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Show ORE FRDSNDS ONLY. TIF! rrnrt r 1net crn uated at Wellesley and he had , left with a bachelor's degree some three years ago one of 'jj our leading universities. They were; botn young. Perhaps she had still some of the r roniantic nature in her and.per. be was not entirely free of a boy's f5n ?i and enthusiasm for life, strong foundation of ? each had asense and earnest, up-common : ! Ut purpose. Jjtb Alice Hartwell and Ned Mor- j something they. were to as what reticent they to accomplish and with each other .tended j"1 life I1 la wi?e demand of the world. TW B3d been frIends from "odd -- youtn when the girl's return renewed friendship in all its Intensity the had much to say of a long set-- i 5i understanding. young people laughed the matrimonial But to . the scorn. the subject of conversation tote August afternoon as th'ey sat shade of the vines the iQ iler cooling J the Hartwell porch. Tie very idea," laughed Ned; "these be-2- d people here haven't any idea was It ,11 can't they marrying and dying; Ujerstand that there are some other I of existence beside 'ztingencies Of course not," answered Alice, also IjnjUcg. "and they would deem it rank bresj to hear you say so. You 'must iisember that Blanktown has its code -- and proprieties, as changeless 'a tie laws of the Mede3 and Persians." ! rales if -- is only one There thing for a young when he likes a girl." Tiere is only one thing for a girl 3 do because she is a girl," laughed do rafl to lice. Tie very idea of you and me being irrs," went on Ned, "when we have -- playmates, chums, companions, the mud pie period." Tie idea." echoed Alice; "why, Uere couldn't possibly be any romance Lout such a thing." I "Familiarity kills romance, you a He said it as If he were utter-- f of the foundation truths of the ;cne j. And she acquiesced with: "Of !;ov.w 'rse." here," he continued In i oracular tone, "cannot appreciate beaaty of a perfect friendship between man and Voman; they Uosly conceive of such friendly rela-:j- 3 degenerating Into an affair of pes, tears and sentiment." "But ve shall give them an example i f Tiese people ex-li- ng rtlfforont nnsOiinO' W Tes, of a : shall not 'u3 be the fc Vi n11 rrro Tirwfr perfect friendship, where be considered, where one confidant, the iritic and ii lasplratlon of the other." low glorious It will be, Ned; what liel? we may be to each other. We .ill be such friend3 as Hannah More j I Nothing came after thi3 to interrupt the smoothness of; their relations until one day in the vacation period, .when Alice came to Ne4 for advice. "I have found teaching hard and tiresome, Ned," she said. "And, after all, the little home trials that a woman overcomes are her best conquests. I have no desire to go back to the schoolroom, and I have- a chance to make a home for myself, penry Armstrong has asked- me to marry him. You know he is a man, Ned, and he is settled and well1 fixed; His store is paying him weH and his wife' 'ought to be a happy woman; don't you 'think so? He can givie me so- many pleasures that it would be so hard for me to earn by my own efforts. Tell me what do you think about it, Ned?" ;"Why, Alice," said the young man, "I had no idea that you were so mercenary." "I'm. not. Ned-p- " "You're not, the idea!" "But, Ned" "Oh, don't talk to me. Henry Armstrong, Indeed! But marry him; marry him, by all means." . "Why, youre not angry, are you ' V. HAU-UJGnear, trembles ,and with reason, for her young offspring. The AVny Yonnj? Negroes Trap PartThe very first time in his life that a ridge and Translate Ulrd Talk. negro boy has anything that he can Jennie his own lie swaps it for n puppy call Grant, By can be trained to ran rabbits. knows A perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing In vll the little that that Everybody Its branches. Special attention called to o of he the he think Then aboul; as roams gun he begins the popuidarkey, new mic hit Universal feed It chine doesstyle. lous plantations of the South, is rag- may be able to buy in the future. 