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Show 4 6; CHEA.M OF OU since. Word came that it was in the office, the voan? man looked dazed and did not want to fetch it, the word was litce a northern blast upon the lilly at bis aide, her head bowed down and wit h quivering lips she sat to resist the sudden onslaught upon love and hope. Then, as if the cloud ha passed, and the sunshine of womanhood had dawned upon her, she gradually rose and with tender dignity fixed her dewy eyes upon her be I'm glad your trothed, and said , EXCHANGES JUAB'S PRPSPEROUS SETTLE AlENTS. Vs. Everyone CLEARAtt Levan. lis OR UAL Territorial News. Culled and Thrifty and Progressive Condensed 'for Blade Headers. Citizens. Salina canyon is over-ru- n One of the mo3t pleasant outings the with monstrous bUck crickets the sort which writer has taken for a long tinu was that Anything about fephj, of last Sunday in ai eleven mile . drive JnaJesomudi trouble or oM settlers in Is Now Q'n, and to ready fdr over to Levan. James Jenkins was listed pioneer days, They may take it into for that place as a home missionary and Knows that their heads to march dotv-- i into the s offering aain. Saiina Pres3. kindly took THE BUDq-ma- n along. e 'Levan presents one of the most rem "The BLADE" Mount Pleasant Pyramid. In rcrard Bargains round-about a Hod had lessons in the economical and object misty, goinrr,'' lo the wooly apis which was mention d mild young missionary snide upon his successful use of water for irrigation to 'aH wenk, it mustn't bu looked unon as and sort Is its leading paper, be found in titan. The writer in tervieW fice, "yes.'' ac-In- ed Insignificant by any me.ins. Feeding, two hours tim- o'hicougiied of the citizens who are best for several n?w futu"e plans J It does, noon thii s.tp of th tree, it is! tion were being mad.', and the lilly had informed as to the water supply, and after H B B r.ct ion ;j in killing it entir.-lyIn winter taken Will root u do u the stern realty carefully figuring,- it may be safely put at r irm-cthe an the mots of life. And 'KiJ" will be either in color 3G5 not mor to cubic than avas inches an This ready Interest of th:- trees, camin znm liis. start for h;s fi d of labor tomorrow, tak erage How during the irrigating season. You? k'very posstbl- - effort should b mane to e we b?st If the him w:t'i j mistake possi-the rule in Colorado ing exterminate this p.?st, as it is more ble. faith in God and a jaipmnt of the is a continuousnot,flow of one "The BLADE" for the ne.vt three knowledge cubic inch Snoes, Gloved months will be harvest numbers. harmful th in the Hosery, Underware,' Kin- - moth a.id thof acre season. the principles per will It a be With time of 3gS during in Gip'i. "bringing tvoru. the sheaves" for advertisers. Brother " la wyer '' Davis of Fillmore inches, the Levan farmers till 2030 acres It Dress and Fancy Shirts, etc. will more reach than 6,000 readThe .rt hotly of a named met with an accident here yesterdaj- - by of farms and orchords; and last year some ers, 1,060 odd families of the prosperous middle classes, who tieortje Cribs wns founo oin. iv: week-thre- e which his shoulder was dislocated. He harvested 30,000 bushels of grain and will be thinking about their fall was f load of ked stac at Woods' ::iles eggs about, 1,200 to 1,500 tons of alfalfa, i. The man gdtingi purchases. The threshers are at work: about and took his Horses up the side besides potatoes, garden truck and any lor s to be insine stor-3i!;;, ' was ppo-t-the first of September farmers n and l)iie JuSo-iwill sell their grain