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Show toumn. Our Stockralsers' ! conttntia Tn Bladbrandwill'under In etch nnab at yearly contract i ',.The advantage to the stockralser of famil iarlztng the publio with his brand and marl; are to well known to need attention. It ! wi tke stockman as valuable & an advertlem "t publish AOmtnal price. U to the merchant. horses mn i Near .ilng to Horseflesh Shipped Europe Peculiar Industry Now f RAtfGE: I little Method of KiUing Murder. 'elbj ' FOOD. FOREIGN CONSULS HAVE THEIR EYES OPE Cliicago Clias. F. tracks. Another man with a sharp knife slits his throat, and he is ready for the 'skinner. In a few moments his hide Is joff, the knife and cleaver soon dismember him, and he Is then food for human beings. As the quarters hang upon the hooks they are not distinguishable from those of beef, arid undoubtedly pass for such in more than one butcher's shop, particularly in the poorer sections of the town, although the city authorities deny that any of the meat comes In here. Martin himself also denies this, but there are grave doubts on the subject. ! -- Short of ' ' . HE ! u'p Lower SeTler and Sink of Beaver. . Addreaa : Utah. Ouls, SLiAUGHTER-in- g of horses tor is food now a recognized MILLINERY IN PARIS. Chicago industry, and the authorities Wlnt er Hats That Americans Are Buy- have shown no dislug In Midsummer. interto to buy our winter position 'We went fere with iL In hats before coming home," writes an the city American girl in Paris, "for, mindful fact, health department of then: American clientele, the modof Chicago says istes now show their winter fashions a horse meat, from sanitary point of in midsummer. Some of them are perview, is superior to that of beef for the fectly lovely. All of the large ones are reason that horses do not have tuber- in Marie Antoinette" style, very big, culosis. There is a horse slaughter with crown gathered on, with lots of house at Hammond, Ind., and several shirring and Strauss diamonds in the in that vicinity, and there is also one way of buckles and buttons. In fact, here, the most extensive of the lot, there seems to be a regular epidemic on the Archer road and Fifty-secon- d of buttons, which are sewed on hats street, writes a Chicago correspondent. and gowns without any apparent rai- The main cause of complaint against son d'etre whatever. Small hats all the Archer road abattoir is that then seem to be of the Louis XV. type. horses slaughtered there are broken-dow- Madge got one that was awfully be and emaciated animals, and many coming. lt is of bright green velvet. of them are said to be afflicted with With aj very small, crown and disease. Comparatively little of this rolled brim, like the high beavers of Beau meat is sold here, the bulk of it going Brummel and his friends. This is to Europe, and, as a consequence, the edged with astrachan, and the crown consuls representing Germany, Bel- had a high nodding princess feather gium and France have made complaint on either side fastened with 'diamond' to the state department. buckles. The ' slaughter house out on Archer "Thej everlasting paillettes are as street is a den of horrors, foul and much to the fore as and sweet litThe very atmosphere can tle bonnets are madeever, or of velvet breed nothing but disease, and even covered with patterns of these cloth, shining though the meat were sweet after kill- little spangles. I bought one that was ing it could not remain so amid such a perfect dear. It has a frame of fur, surroundings any length of time. There with a tiny embroidered crown of is practically no attempt at cleanliness, white cloth drawn up into the and the odors that arise from the place of a bjutterfly in front, with a shape are beyond the powers of deflnition.The aigrette stuck up in the center. whie Butvictims are invariably ringboned, spav- terflies seem to be 'the favorite ornained, decrepit in every way, weak from ments just now, and are used in jet, hunger or disease. From this inferno paillettes, embroidery and painted on are sent out barrels of meat for the quills. I saw a very pretty hat at people of Belgium, Antwerp, Paris and jVirOt's, made of black quills painted other cities of the continent. As the jas iridescent green butterflies. The slaughter house is located just outside jcrown was "of green ribbon bunched on the city limits of Chicago