1U shoe. Inside work of the all Mutton, Veal. Chipped Beef a common gun, unrelia- Two doors may be of Main north NephL ged and dirty, and neglected In mind, ble, likelyonly St., Union, not to explode when and Bologna. expectbody and estate ; but what everybody ed ,to remain obdurate and unresponsYour patronage solicited. times, but; neverdoesn't know is that he is a 'born nat- ive at Inopportune ' LTJNT, with uralist, and gets as much fun and gen- theless, a gun; to beas.regarded a pearl above cherished uine, absorbing interest put of the pride and small change He will hoard up woods and fields about him. as the city price. for months and months for this DRUGGISTS, If yon are going to bred boy derives from a The next best thing to a gun, Is7 a number of slingshbts show. A stretch of sandy road is however a stretch of sandy road to the average various primitive contrivances for CHICAGO fly a rock, pebble or other misperson; not so to the small hunter sile compounded. Carefully none boast if his ,and possessions who, while on an errand to mill or Mall or express orders promptly atteaed to. of these; effective execution can be store, traverses its rutty length. Large Stack at Salt Lake prices. d stick. "Fox been prowlln yeret Dat a fox done with a properly-curveAs it is with the denizens of the foot," says one, looking critically at the imprint In the sand, fields and woods, so with the curious SOUTHERN TRADE SOLICITED. d j "Dat ain't no fox; 'tis a mink!" af- birds that live in the liN ALLY & LUNT, firms another; and then all set to work marshes and swamps. The boys think neck-deep in water to find a plainer track ,that will cofl- - nothing of wading OR ST. LOWS; UTAH. firm or contradict their suppositions. to get a belated young marsh hen, or NEPHI, "That are a fox, an' he went In Miss even of swimming across stream to B cere and atk for a ticket that TtxZx Geigel's yard after her young ducks. run down a pair of flustered little Here's where he push In under the cranes that are too confused to get out The First National Bank, of the way. fence," insists the discoverer. Ned?" ? 'Tain't so, taln't so A snake or lizard of any kind or de'tall," rebels his "Angry? Oh, no; what have I got to companion; "that track ain't nuthin' scription has a marvelous charm for . NEPHI,. UTAH. but Mince Field's yaller dog, what the little backwoodsman. He is not beangry at? Itfs nothing to me." "But we are friends, and we were to CAPITAL . kind-hearte- s. Recamier. Paula and Jerome." hi so they talked and planned,while old people said: "What an exam-- i i of beautiful devotion that is; there there; they have any mistake -- i s 0. a each s'l, Ned other from childhood." went to 'work and Alice to work, Ned plugging away at and she entering the schools teacher, for neither was rich, hi their friendship did prove help-r- 5 to each other, for he was an ardent 'est and she was a stern critic. And J ere confidants. They could be so with each other, because their -iibip was secure on account of the Kaderstandlng between them, the perfection and ci thi3 ;J understanding that he to her when his heart first began because of toward Mary Mason. fco that will talk to me honesty, Alice," he said. you lit? ritl ; . ; 11, sensible girl; the match would ltyi one and helpful In a worldly asl as for love, well, love will iih. association." coarse,' said Alice; "of course, ' a 2,;'; do you think that Just her ;V::ar cast of mind would suit you? ' -3 so terribly you practical, ''ed. She doesn't seem to ;-- have womanly qualities that It a man would like, I discourage you for an instant; you know, I'm talking only good, as as a real friend but do you think you would scft, t ; appy with her. Ned?' that is it," said Ned, stroking , tat 3 AH- - let-letti- PRESCRIPTIONS ng i ! KANSASCITT, ' web-foote- , i Bl ill ! ,- SURPLUS L 850,000 S37.600 ' RAILWAY. GENERAL , BANKING .; f ly': i y- - ;' ; ' - In All Its Branches. No tiresome layovers. ' Close connections in union depoU, And positively the quickest rout& J. Hi E&ioksost, Gbo. C. Whttmobb, President.' W. W. Abmstsoks, Cashier. - Vice-Preside- J. M. C. nt. Frorq Utat To the, Great Bivers and Atkntio Ocean. Elegant and. thoroughly modern Equipment and OSTLER, Manufacturer and Repairer of Reclining BOOTS AND SHOES. All kinds of shoes made to order. second to none. vVorkmanship ' First door south of Tabernacle, ; NEPHI. MAIN STREET, jured air. j And she, because she was a very soft little person, Iran to meet him with a glad face. "Oh, Ned," she cried, "I never did want to marry Henry Armstong, at all. But you said jwe couldi only be friends, and mutual critics,- - and Ned, a girl wants to be laved." For the moment he forgot his fine ideas and he cried with a tremulous voice: "If you'll just stick to me, Alice, I'll love you well enough." "Then, Ned. our friendship Is all Arizona's Stone Forest. The regions of the Little Colorado river In Arizona abound in wonderful vegetable petrif actions whple forests being found jln some places which are hard as flin and which look as if but recently stHpped of their foliage. Some of these stone trees are standing Just as natural as life, while others are piled across! each other Just like the of a real wood forest. fallen mona-chGeologists say that these stone trees were once coWered to the depth of 1,000 feet "with marl, which transformed them from wood into solid rock. The marl, after the lapse of ages, washed out, leaving some of the trees standing in an upright position.- The majority of them, however, vare piled helter-skeltin all directions, thousands of cords being sometimes piled up on an Commeracre of ground. Cincinnati v v , cial Gazette) v ; s - er " Foach t with m Wild Cat. . Peter Schultz, Jr., was out in the wood3 near Bascom, O., and, while was attacked by a large roaming about, ' animal Jumped vicious wildcat. The and scratching It on Ms facel cutting in a most terrible manner, and tearing his clothing nearly offa his back. By hard struggling and freed blow from Mr. Schultz's fist, hewhich himself from the animal, after one year he shot ani killed it. About wood same ago Mr. Schultz wasIn ina the similar way by; and was attacked the animal, shot he a wildcat and cat he which he saw limp away. The and is been lame, killed seems to have v., animal. : same supposed to; be the -- well-direct- ed .. i Occurrence. '':'.-.- 1? i ', Itdet , ' you hunter pened. j 1 of regular train tickets. Call on or address H. B. KOOSER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE j "Miss Hartwell: Your actions are entirely beyond explanation. The heart of a man Is noi to be played with. But I hope you will marry Henry Armstrong and be happy. It doesn't matter what becomes of me. Your neglected Ned." lover, Alice Tead it and laughed and cried In tutna over jthe words. Two hours after Its receipt Ned followed it in person, with a highly in- Chair Gar 3 In which the seats are free to holders . It ran thus: 7 woman, lf j t Ar; ii . wA. COMMERCIAL FREIGHT AND AM) PRODUCE PASSENGER Room 21 Morlan Block, AT THE Salt Lake City; DESERET HSH STORE. OR- Goods AGENT. at bottom prietsi fcr spot cash. Utah . H., CffOWNSEND, ; Attaching Themselves to the Lncky Owner of Gun. illlO. DEWS11UP, HCR.I General Passrager & Ticket Agen come 'long yere this mornin," and so afraid to attack any snake, no matter Cast Main Street, - the argument goes, every foot of the how big, and when he has vanquished St. Louis, Mo. ; road suggesting a whole combination him, will linger on the spot leng to of possibilities to active imaginations. study his color, markings ,size and If he can come across Whenever a ditch fringed with characteristics. Complete Line of Builders' Bupplies. Mill Work a Specialty. that is, an old skin broom sedge stretches across the field, a "snake-shed- " a childish figure or tw olurks