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Show bates: ........ (Payable In advance). J. F. 6 1 Editor. BBS, . Application has been made at the Nephi post-Sle-e for the malls as transmission through mall matter. second-clas- s - SATURDAY MORN., OCT. 5, 1895. BLADE AGENTS: Below Is a list of our agents, who will receive puusuripuuLLB auu rcucipu iui Payments: Wm. Chastaln, Ibapah, Tooele Co over-rulin- w In the discovery of electricity and its MILLAED COCSTT. Joseph A. Lyman, Oak City. Christian Anderson, Fillmore. ThOB. Memmott, Scipto. O. A. Bates, Holden. Chris. Overson, Leamington. Geo. Crane, Kanosb. James Hatton, Petersburg. Vlrjril Kelly, Burbank. Hvmm Ariams. Meadow. James S. Blaue, Hinckley. THE NEW FORCE. Last week's impression of The Blade application to economic uses, there have been swept aside the last two exspectres regarding the ultimate of haustion of coal and the releasing so much carbonic gas. The Almighty well knew that the human family must creep before they oould walk, and walk before they could run, The placabsoing of coal in the earth was an lutely necessary prevision for man's progress. It has been, and continues to be, a stepping stone to a force more substle, complex aDd difficult to apply and manage than the power of steam. Without coal, man's progress would have come to an abrupt ending. But centuries before there was any possi ble danger of coal exhaustion, electric ity comes to the aid of man. In its presence the lips of croaking and fear ful skeptics have been closed. To be sure, coal is still necessary to the gen- eration of the electric force. But in the harnessing of Niagra falls to elec tric eeneratois, and the transmission of the current to distant points to be used for licrhtlnff. and for the nropulsiou of machinery, the world is receiving an lesson in the possibilities or obiect 0 gravity as an old'and yet new factor in the progress of man. During thousands of years a tremenduous force has been lost to humanity in the mad plunge of the Niagra river over the pracipice known as the Falls. Under the marvel ous developments of engineering skill as witnessed in the last few years, it is not too much to xpect that, eventu ally, the entire river, if necessary, will be running through large iron tubes and turning thousands of water wheels and the power now running to waste will be transmitted hundreds of miles in all directions. The mighty roar of Niagra will then be hushed, and in its stead will be heard the cheerful hum it factories and the rumble of rushing trains. Towns and cities will be light ed and heated by the energy once regarded as useless. Scattered over tbe United States are huodreds of cataracts, ample for all the 'force necessary for all time. In stead of tens of thousands of men work ing under ground exposed to the many m their reach to double the value of their property, they have the opportunity to TOO LATE. : THE BLADE. SUBSCRIPTION 12.00 Per year. . . . .V. the Carboniferous age; and Borne of the learned ones have been fearful that, in the course of time, there would be such an amount of poisonous gases released as would make the existence of human life on this earth an impssibility. All such fears are the offspring of men do not skepticism, and prove that g power of the believe in the Almighty. The first two propositions are too remote to trouble the present there were solid generation, even if deductions. But a grounds for.their of careful study of tbe progress scienceand invention clearly proves the presPower that has oirf,int. all cataclysmic and n f ii rl Tin Hrinnts that mignt aereai the manifest object of man's existence. make of Millard a prosperous and inviting place in which to reside and theyj ought not to hold back for a mo The Tribune says: NO MINGLING OF CHURCH AND STATE. Will soori be moving their A gentleman in Southern Utah who is entirely reliable writes to the Tribune as ment. Flocks to the Winter range :, follows: Tlie vast quantity! of water now run in the Western; part of ti Apostle Lyman, at the late St. George Sevier river conference, said it was tnes wisni oi the ning! to waste down the Millard County. First Presidency and the! Twelve that all could be utalized in