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Show A V itsolnt?ly Independent .41 n. .li nneitiom whether Country People Read , '. Political, Social or Religious, T Is thoBLArxn. , The Trutfc VXltSiQ.ut Motto ' f j : . ill The advertisements In the Country Papers, and as hajs the Largest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern Utah, It offers the best possible medium for' Advertisements, 31 4 The Fear or Favor. Bi-AP- E ' : Terms: 2.Qa p4r yeart in a.dva.n.cej i Six months, J1.00,. VOLUME III. 5EPHi CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MQRNrQ, DEO. S . DUMBER 21, 1395 NeDhi Co-c- m sell3 their groceries as low as the lowest. E. R. Booth returned home from Salt Lake Thursday, Mens Clothing at lasj3 than Salt' Lake Co-oCity prices. Eugene Quiles of Salt Lake was seeu on ur stretts this week. Henry Forest left for the desert on Wed nesday morning's ' train, to look after his Y- -v f;V::V sheep. "WCr h::.: Miss Lydia of Fountain Green, paid a visit to fnends in Nephi Saturday, returning bams Sunday. The concert last Saturday night at the Tabernacle was a grand success. The amount collected was $55.55. c, The suit of the Nephi Irrigation Com has been set lor pany vs. q, T. trial on Jjecemper 27tn, ut JFrovo. John Stociker Hyrum Tolley started for Mercur Tuesday-- morning with two wagon loads 01 goqas ior uooper, .fyper & p. Toys, Pr&ents, ' -- :. ; r- . &ncl Hchrelties, pf-- Sgeadarters Ycrs ..... t t ; Co, H. S. Kerr, suDerintendent of the S. P. V. Ry. , returned from Salt Lake Wed- He went to Manti on the after ntsday. noon train. The Nebo Salt and Manufacturing Co. have manufactured and sold within the last year 3,0QQ,Q0O pounds of fine table afid dairy salt, Miss Elizabeth Anderson of Fountain Green, returned home Tuesday to spend the holidays, after a sojourn of several weeks in XSepnl. Andrew Blackett and Fred Lamb, who have been working on Blackett brothers claim in Mt. Nebo, returned mining , horn Wednesday, Eddie McUune is hard to beat at decor atinfr windows, 11 you don't thing so take a look at Hyde & Whitiiiore's win dow, its sure a dandy,' , far the Largest and best sortment of Holiday Goods ever shown" in Pephi, Look at our WIHDO ? , In Justice Kirgan's court was 20 Btep inside and behold a Fjairy eeon. Everything superb and cheap. Anything ypu maj.want at the EXCELS10 MERCANTILE ' CO Leaders in Low; prices. Stand Hanging i Glow Night I:!, S; That burns 300 hours at the cost 5 I ' -- cents without or smell. of 2 A T COOPBE, tZZJPW 'M 1 T" E NEPHI. " ' - i & GO'S. B, ; UIEK Is the only in He fr 010 Vasts station, i Monday, James Stebbell in the given days pen ior assault ana cattery up on his daughter, Mrs. Qeqrge Hill. Fred Nelpoo editor qf the Tintip Miner, was united in marriage with Miss Ifa M. Martiu, in Salt Lake last Monday, J The Blade extends congratulations. Word comes from all quarters that the neatest and most satisfactory dye for col oring tne beard aforbrown or bJapk 19 rsuc- the whiskers. kineham's Dye Charley Worthington came in last Sat Urday moraine from the. desert where he has been looking: after the fleecy tribe for several weeks, he reports the sheep doing wen. , The County and City collectors com menced the salo of property Monday for delinquent taxes and several pieces of real estate have been so:d YPry cheap during the week. The Pay family consisting of Mrs. Richard Pay. Mr. and Mr. Edward Py, Mrs. G9orge Pay and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pay, went to Manti Tuesday to do some Temple work. The Home Dramatic company will put on a play xor (jnristmas niguc in tne Opera house entitled Edendale". The proceeds will go ior the DeneQt 01 tne x . M. M. I. A. of Nephi. The NeDhi Co-o- p desire to inform their patrons that theyas have not withdrawn inferred by the Nephi their cut prices, Times, but are prepared to meet any and all competitor. Our low prices remain in lore 'j till January 1st. town around While stroling take a of windows Excel look at the the good sior Mercantile Co., The Kephi Co op, and Hyde & Whitmore's and isee which you think is decorated the best. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Pace returned home from their wedding tour Thursday morn ing and in athe afternoon, at three o'clock they gave reception at the residence of Mrs. Nellie Schofield to a few .of their most intimate friends. One of the nicest holiday presents to send to a relative or friend living abroad is a copy of your local paper, The Blade. Did it ever occur to you that such a gift is not laid aside and forgotten, but is a weekly reminder ol your John Witbeck an old time resident of but who now resides at the Capi Nephi, tal, was in town this weec buying sheep and while here he called in and subscrib ed for the Blade and paid the cash. Thanks Mr. Witbeck call again Reuben Stanley came in from the .de sert Monday, he reports the range as being better this year than it has been for several years. He says it was so fog gy for fourteen days that it was impos3j iole to .see anything, and ona man' was lost for three days. A genuine ghost-stor- y has yet to be but not so a genuine blood- attested; over ana over again it has been puriher. proved that Ayer's Barsapanlla stands alone among medicines as the most reliable in pharmacy. It stood alone at the World's Fair. Singers, public speakers, actors, auct ioneers, teachers, preachers, and all who are liable to over-taand irritate the vocal organs, find, in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, a safe, certain, and speedy relief. A timely dose of this preparation his , prevented many a throat trouble. A lawyer in a court room ; may call a man a liar, scounarei, villain, or thiei and no oner makes complaint when court If a newspaper prints such adjourns, on a man's character there is renections a libel suit on hand. This is owing to the fact that people believe what an editor Bays, what a lawyer says cuts no figure. ; Hotel First-clas- s t ' be-twee- n x. f . Rates in harmony with the times. j . ; We have a well Of the famous Deseret JLitbia ater on the premises, and which is a guaranteed cure for Briht's, and all diseases of the ; , ; , ; ! ; othef urinal troubles Kidneys, Bladder and all In order to show our fajth in" this water, we make the following proposition, If i anv one afflicted t: I with any of the troubles above enumerated are not relieved in one month, and cured in three months, no charge will be made, for board. Bear in mind the Desuf.et House is first class in every particular . ; in le oUo rC i -- Ex. S. li. Winn and Thos. McCune rof Hendrickson of Levan, Nephi and John boarded the south-boun- d passenger train were headed for the desert Saturday, they to loox alter their sheep. where they go t cars 01 rams on the Barae mere was train part of them belonged to the above named gentlemen and the: remainder to Sanpete parties. John Cooper, superintendent of the firm of Cooper, Pyper & Co, tinners, and Eugene Blackett an employee of the firm, started for Mercur Tuesday morning to start a tin shop in that fiourishing.camp, it is said that there is a great demand for work in their line at present and Mr. Cooper tninks the Mercur branch will do a larger business than their Nephi shop Winter. this : There will be a sacred concert in the Tabernacle tomorrow (Sunday) night, given under the auspices of the Sunday GIBBS, proprietor school choir. No charge j. will be made at the door but the hat will be passed as it is a benefit for their leader Mr. Chas Morris. It should be well patronized as Mr. Morris has spent a great deal of time with the choir at different times he is deserving of something for his and and Millard The1 Leading paper of Juab trouble. Ccuntles. n.oco Headers. m. rrllso r ; ; i i to-wi- ve ; Mephi and Milfordf t tonic-alterati- ih ; APFV. 500,T4,NG Restaurant Employee nsiat nelly. Is VOICE fter Acuta grqnchltiq CTJEED BY TJSli?(i . Don- bjy Utah, Lec. 15. A shooting took place thia morniag a few , affray Merry Christmas. o'clock a$ the Standard minutes past Location blanks for sale' at The, Blade cafe. in Eureka, in which A. R. Acard was sho in the left lung by Pat Donoffice. Acard 19 one of; the enjployee3 of Onions for 50c per bushel. Inquire of nelly, and Donnelly issuperin-- i the restaurant, A. Gadds. oi the G,rand Central miue; tendeht came the restaurant for iuto was It is about time you ptsparing Donnelly breakfast and, being badly intoxicated, those Hew Years resolutions. was very quarrelsome.. A difficulty, Superintendent Yonng of the U.P.went arose, in which Donnelly was ejected down south over th roa, Wednesday. from the house by Acrd, and immedion getting outside drew, his revolately toys and ver and Largest and best assortment of Co-oshot Aoard, who dodged at the at lowest prices. the moment, the ball stricking him in inleft side from the baak and lodging AH the general stores have their Holi v where it cannot be located. day announcements in this week's side, across ran the Donnelly immediately blade. Kead thorn. street, and was fired at twice by Eugene F H. Root, of Salt Lake, came to town Henriod, another employee of tha