the .city au- one side with the quills and the brim thorities can do nothing.even were they was of black velvet arranged like , a so inclined, while there is nO state law toque. Then there are lots of velvet on the matter that can be invoked in toques of all colors drawn up in gathers prevention of the business. Only the and various shapes, and trimmed with government of the- United States can feathers. Everything that is really interfere. Richard Martin is the pro- desirable, however, is frightfully exprietor of this inferno, but being wise pensive, and you will laugh when I tell in his generation has not gone into this you that instead of spending my allowgrewsome business without taking le- ance here I have decided that I shall do gal counsel and counting the cost. He better to bring it back and buy most is as secure from the operation of the of my clothes at home, especially 'as I law as though his slaughter house were now know exactly what I should like to located in Russia or Persia. It has not have." been shown that he 'has ever sold any of his meat in Chicago, although it is Old English Coal Records. believed much of it is eaten there, and There is a record, dated 852, of the resellwhile there are laws against the of twelve cartloads of fossil Qoal ing of diseased cattle, horses are not ceipt at the abbey of Peterborough, and this cattle within the meaning of the law. was, eatassuredly, not the first case of There is no law against killing and ing horses, nor against selling horse production and delivery, The deeds of the bishopric of Durmeat if it be not fraudulently repreham contain records of grants of land sented as something else. to colliers as far back as 1180 in various Martin's packing establishment is of the county. In the year 1239 a parts located on the open prairie, and conwas granted by Henry III to charter sists of two large unpainted buildings the freemen of Newcastle-on-Tyn- e to and several sheds. One of the large coal in fields the to the belonging buildings is used as a stable and the dig was and or in it about this tastle, year staother is the abattoir proper.- The ble is, not used for the care and com- that coal was first sent to London. Very fort of . the animals that are to be 4arly in the f ourteenth century evidence slaughtered. They simply lie or stand abounds of a large consumption of coal around until death claims them. There by smiths, brewers, and others. Althe smoke nuisance appeared and iff no danger of their getting away. aready of Edward I levied fines to commission Many of them cannot" stand, and runit. ning would be an exercise far beyond prevent Another charter or license was grantretheir powers. Death is a welcome ed to of Newcastle in Edfreemen the lief to most, if not all, of them, and ' to ward time work coal within the Ill's never a whimper nor a whinny i3 town and in the walls; herd. One hundred horses per week began to be worked at year 1367in coal Winlaton, the are slaughtered here, and Martin buys where Stephen-go- n neighborhood George them for $1, $2 or $3 each, the majority was to evolve 400 the locomotive of the purchases being made at auclater while a himself at worker years tion. Huddled together in a corral, coal All Year the the Round. pits. these miserable creatures await the sharp blade of the axe that puts an end FLOTSAM. to their sufferings: forever. The meat is packed in barrels and then sent beA Maine paper has suspended yond the sea. . A more uninteresting for two weeks to give Its em place than this, slaughter house, cannot ployes a vacation. be .imagined. It is simply a long, low, j Two men and three New Haven y 100 feet In (Conn.) n shanty, nearly boys killed ' copper length and about 40 feet in width, head snakes the other day. divided Into two! rooms by a light About half of the towns in Rhode wooden partition. In one of these sland have asked to be included in rooms, the one. to the west, the horses the provisions of the good roads; law, are killed, skinned, dismembered and passed last January, permitting the use not is an It up. aparthung Inviting of $30,000 for good roads, ment but, on the contrary, Is one calStaid old Me., has been culated to. destroy a man's appetite for- shocked and Lewiston, scandalized during the ever, so far as eating meat Is con- past week so by a bloomer girl who cerned." The floor is V slippery