reservoirs and a oLthe officers of the church should . re WALTER JAMES, of Black Rock. frain frotntaking any part in active poll' large area of fine land made fruitful, would iSDrinc uo: new tics They! did not tnink it was wise for them to attend conventipnsfor accept of ostai routes Has just Laid in a Large in. would. be opened; new ... tfift oil any offices ipeople. i " 'o Supply of GENERAL He also 8aid;tnat tnis rule 'Snouiai apply uusu iea wjuiu uc luouKciaiou to the First Presidency, the twelve YanA noro-- Wnnlrl ho infused' into the MERCHANDISE And theirApostles, presidents of stakes; and counof trade channel and every of people members the counselors,! hign cils, bishops of .wards and their counsel would pulsate with unusual vigor. ors, and other church officials, including The labor that now lies idle, or nearly presidents of the seventies. four or five "months in the During.two years The Blade has so, during been contending f or that very thing year in Millard county,, would In a that is now credited to Apostle Lyman. couple of seasons, complete ifc- -the canal For the Coming Season. The Blade has repeatedlyrpointed out and the PeoPle. w?uld ;wn man in the county do all Let every the manifest unfairness of Apostolic will be Bought and Meals Pelts; an of can the towards he completion where it stumping, and particularly " nas neen so ; aoDarantly one-sidFurnished as Usual. as enterprise that, for magnificence and underhas before been never, that kind of political proselyting as has utility in Central of Mouther. Utah. characterised tne past two years, JJurt taken ing that time one of the Apostles Chas Black Rock, Millard Co., Utah. been on th6 stumD'in1 each campaign and many of his speeches have been of Nephi Her Resources, Advantages an inflamatory nature. In fact, so anQ AiiraCwOllS. THE of course been has the that partisan Apostle, that he has alienated the GeoErraphicallT. Nephi Citv Is situatod al WESTERN affection and even esteem of thousands most in the center of Utah. Its latent natural are practically unlimited. Its ae of those whose politics are not in har resources RAILWAY! tlve resources consist (1) of Agriculture; (2) of a.j oi tne sneep industry and (4) mony with his own, and a score of jdiomcuiiure; of minerals. To the North, West and South years will not be sufficient to reinstate is a larpre area of as fine agricultural lands THROUGH as can be found in Utah, Abundant of that gentleman in the affections of a cereais ana aiiaiia bless the labors of crops the husbandmen. To the of acres of large share of the Mormon p'eople, natural meadow, North,thousands watered by large springs, The Tribune also says its informant spread out like a great emerald carpet. :The HOC SVIOUNTAIN of Nephi are uneiceUed gardens alleged that Apostle Lyman's sentl: vegetable in the west. Its fruit and that of its contiguous towns, is as perfect as can be errown in ments were! echoed by Apostles Heber this latitude. ,In order 1jo illustrate what can J. Grant and John Henry Smith re be accomplished here with bees, it is only necChoice of Three Distinct Routes, to state that a Nephi farmer last seacently in Garfield county. That is all essary son, shipped 8,700 pounds of line honey, and AND THIS is merely an adjunct to his farm. apiary right becauseit proves that the Church theThe wool industry of this locaWty, is one of MOST MAGNIFICENT RAILROAD; SCENERt authorities are a unit on the question. largest in Utah, and is such as to demand tire of two wealthy firms and lartre But now comes the funny part of the attention warehouses for the storing and handlinsr of business, and shown hnw eYr.rnt.mt.l ncrlv theA product. Tll fit TTlllAOl Aaot n tliA Alfif n A solicitous for right conduct the Trib the mouth.of Salt Creek Canyon, is a veritable Two Past Express Trains Daily of pure crystalized gypsum. Con- une can become when it suits its owr mountain venient to the quarry, is a, complete mill for ends and will benefit its political party grinding and refining the product which isKACH WAT BE1TWESK being continuously shipped to the intermoun'f it has one. Listen: tain states of the Pacific Coast, 300 tons last OGiDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. the