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Show COY JAPANESE GIRLS. .Carter apoke of Marys future, how Insecure it was, of the great interest Sweet and Graceful Maidens Above A13 TIs wisdom's law, the perfect code Appeal to the Stranger, he took in her welfare. He had no By love Inspired Nothing in Japan appeals more children, and had come to look upon Of him on whom mucU is bestowed ; as her a to was He daughter. going charmingly to the stranger man 01 Is much required. UTAH. would her with take and; Europe, woman him, than the sweet and graceful The tuneful throat is bid to sing, give all the needed opportu maidens in their beautiful and picA perf eet fit guaranteed. Repairing In all The oak must reigrn the forest's king: and could to musical educa turesque costumes! of branches. Special attention called t complete her The rushing stream the wheel must nity colored its bright new ashi tion. In he the would meantime style. Universal feed sewing v ":, .! move, We laugh at Japanese women silks. all Its work inside of the shoe. does Ilutton, Veal, Chipped Bee! over sist worst in the McCauley tiding The steel -tempered its j must in NephL Main strength St., OFFICERS. foreign clothes. Certainly Two doors nortli of Union, and Bologna. until, better times came. His wretched dressing prove; TBBITK1A W. West. are as not own as .xaleb in their one saw a debtor but they graceful respite thing ' i ...C. C. Utchanig. 'Tis given with the eagle's eyes .... Your patronage solicited. from ruin. His soul was on fire with costumes, for they do not know how to To face the midday skies, greed, and he sold his daughter for wear the occidental dresses. The wearWm. H. King. rich man's geld. And Carter left. ing of unfamiliar garments cannot be ; the -.r am I If weak and you are strong. jutice-S. W. Smith. was It late fat night, and Mary Mc- learned in a day. Let the American ; Whyr then, why, then, Cauley was called down stairs and girls try on the Japanese dresses withTo you' the braver deeds belong! XfflVe Bryon Groo. f arsW. OT.-.her father, told her his j situation and out the so And If you are going to DarrU. Frank -. again, help of a competent costumer Carter's offer. Neither was deceived, B. Lewis. :fVf If yoq have gifts and il have none, T,; W"? and when, they parted, Lever to meet and see what they will look like to have suaie and you have sun, H.1 COMMISSION. t.y rtTAH 'Tis yours with freer hand to give, ; again, the. girl's face was white and Japanese eyes. ; It is 7 generally beCHICAGO, Carefully compounded. drawn, and she told the housekeeper, - lieved in Europe, and America that1 the . t Tiber- ' 7ir. . -- Salt Lake Cltyv jns yours with truer grace to live, to. arwas orders promptly atteaed a all in or that over Mall it few is are express words, morals low. Than there It J, very who,.giftIess, stand jl-- . ' i ittcbe'r Salt Lake City. With barren life and sunless, Large Stsck at Salt Lake prioes. hand. undoubtedly due to the ridiculous (and most unreliable stories which globe ' I TmV TtTt T?F!f!TO in V. trotters delight in telling their friends. SOUTHERII TRADE SOLICITED. jUAB cuu.red W. Chappell MteJade .ICharres Foote There is not in the world a more moral M'NALLY & LUNT, . j . . . i . liiDgp uepjrezm isj iriAUJCii; 1 iuu people than the Japanese. These globe A. L. Jackmah. fet. I.J. T. Sullivan j UTAH. - , OR trotters know absolutely nothing of the NEPHI, hazier CHAETERSVILLE. VTcoliecto' women or of the middle, upper Japanese Ji iaA RJijf m Burton Thomas Winn and during the few weeks; they classes, e tore and ask for a ticket tiiat rc&Cj Pike In -- nfspend Japan they only meet the .T. O. Ilanford William Ockey . Bank, geisha girls, whose