with mokes a cigar while ridlng her bicycle blood, while all around lie parts of ani- about the streets of the town, mals that have been slain awaiting the On the average,' and taking England; hanging-u- p process. In the center is a and Wales, one person in 73 is a rack on which are constantly hanging one in 76 a Jones, one in 115 aSmith, Will-jam- s, innumerable Quarters of horse meat, one in 148 a Taylor, one In 162 with portions of equine skeletons dis- a Davies and one in 174 a Brown. posed everywhere. The actual slaughare disappearing from Canadian ter of the horses is little short of ab- asFish well as American waters in consesolute murder. An Incline leading from of the rfact that fish weighing the outside runs Into the shed, the floor quence a quarter of a pound are of which is fully three feet higher than less than in fine nets and marketed. the ground, and the victim walks" upon seined out is included in the list this until he is well inside. He then of English innow the examination for adsubjects passes under a railed platform of the mission to great military schools crudest, nature, consisting of a few in France. the German has been Hitherto scantling and boards enough to make the only foreign language necessary, a sure footing for the ; feet, whereon man Lowell A business told his chil 6tand3 the executioner, a brutal, lowdren he would give them $3 if they browed, unemotional man, who swings would put a lot of wood Into the cellar. & sharp, heavy axe with skill, precision They sublet the Job to other children and force. for $1.50 and watched them work with As the horse approaches this pl&t satisfaction. great form a small blanket, or sometimes a The peanut crop is likely to be a gunnysack, is thrown over his eyes to ittle short this year. Tennessee' will prevent his seeing the axe, and as he probably produce average crop, but caches a point immediately under the ia uoxn Virginia an and North Carolina caan with the weapon the latter, comes ne acreage in peanuts is 10 to 15 ner flown upon his forehead with a crash, cent less than last year. tae blade sinking deep into his brain. There Is no need for a second blow, for The school rhIMren nf riaxTrari ike first is sure and deadly, and the have, by vote, selected the peach bloseor, starved animal falls dead In his som as the floral emblem of the state- - human 1"" THE OLD bicyle rdadway along .erie canal; from New York to Niagara Millionaires Improving the River Road Started for the and Subscription Canal Path, A Run LANS are being made for the construction of a bicycle path from Albany to Buffalo along the line of the Erie canal, us- ' ' ing the to-d- ay Dpper silt in right, under slit la left ear. Range :Crioket and Mountains Deseret, Utah. Addresa, j Jos Dewsne fl? Under slit J i right, under all in left ear. Range : Crlek Mountain Lower Sevier. Deaeret, Utah Addreaa, Jolin w f SMtU Y Horse Grower and Deai ! RANGE? Honw Mountaip ani Lower vier. Oasis, Utah. Address, urerson Brci Breeders tri dealers in Short born Durham Horses brand 3n let thigh. Cattle-Up- per slope I each ear. Rangr Sevier rivet i ri .i n iiMii'r ana moaDuiai between Wills' station on the U. P. Ry and Leatn ington. AddreaH, Leamington, Millard Co., Utah im ' p iii jParley Alirtfl Horses same brand on left jthlgh. Cattle-cl- ose crop in left i ' "7 r " and slit in rigat ear. Range, Sevier. Lower Des- Address, ret, Ctah. Willow Springs. . Address, F. J. KeariBT. Flak Springs, 1- - Juab County. Utam. double swallow fork In left Range, Lower Sevier. Address 4 - CMs. Hioiiisa Oasis, Millard Ool Utah. Maik, silt hi right and two tilts In eft ear. flame brand fT left shoulder on horses P. N. Petersen, Address, Oasis UUh, Range, Lw ex Sevier. Same left on Horses. thigh Upper slope and one under slit in left ear, and two under slits In right ear. RANGE :Oa Creek. Sims Walker irirTT Address, Oak City, Utah. O. S. MABTI2ST, SALT LAKE. : omen Goneral Gnmm Dealer In ' VEGETABLES, BUTTER, jFRUlTS, l;4 Eggs, Poultry, Game, Yeal Fork an4 Beef, 8moked and Fresh Fish, t V Jlour, Hay and Grain. ' r ' It will pay you to ship your goods to sno. I efcarge 10 per eenk for handling and remit as oon as roods are sold. Can give first-claoountcr references if desired, . ! . i -- ss W.Q M STEWARD, . I BS W. omcEt Hand Sample! BOX-:- 1 3, ..... . , . .. .. .. . ' , . $1.00 ....... . . . . . 