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Show n n building. There were speeches, campaign I songs, music by the band etc. Consider a and ?jVI&M manifested was able enthusiasm general good time was enjoyed. made at On the return a brief stop was : ; Holden, the gem town of Millard County. The people are taking quite an interest in the new canal, s they do in every enterpriState Ticket. tends to advance .the interests Populist se-that Democratic State Ticket. of Millard County. To strangers in Holden, the town seems ' , Governor, Insufferably dull. No men are seen on Governor, HENRY W. LAWRENCE.. the streets and no one loafing: about the JOHN T. CAINE. Within a few days stores saloons they have none., .Tbe Congressman, fori found is. Congressman, dullness the cause apparent ' Si':,'JAMES HOGGAN. B. 1L ROBERTS. V In that the men and youths are at ; work in the fields, on the range and elsewhere Secretary of State--, Secretary of State, CAPTAIN T. C. BAILEY. FISHER S. HARRIS. hustling for prosperity. If one wants to V Ml I I 111 I H Hi I l know whether Holden is dull or not, let Treasurer, store and inter Treasurer, him step. into the Co-o- p " ALMA GREENWOOD. THOMAS L. JAMES. . view Supt. Afy Stephensen who presides 13' mermost and finest over prosperous the Auditor, Auditor, Will open tip's large stock of the Latest Styles in Cloth and Fur Wraps, Oish cantile institution in the County. GUY C. WILSON. H. O. YOUNG. called here the a There is sheet published meres, Novelties, and Flannel Dress Goods. A large variety of Attorney-Genera- l, Attorney-Genera- l, MillardProgress.lt is sustained principal; Dress Trimmings of the latest designs. Also a complete A. J. WEBER. ly by the people here who; are too patriotJ, S. WEAVER. it. It is run by a happy family andllmported Blankets, Flari" stock of Home-mad- e ic to Superintendent of Public Instruction, Superintendent of Public Instructiop, whosebury among themselyes escapodes KARL G. MAESER, nels, Lindseys, Yarns etc Ou: stock of IRVIN T. ALVORD. would furnish many interesting items if Ladies; Gents, Misses and Childrens the weaklings whose chief ability may be of Supreme Court, Judges of Supreme Court, Judges . AN, SAMUEL summed up in Brass, Booze and Bun, Footwear is unsurpassed south No nominations. . MALONEY. Not would THOMAS '1 combe, only publish them. W Salt Lake City 4 so one the is of it RICHARD W. YOUNG, since, reported, long in chief, knocked the othejf into editors United States Senators, after chokinar him awhile in the and pie, JOSEPH L. RAWLINS, woddbox, the amiable pair made up" MOSES THATCHER. but the name of the one who was pied ap- ; T. H. VG. PARKES, Siiperintendent, Judicial District, pears no longer as editor in chief. Just a Judge Fifth few days ajgo, booze, influenced one of JOHN WARD CHRISTIAN, Beaver. them to, draw a gun on a man from Senator. Seventh District, HENRY F. McCUNEjNephi. A good newspaper man could find a fine N9 Member Lower House, opening to take the plant as the people are completely disgusted with the present EDWARD PIKE, Eureka. ''"; ; gang. County Superintendent of Schools, 1893; 30th Fillmore, Utah,Sept. "You Pay 1 Your Money and Take Your Choice. yyM : :. Republican State Ticket, SM -- : v ISi Good Hews for Everybody, i : - Governor, . ' llEBER M. WELXS. . " -- Congressman, CLARENCE E. ALLEN. Secretary of State, JAME3T. HAMMOND. Treasurer, w m 1 Auditor, MORGAN RICHARDS. l, A. C. BISHOP. Instruction, 8uperintendent of Public JOHN R. PARK; Judges of Supreme Court, ill I8 & JAMES CH1PMAN. Attorney-Genera- m r, r-- CHARLES S. ZANE U. W. BARTCli,, JAMES A. MINER. ' The Public are Welcome. District, Judge Fifth Judicial Iron. E. V. H1GGINS, Senator, Seventh District, JAMES P. DRISCOLL, Eureka. Ka-nos- h. Member Lower House. ADELBERT CAZIER, Nephi. County Superintendent of Schools, JOHN T. MILLER, Nephi, . EZRA CHRISTIANSEN, Levan. HURLED TO DEATH. A TEAMS WANTED. DESERET DOINGS. 