outimt. being It will be seen iromjthe foregoing thet montn tsalt tJreek and north easterlv canyon Up when the Tribune criticised the about nine pure salt springs gush from or an apostie in tne cnurcn to nailing a high the mountainmiles, side, and by means of one oi the CHAIR GARS! office, or as a candidate to be" elected to most complete salt manufactories in the Uni ELEGANT RECUHIN6 the brine is cdnrerted into table, that omce, that it was right.and that it ted States, and packing salt that has but few equals unwittingly gave the view which most of dairy and no superiors in the world; The brine is the high officers of the Church of Jesus 35 cent, salt and the per Direct Connections made fn Union Depots. supply practically y latter-daChrist of Saints accept, as unlimited. In addition td the manufactured ; : . . '' TCaw--town- s " Satisfactorily v Sagacious, Sheep Men's .e Liberally h WALTR JAMES a to' lie iei r. f;to j.ro THE ,rol StandardGauge . V,:PI '..!! !prl .vtto mrr THE Trea ,iro (HOME PAPER) Advertising Patrons Solicited! (Y - I i r-- SSI IV He' "are: a It !aut ride QjMiOCTOf ( . TgE jiost THOROUGHLY EQTJIPPED C 1 1 1 two-year- - I e - 111. We iDIi :ap, Qun esti SAILWAI IN TEE WEST. tl It S. H. BABCOCK, General Manaer. Traffic Manager. FA. WAD LEIGH, Gen'l, Pass. Agent. D. C. DODGE, :onej Som We s LOCAL TIME CAUL) i 1 er-wor- ks ; . v rd ja $2. a year. Subscription i Self-righteousn- ' io; Laquacious. Overly Original,. ca contained an account of the applica tion of electricity to a railway locomo tlve that was equal in power to three team locomotives pulling against the nnp. mn verl bv the new force. The of that electrical accomplishments Inrnmorive were a revelation to tbe race, and proves that while the busy world nf humanitv eoes on with its routine labor of raising and dlstribut ing bread and other rood; wnne otners are raising cotton and wool and spin-in- g and weaving those products; while the merchants and money changers are intent on accumulating wealth; while thn rxjlitlcians are ''making Rome dees and howl" wiL'--i their tweedle dumes" of national policy, and while the small fry are busy hunting the spoils of petty office, there are men of large brains thinking out devices for the betterment of the race and harness: in?c nature's inexhaUstable forces to the car oi progress. Forty years ago electricity was a Itinerant exhibitors kind of toy. product, there are several mines or auarriec rigni. rock salt, the extent of which cannot be and complacency of went from town to town and entertain computed, a distributing point, Nephi recoemizes personified. ed the people by simple experiments io Whn, in the name of butAsone in Utah. It is the key to Cassar did the Tirbune evei utter a Southern superior electricity. Their stock in trade con Utah, and with the advantage of two out tp the east and south, word of protest during the last two railroads stretching sisted of small batteries, a lew wires furnishes, wlthoui question, the best point in for the establishment of manufactories and nther simple appliances including years of Apostolic stumping? Not in Utah wholesale and houses. a solitary instance. But now, when some laree magnets and toy machines The attractions of Nephi as a residerce are unique in their variety. It is situMoses Thatcher is nominated for U.' S. town, which hey ran with magnets. They ated on almost the highest portion of the di Ehowed how powder could be exploded vide that turns the flow of waters north intoSenator, and the morning Church Utah rivlake and south-wa- .1. - into the Sevier i J J organ re irs it win nave a bearing on er, uieuccuuwaru w me ocvier iiAe .uie ueau by the electric current, and how the Millord sea of Its County. altitude, gravelly machine a conld rim little Statethe election of the by magnets Legislature, soil and perfect drainage insure the best of in fact, the conditions are such, that steel Tribune! that the "discovers that uealth, points projected attracting suddenly but two cases of diptheria have occurred in from the rim of the drive wheel. They is church influence wrong. And why five years among a population of nearly 3,000. citizens are thrifty and progressive. The also endeavored