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Show MILLARD COUNTY IRRIGATION. EDITORIAL, NUTE3 eYerything how enthusiastic Uncle Satu's children beconje over one i twist of the 4rittlsh lion's, tail by the .President. , ; ' As Aftemus Ward said, "if it costs the Uvea of all our !rrst wife's relai ; ancj doctrine. I by-la- choose the former. ' millard Allies. Deseret. tis particular part ; of jMil-lar- d County is pretty scaree. The sua is making: a little progress In the t frostT that! hovers breaking through i. y ci y ui nuc vcu iJati tLi j i auvaub TTy al" " -- A. lay- ; ; 1 I . '., j . Reports Irom etaeep eamps are iof the class, weather la voraJI and haep doing well; teams continue H.'S.lCihoon'a to bring: m t M i. J J and whilch is Insist tbe only thing: that life to this gives evi the appatraaca of " '; . 4 X - - . ' - . turg. ! BLAUr reader will remember a reference to attack by the fitllmore Wbat-Js-i- t on Collectori A. A. HincEly fcounty hak-Jim cml f f a In vn I rc oi?aj In1 awarded the publication of the right J&Iiltefrd delinqueattax-iis- t to The Blade:. Hinckley, the Fillmore What-ia-tyfr. so it is reported) contained another vic- iuu Brtivie, tast weeit oa me collector.correspondent is not so; unforAayour tne ievr iu umib Ma u uumwreaf among subs. th VVhjit.-in-i- h and to say whether or bot it il contained sufScient cause to justify the unpleasant sequel that is reported from Fillmore, but as those that have heard of ii.musc oe that iDeauairarejuuuani, friends of the collector are inclined the ; , i - i ft-a- it l-- far-betwe- tn . Oon-veqie- COURSE n. nt , ; : To advertise our (jouage we win give a thorough course of instruction in Don: g and bleand Single Entry Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at . n: now-raised UNON Boo-keepin- x Pries One Fourlh Regular Is the to a limited number of persons. This course will be completed in 40 lessons. No change for diplomas.' Address VITY WOliLEGE' ADINg HOTEL of llG West Sixth S,treot. - - TOPKA, ; MayHsq If yoa are going to v i ne 1 1 y iiiut-uiutc- i IIJNCKLjEJY ' K n CO-O- P Supplies a Specialty. s' wtm aa CTrtro njv ranpre yoqr sheep west of Deseret tu bliw For prices on grain. Bottom Figures, Sheep-men- Proprietor. .. pm"i naaiiaat . ms. a h.,fqgte, , KANSAS. - A Hack Meets All Train Free to Patrons. Two ,ample llbotrts. Nearest to Business Centre, 'CAPITAL COMMERCIAL ! I A I a MA t 1 I ami , j cross-sectione- d; - Four miles from Oasis filiation. . THOSE AFFlcTEI) WITH s states. cent counties. The plan adopted and the it incumbent jupon make; The Rio Grande Western; is making 10 per cent cash to the subscribers pay for ot the extension the arrangements road to Richfield at an early date. A re- for each share of stock of $5 and the presentative of the company is now in balance in labor eighty shares being Richfield.arranging for the purchase of the limit. jEaoh share representing an of way and land for depot site, A acre of land right in h'onus Of f3.000 has been offered by the the end in leaves theof subscriber acres. possession eighty citizens, contracts for ties are let, and is To those desiring expected that the road will be completed and children of themore landareth3 wife as far as Richfield by July 4th next. family permitted to become Provo Enquirer. equal! with An act which has caused sorrow and the husband, thus enabling the farmer secure sdeh land as he may desire. regret in the hearts of some of Murray's to The lu per jent in cash required to be best citizens wa revealed Saturday morn- -' when lifeless the ibg, body of Charles paid becomes due as follows: Five per cent at date of 2$ per cent Walter, a prosperous and: farmer of that place was found hanging next April, andsubscribing 2 the per remaining from the rafters of his barn, into which cent in to labor The be September. he had gone but an hour before to feed be between performed rpust tfie cattle. No apparent reason can be now next September and the balgiven for the man's rash act. other than ance and one year from that (date, within that it was committed during a fit of tem if desires to do so, the but subscriber porary insanity. is he to pay the whole permitted A youngster went into one of the stores in amount cash at rato of 21; per the in this city the other day and said he cent per month, vf anted 2 cents wortn of peanuts, throw The company has so guarded itself ing down two 5 gold pieces. The clerk of course knew there