business it is to The First A dismal, dreary spot, an old fur- . i : . Bustice and smiles. dance nace stack, upheld, by the clasping Ivy,7 sell and their sing row of decaying frame dwellings, Japanese women do not care much for NEPHI, UTAH. surrounded in thickets of exists. it impenetraas; I by ;ipve tVed count directory, ours country. In fact; it seems unknown .L -J- oshua Greenwood ple brier, the sterile, fields around all TJrt ' Andreas Peterson. covered with second grovfth pines, ahd to. them. ; Strange as Jt may appear, a xnis is uartersviue. in. the JLvcomine aetata..kiss, is an unknown thing ! to the jjamea Gardner. . valley; and for the evil, that was done Japanese in general, i A lover never ' .Alma Greenwood. there the, place, is accursed, Vjm i kisses his sweethearta; mother never ; In the great iron boom of 1853 .this kisses can You her child. kiss any Scotch-Irishmaini was a taken M;: by. HanBon, place, Beff"7L...Jno ' She will not object, for GENERAL BANKING Japanese t girl. had named, originally, McCauley.It " 7'.'.- - -- . Joseph DP Smiths been a charcoal furnace she cannot possibly understand what and was was1 Folsom's. us known OalU3t3 a D. ypu?mean. She will only think "what M6Cauley .u In Allv Its Branches. No tiresome layovers. , , 'r ' !. ;vtireless Worker and well skilled In !the Wm ' Found Dead, Ilia Head Heellm queer, people those foreigners : are." in union Close connections depets,.! J. H. Ericsson, ii liiar on tlie Table. J. women haveithree recreations Gbo. C. 'Whitmore, Japanese rczta the President. r And quickest liassacnusetta positively ,villas capital; and vwas not very successful. ranged. The woman Pegged and -- smoking, singing and dancingi They ATOman in a Cashier.' W. W. Abmstboho, tu the vexed problem of what to do J In his extremity V he borrowed some pleaded with her;' to leave home at smoke most Eracefully..as they "da money of Kichard Carter of Tamaqua. once but Mary replied that it. was "too everything. This habit was introduced president of, the Anthracite. bank: and late, rand-s; This woman took her baby to the they, parted. .0 mi a. man of large means. X 7 ..' ,'; came, Carter with a .fine carriage, into Japan by the Spaniards some 150 To the Great Rivers and Atlantia do Titli her and set it down ; In the ago. years .: McCauley was a widower, with ono however, - to a Japanese girls, and without word Mary, parting ncr Danot. Ocean. Elegant' and thoroughlj .ctIl while eae marked daughter, a girl of seventeen. He' any, left her home for,a future of. un- not smoke cigarettes like theibelles ot modern Equipment and built a neat cottage, and with the as- paralleled shame and disaster. Andalusia, but pipes, the daintest little of and Manufacturer Repairer For a month McCauley did no work, pipes, beautifully ornamented, and feturgis, Mich while sistance of the daughter and a Welshia alderman of woman about housenamed speakto purposeless, hia one 01 wandering set Morgan, began,: fire Chair just enough tobacco for Ming a tailor's goose Reclining to ; none, and at the end of that holding not ing keeping, , one McCauley, Mary 01 two though f to As had If that puffs. collar. Sturgis reputation iid handsome in face, had fine eyes, a time was found dead at his home, his beauty, which the women are Japanese In which the seats are free to holders a of civic pride in its composition It btfutiful complexion and & wonder head reclining on the table. He was J are Is awful the there fact that truth tliat ful fi gure for her years. Her. manners buried in a field back of the furnace. enjoying, of regular train tickets. All kinds of shoes made to order. ild never betray the none. fewer to second Amer collars! f v