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Show Country People Read Absolute y Independent On all questions whether Politioal, Social or Religious, Is the Blade. "The Truth without Fear or Favor." The BLADE ,, ou Motto - $?.00 per year, in advance, fcjix months, fLOO. I ; YQLCJME ill.. - J tflJBHI CITY, UTjlH, SATOnpAY MORNING, OCT. III, Soteol committees Indian summer again. J. W. Wright went to v' ."' f day. ;' 't V' Foote drove you will want supplies. The Excelsiqr Mercantile Co. have just received a complete topk of School Books, Slates, , ,; ;Note apd l rawing Boqks, j31ats and Lead Pencils Jnks, Pens, ; - : glands for Book-keepin- f g, $ook Sacks. ap4 Straps, etc., etc. you want supplies of this Mnd at the lowest go to the EXCELSIOR ' - . The ManJLi UH Thurs B. M ERCMTILE CO. J. Lunt not-ffotte- was a Salt Lake visitor ' . '. t . ' ' . "When the leaves begin to fall," fhats now. The Democrats name their munici pal ticket today. . Leave WHICH OP THE TWO. i ' . Was i rA ; T-- -,,t . ; te I . , r The assessed voluation of Juab cqunty this year is $2,223,140.00 as compared with northrbound.trainf ; ! - $2,073,813. 40 for 1894. Chas. Andrews who has been intending to remove his family to Salt Lake City, v ' i has given up the idea. R. J. Ord retarned Saturday from a business trip through Sanpete,! Sevier. J and Millard Counties. The sprinkling cart has stopped for the summer which is to be regretted as the ; j dusty season is not over. Q W. AJdrach of Clear Lake,; Millard Co. , was a north-boun- d passenger Wedroute-ten Lake. Salt nesday Miss Mary Ann G'anfc of American Fork is visiting in Nephi and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Shed Lunt. The dance given by the Nephi Orchestra in the Opera house uriday evening was not very well attended but a good time is reported. Henry Beale, of Ephraim, came over on the narrow guage Thursday en route i ( ! ; . Nephi was never bo roused as tbelast Excitement runs hign. ana no of our. little city. in thing the history has caused such a snaae or , gioorn as the rinding of the lifeless body of one of her- young and' quiet hoys. r rni. www pi xne iuoy vyae ijbwis riice,, Chaa.' H. Price, a' popular resident of Nephi. Th6 boy Left Friday morning for his father's sheep herd which was about foup miles east of town, and in Rocky Ridge canyon, with proyisions tor the herder and to moye camp. The first story circulated was that the young man on finding his pack loose, commenced tp cinch his qonkey,so overrhalaooed the aniand in ,doing v, i. . Lil. uuuu luiieu uuwu uue liuev mai, wiipu steep embankment, and in the tumble run a stick through bis body, xnen finding he was hurt quite badly, the boy built a Are to attract the attention. of other herders or whoever might be near, thereby gaining assistance. The fire got started in some oak bushes and commenced spreading," and Mr. Price's inability to crawl fast enoijgh to pre vent tne names overtaking hluu, was burned in several places lie however, crawled away, and it is said, through eshaustiop and excitement he laid down and died. This story is incor rect, as continued reading will prove. .The herder, Ike CarSwright, without xne nonprovisions, ana aiarmea at set out to appearance of young Price, look for him. He went back to the old and found everything gone. This was late Jbriaay njgnp. He proceeded to the ranch or Jhas. Price, Sr., and finding some flour he cooked himself a qak and afterwards lay down for the night. EJariy Saturback a day morning Gartw right werit old to .where the second time Camp was, to feel sure he had not been mistaken the night before. Lewis was expected to return to Nephi Friday night and not arriving Lon Price, the dead boy's uncle, got uneasy and started Saturday afternoon for the sheep, On arriving at the herd neither Liewis or $ne neruer coum ue week. . Bald-beade- Young Lewis Prl;e. - j r en-rou- Mystery Overhangs the Death Qf ; : Roy Murdered or Acc,ldently Shot the -- orders for choice potatoes at i not among the Hying. Lewis was about 16 years of age. Funeral 'services were held at ona o'clock Tuesday from the family resi deDce, and were largely attended. Wm, Knight, jBishop Parkes, James V. Faxman and James Latimer delivered remarks. JBdwin Hartley dismissed the meeting when a large concourse of. friends followed the remains to their eternal resting place in the Nephi Ceni et.ery. The