'To haul 10,000 tons Rock Salt to Eu ' reka, Utah. Will pay $2.50 per ton, CASH, t Editor Blade: G. W. Cropper return ed from Fillmore today, and reports that a sufficient amount of stock has been subscribed to. warrant the start inar of work on the new canal for Millard; county. It will start about 5 miles aboveLeam-ingto- ji and after passing out of the Sevier canyon will sweep around the bench below Oak City; then turning south eastward for several miles will bend southward and passing in below Holden will terminate within five miles of Fill more. The hrst lew miles of the canal will be forty feet wide on the bottom, then gradually diminish toward the ter minal point which will be over 50 miles from its janction with the Sevier river. It is a grand enterprise and when completed will furnish homes tor at least Wagon Load Ot Women and Children Crowded Over a Dugway. Three of Them Are Drowned. Saw Nephi 1610- - C. S. M. & M. Co. Tingey, M gr. colonizing Iron county. Moved to Salt EDITORIAL NUTE3 Lake and Ogden. Was captain of the A special to the Deseret News from martial band duriogf tbe Echo canyon lirigbam City contains the following par- war. Moved to Salt Lake, and from ticulars of an awful accident: there filled a mission to Dixie. Returned la an Athletic contest at New York Received 30, he where 18. and located in Spanish Fork Brigham City, Sspt. recently between fenresentativeff of At 11;30 a. m. The people of this city was wars and where Indian the during the United States and England, was startled Sunday morning by the ru- he has since resided. The gospel has Sam's boys won every contest Uncle mor that three people had been drowned co3t him all he had and to it he has clung We have tbe fastest trains, the swift-- . Also our litle of "all and Wi! nter Dress Goods, in all the" latest About two mile3 east of tbe town. Inves- faithfully. He died at a ripe old age and styles and lowest. swiftest est battle too the bicyclist, it ships, rumor of tbe only proved was truly ready to meet bis Qod. Provo tigation prices. Having bdught our line of CLOAKS and WRAPS the swiftest yachts, the swiftest horses. true. The Bo ElOer creek which sup- Dispatch. early we had the pleasiire of selecting frorii a full the swiftest foot runners, the champ plies this city with water rushes down for the district the from Shipments the canyon at a. fearful rate between ion prize fighter, have licked John Bull line ojf 18D5 BtyleB-- which are now 10000 people. Mantua and Briffham. The former is week are as follows: twice, and still we let him dictate to displayed at our store. From the Bullion-Bec- k mine 30 carfour miles east of here. Midway between business is looking, up some us what kind of money we shall use. Mining he two places the road is very narrow loads of ore, from the Bullion-Ber- k what. Shipments from the Galena. und the rasing torrent runs madly below. mill 5 carloads concentrates, from the (Utah) Fish Springs, continue right Price-Hh2 carload? daily, On Saturday night, after visiting1 this Centennial-Eurek- a Also some high grade ore from along. labor conversant not with the Peopie eitv after a load of fruit, a party consist- from the Gemini ft carloads ore, from tbe Deep Creek is coming in. and expense required in the produc ing of seven people, all women and child- Mammoth mine 5 carloads ore, from the The threshing of the largest yield of ren except the driver, a boy abont fifteen Ajax 5 carloads ore, from the Carisa 3 grain ever raised in this locality, is in tion of an ordinary countny newspaper carloads ore, from the Eureka Hill mine are apt tojmagine that the proprietor years old, started for their home at Manprogress. ' 2 2 carloads from the North Star ore, tua., All went well till they met on the T. W. Armstrong of Salt Lake, passed iust revelFin wealth and luxury, but IIMT 1 carload fatal dag way an old man named Pater-on- r carloads from the Iron mine here today to Osceola they areapt to think different when through with team and wagon, from Bait daily. The shipment of two carloads where he goes to open up some fine thev are brought face to face with the Lake City. The boy turned to the right from the Eureka ..Hill reported above placer claims. conditions as they really exist. There as far as possible without going over the consisted of high grade copper ere, J L. Rhoades of "York State," eame isn't a business that requires more self- a which is from that team turned his Paterson and something rarity dugway down on Tuesday's train and went to denial, longer hours of mental labor elose tothe hill. Suddenly the wheels property. Eureka Miner. Warm creek. Snake to visit with and closer application than does that of the Several young ladies at! Coalville havp his brother, Almodd yaliey, itrncfc and wagan heavy Rhoades, whom he journalism when bonestly and Can With its occupants of women and organized a brass band. ' We reproduce has not seen for forty years. Ex. children began to slide slowly down their names from the Times: First cor-n.There is some sickness in this except- seientiously pursued. Lillian