and will hare un:l.r fome h illu walk, north, to water. In attempting to quantity of fine frait. This season the cross a dilapidated foot bi idg e, one of the yield of grain will be mination Ion to t 'i ' i:1 ounia: money if not to burn, at least to a:id , nearly 40,000 bush- spend, and that's more to the purtbe cnrii.ir'n j u ry sin! o f s';lf7;it:Oll n horses ju m ped and the o hi els. There are no trees looking dry and1 pose. ?hir-tTell what yon have to sell, and tell II i - liii tO 111 r le'Oi i(ientihi-down, with the reult named. "hungry'' for water, but everything1 your prices through the columns s the m in two Sidney Teeples, George N ixon and othr;e i 5a rna , Ul liC 11LADE. (except the inhabitants) looks green and M ll out and sent thrifty. The orchards are fairly loaded vn were ers cot tiie limb straighretn-boys nam i iiad.y and lini;! h him into Fillmore with ll. G. Lambert o with fruit. The way the farmers manage ec us n rd r n r n l cm H 1. . il'. Deseret News. th" to produce such remarkable results with yon Mar. Gur O. mutual friend A. Bates, th such a small water supply, is found in aOn. ci.i woe I: I; w THE oi .lay pedegogue, called uoon us yesterday with summer fallowing and thorough cultiva-'ion- . i til :.i dtivi' .Iff v o v e r an invitation to go rabbit" hunting. B Nineteen so Bishop Mil i "o I. .j; i,, ,j v. i.t irienti--- . t oe you :i i considerable of a nimrod, we borrow- Rasmusson says, years ago, ing j rm ' t ii'fflliulB only 7,000 bu?hels of Oiaa who oniy i few .JMMM a nwir-iiMM had the ed the bishoo's rifle and invest. d in a box was raided with same '11 the stream of No. grain reat of a derrie'rC Our friend was 'ed clean citridges. V"e rode down to the armed. that is being ko carefully utilized at the RAILWAY! hotinrouh hi body. Hi-- , r.i recovery on below town and "blazed away'' for n resent time, and shows what system 'l ahnoifc as a icie. it a b o u four hours, by which time we had and will do in use of the i one economy the i it k that cruel eri dozen eautrbt bagged saj,e hen and just ra obits The fluid. shot thesage-heturn in it ;:,.nit rraso. r.ne irrigating tije iarire and - of tin professor Many line residences are beinp' erected iaoits, in Oiianee wrrt prongs ?.;ruc-- him in the back. piercing m hp. I wa; very tired and eometninir and home improvements are I'he a n g and b: 'o kin ' a rib on in oppo- - was wrong with my the rule. whici The lip on arriving cartridges, j a, people are intelligent and progresstown wherp itosideof hi-- body. The uni rtunate as proved ia a dry goods box and hit it. The ive, and hospitable. If friend at iiiea Jenkins .Vounsj mi:i sank down unconscious and next time I go hunting I will take a and the writer bad all the to it was thought by those present that lie good things scythe. eat were that we could Choice of Three Distinct Routes. offered, take a rtould tefore ke Could be removed Sara Piiim. rest for several months and live on the to the hou-iHoiden, Aug. 13th, ISO.). Idders forthwith AND THE fat of the land ; as it is, we are indebted to him ; he seemed to almost in;., to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manglesou and MOST MAGNIFICENT RAILROAD SCEERt Purely Political. mediately revive and no;v declares that 1 r orrl 1, f n 7 iio. it the time he heard and felt the pieces of ju.icuii x rancom lor two as .tucni. iu;uui i u is mat tne 'nsjv good meals as are served by the best Salt the broken rib reunite. lie has practi- Republicans and Damocaats have com- Lake hostilleries. promised on Montie Wh tmore and G. cally su fered no pain