the first of the week and has accepted a Physicians in attendance reposition on theTime's force. port .card's injuries! serious, but not 1' t The district schools closed last night necessarily fatal. DONNELLY WAS, AQQUITXSD. for one week, parents shonld remember .t a preliminary examination held that school starts again the Monday be Tuesday at Eureka in the case of Pat fore Now Years. charged with shootingFletcher; The dance in the first Ward Relief hall Donnelly, Acord , the dctendent was discharged. last Monday night, for the benefit of the The story originally-- toid. and printed laid meeting house ground, was well attend- the blame for the affair on Donnelly,who ed and a good time was had. is superintendent of the Grand Central mine. The testimony; at the examination Miss Frances Huggins of Fountain was all the other way. Throe' witnesses been who in for has Green, Nephi living declared that A.card for th the last six months returned home last was theprosecution a gun, Qne wit-to first draw to the holidays. Saturday spend ness said Acord snapped his gun twice We have a nice line of Holiday goods. before Donnelly Qred We do not have the largest stock intown, Oo thi showing. Judge Watts, who ' but we do claim to have the; only stock presided, set Donnelly free. in town. It will cost you nothing to .The wounded man, Acard, is reported come in and see and examine, com pair in very good shape, With uo fever and every indication of speedy recover. prices and quality. NcNally & Lunt. James Bowers while after wood last Tribune. Friday, in Dog valley, met with a very painful accident, he was dragging wood tetter to Legislators, down a speD mountain when the drag began to roll he stopped the horse to fix so the horse it, and while he was doing, c has mailed the started tipping the wood over on top ' of Governqr-Elecf-letter toWells members-elect- ! of the following him knocking him down, and then pull- the State Legislature: top of him, he escaped, ing the wood over SALT Lake City, Utah, Dec. 11. however, with a large gash in the top of Dear Sir: Inasmuch as the Constitu his head and several scratches on the tion seems to prescribe no definite .timeface. for the convening ol the first state Leg-- , islature, and as it is desirable to secure uniformity of action in the matter,un- I Attention: would respectfully suggest that it be that they by the members-elec- t From this date, orders for Pleasant derstood on Mon and will assemble the organize Valley coal must be left at our. office, of of issuance the after proclamation; our teamster, as we will deliver it day a to be the President Utah declaring ourselves hereafter. Grace! bbos. State. As this is the time fixed by the Constitution (Section 16 of Article 24) for the commencement of the terms of all Holiday Rates. officers elected at the first election under The Union Pacific R'y will .make an the provisions of the Constitution, and ven rate of one fare for the round trip to as the executive judicial officers will take all points on its system within a distance the oath of office and assume their duties of 250 miles from selling offiee on account on that day, it seems appropriate that of Christmas and New Years Holidays, the Legislative officers also assume their at the same time. You are there Selling rates Dec.,24, 25, 31 stand Jany. duties fore 1896. requested to meet at the joint city Isf Final Limit Jan. 6th county building in Salt Lake City, E. D. Wickins; Agf. and at 2 o'clock p. m. on the first Monday next succeeding the issuance of the pro To The Public. clamation of the President declaring; the Utah admitted into the Union In theissue of the Times of December State of Very respectfully lSth a local news item was published Hbber M. Wells, , Ieserc, JJah, eve 23. Eureka, AYE Cherry , ' p. A PREACHER'S EXPERIEHCt. "Three months "ago, I took a vio: ent cold which resulted 'in ian attack put myself pf acute bronchitis.' under medica treatment, and at the ehd of two mon,tii8 was no better, it very difficult to preach nd concluded to try 4e?"S Cherr 1 found res-tanra- at ! " ' " ' ? i , i Pectoral, phe first pottle ave mQ( preatj relief j the second, which I aroj now taking, has relievpd me almost entirely pi all unpleasant symptoms and I feel sure that one pr two boti ties more will effect a permanent pure. To all ministers suffering from; throat troubles,! recommend Ayer'4 Cherry Pectoral.". M. Brawler D.D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt, Publication Socjety, Petersburg, Va, Ayer's Cherry Pectorajj GOLD MEDAL AT THE WORLD'S f