Cluff; clariouet, Bessie ionally healthy burg. Mrs. "Keysor, the .hill towards the. churning waters! from At this juncture the boy jumped Smith j solo cornet, Eliza Barber; second who was. confined sosfee three .weeks iis seat and catching the bridles of the cornet, Ella Fisher; third cornet, Annie since, is not progressing aa well as her No.T. Vol. I, of the Utah Labor World has reached tmr table, it is a team" belonging to the old man tried to Thomas; slide, trombone, Blanch Allifriends would like to see. fcrrn: the team farthei' tip the hill', tat he son; baritone, Nellie Rhoades; first tenW. E. Qibbs who waa kicked in the neatly printed six column quarto, pub ' Was too late. The wagon had started or, Mary Thomas; ffrst alto, Edith Wilssomacn Dy a norse several weeks ago; is lished weefcly, in SalfcrLake City by Mc- dawfe the precipice and in a moment it son f second alfio, Flora Cluff; tuba, Effiie in a serious condition. Ponough and1 Willis, in the' interest of In horses after shorter the it. snare pulled Allison; drum, Bessie Faddies; j. lines are auii, ana tne farmers are wo: king men of Utah.j We here quote .lime than it takes to cell it the horses bass drum, Lizzie Faddies. wondering where they will market their a paragraph from their introductoy, were on their backs and kicking and James, son of Robert Fox of this which is self explanatory:-r- place, surplus grain. splashing in the raging stream, while the met with a peculiar accident last ThursPolitics are as dead as a door nail. Eew words are necessary in explaining poor women and children were cstught day, through which be lost his Both parties are fast asleepv reasons. for the existance of the Labor Yours the wagon and pinned down in the stream beneath and a load of hay. ' Ho was on his- World. Its publishers believe that Utah A. S. Cribble. way to offers a field for a legitimate, honestly Ihe 'wagcrn- - bed and gears of a 1,400 Salt Lake with his load and 1895V Oct. 2nd. just before Deseret, conducted, fearles newspaper devoted to pound wagon. The water was from reaching the point of the mountain the the interests of those who toil They nope flhree to five teet deep and very cold.- As to furnish a medium which will serve to n beqame ignited through friction from Notice to Sheep-Mesoon as the wagon overturned, frightful ahay bring' the different branches of workingwheel. Mr. FoX cut the horse's loose oneep-men- relauna wiii it very convenl- men into closer and ntore friendly screams filled the air from the imprison as soon as ne betLtions discovered blaze the them each but the re with n f ent othef, Drofltabla and take with thm making ed victims. Mrs. Ipsen and One of the . and were consumed-wagon hay the winter ranee conies of the law of 1894 Hand entirely irls managed to- extricate" themselves in spreading'the doctrine of Lehl Banner. to diseases of sheep and the dut- - lUrrideassisting relalive Confronted as they are unionism. The boy, and Mrs. Ipsen, whose child Deputy Sheriff Wilkins arrested Frank ics ui luspet-tors- . 10 meet- tnas want a by organnea capital in every line, wun and" aged mother were dying', strangling unlimited power to regulate before her. eyes, suddenly rushed into the O'Donneil at Nephi yesterday (Sept. 26) number of copies of the- law have been seemingly and conditions 01 laoor, hours wages, ana mm to ProVo. O'Donnell struck off at this ofilce and will be sold at workindmen are toofc;. itroam' a n 1 tried tnith otl thoI rvrnrar trt ? compelled to organizen And it is their for tfaise the wagon but their ; efforts were DroKe into uughes barber shop on tbe 10 cents" each. Call early. so. Unless they are to do of 2nd the of right night August,- and stole tfatn-The old gentleman Patterson-Wacan how united they hope to gain a point worth of tools; He admitted with their organized controversy severaly blamed at first for not trying to aDoutfiu in'any guilt. O'Donnell was" formerly in opponents assist, but it was afterwards learned that his he was extremely feeble and nearsighted the employ of; Mr. Hughes; Spanish Sterling Goal, $4 25 per ton- - de- The Blade wishes tbe Dabor World distracted mother- nearly crazed Fork Herald. For sale by 0. Andrews sucdi.ss. E; Pickering- - has Closed Up1 the Palace livered, With grief stood cold waters strug-ln-g with' the wagon and waiting for help Hotel and left Tuesday morning- ostensi-sibl- y & Go, Uncalled for Letters; for' Salt Lake- leaving numerous came up the canyon, when a FUMES. FILLMORE tfe at once rustted to