since from the Two Fast Express Trains Daii? Enquiries were made relative to the new wound and hs been able to sleep W. McCtine as and assistant. comfortably every nifrht since the acci- Those young gentlemen have heard of mining excitement up Little Salt EACH WAY BETWEEN and it is learned that copper, dent. His recovery ha3 been so steady the success of the Salt Lake md rapid uj to be a marvel to his friends. and are deierminea to emulate him. It gold and silver ore is plentiful in the CGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. mountains east and south of Levan- But kji uic xijetropoiican canine Today he would be on the farm perform-in- t is found in the form of his usuai labors, but at the earnest catcher that, in his rounds, he discovered WK DKFV COMPETION pockets, and ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR CAR CTWE WANT TO SKE be lie metals a in a SI of the feminine dog of friends he went to Logan conglomerate of quar- gender and prospeclast week for a short respite iro:n the tive plural number, and concluded to aie, sana stone and other pebbles. n smoothed and rounded hv arduous duties in conducting a large await developments. In another week the " J wtor .l.WAj ,nn-i-U All Direct Connections rr.acle in Union Oepo Salt Lake D.C. visited the same house and quare jagged blocks of the same kind farm. This Information was jriven a r t to hi? joy found 13 pups had been added iuu!vs as me peonies. THL KCST TH0E0UGHLT EQUIPPED RAILWA? A metal which reporter this week by a ooks to like the reliable lady, a near relative, throughly but believed IN THE WEST. to He lead, be almost number. demanded his tax on who was 1. n w. 4U rn rn inro .t the entire lot, and being refused, killed iuna un'jugu me ore in frequently at the bedside oi the younff the mother and her 13 puppies and corral-e'Ann. iirigham City liusier. ;eams, and in other forms that lead one D. C. DODtiE, Mancraer. y. n. BABCOCK. (reneral Traffic to the conclusion that the mass was inte F.A. WADLEIGH, Geu'l. Pass. Manager j instead of 1. nsely heated and the fused metal ran into HE CELEBRATED. the interstices and congealed. Postmaster IHL. C3--. Politics In AMllard. Editor Blade: TheRepublicanC'ounty Brown of Levan presented the writer Convention was held in Fillmore on with a couple of curious and handscme 90d Joke Just Come to Light About.A the 17th. ' specimens of the ore. Let no one rush Patriotic Father-F- un for the Lid. out there with the wild hope of rtriking Delegates to State Convention are: A good joke has a bonanza, as it is believed the is FJ. Bushnell, Owen just leake out on a Thos. C. of no particular value except as country outriotic Nephtte. He waa desirous of Crane, D. Callisler, a li. Stevens, O. L. Thompson geologkeeping alive in his son Johnny, the memGeo. Finlinson, Joseph Overson, U. s. ical curiosity, and it is almost too far ory of Pioneer day, and purchased sever-aTIME TABLE NO. 14. Gaboon, H. P. Brown, A. B. Pack, from a market to be valuable for that bunches of fire crackers and Mrs. purpose. them Chas! put Angiline Hinckley, Mrs. - ih the Effective Thursday, August 1st, 1095. capacious hip packet of his over- Crane. alls. Smith, we will call him Smith, oro- : 'SSS? Delegates to 5th District Convention The State of Trade. North. eeded homeward with pleasant to be held in Beaver: J. D. Smith, Wm. Midsummer is more conspicuous of how happy Johnny would bethoughts Disf. 0.1''.' No. m the Cieorge, J. E. Hunter, Ole Madison, than a week quiet so less Stations. ago, in though possession ot so muchDaily concentrateo Jos. A. R. A. McBride, J. V. than in comuiercial lines. As a iv. a iMaiiti. patriotism. Smith is also a smoker, and Reid, W.Lyman, 0 Iv. Neli pi Ar. V. Black, F. T. Slaughter, rule, leading man ufacturins industrias 11. 