to explain the dlfficul Because its wrong? party fs about to Its wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, tr in Bnnlyinix the electric force to cosey cottages, beautiful lawns and elegant get, it m tne necic just the same as modern publiclifebuildingsi, make of Nephi a economic uses, and said, if certain tne other par-- ' hes been getting, it place in which is a real luxury. a witu is suppuea system oi wat it difficulties could only De overcome, during two y ears. That which has flows the water from which complete along as one s distant some three miles up the . electricity would take Its place oeen all right during is now pure springs To the west about five miles, the canyon. of tbe world's forces. Twenty-fiv- e range is low, roinng'and of easy ac dangers that surfound those that are all wrong. The Tribune's hypocracy mountain rich pasturage. To and abounding with years thereafter saw those difficulties supplying the world with fuel, those vould.be pitiable were it not acoom cess, the east a couple or mues, the Nebo range gwept aside, and fifteen years more and a ubteranian passages and chambers paniea oy sucn an air or injured mno-- abrubtly rises, to the north east a few miles the top of Mt. Nebo rises into the regions of tb.3 engine above mentioned is a result. will be deserted and men be eternal snow, in cence. working Without exageration and without coloring, Could we look into the future a half the To reasons tw? "The of day and accomplishing the quote Tjibttne: the foregoing is a description of the lovely light ee&torv or so, we would doubtless be same results of Nephi. the Capital of Juab Countv in means not dreamed of are manifest; and, need not De elaborat citv by are found the mines of Tintic, the won which wizzard-likaccom- a half astounded at the ed Mr. der and admiration of the Great West. Be the Tribune, Certainly, upon." century ago. sides Tintic, the rich mines: of Fish Springs, a reasons no plishments of the electric force. ;; . are And there will be no fear of.eshaustmanifest why portion of Deep Uree and iothrr wealthy and In the presence of this new and sub-- ing" the force. So camps are situated in the Western Growing now is influence church desirable, as Solar heat just long of County. part juao file power we sense the presence of shall. warm the surface of and the results of the last election are the oceans, a directory of Nepal's business is Following something more than mortal; we can causing impalpable mist to arise: so all that Is needed in evidence. The hustlers: discern the workings of Infinite mind. ANDREWS fr CO., long as winds shall bear the treasures datermiaation to keep high church Dealers in Wool, Oratn etc. . Ever since the human family began of moisture so long as rains dignitaries off :the stump smacks of UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, landward; reasoning on natural law, they have nd snows descend, will man not lack a death-be- d renentance and as it l. K. l5ooth, Manager, t NEPHI HOUSE, been haunted by impending disaster. for were a silent reproach on the party Mrs. E. Golds orough, propr. and the warmth, necessary light Ever sfoce the spectres cope revealed force for further for A. W. PALMER, that now has an Apostle-nomine- e progress Wagon and : Carriage Shop. General the true condition of the sun - and Those TJ. S. Senator. The determination to in this age, dream of a that, proved that it is t vast burning globe time when the sun's fires may become do what manifestly just and right NEPHI LIVERY STABLEy come too to repatr the wrong has late J no. ;K. Downs propr. and that many elements familiiar to when the voices of winds and that has resultedl from h extinct; two UNJON of HOTEL, years ii lbedenizenof this waild are in a Mrs. C. R. Foote, propr; elements ma be hushed, and Vpostolic stumping on one side of the wairring of intense confligration on y and the streams and rivers G AZETTIT SALOON, clasped in the political fence. J. W, .Hartley, propr. tritbio the sun, astronomers have : been arms of eternal not read winter, M. aright McCUNE, speculating as to how long it would be the lessons of the past and present. It Bakery and Confectionary. A CARD. before those celestial