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Show . Oar stockralsBfs'.bO.umn. will continue In each nnmben Thj BlaDK contracts at t brand under yearly la publish "nominal price, The advantage to the stockfalser of famll the public with hl brand and mark Urlzlnjwell known to need attention. It is U are to as valuable as an advertisement stookman ike f to the merchant. FAIREST DAUGHTERS OF THE i i Better Educated than the .Bis.- Men Lexlng: n!as a Woman's Hoard of Educa ton Mrs. tion Ilerr Talks of the Issues of "Her Sex. (Lexington Letter.) ENTUCKY'S New Women have had RANGE: Lower Sevier and Sink of Beaver. Address: Utah.' Oasis. the remarkable success of electing a full board of edu cation at Lexing ton. of bbtaining Jno Dewsnnp the legisla ture a law protect ing the property from tipper silt In right, under silt la left ear. Range :Crloket Mountains and Lower Sevier. Address, SEED rights of married i', .,- - : ffc-f- - 3v iur to-da- 1 Address, Address, - Parley Aim i same Horse brand on left thigh. Cattle r lose crop in left and slit in rlgai I 1 9', i e, er. Kane Sevier. Lower SI eret, Utah. lWi-'- J W Des .Address. L on left thisHf same brand om lafi hip of eattle.Raxs 5 Willow Eprlnjra. Address, J. KORSL F: Flak 8prlBga, Juab County, Utak Ton left thib, double swallow fork In left esr. Range, Leww Be-O vler. AAdreas CWj. Bumpsa Oasla, Millard Gov UUk. Tl l -- PF -- Hark, silt In in ear. , fan on left brand shoulder en horse P. N. Petersen, Address. Oasis Utah, Range, Low er flgh4 and two allti .--eft Sevier. 8ame left thlfk on Horses. Upper slope and one under ellt in left ear, and two under silts in right ear. BANGS :CNak Creek. Sims Walker Addrtss, 6ak CKy, Utah., SALT LAKE. jBneralGom ' i DildSrCM Dealer In- - . ; FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, EgffV Pnltry, Game, Veal Pork a4 Smoked and Fresh Tlsn, Flour, Hay and Grain. It will pay you to ship your goods to me. 1 ekarge 10 per eent. for handllnic and remit as coon as g oods,are sold; Can give s eeunter references if desired. Beef, fint-olaa- . I W. Q.M STEWARD, orrzcci' CO W. ' 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY P. O. BOX -, 49, Hand Samples, 'Iron Assay . .... Copper Aisay. Bottle ........ .....L ...... Sample! ....!.., Frank . . ..S1.O0 . . 1.00 (Late I I 3. CO D.: Hobbs, U. S. Land Of3cc) Land and .Mining j 1.00 - ' w iVenty-Ithr?'- ? yeiarE,?zperieEe. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. BIRD & LOWE, Attorneys. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Coliecta Fromtlj at HvvF IGARETTES have fairly earned the title "coffin of : :i " . raovo,. '. j' - -- , - i Atl niea FRANK WHITEHEAD bank Cldg., J' : ': ; cta - ing to the statement of a physician of the west, Dr. well-kno- wn Ben-jam- in Will rlve lps. n? Ho for Detroit, Fish Springs, Gold Hill Blackford, 0 Pinno, reusoniible tercis, ' For lur)b r pjrtku'.Mi. Orm, vioi i - dd FR A i K WHITr..fc AD, and Ibapahl that they may do even worse things lit. Professor of tacks," by virtue.of tneir nealth de" HINCKLEY. - than cause death. After a careful ex-- ! The Oasis and Fish stage leaves amination of a great number of patients Oasis and Ibapah at 8 Springs a. m., each Monday at a lunatic asylum, and a thorough and Thursday, and arrives at terminal points ' r 63 hoars. within investigation into the "family; history" of each case, it was found that the ma-- : Oasis to Detroit, S3.0Q " Fish 5.00 of Spr'ngs, the been had Jority younger patients Hill Gold 7.5G and ' Ipabah. addicted to the use of cigarettes. COPYRIGHTS. Fare for transportation out and return on This in itself Was strongly suggestive A PATENT? For a fllsXAIN tA l fares. Address, bonest opinion, write t of the effect of cigarette smoking on and anS Hiinvat8?r had nearly fifty yenra have CO., 1 F. DAVIS, Proprietor, the system of the close connection beexperience in the patent business., CommnntaL tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In! tween this habit and the condition of formation concerning Patents and bow to olw tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanl the nerves but; Dr. Blackford did not ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive stop there. He performed a number of ppecial notice in the Soi c n t i lie A m ei irn n. anrt thus are brovht widely Deforeti'e experiments, calculated to show just cost to the inventor. This spteWid paper what influence cigarette smoke; inhalaweeklv, elegantly illust rntert. hns Vy th circulation of rany BCicntit.e wrrlia tha largest WATCHMAKEE, tion exercises on the throat and the delworld. a year.