in there than celluloid V wear pretty no Workmanship as girls left and a it woman estate, Were those of of the world. Cartersvllle, ciy fathers First door south of Tabernaole, and she talked (intelligently and well, was locally known, went to desolation ica. The most one can say of a Japanese beauty Is, "How pretty she is!" or MAIN STREET, NEPHI. man in Tennessee has been having but recently returned, from an and decay as it is now. f Call on or address ol One never "How she cute!" where think could school,..: three months became Carter tired English ne boarding ;In tnat white musi caps qun had , become a by of his victim, and urged her to qualify saying: "What a beautiful woman!" great musician 4icg tan shoes. In the nor ;th; the 7 No doubt the rebelled girl against for a position as teacher. So she en- And yet the Japanese girl charms V. DARRAH, aier is threatening the impecunious her i narrow, sordid surroundings. It tered i the Methodist seminary at Wilher does She not charm everyone by GENERAL .1ERGI1ANDISE g Eon with the same ultimatum. was, a pitiable life for a woman, of mington Del., Carter passing as her 1 but her COMMERCIAL by beauty, nTllTITl originality, culture and refinement, and,' she beg- uncle. Here she became very, intimate her A H IJ AND her her FREIGHT gracefulness, gentleness, out to a. in one teachher the let her Miss of father the With go ged Smith,, new. jack Dempsey'? death affords PASSENGER ARB .PRODUCE world and make her; living as a teach- ers, and made the acquaintance of her kindness, her sweetness. She is the of the fact that athleticism. . the woman best the In natured coarse was and once and was he world, at ', but brother. lie er,' bard, enamored, Room 21 Morlan Block, whatever brancn, most affable, the most polite and the y not? spare her ser- proposed marriage, and4 Was accepted. he told could her AT THE e. The greater part of Dempsey s vices nor go to any further expense, Carter 7 being "active In bringing the most amiable. Utahf City, has One day a visitor came, who was re affair about. Smith was - an upright since reaching adult years, DESERET CASH STORE in "training. He has been ceived by McCauley with servile def-- man" but not ivery well balanced, very --OR bw erence. It was "his creditor, Richard impulsive and excitable In character. to a very great extent from the ex Ooods at bottom prices Cc7 iles to which the ordinary follower H. C. .1 Y spot cash. y about forty.'rather handsome, of the Two months after, the wife, despairI AT Ma calling is addicted. His physique, Jl r.R, I XJ 1 j effusive flnrlfl: f?hnwv tvne. sienlal told her in? and further of conpealment. yUXJX :?rficially. judged, was magnificent. Iri manner, but those who did business husband all. He out went of r.icn. fairly 3, j!!0. DEwsiiup, General Passenger & Ticket Ageht 34 dies of consump-- with chim sat the age he ..... and Retail Wholesale on he of 4th the and his November, mind, at,vbottQm, fknew;cthat, which wa contracted - and devel- -i Was 'Cast If aln Street, hard and unscrupulous, while In 1857, sought Carter-- at the St. LawMo. . St. outdespite his incessant effort to keep above Tenth. rence hotel ,0n Chestnut, society, he. had been. long slpce Uodv in the most Perfect condition. lawed, not only for his ostentatious Carter had just made a profitable deal in coal lands, and; felt exultant. He of the professional aths profligacy, but for outspoken Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. Mill Work a Specialty. j.icshistory and the n women Smith's at the furnishes dozens of parallels ;to frenzy laughed general: By ' as a next moment was a dead man, a piscase. .The science of training is working class he p was