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Show Absolutely ill l Independent " whether , or Political, Social Beligioug, Is the Blads. flotto.Tiie Truth Without F r or Favor.' Ob all question - i WAS- - i . our I Terms I ; $2.00 per . f . year, in advancei .1 Country People Rend The advertisements In'the Country Papers, and as The BLADE has the Largest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern ' It offers thebe&tUtah, possible medium for -- . ! Six months, $1.00. ; VOLUME III. NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNTKG, E'ER, , 18. THE NEPHI TIMES DYING. KICK. INKLINGS. LQCAL ; 23, Advertisements, NUMBER 37. Tfce roads are' getting THE BEST dusty. jQet your wall paper at Excelsior.' .; The Nepni Times this week devoted over a column of space under the head of .Economical Spasm" in venting it spite Location blanks for sale' atThefBLADK on certain idem bers of the County Court, office; and county officials in general. We have Ch.e Has Ever Known. Words of Prais from a New York Lady for read the article in question and carefully "Wall paper at Excelsior, MeaVP.ork 5cts per pound at A. V. is have at conclusion arrived that the it Hague.' s (,.. Lon Sptrry of Prsjvo is making Nephi the Times management, that has had the Instead of thej County Court. Leave your orders for Job work at The a visit. spasm" reason for the attack is, that real The office. Blade " I would like to add my testimony td 5 and 6cts per pound at A. the officials when wanting something Corned Beef ' A fine line of clothing just arrived at V, Hague's. an The of others who have used Ayer't that Blade 'give equal published; ' the Excelsior. secure to Times the the with chance jeb. Call for Compound Cough Syrup at Pills, and to say that I have taken therd Assessor and D. Cazier Collector W, TSew Dress Goods, New Shoes', at Hyde & Lunt. McNally incurred the'" displeasure by giving the for many years, and always derived thd & VVhitmore's. . to best results from their use. For stoni-- i Ladieft Shirt waists, a large variety Of publication c the delinquent tax-liThe farmers are beginning to take a them at the Excelsior. , The BLADJE a 1 which was perfectly right ach and liver troubles, and fur the cure and the la w 'w Ul back him up in it. waijc around the farm. v of headache caused by these derange-- i Booth returned from a business Mayor County CferkiWm. Burton made them Joshua A. Fielding of IManti was a trip to Salt Lake Tuesday. (the Times managers) his enemy by ments, Ayer's Pllla cannot be equaled; Blade caller this week. Have you seen the Silverware Hyde & following the instructions of the County A' Grand Opening Sale and Display Court and giving the publication of the Corned Beef tongues 25 and 30cts per Whitmores are giving away? financial statement to the lowest bidder, j A. V. at to Surpass anything of the kind in the pound Hague's. Powerful nurifler of the blood. Steam's which was The BLADE. Over 2000 pairs ot shoes and suppers SafsaDarilla SI. 00 per bottle, 6 bottles for The article goes on to say that they inHistory, of Nephi, Friday and Saturday ?o.0U. McNally & Lunt herited the right to have the" work, but February 28th, and 29th. Dont Tail to Gene Blackett came home Friday; from Home cured Hams' lOcts per pound at A. we hardly understand bow they figure it that way. a mercur to iew V. uays, spenu Call on us and ee the beautiful things. Hague's. We think The Blade should have the si The finest line Ten to one every Blade: reader in support of the citizens for several Clothing: clothing A line of Ladies Spring Wraps will be ever seen in Nephi at the Excelsior. was established The First Blade "Do the heard you first and has Nephi has following. on sale at that time. always worked for the best County Kecorder Winn made a business want to buy a flag ticket7" of the interests city and county in genertrip to the capital the first of the week The curfew bell which was broken on" al. Second The k publisher of The Blade Bert Twelves, one of Provo'ss popular Statehood day, while pealing forth the was born and raised in this city and is a j, while the Times' manager young men. came down lor the can. last giad tidings, has been repaired. montns ago a perfect H. M. McCune after visiting for a few landed inlNephiasix night. carpet-bagge- r, is here toand stranger It is Certainly surprising, the low prioe days with his to family and friends in Lord the knows where and Salt Lake Saturday. day ,Third-ThDresa Nephi, .returned Hyde & Whitmore's are selling entire force of The I; Goods at. Free! Preel Eree! We are glvlncr. over Blade are Nephi p3ople, while the entire mm Old papers for sale at this office at 10c, 200 worth Of Silverware away free. Call force of thev Times are all imported, and a hundred. Good to put under carpets, at our store lor lull lyde k we believ it is the duty of the citizens to particulars s W.iitmore'8. line shelves, etc. support home industry. We might so on enumerating causesn Cass Hite, the man, why The dress goods at the Excelsior have mining they are not entitled to the city and When my friends ask "me vrhat is th$ k i 4 taken the town by storm. Everybody Is was in town Sunday and was beeagred county but time, and space will best printing as to his Opinion of not by; the cold hunters remedy for disorders bf the stomT talking of them. week. this permit also accuses us of rocks. tbair The Times ach, liverj or boweis; my invariable mountain cutting the J. H. Sarvis of made to state who started and friend Miss Witbeck but Nannie het a ULADB forgot answer isf. Ayer's Pills; Taken in seaUnion prices, Newspaper Miss Clark, both of Salt Lake are visiting the cutting, and also1 forgot to tell the son, r fraternal call Tuesday. they will break tip a coid, prevent' in Nephi. They are the guests of Mr. public of the dirty little tricks they have la If the district school .buudiues don't M jivin to to different in tried play order get grippe, chefck fevers and regulate the Whitbecki jobs have a flag waving over them shortly, it digestive Orgaiis; 'they are easy td Julius Taylor, a colored gentleman wun't be tne scnooi cniidren:s yaup. take, arid ate, indeedj the tiest all;round wiio is editor of tho Broad Ax, published The Right of Newspapers; Ladies Sorine: Wraps will be on sale at at Salt Lake City, was in town this week family medicihe I have ever known."' the Excelsior during the Grand Opening in the interest of his paper The Carson Appeal Is on the war-patDoa't Xiook and justly so, because it had to bring Mrs.1 Mat; joktirSON,- 863 Bidet Avenue sale next Friday and Saturday. at the Excel at the shirts lovely suit against Ormsby county for printing New York City,. fail to see them. naver before been the tax like has The sior. The editor relieves himself With but little care and so trouble, the shown in Nephi. Ail the gents, in town of some list. as follows: indignation beard and mustache can be kept a uni will want one or more of themV of this State has placed a rate Jaw 'The form brown or black color 4by using every piece ol work required by iawi .fudge F1. W." Chappell has remaved his upon Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers be doqe by a newspaper. It has placed law office from the Court house to the to Highest Honors at World's Fair.1 To step in Hyde & Whjtmore's shoe second floor of the Excelsior Mer. Co., a limit on everything that a printer does and the sign blazoned by the law ovtr Ayer's Sarsaparilta Cures all Blood Disorders; room one would think they were going and is The Bladb's next-doo- r Of neighbor. his work is. 'So far shale thou gd and no whole with to sdoolV the sboes. vou hav'nt seen those dress goods at farther.' fram the immence stock they have just theIf Excelsior go at once and see the m. Jt$uttne law places such limits upon got in. tne services ol no otner callwe On 24th Feb. and alter Monday A physician who sets a broken leg Mrs. Robert Read of this city .baa an will be prepared to furnish you with any ing.proiessionai CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES the and all kinds of Job low-e- at of a rich man can charge $5,000 and the the operation performed oh her eyes oneau at printing B m law helps him collect it. llth ol this montnat Uffaen. jiirs. rates. Call ahd leave your orders. a evesiffht has been very bad and it is hop A and estate uo settles 10,000 fcourt lawyer The work of wideguaglng the Sanpete pockets ed the operation will have its good effects. and all And General State News, Culled and its the $9,000 says Valley road commenced Monday. .Men right, but if a newspaper charges f50 for Condensed for Blade Readers. Tin vou want the nobbiest Shirt Waist and teams were put on at different points a i i! tax pale or administrator's Bale in the once to widen line at and the in town? The Excelsior has them. Foutair gun accidents have occurred began along same case tne Dili is scrutinized and gen oat the in Ogden recently, grade. of John T. .tfeild. a former resident erally cut down one half, while some side of home new the at arrived boarder ,VA member a is made remark that now and of Provo. the Morhi hat by attorney 20,000 rabbits have been killed near form Hhese d news natters want the eacth.' nt the firm of McEwan & Peild Job drson Cazier Thursday night, in theconseIdaho, this season . , Oakley, a nine nound: girl, and as a of a us visit short Wednesday. to see the beadtitul things int paid fail iDori't printers, fitneuce Orson's face is all. smiles. All some other State and yells it a few - times dress and to trimtn.ns Mr. 