20a :!.'?. :is.o S:ilt SprinfTS just as haarrired at his gate, he put his Agness Alexander, Chas. 0 are exceptionally busy for the season. 11.50a Hollo u'ay Hopkins. rip9ia.tbe hip pocket of his overalls. To Nephi Convention, I2.0.ip 2i).0 Fountain 9.28a ' (ireen 14.0 Und is it vrorth adding that ttie increase I'l 2:Vp Republican) I'uteriaruiiies entered his domicile and on Draper 21st: C. Merril. Jas. Gardner Can't bo bought, !?? in output of, demand and prices for iron 12. J(p K1.5 Moroh I took possession of the old 'arm chair and Geo.aept. lfi.O 12.50) Ch W. Nixon, Daniel ester that which breaks the least, we have to v' 27.0 8.25a Thompson, and stael still continues. Bradstreets. 1.2:?,. S.(i began rocking himself contentedly back Peter f'Phraim ?A your ctorekeeper for Anderson, John McArdali, EdAr. Manti I,v. J.45p add forth, still dreaming of how ward Webb, T. B. Allred happy A. A. F6 'Ocea" The Mystery Jr., Johnny, would be when he saw all of Julia Harmon. Trains leave Manti for Sterling-,Funlt'"Ocpa" wa: ' Lake L those firscrakers, but he didn't want his Hinckley, and Miss lu an me worn.! uiknown Yours truly, and Morrison at 2:20 p. m., Monday's, Vednes-day'i son and. heir to have them until But now she's -t into the :e.v her and is Return libt, lagmorning. J. II. Mace, Friday's. arrive at piamiv Known. Johnny came in from the back vard nH Manti at 5 :25 p. m. It was b.- a freak to Deseret, 1S93. thought August 19th, qnile wise, Yes, afrked.- f 'Say pa, did you Bet me Direct connections at with Union something quite uncommon, them But now ure crakers"? she's rushed riprht into print an.! con- - Paditic Railway from andNephl to Salt Lake XJy, "Nope," fea.seO replied the herself a woman. Hinckley Harvestfn0s. caatiou papa. sis-sOffden, Butte and intermediate points, and all And take no other bang Editor BL.fF:!Thi cUah Chorus Atn bang-po- p pointe East and West. pop pop bans bmg bang ban' lard See that each BALL BEAKS A RED Oeea. Oeea you Are a dumlv, 13 in the midst of its Stop on signal. harahd the, happy- father wa? raised about ou are fond of curls This greatest Twine will operate successful wVai' but can't bailys Sixteen binders are at work aud Because the hair ain't y dest. t&ree feet in the In Theodore BrtrriAcK. handy. then fell everybody's nave binder, forward on air, all they can possibly do to --als Pres. & Geu'l Alanager, But better in the best, "Oeea" vrlks around the town, and picks up keep lace 'while large volumes of amoko up with the rPK Lake Salt and 24th 'or July noise issued from City. the second Crop of lucern was the heaviest Aud kvheli she has pot her apro'd full, her feet The H. S. KEER, aepths of the hip pocket. The indulgent ever cut in thjb placH. The season has As fe Q. F. &; P. j Supt. Manti. lilfjrs it off to Fillmore in the nlsrht. with. Agent, papa wildly grasped for the pocket but iiiwi tctvuiaoie lor young lucern out a taper, "don't let me be knoWn, but put n instantly let go and rolled oyer on his as last Spring's sowing is now knee Aud says in" the baek, The explosions continued and ugh. The grasshopper of the pest last two seasons has not troubled us Chorus. repeatedly rawed the lower of Tubular Steel Cyclone Mowers and Rakes tnis SUmnier. and it InnV... ;e i Oeea to from a tiling quite rint the ' body church, from piojls the Manufactory of VV. A. Wood, are dence