ADS, or-wit- ; stating that the Excelsior Mercantile Company had withdrawn its advertised cut prices on all classes of gqods. In this statement, vhich was based upon of words uttered by Mr. James W, Paxman to the editor of the Times, a grevious injustice is not only done the Excelsior Company but also the Times. On investigation I find that the statement is wholly wrong and was based upon the misconstruction referred to. In justice not only to Mr. Paxman and the Excelsior Company and the Times I take this, tha earliest method of correcting the error made. The Excelsior prices will remaiijt in force until January 1, amis-constructi- Manager the Nephi Times. of Utah. t last Saturday- night. - Prof . Anton Lund Contralto Solo "He was a Prince" Miss Ethel Pike Reading, "LiOttie's Message" Miss Sudie Ornte Chas. Pike Soprano Solo "Ot Happy Day'! Tenore Solo, "Lenore" O.A.Bates Kecitation, "Sella - Tells- How Mias Myrtle BootH Baby Came" Miss Maud Pratt Soprano Solo, "Separation" This above selection was" one of the prize winners in the- late -Jbasteadfod" Mis Nellette Hague Piano Solo "The old Mart inKeadin, Miss Lula Ostler the Stylish Church" Solo, "The Sweetest Soprano ' w Master Pike J tory ever-Told" - '. - F. W. Chappell Reading Chas. Morris Song "iierry Dance" Duett "Life's Merry Morninsr'f Misses Pike & Pratt Prof. Lund Piano Solo Miss "Nearer Pike sans? My God to By request Thee" wbi le Miss Pratt followed with the signs used by the deaf and dumb. They were recalled and with Master Pike, sang "O, My Father." Let Closintr Anthem, "Father, Tabernaole Choir Thy Blessinffs" A Christmas Query. In snow.white gown wee Daisy stood Her dear mamma "beside, Two small hands clasped, two lipa apartt And blue eyes opened wide. Theii ten pink toes crept near the place Where hung a tiny pair Of stockings filled with dainty gifts For Daisy's Christmas share. One little hand removed the top, The other one thejdoll.r Then Noah,s ark. the candy man, T The marbles and the ball. Then came a bird of chocolate. In pretty, gilded cage, And then a colored picture-boo- k With Santa on the page. "Oh, look, mama J feis hair is whites He'a old like g'anipa, too, ' An, g'ampa's dead.!" The voice was hushed And in the eyes of blue : A shadow stole ; then baby lips Exclaimed with thonghtful pause : "Mama, who'll b'lng 'e p'esents wound When God takes Santa Claus?" FLORENCE JOSEPHrNB BOTCE. From Demorests Magazine for December. I , I j j, ' Piano Solo RESIGNATION TABLED. r . . i : . ... ADMISSION ON THE FIRST He had no Eaf for Music J, I hod in Tientsin a rather strange perience with rav secretary, a. Japanese, named Akiyamai He was very intelligent indeed, well educated, and could speak English fluently. One afternoon. I'wasconfinel to my bed by illness, and the band began to play in the park just opposite my windows Tbe first was'La Marseillaise."; I remarked, here they iare "Weill" hymnl" playing the French national at ino- with amaze Akiyama looked times, and; meat, shook his head several ' then asked : "How do you know?" 1 answered, rather 'Because," I' have "because I know," ' ' before.' it herd to satisfy himv The answer did notse-- ttoey-rendere- d j J - J . em-barrasse- ; Program. The following is the program ren; dered at the concert in the Tabernacle ALt OTHER 5ARAPAR!LUt , on "E. H. Bkownbjll J.S98. Governor-elec- AYER'S LEADS - I . A few minutes after, the band struck " a wfell up somethingI from "Faust.from said, ""is "This," known opera" mora amazed than, looked Akiyama ever, and, shaking his head, asked again,, !'How qo you know?" 'Because, of course, I know the lopiera." "Ohl" said he, in a very incredulou manner.X At last the band played Home, Sweet Home." "And now" said I, feelingvery happy, "this is the music- of a very -popular-Americasong." "But, how can you tell?" exclaimed ..-Akiyama. "Because. I already told you, I know the music. " he remarked, "it all sounds-alik"Well," to me!" AtWhat!" I exclaimed, "all sojind alike? Don't you notice the d ifferenca-betwee'La Marseillaise,' Faust, and 'Home, Sweet Home'?" "No, sir, no difference at all; it all sounds alike." this may; seem at .first, Strange as will be found in the fact! that the ears of these people have not beed trained to appreciate our music! anymore than ,00x8 have to understand theirs. It is all a question of training. Another very intelligent Japanese tolcf me once that to, his people, at- firsj, all foreigners looked alike. They could not. see any differance between them. Froni Music in'the Far East," in Demoresta j i j v - ' i ! ! ' e s the-explanatio- n