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Show Oar. StocKralsitfS' vol urno i Tn Blad will continue In bach ndrab tt to pnbhfih brands under yearly Contract : j nominal price. The advantage to the atockralser of famti Inrtzlnff the publlo with ;hl brand and mark are to well known to need attention. It U tt itAiVman aj valuable aa an aklvertlieaaam la .a thai prtiint. smuggling with snowballs. A Clever Rose to Hoodwink the Customs Officials of Russia. I Until within recent years the Rus- I i I - f ,' to; i ' I ; ' : i I tr .Lo : MM - : -;- i honi Dux ham . Horses brand on left umi some villagers on Russian territory, and the Russians returned the attack; In the snowballs thrown from Geraop i many, however, yards of fine Brusselu each ear. Sang Sevier riret lace were concealed. This method and mountains between Wilis nation on tie U. P. Ry and Learo proved most successful, for even the lagton. Address, Leamington, Millard Coi, Utab secret police did not discover it, and the guard of the frontier certainly had no Mi. Parley Al in d idea of what was going on. Quite as tfcigh. - d parti-colore- -- ..-; 1 : vl i iO ; , i L on left thlzkf same brand oa lafl hip of cattle.Rattg Will ow Spnaffa. a x vFlakTr8prtngg, A "K :. Ma. W O Ton left thlffh, w double i wall er. Lower fie- fork In left I Rangre,j rier. Addresa CMs. T&oinpsOai Oaala, lUllard Co. UUa. .1 illt la ,Mark,f right aad two silts Saaae lni-eft- ear. left brand) on on horse shonlder P. N. Peters a. Oasla Uth, Range, Law Address, er Serier. KP '1 si..,: Same! left on Horses. thigh and Upper! one underslope slit la left eari and two under silts In right ear. RANGE :Oak Sims Walker Addntss, Oak City, Utah, G. S. MARTIN, SALT LAKE. General Gommisslon norclianl Dealer la m ftrst-cla- ss -- W. Q. M STEWARD, W. .orncjEt ( ! : 2nd, South, SALT LAKE OITY p. o. box 449,! f Hand Sample i . Iron Assay tCopper Assay . Bottle; Sample" I..01.OO ... 1.00 i L . 1.00 3.00 D, Hbbbs, Frank luibter (Late U. S. Land Office.) Land andj Mining Attorney. Correspondence solicited. HVentj-thryears' experience.; SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. e j BIBD & LOWE, the destruction of the Russian thistle, schools had reported that thirty-tw- o been engaged in this work and had during the year destroyed 1,140,631, an average of twenty to each scholar. The prizes were awarded to the Douglass, Van Cleve, Corcoran, Prescott, and Clinton schools. Honorable mention was made of the Lyndale, Clay, Motley, Bryant, Greeley Schiller, and Washington. The prizes will be pictures adapted to the grades, suitable for hanging in the school rooms. The curfew ordinance, which was appointed as the topic for discussion at the meeting was taken up quite at length. Mrs. Robert Pratt reported on the Investigation which she had made at the request of the league. The ordinance is in use in sixteen towns of the state, and is most successfully operated in Stillwater, the largest town that has adopted it. The women passed a resolution indorsing it and pledging their support to an effort to get such an ordinance passed here. The matter of ascertaining the number of children who are not attending school was appointed a subject for the league meeting of next month. : Lsiiil Agents - TROVO, & Aiforheys, A Practical Youth. - You wish to What! is a mera She marry my daughter? ' schoolgirl yet. Suitor Yes, sir. I came early to avoid the rush. Old Bullion SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. FRANK WHITEHtAO Ell., UTAS - . . if Professor ftsic, . ' J . - . d, For further parikulart ' .( j ! Core FRANK WHITEMiEAD, HINCKLEY. e j Fish Spr 'ngs, 6.00 Gold Hill and Ipabah. 7.5G Tare for traneportaMon out and return obi " and fares. one-ha- lf G. A. Gardner, W ATCHMAKER, ! 1 NEPHI, UTAH. Watches and jewelry promptly paired. Mail orders solicited.! n For -- . prompt opinion, write ta AIUNN fc CO., who hare bad nearly fifty experience in the patent business. ComnjunimL tions strictiy confidential ..Handbook of In. formation concerning lntenin and bow to tain them sent free. Also a Of oaechim. teal and scientific! books sentcatalogue free. Patents' taken, through Mtinn & Co. recelv ppecial notice in the Scien I i i ic A in evirn n. and are brought widely belorethe public with, thus out cost to the inventor. This panpr Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated,fplcnditf has by largest circulatioa of any scilntilic work frth in a year. Sample copies sent free: tha World. liuiiaing Kdinon, monthly, w.:t) a rear, ginela copies, 25 cents. Every numDer. contains beau, tiful plates, in colors, and of new houses, with plans, enabling photographs builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address ' MUM. & CO, Kkw Youk. Ri'OADWAT F. DAVIS, Proprietor, , COPYRIGHTS. I OBTAIN A PATENT t answer and an boneat CA1V Address, ; . to, s Tits Oasts and fish Springs stag-- learl Oasis and Ibapah at 8 a. m., each Monday and Thursday, and arrives at terminal point within 62 hours. Oftsis to Detroit, C3.00 , Lay-yar- Will give !c6K tison Tlano. Orcar, no., snd teach lu-dhi reasonaMe leru.s. for Detroit; Fish , Springs, Gold Hill and Ibapah! Hd Vrf -- re- ; t big-eare- d ; , Harness and Saddlery W. WILLIAMS, ! G-E- O. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips, Nose B gs, Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. Fine Baggy Harness al Collar Wholesale and Retail. Specialty. Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and hart given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. HEATED BY STEAM. ELECTRIC CALL BELLI hi L. HOLBROOK, I j : i Office, First National hicjc UTAH Y, Bride's Family.1 From the New York Sun: The. daugh ter ina wealthy household in closeneigh-- ; borhood to Central park is engaged to be married, , and. the news of the 1 engagement has been published; "We all wish it hadn't," says paterfamilias, "because since it got out it has looked as though we would not be able to enjoy life or even to stay in town. The mail we receive and the people who try to get in to see my wife or myself are such as to cause consternation. Both the letters j and j. the visitors come from tradesmen who would like to furnish flowers for the wedding or to cook the wedding supper (whether we were to have one or no), or to supply the china-war- e or the cabs. They are from stationers who desire to print the cards, from engravers, from jewelers, from dressmakers and tailors and milliners, from caterers who will furnish waiters, napery, china, glass, plate even a bridegroom if we' run short, I imagine. The letters pile up beside my wife's plate every morning, and the most stylish engraved cards; bearing the names of men and women whom we never heard, are sent up to the distracted woman from the front door all day long. Interesting? Yes, very; especially the covert suggestion by a jeweler or two that if we desire to swell ttie display of wedding presents of gold or silver or Jewels they can be had on tiire." CHILDREN DESTROY THISTLES. VEGETABLES, BUTTER, Minnesota Scholars Engage In a PraiseEgg, Poultry, Game, Veal Tork an worthy Work. Beef, Smoked aad Fresh risk, Journal: The children and Grain. Minneapolis flour, Hay in which they are and various ft will pay you to ship your goods to aie. "I concerned arethings now absorbing the ateharffe 10 cent, for haadlin mi! rnlt tention of the Woman's Improvement oon as goods are sold. Caa glre league, as is quite natural,' as tho acoeuavtr razerenoea u desired. tive membership is made up largely of mothers and teachers, and this is their common ground of special interest. Yesterday, at the meeting of the Young Men's Christian association, Miss Wertz, chairman of the committee for ASSAYERi Promjtlj i lizl Att LAKE-CIT- ENGAGEMENT TIME. It Usually Has Many Terrors for the FRUITS, tr SALT - efficacious was the bringing of thousands of nihilist proclamations through Silesia under the very eyes of the garrison. These proclamations; were in the hollow staves carried by ja body of men: Who, passed themselves off as pious pil-- ; grims entering Russia on a' sacred jour-- ! ney. V: AUUICH) V- Collections n I .Loer Rooms 4 and 5 Esg'le Block , . Cattle-Up- per . LAND and MINmo Attorney at - Law. - d j j SAM DEL A. KING, er j Horses same brand on left thigh. , Cattlfr . close crop in left and elit in rigat ear. ill a n g e, Sevier. DesAddress, eret, Utah. : G. W. PARKS, 1 blood-colore- sian, frontier on the German boundary was guarded in a surprisingly weak t. manner for a nation so completely under military rule as the czar's great empire. But now there Is a strong cordon of garrisons only a few miles apart, and Cliai F. et)l). a careful patrol service between them. The chief duty of these garrisons is to ; prevent smuggling, and the IntroducRANGE: of nihilist literature into Russia. tion 7 V:.,. Lower Serier and l The duty is hard and monotonous, and 8Lak of Beaver, 7"T1H i czar does not like to have his best the 11-'Addre..: , trained and' most effective regiments sent out along the boundary line. For the most part these garrisons Jno Dewsnnj consist of young recruits from the eastern and central provinces of RusBlit In! sia. They are seldom expert soldiers, tipper under tilt and the lax discipline they are under is left ear. is. further weakened by their excessive Range: Cricket drinking. Their small pay is doled out "Mountains and to them twice a month, and every ..Lower 8evier. kopeck of it is Immediately expended ' Address, Desereji, Utah.. in vodka. After the voka is. gone they employ their spare time in making Jos;i Dewsnup raids across the boundary! line into the German farm yards to supplement their Under silt in meager rations. Along: the entire right.! under sill boundary line between these two countries there is a series of great open ' surl plains. Over these an icy east wind Mountains Wf blows in winter, and the only way the wet Serier. ".to ""ir? v"?"