is; at last smiling on our efforts. flair, until, ia aheer and common. so also are all the lines we odd. and never does act ?ike' oh'er regained his feet and Winckley has had a long siege of the She's women. represent in Utah andIdaho. pious fdr the water ditch- and aaf down made measr.es; is' but while so For rapidly at the door, she doffs her diat.' sin.i ihT t5e popping went on add the water boiled are the children, and theiecovering. Amongst which are found it on the e:s. jhealth of Wacrnnc. the it Deem nnrl nii-.Ya. If a ou all around him. Mrs. Smith had is generally good. fly i, people oi.. light it Two head, and slips large rushed breaks is ler.. l takes ajad Hav X. '.& from, the back buildings ill soon be completed room just aa Smith brick theand Columbus, Lindsay and Fowler Bicycl Chorus. KlUtU"' appearance of our aaaenis nurrla ex.t towards th rt,r,h prosperousfrontier' Add rea.3, word will soon It's I to be cruel a (he n flies, that head, why not have thing lirt. Smith followed-he- r LOCAL TIME CARD. lie2e lard and or the past. o'n y it? Homething 'CO OPERA j ooa loosing, at him in mute wnn. We receomend in future that Hlje wear her In efTect,tJec. 16,1394. llixoKtETAUfir. 21st 1895: WAGON mother's bonnet. 'deuti while Johnny danced with Train atrive and depart at various stations . .n 4v,.i For if it. .v i : delight' ii.uuMcitas when sarin"- daily as follows . vvu.UIUllIUU ia me- water sub- is "I'm a woman," J . . Stations. Special Political Notice. She sboiiin be introduced as suchi-- a sw eet one Leave Lea ve dadf' that was great jWed, jelled ..Arr. Arr and uncommon. The campaign will soon be . am 8.30 an. 8.00 pm 5.45 Vm on, and acu- up Ria mrm6rnia.'J 9.30 am 3. 10 am Ar Salt J Lv 7.00 pm 4.45 Chorus. . everything points to a red-hpm fight. 7 15 am Lv f Lake Ar 4.: nm ofte-liLADE We've ine will not be her in "old 7.41 thought aa we am a,h but it. GEO. HOLDEN HAPPENINGS'. giA' because ....Sandy 4.05pm ODELL, General Manager. are not here solelv for n,T ho.iti, tuv 9.12 am .. Fairfield .. 2.25 pm " oe a f aud 1.05 am-.- .. .Eureka. ,..12.45 dusiibm "Toner" to iemeniae, ouht pm Blade's columns will De' open to either know it. 7 8.15 am..Lehi Junet.. 3.30 pm 8.25 am Amer'n Fork 3.20 pm inTest,ate. nd toll It. without Id thiiT.'O. a letter' Irbm "BokB,' opa7 political party pr candidate for a f 8.32 am Pleas't CfrOve 3.13 pm iig become a freqaent sctirca- nf ..nyiJi.. eaitablp - L j w ,vorn compeasatioii.- It takes raonft Tlien hen'ti,8.55 am th Prdvo 2.50 pm to 'J 9.14 eet . am Spanish Fork 2.32 "Oceo.' tdtnunv iri thiA -Hini Pajrtypoa. biry tjarier etn. - - unH QO f w towvu vuxc y QW i ic 9.32 am . . PaysQn, . . 2.17 pm pm hive six missionar ies lathe field, arxd as IsnoraoaeJria politics XoF country edit-- I Chorus'; 10.35 am 1.25 pm Nephi.... O see 11.15 asIc3e'roal O am Kee her. O j see her, wnte I rah- bear tl'brass banti playing regular1 newspaper zdfer- - She m foiid Ar'jI Jud,b Lvl2.4o pm her, She is dandy 11.35 am Lv .f Arl2,30 pm curls, but caq't weaf bantsrs r nrtrslc ata fare well : Dirtv in 'ho'nbf f T ?f we ProPose to be paid for that Because thepfhair 1.05 pm Leamington 10.55 am ain't h.mdv: 3.0o pm ....Oasis.... Jcbnr Poulson wfio leaves for' 'eneflf other" people and in- - Kauosli Augr'. 13th 1853. ' 9.25 am C Me. Z . 4.50 pm Clear Lake' 8.37 am Good SamPIe'Booms " lot CcmmerciaiTrav 7.10 am AtjMil- - Lv. 5.35 State, in a day or two. Two other tV--,-. . . pm The Blade' has received ths fibove 7.50 am Lvl ford fAr 5.15 A 3 7u-- g Hack enf- - Roger Ashley and :David pm .Meets all D.40 pm ....Frisco.... 