bereaved family are wild with grief, and The Blade, in behalf of all Nephii extendvS sympathy. , Thomas Bellis ton's. was County Selectman Jackman ' . Nephi victor Monday Alma S, Kendall returned to his home in Salt Lake City Saturday. The public schools will open n the 14th, week from next Monday. Chas. Andrews left for Mt. pleasant Saturday where he went to receive sheep. Prosecuting Attorney, Pyke was in Nephi this week, and returned to Eureka i- , Wednesday, S. A. Kiis: or Pcovo was a south- bound passenger last Thursday . to Fillmore. d men can obtain sure JCllCl by purchasing McNally & Lunt's hair Vigor. Nephi, Bishop John Styler and J. C. Hawjey , of OasisJivere on board of Wednesday's tend CoUferenjethis week. The Sanpete Valley train has a bran new passenger coach. Its initial run was made to NePhi Wednesday. Last Tuesday was duck day No. 1 but as yet no great slaughterings have been recorded at The Blaub office. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Paxman drove to Provo Thursday an$ from there on to ' boy had around to the but hie bones seerqed to tell him herd, that Lewis was not alive; that his son was this viaife " this week. -- V " 17. a huge 'Grand Opening" was ' SUCCESS. . , - Week. over, from Eureka T. B. this week. Dr. D. O. Miner made the Capital a visit this week. C L; Hyde returned Wednesday to his sheep ranch in Nevada. Dr. E. E. Wilcox went down to .Juab Wednesday on business. W. W. Jenkins was a passenger to Salt Lake Wednesday afternoon. B. ft. Birchall, in company with his wife, leff Thursday for England. Mrs. Amos Allen and Miss Mary Allen were among tne uonierence yisnors .! Tuesday, Bear in mind the Excelsiojr Mercautile Co. keep sulphur for sheep dipf Cheap est prices. For the hands and fa?e use Gilead. Fra grant Balm of McNally & Lunt, Drug gists, Nephi. Mr. McNally of McNally &Lunt, gists, returned Wednesday, from a ness trip to Salt Lake. Mrs. L. A. Bailey and her daughter Jennie left Nephi Tuesday to attend Con ference at Salt Lake City, f The S. P. V. trains were heavily loaded with people bound for Salt Lake to at Soon, Ainci Will Hawkins made'JProvo a ' INKLINGS LOCAL NUMBER 5, 1895. The advertisements in.the Country Papers, and as has Ke Larnest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern It offers the bestUtah,, possible medium lor Advertisements. ' r T - P. V. Ry. change of Time. On OctJ 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. and 6th the S. P. V. R,y. passenger will leave' Manti at 10:40 a. m. arriving at Nephi k 1:0 p.j ml. arriving at Manti at 4;40 p. m, "N. i The change in time is for the accomoda tion of passengers going to Salt Lake during Conference and Eisteddfod and after Oct. 6th. trains will run on the time table in effect prier to Oct. 1st. . ' .' 35., Wckk, D. i camp-groun- d - : Sick with Thypofd Fever. the watchmaker, iChistiansen went for his family to Salt Lake last week, ite drove his team from there. Upon &he! road one of Lis children took; down with typhoid fever, and at Puysoa a stop-ovof two days had to be made. On Tuesday they proceeded; 'leaving; two children at the last named' place in order to make roonj , fqr ths in valid The con4itioa of the chUd is very Jow er A $3J Accident, Wednesday morning Sammle, the five. year-ol- d boy qf Samuel Shaw, jr. , Wsl run over by a load of lucern and received severe injuries f which may prove fatal, v. The little fellow was riding on a board, J ; t . ; Salt Lake tney took the train. that protruded from under the hay. Thk C. P. Christiansen hasj moved his drfVer drove up to the wrong stack, and; watch repairing shop to across the t was necessary to bac in order to land street from its former location. the hay in" the proper place, Jusg as th& A larga number of people! from South reversed with the load the child felt team ern Utah passed through Nephi Tuesday from his seat. The hind wheel of tha on the U. P. en route to Conference. wagon passed over his body near the. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth, Mrs. Alf Stout, stomach. At this writing the condition Mrs, Geo. McCune, Miss Grace McCune, of his Injuries have not- been ascertained were Conference visitors Wednesday. but reported to be critical. Charles and George Worthington, Will Later Two ribs were broken, Bales and Will Hawkins attended a dance at Fountain Green Friday night of last to Conference. Mr. Beale is a prominent found. Lon went down to the sheep Democratic Rrlmary. week. ' S. Chase. and business man of Sanpete. Tom. Democratic The Crawley camp of primary advertised Mr. John C. Ostler and daughter went B. J. Stringhatn. of Stringham & There he iouna uartwngni, wno relat- through the columns of The Blade last. A CAR LOAD OF COOK STOVES ed his story, and the two men started week,' met in the Court house Monday to Salt Lake Tuesday to attend the wed AND RANGES. photographers, Manti, came in search Stringhrm, of the missing ttoy, JMot. oeing e ding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 0. over from Sanpete Thursday and went able to find him came to town and evening and elected twenty-fiv- on delegates Lon the 25tb Ostler. oh to Salt Lake, on business. news. A posse was formed to the municipal Convention the spread CALL AND INSPECT OUR STODK. together with the transaction of other Monte Whitmore, Lonnie Hyde and v If xroxi are married, take The. BLADE and started up r,ne canyon. Bud Whitmore who weatj with a train Ii you ain't married,' but intend to be, Eeriy Sunday the boy was discovered business. about a quarter of a mile from the old The meeting was called to order by load of cattle to Kansas City, returned subscribe for The NEPHI. blade:, because you camp, rne men nasieneti to tne uity W. Chappell. Monday. can't possibly keep house without it. and renorted their nna. a corners Thomas Bailey was elected president,. Joseph Huggms came over from Foun went out to hold and H. M. McCune secretary. was and formed the people of SouthernUtah know jury tain Green Tuesday and wnt to Provo as Don't an over the remains, inquest and time by sending The delegates were named t a witness in the McOarty et el. cattle case they can save money a in position in the V. Ej following It lay cramped & to Lunt? orders mail their John Pyper, John Mit-to- n, McNally Candland, centre of a large burned circle of under now in tbeFirst district .court. . Cus. J, Heqriod, Monte Whitmore Druggists, Nephi. Several yards away a burro winiam Anarew mazier jsryan, iormer- - Some shiDmeats of stock mutton were brush. Thomas or more Crawley, IVjrs. Thomas Vickers was feeding upon grass. Fifty My a law student at Cornell University, is made from Pleasant a neat trail lay pile Mrs. Serepta Miller, Charles Haynes, Valley Junction this feet above upon theand now practicing his profession in' Nephi, ot of tnis upoo Miss Pearl McCune, John Chapman, Edtop etc., provisions week by Juab and Sanpete Utah. The Ithaca Chronicle, N. Y. a the property revolver, lay Prices on good siuff are very fair just of vounr Price. One chamber was win Paxman, Wm. Lee, Mrs. M, B. Neff. Bischoff came down from P. 2, Whittaker, John Kirgan, George. Joseph now. emntv. . ... i Founon to Provo Wednesday and went ourro naa rai- - Blaokett, Jas. D. Pexton, Mrs. M, A came Wood the and Albert Albert The iurv Sowby thought F. W. Jones, James Garrett tain Green, his home, where he tvill in from JEtay's valley, east of Provo last len on the boy and caused death, and Grover, a Y. B. week's vacation from the Robt. spend Pyper, Mrs.- Caroline Bigler, P. P week. Their sheep herds are pasturing that it was not necessary to hold an If you are going to range your sheep west of Pesereti mm ana and James Vickers. Chistiansen academy up They picked out that way. Their nocks are doing inquest. Write immediately to toe five alternates were choswas ' motion tanen tie Upon hiouht him to town, and James Vickers is nurs ng a sprained well, so the boys say. HINCKLEY CO-ODr. Miner home en as follows: to his father George Ostler, Aleck Pyankel tnis Week. He was helping bind , For prices on grain. Bottom Figures, Mt.a. J D. Call and Master summoned. On dressing and tending per, Wm. Smith, Mrs. Jas. D. Pexton. Mr. and a load ot grain when the bole broke and Sbeep-menSupplieg a SpiOialty. Call, of Nephi, Utah,! are the hodv it was immediatelv deter and Z. Whittaker. buried Mr. Vickers several feet in the air. Justin Bryanlocated at 18 Haze n street. mined that death was caused by a bul comfortably Victor Candland said he thought the The fail caused the sprain Mr. Call has entered Cornell University. let wound, the size of the hole measur campaign committee too small, and rec ing and exactly corresponding with ommended five more names be added. A. The Ithaca Chronicle, N. Y. The genial face of