hated : ' . .i tol ball fairly dividing his heart. ;q , harsh taskmaster, '.:sart Splendid athletes are. trained i He was introduced to was but one ' opinion served BEEF McCauPORK There Mary, GRACE j death. They neither exercise nor was Smith as he villain the, made himself and right. profligate agreeable, it naturally. In a recent article it ley waa intelligent and a good talker, tried and acquitted, but never re-- HDTTON VEAL a said that! Japanese wrestlers pay BLADE. NOBLESSE ODLIGIX - oot aofl Slioe j j mi ma-ohl-ne I Choice Fresh Meats, - I ; i A. V. HAGUE, GEORGE HARDY, ; MoNALLY & LUNT, i , DIGGISTS, , " j , - -- : ( j' KAIISAS CITY, - : D-W- 'nmrnwrnf- at i 5 i' - ST. . ! i ! National i . LOIS, . . loye-7-passiona- te CAPITAL SURPLUS , - - . j . : , 350,000 837,500 illSSIMl SGlii 1 RAILWAY. , , ; n: a , - ? 1 - '- -' - Vlcfr-Presiden- ! . . - i i. - j j . ; ; Next-morn-i- o Utai)' JProrri : ng ' -. J. " M. 0. OSTLER, ; I , BOOTS AND SHOES. : " , . . , ? i ; i ; S. ? -- , 11-at- ! so-call- ed i T XlUIllllt ioa : i ; i 1 - j - , fS : v jKjj ; -- i . BuLtc :s : dlspar-agement'- ' of 1 : I ! . - wiat ::a to eat they :st like. Japanese coolies :' Louis. BROTHERS' In-iai- ALSO :e es niethod of training. present According! ? ' mtt Mhi wiiTu trmt m. . 0STLER&7 . statement contained to a tes, company, bf the' United jreceived a decided has Murphy quotes an press tiere, which ksmMSim'' (rJpK?W "iwS) 1 ill . ' set-bac- k. article in the lo says that owing the adyajnee made by Russian petrol-"-- s, K. E. L. COLLIER, Engineer for Central Land and Irrigation Office: Court House, AxnVvrfira FULL CUE AM CHEESE. J Wflrfi At to content them-Jes-yJ- th ft arrangement. ps of consequences, oy a f temporary fall In the Chinese have that hereafter each Fa - and not to be that rta true wish .T-;- to their country be j.ary with - "l accom- - the elements of a mayon n Next Blomnet Til herself to please whileatbSS exerted whose power and guest, cZZnecmn with his business she well .tw the knewFor ' vi constant a was ter -, TniTSlC her intie mcuvvwere daily bSks fruit and flowers seductive and under these fntoeceT Mary McCauley developed I ' W t.lon1";" -- cannot Mr. Corhett favor c 4.1 onri rMA her citizens with, an interval of the The fisht ia dead, and It would her guard. z Peeper f0r b?nlLPmVantimeS1er father's affairs the prizefighters to and he btooming more involved,value ytoe respect for the corpse. of the xa Carter more owed the 3 -- am ' also holds to the doctrine V. ( r. nlRTlT. LjaU ' ' e :;pusiskgat for those who disuwhy -- i Ji m . x llonroe doctrine. L'--$ One day luarieiv his money, sno were oux thing in diseases Is said to vancer railroad kidney." Everybody is familiar with the rail- - deor! It est 's t x SUPT. MlfflDLES, NOSE SACKS, ETC. We also carry a fall line of Horse Furnishing Goods Dead llan. rieht: mind, ana disap tr(rA inhla. turmoil of the Civil war,- npCm"R T?rp TT TT O the peared while Marv McCauley still lives, thou- iyJiSJilXliJj A IXIU U KJ li N one knows her real name, or the No one Knows her real name, or the of Carpart she took in the tragedy Jt25s3itEn for uniffil DEL tersvllle. Philadelphia Tin..es. Cocktails in a Dottle. Cty tad ountV Newspapers from aU pszta One effect of the dry Sanday has been a great Increase in the sale of O39 shaeas from Detroit tsl cis-bottled .cocktails. whsr& y In east side barrooms, particularly, Every tMnj RESPECTABLB. the man who drinks what he needs conof is Saturday a wiawiaar Well ef up to midnight fronted by a great array of more or less detectable compounds n bottles THE BUItCST WATEB ON EARTH. He buys Ca. tfe rresnlses. Thl Water is a fitted to all sizes of pocket not infrequently. ANXKKD