- Fanmle corst'-fj-eP Bulldintr Kdition, tnonfblv. ! ' niWln icate tissues, blood vessels and nerves NEPHI, UTAH; copies, m cento. Every nujaber t ;'-- " tiful plates, in colors, ond chntorisy.,'. ;ZL of the lungs and bronchial tubes. The Watches and jewelry, promptly r& houses, with plans, enabUncTbuiidera io .ihowthe desisna and secure cf?nfrffvt!r. a .?.. latest result of his investigations was rather paired. Mail orders solicited. MUNN & CCX, N:w Vouk. : ...iVy. alarming. . "To a greater or less extent," he says, "this increase of insanity may be at tributed to the pernicious' cigarette-smokin- g habit, now so long prevalent among and undermining the moral, nT?nk TXT TXTTT T T A TVTS2 physicial and mental health of the youth of our country during the period of youth and development, when the brain is tender and platetic and easily MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF affected by the noxious inhalations issuing through and around the nerve Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips, Nose Bags, Collar j . ; i ; X . one-ha- lf f ( i ';'-- ' : ': G. A. 1 Gardner, with-p- i ; j LEONORA HARTWELL! o the other, and Governor Brown, who is a great admirer of her intellectuality and social accomplishments, appointed her one of the five members of the board of lady managers of the Atlanta exposition from Kentucky, and the board had the good judgment to elect her its secretary. the etate In an interview this morning Mrs. Herr talked as follows about the new avenues of usefulness that are opening cd to the women of America: "The American woman did not come to the front sooner simply because the. conditions In this country were not favor-&2l- a to her! doing so. She was always j n-- v ut ar -- Harness and Saddlery tenters." i Pads,! Hardware, Leather, etc. Cigarette smokingand cigar smoking, it is further pointed out, are two Fine Buggy Harness l a Specialty. Wholesale and Retail. ntirejy different things. One may t t moke cigars to excess, and though he have used been in Deseret and vicinity, and have Our goods extensively conseof course, suffer ill would, quences, there would be very little given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. chance of his becoming insane from this cause. But cigarettes seem to have a peculiar power of affecting the nerves. CROW Perhaps this is due to the inhalation of the smoke, for surely the smoke of a cigarette is not stronger in itself than that of a cigar. Drinkers are well aware U ; " of the soothing, narcotic and at the same time stimulating influence of a cigarette. It is very often the case that when a man is "tapering off" from a AWARDS. a craves and of Support spree soothing draught spirits he will be satisfied with a few puffs of a cigarette. In fact, not a few Home physicians have pointed out that drink- State Fair ing and the cigarette habit are very 1894, Gold ; i .in poim. i THREE Leads All the Rest' -- . closely allied. The smoking of cigar- ettes brings on an appetite for drink. A comparison of the analyses of alcoholism and "cigarette-smoker- " ay Industries 's heart" would probably show similar results.. Alcohol used in excess is a poison. It gives a sensation of stimulation, followed by depression. The alcohol habit, when persisted in, causes insanity. Exactly the same may be said of cigarette smoking. The Inhaling of the smoke slightly inflames the tender mucous lining of the bronchial tubes and lungs, and the sensation thus caused is very like the stimulation produced by alcohol. But In every draught of cigarette smoke there must be a small quantity of nicotine, which Is a very destruc- to-d- Medal. and Three Cream Baking Powder Gold Medals. t?WN ' T1tr ma A jkcwk jCov J Superior Quality Flavoring Extracts Gold j OtoMM J TWBt J Keep THffOB I 1""" Medal. Your r5 rcitows Money . at Best Sn&lity and of Homer Sod. Water. ' r i MANUFACTURED BI 9 . CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . . BOX 532, Spices Pure and Ground Daily.1 THE Deseret BMse, DESERET, UTAH, One mile from Oasis Station,) . . . i Is tlxe Only If s Hotel Between 3STe;ph-- gincl IVIilford. irst-olets- i . . lend Agents ( Rooms 4 and 5 Eagle Block, j Attorney. CoTTe?ponccrjce solicited. ay LAND and MINlftg I tive poison. Depression, therefore, follows the Inflammation. As the natural result of this depression the unfortunate subject is moved- - to take more stimulant, in the form of cigarettes or alcohol. This is an unnatural state of affairs, . and must lead eventually to some disease. No constitution is strong enough to withstand constant attacks of this sort. There probably never was a more healthy, sound and perfect man than his constiJohn Li. Sullivan, yet tution is wrecked as the result of excess. Fortunately, however, M; . Sullivan has not "gone so far as some others who have so grossly abused alcohol as to incur an affection of the mind. Cigarette smoking is especially harmful to the young. And, curiously enough, it is the young who appear to be particularly devoted to the habit. When a lad; has reached the age of twelve or fourten years his constitution is subjected to an unusual strain. It is the period between boyhood and manhood, and there should be on hand a plentiful reserve force of blood and nerve, 'for it will all be heeded. But what happens'if the system Is constantly attacked by the deadly cigarette