was so math in f against lancji speculators that; no wrons; and taking: the monev home. son not a stockholder can in any if. with. found out that the lad had tak-nsecure a waiter right.. Tribune. ojut the knowledge of anyone. This is a that parents are often very carereminder less in allowing money to remain around PRESIDENT HAS IT! where children can get it easily, thus a great temptation before them. liying Alt. ! by-law- s1 ; share-holde- j j rs , well-to-d- o one-ha- lf per-wa- y i a. ws . The BiiADE baa neve? joined the ranks of those newspapers that seemed to think it a mark of smartness or superior ability to denounce President understands that the Venezuela be settled either by must boundaryJine arbitration or war. England will hus-ban4me- s t Spain has raised 3130,000,000 in England, with Cuban bunds, as security, the money to he paUl at the rate of 810,000,000 a month, and used in crushing the native armies fighting for liberty. There are other indications that in case of failure in Cuba Spain will look to. England for something more than financial aid. SECURE THIS ! ; , j t'W j I The prospect of having the QariadU dh and United States! boundary line obliterated in case of a war with Uncle Bam wil pot encourage Grat Brittan to indulged in any vast amount of 'nonsense over the Alaskan boundary nor to nake any furthur humiliating demands on little Venezuela. News from - .;: j: ; Cleveland. It has not been thus conservative because of political reasons, but beoause we have triad to appreciate the threat and grave responsibilities that.devolveon the chief magistrate of this Nation, and for the further reason that the editors of country newspapers are not qualified to criticise a man whose large brains and matured wisdom are such as to enable the - posses sor to attain the "exalted position of President of the United States. If country editors were qualified to thus criticise,' they would cease to be editors of country newspapers because such transendental ability would be in demand in national affairs. That our conservative course hae been proper, is proven oy the spectacle of thousands of those newspapers that once abused Mr. Cleveland, now lauding that gentleman to the skies because of his championing the cause of little Venezuela, and giving the Brittish lion to underotand that disregard of the Monroe doctrine means a "serap." ilis stand is patriotic and dignified and is taken after a due consideration of all the facts in 'the case. The American eagle has screamed, and England now Geographically, Nepbi City is situatod almost in the center qf Utah. Its latent natural resources are practically unlimited. Its ac(.1) of Agriculture; 2) of tive resources consist Horticulture (3) of he Sheep industry and (4) of minerals. To the North, West and South is a large area of as fine agricultural lands as can be f bund in Utah. Abundant crops of cereals and alfalfa bless the labors of the To the Nbrth.ihdusands of aci-eof natural meadow, watered by large springs, spread out jlike a great emerald carpet. The vegetable gardens of Nephi are unexcelled in the westj. Its fruit and that of its contiguous towns, is as perfect as can be grown in this latitude. In order to: illustrate what can be accomplished here with bees, it is only rjec:n to state that a Nephi farmer last sea-socssry fehipped 8,700 pounds of fine honey, and the apiary f s merely an adjunct to hs farm. '.The wool industry of this locality is one of to demand the and is such. largest in IfTtah, attention 6f two wealthy jsfirms and large warehouses far the storing and handling of the product). .' A couple bf rrules east of the city, and near the mouth of Salt Creek Canyon, isa veritable mountain of pure crystallzed gypsum. to the quarry, is ar complete mill for which' is grinding and refining:' the toproduct the inter-moun- r fjeihg contbinously shipped tain states of the Paciha CQast, 800 tons lasf month being the ' output. Up Salt Creelj canyon and north easterly Ubout nine miles, pure salt springs gush from the moxin'tain side, by .means q qne of the iuost complete salt manufactories in tle United States, ihe brine is converted into "table, dairy and packing'salt that has bu, fev equals arid no superiors in. the world. The brine is 35 per cent. sal$ and the ' supply practically unlimited. !ln addition to .he manufactured tbre are several mines or quarries product, be of rock salt, the extent of "which cannot 7 ' " computed. Asa distributing point, Nephi recognizes but one superior in Utah. It is tne Hey to Southern U)tah, an with the advantage of two railroads stretching out to the east and south, the.t best point in furnishes, wlihoui question, of Utah for the establishmentf manufactories ; ; and wholesale houses. The attractions of Nephi as a residerce town, are unique in' their variety". It is" situated on almost the highest portion of the di the fqw of waters north into vide that turns south-ard i4to the Sevier rivUtah lake and er, therice on ward to the Sevier lake the dead sea of Millord County. Itsj altitude, gravelly soil and" perfect drainage insure t,be best of conditions are such, that fact, the health, ineases bf dptheria have occurred in but two five" "years among a population" of nearly 3,000. Its citizens are thrifty and progressive. The wide streets "arid avenues of large shade trees, cosey cottages, beautiful lawns and elegant modern public buildings, make of Nephi a is a real luxury. place in which life with a complete system of' water-wis It supplied orks which flows the water from along distant some three miles up the pure springs canyon. To the west about five miles, the mountain range is low, rolling arid of "easy access, ari,d aboijnd bag with Hcri ;pastrirage. To the east a 6ouple. of miles, the Nebo range rises, to the north east a few miles abrubtly of the ton of Mt. Nebo rises into the regions ' eternal snow, Without exageration and without coloring, the foregoing is a description of he lovely of Juab County in city of Nephi, the Capital which, are found the mines of Tintje, the wonder and admiration of the Qreat West. Besides TintiCj the rch mines of Fish Springs, a and other wealthy and portion of Deep Creek situated in the Western Jq rowing' camps Jare part of .Juab County. Following is, a directory of Nephi's business ;"' j j . OUR EXCHANGER ' that she must qot riifile the feathers of the American eagle: that guards the Jvlon roe QB1 . tions," weare iq favor of making England understand that she must be con- tent to dins on European Turkey,! MEETS WITH FAVOR, -S- ETTLERS WILL EE OWNERS. Citizens of the County Incorporate Company to Eulld asysteny S,even,ty-Tw- p Miles Long Holdings Limited to Culled and, And General Territorial News, preventCapltallsts from Controlling the CompanyJ-Wor- k Readers. Blade and Cash Accepted in for Condensed, ", ; ; U j ' il' y:;; Pay. p The case of the . people v, Fred p, Under the name of the Millard Smith, for criminal libel has been disi 'missed.. Coiinty Reservoir and Canal Company, i has the citizens of Millard county have inTheMt. Nebo Irrigation company a hold wiU wo.r and its grand corporated a company the f object of completed celebration in honor of the eveut. which is to open up a large area of ex- has estabr celleq t agricultural lands i n th a Mi Jas- H. Bacon of Slt Iike Jlshed a bank at Mercur. It wJU be lard oounty valley by constructing a miles in canal abciut seventy-tw- o known as the First BmSt of Mercar. will when which, completed, length, Diphtheria is raging in A"?rican Fork. cover at least 100,000 acres of land, all !The rapid spread af the disease has necessitated the closing dqwa of the schools of which, by irrigration, will be co.qr verted intoj beautiful homes for many t that pla.ee. Enquirer. The partisan country journal which thousands of people for the new State Bee4 nothing but virtue on its own side of Utah. land oqly sin on the other, is gradually By the articles of incorporation and broing out. There is an almost universal the adopted this organization demand fqr the truth. Bugler. is affected for actuai settlers .alone, a4 The Dispatch planr, recently bid in by and is so governed by the laws adopted ndorsers of notes at a sheriff's Bale,, was that no one person can, own at any one time more than eighty shares of Tuesday purchased by The Enquirer Co., serit private sale1. Such material as isnewsstock or coptrol more than one vote at viceable will gro to make a better any election. With this safeguard to paper of The Enquirer, prevent capitalists from controlling A. Overson et al have fjled an action the affairs' of the company, it is ren the First District court aaiaet A. A. the uniform indorsement of the et ali asking the court to de- ceiving linckley all that part of Utah. As people clare fraudlent, the assessment of a an earnestoyer of favor it is meeting the npecial school tax on property in