?: soldiers can keep alive on their patrol Deseret, UtaJ-Address, is by the building of wood fires between the posts. Even then the patrols T smith Joli frequently have their limbs frozen in their monotonous marches to and fro. Hence it is not at all difficult to smugHorse Grower and Deal gle across the boundary, and, indeed, it is suspected that the soldiers often RA,NGE: Hoiir Mountain add to their small pay by making deals ani Lower Serier. with the smugglers and turning their heads the other way when they pass Oaslsl Utah. j Address, by. Two very novel attempts were made last spring by the smuggling fraurerson Bros ternity, bothYof which proved successful. In one case, late one night, a band Breeders an4 men in Germany began snowballing of dealers la Short n mass of slicks In the top o a high, scraggy and' almost inaccessible tree .oa the banks of the Dwan river. The eggs are white, more or less spotted CURIOUS AJFRICAiY BIRDS OF REand blatched with dry. MARKABLE OTELLIGESCE. spots and patches. The throat of one of the eagles which had been killed, The Hunting- Eaglts of Natal AVeav-- was found to contain frogs and fish; Birds AVhich! Build Odd Nests he was sitting by the rirer ,clase to Make Canning: Pets Dazzling the water's edge, evidently fishing. and " Bee Eaters A "Rain Doctor." A striking peculiarity of the tawny eagle is that In the adult bird the most of the feathers are Africa, the wonderland of science, a portion of each feather being rich has within her. dense forests and roll-i- rufous and the remainder dark purmore and curious interestbrown. plish uplands hamm?rkop, or "rain doctor," ing birds than are found in an equal a The of the stork family, is one member area in any other part of the world. most of remarkable of African the Those most ingenious feathered ar- birds. Its na me n'jaka, in the nachitects, the weaver birds ,are repre- tive dialect has been given it on acsented in numerous varieties, and are count of its peculiarity of screaming before a rain sets in. It is generally diffused over the southern loudly also called the "philosopher." One districts of South Africa. The birds can observe it for hours, walking up and their curious nests, figured in the and down on small woody places illustration, were photographed by along a river bank. During its "mediDr. Einil Holub, the distinguished tation" the hammerkop frequently Austrian savant and explorer .recent- shakes its head, but will not utter a i sound. Often its noiseless walk will ly in this country. Somewhat like the tailor bird of turn suddenly into a wild dance, the Australia, the weaver bird is providedy cause of this abrupt change of behavwith a bill which makes it marvelous-l- ior being the arrival of its mate, just adept at constructing the hanging, come from adding the finishing touchball of grass which constitutes home, es to the large and curious mud nest, swinging safe out of . reach of prowl- which the pair have been for several weeks busily constructing near, the ing animals. The nests are usually in colonies. ' river bank. and are hung to trees which grow The nests are usually in the forks of over rivers or marshes. trees, are about two feet high, and These weaver birds make very cun- measure from eight to nine feet in circumference. a rainning, though mischievous, pets. It is the naturalist ,kep, a number of proof hut, and so wellreally built that it the birds in a large cage for; some lasts for years. Sticks, bones, large time. They became very tame and stones and various materials are ce-would answer readily to the call. menxea into tne mua. ine entrance is When they were supplied with cotton from six to eight inches square, the or thread they would weave it most walls being from five to seven inches industriously into the bars of the thick. On a number of occasions Dr. a dense mass, impossi- Holub found other birds occupying the cage, forming ble to ' unravel. They perform their deserted nests of the hammerkop. One work entirely with their bills, cling- - was occupied by a South ing the.. while to the side of the cage African owl, incubating its three eggs; with their powerful claws. and in another locality a pair of In Natal the weaver birds are gre- Egyptian1 geese were found in possesgarious, and are troublesome to all sion of a nest, in which they had cereal crops, as they live there almost laid nine eggs. It is customary with the hornbills entirely on grain and grass seeds. Along the coast they are exceedingly for the female to breed in a cloister. fond of sucking the nectar from the A hole in a tree, as high up and as cap6 broom, a thorny tree which bears well concealed as possible, is lined LEATHERED FREAKS. 