John Blackett is that of the caliber of the revolver found Vacant houses are said to not oe very in the canvon. The hall entered his motion was made and carried, and the again seen on our streets, Mr. isiackett returned home Moqday, from Colorado, plenty in Nephi. And a lot of new resi back just above the cross of and in the following were Darned: Foster Jones wnere he has been during the summer dencea have been built tbis year. Nephi's fork of his suspenders, shearing one of Richard Evans, Mrs. Wm. Price Gus. J Superintendent, with the government surveyors.. ranging downward, and Henriod and H. M. McCune. population, like The Blade's subscrip the straps, in the ph. of the stomach, out coming Upon the motion of Charles Haynes a. C S. Tingey is behind the railing of tion list, increases right along. Four miles from Oasis Station, a little to tba. right of finance and below just committee consisting of three . the First National Ban , aa casheir. Apostle George Teasdel made The the navel. was formed, and the following Tne gentleman is in every way capable Blade: office a pleasant call Monday. The body was burned' in several persons, thereon : 5. Whitta placed of his position, and, the atockholdersi Mr. Teasdel is up from Mexico to attend places and considerable around where gentlemen made a wise selection in Jfdr Tingey. Conference and informs that he has been the buhet passed out. It was possible kr,j Geo. G. Ostler and D. W. Cazier. No other business before the meeting At for the boy to live forty of fifty hours, ' EXPERT WJLTCHm1 KEB and JEWELER Deer are coming down from the moan- - released from the Mexican mission, how lbni' and severe bis suffering motion to adjourn Was carried and Among those who were passengers mighn have been, will never be known. tains and roaming over the foot hills. or to it will to but time, will to Conference were the follow It was also possible, if accidental shootkeep guarantee I hot only warrant your watch run,' Saturday a Mona maoj captured one Thursday AT THE PRESBYTERIAN". Wl 1 refund your money. A full supply of Watches, blocks ana jewelry build that weighed aearly 200 pounds, just a ing; H. M. McCune, James W. Paxman ing caused death, for the boy asto before tea. sol from the .Orders lcj Close country at Figures. few miles out of that plae. It is per-- o and wjfe, W." H. "Pettegrew and family, a tire to attract attention, Will McCune, Chas. Andrews, and Mrs. stated, of some one who could' give him shoot lawful them. Main fectiy and Tuned Nephi Street, Pianos and Repaired. ' Communion Services Last Sunday Rew Organs aid,,' A. Wi, Palmer. a were of man tracks Numerous Thomas Vickers, Wilson ..... Jr.. was...noticed hop Shed Lunt. of the firm of McNally & ound about the body and the tracks on one foot around and this week, ping The worshippers at the Presbyterian. Lunt, 'druggists, returned r Saturday of a horse, with three shoes have, been rt" when asked what's the matter said; ;:.'.. from his father's ranch in Eastern Utah traced to a cabin where ai certain man Church last Sabbath enjoyed two ser one was wood week last chopping day Pacific The Missouri R'y he has been rounding up cattle to had been lodging, but as the horse was vices. In the morning Rev. O. B, and the Btick flipped, the ax glaaced and where from Mark 13:31; "To every be sold. '' Shed reports a heavy loss in one the boy had with him,, and had that's what 1 got," pointing to his cattle within the last several hut around the been upon matt his wors." We lea?n from this kept year. but The waa if you are going to wound. severe. no clue u whatever. S rteonv occasions, and gives Pilsiciark its connections that every A farewell party waa given B. R. One Jacobson was subpoened at Pay-so- n scripture and South-boun- d Union The to do for Jacino find must train Christian ' Birchall at the residence of Pi P. Christ Monday as a witness in the affair,- the Master. An idlesomething Kansas City, man to be aou Wednesday wai considerable over an iansen Monday evening. The writer and upon whom a slight suspicion rest":. some or ten So hour let miles hiteen late, idle Christian. everyone find his; St. Louis, ,; an invitation, but regrets t ed. out it; is claimed ue nas proven acknowledges ' norm or ot rrovp tne engin oroke. and a the OFFICE: trie place and fulfill the purpoaa for which he to be present, being put Of bimself completely innocent