poison? . "His nervous organization," says Dr. Blackford, "is apt to become more shattered by this cigarette habit than if he were addicted to alcoholic stimulants during that period, and will surely be the first to give way, and, of course, the m-a; first to suffer, especially during the period of puberty, with its strain on the nervous system. "The, youth at college who. burns the soning. The time his come when men the! focal ipoJtot midnight oil is to be commended for and women should be for all this modern light, We are far his Industry, but too often he burns out In the rear. We have not kept abreast his brain at the same time with his acof our material improvements. We companying cigarette. The process of need to give less heed to improved loco- waste and injury to the nervous system motives, less attention to machinery, may be greater than the repair, and and more effort for j a higher type of mental bankruptcy is the result." men; and women, who shall be worthy their environments, The improved edTh Sorrow of China. ucation of the race that will soon He The Yellow river is styled the "Sorhere will give us a keener. Insight into row of China." During the last centhe possibilities that are in reach iir. tury it has changed its course twenty-tw- o a better life. And whatever our condittimes, and now flows into the sea ion,5 it will drive despair from the soul through a mouth 300 miles distant from and inspire us with hope for all good that of 100 years ago. It is estimated things and enable' us to rise with that ltfl floods in the present century a to loftier conception of tke tave cost China 11,000,000 of lives. energy signlfica&ee of human, existence." to-d- ; . Attorney pakks. ; Law. at;- -- Office, First National y. manner, her native purity of thought, her delicate and subtle reasoning, and her keen perceptive faculties, which, combined with the dainty feminine ways and touches of womanly nature, make her a creature to whom man pMMA WALKER HERR. the palm of equality, intellectual gives as it miay seem to persons at the North, and extends to her the reverence ity, Kentucjkians for the last three genera- due to her exalted womanhood. tions have bestowed upon their daugh"It is said by some men, sincere In ters more liberal educations than they their belief, too, that for women to en have given to their sbns. As a result, ter the, professions will prevent them Kentucky's women, as a class, are frcm marrying. a bit of it. When rather ahead of her men, as a class, a woman falls inNotlove genuinely and in all that goes to make up the well inas she sure to marry is earnestly, just formed and aspiring citizen. as the other sex. There is nothing unAs a specimen of Kentucky's New der heaven, whether it be fame, politics Womeni, Mrs. Emma Walker Herr, of or medicine, that can ever money, Lexington, might b'e mentioned. She change a true woman's heart, make her was born of Virginia parentage, of a woman or prevent her enterless Scotch-Iris- h descent, being the daugh- any the matrimonial state, if once her ter of the Rev. Hiram Pierce Walker, ing New Woman mind is made The up. D. D., an eminent minister of the southern Methodist church. Her moth er was a member of the old aristocratic family of Virginia, the Kenners. Mrs, Herr is a direct descendant of and can trace h ;r lineage to the Rev. George Walker, the Irish clergyman who took so prom inent a part in the heroic defense of Londonderry against James II. Mrs. rierr's paternal grandmother was descendant of the illustrious Stephen Gardlnek the celebrated English prelate and statesman who, through the patronage of the duke of Norfolk, was introduced to Cardinal Woolsey, who made, him secretary, and afterward archdeadon of Norfolk, and finally bishop of Winchester. Like tie majority of Kentucky girls Mrs. He nr had . a .liberal education, which was rounded out by extensive travel. 3he married Pierce Herr, son of Dr. Levi Herr, the famous breeder of trotting horses. Her husband died eight yeJirs ago leaving her with two practically, upon bright boys. Thrown, JESSICA HUNTSQN. her own resources,- - Mrs. Herr at once will not to escape the vuigar put her talent to work Where It would gossipmarry, a soulless society, but to of do the. most good in the battle of bread herself, and, love born of moral winning. She took up journalism, first please will be the as a society reporter on one of the and Intellectual equality will She regard local "dailies," and later as part owner only consideration. as love without unchastity. marriage of the Illustrated Kentuckian, a paper the common view of politics, devoted to the interests of the women no"With wonder it is thought women should of the 'st te. Six months ago she sold to do with it. Politics her interest in the paper and has since have nothing Is assumed to be only a base, that time been a contributor to several low struggle for office,! power and journals. She has written little, how- wealth. To my mind, there is