CCKB tow tSL "What you need,", said th doctor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder "is rest.' f'ltest!" echoed the tall, gaunt caller, ?stQke&iil 011 Application. rising to bis feet and glowering down MRS. J. F. GIBBS, Prop. at him. "Rest! You miserable quack! I'm a walking delegate!" Waablnsrr DESERET, UTAH. Star. Waa f 1 by t- - 1,t -further adand that f whi,h was overheard mh Ura. Ilorgan. - -- ; p i-- : ' , -- SADDLES HOPPLES, N. S. BISHOP, - The Russian were advised to learn from rlcans. how to manipulate the to use similar means for hold-- " creigu trade, to nush' ahead jre- - I: MESS, tile mlnister declined to sanc- - 7:ZZS'n -- 1 Deseret is noted for the fine quality of its Milk, Butter and Cheese. Giv o ur products a trial. the right to supply 25 per cJ the world's markets; but as It ,'5 Ucoming more and more apparent tie Russian industry was already -.- e b Compete on equal terms with s arlcan company in the world's -- Dealers in and Manufacturers of HAS FOR SALE ' iDetrolenm time inclined at OSTLER & ALLEN, THE DESERET DAIRY CO. sade known in the same issue. 0.. Fillmore, Utah. - fhtt tnnnlnclnn nf Q on, ith the . Standard Oil company - UTAH. NEPHI CITY, Co., Clear La Ve. Land and Irrigation Co Fillniore Lane! s nd Irrigation Co. and Whlt4 Mountain Lelu and Irrigation Co. . ctlon of - Cc'.aVllf - Grace Brotb ers, Land and Irrigation Work a Specialty. industries .were compared. the Minister of Finance ttClfiUI 18 C.E. Engineering; in; all its Branches, : the convention article in ques-::- 3 calls attention to a table In ' the Teekl? jonrnal of the Russian Minls- 7 ci Finance, In which the supplying c. vies of the Russian and American -- Manufacturers of and Dealers in . . Mouldings, Windowi, Doors, : Mixed Paints, Coal,. Hardware, Cofiins, Caskets, Pickets, combination wire jrenee, etc. Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City to this point. '. . the conclusion of tesn delayed. The -- mill OOKEY, report 'andard Cill s n NEPHI CITY, UTAH. Free delivery to any part of the chjm '' "J -1 r-- y pade to the state by Coramercial Agent Murphy, of j the projected convention "king to the control bf the, petroleum oi the world between the trotiers, of Russia, and -- the 1 8 , -f-. than would be more effective body .AJtSTJD Butter, Lard, Sausage te : t e r s, r.--- nun a in , their eating further want and what live on rice '.:ithe simplest diet. No men on earth ire such endurance as these beasts turdeii. Jack Dempsey's death that moderate exercise and tem-raeating, with reasonable care of TOWNSEfID, . attention to 3 i Salt Lake - c ; , j , Sheep Men's and Cowboys' Outfits t Perfect Sa,tif WE' '0U A-- An e eS8 R .lAfJHOOO RESTORED , "CUPIDEfl- E- Thfs rreat Veeetable Vitalizer,tbeprescrip- cure you of all nertion of a famous French physician, will quickly vous or diseases of the generative orpaue, such 3 Lost Manhood, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and Pimnlps. Unfitness to Marry, all losses by day or nignt. Prevents quiefc-Df- ss Constipation. It stops Spermatorrhoea and of discharge, which if not checked ieadsKtocleanses the liver, th. i the hor-o- rs Im potency. CWSDE U ol BEfORE and AFTER kidneys and theofurinary organs impuxiues. and restores CITPIDESE strengthensi ot Ter cent are troubled vrltr : re fn a, ,rwUhoutaii operation. bOOO testimony The reason purerers are on.y j CDPIDKNM ,s tne not does boxes . A..mnntio eiiecl a uermfl.npnt.rnra rnoney reijjiijw .,efi written given1. ana circular nunH icovmivuioia! Bend for FBEk . . WedICO K CO., P. O. Box SOTS, San Francisco, Cal. Jbr.SaZc T ; ' ' 1 L -- tatlti. r;::: ; jfOB. BALD BI t", lt McNALLY & LUNT, DUGGICT3, N m. .r ';:- -' 1 |