4 Prop. i Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle & Mirjing PROVO. UTAH. Men v THREE BAKlNB CROWN i POWDER. Leads All the Rest- - AWARDS. Hammerkops stn'd Nest. a bright, scarlet blossom before the with grass and feathers for a nest. leaves appear. Thej Intelligent bird of the hornbill The beefeaters are another singular family is not satisfied, however, with tribe of birds, including quite a num this protection for 'the brooding feber of species, which inhabit South male. As soon as she has laid four bee- - white eggs he turns his odd bill Into a Africa. The carmine-throate- d eater (the Merops nubicordes of sci mason's tiowel ,and deliberately walls ence) is among the most gorgeous of in Mme. Hornbill with mud. The entropical birds; their appearance in tire; nest hole is closed, excepting an flocks is almost, dazzling. Most of the oval aperture not larger than a silver body and tail (except the tip of the dollar.- Through this the patient felatter, which is green) is of a beauti- male may protrude her beak, but not ful carmine, shading to pink on the her. head, while she is fed by the under parts, while the plumage Im male; and she may not once venture mediately about the eye is black, and forth from her prison during the long the top of the head is green. The two incubating period of four weeks, nor, long feathers of the tail give the bird a swallow-lik- e appearance, and in their flight they are extremely graceful: Like the swallow, they procure their food chiefly on the wing. .The birds nest in colonies in holes in river banks, the nests being about two or three feet apart, and usually six or eight feet above the water. The tun nels are excavated for about four feet, when the orifice is widened to form a nest. A flock of bee birds in their rich attire ,hoyering and clinging to their nest tunnels, is one of the most curious and beautiful sights to be seen by the naturalist in Africa. In the. vicinity of Kuruman, .Coles- burg, Nell Poort aud other parts of Southern Africa, the tawny eagle (Aquila rapax) is very numerous. This eagle is remarkable for its dar ing and skill in attacking its prey, and from the study of a living speci men in the zoological garden in Re 0 gent's Park, whjch becamte quite tame, it has been suggested by a nat uralist that it would make an excellent hunting eagle. In Africa these eagles constantly accompany persons in pursuit of game, and have been seen by them to carry off wounded hares and other animals. The depredations of the tawny eagle on the flocks cause them to be killed AVearer Birds and Nests. by settlers, but they are still very numerous In the Karroo country. A pair indeed, until the young are well once darted down' on a flock of merino ewes and lambs, and only flew off procedure is the protection of the febird and her brood from predaafter having dispatched forty of the male foes. It is not practiced by any tory latter. The sheep' were in charge of a small bush boy at the time, in a se- other species of birds. Henry Reed cluded kloof, and the eagles paid no Taylor in St. Louis attention to the boy; but they were Friend Why didn't you ever maronly put to flight when the unfortunate owner made his appearance with ry? a gun. Maiden Lady Because, the time A nest of this eagle was found In my relations thought I'wasby old enough habited by young birds in the to marry the men thought I was too t&sarn or January, it was a large old. New York Weekly. : ; 1 - ; -- . few Globe-Democra- t. ; Suppo ri 1 State Fair Gold 1894, Home i Medal. Industries Three Cream Baking Powder Gold and I j Medals. Keep Superior Quality Flavoring Extracts Gold Medal. Best V " 1 1 - - ..a Him in - in" .... ...... ! Quality and Display of 8oda Water. Jk Your nSi . Money at C -- Home. .... MANUFAOTUKED BY HEWLETT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ' 13 1? OS BOX 6S3 Spices Pure and Ground Daily. JOSEPH VA- - LYMAN General Merchandise, -- Has a full line of- - And is selling doirn at Panic Prices for Pay DownJ Xiiiue. lor uasn or rroauce at cost. Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied withj HAY, - GRAIN - AND Hishest caah price paid for Hides and Pelts. T STABLING DoVt forget j JOSEPH A. LYMAN, OAH CITY, MILLARD COUNTY, t UTAa |