inability Chicago, Hotel. At the Goldsbrough layover of two hours had' to be encaunt town on that date. A happy time is re horrible charge. Jacobson is a man of was created a familjr-- a hard worker, and though , New York, , ered to secure anotner locomotive. Much corded. HOURS: In the evening he used I Kings 3:14' and him had between words the 2 to 4 p. m. . was passed of lost the time made up between Audit thou wilt walk in my ways to any other waa with to threatenedlooks This bov's it hardly lather, just vicinity this and Provo ; point, Utah. my statutes and commandments point East see tb'at your ticket reads yia. Nephi, another storm Wednesday. Dense and accuse one of the murder of an inno keep as thy father David did walk, then I wilU rrom me .oauna jrress: farmers are dark clouds hovered around, pearly all cent boy without some substantial evi iengthen thy days; ' We learn that Godl Missouri Paific R'y not wearing duhny smiles over the prices night, bat we only got a little eprinkle. dence A great mystery is enveloped in the hai given us laws which if we obey We of grain this fall. It will take a good The attempt brought Jack Frost several case. At this writing the jury have will add length to our lifev Que Who bushels' of wheat at 25 cents a notches nearer Elegant Coaches, Quick Time and Superb an many the ltctad-be3Tavway, By again. make this line thePeople's not handed in their virdict, and it may them will not liv&as long; j bushel to pay for a or Ite Route. is none too comfortable. 'Thurs- be that something will turn to light. fails to observe spring wagon or bug over-co3 v do. might gy. And not a few farmers in this vicin- day night a change took for rain and the some clue by whilch the untimely service Sabbath, Oct.. There-wilno be death can be accounted for; it is at ity will have to jdig the cash in the near customery Conference storm is a result. 6:35 p. 6th, as the meeting of the Juab Co. S. S Leave Opr3 en to so. vehicles future least of sort. hoped this payjfor 7:00 p. m. Leave Pxieblo Associati m will be in session at Hhe Thursday's Conference train carried a A connected is remarkable 5:45 p. m. episode Arrive Kansas City, member of our W. W. Armstrong left Nephi Tuesday large number of Millardites to Salt Lake. with the atlair. The Arrive St. Louis.... ....... o:5- a. m. boy's- father is Methodist chapel. Every for Salt Lake City where he will make Among whom we noticed David R, Stev- very low with typhoid leaver. On Sunday school and congregation, are-- in, fi:30a. Arrive Chicago...... be his home in the! future.! His departure ens of the Stake Presidency; Bishop A'y Saturday the boy's grand father, Chas. vited to attend that meeting-.whicOct. at 5th,, will be regretted by all of the people of Stephenson of Holden, Jos. D. Smith, and Price,. Sr. r came in to see how his son, gins Saturday, pv m. Alii Will promptly fill all orders for was Charles as he welcome1 this has been n, a Price, along. getting city, popular man John Ashman of Fillmore,1 II. S. upon the nearest ticket agent or address "Pa. I want to fathfiP said: ThP' a good citizen. Hisi0onnection with and wife and also daughter, Bishop speak to you before you go." "Well, II, B, KOOSER, & Pass. Airt. Money to Loan.. the First National Batik was mutualy Milton and Joseph Moody, LJ IL Crop- what, id it.V" 'T. fp.ar. I haven't got no ,Commercial Frei; ht amount In from one hundred' to any S. II. STINSON, severed by Mr. 'Armstrong, who bad ex- per and wife, G. W Cropper, Joshua Lou. atraia' tnat ten thousand more. I'm any Traveling' Pass. Agt. dollars. On improved: farnU The cepted a position with the office of Benoett and T. B. Allred of Deseret,and he will never come home alive. Salt Lake City, Utah. or on water before. Ptock. hoasei prbperty of Salt Lake, Biehoy W.ilL, . Pratt ajid large business! Revoj of father dreamed that the night that 9i H- C. TOWXSEND, T. Cv Wiitn.. County Rer-ord a t tMs : tieaei-a- l he haI not. heard and may allsucCesa attend him. Passi. and Ticket Agent, Hinckley, Louis, Mo, j Jjeaiiers in Low Prices. ; j ecL. i j AT COOPER, PYPEB & GO'S. - . -- ( ' i ' . ' sheep-owner- s. 44-calib- i er j- - - P s' . . fc j i i the-Speaker- . ... , "I ( Dr.G.S.Hosmer, Wil-son'preach- ed , ; . is-ap- t ' . , - ; t - i . p : d MRS.1.A.6ABD. - NEPHI, at e as-h- e -- l - j h, Ca-hoo- Fresh Fruits - - - Vegetables. i , . ... tea r, " |