'Paxman ' r goods get your The Excelsior is the place an audjanc of hoboea is Coaled i with fit; I'.'jiu wen.. .. east. while y at bought Shoes and Slippers. There is notiiiu honors and allowed to live;; the We are pleased to see James Ockey on publie 2400O balance of his life drawing a fatsalary Th new town of Orchard; Idaho, thirty,. quite so nice in Nephi. There are cofc sick-pes- a his after streets the prolonged again Mr. jraxman sbibkicu wud to see from Boise, has purchased " thefc and the but miles, pairs newspaper doing notning, dreaded disease typhoid that with sure fall Don't fifiias are who lovely the is interest They publisher defending macninery oi tne 'ueseret woolen mills fever. Mr. Ockey has been sick for near- of 3(H days in the year is in Salt Lake; them before Duying. over his State threa months and is still Very weak. ly a thief like treated every petty larceny Mr. James W. Paxman is the proud store at Mor-- : The Moroni cured Bacon lOcts per pound at time he presents a bill for any service repossessor, of a new baby son, and could A.Home ha oni,aSanpete county, e V. Hague's. , quired by law.'' nnt nnnnnal the arrival; trv how hard he lor period of tWenty-hvyears, and has,, the face tells story. raised the from stock f25,000 to would, for his smiling capital, Sale at Grand the Don't Opening forget Methodist Chapel. 175,000. The little fellow came axon g rrioay. the Excelsior next and Saturday' Friday Mrs. Paxman is doing tuceiy. Bunah Wilkins, son of Alex. Wilkin sA Last Sabbath evening we had a good the 28th ahd 29th. Those lovely dress son of Reuben Stan goods and silks will be on sale' and dis- congregation, the subject, "Thej Power of this city writes his father that he i The fasti Tne play, the crowd will sure be at the Ex of Example" was founded ?on the text interested in an onyx claim m Weber, ley broke his arm Saturday from Judges flf, 48. "And Abimelech canyon near Coalville that gives evidence,, oi ma rmauoua was eelsier this time. wirn.one fellow little a an ax la his hand and cut down a of being the best producer of onyx in the. &. took off AlikliS, in cellar the Superintendent. H. T. coming 'down hill"! wueu iuw Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hawkins celebratOne Slab 4" feet 6" inches by 2Z'" i wajfuu ed the 34 anniversary of their married bough from the trees and laid it on his State., small express .wagon 2 feet longall nicely polished" and inches shoulderi" accident. the caused over and life Thursday evening by having, a numtipped we will h'av s.aJ is on exhibition at daJt Lake and now . On next evening Sunday Before buying your Spring Dress call ber of friends present. One of those The subject on that a piece 8 feet by 5' feet by 9 feet weighing-- , Notice of Forfeiture; famous suppers that Mr. Hawkins is patriotic service. stock our immense show us you let and Lincoln and Washington." twenty tons has been taken out. As it. ov Utah, eveniagis State noted for, was sarved. Of Dress Goods, selected and bought difor the day and sub- lies on the dump it is Valued at $800, 00. music COCKTY OV JUAB Appropriate No trouble to show east. the from rect We be invite all who; Provo Enquirer. will Miss Wilson and Hawker John and Mikeseli given. ject iohn Alfred Amy Jacob'a and tv & Whitmore's. be to Hyde reads are ou this matriin of goods. were, bonds Co. the present. holy joined Mining A printer eat in his office chair, his., the Drum MountainI have Washf ng boots of mony Wednesday afternoon, and they Sunday is the day following been requested expended that wero have and his coat thread-- , We hereby notified, 189o, a reception in the' Opera house in ton's birthday and it is fitting that on bare, and patched $250.00 for the year asK gave to men tne? face his looked year 1894 our laaies, single young and. improvements ofupon tu all $3166, in labor and The Blade wishes them a this occasion we should have a service worn with care. Whiie sadlyweary