1.00 ......... ........ 1.00 'Copper Aisay Bottle Samplei ...... ...... 3,00 Iron Assay . L Frank (Ltf D. Hobbs, Land h.tpif'fr L'. S. Office.) Land and . Mining Attorney. Corresr0151 nce solicited. Twenty three year?' experience. - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, BIRD Ss : . pub-icati- one-stor- fifty-seve- ; , j ir t 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY P. O. - ill-smelli- ng. - L on left thlzkf tame brand on lefl hip of cattle. Basse ' I j LOWE, end Ajgents & Attorneys, tow-pat- f j j h well-beate- n that will soon be abandoned electric is In traction New York World. when stalled, says the The scheme! originated in the fertile brain of Frank W. Hawley, promoter of the many Niagara electric companies, soon after he caught the bicycle mania in ltd most intense form. Mr. . ' Hawley has la country place at Pitts-for- d through which the canal runs. He found the tow-pat- h an excellent place on which to ride, barring a few unexpected dives! into the water while learning. Thej Catajract General Electric company, forwhich he obtained the exclusive right to operate electric traction on the canal, intends to have its wires up soon and the pata will be little used then. , "The rising generation are on wheels," said Mr. Hawley. at the Lawyers' club, "and so are a; j ; KniQ, LAND and MINHjq Attorney at - Law. - Rooms 4 and 5 Eagle .Block, SALT LAKK CITY, -- . good many of the present one. Now, there is the old tow-patIt isn't goto be use of much in its present con-ing Bid ti. Collections Promptly Att ; Office, First National ' UTAI1. FRANK WHITEHEAD Bl. hank rnovo, ! I UT4JS Professor of Will give lessr-n- on Piano, Orpao Vf to., and teacb lionds at lowest prices ' reasonable terms. For further particulars, gddress s Ho for Detroit,; Fish Springs, Gold Hili u ! FRANK WHITEHEAD, and'lbapahl - HINCKLEY, - Tk O&sls and Flah Springs stage lean 8 a.: m., each Honda? 3 0 asis and Ibapah at and Thursday, and arrrres at terminal point! within 62 hours. I . Oasis to Detroit, " - - S3.00 6.00 Fish Springs, Gold Hill and Ipabah. -- J one-ha- lf X,? COPYRIGHTS CAN F. DAVIS, Proprietor, Gardner, 'is 'js! - WATCHMAKER, NEPHI, UTAH. Watches and jewelry promptly paired. Mail orders solicited. V PATENT I OBTAINan Ahonest answer, ? tor and opinion writirr Brompt who have had nearly flf CO., experience In the patent business. Command ttona strictif confidential. A Handbook formation concerning Patents and bow tonf" Bent free. Also a them tain ol mecaao. leal and scientific books sentcatalogue frA Patents taken through Mnnn & Co notice In the Scientific Amei-icnTispecialare thus h nKniHa broueht widelr -.befnm nut. mt tn tins fnTonfni. jTi" ""Q. rrht. .mo PPH IJUltl issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, tS ha,byfi th! of ecientiflc largest circulation a year. Sample copies isent frS S3 worlds wi B year. gtnirW Buildintr Edition, tnonthlv. copies, a cents. Every number contalne beau! tn tiful plates, colors, and photographs houses, with plans, enabling: builders to shoVth. desifms and secure contracts. latest MUNN & CO New Vork. "''U p.,oS., . G A. ,r.y u its vrLjz. 7.5C Fare for transportation out and return CM fares. Address, and 1 re- ' st h. v dition, and it would make tue finest stretch of road in the country for bicycling. Besides, nothing Would ultimately prove of greater benefit to the state's waterways than to permit the construction of cycle paths over every road of canal lands. People opposed to the Improvement of our canal are largely residents of sections1 removed from Its line, and little conversant with its needs or commercial value. The bicycle path would make them acquainted with the interior waterways. "The first thing necessary is to secure the permission of the superintendent of public works for the improvement. Then the many bicycle associations of ;the state should unite to raise fun.s and build the path. Its construction need not be costly, as the is in excellent shape. present tow-pat- h To start the financial part of the pro gramme I will! subscribe $1, and I am sure there are a number of other men in the state who will do the same. "Such a path," continued. Mr. Hawley, "would tend directly to the improvement of roads throughout thfl F ATS"S03ST, constructed. I do not urge this as a favor, but as a right. "Our thousands of wheelmen, increasing every day