nothing ever, abo nt woman, her work being greater, nobler, more important tban along othur lines. She is known by all politics or the art of government. It the prominent people from one end of should not be a struggle. for power At should be a combined action of all honest,1 Intelligent people to (organize and carry, on a state so as to bring the greatest good to the greatest number. f The happiness and virtue pf every man, woman and child In the land are influenced by the laws and institutions 6f the country. God speed the day when ' the politics of America shall be rev aftdeemed from the base methods lv,to which ithas fallen; jwhen jit shall ces.se to be a mere trade and become a sacreti duty, an honorable work, "The science of the future that shJl be paramount' to all others is the science of living ; that of knowing how to live this life of ours so that we realize the full measure of jthe joys that sre In reach of a being capable of ma- ' SAMUEL A. KING, g: la-U- pper between Jl ills' station on the U. P. Ry and Leam la ton. Address, Leamington, Millard OoM UtaJU w. INSANITY. a Doctor's Research The (ireat Increase in Insanity Is Attributed to the "Pernicious Cigarette-SmokinHabit." 1 T1'- ' Results of of women. and 1 r raising the age of consent; and it has ill symcaused the New women ana Deseret, Utah. wonder to pathizers in other states about Kentucky's New Woman. These Jos Dewsnnp ladles are Mesdames Emma Walker Herr, Leonora Hartwell and Jessica Huntsbn. Nearly all of them are de Under silt slit under right, scendants from the pioneers who came In left ear. to Kehtucky when it was a wilderness Ranee: Crleket from jVirginia, Maryland and North aa Mountains Carolina, The descendants of these .Lower Sevier. hardy and fearless men have married Deseret, Utah into each other's families until all the etronger characteristics of the men and women who blazed the way into the hood. JoAn Y Switt 'dark and bloody ground" are intensi "There are some who will step over fied in the present generation. Strange the boundary line and lose the exquisiHorse Grower te1 womanly graces, the refinement of and Deal? thought and action that belong to the RANGE: exalted type of our sex the New Hour Mountain Woman. The New Woman imitates iB-- i Lower Sevier. man only in the fact that she has awakOasis, Utah. ened to the fact that she has a mind and brain as well as a heart and soul. She reads not the sensational words of Oierson fires the day, but the best work of the past aae" Breeders v. a j J and present writers; the daily papers, horn Darhams. I the public speeches of our great men, and braud Dn left keeps in touch with all the varied thigh. Catt plans of the political situation of the slop !i each ear. Iian day, and yet through it all retains her Sevier river her gentleness of word, refinement, and niouiitahas. I OF CIGARETTES CONNECTED WITH j BRAIN TROUBLES. :. . Cto.F. able to hold the position she does to day; she was always a free agent. But she had the good sense to wait until the refining and enlightening influence of education had become sufficiently general to insure her not only a wel- come but an intelligent one. She has ever been the power behind the throne. Man's achievements have ever been di- -' rectly traced to a woman's help, a woman's influence, and, what is far more to him, to a woman's sympathetic interest. "Whatever may be said about th new sphere of woman, it must be admitted that woman was always preeminent in the sphere of love, fidelity, and loving ministry. She has ever been the best example to man of the best and highest qualities of human nature, and man has ever been at his best as he has yielded to the Influence and Instruction of the best women who taught and impressed him.! I resent, as a libel against her, the portrayal of the New Woman as a creature who scorns all the little touches ot femininity who is utterly void of sentiment and strongly addicted to stiff shirts, etc.; who affects r, masculine air, laughs at love, and, fn short, an intolerable creature, not in the least a true type of the New Woman as she is To be suro, aa in each newj fad or fashion there are ever the extremities, so that now woman is placed where she rightfully belongs and admitted to a freedom of thought, speech and action, and which privilege she takes advantage of, nor lacks one touch of true, noble woman- KENTUCEY WOMEN. RATES III HARMONY WITH THE TIMES. We have a well of the famous Deseret Llthia Water on the premises, and which is a guaranteed cure for Bright's.and all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and all other urinal troubles. ' ' In order to show our faith in this i water, we make the. following proposition .If anyone afflicted with any of the troubles above enumerated are not relieved in on& month and cured In three months, , no charge will be made for board. . j ' to-w-it: x ! '. Bear in mind the Deter et House is first-clas- s MRS. J. F. GIBBS1, in every particular. Proprietor. |