the ana to evening; of course, ap propose, nurry ones, the thinking claima of consisting thft that shall' inspire us with more patriot- of business debt, old Morpheus slowly You long, prosperous, and happy life. Miesiiffl Link, Copper Chief, Alice, as there are only a few more left. Rattfer, Love of home, cou'ntry and God is rroand him ism. for V another not urvflna rtold Bus. Situated in hate eight will leap year of Dress Goods and the Sale crept, and before he; knew it. Grand Opening iU on which stands our national ne as Utah so make tripod better had I'Def roit Mining District, Jnubfo. hay you slept;' and sleeping he dreamy, girls, soundly trimmings next Friday and Saturday at liberty and greatness. 189o, Jn tne years, tne r r. v. cortlfidate sun was he ed that while guinea. dead, and from trouble', m To advertjse our Collajre jvewill Rire-.Excelsior; On Monday, Tuesday and possibly on and toil grace of the Uecdrder of the said district,vis-- , had fled, and not even' ' a thorough course of instruction in Dou-his'spirit a the of Iliff fatal C. will .under pro T. sai4 complaint The entering wedge Wednesday evenings, Dr, premises, order o hold sboUld blood its vital the and That cow a for thu peaceful reat of bell tolled Me and Single Entry perform two or a 324, Revised Statute of the is often a On which dose Methodist the at cold, chapel. preach slight is it it this And he wandered 7 ;. cowhide soul. Commercial Arithmetic, toy mail at Ot necessary his functions, absolutely Unfted days aftr aM if within of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral might have should not only be pure but rich in Tuesday evening to the old people especi- among the shades,' that smoke and scorch' ?otlce by publication you fall or refuse to services cured at tne commencement, xnereiure, elements. These results are best ally. Comd to' all of their our proportion of thein expenditures in the lower hades. He shortly observed Orb Fourth Regular Price A. Smith, Pastor. said claims it is advisable to have this prompt and effected by the use of that n J. an rf iron door that creaking, bung oa its L unan meet sure remedy always at hand to r, Sarsapn-arilla- . standard but its entrance was closed; become thjroperty of the subscribed Ayer's hingesa ajar, . emergency. red hot bar and Satan hituself der said Sectionj2324. This WorrrCBTO'SUBSCRtEEtlS. wi$h IttcBuKKBT to a limited nuiiber of .persons, j; 35"43 stood peeping out, waiting for travelers, course will be completed in 4U lessous. We have just received the nicest line of A pleasant birthday party was give FebMsf 183ff. Orum. Andrew L. thereabout;' to is that notice This .....! give our and th'us to the passing'V AO charge for diplomas has been it made AUarsi well clothing of home James Neff of Nephi is authorized to receive, good Tuesday evening at the sell see.' We. not do to spoke:' Come in, my dear, rGarrett Sr. in honor of his 52 birthday. and receipt for. all delinquent subscrip printer good fortune we do claim td sell honand never, fear?", cost good but rMMERCIAL was A and all had tions to The Bladh up to Nov. ,15th. 1895, this is the you nothing" crowd piAPiTAti ahoddy, present., large I cook the .ones where and lowest the place est clothing at prices a scod time. The BL.ADK joins with which must be paid without any further never their have We who suras,"" pky subscription the clothing goods. his friends in wishing him many happy delavi SDecial attention .is directed to foir, guarantee will bo in life they may escape,1, tb show you and all pleased though for ; of returns the f5treeb 11G West Sixth day. :the list which The Bladb received from theytl And when they're dead it is not what we have, even if you do not wisn to the Standard at the date of its suspension. too late. I'll show you the place where, . The ever and nicest nobbiest Co. Mercantile things Excelsior : buy, is imperitive that the old business be I melt them thin,'witb red hot chains and Kansas; :i It seen Excelsior. in footwear just in at the topeita . more more myand are closed CommerclalTrav-growing up, as a matter of justice to of tin ? ana also where I comb their Our people Good Sample! Rodrris for & of to will The scraps conle Paul Prof. to of to self and the Nephi habit McNally present broken glass and melted lead publisher looking the with in heads - eler's. of he will mfaet with the teachers in the Blads. the best ' for latest and Lunt Very of respectfully refreshments Druggists, if and they only think'.' . 