George M. Cannon Still Chairman of the Republican State Committee. When the fifteen members of the Republican state committee who were present at Saturday eveuing's adjourned meeting, wended their way homeward, it was after having refused to accept the Magazine for December. resignation of Chairman George M, Can non. The only change in the official A Piano for $40111 personnel of the committee was in the shaoe of an addition , Wesley K. Walton, Chicago's most prominent music mousey of Rich county, being named as Healy, have a number of plightly ' Lyon second-hanused and pianos, taken in 1.1 I. . ', : ', trade, used in concerts, and in fact new instruments, which they have Method 1st Chapel. to' try determined to sacrifice rather than! Christmas services next Sasbbath even to make room for. These instrument ing at 7 o'clock.' pianos at $40, f65t, $90, comprise Square .ii $100 and 125. Upright pianos at! $125, PROGRAM . fl50, 165, fl90, 1200, 225, $2410 and "More About Jesus' ' $140, ?3'J0 Hymn. upward. Grand pianos at f200, $230, sold Prayer.. and ill Nearly originally upward. - "The Angels' Song" for from two to four Anthem. times, their present Scripture Reading. Almost alt prominent makies (In price. "Wonderful Story of Love" squares and uprights) are represented, Hymn. Sermon. "The New Born King" including among numerous others Chick-erin'.'Blessed Be the Name" Hymn. Knabe, Steinway, Weber, peckert Benediction. Fisher, etc. This is an oppiortun-8c Steck, You are invited to come.' will not occur again, as tyon that lny never had so many pianos! of this Healy Immediate attefation ist Class before A good plan .would; be to orChange on The "Herald.' necessary der a piano, leaving the aeclection to j The Herald announced Sunday! mornan newsLyon & Healy However, they wpl sendin. been has what in secret open ing af full particulars upon ajpplica-tlo, paper circles for. some time pastBe- a list and satisfacAny piano not atproving in its editorial management. change their ..be returned eipense. may ginning with tomorrow's issue, iitl says tory new salesroon, corner B. H. Roberts will succeed C. V. Pen- Address at their and Adaros Street, ChiAvenue ' Wabash 11 rose as obstacle in taking-ano is cago. Distance Mr. Roberts formerly edited the chance to remarkable of this vantage Herald and is therefore more or for in proportion! to the less familiar with the duties before him. obtain atopiano, be made, the freight Charge Mr. Penrose has made no declaration as saving If you do not already are insignificent. to. the: future but it is not likely that he know them any banker reputation, by will remain inactive very long. will assure you of Lyan & Healy 's entire and record of over) a third responsibility of a century for honorable dealing THURMAK & WEDGWOOD, Write today so as to avoid disappoint ment. .. - ; vice-chairma- n. . .. d ' : ". not-bran- . v i ! Statehood Comes with the New Year. Post Building, Pennsylvania Ave, VVahinton, D; C , Dec. 19, 1SD5. Senator Dubois and Frank Cannon called at the White House this morning. and the Senaror had a lensrthy interview with the President, ia which Mr. Cleve land intimated his attention to issue the Statehood proclamation on the first o the year. The Senator says it is sate to Assume that this will be the date. The President discussed at some length the Representations from various sources in behalf of fixing the first day or leaa as the day When Utah shall make her advent into the Union. There being no special official reason for earlier action, and there being so many reasons on behalf of this particular day, ' the; President-expresshis desire to comply with the convenience of his subordinates. Senator Dubois made a representation of the desire of the courts to have ample notice, and the President announced his intention to make his formal announcement early enough to adjust air their cases The President was in his usual good humor upon the happy settlement Attorneys - at - Law, of all the old issues. This fixing of the The Board of Examination for Juab Co will hold a puolie examination in th date is in accordance with the opinion which Governor West has had from the Nephi Central school-hous- e Monday and his! has Tuesday t Dec. 23rd and 24th, beginning beginning, although Excellency Room 1 and 3,' 9 a. m. Monday-anot said or done to defer an First National Bank Builalu. J so earlier signing-shoul- d ahything JOHN T. MlLtKE, the Fresident . ' UTAH. desire. Tribune. . Co, PEOVO.i f Supt. of SckooU. g, 4 t I ! j editor-in-chie- f. " J Semi-Weekl- y. ed f , I t ; . ' d |