the assistance of the mourni tf credi tors behind Nephij- Oct, 1st, 1895. The following tie Mi n I3D1TOR" : Vomen j but still the wagon refused to er. letters remain unclaimed in tms offloe, j. Blade; called for within 30 days will if wasanu 1'iUmora 'not now is juat move, j of One c!ayt recently' the Shgar factory's! nearly enjoying a quiet Dead Letter Office. to e sent the littie building boom. About twenty-fivan hdur before) two more' men came up Lehi br.oke the record-be by turhihjr out Lock hart, D? brickr buildings are being erected and the Anderson, Ed the road; This time a brother of oue of 1C00 bags of su gar." Park Reccrdr f ' A Miss Khodes, L liton Mary fhe imprisoned victims, with almost suppeople are in an indescribably happy and Payne, Martin aorensen, Jbi Rollens, of condition erhuman efforts, raised' the wagon bed mind buoyant . superinduced C. P. ANDEESONy PiiMf Municipal Ticketand found nut one' of the' four alive. oy "great expectations " ,4So mote it The JRepublicans met' Saturday, and be.v ,; xnis was a young gin; aoout ten- years nominated S;iV;.;VV;lvV;!A-their city ticket.- Below is The recent show" storm was the cause"of did, who was completely- dazed attei-he- r the reads:it way no end of damage to fruit and shade, imprisonment of over one hour. The For mayor,-JSR Booth ; cbuhcilmeri. dther three occupantarwertj' dead the old Jos. Fl and but little fruit ha3 survived trees, Good" Sample Rdoffls for CommercialTrar Wright. John Sidwell, Martin the; frost that followed the storm". ikdy ig-- d 51; Miss GhVlstina Jeppsen and' Larson, Jonn Jallison,- Alfred f On Saturday last, the liio child of' JIack Me'ets all TraineV" Free 'to Patrol Republicans' df 0?car Goldsbroughj' to 'and from the station. marshal, a has convened' cast affair Millard The fearful here" ahd placed" in gloom" over Is the LEADING HOTEtr of NEPHI Jamas; Schoflpldr Abrahan treasurer, tile entire community and the" families' of Orrae.V nomination the names of OrvileL.Thomp&iu bereaved-havon of SCipio for the Lower House of the the deepest' sympathy " V A-- Hack Meets All df all. : btate Legislature, and II; P. Brown of To advertise otir CoUfre'we will.jrive II: GOIiDSBROUGH, CdNFEaENCE RATESI Trains; Don-m- e course a in of tTJioroiigi! instruction to Free Patrons.' Oasis for County Supi. of Schools. , The dead are Mrs. In gef Jeppsea,iMissi Proprietor, and Sing-l- Entry and : . . nr Two Sample Rooms. m For Conference and Eisteddfod' at Salt (Jiiristlna Jepp3en'and'Mis3'Ipsen.Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at iu.r. louipsoa is a young man ot un Nearest to Business CJentfe.' questioned energy ahd will stand' more One-Fourth The Union '.Pacific Il'y will make a thin even chance3 of being elected. Mr. Regular Price EXCHANGES'' CREAM OP Brown a is recent arrival in havrouuu irip .rate ot $3.03 Mrom' Nephi. Millard, 2: Proprietor,' iner resided here about one year. He is number Tbis ioajlimited persons. nates 1st to Uct; 'jf 6th; inclusive-go- od IIURMAK' & WEDG fdbt !' belling 40 course be will lessons. completed in aVI: General Territorial News', Cuiled! and for continuous passagV and return thoroughly qualified for the office. ' No charge for diplomas. Address, j un iuonday the Dembcrats gathered at until Oct; 15th.- Special train, will run this - at';- - liaHot --and Cbld Condensed for Blade Readers;; Attorneys5CAPITAL. ipOMMERCIAL place, aad nominated Wm. A. Ray' Patriarch G. W. Brimhali' died peace- between Nephi and' Salt Ikke Oct. 3rd. ior tne ower House and" Jessie Ben AOLLEGE VITY J. bin. ana btn. leaving Nephi at 6:20 nett fully at his home in Spanish Fork" Mbn-da- y 4tn. forCounty Superintendent of Schools. a. m. arriving Salt Lake 9:30a. m. Re ForAfter1 the Convention a ratification tfhd morning at 9:30. Deceased' was in' turning-wilRoom 1 and 8, Halt ' leave 6 m. at Lake o. rfis" eighty-firs- t First NallonalUank Builainffwas held year.- He was one of in the rally old State" KANSAS; House, I TbPfikA; tUsh'k-lamakers irr now nicely fitted up aTid u stidr f or School Assisted ih , . One HYDE . . en-rou- the Lowest to alL at 1 WHITMORB. !& ' ' .11 Nil .11 te 1 , et -- 4 s space reserved for : - ;. et Hotel.- IW1 - aJ-Deser- - ' Uod-give- self-protecti- - , s : ; j in-th- ; r - - GOAL. ; i e - r Mr.-Hanso- n - .Tin ' It - ; - three-quarte- - - rs , ; . - The . . - - - NEPHI HOUSE - SECURE THIS ; four-year-ol- Mrs.-Ipseh- :. d Lunt;-recorder,- - . CM ION : k - : i j; - . Book-keepin- g s- j . - j . . -- l - y- - - ' . t -- 1 |