fires would die needs not the McNALLY LUNT, of faith to .enable gift Druggists sun id a entand the revolve; space the careful student of. the COOPER PYPER &CO. and hel next weeks other blackened, fissured mass, while around present to sense the presence past four Dealers in Hardware, Tinners afl PlumbDuJing of Infi . ers. Ilia dead body the retinue of worlds and Intelligent Power. The lamp employment will prevent the wflter GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON,! nite Ne-phthat, now glow With .warmth and life of reaeon Blackettiftros. Proprs. Deal MS- - in' Wines, to teach meu the trend from spending very much thne in ought dark-fceLiquors elc. would sweep ou ward amid the However The Blade will not-bof the past, present and future. M.P.KONG, and silence of endless night. Cabinet and Coffin Maker. forgo tteri and as much ed i torial matter Others have speculated on the probwill be furnisped each week as circum OSTLER & ALLEN, Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles ORVI1V L. THOMPSON.. able lapse of time before the earth, stances will permit. and dealers in aU kinds of horse furnishing r.. In the mean tittle E. H. FulveT Will A. goods. impeded as it is believed to bef by the V.HAGUE, of The Blade, and jesisthrc force of etherous matter prehave Bntche'r. Tbe BiApis is a believer In fifing we entire charge M. W. sent in space, would ' approach nearer STOUT, bespeak for him the same courteous SHoes. of Boots' to "honor whom is honor Repairer in and dile," And hearer to the sun until yielding to treatment that has uniformly accorcfed CHAS. FOOTE k SONSand " !he p6wer of gravity, the earth would pursuance of fhat'belief, we desife to to the writer, Dealers in General Merchandise. NEPHI COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE INinto the sun resulting in' the say tor "the Itepdblicans of Millard Very truly J. F, Giubs. prince STITUTION. fx structiou' of ell life and T.H1. G. Parke; Supt. the "wreck- - county that they hate made' a wise t.i worlds." Still other pessimistic chpice in the selection of Orvir Ij. W. PETTEGREW, An exchange remarks it is unpleas f, Manuractur of anadealer in HjrrneaB, Scientists have speculated on the protn Thompson of Sclpio asr thir nominee to ant to learn tnat tnere is not more s and Saddles, supplies. them in Hous8' tire of the than half a crop" of hops in the north JNO. fcblo exhaustion of the coal measures, represent Dealer in General and green Groceries. fcnd haree looked forward to' the time vtmtihg State legislature. Mr. Thomp- west. The BtiADE predicts, though, BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, ORD son man tea whose interest in Millard whe'a-tbfuel- that dame nature so Dealers in Clothing- anaXieht'sfurnishings. to a beef will many try up date:? from his childhood. His that great : & county OSTLER OCK.BY, r stored her in capaci-6usaway providently . under itbroad-minde- d Butchers. , nature one that i ' bosom during-- the distant - ages- of is 3. j , , f H.H.HAWKINS, looking beyond the narrow In the hiirry, of makings uri; the fof-mBoarding house and Kiestaurant.ifoe'past Would hate'disapBared irr the napable-ohorizonof C. OSTLER; self M. and selfish i J. interests,ahd last week an' error In the heading of or oi' o f carbon c ga, and the h urn a n r ana bhoe maker.iioot for the good of all. He is a the leading editorial; was family would sit shivering around the workiDg Hj THILL A COMPANY, . MerCHttnt Tailors. iaist dying embers waiting for the iCy gen tleman of public spirit aud , liberal it read "a dastatory attempt at de FRANCIS Ideas is SELLS, and a close student of men and iand' of death to end their , wretched Furniture and undertaking; ception." It sltoulff have reatr a das Mr. policies. has inThompson' earned line' BIRCHALL& OSTLER, etc.-with elistance.