Millard with the farmers there, teams, drivers, county. Provo Enquirer. and with too'.s, are scrapers Will science please stand up and tell us now flocking to the working of construe? work; ' vhy a erirJ who freezes to death every time she sweeps off the front steps can tion from all directions. This canal when completed will be ride live miles in a sleigh with nothing: around her but some other brother's arm about severity two miles in length and will pass through and adjaoent to and without even getting a blue nose? ' Brigbam Bugler, Leamingtah, Oak Ch.y, Holden, j FillWhile eating breakfast Saturday morn- more, Meadow, Kanosh and Petersburg ing just after coming off sbift'i JohnFrietas and will furnish to these old cities and an employer of Ontario q, 3, was strick- towns 4 largely increased trade as well en with paralysis of the brain has been as arm thein with new sinews for fuunconscious ever since. He will be taken ture growth and enterprise. The exto the hospital at Salt Lake this after-boocellent fruits and general crops Record. at these points, where irrigation Report comes from, the desert that some nas been possible from mountain one broke into Jens E- - Qundersoo's streams, is a full guarantee of what Sheep camp about three weeks ago and this will eventually; bring to took his gold watoh and other articles, the enterprise v ; of that people part of Utah, was to traced Frisco and there phe theif The water will be taken but of the arrested. He was tried at Fillmore and None of Sevier river ata point thirteen miles bound over to the grand juryr the missing property was recovered. Mt. up from Leamington. As the passenleasant Pyramid, gers on the' Union Pacific railroad pass The Presbytery of Utah found the Rev. this point, where the reservoir arid camin nal is being started, they, will see dozihiah W. Green, ister, guilty of conduct unbecoming . a ens of teams with scrapers hard at minister of the Gospel. His offence, con- work at the present tini3. The line of and swindling in the sisting of "lying been surveyed and heinous forms of false pretense, deception the canal has maps for the convenience of and fraud." Thedecision wa that be the general "public are being perfected. hustlers: hould be deposed from the ministry, and is being subscribed very rapid- C. ANDREWS & CO., Stock of excommunicated from the communion from Millard and 'adjaDealers in yool, Graip etc. farmers church in ly the United by (he Presbyterian ' GM.m . 1 rrT-- property orC.on water ptoc&. Recordec. T. WINN, County PIG UNDERTAKING It beats. i Her Resources, Advantages Aloncy to Loan. In any amount from one hundred to and Attractions. ten thousand dollars. On improved 'arm Nephi f ' leasant Pyramid. Private dispatches from Washington announce that Frank J. Cannon is the one Western man who has the ear of the President and before whom Hoke Smith gets down on his knees and begs for hercy. Fiank and G rover have and they tell each, other many secrets. Cleveland cats Frauk on the back and Frank pokes Grover in the ribs ajnd orders beer for two. It sounds very, yery fishy. First thing we know Delegate Cannon vill set up the claim that. he secured Statehood for Utahl Salina The Utah Constitution in the Chief . H'lstrjite's 'V !Alag- - ;r Hands."-;- ; ; The Constitution of the State of Utah, witb. the certification of the vote thereon, : UTAH "VTOOL GRdwRS ASSQCIAtlON, E. R. Booth, Manager. NEPHI HOUSE, Mrs. E. Golds Drought propr. A. W. PALMER., Wagon nd Carriage Shop, General piack-smithin- g. Of NEPHI LIVERY STABLE, Jno. 11. Downs propr. tha Kidneys, UNION HOTEL, 3Irs. C. It. Foote, propr. GAZETTE SALOON, J. W. Hartley, propr. : ' M. McCUNE, Enlargement of the Prostrate Glaod, j . Bakery and Confectionary. McNALLY & LUNT, "' Stone in "The Bladder, " '':'.."'. DruggistsTinners and Plumb- Dealers in Hardware, ' ;'. - COOPER, PYPER. & CO, ers. Or any kind of TJrfnal troubles,. Can secure immediate, And a permanent cure by using tho ' j. GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON Dealers in Wiues, Blaekett Bros. Proprs, Liquors etc. M. P. KQNG. Cabinet and Cofun Allen, ostler Manufacturers qi & Maer, I iarn.ess ana tsaaaies and dealers in all kinds of horse furnishing goods, A. V. HAGUE, . . Butcher. W. M. STOUT, - US'. nifVlini! li tlilrtf' i Repairer of Boots and Shoes, CHAS. FOOTE & SONS Dealers in General Merchandise. MERCANTILE INNEPHI COOPERATIVE STITUTION. . G. Pai'kes, Supt. W. H, PETTEGREW, dealer in Harness, Manufactur of and Saddles, and Sheep-Men'- s siipplies. JNO. S. PAINTER, Dealer in General anq green Groceries. ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, Dealers in Clothing and Gent's furnishings. OSTLER & OCKEY, ' . Butchers. H. II. HAWKINS, Boarding house and Restaurant. la ml T-H- or sale SMITH DRUG was placed' in the hands of by the Grover Cleveland today, December 16bb. A telegram from Delegate Frankprivate J. Capnon brought the intelligence (General Agents,) that the Constitution was presented; to the President at noon today. Upon reSAIT CJTy, UTAIL. he the President it stated would J. II. C. OSTLER, ceiving Boot and Shoe maker, give it Immediate consideration, and if it is according! to the Enabling Act he will H. THILL fc COMPANY, Merchant Tailors. sign the proclamation with great pleaPres. sure. vi'.J FRANCIS SELLS, r::A::'ry-:- i. While working in the Old Soanish mine Furniture and undertaking. , , at Brigham yesterday afternoon GaorH BIRCHALL & OSTLER, 2724. , K. Stevens waa caught bv a mass of fall Clothing dealers. Notice for Publication. rock was . and dirt and, NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. crushed to ing Land OfSce at Salt Lake City. Utah eath. The accident oceured insfc after , A. Cazier, Supt. October 23tli, 1835 f o'clock and was at once! discovered. Notice is L MERCANTILE CO., ; hereby given that the following-name- EXCELSIOR tevens fellow workmen promptly com- Jairiee Dealers in General Merchandise. settled filed of notice has his intention W. Pax man, Supt. menceu to clear awav the dirt. hut. th to make flnalj commutation proof.: in ody was not taken out until last niht. of his claim, and that said proof will besupport made PEXf ON & CHASE, was found to be badly mangled. clerk of the County Court of Juab Blacksmithing. tt The before the deceased was 42 years tjf age,f unmarried, County, TJtabU at Nephicity Utah, on Decem- KNOWLES A WEBB, Viz: 21. 1895, Frank L. Copeninjr H. E. No. and enjoyed the good will and esteem of ber Wheel Wrights. cases, Has been tested for mors than five years in tlja.above-rjauie15 S.; R. W. for the SW H Sec. 3 Tp. & WHITMORE, the wide circle or acquaintances at Ring-ha- 11123, HYDE names .He j the witnesses to and tbere has not been a case of failure recorded sgainet the, water. following prove GeSfiera Merchandise. lie was an industrious, sober and his 'continuous residence and cultivation upon : of. said lan4, viz: Nephi M. Taylor,! T. T. GEORGE HARDY, upright man. Herald, lith inst. Boot and shoe Maker, Taylor, Meltjn Jennings, and Alexander Sul' , Suit was filed last Friday in livan all of Juab, Utah. THOS. BELLISTON, iT HAS CURED IN EVERY he First district court by) morning persori who desires to protest a&ainst Mtt Pleasant Marble Works. the United theAny . Agt. aliowancfe of or such of who knows fc BOOTH, States, by its attorney John W. -Jndd, any substantial reason,proof, BIRD the under law the and , Dentists. igainst John W. Beasley , Alex. Hed-qui- regulations of the Interior Department, why Sam Schwab, Giles Holden, Joseph such proof should not be allowed, will be given a case or isngnr s uisease tnat naci oeen prouQUPCea .lncuraoie oj R. Murdock, F. H. Simmons and N. W. an opportunity at the aWe mentioned time . yvVitr c?i rv ana Tro the witnesses of t Anf Vr TT, Tiffiay for 3ia.25 and interest from July and place to Notice to Shccp-Menrit rirl ri ace than Y rat said to oifer and evidence defendant;-Beasiein 1895. rebutclaimant, The was ?0th ' Sheep-mewill find it very conveniIilTHIA WATER and the patient is,now,pei;suiDg his, by claimant. Appointed clerk of the Fir?it district court tal of that submitted ' i Btkos Groo, to ent Register. to On the 2Dth of August, 1S94, and the comtherh and takewith profitable W. A, C. Bijyan Att'y.for claimant. regular employment. j, ; plaint charges that that thef amount of the winter range copies of. the law of 1894 f 310.25 belonging to the United States relalive to' diseases of sheep and the dut- DuriDg preguancy, and Chronic Coustipation, the,. Ladies will .find in the DES Notice to Subscribers. was paid into nis hands and, that he has ies of Inspectors. To meet that iwanta EI113T IjITHIi. AVATER au inTa,luable, remedy. ailed to pay. the same over Our entire subscription list haa been number of copies of the law have been ;o the plaintiff, upon its demand. bands of The off 'Andrew in.the office be sold will at and