in numbers, are entitled to it, not as mere convenience, but as a Already the bicycles outnecessity. number carriages on country roads. The silent steed is here to stay, and being indorsed by so large a proportion of the population, its needs must be de ferred to and its wants respected." The construction of the canal path would form a fine road for bicycles ff Om New York to Buffalo, 440 miles long. Starting from this city, the Boulevard leads to old Kingsbridge road, and then the Hudson river is followed all the way to Albany. This old stage-coac- h line, opened in 1660, has been placed in fine condition as far as Poughkeepsie by the many wealthy New Yorkers who have built magnificent country places along it. The bed is solid macadam, and in many places the steep grades have been cut down. From Poughkeepsie to Albany a bicycle path is to be constructed. John Jacob Astor although himself not a rider, has become interested in the plan, and headed the subscription list, followed by Governor Morton Dumont Clarke, the estate of W. B. Dinsmore and many other residents along the Hudson. Principally by private subscription thatj part of the road will be placed in fine condition for bicycle ridj . - ... XJTT? MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF ho AS. ;in f Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips. Nose Bags, Collar Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. ' Wholesale and Retail. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. so ;he to :be rha ' !de, Lii Our goods have been extensively used in Peseret and vicinity, and given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. HEATED BY STEAM. no htTi tha ELEOTRIO CALL DELLl I tie set wo Me ey ;na: Ch 1' L. HOLBROOK, ; highways worthy of New York. Along the line of all main roads and those, hereafter built cycle paths should be I and Harness Saddlery GEO. W. WILLIAMS, state. It would be the entering wedgo towards the construction ' of public of Prop. He too : out .the Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle & Mining Ik UTAH. f he. .set IPK-OVO- . THREE cfioi i mm baking-- Leads All the Rest- noc 1 mir r offe - jou J AWARDS. Support shll mac sett Home' State Fair 1894, Medal. fhej Gold mor shai Industrie Veni Three Cream Baking Powder Gold I b( and 1 r and '. j I "4 Medals. Ado i Keep ' f 'mfttr nwee J TTrREt THrra Superior Quality Flavoring "i The; does hone Your 'f r :seth Extracts Gold Medal. j "1 Money 3 cab.' ing. 1 From Tonawanda, on the outskirts of Best and Buffalo, to Niagara Falls one of th e finest paths in the country has already Suality of The canal ends et Soda Water. been constructed. h riders could Tonawanda, and. continue on to Niagara Falls, thus making one of the finest trips in the worltf. -- at I Home. tow-pat- "A any tor e m, I Th bf t eons amo: ?ta!t A; New Tipple. j : SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. on G. W. PARKS, f . Jno Dew smp S AMUEL A. TOW-PAT- H. , blac MANUFACTURED BY A popular tipple at fashionable clubs and elsewhere is tea and champagnn. The tea Is made in the usual way and ice put in it in a large pitcher, into CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . . which a pint of champagne is plunged. It is then poured into glasses and is Spices Pure and Ground Daily. eaid to be one of the best hot weather drinks ever gotten up. Chauncey to said have is it from, the got Depew it into prince of Wales and introduced ' this country.! ilerii lrot: close BOX ; i JOSEPH A. LYMAN General Merchandise, -- ,' 7 Called Down.' j j He was saying all sorts of soft things to her. "Sir!" she exclaimed, with sudden indignation, "Oh, I beg your pardon," he replied, hastily, "I meant nothing by" "That's just, what I don't like, sir. What I want to hear is something you ' mean." i f. . Has a full line And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down. Either for Cash or Produce at cost. i any particular time? , Mr. Scribbler (who writes) Yes, it about tea Usually comes with the bills, ' first of the month. Life fere rlui "T "B certi i I "1" ters ctt. I Trarelers and Sheepmen will find me raoolied with Th ,ot "I i SAY, -- GRAIN -- AND - STABLlNC .' Herteuh price paid for Hides and Pelts. Don't forget ; Inspiration She Does Inspiration come to you at of- - imb man rooa -- ash ; JOSEPH OAK CITY, MILLAKD COUNTY, LYMAN, j . . JJ7$ "ve'v |