- Another fear, tardly the position to which his party has Uiotnmg aeaiers. rW others,- - has-alscbnTe,- ?pectre-likSALT MANUFACTURING dd.NEBO called The him, and B'lde- has ho THE NEW MILLjARD CANAL. A. Cazler, Supt. fo' trouble the scientists. There' is' undoubt of hia electioh. EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO'.; deniable' evidence' that during the Dealers in General MetcHrfndlse.' James W Paiman, Supt; period, the' atmosphere was bo On Tuesday iast, the workers .fof the PEXTON A CHASE, Dr.WalkeTf"bf New York,--! pro- new canal held another. with carbonic' acid gas that in Fill jiiacKsmitning. meeting could not hae' existed. poses to found a colony of Women who more. Progress is iu X3?33 bui not lKNOJ?1Lf Wrights. being. made ...... . The poison was slowly absorbed by a' will bind themselves to' a life of celias or enterinc ? the . HYDE wntTii ore. importance debse growth of vegetation,- arid buried' bacy. , She evidently dr"cams of an'Eden prise General Merchandise. success4 of .that aeserv63. The m: the f orai of stone coal. from the sacred ton of GEORGE which HARDY, precintts Every enterprise would Millard to the Boot ana shoe Maker. of coal that i3 consumed gives back to Adam is forever" banished. .That may front as one of theputchief agricultural THOS. BELLISTON, ha at mosphere a certain- amount o be practicable, but how does the lady aud stock raising counties' irr Agt. M.t. Pleasant iiarbie- - Worker tTtah. - toBOOTH-,' . BIRD thef icss poisonous arra proposeThe people dower there' hu-t- lir witWir serpent?' kepaut In effect, Dec, 16, 1894. Train arrive and depart at various Btatloni daily as follows : South-bop'nBtations. Leave - Leave Arr. Arr. 8.30 an; 2.00 ... 8.08 pm 5.45 pw Ogden 9.30 am 3. 10 am(... am At Salt Lv 7.00 om 4.4S pi 7.15 am Lv f Lake I Ar 4.3ft pflj 7.41 am 4.05 pm 9.12 aird ....Satidy... Fairfield . 2.26 pltf am . . Eureka. . .12.45 pm 8. 1 5 am . . Lehi J unct . S.ftO pm 8.25 am Amer'n Fork 8.20 pm 8.32 am Grdve 3.13 ptrf 8.55 am ....Provo,... 2.50 ptri 0.14 am Fork 2.S2 pm 9.82 am Spanish .. . Payaon . . . 2.17 pltf 10.a5 am 5 pm ....Nephi.... 11.15 am Ar i Lvl2.45 pto 11.35 am Lv j Ju ab f Ar 12.30 pra 1.05 pm tieamintoN 10.55 am 3.05 pm ... Oasis 9.25 am 4.50 pm CWrLake 8.37 am 7.10 am Art Mil' (Lv 6:3ft pm 7.50 am Lv ford f Ar 6. 5 pin 9.40pm ....Frisco r... 4.00am Arrive Leave Trains sonh at JnaK rtru daily txtzpr Sv d. North-bonnd.- !o'sIni i to :t wl ;e Ie ' ery !ilted '- i ' the: p : 11-0- Is all It takes for a Year's I 5 4 Subscription to " " - Dple. Ileat sir u i . Two through train dftilv frnm Lake to aU oolnts East. I oentl; bet; irtli ' omen cy-d- Rail' fHish re tbi t-- ;olei ? E. WICK INS 1 A Di-E- . - ti-n- tent, s. Al :tien Nephi. e - Black-smithinj ! . con-flitio- i ' The S. II. H. Clark, Oliver W, Mink, E. Ellery Anderson, John VTi Doane, eflertrk K. Coudert, is-so- ; L ectjat sala j rse Hfceitertr?' . of ' X . I k ,a Burl y, 'l Art Pafisr. Dept.,CitV TiCKeit Oft1f lUalri Mt , S. It T iV B. Di LoiUr. Oen'i Passprr. atid. Ticket Agrt. , ,.3 e SaKV Uwn-i-Throucrb Pullman Pm.1h. Lake to CbW-awithout Chaoee rounst sleepers: iiuproveu Free R.ellnimr Chair oslvh Eleirant day concbfM. The onlylhre operatiusr dlnluur car aerrice, The Sbortt'M AEd fafot lino tit alt . olnli' m ; ;men' 1 a ATS -- ; Breezily Brilliant, Winningly c BCza , J the I verly lcss . i. i i ; "c-l- ty i iaer," ss U he ( K jus j Mot l iSANPETE VALLEY ! : . i . - Sheep-Men'- - e uEea lie ) agen' -- t of 'ectlor t tracl TIME TABLE SO 11. EffectiVi- - VhufSday, Atlgust 1st, 1095. -- - . No. ' ' ,11.20ik- - i- 4i.ti - H'. 2t' 23? d. , ; 10.55a - over-looKe- 1 . aiaW- Daily - s - . 2 38. d B p9,0 23.2 T.v: ,?-5?- - o' i?-- t I.4cp' - I . Mhnt' Hollowfcy Dfapef. ; dW8ter' Ephraim Ar; Mafati DUt. from No. 21 Dailf lO.lOi1' : buntaltt Greett' P 8.0 I-- e, - SaHrSltira ; - - track - . ... Ire South - - aco '! - North;- t a bet ! RAILWAY ; i low 'ti Portan SO 10.0. M.O &.b 27.0 : 35.0 IjvL 43.d 3 is Er 9.fx" 9.42' , 9.23k . 8.40V . TtfK - matt ;ioa i3 - coal-formi- . nj" - iur-cbarar- ed man-being- M-ar-v Tralris leaVe Miinti for Sterlinflr.Fttnk's Lai and Morrison aV2 :5d p. t&.i tfbn&kj Wediies day's and' Friday's: Rdturnlng arrite Manll at 5125 p.m. Why Direct" cbnnecttbhs- - s T , - , - d gases-abtsorbed- ! . . - N oi1 1 , ' at jeplil' with' Padific" Railway from and io Salt Lake qtyj , Ogdea, Butte and" internlfcdiate otkihilttii ' prfinte liasiandWesW SlotJ 'on Rlgnal. rnEobbiiEBEtlBAcil;-- Pres. & GenM : M .:atiy ';trJ- ? t is t,. " ; Mabasrer;.,-.,- Bait Lake -- . Uifio'1 . II. 8. Ke&s; . uuy. "a .19' |