3tJc m ft t New visual his York we will powers. EajnintIo show of la. them" Tribuuti. "govern and for you the ball will cost! me $200." PtQt,htlity wound tele I the to charity heln his ecuoo. t,n to'. lar.ior' Oui(l. or How tt &tti Wlth When writing a devotee o. thn English gold standard. Cleveland Press. x tnt. : pAii.ua o'ya:Hix, WMUogtoa, r. u that you saw the fVent ' French Law About Poacher. the conrlctlon of r According to French lawthe of poacher carries with it Is to confiscation hii weapon. In this fact ceneb which sought the wn explanation of a curiousa few witnessed at Angouleme days aro. re-It apoears that guns bo confiscated may be deemed by the owners on payment of fifty francs. They are certainly dear at that sel- con-netti- ng : ; t , ;V:;l:vf--.:;'-i ' I - - I .,- i ' - ' j ; j . , ; f ' ' n-an- rt-a-i 11 : - above-mentione- yp r f d U fcarsaparilh ; y, -- I i ' 5 ' -- Denver j j j long-drawn-o- Kog.rc ut . three-sevent- hs ( one-ha- lf j; ? 1516-1- 8 ?naj-est- j y, t j . j one-ha- lf ASSAY one-ha- lf l ):. " J. OURBIK, - j horse-powe- r. ts get-at-ab- le . cur-ien- t. ' t in-oittdi- ng one-ha- lf one-eye- -- jam, J" - f &vv , men-of-wa- r? FKe.C oommon-senn- e 1 packed coj A 80 -- itiri-befor- 6 . wiimv 3 Wemjif w, j ob-a- rd ? men-of-wa- r, U !( i ' -j ar-Unit- well-trie- r' ed d cirenUr j OoW. I ! ht iiiiliTillll''iliiJ,,.-'iai!iillJtrll- . st p -- t Fa-buch- er. " . self-confide- nt off-han- d. i , 1 legl-me- men-of-w- Times-Heral- nt ar ' self-governm- panJc-etrIc;en,slep- i ent j i j V-- ,1 n't W P''ii i - - ; l . Vi , m . ci-e- at Nenr-SIglite- . - -- A one-ha- lf . ! 1 '' ' it -- Sw. so-call- ed S' V 1 j - d near-sighte- 1 Kofnc.v'sAntl-Astt7i3tIsPcw2er- forty-pounde- rs j & cml-ifen- - S Xrade-mar- K e, Sig-natur- ; ! ra&i - l j inte- - eye-piec- TSjnADE , telescope w , -- . i ' ! ra, |