near, that a shake has crawled out of his listening eagerly for the welcome delight Is unbounded, and unspeakaGRACE BROTHERS' sound that shall tell them a trap has ble bliss attends the capture of a live i fallen. Partridges nest in the broom owl, no matter how small and youeg. Jennie Grant. doves, and sedge, sparrows, too, andwild things. all manner of winged sticks HOW TO MATCH AND WIN. Traps made of carefully-selecte-a little meal or in are laid ambush, and in- Statistics Show ground peas sprinkled within, That Yon Should are to these snares unwary creatures conHave Your Opponent Do the GuessTo liable to walk unsuspectingly. "deading. trive an original and certain ambiTwo men matched coins for a fare fall" is the acme of these boy' on a street car, and the man who won tions. When the persimmons drop,g said to a Philadelphia Telegraph rethe plump and toothsome from rinds that thick the and porter: "I have paid very few fares boughs, hickory nut this summer, because I have solved . Manufacturers of and Dealers in protect the walnut, the wide at the the and the chinquapin gap exof Doors, Windows, system Mouldings, matching. I can't touch of frost, these' little huntsmen j Mixed is Coal, Hardware, Paints, my why plain system but correct, make their plans. CcCns, Caskets, Pickets, now; de pecan many experiments have satisfied me "Squirrels awful fat is. I it that reman ask the other Combination etc. Wire a always Fence, tree jist lanky youth match me, and sixty-fiv-e times out mail and orders the Southern Trade. to attention minds his fellows, and forthwith they to given Special a hundred I win. Apparently the set about making squirrel traps, or, in of us from from Salt Lake City to thi the freight you save By ordering In reality they are ' default of that, attaching themselves odds aretheeven. man who matches and In point In a body to the lucky owner of a gun against of man who is matched. favor the and forest to explore the fastnesses of This doesn't hold good when the coins the at prosfield at his beck .content are on a table. spun It is good only the when present pect of being moment shall arrive to take when each man holds his coin in his hand. Calling coins is also an easy aim and fire. to win. Three men out of five game The sweet, precise whistle of the will call heads. I always hold the to town and partridge Is well known coin tall and in the long run 1 m up, to these people alike, but country small-gam- e lovers the peculiar inflec- a winner." tion and number of notes in the whisWhat False Teeth Are Made . tle is significant of the sex of the bird. 'It looks like dat rooster partridge "Where do false teeth come from?" can't find he mate," it will be ob- - said a well known bone Importer, Dealers in and Manufacturers of I echoing a question that I had put to him. "Wouldn't you like to know? Most people, I imagine, think that all false teeth are maae from ivory. That HARNESS. SADDLES is quite a mistaken idea, as the maWW jority of false teeth are now made from anything but ivory. We import large quantities of walrus tusks for NOSE SACKS, ETC. no other purpose than that they may HOPPLES, made Into be false teeth. You can go 1, --A Into some big dental establishment 1 We also carry a full line of where teeth are made and you will doubtless find the remains of walrus tusks lying around, and, indeed, a highly polished tooth made from a walrus tusk is just as handsome, although not so lasting as an ivory one. "A dentist once came to me for an elephant's tusk, from which a good set of permanent teeth might be made for a wealthy client of his. He was to spare no expense. I found him a tusk, which being an especially good one, I sold for $12.50 a pound , the usual rlce being from $2.50 to $3.50 a poutd. I An. Original and Certain Deadfall. afterward learned that the dtmtist call insistent sounds as the served, $500 out of that set of teeth. across the field. When partridge is made course It would be impossible "Of een trouble, he whistles dat fashion; dentists sell teeth so cheaply as all de other times "he call different. It for do now to if the teeth were all made an', they de same way wid de from elephants' tusks. As a matter of all dem whistlin' birds." so many people are now .wearone chillie fact, to Rfl a Biuhnn ocoTUDcn 1 CUPlDEtSE" dat "Listen hawk," false teeth doubt I if ones the that near about ing "she's ivory got young i uatuvn says; y i m for suitable this would ever some in purpose Inscrutaand somewhere's," sue I am told a good many false voaa Tor Hmses Qi the generative organ ble manner they manage to keep their be found. muci.iu Tnwim-iiti im Pains mtHoiJacK,ceminB.i a.. ExhaostiBiar Drains, Vhrirocvleumi,. being made from vegetable Marry, eyes on the hawk and track her to the teeth are or Prevents ?AlBhZm??ft, qnickal r.jght. lken day by etc. If so, the price of tree where her nest is the ivory, ivorine, particular she oi ajscnafs jv TTiwEJtEcJeauies tlie liver, ti thinks so safe from de- teeth must naturally go down, and in pest that AFTER BEFORE one toothless and the will time probably, tection. flTirfT:XT; ntrenfftnens ana to replenish his mouth for an able be f raba when the is r jubilation Great 'ine low sum. A set of teeth for absurdly inIs with found, the nest tiny bit's a written frnBrRnte given --close in the shallow $1.25,'! continued the dealer,' laughing, 4 m fthox. six fur 65.CO. by man. benaior"1'. U. JiOi o, fants cuddling a create v. jur try boom would in false teeth." DAVO HDICIHE hole. The .news spread slike wildfire, Times. Philadelphia and poor bunny, cowering somewhere ; . -- d purp-plin- Lumber Yara"' Mill rIenlnfl .... j Grace BrotterB, - all-import- NEPHI CITY, UTAH. : & ALLEN, Al BBlLEO -- CV mm i .' Horse Furnish i fig Goods Sheep and Cowboys' Outfits. Men's WE GUARANTEE Settifa,ctiDri ; - whip-poor-wi- ll i ' ?i st pup-pos- e. doilar-and-a-ha- ? " ia; J:-- MoNALLY & is half good Henry Armstrong ;et 3 . ; enough for you; and I don't believe you love him, either." "I don't know that I do, but you didn't love Mary Mason, either at least, you said so." "Oh, that's right, throw that folly into my face." "Why, don't you think a person ought ever" to marry ?? "Of course, but you want to marry some person who is congenial." "Well, I thought" "Yes, you thought. A woman like you, Alice, nees somebody to think for her," and this lord of creation stalked away in high dudgeon. As he went into the gate at home that night, and Rover came frisking to meet him, he gave him a kick that sent the dog howling away just like a man, you know. He wrote a letter that night, and posted it and Alice received it by the first mail next! morning. -; i3 Choice Fresh Meats se-win- advise each othr, you know." "Well, isn't that what I'm going to do? What I mejan is that I don't think jrnnsnal that's it; for the life of aSd a hunter together stalked a fox ,':;nt know." near Tyson. Vt., the other said Alice, " if I were a cartridge to the other. but each unknown an anything rash. You day bird in apple tree be-alighted it alJ your 1Ife and your and the hunter tiptoed 2uli feci for you, too." ? of the barn and 3 got to be mighty careful," as the bought ThUird down. But around v "eighty careful." coming has," said Alice, and then SZ seized it barn, reason ' she the other and cried herself to sleep. and was had hap: could appreciate w like a c-- i ' ' ; perfect t belieye I really love Mary Mason orld looks on love, but then she i - p.OW THAT -- ! nm Mm. , d- in their .love!" j ; . j - She laughed.. 7. Boot ! A. HARDY, E - "And for a! critic?" "Oh, after all,", he said, 'a man's best critic is his wife." And the wiseacres said: "Wasn't it beautiful? Cnew each other from childhood, and not a break, not a ripple FOLLY INTO A FEL-- I LOW'S FACE. iDr. Johnson,' or Chateaubland and G-EORG- ; past." "Can't a man and his wife be friend3?" 8 LITTLE BACKWOODSMEN. i iyy oca .. -- a. 1 ' i ; ; ; resr-ore- wlMyI'lh ' |