4.00 am uT is that thw lines from Kanosb , to which place, and is the Leading deVhhuH.'-to and from the'rtS&o8 ai of Ptt0 ,a r Arrive . f from J -Leave iCttcr icvcucu confine their expressions- withitx Fillmore","', doubtless" a have they local souM the . of Juab' rttn daily BicElr Sdi Trains "lioxB:" and are shan rii theAr nffair ue 01 men meaning, and for that reason are pu oats ot a .,.-.fnr Two through traias daily from Salt A. Hack Meets All Train3, . parwes; will'be 'aUh:bugh the'name of 'the "muse" h! This will be nineto all missloaaries Lake . free, was not to Patrons. Free eentlerrnihi East. points we fyr! this once wilf attached, . TT Pullman is bm '.roa one1 ;smnir Palace . '. i uwu . Two Sample Booms.. principles Salt Sleepers fr , . n ri' KUUU,li waive the rale as to tie autbor's name. Lake to Chicago without change . . Proprietori . ...uu .. . oiJ5aa I mi rirnt anrt nt Nearest to Ji. Ul...,,"oiaen.-'itTneanBusiness Centfe. 38 Tpurjsfc let Improved The and Sleepers. af least them .v. u..i irooi u g CtTC" pafis with .the sinipie'no'm Free Reclining Chair cars. de'blrime of 'fi mq'i' MRS. C. day coaches., , Elegant FOOlE, The only line operathig: dliilrig" Carr service. to T ' of y3Une Jriab th.;Pe6pW reaching and Bf pStfe H manf liotiea f M,llard aaa shortest The. fastest Urie to all paints ' Iraprietor.' . First rerred aad experiences ' that come- to Ripublican1 'State Convention , ;E;D. WlOKtN, Aent, NephL Salt Lake CitT.Wedsno.' . . . w wr-out Litter :rt a &.-....."f. v. sua a. t.a . himi w ii ...t. rt n pa linn arrn,.J ar jue D.'E. vdiu Aug.'2Sth, Burley, Oea'j a j I uxui. atuumpany me irHot aid Cold"1 .Ticket Offlee, SOl'Jtfa-t- st,Dept;, abe'CCaisio4 tJ&ty the tJhion Salt Lace. toTfeVerV?lnVcM?thewil-bDV6Hmed accounts the r iu:n indi-- ' Pacific Hallway will sell assumed E.X. tomax.Gen'l by Attorneys : dr- ... Ticket. Pssgr. Agt... ad tick-ets ty E- trip4 Gen'l , performs a vidual.-ParOmaha promises, like their plat- Mngf., oa . single fare. 'Selling ''dates II, U.Clark, in 6ri'.. formV; Wrxiae ' get I watched tua eliect 23th 27th1 coodlfor1 reiurn W. Wink, and Aug. ' i of "one of thVma- For. "f ''OrftW5 tilery Auderson, Room 1 and ..i! " First National irtfnlr RuHaiii Frederick R. Coadri,vf And Genera! make 1 vat-ley- -- SALE 0JjV Gtti FALL STOCK ark.-abl- j - ! l II . M SUMMER DRESS GOODS i'-- - tum---ro- I ; J Hats; - der , Call and See for Yourself , j di-'- kno-3k?- , : (. i , I J geut-l"me- n V i r hi-.'i- ! A HYDE . i l , i -t , i. WH1TM0E11 & 1 -- 1 we.-k-- , ; iiuill , sim-hi'd- ).-i- j.-- ii i MMMMMn-- -- M f y - ; r. ; - : vvh-.-- th--- TMBQUGH THE i s pn-ciou- 3 f 1- ; mi i , 'j j . adniin-ifctere- !ll4lildS ew Goods Arriving Daily. d. c T in woatD. ter-nb!- -- dog-catch- er Prices Lower than Ever. creek-canyon- , dog-catch- er - I ., 11 P.u-!e- ... i t I d . A-e- nt. Hr, San Pete Valley Hallway 3 4 F-jRZES- S,- S-u.perintende.- nt, j . -- 1 1 ial - j fit n .1. hij.-ici.v- , LiMOUTH 1SAL Hf NDfNf: Twi' Sheaf of Wlieat Brand, - s st,-j- - - - Fiz-Z7- .. g, : O.-c- TG a, - iasi-rirftnin- w j - MINNIE B INBEE; pa-iJer.- nr wSjr o. des-peratioa- he - her-gloriou- Q s - ' M w m : IlVt . & HMHIIJF p - - South-bound- :- North-bound- --Say - Og-de( ot I ' L....110"110'1': . L . . - - - 1 r 11 - NEPHI- HOUSE . . -- w tbe'-South- -- : sreedv-deDartnr- ft lJ viothntTZ 1- thA-'mfQeW.- --, d. . d. . , Bie ; bl!!5i r iru althlajS v' Thi-ouR- goldsbrougij, h : . 1 r- I i - ..;. '. - , . hih.aA, .v. .. - hotel nsphi j " ; i-i- I j - . . "P" ' ! Ic-nsOn- to' i .v Ofr - Lx?' BATHS , -- Receivers. PROVa; |