this at placed struck other defendant are his sureties, ' and Nephi, who has instructions toPalmer, make lQoenta each. Call early. It is a home water, Free from. Sulphur, Absolutely' Soft Pure and.iCseleSB-,he complaint further charges that they prompt and vigorous collections (of all .. Free from even a trace of Lime and is a product tf also have failed and refused to pay over delinquent accounts. Respectfully, ' the amount after being notified of GIBBS. tf. the J.P. Beseret, Millard Uountijv.ytah.. 7 . . ' i s dailj-meeting- C0.w - ':'.:');$"-:'- . , . j . The d . . ; Watbr: MTHI ESBRET . - d ' 1 m, r eral principles. Collector Hinckley went over to Fillmore last Monday and was smartioj; under the unjustifiable and orutai attack of the What-is-i- t. ilt is reported here the collector and his that on Tuesday . brother I. N-- Hinctclay jr. met the Oaio-for- d editors (?) and publishers brothers, What-is-it- .i j ' . ....- ' i ' : indst-peaceabl- P--nt j IIOTtlGE ' ! . I st, and everlastingly of the As 'swiped ' the earh with them. before stated, your corresoondent has not seen the last article that called forth theJ terrinc punishment, and therefore can-Msay whether or not the whipping of sethe v;baisit men; was sufficiently vere. But it is a well known fact that A A. Hinculey is one of the respected citizens .of Mitiard, be truthfully said 'of I. N. ;the same canwould it and require the greatest r.) to mduCs tiiem to such retalprovocation was conceived iation. TheWhst-is.i- t iu iniquity,"! &nd since j defanlt. Jueinand born oeea run ju the interest its advent has General Manager Jacobs ot the Salt of boodinnaism. while itsmoulhings have Lake & Mercur railroad is and been inspired by whiskey preparingMer-fc-to ignorance handle the increased traffic that become a disgrace to Millard the until it hasWhen boom is imposing upon the transthat is considered there coQOtT. line. A new engine and sever;are many friends, (your corresponded is portation al coaches shortly be ordered. The Hinckley brothers, who Roadbed is will included) of the should being improved and further condescendhave regret that they A spur will be ed to whip suit: human vermin.What-is-i-Abcut Repairs are projected. which is two through Clay canyon, t the ones that rad the only above Fairfield, to the Sunshine ?ire those woo correspond with it and tniles as soon as the weather permits. It who do so, it is believed, because of a imine is ueiievea inai lais will be an easier to aee themselves in print. hankering than anything hitherto proposition 'i Iqxot. i. j. the rock- company, asj tempted by work is expected to be necessary. The survey will be made within a few days. The Conbaim Clothing company of An exiension from its present terminus Like ha closed its doors under the around the Mattie Four has been com 5;re jsuro of clamoring creditors. The pleted and 1500 feet of the track laid the centre of the town of Mercur. toward With to 23,000 clossly estimatedapproach assets considerably in excess of Two miles of iron trackage has' been with 40- pound steel at ths Mercur tUtmcant. J. W. Houston, the, real tifate broker,, is assignee. end cf the line. Tribune, ot -j. , , Jci'oss-exa.min- e & 1 t- rwm f- i r-- n ' - !'21-2- 6 j and-refuse- ,. ; , . I ' j Sclentifio American Agency for ur NEPHI HOUSE Address all correspondence to . i Good Sample Rooms for CommercialTrav-- " elerB.i HacK Meets all Trains, Free to Patron .to and from the station. rn i - at-titt- : - : j CAVEATS- - TRADE MAnilS. DESIGN PATEPlTSf COPYRIGHTS- - eta tror Information and free Handbook write to HUNN & CO., SCI Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing1 in America. Is brought before out by uspatents Every patent taken the public a ice free of by nof given charge in the i CVS le re-la- id Sftlt Lake City, Utah. Gen'l Agents for tne DESERET LIT ill A WATER CO MP AN Y. LarfTPst circulation of any BcJentlflo paper In th 1KrtP1,elldldi-""strated. No .man without It. Weekly,iutellipont ft.'i.COa year; fLKUbwrnontK Ad.lre, Mn' A CO.. KeW Yuri AJuiiLiiiU.R3, 'Jiil City, H. GOLDSBROUGH, li Proprietor. Hot and -- For- o Id pZ3 C ; II. II. HAWKINS' . - C-JEXPJ2RX 'lrjLTCmnlKEttxiiuZJElVETjER' I will not only warrant your watch to run, butwill, guarantee it to keep will refund your money A full supply o2Vtitches, Clocks and Jewew at Close ingures. Urders irom tpc country sonciceo. Organs and Pianos, Tunqd and Repaired.;- - ti' Main-Stree- t, . |