2797: K. GIBBS, , Itac Meets jail Trains, Free to Patron everything in the drug line. They sell Central school at 2 o'clock. In the even, J. water for tnem to drink, there's boiling Notice for publlcaonl will give a lecture,, to the of The Blads, station. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous ing Prof . Paulsame V the from their. . red to anil hot the grind grindstone towear and public in the place. The Prof, will for its. cures of bad colds, croup on to nose hot red aad their Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, I rings in need of such a deliver some other lectures during "Lis if mention like ;, don't hooping cough.thisWhen they they tos,"and January i23d. 1896. Contest Medal come to are All' a trial and you stay in Nephi. invited remedy sew medicine five with red . their mouths Pll fire, up Nof.ee is following the that GOLDSBROUGH, hear result him.. and H. with the hereby j?iven than Will mere see take on pleased be speaking! shot will contest dear and A for Bir, intent then, 1 wire, prize aamfd Bettier has filed .noUc of his you'll and" over while turn Tabernacle them at 13th the. March them of Ws, cLiim. Jmake final proof 8cts Cured at place Shoulders squirm that Proprietor, has. support per pound wisely suggested An exchange oetween me .cool to turn." With these last words fndthat said proof Avill be made At this cqntest young ladies a town is like a largo family. ? We are A.V.Hague's. will deliv- the printer awoke and thought it all & unty Cierkjat Fillmore, Millard twenty-fiv- e of and sixteen or welfare age .each in other's interested oa MarehSth, !W viz:- - H. the Field's Last Story. The ball will practical joke, but still at times so real ith,Jensen er by given evening an Friday oratorical Eugene Judges production;? should be. An every manf for the S13U ftE! off pleasa Society will their wrote close passed be the Literary and story Field Nephi at that he cannot believe it all a, give to 1RR4 means ruin present Bueenetn any community, antly. The absence of dust ana smoke decision. The one who has'delivered her it seems,"and and avrti STKl of Sec. 10, Tp. l0;4oV Werewolf."-- ; vy ben policy i . 7 . often he thinks with a rhfl The r He names and failure. dream, means retrogression elumi-natioit the following witnesses WUICU uQ.r..-was noticeable" and with the extra silver Qnr! ft vear a receive will aira best of the fate of those the chuckle.and be to must J4 continuous residence) upoa- ana CUil preduction grinr learn, was DDipf u" re wrote 1SS6 : ht Grst lesaon any family The ana Medal it made rpore Demorest ion of, said In the pleasant furnished: and never pay the dancing .their 'who tin save, by and is munity iiand, viz: George ntirely revisedH... and. d or successful, and happy, same afterward comwas decorated in fine style and the medal, will Minardo. It New York id stage Ex. Bureau ;Vmiaai Dotsbn. of teamin-to- n City. to Ttookfit it. and The printer. assistance. applies up s' seemed; to hava.a prise fine music as well as excellent William IWmn lancf David E btev ArAin that tirne a;Td mutual life of a town, and the5 more easy rocking-chairbusiness the r some people than speaking. In next, week's paper will apf of facination af. of Uoldeq, Millard Co. Utah. it rewrote DESEHET DOTS. it is Obeyed the more abundant greater in Kovembei; last, he uAaatti flAny persoaho desires, to., protest generally dancing. pear a list of the contestants ailowancei of such , proof, or who Know will be the city's, prosperity. Stand to ny substantial reasorfrurid'er the Jaw naJn be united. Don't bay your clothing until you see him he , ktorv each other and let's arulatlons of the Inteiir. Pepartmf t The weather down here beats the. new things' at bed rock prices at the suddenly too the carrie to Loan . death seen those nice dress Money have wed. .will be giv Gents you is. , bd not should fh proof natives and the oldest inhabitant . Excelsior. U to" have shirts at the Excelsior? menUoued me 'a to. knocked out on meteorology. Even- the one hundred from' at amount FieTdrconcTading WA9fts In opportunity any of the witness place to school building wasthe sQene ten thousand dollars. On improved farm black birds and nonplussed for they come itt(j the editor of Th funeral services. over the remains of TheCentral in to and claimant, evjdehee: oflr of much for a, ThursdaynighU Over property, or on water stdek. pleasure into town every day and warble of that submitted by. claimant. James Vickers of this city 300 persons were present Mrs. late ,. ' i the of in, sun the sets, , tormrticipate icecoraer. pusxde 1. and (J. work, evening eyery Field's at WiNNj uounty storm, br at Mr. theiTabernacle Monday, were held liyKOJT GrBod.'Regist ot of the.oelebratidn be the fire. -. of those. It ball a may like enjoyment the great y.:in 1 o'clock p. m.; The many friends ofhome bis nw.paper school. Washington's birthday by the bybunt-ingsong for storms, songsters have one ""-- , printed and ber dusky in former this deceased city ,' of Tunnelton decorated S. Simon the pnbi c. was tor The house snnshine.' In,, Hartman, Wiliinsly prettily another melody and at Wales, were present,W.' una speakers nextlissae wife West Va, has been subject to attacks of fact it is quite likely .but in the absence' his the and of. ASES OP sinN;:y Washington .1pictures ahd nT John Ml I...t.nft)(1 were, Apostle.. Taylor and colic about once a year, and would buve oi the Holden girl who is an adept in , drawings on the black-boarThe irU iw--fnT,TVio KmartinZv mCl- artil. 'i Stevensen of Salt Lake City, Mary Edward The 4uuog abundance. to call a doctor and then suffer for about translating black-bir- d proraottos in great ana otner melody, we will !?rt to eczema, tetter; Bishoo Reese of Wales, and President gram1 consisted of recitations', 6ongs, twelve hours .when some do as muchas it up. ?a allaved by iLKinq Wm. Paxman of this city,allof who spoke essays, toaits, drills, class recitations, they die. He was taken recently just the give tne and is here with a large bkin and. it iyincj Chamberlain's powerful:, and consoling word3 tp wun , all of which we would like same as at otner times,' ana uuucjuubu kj A. C.ofCleveland Eye tableaux,' from Nevada aad will horses Blades ,The bond auu been noiera1 joins taaeat ilany very bad cases have mahymoarnera, to write of in detail, but space forbids. try Chamberlain's Colic, an with east. ; r them fr. tne took entire la He exteaumg was ship to served cuiiimuuity them cake cream Ice and Diarrhoea Remedy. says:' bv it. It is equally- bottieTTTio , ana to husband the five sy me relief la mpatnies deepest vast audience, and which ended tho ione dose of it and it gave .T. favorite remcirnf v ?tu:r. t;i.o Geo. II. Williams and the nexva family in tha hour of their bereavement. the more tnan anyuiiu&, has been here severalof Panoocco, NevV is The different That entertainment. minutes. ninntoo- evening's 7 far ca liand3. CUll- - ?y8ti;? TLaS Brimfield; days tryicg the' like, a or eaio he eaid it. worked es deserve praise for the "exce- felse has ever done lor me. in most committees Lithia water Deseret with most excellent things fotb.e a exquisite Hr pecsore eyes. intended as, frost bites, and chrome time f is , , U ,, results. Mr. Williams is of Lunt Druggists., llent manner in which it was gotten' up, McNally Jl ;naao f rlTRSS Oliiwo, laws. the opinion 'cr sab by druggists at. 25 cent3 per box. . V no more snow falls the great and if "r".-!-!ladies shoes treJ m in monkov. spring atparel. i AinH those dress goods and silks'at the Mas them. Space Th e will be pretty'.dry ncxr wrench district ipa. pouij-v--carpets6ucfccold8,-,!roup." apder tbev " Pitting OldfpapersSforfor sale atthe The : Blade summer." i.rjBr. Cr.:!y'3 Condition Powders, of all .the nice Excelsior lovely? Everybody is,enrap-will not permit telling on ' shelves fCTt iCSKt tree for your tured with. them. Nothing has ever been and ' ' things"." YOiT i,reJuhat a bores need3 when in bad condir 2" office. in' like them' shown vermuu. Nephi. iUlic. blood punUeraua self; .if'.'by T.mj :Z .Lunt Druggist Family, edigkj.e! ,' AVER'S PILLS. i j ' , st i - j , v j rea-3on- J EXCELSIOR - MERCANTILE Ctt Vyl 1 tax-paye- r, r w. e ; - Leaders in Low Prices. well-know- " j are Making a General We . h, f - .1 AVER'S : Every line in our Store and are Not Considering Cost We are Determined to make some Great Sales. Now the Time' to get Some Good. Bargains Coin of-Uta- - ! . - .... . ; '"vjxiok i j i co-opera- The HgM WQ U three-year-o- ld . 1 SeSure, this ; S "5l ODUliSE iw-o9 al i by-son- ; . , . Bbok-keepin- S ff ; sS , life-givi- ng con-fribute well-know- , blood-purifie- j -- j , - itv-sha- ll NEPHI HOUSE 5 - . , -- to-da- y, ; r . i -- . 1 1- - - .toff . ofcAv ' ' "''....-Hom- i' -- iit - or-hims- - t n -- . j " : rn ; ana'ae.irtj i'-H- e ' , . icross-examiiJ- - . tMve - firsfr . v. i . , tub ni -- i .; ' galt-rheu- inct-inil- . ; - 5' -- d, v v ; astL .'ftdv I j t - V . . 'is-n-- Ex-celsio- f.-. . r - ! - - , . |